
682 lines
23 KiB

package de.jeff_media.ChestSort;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.EnchantmentStorageMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.PotionMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.PotionData;
import de.jeff_media.ChestSort.hooks.CrackShotHook;
import de.jeff_media.ChestSort.hooks.InventoryPagesHook;
import de.jeff_media.ChestSort.utils.CategoryLinePair;
import de.jeff_media.ChestSort.utils.TypeMatchPositionPair;
public class ChestSortOrganizer {
// This is the heart of ChestSort!
// All of the sorting stuff happens here.
* Thoughts before implementing: We create a string from each item that can be
* sorted. We will omit certain parts of the name and put them behind the main
* name for sorting reasons. E.g. ACACIA_LOG -> LOG_ACACIA (so all LOGs are
* grouped) Diamond, Gold, Iron, Stone, Wood does NOT have to be sorted, because
* they are already alphabetically in the right order
ChestSortPlugin plugin;
CrackShotHook crackShotHook;
InventoryPagesHook inventoryPagesHook;
private static final int maxInventorySize=54;
private static final int playerInvStartSlot=9; // Inclusive
private static final int playerInvEndSlot=35; // Inclusive
// All available colors in the game. We will strip this from the item names and
// keep the color in a separate variable
static final String[] colors = { "white", "orange", "magenta", "light_blue", "light_gray", "yellow", "lime", "pink",
"gray", "cyan", "purple", "blue", "brown", "green", "red", "black" };
// The same applies for wood. We strip the wood name from the item name and keep
// it in the above mentioned color variable
static final String[] woodNames = { "acacia", "birch", "jungle", "oak", "spruce", "dark_oak" };
private static final String emptyPlaceholderString = "~";
// We store a list of all Category objects
ArrayList<ChestSortCategory> categories = new ArrayList<ChestSortCategory>();
ArrayList<String> stickyCategoryNames = new ArrayList<String>();
ChestSortOrganizer(ChestSortPlugin plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
// Load Categories
File categoriesFolder = new File(
plugin.getDataFolder().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "categories" + File.separator);
File[] listOfCategoryFiles = categoriesFolder.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File directory, String fileName) {
if (!fileName.endsWith(".txt")) {
return false;
if (fileName.matches("(?i)^\\d\\d\\d.*\\.txt$")) // Category between 900 and 999-... are default
// categories
return true;
return false;
for (File file : listOfCategoryFiles) {
if (file.isFile()) {
// Category name is the filename without .txt
String categoryName = file.getName().replaceFirst(".txt", "");
if (plugin.debug) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Loading category file " + file.getName());
try {
ChestSortCategory category = new ChestSortCategory(categoryName, loadCategoryFile(file));
if (plugin.debug) {
plugin.getLogger().info("Loaded category file " + file.getName() + " ("
+ category.typeMatches.length + " items)");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
plugin.getLogger().warning("Could not load category file: " + file.getName());
// Make categories sticky
for(String catName : stickyCategoryNames) {
for(ChestSortCategory cat : categories) {
if(catName.equalsIgnoreCase( {
crackShotHook = new CrackShotHook(plugin);
inventoryPagesHook = new InventoryPagesHook(plugin);
// Returns an array with all typematches listed in the category file
TypeMatchPositionPair[] loadCategoryFile(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
// This is called "sticky" in the category files. When it is enabled, it has the
// same effect as when you set {keepCategoryOrder} in your sorting-method, but
// you can set it per category
boolean appendLineNumber = false;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(file);
List<TypeMatchPositionPair> lines = new ArrayList<TypeMatchPositionPair>();
short currentLineNumber = 1;
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
String currentLine = sc.nextLine();
currentLine = currentLine.trim().replaceAll(" ", "");
if (currentLine.contains("#")) {
// the first #
String[] split = currentLine.split("#");
if (split.length > 0) {
currentLine = split[0];
} else {
currentLine = null;
if ("".equals(currentLine)) {
currentLine = null;
if (currentLine != null) {
if (currentLine.toLowerCase().startsWith("sticky=")) {
if (currentLine.toLowerCase().endsWith("=true")) {
appendLineNumber = true;
if (plugin.debug)
plugin.getLogger().info("Sticky set to true in " + file.getName());
} else {
if (currentLine != null) {
lines.add(new TypeMatchPositionPair(currentLine, currentLineNumber, appendLineNumber));
if (plugin.debug)
plugin.getLogger().info("Added typeMatch to category file: " + currentLine);
TypeMatchPositionPair[] result = lines.toArray(new TypeMatchPositionPair[0]);
return result;
private void makeCategoryStickyByFileName(String name) {
String catName = name.replaceAll("\\.txt$", "");
// Convert the item name to what I call a "sortable item name".
