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##### ChestSort #####
# This config file will be updated automatically with every new release of ChestSort.
# Don't worry! Your changes will be kept after every update.
# Please note that players will need the chestsort.use permission
# or have to be OP to be able to use automatic chest sorting.
# To use /invsort, the permission chestsort.use.inventory is required.
##### Default settings #####
# If you don't want to use a permission plugin, you can set
# this to false to allow every player to use ChestSort.
# If you use a permissions plugin, set this to true.
# There are two permissions used by ChestSort:
# - chestsort.use (allow chest sorting by hotkeys and via /chestsort)
# - chestsort.use.inventory (allow inventory sorting by hotkeys and via /invsort)
use-permissions: true
# when set to false, new players will have to run /chestsort
# once to enable automatic chest sorting.
sorting-enabled-by-default: false
# when set to false, new players will have to run /invsort on
# once to enable automatic inventory sorting.
inv-sorting-enabled-by-default: false
# when set to true, players with sorting DISABLED will be
# shown a message on how to enable automatic chest sorting
# when they use a chest for the first time.
# consider setting this to true when you disable sorting by default.
# see also -> message-when-using-chest
show-message-when-using-chest: true
# when set to true, players with sorting ENABLED will be
# shown a message on how to disable automatic chest sorting
# when they use a chest for the first time.
# consider setting this to true when you enable sorting by default.
# see also -> message-when-using-chest2
show-message-when-using-chest-and-sorting-is-enabled: false
# when set to true, the messages are shown again when a player
# logs out and back in and then uses a chest again.
show-message-again-after-logout: true
# to sort by category, we need category files. ChestSort comes
# with a number of pregenerated category files, named
# 900-valuables.txt, 910-tools.txt, 920-combat.txt, ...
# If you wish to edit those, you can disable the generation of these
# files, because otherwise all your changes in the pregenerated
# files will be overwritten on each server startup.
# However, a much smarter option is to copy the default files
# and rename them to from 900... to 800... and edit those instead.
auto-generate-category-files: true
# you can choose when ChestSort should sort chests.
# The default option is to sort when an inventory is closed.
# This is useful, because the onInventoryClose event never gets fired
# when access to the chest is forbidden by another plugin, e.g. WorldGuard
# You can also sort whenenver a chest is opened. ChestSort will then check
# if the onInventoryOpenEvent gets cancelled. If it does get cancelled,
# ChestSort will not sort the chest. However, if a plugin uses the
# MONITOR event priority, ChestSort cannot detect this.
# If you have problems with unaccessible chests being sorted, set this
# option to "close". If you want, you can sort twice, however this is not
# very useful.
# If you don't know what to put here, just use the default "close"
# Available options: open, close, both
sort-time: close
# when set to true, show some verbose information on startup
verbose: true
##### Default Hotkeys #####
# Instead of automatic sorting, you can also use hotkeys (see below)
# when using an inventory to have it sorted immediately.
# You can disable this by setting this to false.
allow-hotkeys: true
# You can define which sorting hotkeys are enabled by default.
# Hotkeys that could interfere with Minecraft's normal behaviour (e.g.
# shift+left-click) only work on empty slots, so don't worry about them.
# Players can also enable/disable these shortcuts individually via /chestsort hotkeys
# Use middle click (mousewheel) on ANY inventory slot as hotkey
middle-click: true
# Use shift + left-click on any EMPTY inventory slot as hotkey
shift-click: true
# Use double left-click on any EMPTY inventory slot as hotkey
double-click: true
# Use shift + right-click on any EMPTY inventory slot as hotkey
shift-right-click: true
# Additionally to sorting hotkeys, you can quickly unload your inventory into a chest and vice versa
# using left-click or richt-click outside of a chest's inventory.
# A single click will only affect matching items (items that are already present in the other inventory)
# and a double click will try to store/take all items.
# Players can also enable/disable these shortcuts individually via /chestsort hotkeys
# Use left-click outside inventory to quickly put matching items from your inventory (except hotbar)
# into the chest. Use left-double-click to put everything except your hotbar into the chest.
left-click: false
# Use right-click outside inventory to quickly take all matching items from the chest into your
# inventory. Use right-double-click to take all items out of the chest.
right-click: false
##### Update Checker #####
# Checks for updates (asynchronously).
# When enabled, a message is printed in the console if a new
# version has been found, and OPs will be notified when they join the server
# When set to true, check for updates on startup and every X hours (see "check-interval" below)
# When set to on-startup, only check on server startup
# When set to false, don't check for updates
check-for-updates: true
# When you set "check-for-updates" to true, you can define the amount
# of hours inbetween each update check.
check-interval: 4
#### Disabled Worlds ####
# You can disable automatic chest sorting for certain worlds. Each world's name has to
# be on a separate line, starting with a hyphen and followed by a space.
# You can also use the YAML array notation: [world1, world2, world3]
# Example:
# disabled-worlds:
# - world_nether
# - world_the_end
##### Plugin hooks #####
# ChestSort can hook into other plugins to allow better sorting
# for items belonging to 3rd party plugins.
# You do NOT have to disable the hooks for plugins you don't have
# installed. ChestSort will automatically check if the plugins
# are installed.
##### CrackShot ##### ->
# When CrackShot is installed, all CrackShot weapons will be
# grouped together and sorted by their name
hook-crackshot: true
# You can define a custom name that will be used as prefix
# for all CrackShot weapon names.
# E.g. when you set this to "crackshot_weapon", an AK-47
# will be called "crackshot_weapon_AK-47"
hook-crackshot-prefix: "crackshot_weapon"
