package net.citizensnpcs.trait; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.joml.Vector3d; import; import; import net.citizensnpcs.Settings.Setting; import net.citizensnpcs.api.CitizensAPI; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.Arg.CompletionsProvider; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.CommandContext; import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.MemoryNPCDataStore; import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC; import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPCRegistry; import net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.Persist; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.Trait; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.TraitName; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.DataKey; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.Placeholders; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.SpigotUtil; import net.citizensnpcs.util.NMS; import net.citizensnpcs.util.Util; /** * Manages a set of holograms attached to the NPC. Holograms are lines of text or items that follow the NPC at * some offset (typically vertically offset). */ // TODO: refactor this class @TraitName("hologramtrait") public class HologramTrait extends Trait { private Location currentLoc; private BiFunction customHologramSupplier; private double lastEntityBbHeight = 0; private boolean lastNameplateVisible; @Persist private double lineHeight = -1; private final List lines = Lists.newArrayList(); private HologramLine nameLine; private final NPCRegistry registry = CitizensAPI.createCitizensBackedNPCRegistry(new MemoryNPCDataStore()); private int t; private boolean useDisplayEntities = Setting.DISPLAY_ENTITY_HOLOGRAMS.asBoolean(); @Persist private int viewRange = -1; public HologramTrait() { super("hologramtrait"); } /** * Adds a new hologram line which will displayed over an NPC's head. * * @param text * The new line to add */ public void addLine(String text) { lines.add(new HologramLine(text, true)); reloadLineHolograms(); } /** * Adds a new hologram line which will displayed over an NPC's head. It will not persist to disk and will last for * the specified amount of ticks. * * @param text * The new line to add * @param ticks * The number of ticks to last for */ public void addTemporaryLine(String text, int ticks) { lines.add(new HologramLine(text, false, ticks)); reloadLineHolograms(); } /** * Clears all hologram lines */ public void clear() { for (HologramLine line : lines) { line.removeNPC(); } lines.clear(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private NPC createHologram(String line, double heightOffset) { NPC hologramNPC = null; if (useDisplayEntities) { hologramNPC = registry.createNPC(EntityType.INTERACTION, line); hologramNPC.addTrait(new ClickRedirectTrait(npc)); } else { hologramNPC = registry.createNPC(EntityType.ARMOR_STAND, line); hologramNPC.getOrAddTrait(ArmorStandTrait.class).setAsHelperEntityWithName(npc); }, npc.getUniqueId().toString()); if (Setting.PACKET_HOLOGRAMS.asBoolean()) { hologramNPC.addTrait(PacketNPC.class); } if (viewRange != -1) {, viewRange); } else if ( {,; } hologramNPC.spawn(currentLoc.clone().add(0, getEntityBbHeight() + heightOffset, 0)); Matcher itemMatcher = ITEM_MATCHER.matcher(line); if (itemMatcher.matches()) { Material item = SpigotUtil.isUsing1_13API() ? Material.matchMaterial(, false) : Material.matchMaterial(; ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(item, 1); NPC itemNPC = registry.createNPCUsingItem(EntityType.DROPPED_ITEM, "", itemStack);, false); if ( != null) { if ( == '{') { Bukkit.getUnsafe().modifyItemStack(itemStack,; itemNPC.setItemProvider(() -> itemStack); } else { itemNPC.getOrAddTrait(ScoreboardTrait.class) .setColor(Util.matchEnum(ChatColor.values(),; } } itemNPC.getOrAddTrait(MountTrait.class).setMountedOn(hologramNPC.getUniqueId()); itemNPC.spawn(currentLoc); NPC hn = hologramNPC; itemNPC.addRunnable(() -> { if (!itemNPC.isSpawned() || !hn.isSpawned()) { itemNPC.destroy(); } }); } lastEntityBbHeight = getEntityBbHeight(); return hologramNPC; } private double getEntityBbHeight() { return NMS.getBoundingBoxHeight(npc.getEntity()); } private double getHeight(int lineNumber) { double base = lastNameplateVisible ? 