package net.citizensnpcs; import; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import net.citizensnpcs.api.CitizensAPI; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.DataKey; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.Messaging; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.SpigotUtil; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.Storage; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.YamlStorage; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.YamlStorage.YamlKey; import net.citizensnpcs.util.Util; public class Settings { private final Storage config; private final DataKey root; public Settings(File folder) { config = new YamlStorage(new File(folder, "config.yml"), "Citizens Configuration"); root = config.getKey(""); config.load(); for (Setting setting : Setting.values()) { if (!root.keyExists(setting.path)) { setting.setAtKey(root); } else { setting.loadFromKey(root); } } updateMessagingSettings(); save(); } public void reload() { config.load(); for (Setting setting : Setting.values()) { if (root.keyExists(setting.path)) { setting.loadFromKey(root); } } updateMessagingSettings(); save(); } public void save() {; } private void updateMessagingSettings() { File file = null; if (!Setting.DEBUG_FILE.asString().isEmpty()) { file = new File(CitizensAPI.getPlugin().getDataFolder(), Setting.DEBUG_FILE.asString()); } Messaging.configure(file, Setting.DEBUG_MODE.asBoolean(), Setting.MESSAGE_COLOUR.asString(), Setting.HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR.asString(), Setting.ERROR_COLOUR.asString()); } public enum Setting { ALWAYS_USE_NAME_HOLOGRAM("Always use holograms for names instead of only for hex colors / placeholders", "npc.always-use-name-holograms", false), ASTAR_ITERATIONS_PER_TICK("Number of blocks to search per tick (Citizens pathfinder)", "", "", 250), AUTH_SERVER_URL("Search for gameprofiles using this URL", "general.authlib.profile-url", ""), BOSSBAR_RANGE("The default bossbar range, in blocks", "npc.default.bossbar-view-range", 64), CHAT_BYSTANDERS_HEAR_TARGETED_CHAT( "Whether nearby players also hear text, even if targeted at a specific player", "", false), CHAT_FORMAT("The default text format (placeholder enabled)", "", "[]: "), CHAT_FORMAT_TO_BYSTANDERS("The default text format for nearby players (placeholder enabled)", "", "[] -> []: "), CHAT_FORMAT_TO_TARGET("The default text format for targeted text (placeholder enabled)", "", ": "), CHAT_FORMAT_WITH_TARGETS_TO_BYSTANDERS("The default text format for nearby players (placeholder enabled)", "", "[] -> []: "), CHAT_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TARGETS("Number of target names to show to bystanders", "", 2), CHAT_MULTIPLE_TARGETS_FORMAT("", "|, | & | & others"), CHAT_RANGE("Nearby player range in blocks", "", 5), CHECK_MINECRAFT_VERSION("Whether to check the minecraft version for compatibility (do not change)", "advanced.check-minecraft-version", true), CONTROLLABLE_GROUND_DIRECTION_MODIFIER("The percentage to increase speed when controlling NPCs on the ground", "npc.controllable.ground-direction-modifier", 1.0D), DEBUG_CHUNK_LOADS("Debug chunk load stack traces, not as useful in recent Minecraft versions", "general.debug-chunk-loads", false), DEBUG_FILE("Send Citizens debug output to a specific file", "general.debug-file", ""), DEBUG_MODE("Enable Citizens debugging", "general.debug-mode", false), DEBUG_PATHFINDING("Debug pathfinding by showing fake target blocks", "general.debug-pathfinding", false), DEFAULT_BLOCK_BREAKER_RADIUS( "The default distance radius for block breaking, in blocks
The NPC will pathfind to be this far away from the target block if greater than 0", "npc.defaults.block-breaker-radius", "npc.default.block-breaker-radius", -1), DEFAULT_CACHE_WAYPOINT_PATHS( "Whether to cache /npc path by default
Can eliminate pathfinding for repetitive static paths", "npc.default.waypoints.cache-paths", false), DEFAULT_DESTINATION_TELEPORT_MARGIN( "The default distance in blocks where the NPC will just teleport to the destination
Useful when trying to get exactly to the destination", "npc.pathfinding.defaults.destination-teleport-margin", "npc.pathfinding.default-destination-teleport-margin", -1), DEFAULT_DISTANCE_MARGIN( "The default MOVEMENT distance in blocks where the NPC will move to before considering a path finished