##### InventoryPages ##### ->
# When InventoryPages is installed, ChestSort will not sort
# the "Next Page" and "Prev Page" buttons. You should not
# disable this behaviour unless you know what you are doing!
hook-inventorypages: true
##### Minepacks ##### ->
# When Minepacks version 2.3.8+ is installed, ChestSort can detect your
# backpacks and sort them like a regular chest.
hook-minepacks: true
##### Other backpack plugins #####
# ChestSort is able to detect backpacks from most backpack
# plugins like ShulkerPacks or Better Shulker Boxes.
# This detection is always enabled, you cannot turn it off.
##### Other GUI plugins #####
# ChestSort tries to detect if an inventory belongs to a
# 3rd party plugin's GUI and then prevents it from being sorted.
# If you encounter any problems, like a sortable GUI inventory,
# please open a new issue at Github:
##### Sorting Method #####
# Advanced: how to sort things! See below for examples.
# Only change this if you know what you are doing.
# Available variables:
# {category} order stuff by category as defined in plugins/ChestSort/categories/<category>.txt
# {keepCategoryOrder} orders stuff in the same category according to their line numbers in the category file
# {itemsFirst} put items before blocks
# {blocksFirst} put blocks before items
# {name} returns the name (e.g. DIRT, GRASS_BLOCK, BIRCH_LOG, DIAMOND_SWORD, ...)
# {color} returns the color, e.g. light_blue for wool. Empty if block/item is not dyeable
# {customName} returns the display name if set (e.g. with an anvil)
# {lore} returns the lore if set
# Warning: You must not use spaces and fields have to be separated by commas.
# Examples:
# sort by name and color:
# '{name},{color}'
# sort by name and color, but put items before blocks:
# '{itemsFirst},{name},{color}'
# sort by name and color, but put blocks before items:
# '{blocksFirst},{name},{color}'
# sort by category, then put items before blocks and sort by name and color
# '{category},{itemsFirst},{name},{color}'
# sort by category, but keep exactly the same order as defined in each category file, then sort any undefined items by name and color
# '{category},{keepCategoryOrder},{name},{color}
sorting-method: '{category},{itemsFirst},{name},{color},{customName}'
##### Localization ######
# Available color codes:
# &0 Black &6 Gold &c Red
# &1 Dark Blue &7 Gray &d Light Purple
# &2 Dark Green &8 Dark Gray &e Yellow
# &3 Dark Aqua &9 Blue &f White
# &4 Dark Red &a Green
# &5 Dark Purple &b Aqua
# Available formatting codes:
# &k Obfuscated &m Strikethrough
# &l Bold &o Italic
# &n Underline &r Reset
# Some messages contain placeholders (%s). You must not remove those, or you will get exceptions in the console
##### You can edit these messages yourself or uncomment the existing translations (see below)
message-when-using-chest: "&7Hint: Type &6/chestsort&7 to enable automatic chest sorting."
message-when-using-chest2: "&7Hint: Type &6/chestsort&7 to disable automatic chest sorting."
message-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic chest sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
message-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic chest sorting has been &aenabled&7."
message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &aenabled&7."