0 : -getLineHeight(); for (int i = 0; i <= lineNumber; i++) { HologramLine line = lines.get(i); base += line.mb + getLineHeight(); if (i != lineNumber) { base +=; } } return base; } /** * Note: this is implementation-specific and may be removed at a later date. */ public Collection getHologramEntities() { return -> l.hologram != null && l.hologram.getEntity() != null) .map(l -> l.hologram.getEntity()).collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * @return The line height between each hologram line, in blocks */ public double getLineHeight() { return lineHeight == -1 ? Setting.DEFAULT_NPC_HOLOGRAM_LINE_HEIGHT.asDouble() : lineHeight; } /** * @return the hologram lines, in bottom-up order */ public List getLines() { return Lists.transform(lines, l -> l.text); } /** * Note: this is implementation-specific and may be removed at a later date. */ public Entity getNameEntity() { return nameLine != null && nameLine.hologram.isSpawned() ? nameLine.hologram.getEntity() : null; } public double getViewRange() { return viewRange; } public boolean isHologramSneaking(NPC hologram, Player player) { if (nameLine != null && hologram == nameLine.hologram && npc.getEntity() instanceof Player && ((Player) npc.getEntity()).isSneaking()) return true; return false; } @Override public void load(DataKey root) { clear(); for (DataKey key : root.getRelative("lines").getIntegerSubKeys()) { HologramLine line = new HologramLine(key.keyExists("text") ? key.getString("text") : key.getString(""), true); = key.keyExists("") ? key.getDouble("") : 0.0; line.mb = key.keyExists("margin.bottom") ? key.getDouble("margin.bottom") : 0.0; lines.add(line); } } @Override public void onDespawn() { if (nameLine != null) { nameLine.removeNPC(); nameLine = null; } for (HologramLine line : lines) { line.removeNPC(); } } public void onHologramSeenByPlayer(NPC hologram, Player player) { if (useDisplayEntities && npc.isSpawned()) { double height = -1; if (nameLine != null && hologram.equals(nameLine.hologram)) { height = 0; } else { for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (hologram.equals(lines.get(i).hologram)) { height = getHeight(i); break; } } } if (height == -1) return; NMS.linkTextInteraction(player, hologram.getEntity(), npc.getEntity(), height); } } @Override public void onRemove() { onDespawn(); } @Override public void onSpawn() { if (!npc.isSpawned()) return; lastNameplateVisible = Boolean .parseBoolean( get(NPC.Metadata.NAMEPLATE_VISIBLE, true).toString()); currentLoc = npc.getStoredLocation(); if (npc.requiresNameHologram() && lastNameplateVisible) { nameLine = new HologramLine(npc.getRawName(), false); nameLine.spawnNPC(0); } for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { lines.get(i).spawnNPC(getHeight(i)); } } private void reloadLineHolograms() { for (HologramLine line : lines) { line.removeNPC(); } if (!npc.isSpawned()) return; if (npc.requiresNameHologram() && lastNameplateVisible) { if (nameLine != null) { nameLine.removeNPC(); } nameLine = new HologramLine(npc.getRawName(), false); nameLine.spawnNPC(0); } for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { lines.get(i).spawnNPC(getHeight(i)); } } /** * Removes the line at the specified index * * @param idx */ public void removeLine(int idx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= lines.size()) return; lines.remove(idx).removeNPC(); reloadLineHolograms(); } @Override public void run() { if (!npc.isSpawned()) { onDespawn(); return; } if (currentLoc == null) { currentLoc = npc.getStoredLocation().clone(); } boolean nameplateVisible = Boolean .parseBoolean( get(NPC.Metadata.NAMEPLATE_VISIBLE, true).toString()); if (npc.requiresNameHologram()) { if (nameLine != null && !nameplateVisible) { nameLine.removeNPC(); nameLine = null; } else if (nameLine == null && nameplateVisible) { nameLine = new HologramLine(npc.getRawName(), false); nameLine.spawnNPC(0); } } Location npcLoc = npc.getStoredLocation(); boolean updatePosition = Setting.HOLOGRAM_ALWAYS_UPDATE_POSITION.asBoolean() || currentLoc.getWorld() != npcLoc.getWorld() || currentLoc.distance(npcLoc) >= 0.001 || lastNameplateVisible != nameplateVisible || Math.abs(lastEntityBbHeight - getEntityBbHeight()) >= 0.05; boolean updateName = false; if (t++ >= Setting.HOLOGRAM_UPDATE_RATE.asTicks() + Util.getFastRandom().nextInt(3) /* add some jitter */) { t = 0; updateName = true; } lastNameplateVisible = nameplateVisible; if (updatePosition) { currentLoc = npcLoc.clone(); lastEntityBbHeight = getEntityBbHeight(); } if (nameLine != null && nameLine.hologram.isSpawned()) { if (updatePosition && !useDisplayEntities) { nameLine.hologram.teleport(npcLoc.clone().add(0, getEntityBbHeight(), 0), TeleportCause.PLUGIN); } if (updateName) { nameLine.setText(npc.getRawName()); } if (useDisplayEntities && nameLine.hologram.getEntity().getVehicle() == null) { npc.getEntity().addPassenger(nameLine.hologram.getEntity()); } } for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { HologramLine line = lines.get(i); NPC hologramNPC = line.hologram; if (hologramNPC == null || !hologramNPC.isSpawned()) continue; if (line.ticks > 0 && --line.ticks == 0) { lines.remove(i--).removeNPC(); ; continue; } if (updatePosition && !useDisplayEntities) { Location tp = npcLoc.clone().add(0, lastEntityBbHeight + getHeight(i), 0); hologramNPC.teleport(tp, TeleportCause.PLUGIN); } if (useDisplayEntities && hologramNPC.getEntity().getVehicle() == null) { npc.getEntity().addPassenger(hologramNPC.getEntity()); } String text = line.text; if (ITEM_MATCHER.matcher(text).matches()) {, false); continue; } if (!updateName) { continue; } line.setText(text); } } @Override public void save(DataKey root) { root.removeKey("lines"); int i = 0; for (HologramLine line : lines) { if (!line.persist) continue; root.setString("lines." + i + ".text", line.text); root.setDouble("lines." + i + "",; root.setDouble("lines." + i + ".margin.bottom", line.mb); i++; } } /** * Sets the hologram line at a specific index * * @param idx * The index * @param text * The new line */ public void setLine(int idx, String text) { if (idx == lines.size()) { addLine(text); return; } HologramLine line = lines.get(idx); line.setText(text); if (line.hologram == null) { reloadLineHolograms(); } } /** * Sets the line height * * @see #getLineHeight() * @param height * The line height in blocks */ public void setLineHeight(double height) { lineHeight = height; reloadLineHolograms(); } /** * Sets the margin of a line at a specific index * * @param idx * The index * @param type * The margin type, top or bottom * @param margin * The margin */ public void setMargin(int idx, String type, double margin) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("top")) { lines.get(idx).mt = margin; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("bottom")) { lines.get(idx).mb = margin; } reloadLineHolograms(); } /** * Implementation-specific method: {@see NPC.Metadata#HOLOGRAM_LINE_SUPPLIER} */ public void setPerPlayerTextSupplier(BiFunction nameSupplier) { customHologramSupplier = nameSupplier; } public void setUseDisplayEntities(boolean use) { useDisplayEntities = use; reloadLineHolograms(); } public void setViewRange(int range) { this.viewRange = range; reloadLineHolograms(); } public abstract class AbstractRenderer implements HologramRenderer { protected NPC npc; @Override public void destroy() { if (npc != null) { npc.destroy(); npc = null; } } @Override public void render(Entity base, Vector3d offset) { if (npc == null) return; npc.getEntity().teleport(base.getLocation().clone().add(offset.x, offset.y, offset.z), TeleportCause.PLUGIN); } protected abstract NPC spawnNPC(Entity base, String text, Vector3d offset); @Override public void updateText(Entity base, String text) { if (npc == null) return; NMS.setCustomName(base, text, text); } } public class ArmorstandRenderer extends AbstractRenderer { @Override protected NPC spawnNPC(Entity base, String name, Vector3d offset) { NPC hologramNPC = registry.createNPC(EntityType.ARMOR_STAND, name); hologramNPC.getOrAddTrait(ArmorStandTrait.class).setAsHelperEntityWithName(npc); return hologramNPC; } } private