package net.citizensnpcs.commands; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import net.citizensnpcs.Citizens; import net.citizensnpcs.Settings.Setting; import net.citizensnpcs.api.CitizensAPI; import; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.Command; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.CommandContext; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.CommandMessages; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.Requirements; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.exception.CommandException; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.exception.NoPermissionsException; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.exception.ServerCommandException; import net.citizensnpcs.api.event.CommandSenderCreateNPCEvent; import net.citizensnpcs.api.event.DespawnReason; import net.citizensnpcs.api.event.PlayerCreateNPCEvent; import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC; import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPCRegistry; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.Trait; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.trait.MobType; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.trait.Owner; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.trait.Spawned; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.trait.Speech; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.Colorizer; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.Messaging; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.Paginator; import net.citizensnpcs.npc.EntityControllers; import net.citizensnpcs.npc.NPCSelector; import net.citizensnpcs.npc.Template; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.Age; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.Anchors; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.Controllable; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.CurrentLocation; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.Gravity; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.HorseModifiers; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.LookClose; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.NPCSkeletonType; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.OcelotModifiers; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.Poses; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.Powered; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.SlimeSize; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.VillagerProfession; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.WolfModifiers; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.ZombieModifier; import net.citizensnpcs.util.Anchor; import net.citizensnpcs.util.Messages; import net.citizensnpcs.util.NMS; import net.citizensnpcs.util.StringHelper; import net.citizensnpcs.util.Util; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.DyeColor; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.command.BlockCommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Ageable; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.Horse.Color; import org.bukkit.entity.Horse.Style; import org.bukkit.entity.Horse.Variant; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Ocelot; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.entity.Skeleton.SkeletonType; import org.bukkit.entity.Villager.Profession; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause; import; import; @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true) public class NPCCommands { private final NPCRegistry npcRegistry; private final NPCSelector selector; public NPCCommands(Citizens plugin) { npcRegistry = CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry(); selector = plugin.getNPCSelector(); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "age [age] (-l)", desc = "Set the age of a NPC", help = Messages.COMMAND_AGE_HELP, flags = "l", modifiers = { "age" }, min = 1, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.age") public void age(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { if (!npc.isSpawned() || !(npc.getEntity() instanceof Ageable)) throw new CommandException(Messages.MOBTYPE_CANNOT_BE_AGED); Age trait = npc.getTrait(Age.class); boolean toggleLock = args.hasFlag('l'); if (toggleLock) { Messaging.sendTr(sender, trait.toggle() ? Messages.AGE_LOCKED : Messages.AGE_UNLOCKED); } if (args.argsLength() <= 1) { if (!toggleLock) trait.describe(sender); return; } int age = 0; try { age = args.getInteger(1); if (age < -24000 || age > 0) { throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_AGE); } Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.AGE_SET_NORMAL, npc.getName(), age); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { if (args.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("baby")) { age = -24000; Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.AGE_SET_BABY, npc.getName()); } else if (args.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("adult")) { age = 0; Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.AGE_SET_ADULT, npc.getName()); } else throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_AGE); } trait.setAge(age); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "anchor (--save [name]|--assume [name]|--remove [name]) (-a)(-c)", desc = "Changes/Saves/Lists NPC's location anchor(s)", flags = "ac", modifiers = { "anchor" }, min = 1, max = 3, permission = "citizens.npc.anchor") public void anchor(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { Anchors trait = npc.getTrait(Anchors.class); if (args.hasValueFlag("save")) { if (args.getFlag("save").isEmpty()) throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_ANCHOR_NAME); if (args.getSenderLocation() == null) throw new ServerCommandException(); if (args.hasFlag('c')) { if (trait.addAnchor(args.getFlag("save"), args.getSenderTargetBlockLocation())) { Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.ANCHOR_ADDED); } else throw new CommandException(Messages.ANCHOR_ALREADY_EXISTS, args.getFlag("save")); } else { if (trait.addAnchor(args.getFlag("save"), args.getSenderLocation())) { Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.ANCHOR_ADDED); } else throw new CommandException(Messages.ANCHOR_ALREADY_EXISTS, args.getFlag("save")); } } else if (args.hasValueFlag("assume")) { if (args.getFlag("assume").isEmpty()) throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_ANCHOR_NAME); Anchor anchor = trait.getAnchor(args.getFlag("assume")); if (anchor == null) throw new CommandException(Messages.ANCHOR_MISSING, args.getFlag("assume")); npc.teleport(anchor.getLocation(), TeleportCause.COMMAND); } else if (args.hasValueFlag("remove")) { if (args.getFlag("remove").isEmpty()) throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_ANCHOR_NAME); if (trait.removeAnchor(trait.getAnchor(args.getFlag("remove")))) Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.ANCHOR_REMOVED); else throw new CommandException(Messages.ANCHOR_MISSING, args.getFlag("remove")); } else if (!args.hasFlag('a')) { Paginator paginator = new Paginator().header("Anchors"); paginator.addLine("Key: ID Name World Location (X,Y,Z)"); for (int i = 0; i < trait.getAnchors().size(); i++) { if (trait.getAnchors().get(i).isLoaded()) { String line = "" + i + " " + trait.getAnchors().get(i).getName() + " " + trait.getAnchors().get(i).getLocation().getWorld().getName() + " " + trait.getAnchors().get(i).getLocation().getBlockX() + ", " + trait.getAnchors().get(i).getLocation().getBlockY() + ", " + trait.getAnchors().get(i).getLocation().getBlockZ(); paginator.addLine(line); } else { String[] parts = trait.getAnchors().get(i).getUnloadedValue(); String line = "" + i + " " + trait.getAnchors().get(i).getName() + " " + parts[0] + " " + parts[1] + ", " + parts[2] + ", " + parts[3] + " (unloaded)"; paginator.addLine(line); } } int page = args.getInteger(1, 1); if (!paginator.sendPage(sender, page)) throw new CommandException(Messages.COMMAND_PAGE_MISSING); } // Assume Player's position if (!args.hasFlag('a')) return; if (sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) throw new ServerCommandException(); npc.teleport(args.getSenderLocation(), TeleportCause.COMMAND); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "controllable|control (-m,-y,-n)", desc = "Toggles whether the NPC can be ridden and controlled", modifiers = { "controllable", "control" }, min = 1, max = 1, flags = "myn") public void controllable(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { if ((npc.isSpawned() && !sender.hasPermission("citizens.npc.controllable." + npc.getEntity().getType().name().toLowerCase().replace("_", ""))) || !sender.hasPermission("citizens.npc.controllable")) throw new NoPermissionsException(); if (!npc.hasTrait(Controllable.class)) { npc.addTrait(new Controllable(false)); } Controllable trait = npc.getTrait(Controllable.class); boolean enabled = trait.toggle(); if (args.hasFlag('y')) { enabled = trait.setEnabled(true); } else if (args.hasFlag('n')) { enabled = trait.setEnabled(false); } String key = enabled ? Messages.CONTROLLABLE_SET : Messages.CONTROLLABLE_REMOVED; Messaging.sendTr(sender, key, npc.getName()); if (enabled && args.hasFlag('m') && sender instanceof Player) { trait.mount((Player) sender); } } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "copy (--name newname)", desc = "Copies an NPC", modifiers = { "copy" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.copy") public void copy(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { String name = args.getFlag("name", npc.getFullName()); NPC copy = npc.clone(); if (!copy.getFullName().equals(name)) { copy.setName(name); } if (copy.isSpawned() && args.getSenderLocation() != null) { Location location = args.getSenderLocation(); location.getChunk().load(); copy.teleport(location, TeleportCause.COMMAND); copy.getTrait(CurrentLocation.class).setLocation(location); } CommandSenderCreateNPCEvent event = sender instanceof Player ? new PlayerCreateNPCEvent((Player) sender, copy) : new CommandSenderCreateNPCEvent(sender, copy); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { event.getNPC().destroy(); String reason = "Couldn't create NPC."; if (!event.getCancelReason().isEmpty()) reason += " Reason: " + event.getCancelReason(); throw new CommandException(reason); } Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.NPC_COPIED, npc.getName());, copy); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "create [name] ((-b,u) --at (x:y:z:world) --type (type) --trait ('trait1, trait2...') --b (behaviours))", desc = "Create a new NPC", flags = "bu", modifiers = { "create" }, min = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.create") @Requirements public void create(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { String name = Colorizer.parseColors(args.getJoinedStrings(1)); if (name.length() > 16) { Messaging.sendErrorTr(sender, Messages.NPC_NAME_TOO_LONG); name = name.substring(0, 16); } if (name.length() <= 0) throw new CommandException(); EntityType type = EntityType.PLAYER; if (args.hasValueFlag("type")) { String inputType = args.getFlag("type"); type = Util.matchEntityType(inputType); if (type == null) { throw new CommandException(, inputType)); } else if (!EntityControllers.controllerExistsForType(type)) { throw new CommandException(, inputType)); } } if (!sender.hasPermission("citizens.npc.create.*") && !sender.hasPermission("citizens.npc.createall") && !sender.hasPermission("citizens.npc.create." +"_", ""))) throw new NoPermissionsException(); npc = npcRegistry.createNPC(type, name); String msg = "You created [[" + npc.getName() + "]]"; int age = 0; if (args.hasFlag('b')) { if (!Ageable.