message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Your inventory has been sorted."
message-error-players-only: "&cError: This command can only be run by players."
message-error-invalid-options: "&cError: Unknown option %s. Valid options are %s."
message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"
message-gui-left-click: "Fill Chest (Left-Click/Double-Left-Click)"
message-gui-right-click: "Empty Chest (Right-Click/Double-Right-Click)"
##### English
#message-when-using-chest: "&7Hint: Type &6/chestsort&7 to enable automatic chest sorting."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Hint: Type &6/chestsort&7 to disable automatic chest sorting."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic chest sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic chest sorting has been &aenabled&7."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &aenabled&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Your inventory has been sorted."
#message-error-players-only: "&cError: This command can only be run by players."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cError: Unknown option %s. Valid options are %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"
#message-gui-left-click: "Fill Chest (Left-Click/Double-Left-Click)"
#message-gui-right-click: "Empty Chest (Right-Click/Double-Right-Click)"
##### Chinese - Thanks to qsefthuopq, Aira-Sakuranomiya and BackWheel for translating!
# Note: The following messages have been changed in version 8.11 and need a new translation:
# - message-gui-left-click
# - message-gui-right-click
#message-when-using-chest: "&7提示: 输入 &6/chestsort&7 来启用自动整理箱子."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7提示: 输入 &6/chestsort&7 来关闭自动整理箱子."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7自动整理箱子已 &c关闭&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7自动整理箱子已 &a启用&7."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7自动整理背包已 &c关闭&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7自动整理背包已 &a开启&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7已成功整理你的背包."
#message-error-players-only: "&c错误: 指令只能由玩家运行."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&c错误: 位置选项 %s. 有效选项为 %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&a开启"
#message-gui-disabled: "&c关闭"
#message-gui-middle-click: "中键"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + 左键"
#message-gui-double-click: "双击左键"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + 右键"
#message-gui-left-click: "填充箱子 (左键)"
#message-gui-right-click: "清空箱子 (右键)"
##### Chinese (Traditional) 繁體中文 - Thanks to Command1264 for translating!
# Note: The following messages have been changed in version 8.11 and need a new translation:
# - message-gui-left-click
# - message-gui-right-click
#message-when-using-chest: "&7小提醒: 輸入 &6/chestsort&7 來開啟自動整理箱子"
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7小提醒: 輸入 &6/chestsort&7 來關閉自動整理箱子"
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7自動整理箱子已 &c關閉&7"
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7自動整理箱子已 &a開啟&7"
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7自動整理背包已 &c關閉&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7自動整理背包已 &a開啟&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7你的背包已成功整理."