class HologramLine implements Function { NPC hologram; double mb, mt; boolean persist; HologramRenderer renderer; String text; int ticks; public HologramLine(String text, boolean persist) { this(text, persist, -1); } public HologramLine(String text, boolean persist, int ticks) { setText(text); this.persist = persist; this.ticks = ticks; if (ITEM_MATCHER.matcher(text).matches()) { mb = 0.21; mt = 0.07; } } @Override public String apply(Player viewer) { return Placeholders.replace(text, viewer, npc); } public void removeNPC() { if (hologram == null) return; hologram.destroy(); renderer = null; hologram = null; } public void setText(String text) { this.text = text == null ? "" : text; if (hologram != null) { // renderer.updateText(hologram, text); String name = Placeholders.replace(text, null, npc); hologram.setName(name); if (Placeholders.containsPlaceholders(text)) {, this); } else {, ChatColor.stripColor(name).length() > 0);; } } } private void spawn(NPC npc, String text, Vector3d offset) { // hologram = renderer.spawn(npc, text, offset); if (!hologram.hasTrait(ClickRedirectTrait.class)) { hologram.addTrait(new ClickRedirectTrait(npc)); }, npc.getUniqueId().toString()); if (Setting.PACKET_HOLOGRAMS.asBoolean()) { hologram.addTrait(PacketNPC.class); } if (viewRange != -1) {, viewRange); } else if ( {,; } hologram.spawn(npc.getEntity().getLocation().add(offset.x, offset.y, offset.z)); if (customHologramSupplier != null) {, (Function) p -> customHologramSupplier.apply(text, p)); } else if (Placeholders.containsPlaceholders(text)) {, this); } } public void spawnNPC(double height) { String name = Placeholders.replace(text, null, npc); hologram = createHologram(name, height); if (customHologramSupplier != null) {, (Function) p -> customHologramSupplier.apply(text, p)); } else if (Placeholders.containsPlaceholders(text)) {, this); } } } public static interface HologramRenderer { void destroy(); void render(Entity base, Vector3d offset); void updateText(Entity base, String text); } public class InteractionRenderer extends AbstractRenderer { public void render(Entity base, String name, Vector3d offset) { if (this.npc.getEntity().getVehicle() == null) { HologramTrait.this.npc.getEntity().addPassenger(this.npc.getEntity()); } } @Override protected NPC spawnNPC(Entity base, String name, Vector3d offset) { return registry.createNPC(EntityType.INTERACTION, name); } } public class ItemRenderer extends AbstractRenderer { @Override protected NPC spawnNPC(Entity base, String name, Vector3d offset) { Matcher itemMatcher = ITEM_MATCHER.matcher(name); Material item = SpigotUtil.isUsing1_13API() ? Material.matchMaterial(, false) : Material.matchMaterial(; ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(item, 1); NPC itemNPC = registry.createNPCUsingItem(EntityType.DROPPED_ITEM, "", itemStack);, false); if ( != null) { if ( == '{') { Bukkit.getUnsafe().modifyItemStack(itemStack,; itemNPC.setItemProvider(() -> itemStack); } else { itemNPC.getOrAddTrait(ScoreboardTrait.class) .setColor(Util.matchEnum(ChatColor.values(),; } } return itemNPC; } } public static class TabCompletions implements CompletionsProvider { @Override public Collection getCompletions(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender, NPC npc) { if (args.length() > 1 && npc != null && LINE_ARGS.contains(args.getString(1).toLowerCase())) { HologramTrait ht = npc.getOrAddTrait(HologramTrait.class); return IntStream.range(0, ht.getLines().size()).mapToObj(Integer::toString) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } return Collections.emptyList(); } private static List LINE_ARGS = ImmutableList.of("set", "remove", "margintop", "marginbottom"); } public class TextDisplayRenderer extends AbstractRenderer { public void render(Entity base, String name, Vector3d offset) { if (this.npc.getEntity().getVehicle() == null) { HologramTrait.this.npc.getEntity().addPassenger(this.npc.getEntity()); } } @Override protected NPC spawnNPC(Entity base, String name, Vector3d offset) { return registry.createNPC(EntityType.TEXT_DISPLAY, name); } } private static Pattern ITEM_MATCHER = Pattern.compile(""); }