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getEntityClass())) Messaging.sendErrorTr(sender, Messages.MOBTYPE_CANNOT_BE_AGED,"_", "-")); else { age = -24000; msg += " as a baby"; } } // Initialize necessary traits if (!Setting.SERVER_OWNS_NPCS.asBoolean()) npc.getTrait(Owner.class).setOwner(sender.getName()); npc.getTrait(MobType.class).setType(type); Location spawnLoc = null; if (sender instanceof Player) { spawnLoc = args.getSenderLocation(); } else if (sender instanceof BlockCommandSender) { spawnLoc = args.getSenderLocation(); } CommandSenderCreateNPCEvent event = sender instanceof Player ? new PlayerCreateNPCEvent((Player) sender, npc) : new CommandSenderCreateNPCEvent(sender, npc); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) { npc.destroy(); String reason = "Couldn't create NPC."; if (!event.getCancelReason().isEmpty()) reason += " Reason: " + event.getCancelReason(); throw new CommandException(reason); } if (args.hasValueFlag("at")) { spawnLoc = CommandContext.parseLocation(args.getSenderLocation(), args.getFlag("at")); } if (spawnLoc == null) { npc.destroy(); throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_SPAWN_LOCATION); } if (!args.hasFlag('u')) { npc.spawn(spawnLoc); } if (args.hasValueFlag("trait")) { Iterable parts = Splitter.on(',').trimResults().split(args.getFlag("trait")); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String tr : parts) { Trait trait = CitizensAPI.getTraitFactory().getTrait(tr); if (trait == null) continue; npc.addTrait(trait); builder.append(StringHelper.wrap(tr) + ", "); } if (builder.length() > 0) builder.delete(builder.length() - 2, builder.length()); msg += " with traits " + builder.toString(); } if (args.hasValueFlag("template")) { Iterable parts = Splitter.on(',').trimResults().split(args.getFlag("template")); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String part : parts) { Template template = Template.byName(part); if (template == null) continue; template.apply(npc); builder.append(StringHelper.wrap(part) + ", "); } if (builder.length() > 0) builder.delete(builder.length() - 2, builder.length()); msg += " with templates " + builder.toString(); } // Set age after entity spawns if (npc.getEntity() instanceof Ageable) { npc.getTrait(Age.class).setAge(age); }, npc); Messaging.send(sender, msg + '.'); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "despawn (id)", desc = "Despawn a NPC", modifiers = { "despawn" }, min = 1, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.despawn") @Requirements public void despawn(final CommandContext args, final CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { NPCCommandSelector.Callback callback = new NPCCommandSelector.Callback() { @Override public void run(NPC npc) throws CommandException { if (npc == null) { throw new CommandException(Messages.NO_NPC_WITH_ID_FOUND, args.getString(1)); } npc.getTrait(Spawned.class).setSpawned(false); npc.despawn(DespawnReason.REMOVAL); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.NPC_DESPAWNED, npc.getName()); } }; if (npc == null || args.argsLength() == 2) { if (args.argsLength() < 2) { throw new CommandException(Messages.COMMAND_MUST_HAVE_SELECTED); } NPCCommandSelector.startWithCallback(callback, npcRegistry, sender, args, args.getString(1)); } else {; } } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "flyable (true|false)", desc = "Toggles or sets an NPC's flyable status", modifiers = { "flyable" }, min = 1, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.flyable") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, excludedTypes = { EntityType.BAT, EntityType.BLAZE, EntityType.ENDER_DRAGON, EntityType.GHAST, EntityType.WITHER }) public void flyable(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { boolean flyable = args.argsLength() == 2 ? args.getString(1).equals("true") : !npc.isFlyable(); npc.setFlyable(flyable); flyable = npc.isFlyable(); // may not have applied Messaging.sendTr(sender, flyable ? Messages.FLYABLE_SET : Messages.FLYABLE_UNSET); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "gamemode [gamemode]", desc = "Changes the gamemode", modifiers = { "gamemode" }, min = 1, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.gravity") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, types = { EntityType.PLAYER }) public void gamemode(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { Player player = (Player) npc.getEntity(); if (args.argsLength() == 1) { Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.GAMEMODE_DESCRIBE, npc.getName(), player.getGameMode().name() .toLowerCase()); return; } GameMode mode = null; try { int value = args.getInteger(1); mode = GameMode.getByValue(value); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { try { mode = GameMode.valueOf(args.getString(1)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } } if (mode == null) { Messaging.sendErrorTr(sender, Messages.GAMEMODE_INVALID, args.getString(1)); return; } player.setGameMode(mode); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.GAMEMODE_SET,; } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "gravity", desc = "Toggles gravity", modifiers = { "gravity" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.gravity") public void gravity(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { boolean enabled = npc.getTrait(Gravity.class).toggle(); String key = enabled ? Messages.GRAVITY_ENABLED : Messages.GRAVITY_DISABLED; Messaging.sendTr(sender, key, npc.getName()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "horse (--color color) (--type type) (--style style) (-cb)", desc = "Sets horse modifiers", help = "Use the -c flag to make the horse have a chest, or the -b flag to stop them from having a chest.", modifiers = { "horse" }, min = 1, max = 1, flags = "cb", permission = "") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, types = { EntityType.HORSE }) public void horse(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { HorseModifiers horse = npc.getTrait(HorseModifiers.class); String output = ""; if (args.hasFlag('c')) { horse.setCarryingChest(true); output += + " "; } else if (args.hasFlag('b')) { horse.setCarryingChest(false); output += + " "; } if (args.hasValueFlag("color") || args.hasValueFlag("colour")) { String colorRaw = args.getFlag("color", args.getFlag("colour")); Color color = Util.matchEnum(Color.values(), colorRaw); if (color == null) { String valid = Util.listValuesPretty(Color.values()); throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_HORSE_COLOR, valid); } horse.setColor(color); output +=, Util.prettyEnum(color)); } if (args.hasValueFlag("type")) { Variant variant = Util.matchEnum(Variant.values(), args.getFlag("type")); if (variant == null) { String valid = Util.listValuesPretty(Variant.values()); throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_HORSE_VARIANT, valid); } horse.setType(variant); output +=, Util.prettyEnum(variant)); } if (args.hasValueFlag("style")) { Style style = Util.matchEnum(Style.values(), args.getFlag("style")); if (style == null) { String valid = Util.listValuesPretty(Style.values()); throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_HORSE_STYLE, valid); } horse.setStyle(style); output +=, Util.prettyEnum(style)); } if (output.isEmpty()) { Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.HORSE_DESCRIBE, Util.prettyEnum(horse.getColor()), Util.prettyEnum(horse.getType()), Util.prettyEnum(horse.getStyle())); } else { sender.sendMessage(output); } } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "id", desc = "Sends the selected NPC's ID to the sender", modifiers = { "id" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "") public void id(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { Messaging.send(sender, npc.getId()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "leashable", desc = "Toggles leashability", modifiers = { "leashable" }, min = 1, max = 1, flags = "t", permission = "citizens.npc.leashable") public void leashable(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { boolean vulnerable = !, true); if (args.hasFlag('t')) {, vulnerable); } else {, vulnerable); } String key = vulnerable ? Messages.LEASHABLE_STOPPED : Messages.LEASHABLE_SET; Messaging.sendTr(sender, key, npc.getName()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "list (page) ((-a) --owner (owner) --type (type) --char (char))", desc = "List NPCs", flags = "a", modifiers = { "list" }, min = 1, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.list") @Requirements public void list(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { List npcs = new ArrayList(); if (args.hasFlag('a')) { for (NPC add : npcRegistry) { npcs.add(add); } } else if (args.getValueFlags().size() == 0 && sender instanceof Player) { for (NPC add : npcRegistry) { if (!npcs.contains(add) && add.getTrait(Owner.class).isOwnedBy(sender)) npcs.add(add); } } else { if (args.hasValueFlag("owner")) { String name = args.getFlag("owner"); for (NPC add : npcRegistry) { if (!npcs.contains(add) && add.getTrait(Owner.class).isOwnedBy(name)) npcs.add(add); } } if (args.hasValueFlag("type")) { EntityType type = Util.matchEntityType(args.getFlag("type")); if (type == null) throw new CommandException(Messages.COMMAND_INVALID_MOBTYPE, type); for (NPC add : npcRegistry) { if (!npcs.contains(add) && add.getTrait(MobType.class).getType() == type) npcs.add(add); } } } Paginator paginator = new Paginator().header("NPCs"); paginator.addLine("Key: ID Name"); for (int i = 0; i < npcs.size(); i += 2) { String line = "" + npcs.get(i).getId() + " " + npcs.get(i).getName(); if (npcs.size() >= i + 2) line += " " + "" + npcs.get(i + 1).getId() + " " + npcs.get(i + 1).getName(); paginator.addLine(line); } int page = args.getInteger(1, 1); if (!paginator.sendPage(sender, page)) throw new CommandException(Messages.COMMAND_PAGE_MISSING); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "lookclose", desc = "Toggle whether a NPC will look when a player is near", modifiers = { "lookclose", "look", "rotate" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.lookclose") public void lookClose(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { Messaging.sendTr(sender, npc.getTrait(LookClose.class).toggle() ? Messages.LOOKCLOSE_SET : Messages.LOOKCLOSE_STOPPED, npc.getName()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "mount", desc = "Mounts a controllable NPC", modifiers = { "mount" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.controllable") public void mount(CommandContext args, Player player, NPC npc) { boolean enabled = npc.hasTrait(Controllable.class) && npc.getTrait(Controllable.class).isEnabled(); if (!enabled) { Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.NPC_NOT_CONTROLLABLE, npc.getName()); return; } boolean success = npc.getTrait(Controllable.class).mount(player); if (!success) Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.FAILED_TO_MOUNT_NPC, npc.getName()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "moveto x:y:z:world | x y z world", desc = "Teleports a NPC to a given location", modifiers = "moveto", min = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.moveto") public void moveto(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { // Spawn the NPC if it isn't spawned to prevent NPEs if (!npc.isSpawned()) { npc.spawn(npc.getTrait(CurrentLocation.class).getLocation()); } if (!npc.isSpawned()) { throw new CommandException("NPC could not be spawned."); } Location current = npc.getEntity().getLocation(); Location to; if (args.argsLength() > 1) { String[] parts = Iterables.toArray(Splitter.on(':').split(args.getJoinedStrings(1, ':')), String.class); if (parts.length != 4 && parts.length != 3) throw new CommandException(Messages.MOVETO_FORMAT); double x = Double.parseDouble(parts[0]); double y = Double.parseDouble(parts[1]); double z = Double.parseDouble(parts[2]); World world = parts.length == 4 ? Bukkit.getWorld(parts[3]) : current.getWorld(); if (world == null) throw new CommandException(Messages.WORLD_NOT_FOUND); to = new Location(world, x, y, z, current.getYaw(), current.getPitch()); } else { to = current.clone(); if (args.hasValueFlag("x")) to.setX(args.getFlagDouble("x")); if (args.hasValueFlag("y")) to.setY(args.getFlagDouble("y")); if (args.hasValueFlag("z")) to.setZ(args.getFlagDouble("z")); if (args.hasValueFlag("yaw")) to.setYaw((float) args.getFlagDouble("yaw")); if (args.hasValueFlag("pitch")) to.setPitch((float) args.getFlagDouble("pitch")); if (args.hasValueFlag("world")) { World world = Bukkit.getWorld(args.getFlag("world")); if (world == null) throw new