#message-error-players-only: "&c錯誤: 這個指令只能由玩家使用"
#message-error-invalid-options: "&c錯誤: 未知選項 %s. 有效的選項為 %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&a開啟"
#message-gui-disabled: "&c關閉"
#message-gui-middle-click: "中鍵"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + 左鍵"
#message-gui-double-click: "雙擊左鍵"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + 右鍵"
#message-gui-left-click: "填滿箱子 (左鍵)"
#message-gui-right-click: "清空箱子 (右鍵)"
##### Dutch - Thanks to Xeyame for translating!
##### Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC
#message-when-using-chest: "&7Hint: Gebruik &6/chestsort&7 om automatische kist sortering aan te zetten."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Hint: Gebruik &6/chestsort&7 om automatische kist sortering uit te zetten."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatische kist sortering is &cuitgeschakeld&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatische kist sortering is &aingeschakeld&7."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &aenabled&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Je inventaris is gesorteerd."
#message-error-players-only: "&cFout: Dit commando kan alleen door spelers worden gebruikt."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cFout: Onbekende optie %s. Mogelijke opties zijn %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"
#message-gui-left-click: "Fill Chest (Left-Click/Double-Left-Click)"
#message-gui-right-click: "Empty Chest (Right-Click/Double-Right-Click)"
##### French / Français - Thanks to automatizer, demon57730, FichdlMaa and Stalk3r77 for translating!
# Note: The following messages have been changed in version 8.11 and need a new translation:
# - message-gui-left-click
# - message-gui-right-click
#message-when-using-chest: "&7Astuce : Tape &6/chestsort&7 pour activer le classement automatique."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Astuce : Tape &6/chestsort&7 pour désactiver le classement automatique."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Le classement automatique a été &cdésactivé&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Le classement automatique a été &aactivé&7."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Le classement automatique d'inventaire a été &cdésactivé&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Le classement automatique d'inventaire a été &aactivé&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Ton inventaire a été trié."
#message-error-players-only: "&cErreur : Cette commande ne peut être utilisée que par des joueurs."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cErreur : Option inconnue %s. Les options valides sont %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aActivé"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDésactivé"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Clic molette"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Maj. + Clic"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Clic"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Clic droit"
#message-gui-left-click: "Remplir le coffre (Clic-gauche)"
#message-gui-right-click: "Vider le coffre (Clic-droit)"
##### German
#message-when-using-chest: "&7Hinweis: Benutze &6/chestsort&7 um die automatische Kistensortierung zu aktivieren."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Hinweis: Benutze &6/chestsort&7 um die automatische Kistensortierung zu deaktivieren."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatische Kistensortierung &cdeaktiviert&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatische Kistensortierung &aaktiviert&7."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatische Inventarsortierung &cdeaktiviert&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatische Inventarsortierung &aaktiviert&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Dein Inventar wurde sortiert."
#message-error-players-only: "&cFehler: Dieser Befehl ist nur für Spieler verfügbar."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cFehler: Unbekannte Option %s. Gültige Optionen sind %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aAktiviert"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDeaktiviert"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Mittel-Klick"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Klick"
#message-gui-double-click: "Doppelklick"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Rechtsklick"
#message-gui-left-click: "Kiste füllen (Linksklick/doppelter Linksklick)"
#message-gui-right-click: "Kiste leeren (Rechtsklick/doppelter Rechtsklick)"
##### Hungarian - Thanks to Letter and Polaroli for translating!
# Note: The following messages have been changed in version 8.11 and need a new translation:
# - message-gui-left-click
# - message-gui-right-click
#message-when-using-chest: "&7Automatikus láda rendezés bekapcsolás: &6/chestsort"
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Automatikus láda rendezés bekapcsolás: &6/chestsort"
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatikus láda rendezés kikapcsolva."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatikus láda rendezés bekapcsolva."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatikus leltár rendezés &ckikapcsolva&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatikus leltár rendezés &cbekapcsolva&7."
