# API Usage If you want to use ChestSort's advanced sorting features for your own plugin, or if ChestSort causes trouble with your own plugin, you can use the ChestSort API. It provides - the methods `sortInventory(Inventory inv)` and `sortInventory(Inventory inv, int startSlot, int endSlot)`to sort any given inventory, following the rules you have specified in your ChestSort's plugin.yml and the corresponding category files - a cancellable event called `ChestSortEvent` that is fired whenever ChestSort is about to sort an inventory - a custom InventoryHolder called `Sortable` that you can use when creating inventories to tell ChestSort that this inventory should be sortable and more. ## Maven repository You can use maven to add ChestSort as a dependency to your Spigot-/Bukkit-Plugin: ```xml jeff-media-repo https://repo.jeff-media.de/maven2 de.jeff_media ChestSortAPI 2.0.0 compile ``` If you use the `Sortable`class or the `ISortable` interface, you must also shade the ChestSortAPI into your plugin: ```xml org.apache.maven.plugins maven-shade-plugin 3.1.0 package shade ``` ## Accessing the API Then you can access the API via the plugin manager: ```java ChestSort chestSort = (ChestSort) getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("ChestSort"); if(chestSort==null) { getLogger().severe("Error: ChestSort is not installed."); return; } ChestSortAPI chestSortAPI = chestSort.getAPI(); ``` ### Sorting inventories Now, you can sort any Inventory! Just like this: ```java chestSortAPI.sortInventory(Inventory inventory); ``` To sort only specific slots, you can pass slot numbers where to start and end sorting. ChestSort will not modify the inventory outside the given slot range. ```java chestSortAPI.sortInventory(Inventory inventory, int startSlot, int endSlot); ``` You can also check if a player has automatic sorting enabled or disabled: ```java boolean sortingEnabled = chestSortAPI.sortingEnabled(Player player); ``` ### Custom ChestSort event If you want to prevent ChestSort from sorting a certain inventory, you can listen to the ChestSortEvent event. ```java @EventHandler public void onChestSortEvent(ChestSortEvent event) { if(event.getInventory() == whatever) { event.setCancelled(true); } } ``` You can also exempt certain slots / ItemStacks from being sorted using the following methods: ```java public void setUnmovable(int slot) public void setUnmovable(ItemStack itemStack) public void removeUnmovable(int slot) public void removeUnmovable(ItemStack itemStack) public boolean isUnmovable(int slot) public boolean isUnmovable(ItemStack itemStack) ``` For example, to avoid the first item in the player's hotbar from being sorted: ```java @EventHandler public void onChestSortEvent(ChestSortEvent event) { event.setUnmovable(0); } ``` ### Making custom inventories sortable If you create a new Inventory inside your plugin, you can use the `Sortable` class to tell ChestSort that your custom inventory should be sortable. ```java Inventory inv = Bukkit.createInventory(new Sortable(), 9, "Example"); ``` You can also store another InventoryHolder in the Inventory if needed: ```java Sortable holder = new Sortable(player) ``` You can also instead use your own custom inventory holder that either `implements ISortable` or `extends Sortable`. ## Example Plugin Here is a complete example plugin that shows to add and use the ChestSort API: [LINK](https://github.com/JEFF-Media-GbR/ChestSortAPIExample) ## Javadocs & Source code - [ChestSortAPI Javadocs](https://repo.jeff-media.de/javadocs/ChestSortAPI). - [ChestSortAPI source code](https://github.com/JEFF-Media-GbR/Spigot-ChestSortAPI).