CommandException(Messages.WORLD_NOT_FOUND); to.setWorld(world); } } npc.teleport(to, TeleportCause.COMMAND); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.MOVETO_TELEPORTED, npc.getName(), to); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, modifiers = { "name" }, usage = "name", desc = "Toggle nameplate visibility", min = 1, max = 1, permission = "") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, livingEntity = true) public void name(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { LivingEntity entity = (LivingEntity) npc.getEntity(); entity.setCustomNameVisible(!entity.isCustomNameVisible()); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.NAMEPLATE_VISIBILITY_TOGGLED); } @Command(aliases = { "npc" }, desc = "Show basic NPC information", max = 0, permission = "") public void npc(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { Messaging.send(sender, StringHelper.wrapHeader(npc.getName())); Messaging.send(sender, " ID: " + npc.getId()); Messaging.send(sender, " Type: " + npc.getTrait(MobType.class).getType()); if (npc.isSpawned()) { Location loc = npc.getEntity().getLocation(); String format = " Spawned at %d, %d, %d in world %s"; Messaging.send(sender, String.format(format, loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ(), loc.getWorld().getName())); } Messaging.send(sender, " Traits"); for (Trait trait : npc.getTraits()) { if (CitizensAPI.getTraitFactory().isInternalTrait(trait)) continue; String message = " - " + trait.getName(); Messaging.send(sender, message); } } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "ocelot (--type type) (-s(itting), -n(ot sitting))", desc = "Set the ocelot type of an NPC and whether it is sitting", modifiers = { "ocelot" }, min = 1, max = 1, flags = "sn", permission = "citizens.npc.ocelot") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, types = { EntityType.OCELOT }) public void ocelot(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { OcelotModifiers trait = npc.getTrait(OcelotModifiers.class); if (args.hasFlag('s')) { trait.setSitting(true); } else if (args.hasFlag('n')) { trait.setSitting(false); } if (args.hasValueFlag("type")) { Ocelot.Type type = Util.matchEnum(Ocelot.Type.values(), args.getFlag("type")); if (type == null) { String valid = Util.listValuesPretty(Ocelot.Type.values()); throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_OCELOT_TYPE, valid); } trait.setType(type); } } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "owner [name]", desc = "Set the owner of an NPC", modifiers = { "owner" }, min = 1, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.owner") public void owner(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { Owner ownerTrait = npc.getTrait(Owner.class); if (args.argsLength() == 1) { Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.NPC_OWNER, npc.getName(), ownerTrait.getOwner()); return; } String name = args.getString(1); if (ownerTrait.isOwnedBy(name)) throw new CommandException(Messages.ALREADY_OWNER, name, npc.getName()); ownerTrait.setOwner(name); boolean serverOwner = name.equalsIgnoreCase(Owner.SERVER); Messaging.sendTr(sender, serverOwner ? Messages.OWNER_SET_SERVER : Messages.OWNER_SET, npc.getName(), name); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "passive (--set [true|false])", desc = "Sets whether an NPC damages other entities or not", modifiers = { "passive" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.passive") public void passive(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { boolean passive = args.hasValueFlag("set") ? Boolean.parseBoolean(args.getFlag("set")) : NPC.DAMAGE_OTHERS_METADATA, true);, !passive); Messaging.sendTr(sender, passive ? Messages.PASSIVE_SET : Messages.PASSIVE_UNSET, npc.getName()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "pathopt --avoid-water|aw [true|false]", desc = "Sets an NPC's pathfinding options", modifiers = { "pathopt", "po", "patho" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.pathfindingoptions") public void pathfindingOptions(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { if (args.hasValueFlag("avoid-water") || args.hasValueFlag("aw")) { String raw = args.getFlag("avoid-water", args.getFlag("aw")); boolean avoid = Boolean.parseBoolean(raw); npc.getNavigator().getDefaultParameters().avoidWater(avoid); Messaging.sendTr(sender, avoid ? Messages.PATHFINDING_OPTIONS_AVOID_WATER_SET : Messages.PATHFINDING_OPTIONS_AVOID_WATER_UNSET, npc.getName()); } } @Command(aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "pathrange [range]", desc = "Sets an NPC's pathfinding range", modifiers = { "pathrange", "pathfindingrange", "prange" }, min = 2, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.pathfindingrange") public void pathfindingRange(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { double range = Math.max(1, args.getDouble(1)); npc.getNavigator().getDefaultParameters().range((float) range); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.PATHFINDING_RANGE_SET, range); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "playerlist (-a,r)", desc = "Sets whether the NPC is put in the playerlist", modifiers = { "playerlist" }, min = 1, max = 1, flags = "ar", permission = "citizens.npc.playerlist") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, types = EntityType.PLAYER) public void playerlist(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { boolean remove = !"removefromplayerlist", Setting.REMOVE_PLAYERS_FROM_PLAYER_LIST.asBoolean()); if (args.hasFlag('a')) { remove = false; } else if (args.hasFlag('r')) remove = true;"removefromplayerlist", remove); if (npc.isSpawned()) { NMS.addOrRemoveFromPlayerList(npc.getEntity(), remove); } Messaging.sendTr(sender, remove ? Messages.REMOVED_FROM_PLAYERLIST : Messages.ADDED_TO_PLAYERLIST, npc.getName()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "pose (--save [name]|--assume [name]|--remove [name]) (-a)", desc = "Changes/Saves/Lists NPC's head pose(s)", flags = "a", modifiers = { "pose" }, min = 1, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.pose") public void pose(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { Poses trait = npc.getTrait(Poses.class); if (args.hasValueFlag("save")) { if (args.getFlag("save").isEmpty()) throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_POSE_NAME); if (args.getSenderLocation() == null) throw new ServerCommandException(); if (trait.addPose(args.getFlag("save"), args.getSenderLocation())) { Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.POSE_ADDED); } else throw new CommandException(Messages.POSE_ALREADY_EXISTS, args.getFlag("save")); } else if (args.hasValueFlag("assume")) { String pose = args.getFlag("assume"); if (pose.isEmpty()) throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_POSE_NAME); if (!trait.hasPose(pose)) throw new CommandException(Messages.POSE_MISSING, pose); trait.assumePose(pose); } else if (args.hasValueFlag("remove")) { if (args.getFlag("remove").isEmpty()) throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_POSE_NAME); if (trait.removePose(args.getFlag("remove"))) { Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.POSE_REMOVED); } else throw new CommandException(Messages.POSE_MISSING, args.getFlag("remove")); } else if (!args.hasFlag('a')) { trait.describe(sender, args.getInteger(1, 1)); } // Assume Player's pose if (!args.hasFlag('a')) return; if (args.getSenderLocation() == null) throw new ServerCommandException(); Location location = args.getSenderLocation(); trait.assumePose(location); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "power", desc = "Toggle a creeper NPC as powered", modifiers = { "power" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.power") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, types = { EntityType.CREEPER }) public void power(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { Messaging .sendTr(sender, npc.getTrait(Powered.class).toggle() ? Messages.POWERED_SET : Messages.POWERED_STOPPED); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "profession|prof [profession]", desc = "Set a NPC's profession", modifiers = { "profession", "prof" }, min = 2, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.profession") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, types = { EntityType.VILLAGER }) public void profession(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { String profession = args.getString(1); Profession parsed = Util.matchEnum(Profession.values(), profession.toUpperCase()); if (parsed == null) { throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_PROFESSION); } npc.getTrait(VillagerProfession.class).setProfession(parsed); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.PROFESSION_SET, npc.getName(), profession); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "remove|rem (all)", desc = "Remove a NPC", modifiers = { "remove", "rem" }, min = 1, max = 2) @Requirements public void remove(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { if (args.argsLength() == 2) { if (!args.getString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("all")) throw new CommandException(Messages.REMOVE_INCORRECT_SYNTAX); if (!sender.hasPermission("citizens.admin.remove.all") && !sender.hasPermission("citizens.admin")) throw new NoPermissionsException(); npcRegistry.deregisterAll(); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.REMOVED_ALL_NPCS); return; } if (npc == null) throw new CommandException(Messages.COMMAND_MUST_HAVE_SELECTED); if (!(sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) && !npc.getTrait(Owner.class).isOwnedBy(sender)) throw new CommandException(Messages.COMMAND_MUST_BE_OWNER); if (!sender.hasPermission("citizens.npc.remove") && !sender.hasPermission("citizens.admin")) throw new NoPermissionsException(); npc.destroy(); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.NPC_REMOVED, npc.getName()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "rename [name]", desc = "Rename a NPC", modifiers = { "rename" }, min = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.rename") public void rename(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { String oldName = npc.getName(); String newName = args.getJoinedStrings(1); if (newName.length() > 16) { Messaging.sendErrorTr(sender, Messages.NPC_NAME_TOO_LONG); newName = newName.substring(0, 15); } Location prev = npc.isSpawned() ? npc.getEntity().getLocation() : null; npc.despawn(DespawnReason.PENDING_RESPAWN); npc.setName(newName); if (prev != null) npc.spawn(prev); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.NPC_RENAMED, oldName, newName); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "respawn [delay in ticks]", desc = "Sets an NPC's respawn delay in ticks", modifiers = { "respawn" }, min = 1, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.respawn") public void respawn(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { if (args.argsLength() > 1) { int delay = args.getInteger(1);, delay); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.RESPAWN_DELAY_SET, delay); } else { Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.RESPAWN_DELAY_DESCRIBE,, -1)); } } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "select|sel [id|name] (--r range)", desc = "Select a NPC with the given ID or name", modifiers = { "select", "sel" }, min = 1, max = 2, permission = "") @Requirements public void select(CommandContext args, final CommandSender sender, final NPC npc) throws CommandException { NPCCommandSelector.Callback callback = new NPCCommandSelector.Callback() { @Override public void run(NPC toSelect) throws CommandException { if (toSelect == null || !toSelect.getTrait(Spawned.class).shouldSpawn()) throw new CommandException(Messages.NPC_NOT_FOUND); if (npc != null && toSelect.getId() == npc.getId()) throw new CommandException(Messages.NPC_ALREADY_SELECTED);, toSelect); Messaging.sendWithNPC(sender, Setting.SELECTION_MESSAGE.asString(), toSelect); } }; if (args.argsLength() <= 1) { if (!(sender instanceof Player)) throw new ServerCommandException(); double range = Math.abs(args.getFlagDouble("r", 10)); Entity player = (Player) sender; final Location location = args.getSenderLocation(); List search = player.