#message-error-players-only: "&cHiba: Ezt a parancsot csak játékos használhatja."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7A leltárad rendezve lett."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cHiba: Ismeretlen opció %s. Helyes opció %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEngedélyezve"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cKikapcsolva"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Középső egérgomb"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Klikk"
#message-gui-double-click: "Dupla Kattintás"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Jobb klikk"
#message-gui-left-click: "Láda feltöltés (Bal klikk)"
#message-gui-right-click: "Láda ürítés (Jobb klikk)"
##### Italian
##### Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC
#message-when-using-chest: "&7Nota: inserire &6/chestsort&7 per abilitare l'ordinamento automatico dei bauli."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Nota: inserire &6/chestsort&7 per disabilitare l'ordinamento automatico dei bauli."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7L'ordinamento automatico dei bauli è stato &cdisattivato&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7L'ordinamento automatico dei bauli è stato &aattivato&7."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &aenabled&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Il tuo inventario è stato ordinato."
#message-error-players-only: "&cErrore: questo comando è disponibile solo per i giocatori."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cErrore: Parametro sconosciuto %s. I parametri validi sono %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"
#message-gui-left-click: "Fill Chest (Left-Click/Double-Left-Click)"
#message-gui-right-click: "Empty Chest (Right-Click/Double-Right-Click)"
##### Japanese - Thanks to Sefyy for translating!
# Note: The following messages have been changed in version 8.11 and need a new translation:
# - message-gui-left-click
# - message-gui-right-click
#message-when-using-chest: "&7ヒント: &6/chestsort&7 と入力して自動チェスト整理を有効にできます。"
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7ヒント: &6/chestsort&7 と入力すると自動チェスト整理を無効にできます。"
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7自動チェスト整理は現在&c無効&7です。"
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7自動チェスト整理は現在&a有効&7です。"
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7自動インベントリ整理は現在&c無効&7です。"
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7自動インベントリ整理は現在&a有効&7です。"
#message-error-players-only: "&cエラー: このコマンドはプレイヤーのみ実行できます。"
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7あなたのインベントリは整理されました。"
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cエラー: 不明なオプションです%s 有効なオプションは%s"
#message-gui-enabled: "&a有効"
#message-gui-disabled: "&c無効"
#message-gui-middle-click: "ミドルクリック"
#message-gui-shift-click: "シフト+左クリック"
#message-gui-double-click: "ダブルクリック"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "シフト+右クリック"
#message-gui-left-click: "チェストを埋める(左クリック)"
#message-gui-right-click: "チェストを空ける(右クリック)"
##### Korean (한국어) - Thanks to kf12 for translating!
##### Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC
#message-when-using-chest: "&7정보: &6/chestsort&7 명령어로 자동 창고 정리를 활성화 할 수 있습니다."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7정보: &6/chestsort&7 명령어로 자동 창고 정리를 비활성화 할 수 있습니다."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7자동 창고 정리가 &c비활성화&7 되었습니다."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7자동 창고 정리가 &a활성화&7 되었습니다."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &aenabled&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7인벤토리가 정리 되었습니다."
#message-error-players-only: "&cError: 이 명령은 플레이어만 실행할 수 있습니다."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cError: 알 수 없는 옵션 %s. 올바른 옵션은 %s 입니다."
#message-gui-enabled: "&a활성화"
#message-gui-disabled: "&c비활성화"
#message-gui-middle-click: "휠 클릭"
#message-gui-shift-click: "쉬프트 + 클릭"
#message-gui-double-click: "더블 클릭"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "쉬프트 + 우클릭"
#message-gui-left-click: "Fill Chest (Left-Click/Double-Left-Click)"
#message-gui-right-click: "Empty Chest (Right-Click/Double-Right-Click)"
##### Portuguese - Thanks to wildastral for translating!
##### Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC
#message-when-using-chest: "&7Dica: Digite &6/chestsort&7 para habilitar a organização automática."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Dica: Digite &6/chestsort&7 para desabilitar a organização automática."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7A Organização automática de baús foi &cdesabilitada&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7A Organização automática de baús foi &ahabilitada&7."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &aenabled&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Seu inventário foi organizado."
