package net.citizensnpcs.trait; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import; import; import; import; import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC; import net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.Persist; import net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.Persistable; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.Trait; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.TraitName; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.DataKey; import net.citizensnpcs.util.NMS; import net.citizensnpcs.util.Util; @TraitName("rotationtrait") public class RotationTrait extends Trait { @Persist(reify = true) private final RotationParams globalParameters = new RotationParams(); private final RotationSession globalSession = new RotationSession(globalParameters); private final List packetSessions = Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList(); private final Map packetSessionsByUUID = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); public RotationTrait() { super("rotationtrait"); } public void clearPacketSessions() { packetSessions.clear(); packetSessionsByUUID.clear(); } /** * @return The created session */ public PacketRotationSession createPacketSession(RotationParams params) { if (params.filter == null && params.uuidFilter == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); RotationSession session = new RotationSession(params); PacketRotationSession lrs = new PacketRotationSession(session); if (params.uuidFilter != null) { for (UUID uuid : params.uuidFilter) { packetSessionsByUUID.put(uuid, lrs); } } else { packetSessions.add(lrs); } return lrs; } private Location getEyeLocation() { return npc.getEntity() instanceof LivingEntity ? ((LivingEntity) npc.getEntity()).getEyeLocation() : npc.getEntity().getLocation(); } /** * @return The global rotation parameters */ public RotationParams getGlobalParameters() { return globalParameters; } public PacketRotationSession getPacketSession(Player player) { PacketRotationSession lrs = packetSessionsByUUID.get(player.getUniqueId()); if (lrs != null && lrs.triple != null) return lrs; for (PacketRotationSession session : packetSessions) { if (session.accepts(player) && session.triple != null) return session; } return null; } public RotationSession getPhysicalSession() { return globalSession; } @Override public void run() { if (!npc.isSpawned()) return; if (, false)) { NMS.setPitch(npc.getEntity(), 0); } Set ran = Sets.newHashSet(); for (Iterator itr = Iterables.concat(packetSessions, packetSessionsByUUID.values()) .iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { PacketRotationSession session =; if (ran.contains(session)) { continue; } ran.add(session);; if (!session.isActive()) { itr.remove(); } } if (npc.getNavigator().isNavigating()) // npc.yHeadRot = rotateIfNecessary(npc.yHeadRot, npc.yBodyRot, 75); return; EntityRotation(npc.getEntity())); } private static class EntityRotation extends RotationTriple { protected Entity entity; public EntityRotation(Entity entity) { super(NMS.getYaw(entity), NMS.getHeadYaw(entity), entity.getLocation().getPitch()); this.entity = entity; } @Override public void apply() { NMS.setBodyYaw(entity, bodyYaw); NMS.setHeadYaw(entity, headYaw); NMS.setPitch(entity, pitch); } } public static class PacketRotationSession { private volatile boolean ended; private final RotationSession session; private volatile PacketRotationTriple triple; public PacketRotationSession(RotationSession session) { this.session = session; } public boolean accepts(Player player) { return session.params.accepts(player); } public void end() { ended = true; } public float getBodyYaw() { return triple.bodyYaw; } public float getHeadYaw() { return triple.headYaw; } public float getPitch() { return triple.pitch; } // TODO: inheritance rather than composition? public RotationSession getSession() { return session; } public boolean isActive() { return !ended && session.isActive(); } public