package net.citizensnpcs.trait; import; import; import; import net.citizensnpcs.Settings.Setting; import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC; import net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.Persist; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.Trait; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.TraitName; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.DataKey; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.Placeholders; import; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; @TraitName("skintrait") public class SkinTrait extends Trait { @Persist private boolean fetchDefaultSkin = true; private String filledPlaceholder; @Persist private String signature; @Persist private String skinName; @Persist private String textureRaw; private int timer; @Persist private boolean updateSkins = Setting.NPC_SKIN_USE_LATEST.asBoolean(); public SkinTrait() { super("skintrait"); } private void checkPlaceholder(boolean update) { if (skinName == null) return; String filled = ChatColor.stripColor(Placeholders.replace(skinName, null, npc).toLowerCase()); if (!filled.equalsIgnoreCase(skinName)) { filledPlaceholder = filled; if (update) { onSkinChange(true); } } } /** * Clears skin texture and name. */ public void clearTexture() { textureRaw = null; signature = null; skinName = null; } /** * Whether to fetch the Mojang skin using the NPC's name on spawn. */ public boolean fetchDefaultSkin() { return fetchDefaultSkin; } /** * @return The texture signature, or null */ public String getSignature() { return signature; } /** * @return The skin name if set, or null (i.e. using the NPC's name) */ public String getSkinName() { return filledPlaceholder != null && skinName != null ? filledPlaceholder : skinName; } /** * @return The encoded texture data, or null */ public String getTexture() { return textureRaw; } @Override public void load(DataKey key) { checkPlaceholder(false); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void migrate() { boolean update = false; if ( { textureRaw =;; update = true; } if ( { signature =;; update = true; } if ( { this.skinName =;; update = true; } if ( { this.updateSkins =;; } if (update) { onSkinChange(false); } } private void onSkinChange(boolean forceUpdate) { if (npc.isSpawned() && npc.getEntity() instanceof SkinnableEntity) { ((SkinnableEntity) npc.getEntity()).getSkinTracker().notifySkinChange(forceUpdate); } } @Override public void run() { migrate(); if (timer-- > 0) return; timer = Setting.PLACEHOLDER_SKIN_UPDATE_FREQUENCY.asInt(); if (filledPlaceholder == null) return; checkPlaceholder(true); } /** * @see #fetchDefaultSkin */ public void setFetchDefaultSkin(boolean fetch) { this.fetchDefaultSkin = fetch; } /** * @see #shouldUpdateSkins() */ public void setShouldUpdateSkins(boolean update) { this.updateSkins = update; } /** * Sets the skin name - will respawn NPC if spawned. * * @param name * The skin name */ public void setSkinName(String name) { setSkinName(name, false); } /** * Sets the skin name - will respawn NPC if spawned. * * @param name * The skin name * @param forceUpdate * Whether to force update if no data has been fetched yet * @see, boolean) */ public void setSkinName(String name, boolean forceUpdate) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(name); setSkinNameInternal(name); onSkinChange(forceUpdate); } private void setSkinNameInternal(String name) { skinName = ChatColor.stripColor(name.toLowerCase()); checkPlaceholder(false); String filled = ChatColor.stripColor(Placeholders.replace(skinName, null, npc).toLowerCase()); if (!filled.equalsIgnoreCase(skinName)) { filledPlaceholder = filled; } else { filledPlaceholder = null; } } /** * Sets the skin data directly, respawning the NPC if spawned * * @param skinName * Skin name, for caching purposes * @param signature * {@link #getSignature()} * @param data * {@link #getTexture()} */ public void setSkinPersistent(String skinName, String signature, String data) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(skinName); Preconditions.checkNotNull(signature); Preconditions.checkNotNull(data); setSkinNameInternal(skinName); String json = new String(BaseEncoding.base64().decode(textureRaw), Charsets.UTF_8); if (!json.contains("textures")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid texture data"); } this.signature = signature; this.textureRaw = data; this.updateSkins = false;"cached-skin-uuid-name", skinName.toLowerCase()); onSkinChange(false); } public void setTexture(String value, String signature) { this.textureRaw = value; this.signature = signature; } /** * @return Whether the skin should be updated from Mojang periodically */ public boolean shouldUpdateSkins() { return updateSkins; } }