Note: this is different from the PATHFINDING distance which is specified by path-distance-margin", "npc.pathfinding.default-distance-margin", 1), DEFAULT_LOOK_CLOSE("Enable look close by default", "npc.default.look-close.enabled", false), DEFAULT_LOOK_CLOSE_RANGE("Default look close range in blocks", "npc.default.look-close.range", 10), DEFAULT_NPC_HOLOGRAM_LINE_HEIGHT("Default distance between hologram lines", "npc.hologram.default-line-height", 0.4D), DEFAULT_NPC_LIMIT( "Default maximum number of NPCs owned by a single player (give the citizens ignore-limits permission to skip this check)", "npc.limits.default-limit", 10), DEFAULT_PATH_DISTANCE_MARGIN( "Default PATHFINDING distance in blocks where the NPC will consider pathfinding complete
Note: this is different from the MOVEMENT distance, which is specified by the distance-margin
Set to 0 if you want to try pathfind exactly to the target destination", "npc.pathfinding.default-path-distance-margin", 1), DEFAULT_PATHFINDER_UPDATE_PATH_RATE("How often to repathfind when targeting a dynamic target such as an entity", "npc.pathfinding.update-path-rate", "1s"), DEFAULT_PATHFINDING_RANGE( "The default pathfinding range in blocks
Shouldn't be set too high to avoid lag - try pathfinding in sections instead", "npc.default.pathfinding.range", "npc.pathfinding.default-range-blocks", 75F), DEFAULT_RANDOM_LOOK_CLOSE("Default random look close enabled", "npc.default.look-close.random-look-enabled", false), DEFAULT_RANDOM_LOOK_DELAY("Default random look delay", "npc.default.look-close.random-look-delay", "3s"), DEFAULT_RANDOM_TALKER("Default talk to nearby players", "npc.default.random-talker", "", false), DEFAULT_REALISTIC_LOOKING("Default to checking for line of sight when looking at players", "npc.default.realistic-looking", "npc.default.look-close.realistic-looking", false), DEFAULT_SPAWN_NODAMAGE_DURATION( "Default duration of no-damage-ticks on entity spawn, Minecraft default is 20 ticks", "npc.default.spawn-nodamage-ticks", "npc.default.spawn-nodamage-duration", "1s"), DEFAULT_STATIONARY_DURATION( "Default duration in the same location before the NPC considers itself stuck and failed pathfinding", "npc.default.stationary-ticks", "npc.default.stationary-duration", -1), DEFAULT_STRAIGHT_LINE_TARGETING_DISTANCE( "The distance in blocks where the NPC will switch to walking straight towards the target instead of pathfinding
Currently only for dynamic targets like entities", "npc.pathfinding.straight-line-targeting-distance", 5), DEFAULT_STUCK_ACTION( "The default action to perform when NPCs are unable to find a path or are stuck in the same block for too long
Supported options are: 'teleport to destination' or 'none'", "npc.pathfinding.default-stuck-action", "none"), DEFAULT_TALK_CLOSE("", false), DEFAULT_TALK_CLOSE_RANGE("Default talk close range in blocks", "", 5), DEFAULT_TEXT("", "Hi, I'm !") { @Override public void loadFromKey(DataKey root) { List list = new ArrayList<>(); for (DataKey key : root.getRelative("").getSubKeys()) { list.add(key.getString("")); } value = list; } }, DEFAULT_TEXT_DELAY_MAX("Default maximum delay when talking to players", "npc.text.default-random-text-delay-max", "10s"), DEFAULT_TEXT_DELAY_MIN("Default minimum delay when talking to players", "npc.text.default-random-text-delay-min", "5s"), DEFAULT_TEXT_SPEECH_BUBBLE_DURATION("Default duration that speech bubbles show up for", "npc.text.speech-bubble-ticks", "npc.text.speech-bubble-duration", "50t"), DISABLE_LOOKCLOSE_WHILE_NAVIGATING("Whether to disable look close while pathfinding", "npc.default.look-close.disable-while-navigating", true), DISABLE_MC_NAVIGATION_FALLBACK( "Minecraft will pick a 'close-enough' location when pathfinding to a block if it can't find a direct path
Disabled by default", "npc.pathfinding.disable-mc-fallback-navigation", true), DISABLE_TABLIST("Whether to remove NPCs from the tablist", "npc.tablist.disable", true), DISPLAY_ENTITY_HOLOGRAMS( "Whether to use display entities for holograms by default (in theory more performant than armor stands)
Requires 1.19.4 or above, defaults to false", "npc.hologram.use-display-entities", false), ENTITY_SPAWN_WAIT_DURATION( "Entities are no longer spawned until the chunks are loaded from disk