void onPacketOverwritten() { if (triple == null) return; triple.record(); } public void run(Entity entity) { if (triple == null) { triple = new PacketRotationTriple(entity); }; if (!session.isActive()) { triple = null; } } } private static class PacketRotationTriple extends EntityRotation { private volatile float lastBodyYaw; private volatile float lastHeadYaw; private volatile float lastPitch; public PacketRotationTriple(Entity entity) { super(entity); } @Override public void apply() { if (Math.abs(lastBodyYaw - bodyYaw) + Math.abs(lastHeadYaw - headYaw) + Math.abs(pitch - lastPitch) > 1) { NMS.sendPositionUpdate(entity, false, bodyYaw, pitch, headYaw); } } public void record() { lastBodyYaw = bodyYaw; lastHeadYaw = headYaw; lastPitch = pitch; } } public static class RotationParams implements Persistable, Cloneable { private Function filter; private boolean headOnly = false; private boolean immediate = false; private boolean linkedBody; private float maxPitchPerTick = 10; private float maxYawPerTick = 40; private volatile boolean persist = false; private float[] pitchRange = { -180, 180 }; private List uuidFilter; private float[] yawRange = { -180, 180 }; public boolean accepts(Player player) { return filter.apply(player); } @Override public RotationParams clone() { try { return (RotationParams) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { return null; } } public RotationParams filter(Function filter) { this.filter = filter; return this; } public RotationParams headOnly(boolean headOnly) { this.headOnly = headOnly; return this; } public RotationParams immediate(boolean immediate) { this.immediate = immediate; return this; } public RotationParams linkedBody(boolean linked) { linkedBody = linked; return this; } @Override public void load(DataKey key) { if (key.keyExists("headOnly")) { headOnly = key.getBoolean("headOnly"); } if (key.keyExists("immediate")) { immediate = key.getBoolean("immediate"); } if (key.keyExists("maxPitchPerTick")) { maxPitchPerTick = (float) key.getDouble("maxPitchPerTick"); } if (key.keyExists("maxYawPerTick")) { maxYawPerTick = (float) key.getDouble("maxYawPerTick"); } if (key.keyExists("linkedBody")) { linkedBody = key.getBoolean("linkedBody"); } if (key.keyExists("yawRange")) { String[] parts = key.getString("yawRange").split(","); yawRange = new float[] { Float.parseFloat(parts[0]), Float.parseFloat(parts[1]) }; } if (key.keyExists("pitchRange")) { String[] parts = key.getString("pitchRange").split(","); pitchRange = new float[] { Float.parseFloat(parts[0]), Float.parseFloat(parts[1]) }; } } public RotationParams maxPitchPerTick(float val) { maxPitchPerTick = val; return this; } public RotationParams maxYawPerTick(float val) { maxYawPerTick = val; return this; } public RotationParams persist(boolean persist) { this.persist = persist; return this; } public RotationParams pitchRange(float[] val) { pitchRange = val; return this; } public float rotateHeadYawTowards(int t, float yaw, float targetYaw) { float out = rotateTowards(yaw, targetYaw, maxYawPerTick); return Util.clamp(out, yawRange[0], yawRange[1], 360); } public float rotatePitchTowards(int t, float pitch, float targetPitch) { float out = rotateTowards(pitch, targetPitch, maxPitchPerTick); return Util.clamp(out, pitchRange[0], pitchRange[1], 360); } private float rotateTowards(float target, float current, float maxRotPerTick) { float diff = Util.clamp(current - target); return target + clamp(diff, -maxRotPerTick, maxRotPerTick); } /* * public Vector3 SuperSmoothVector3Lerp( Vector3 pastPosition, Vector3 pastTargetPosition, Vector3 targetPosition, float time, float speed ){ Vector3 f = pastPosition - pastTargetPosition + (targetPosition - pastTargetPosition) / (speed * time); return targetPosition - (targetPosition - pastTargetPosition) / (speed*time) + f * Mathf.Exp(-speed*time); } */ @Override public void save(DataKey key) { if (headOnly) { key.setBoolean("headOnly", headOnly); } if (immediate) { key.setBoolean("immediate", immediate); } if (maxPitchPerTick != 10) { key.setDouble("maxPitchPerTick", maxPitchPerTick); } else { key.removeKey("maxPitchPerTick"); } if (maxYawPerTick != 40) { key.setDouble("maxYawPerTick", maxYawPerTick); } else { key.removeKey("maxYawPerTick"); } if (pitchRange[0] != -180 || pitchRange[1] != 180) { key.setString("pitchRange", pitchRange[0] + "," + pitchRange[1]); } else { key.removeKey("pitchRange"); } if (yawRange[0] != -180 || yawRange[1] != 180) { key.setString("yawRange", yawRange[0] + "," + yawRange[1]); } else { key.removeKey("yawRange"); } } public RotationParams uuidFilter(List uuids) { uuidFilter = uuids; return this; } public RotationParams uuidFilter(UUID... uuids) { return uuidFilter(Arrays.asList(uuids)); } public RotationParams yawRange(float[] val) { yawRange = val; return this; } } public class RotationSession { private final RotationParams params; private volatile int t = -1; private Supplier targetPitch = () -> 0F; private Supplier targetYaw = targetPitch; public RotationSession(RotationParams params) { this.params = params; } public float getTargetPitch() { return targetPitch.get(); } public float getTargetYaw() { switch (npc.getEntity().getType()) { case PHANTOM: return Util.clamp(targetYaw.get() + 45); case ENDER_DRAGON: return Util.clamp(targetYaw.get() - 180); default: return targetYaw.get(); } } public boolean isActive() { return params.persist || t >= 0; } /** * Rotates to face target entity * * @param target * The target entity to face */ public void rotateToFace(Entity target) { rotateToFace( target instanceof LivingEntity ? ((LivingEntity) target).getEyeLocation() : target.getLocation()); } /** * Rotates to face target location * * @param target * The target location to face */ public void rotateToFace(Location target) { t = 0; targetPitch = () -> { Location from = getEyeLocation(); double dx = target.getX() - from.getX(); double dy = target.getY() - from.getY(); double dz = target.getZ() - from.getZ(); double diag = Math.sqrt((float) (dx * dx + dz * dz)); return (float) -Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(dy, diag)); }; targetYaw = () -> { Location from = getEyeLocation(); return (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(target.getZ() - from.getZ(), target.getX() - from.getX())) - 90.0F; }; } /** * Rotate to have the given yaw and pitch * * @param yaw * @param pitch */ public void rotateToHave(float yaw, float pitch) { t = 0; targetYaw = () -> yaw; targetPitch = () -> pitch; } private void run(RotationTriple rot) { if (!isActive()) return; rot.headYaw = params.immediate ? getTargetYaw() : Util.clamp(params.rotateHeadYawTowards(t, rot.headYaw, getTargetYaw())); if (!params.headOnly) { float lo = Util.clamp(rot.headYaw - 20); float hi = Util.clamp(rot.headYaw + 20); if (hi < 0 && lo > 0) { float i = hi; hi = lo; lo = i; } boolean contained = false; float body = Util.clamp(rot.bodyYaw); if (hi > 0 && lo < 0) { contained = body >= hi || body <= lo; } else { contained = body >= lo && body <= hi; } if (!contained) { rot.bodyYaw = Math.abs(body - lo) > Math.abs(body - hi) ? hi : lo; } } rot.pitch = params.immediate ? getTargetPitch() : params.rotatePitchTowards(t, rot.pitch, getTargetPitch()); t++; if (params.linkedBody) { rot.bodyYaw = rot.headYaw; } if (Math.abs(rot.pitch - getTargetPitch()) + Math.abs(rot.headYaw - getTargetYaw()) < 0.1) { t = -1; if (!params.headOnly) { rot.bodyYaw = rot.headYaw; } } rot.apply(); } } private static abstract class RotationTriple implements Cloneable { public float bodyYaw, headYaw, pitch; public RotationTriple(float bodyYaw, float headYaw, float pitch) { this.bodyYaw = bodyYaw; this.headYaw = headYaw; this.pitch = pitch; } public abstract void apply(); @Override public RotationTriple clone() { try { return (RotationTriple) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } } private static float clamp(float orig, float min, float max) { return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, orig)); } }