#message-error-players-only: "&cErro: Esse comando não pode ser executado por jogadores."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cError: Unknown option %s. Valid options are %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"
#message-gui-left-click: "Fill Chest (Left-Click/Double-Left-Click)"
#message-gui-right-click: "Empty Chest (Right-Click/Double-Right-Click)"
##### Russian - Thanks to Gandon for translating!
##### Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC
#message-when-using-chest: "&7Подсказка: введите &6/chestsort&7, чтобы включить автоматическую сортировку вещей в сундуках."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Подсказка: введите &6/chestsort&7, чтобы отключить автоматическую сортировку вещей в сундуках."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Автоматическая сортировка вещей в сундуках была &cотключена&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Автоматическая сортировка вещей в сундуках была &aвключена&7."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &aenabled&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Ваш инвентарь был отсортирован."
#message-error-players-only: "&cОшибка: эта команда может быть использована только игроками."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cОшибка: Неизвестная опция %s. Допустимые опции: %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"
#message-gui-left-click: "Fill Chest (Left-Click/Double-Left-Click)"
#message-gui-right-click: "Empty Chest (Right-Click/Double-Right-Click)"
##### Spanish - Thanks to Bers_ for translating!
##### Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC
#message-when-using-chest: "&7Pista: Usa &6/chestsort&7 para activar el orden automático de los cofres."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Pista: Usa &6/chestsort&7 para desactivar el orden automático de los cofres."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Orden automático de los cofres &cdesactivado&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Orden automático de los cofres &aactivado&7."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &aenabled&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Tu inventario ha sido ordenado."
#message-error-players-only: "&cError: Este comando solo puede ser ejecutado por jugadores."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cError: %s es una opción inválida. Las opciones válidas son: %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"
#message-gui-left-click: "Fill Chest (Left-Click/Double-Left-Click)"
#message-gui-right-click: "Empty Chest (Right-Click/Double-Right-Click)"
##### Turkish - Thanks to bertek41 for translating!
##### Note: Some messages are still untranslated. Please send me your translation at SpigotMC
#message-when-using-chest: "&7Ipucu: &6/chestsort&7 Yazarak Otomatik Sandık Organizasyon Sistemini Aktif Edebilirsin."
#message-when-using-chest2: "&7Ipucu: &6/chestsort&7 Yazarak Otomatik Sandık Organizasyon Sistemini Kapatabilirsin."
#message-sorting-disabled: "&7Otomatik Sandık Organizasyonu &cKapatıldı&7."
#message-sorting-enabled: "&7Otomatik Sandık Organizasyonu &aAçıldı&7."
#message-inv-sorting-disabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &cdisabled&7."
#message-inv-sorting-enabled: "&7Automatic inventory sorting has been &aenabled&7."
#message-player-inventory-sorted: "&7Envanteriniz Düzenlendi."
#message-error-players-only: "&cHata: Bu Komut Yalnızca Oyuncular Tarafından Kullanılabilir."
#message-error-invalid-options: "&cHata: Bilinmeyen Ayar %s."
#message-gui-enabled: "&aEnabled"
#message-gui-disabled: "&cDisabled"
#message-gui-middle-click: "Middle-Click"
#message-gui-shift-click: "Shift + Click"
#message-gui-double-click: "Double-Click"
#message-gui-shift-right-click: "Shift + Right-Click"
#message-gui-left-click: "Fill Chest (Left-Click/Double-Left-Click)"
#message-gui-right-click: "Empty Chest (Right-Click/Double-Right-Click)"
##### Technical stuff! #####
# If you want to reorganize your category files, you can temporarily enable
# the dump option to get a .csv file that includes EVERY available material
# with its associated category. This way, you can easily find items that
# have not yet been assigned to a category.
dump: false
# Debug mode - you probably do not want this.
debug: false
# Please DO NOT change the following line manually!
# It is used by the automatic config updater.
config-version: 33