// Sorry, the method name is a bit misleading.
// The array's [0] value contains the item name with a few fixes, see below
// The array's [1] value contains the color or wood name of the item, or
// "<none>"
String[] getTypeAndColor(String typeName) {
// [0] = Sortable Item name
// [1] = Color/Wood
String myColor = (plugin.debug) ? "~color~" : emptyPlaceholderString;
// Only work with lowercase
typeName = typeName.toLowerCase();
// When a color occurs at the beginning (e.g. "white_wool"), we omit the color
// so that the color will not
// determine the beginning letters of the sortable item name
for (String color : colors) {
if (typeName.startsWith(color)) {
typeName = typeName.replaceFirst(color + "_", "");
myColor = color;
// Same for wood, but the wood name can also be in the middle of the item name,
// e.g. "stripped_oak_log"
for (String woodName : woodNames) {
if (typeName.equals(woodName + "_wood")) {
typeName = "log_wood";
myColor = woodName;
} else if (typeName.startsWith(woodName)) {
typeName = typeName.replaceFirst(woodName + "_", "");
myColor = woodName;
} else if (typeName.equals("stripped_" + woodName + "_log")) {
// typeName = typeName.replaceFirst("stripped_"+woodName+"_", "stripped_");
typeName = "log_stripped";
myColor = woodName;
} else if (typeName.equals("stripped_" + woodName + "_wood")) {
typeName = "log_wood_stripped";
myColor = woodName;
// when typeName is exactly "log", change to "log_a" so it gets sorted before the stripped variants
if(typeName.equals("log")) {
typeName = "log_a";
// "egg" has to be put in front to group spawn eggs
// e.g. cow_spawn_egg -> egg_cow_spawn
if (typeName.endsWith("_egg")) {
typeName = typeName.replaceFirst("_egg", "");
typeName = "egg_" + typeName;
// polished_andesite -> andesite_polished
if (typeName.startsWith("polished_")) {
typeName = typeName.replaceFirst("polished_", "");
typeName = typeName + "_polished";
// Group wet and dry sponges
if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("wet_sponge")) {
typeName = "sponge_wet";
// Group pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns / carved pumpkins
if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase("carved_pumpkin")) {
typeName = "pumpkin_carved";
// Sort armor: helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots
// We add a number to keep the armor in the "right" order
if (typeName.endsWith("helmet")) {
typeName = typeName.replaceFirst("helmet", "1_helmet");
} else if (typeName.endsWith("chestplate")) {
typeName = typeName.replaceFirst("chestplate", "2_chestplate");
} else if (typeName.endsWith("leggings")) {
typeName = typeName.replaceFirst("leggings", "3_leggings");
} else if (typeName.endsWith("boots")) {
typeName = typeName.replaceFirst("boots", "4_boots");
// Group horse armor
if (typeName.endsWith("horse_armor")) {
typeName = typeName.replaceFirst("_horse_armor", "");
typeName = "horse_armor_" + typeName;
String[] typeAndColor = new String[2];
typeAndColor[0] = typeName;
typeAndColor[1] = myColor;
return typeAndColor;
// This method takes a sortable item name and checks all categories for a match
// If none, matches, return "<none>" (it will be put behind all categorized
// items when sorting by category)
CategoryLinePair getCategoryLinePair(String typeName) {
typeName = typeName.toLowerCase();
for (ChestSortCategory cat : categories) {
short matchingLineNumber = cat.matches(typeName);
if (matchingLineNumber != 0) {
return new CategoryLinePair(, matchingLineNumber);
return new CategoryLinePair((plugin.debug) ? "~category~" : emptyPlaceholderString, (short) 0);
// This puts together the sortable item name, the category, the color, and
// whether the item is a block or a "regular item"
String getSortableString(ItemStack item) {