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range); Collections.sort(search, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Entity o1, Entity o2) { double d = o1.getLocation().distanceSquared(location) - o2.getLocation().distanceSquared(location); return d > 0 ? 1 : d < 0 ? -1 : 0; } }); for (Entity possibleNPC : search) { NPC test = npcRegistry.getNPC(possibleNPC); if (test == null) continue;; break; } } else { NPCCommandSelector.startWithCallback(callback, npcRegistry, sender, args, args.getString(1)); } } @Command(aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "skeletontype [type]", desc = "Sets the NPC's skeleton type", modifiers = { "skeletontype", "sktype" }, min = 2, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.skeletontype") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, types = EntityType.SKELETON) public void skeletonType(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { SkeletonType type = SkeletonType.valueOf(args.getString(1)); if (type == null) throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_SKELETON_TYPE); npc.getTrait(NPCSkeletonType.class).setType(type); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.SKELETON_TYPE_SET, npc.getName(), type); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "size [size]", desc = "Sets the NPC's size", modifiers = { "size" }, min = 1, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.size") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, types = { EntityType.MAGMA_CUBE, EntityType.SLIME }) public void slimeSize(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { SlimeSize trait = npc.getTrait(SlimeSize.class); if (args.argsLength() <= 1) { trait.describe(sender); return; } int size = Math.max(1, args.getInteger(1)); trait.setSize(size); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.SIZE_SET, npc.getName(), size); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "spawn (id|name)", desc = "Spawn an existing NPC", modifiers = { "spawn" }, min = 1, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.spawn") @Requirements(ownership = true) public void spawn(final CommandContext args, final CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { NPCCommandSelector.Callback callback = new NPCCommandSelector.Callback() { @Override public void run(NPC respawn) throws CommandException { if (respawn == null) { if (args.argsLength() > 1) { throw new CommandException(Messages.NO_NPC_WITH_ID_FOUND, args.getString(1)); } else { throw new CommandException(CommandMessages.MUST_HAVE_SELECTED); } } if (respawn.isSpawned()) { throw new CommandException(Messages.NPC_ALREADY_SPAWNED, respawn.getName()); } Location location = respawn.getTrait(CurrentLocation.class).getLocation(); if (location == null || args.hasValueFlag("location")) { if (args.getSenderLocation() == null) throw new CommandException(Messages.NO_STORED_SPAWN_LOCATION); location = args.getSenderLocation(); } if (respawn.spawn(location)) {, respawn); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.NPC_SPAWNED, respawn.getName()); } } }; if (args.argsLength() > 1) { NPCCommandSelector.startWithCallback(callback, npcRegistry, sender, args, args.getString(1)); } else {; } } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "speak message to speak --target npcid|player_name --type vocal_type", desc = "Uses the NPCs SpeechController to talk", modifiers = { "speak" }, min = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.speak") public void speak(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { String type = npc.getTrait(Speech.class).getDefaultVocalChord(); String message = Colorizer.parseColors(args.getJoinedStrings(1)); if (message.length() <= 0) { Messaging.send(sender, "Default Vocal Chord for " + npc.getName() + ": " + npc.getTrait(Speech.class).getDefaultVocalChord()); return; } SpeechContext context = new SpeechContext(message); if (args.hasValueFlag("target")) { if (args.getFlag("target").matches("\\d+")) { NPC target = CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getById(Integer.valueOf(args.getFlag("target"))); if (target != null) context.addRecipient(target.getEntity()); } else { Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(args.getFlag("target")); if (player != null) context.addRecipient((Entity) player); } } if (args.hasValueFlag("type")) { if (CitizensAPI.getSpeechFactory().isRegistered(args.getFlag("type"))) type = args.getFlag("type"); } npc.getDefaultSpeechController().speak(context, type); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "speed [speed]", desc = "Sets the movement speed of an NPC as a percentage", modifiers = { "speed" }, min = 2, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.speed") public void speed(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { float newSpeed = (float) Math.abs(args.getDouble(1)); if (newSpeed >= Setting.MAX_SPEED.asDouble()) throw new CommandException(Messages.SPEED_MODIFIER_ABOVE_LIMIT); npc.getNavigator().getDefaultParameters().speedModifier(newSpeed); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.SPEED_MODIFIER_SET, newSpeed); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "swim (--set [true|false])", desc = "Sets an NPC to swim or not", modifiers = { "swim" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.swim") public void swim(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { boolean swim = args.hasValueFlag("set") ? Boolean.parseBoolean(args.getFlag("set")) : ! NPC.SWIMMING_METADATA, true);, swim); Messaging.sendTr(sender, swim ? Messages.SWIMMING_SET : Messages.SWIMMING_UNSET, npc.getName()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "targetable", desc = "Toggles an NPC's targetability", modifiers = { "targetable" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.targetable") public void targetable(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { boolean targetable = !,, true)); if (args.hasFlag('t')) {, targetable); } else {, targetable); } Messaging.sendTr(sender, targetable ? Messages.TARGETABLE_SET : Messages.TARGETABLE_UNSET, npc.getName()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "tp", desc = "Teleport to a NPC", modifiers = { "tp", "teleport" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "") public void tp(CommandContext args, Player player, NPC npc) { Location to = npc.getTrait(CurrentLocation.class).getLocation(); if (to == null) { Messaging.sendError(player, Messages.TELEPORT_NPC_LOCATION_NOT_FOUND); return; } player.teleport(to, TeleportCause.COMMAND); Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.TELEPORTED_TO_NPC, npc.getName()); } @Command(aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "tphere", desc = "Teleport a NPC to your location", modifiers = { "tphere", "tph", "move" }, min = 1, max = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.tphere") public void tphere(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { if (args.getSenderLocation() == null) throw new ServerCommandException(); // Spawn the NPC if it isn't spawned to prevent NPEs if (!npc.isSpawned()) { npc.spawn(args.getSenderLocation()); if (!sender.hasPermission("citizens.npc.tphere.multiworld") && npc.getEntity().getLocation().getWorld() != args.getSenderLocation().getWorld()) { npc.despawn(DespawnReason.REMOVAL); throw new CommandException(Messages.CANNOT_TELEPORT_ACROSS_WORLDS); } } else { if (!sender.hasPermission("citizens.npc.tphere.multiworld") && npc.getEntity().getLocation().getWorld() != args.getSenderLocation().getWorld()) { npc.despawn(DespawnReason.REMOVAL); throw new CommandException(Messages.CANNOT_TELEPORT_ACROSS_WORLDS); } npc.teleport(args.getSenderLocation(), TeleportCause.COMMAND); } Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.NPC_TELEPORTED, npc.getName()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "tpto [player name|npc id] [player name|npc id]", desc = "Teleport an NPC or player to another NPC or player", modifiers = { "tpto" }, min = 3, max = 3, permission = "citizens.npc.tpto") @Requirements public void tpto(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { Entity from = null, to = null; if (npc != null) { from = npc.getEntity(); } boolean firstWasPlayer = false; try { int id = args.getInteger(1); NPC fromNPC = CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getById(id); if (fromNPC != null) { from = fromNPC.getEntity(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { from = Bukkit.getPlayerExact(args.getString(1)); firstWasPlayer = true; } try { int id = args.getInteger(2); NPC toNPC = CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getById(id); if (toNPC != null) { to = toNPC.getEntity(); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { if (!firstWasPlayer) to = Bukkit.getPlayerExact(args.getString(2)); } if (from == null) throw new CommandException(Messages.FROM_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); if (to == null) throw new CommandException(Messages.TO_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND); from.teleport(to); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.TPTO_SUCCESS); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "type [type]", desc = "Sets an NPC's entity type", modifiers = { "type" }, min = 2, max = 2, permission = "citizens.npc.type") public void type(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { EntityType type = Util.matchEntityType(args.getString(1)); if (type == null) throw new CommandException(Messages.INVALID_ENTITY_TYPE, args.getString(1)); npc.setBukkitEntityType(type); Messaging.sendTr(sender, Messages.ENTITY_TYPE_SET, npc.getName(), args.getString(1)); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "vulnerable (-t)", desc = "Toggles an NPC's vulnerability", modifiers = { "vulnerable" }, min = 1, max = 1, flags = "t", permission = "citizens.npc.vulnerable") public void vulnerable(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { boolean vulnerable = !, true); if (args.hasFlag('t')) {, vulnerable); } else {, vulnerable); } String key = vulnerable ? Messages.VULNERABLE_STOPPED : Messages.VULNERABLE_SET; Messaging.sendTr(sender, key, npc.getName()); } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "wolf (-s(itting) a(ngry) t(amed)) --collar [hex rgb color|name]", desc = "Sets wolf modifiers", modifiers = { "wolf" }, min = 1, max = 1, flags = "sat", permission = "citizens.npc.wolf") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, types = EntityType.WOLF) public void wolf(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { WolfModifiers trait = npc.getTrait(WolfModifiers.class); trait.setAngry(args.hasFlag('a')); trait.setSitting(args.hasFlag('s')); trait.setTamed(args.hasFlag('t')); if (args.hasValueFlag("collar")) { String unparsed = args.getFlag("collar"); DyeColor color = null; try { color = DyeColor.valueOf(unparsed.toUpperCase().replace(' ', '_')); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { int rgb = Integer.parseInt(unparsed.replace("#", ""), 16); color = DyeColor.getByColor(org.bukkit.Color.fromRGB(rgb)); } if (color == null) throw new CommandException(Messages.COLLAR_COLOUR_NOT_RECOGNISED); trait.setCollarColor(color); } } @Command( aliases = { "npc" }, usage = "zombiemod (-b(aby), -v(illager))", desc = "Sets a zombie NPC to be a baby or villager", modifiers = { "zombie", "zombiemod" }, flags = "bv", min = 1, max = 1, permission = "citizens.npc.zombiemodifier") @Requirements(selected = true, ownership = true, types = EntityType.ZOMBIE) public void zombieModifier(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) throws CommandException { ZombieModifier trait = npc.getTrait(ZombieModifier.class); if (args.hasFlag('b')) { boolean isBaby = trait.toggleBaby(); Messaging.sendTr(sender, isBaby ? Messages.ZOMBIE_BABY_SET : Messages.ZOMBIE_BABY_UNSET, npc.getName()); } if (args.hasFlag('v')) { boolean isVillager = trait.toggleVillager(); Messaging.sendTr(sender, isVillager ? Messages.ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_SET : Messages.ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_UNSET, npc.getName()); } } public static void main(String[] args) { long bits = UUID.randomUUID().getLeastSignificantBits(); int id = (int) (bits & 0x7FFFFFFF); System.err.println(id); } }