Wait for chunk loading for one second by default, increase if your disk is slow", "general.entity-spawn-wait-ticks", "general.wait-for-entity-spawn", "1s"), ERROR_COLOUR("general.color-scheme.message-error", ""), FOLLOW_ACROSS_WORLDS("Whether /npc follow will teleport across worlds to follow its target", "npc.follow.teleport-across-worlds", false), HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR("general.color-scheme.message-highlight", "yellow"), HOLOGRAM_ALWAYS_UPDATE_POSITION("Whether to always update the hologram position every tick", "npc.hologram.always-update-position", false), HOLOGRAM_UPDATE_RATE("How often to update hologram names (including placeholders)", "npc.hologram.update-rate-ticks", "npc.hologram.update-rate", "1s"), HOOK_PROTOCOLLIB("Whether to hook into ProtocolLib", "general.interop.protocollib", true), INITIAL_PLAYER_JOIN_SKIN_PACKET_DELAY("How long to wait before sending skins to joined players", "npc.skins.player-join-update-delay-ticks", "npc.skins.player-join-update-delay", "1s"), KEEP_CHUNKS_LOADED("Whether to keep NPC chunks loaded", "npc.chunks.always-keep-loaded", false), LOCALE("Controls translation files - defaults to your system language, set to 'en' if English required", "general.translation.locale", ""), MAX_CONTROLLABLE_FLIGHT_SPEED( "The maximum flying speed that controllable NPCs can reach, in Minecraft velocity units", "npc.controllable.max-flying-speed", 0.75), MAX_CONTROLLABLE_GROUND_SPEED("The maximum speed that controllable NPCs can reach, in Minecraft velocity units", "npc.controllable.max-ground-speed", 0.5), MAX_NPC_LIMIT_CHECKS( "How many permissions to check when creating NPCs
Only change if you have a permission limit greater than this", "npc.limits.max-permission-checks", 100), MAX_NPC_SKIN_RETRIES( "How many times to try load NPC skins (due to Minecraft rate-limiting skin requests, should rarely be less than 5", "npc.skins.max-retries", -1), MAX_PACKET_ENTRIES("npc.limits.max-packet-entries", 15), MAX_TEXT_RANGE("The maximum range in blocks for chatting", "", 500), MAXIMUM_ASTAR_ITERATIONS("The maximum number of blocks to check when pathfinding", "npc.pathfinding.maximum-new-pathfinder-iterations", "", 768), MAXIMUM_VISITED_NODES("The maximum number of blocks to check when MINECRAFT pathfinding", "npc.pathfinding.maximum-visited-nodes", "npc.pathfinding.maximum-visited-blocks", 1024), MESSAGE_COLOUR("general.color-scheme.message", ""), NEW_PATHFINDER_CHECK_BOUNDING_BOXES( "Whether to check bounding boxes when pathfinding such as between fences, inside doors, or other half-blocks", "", false), NEW_PATHFINDER_OPENS_DOORS("Whether to open doors while pathfinding (should close them as well)", "", false), NPC_ATTACK_DISTANCE("The range in blocks before attacking the target", "npc.pathfinding.attack-range", 1.75), NPC_COMMAND_GLOBAL_COMMAND_COOLDOWN( "The global cooldown before a command can be used again, must be in seconds", "", "", "1s"), NPC_COMMAND_MAXIMUM_TIMES_USED_MESSAGE("npc.commands.error-messages.maximum-times-used", "You have reached the maximum number of uses ({0})."), NPC_COMMAND_MISSING_ITEM_MESSAGE("npc.commands.error-messages.missing-item", "Missing {1} {0}"), NPC_COMMAND_NO_PERMISSION_MESSAGE("", "You don't have permission to do that."), NPC_COMMAND_NOT_ENOUGH_EXPERIENCE_MESSAGE("npc.commands.error-messages.not-enough-experience", "You need at least {0} experience."), NPC_COMMAND_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_MESSAGE("npc.commands.error-messages.not-enough-money", "You need at least ${0}."), NPC_COMMAND_ON_COOLDOWN_MESSAGE("npc.commands.error-messages.on-cooldown", "Please wait for {minutes} minutes and {seconds_over} seconds."), NPC_COMMAND_ON_GLOBAL_COOLDOWN_MESSAGE("npc.commands.error-messages.on-global-cooldown", "Please wait for {minutes} minutes and {seconds_over} seconds."), NPC_COST("The default cost to create an NPC", "economy.npc.cost", 100D), NPC_SKIN_FETCH_DEFAULT( "Whether to try and look for the player skin for all new NPCs