char blocksFirst;
char itemsFirst;
if (item.getType().isBlock()) {
blocksFirst = '!'; // ! is before # in ASCII
itemsFirst = '#';
} else {
blocksFirst = '#';
itemsFirst = '!';
String[] typeAndColor = getTypeAndColor(item.getType().name());
String typeName = typeAndColor[0];
String color = typeAndColor[1];
String potionEffect = ",";
// Potions
if (item.getItemMeta() != null) {
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
if (meta instanceof PotionMeta) {
PotionMeta potionMeta = (PotionMeta) meta;
// Only continue if Method "getBasePotionData" exists
Class<? extends PotionMeta> potionMetaClass = potionMeta.getClass();
try {
if (potionMetaClass.getDeclaredMethod("getBasePotionData", null) != null) {
if (potionMeta.getBasePotionData() != null) {
PotionData pdata = potionMeta.getBasePotionData();
if (pdata != null && pdata.getType() != null && pdata.getType().getEffectType() != null) {
potionEffect = "|" + pdata.getType().getEffectType().getName();
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { }
// potionEffects = potionEffects.substring(0, potionEffects.length()-1);
String hookChangedName = item.getType().name();
// CrackShot Support Start
if(plugin.hookCrackShot) {
if(crackShotHook.getCrackShotWeaponName(item)!=null) {
typeName = plugin.getConfig().getString("hook-crackshot-prefix") + "_" + crackShotHook.getCrackShotWeaponName(item);
hookChangedName = typeName;
// CrackShot Support End
CategoryLinePair categoryLinePair = getCategoryLinePair(hookChangedName);
String categoryName = categoryLinePair.getCategoryName();
String categorySticky = categoryName;
String lineNumber = getCategoryLinePair(hookChangedName).getFormattedPosition();
if(stickyCategoryNames.contains(categoryName)) {
categorySticky = categoryName+"~"+lineNumber;
String customName = (plugin.debug) ? "~customName~" : emptyPlaceholderString;
if (item.getItemMeta().hasDisplayName() && item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName() != null) {
customName = item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName();
String lore = (plugin.debug) ? "~lore~" : emptyPlaceholderString;
if (item.getItemMeta().hasLore() && item.getItemMeta().getLore() != null
&& item.getItemMeta().getLore().size() != 0) {
String[] loreArray = item.getItemMeta().getLore().toArray(new String[0]);
lore = String.join(",", loreArray);
// Put enchanted items before unenchanted ones
typeName = typeName + String.format("%05d", 10000-getNumberOfEnchantments(item));
// Generate the strings that finally are used for sorting.
// They are generated according to the config.yml's sorting-method option
String sortableString = plugin.sortingMethod.replaceAll(",", "|");
sortableString = sortableString.replace("{itemsFirst}", String.valueOf(itemsFirst));
sortableString = sortableString.replace("{blocksFirst}", String.valueOf(blocksFirst));
sortableString = sortableString.replace("{name}", typeName+potionEffect);
sortableString = sortableString.replace("{color}", color);
sortableString = sortableString.replace("{category}", categorySticky);
sortableString = sortableString.replace("{keepCategoryOrder}", lineNumber);
sortableString = sortableString.replace("{customName}", customName);
sortableString = sortableString.replace("{lore}", lore);
return sortableString;
// Sort a complete inventory
void sortInventory(Inventory inv) {
sortInventory(inv, 0, inv.getSize() - 1);
// Sort an inventory only between startSlot and endSlot
void sortInventory(Inventory inv, int startSlot, int endSlot) {
Class<? extends Inventory> invClass = inv.getClass();
try {
if(invClass.getMethod("getLocation", null) != null) {
// This whole try/catch fixes MethodNotFoundException when using inv.getLocation in Spigot 1.8.