If this is set to false and you create an NPC named Dinnerbone, the NPC will have the default (steve/alex/etc) skin rather than trying to fetch the Dinnerbone skin", "npc.skins.try-fetch-default-skin", true), NPC_SKIN_RETRY_DELAY("How long before retrying skin requests (typically due to Mojang rate limiting)", "npc.skins.retry-delay", "5s"), NPC_SKIN_ROTATION_UPDATE_DEGREES("npc.skins.rotation-update-degrees", 90f), NPC_SKIN_USE_LATEST("npc.skins.use-latest-by-default", false), NPC_SKIN_VIEW_DISTANCE("npc.skins.view-distance", 100D), NPC_WATER_SPEED_MODIFIER("Movement speed percentage increase while in water", "npc.movement.water-speed-modifier", 1.15F), PACKET_HOLOGRAMS("Use packet NPCs for name holograms (experimental)", "npc.use-packet-holograms", false), PACKET_UPDATE_DELAY("npc.packets.update-delay", 30), PATHFINDER_FALL_DISTANCE( "The default allowed maximum fall distance when pathfinding, set to -1 to use the Minecraft value", "npc.pathfinding.allowed-fall-distance", -1), PLACEHOLDER_SKIN_UPDATE_FREQUENCY("How often to update placeholders", "npc.skins.placeholder-update-frequency-ticks", "npc.skins.placeholder-update-frequency", "5m"), PLAYER_TELEPORT_DELAY("npc.delay-player-teleport-ticks", "npc.delay-player-teleport", -1), REMOVE_PLAYERS_FROM_PLAYER_LIST("Whether to remove NPCs from the Java list of players", "npc.player.remove-from-list", true), RESET_YAW_ON_SPAWN( "Whether to reset NPC yaw on spawn
Currently this is implemented by an arm swing animation due to Minecraft limitations", "npc.default.reset-yaw-on-spawn", true), RESOURCE_PACK_PATH("The resource pack path to save resource packs to", "general.resource-pack-path", "plugins/Citizens/resourcepack"), SAVE_TASK_FREQUENCY("How often to save NPCs to disk", "", "", "1hr"), SELECTION_ITEM("The default item in hand to select an NPC", "npc.selection.item", "stick"), SELECTION_MESSAGE("npc.selection.message", "Selected [[]] (ID [[]])."), SERVER_OWNS_NPCS("Whether the server owns NPCs rather than individual players", "npc.server-ownership", false), SHOP_GLOBAL_VIEW_PERMISSION( "The global view permission that players need to view any NPC shop
Defaults to empty (no permission required).", "", ""), STORAGE_FILE("storage.file", "saves.yml"), TABLIST_REMOVE_PACKET_DELAY("How long to wait before sending the tablist remove packet", "npc.tablist.remove-packet-delay", "1t"), TALK_CLOSE_TO_NPCS("Whether to talk to NPCs (and therefore bystanders) as well as players", "", true), TALK_ITEM("The item filter to talk with", "", "*"), USE_BOAT_CONTROLS("Whether to change vehicle direction with movement instead of strafe controls", "npc.controllable.use-boat-controls", true), USE_NEW_PATHFINDER( "Whether to use the Citizens pathfinder instead of the Minecraft pathfinder
Much more flexible, but may have different performance to Minecraft's pathfinder", "npc.pathfinding.use-new-finder", false), USE_SCOREBOARD_TEAMS("npc.scoreboard-teams.enable", true), WARN_ON_RELOAD("general.reload-warning-enabled", true),; private String comments; private Duration duration; private String migrate; private final String path; protected Object value; Setting(String path, Object value) { this.path = path; this.value = value; } Setting(String migrate, String path, Object value) { if (migrate.contains(".")) { this.migrate = migrate; } else { comments = migrate; } this.path = path; this.value = value; } Setting(String comments, String migrate, String path, Object value) { this.migrate = migrate; this.comments = comments; this.path = path; this.value = value; } public boolean asBoolean() { return (Boolean) value; } public double asDouble() { return ((Number) value).doubleValue(); } public float asFloat() { return ((Number) value).floatValue(); } public int asInt() { if (value instanceof String) return Integer.parseInt(value.toString()); return ((Number) value).intValue(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List asList() { if (!(value instanceof List)) { value = Lists.newArrayList(value); } return (List) value; } public int asSeconds() { if (duration == null) { duration = SpigotUtil.parseDuration(asString(), null); } return Util.convert(TimeUnit.SECONDS, duration); } public String asString() { return value.toString(); } public int asTicks() { if (duration == null) { duration = SpigotUtil.parseDuration(asString(), null); } return Util.toTicks(duration); } protected void loadFromKey(DataKey root) { setComments(root); if (migrate != null && root.keyExists(migrate) && !root.keyExists(path)) { value = root.getRaw(migrate); root.removeKey(migrate); } else { value = root.getRaw(path); } } protected void setAtKey(DataKey root) { root.setRaw(path, value); setComments(root); } private void setComments(DataKey root) { if (SUPPORTS_SET_COMMENTS && root.keyExists(path)) { try { ((YamlKey) root).getSection("").setComments(path, comments == null ? null : Arrays.asList(comments.split("
"))); } catch (Throwable t) { SUPPORTS_SET_COMMENTS = false; } } } } private static boolean SUPPORTS_SET_COMMENTS = true; }