if(inv.getLocation() != null) {
ChestSortEvent chestSortEvent = new ChestSortEvent(inv);
chestSortEvent.loc = inv.getLocation();
if (chestSortEvent.isCancelled()) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalStateException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if (plugin.debug) {
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println(" ");
ArrayList<Integer> unsortableSlots = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// We copy the complete inventory into an array
ItemStack[] items = inv.getContents();
// Get rid of all stuff before startSlot...
for (int i = 0; i < startSlot; i++) {
items[i] = null;
// ... and after endSlot
for (int i = endSlot + 1; i < inv.getSize(); i++) {
items[i] = null;
// Get rid of all stuff that contains more than maxStackSize
// We do not need this as ChestSort will keep the "overstacked" stacks intact
/*for(int i = 0; i<endSlot; i++) {
if(inv.getItem(i) != null && inv.getItem(i).getAmount() > inv.getItem(i).getMaxStackSize()) {
//System.out.println("Debug: "+inv.getItem(i).getMaxStackSize());
//items[i] = null;
// Do not move Minepacks' backpacks
if(plugin.hookMinepacks) {
for(int i = startSlot; i<= endSlot; i++) {
if(plugin.listener.minepacksHook.isMinepacksBackpack(items[i])) {
items[i] = null;
// If InventoryPages is installed: get rid of the buttons
if(plugin.hookInventoryPages) {
for(int i = startSlot; i<= endSlot; i++) {
if(inventoryPagesHook.isButton(items[i], i,inv)) {
//System.out.println("Inventory Pages Button found at slot " + i);
items[i] = null;
// Do not move ItemStacks with more than 64 items
for(int i = startSlot; i<= endSlot; i++) {
if(isOversizedStack(items[i])) {
items[i] = null;
// Remove the stuff from the original inventory
for (int i = startSlot; i <= endSlot; i++) {
// We don't want to have stacks of null, so we create a new ArrayList and put in
// everything != null
ArrayList<ItemStack> nonNullItemsList = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
for (ItemStack item : items) {
if (item != null) {
// We no longer need the original array that includes all the null-stacks
items = null;
// We need the new list as array. So why did'nt we take an array from the
// beginning?
// Because I did not bother to count the number of non-null items beforehand.
// TODO: Feel free to make a Pull request if you want to save your server a few
// nanoseconds :)
ItemStack[] nonNullItems = nonNullItemsList.toArray(new ItemStack[nonNullItemsList.size()]);
// Sort the array with ItemStacks according to each ItemStacks' sortable String
Arrays.sort(nonNullItems, new Comparator<ItemStack>() {
public int compare(ItemStack s1, ItemStack s2) {
return (getSortableString(s1).compareTo(getSortableString(s2)));
// Now, we put everything back in a temporary inventory to combine ItemStacks
// even when using strict slot sorting
// Thanks to SnackMix for this idea!
// Without doing this, it would not be possible to sort an inventory with a
// startSlot other than 0,
// because Spigot's add(ItemStack...) method will always to store the ItemStack
// in the first possible slot
// Create the temporary inventory with a null holder. 54 slots is enough for
// every inventory
Inventory tempInventory = Bukkit.createInventory(null, maxInventorySize); // cannot be bigger than 54 as of 1.14
for (ItemStack item : nonNullItems) {
if (plugin.debug)
// Add the item to the temporary inventory
// Now, we iterate through all slots between startSlot and endSlot in the
// original inventory
// and set those to whatever the temporary inventory contains
// Since we already deleted all those slots, there is no chance for item
// duplication
int currentSlot = startSlot;
for (ItemStack item : tempInventory.getContents()) {
// Ignore null ItemStacks. TODO: Actually, we could skip the for-loop here
// because
// our temporary inventory was already sorted. Feel free to make a pull request
// to
// save your server half a nanosecond :)
if (item != null)
while(unsortableSlots.contains(currentSlot) && currentSlot < endSlot) {
inv.setItem(currentSlot, item);
static int getNumberOfEnchantments(ItemStack is) {
int totalEnchants = 0;
//if(!is.getItemMeta().hasEnchants()) return 0;
if(is.getItemMeta() instanceof EnchantmentStorageMeta) {
EnchantmentStorageMeta storageMeta = (EnchantmentStorageMeta) is.getItemMeta();
Map<Enchantment,Integer> storedEnchants = storageMeta.getStoredEnchants();
for(int level : storedEnchants.values()) {
totalEnchants += level;
Map<Enchantment,Integer> enchants= is.getItemMeta().getEnchants();
for(int level : enchants.values()) {
totalEnchants += level;
return totalEnchants;
public void updateInventoryView(InventoryClickEvent event) {
for(HumanEntity viewer : event.getViewers()) {
if(viewer instanceof Player) {
Player playerViewer = (Player) viewer;
public void updateInventoryView(Inventory inventory) {
for(HumanEntity viewer : inventory.getViewers()) {
if(viewer instanceof Player) {
Player playerViewer = (Player) viewer;
public boolean isOversizedStack(ItemStack item) {
if(item!=null && item.getAmount()>64) return true;
return false;
public void stuffInventoryIntoAnother(Inventory source, Inventory destination,Inventory origSource, boolean onlyMatchingStuff) {
Material placeholderMaterial = Material.DIRT;
ItemStack[] hotbarStuff = new ItemStack[9];
boolean destinationIsPlayerInventory = true;
if(destination.getHolder()==null || !(destination.getHolder() instanceof Player) || destination.getType() != InventoryType.PLAYER) {
destinationIsPlayerInventory = false;
// Dont fill hotbar
if(destinationIsPlayerInventory) {
for(int i = 0; i<9;i++) {
hotbarStuff[i] = destination.getItem(i);
destination.setItem(i, new ItemStack(placeholderMaterial,64));
ArrayList<ItemStack> leftovers = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
for(int i = 0;i<source.getSize();i++) {
ItemStack current = source.getItem(i);
if(current == null) continue;
if(onlyMatchingStuff && !doesInventoryContain(destination,current.getType())) continue;
if(isOversizedStack(current)) continue;
HashMap<Integer,ItemStack> currentLeftovers = destination.addItem(current);
for(ItemStack currentLeftover : currentLeftovers.values()) {
origSource.addItem(leftovers.toArray(new ItemStack[leftovers.size()]));
// Restore hotbar
if(destinationIsPlayerInventory) {
for(int i=0;i<9;i++) {
destination.setItem(i, hotbarStuff[i]);
/*public void stuffPlayerInventoryIntoAnother(PlayerInventory source, Inventory destination) {
public void stuffPlayerInventoryIntoAnother(PlayerInventory source,
Inventory destination, boolean onlyMatchingStuff) {
boolean destinationIsShulkerBox = destination.getType().name().equalsIgnoreCase("SHULKER_BOX");
Inventory temp = Bukkit.createInventory(null, maxInventorySize);
for(int i = playerInvStartSlot;i<=playerInvEndSlot;i++) {
if(source.getItem(i)==null) continue;
// This prevents Minepacks from being put into Minepacks
/*if(plugin.hookMinepacks && plugin.listener.minepacksHook.isMinepacksBackpack(destination)
&& plugin.listener.minepacksHook.isMinepacksBackpack(source.getItem(i))) continue;*/
// This prevents Minepacks from being moved at all
if(plugin.hookMinepacks && plugin.listener.minepacksHook.isMinepacksBackpack(source.getItem(i))) continue;
&& plugin.organizer.inventoryPagesHook.isButton(source.getItem(i), i, source)) continue;
if(destinationIsShulkerBox && source.getItem(i).getType().name().endsWith("SHULKER_BOX")) continue;
if(isOversizedStack(source.getItem(i))) continue;
if(onlyMatchingStuff && !doesInventoryContain(destination,source.getItem(i).getType())) continue;
static boolean doesInventoryContain(Inventory inv, Material mat) {
for(ItemStack item : inv.getContents()) {
if(item==null) continue;
if(item.getType() == mat) {
return true;
return false;