package net.citizensnpcs.trait.waypoint; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.conversations.Conversation; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.block.Action; import org.bukkit.event.player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import; import; import; import net.citizensnpcs.Settings.Setting; import net.citizensnpcs.api.CitizensAPI; import; import; import; import net.citizensnpcs.api.astar.pathfinder.MinecraftBlockExaminer; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.CommandContext; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.CommandMessages; import net.citizensnpcs.api.command.exception.CommandException; import net.citizensnpcs.api.event.NPCDespawnEvent; import net.citizensnpcs.api.event.NPCRemoveEvent; import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC; import net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.Persist; import net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.PersistenceLoader; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.DataKey; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.Messaging; import net.citizensnpcs.editor.Editor; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.waypoint.WaypointProvider.EnumerableWaypointProvider; import net.citizensnpcs.trait.waypoint.triggers.TriggerEditPrompt; import net.citizensnpcs.util.Messages; import net.citizensnpcs.util.Util; /** * An ordered list of {@link Waypoint}s to walk between. */ public class LinearWaypointProvider implements EnumerableWaypointProvider { private final Map> cachedPaths = Maps.newHashMap(); @Persist private boolean cachePaths = Setting.DEFAULT_CACHE_WAYPOINT_PATHS.asBoolean(); private LinearWaypointGoal currentGoal; @Persist private boolean cycle = false; private NPC npc; private final List waypoints = Lists.newArrayList(); public LinearWaypointProvider() { } public LinearWaypointProvider(NPC npc) { this.npc = npc; } public void addWaypoint(Waypoint waypoint) { waypoints.add(waypoint); if (currentGoal != null) { currentGoal.onProviderChanged(); } } public boolean cachePaths() { return cachePaths; } @Override public WaypointEditor createEditor(CommandSender sender, CommandContext args) { if (args.hasFlag('h')) { try { if (args.getSenderLocation() != null) { waypoints.add(new Waypoint(args.getSenderLocation())); } } catch (CommandException e) { Messaging.sendError(sender, e.getMessage()); } return null; } else if (args.hasValueFlag("at")) { try { Location location = CommandContext.parseLocation(args.getSenderLocation(), args.getFlag("at")); if (location != null) { waypoints.add(new Waypoint(location)); } } catch (CommandException e) { Messaging.sendError(sender, e.getMessage()); } return null; } else if (args.hasFlag('c')) { waypoints.clear(); cachedPaths.clear(); return null; } else if (args.hasFlag('l')) { if (waypoints.size() > 0) { waypoints.remove(waypoints.size() - 1); } return null; } else if (args.hasFlag('p')) { setPaused(!isPaused()); return null; } else if (args.hasFlag('k')) { cachePaths = !cachePaths; return null; } else if (!(sender instanceof Player)) { Messaging.sendErrorTr(sender, CommandMessages.MUST_BE_INGAME); return null; } return new LinearWaypointEditor((Player) sender); } public boolean cycleWaypoints() { return cycle; } public Waypoint getCurrentWaypoint() { if (currentGoal != null && currentGoal.currentDestination != null) { return currentGoal.currentDestination; } return null; } @Override public boolean isPaused() { return currentGoal == null ? false : currentGoal.isPaused(); } @Override public void load(DataKey key) { for (DataKey root : key.getRelative("points").getIntegerSubKeys()) { Waypoint waypoint = PersistenceLoader.load(Waypoint.class, root); if (waypoint == null) continue; waypoints.add(waypoint); } } @Override public void onRemove() { if (currentGoal == null) return; currentGoal.onProviderChanged(); npc.getDefaultGoalController().removeGoal(currentGoal); currentGoal = null; } @Override public void onSpawn(NPC npc) { this.npc = npc; if (currentGoal == null) { currentGoal = new LinearWaypointGoal(); npc.getDefaultGoalController().addGoal(currentGoal, 1); } } @Override public void save(DataKey key) { key.removeKey("points"); DataKey root = key.getRelative("points"); for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.size(); ++i) {, root.getRelative(i)); } } public void setCachePaths(boolean cachePaths) { this.cachePaths = cachePaths; if (currentGoal != null) { currentGoal.onProviderChanged(); } } public void setCycle(boolean cycle) { this.cycle = cycle; if (currentGoal != null) { currentGoal.onProviderChanged(); } } @Override public void setPaused(boolean paused) { if (currentGoal != null) { currentGoal.setPaused(paused); } } /** * Returns the modifiable list of waypoints. */ @Override public Iterable waypoints() { return new AbstractList() { @Override public void add(int index, Waypoint waypoint) { waypoints.add(index, waypoint); mod(); } @Override public boolean add(Waypoint waypoint) { boolean val = waypoints.add(waypoint); mod(); return val; } @Override public void clear() { waypoints.clear(); mod(); } @Override public Waypoint get(int index) { return waypoints.get(index); } private void mod() { if (currentGoal != null) { currentGoal.onProviderChanged(); } } @Override public Waypoint remove(int index) { Waypoint val = waypoints.remove(index); mod(); return val; } @Override public boolean remove(Object waypoint) { boolean val = waypoints.remove(waypoint); mod(); return val; } @Override public Waypoint set(int index, Waypoint elem) { Waypoint val = waypoints.set(index, elem); mod(); return val; } @Override public int size() { return waypoints.size(); } }; } private class LinearWaypointEditor extends WaypointEditor { Conversation conversation; boolean editing = true; EntityMarkers markers; private final Player player; private Waypoint selectedWaypoint; private boolean showingMarkers = true; private LinearWaypointEditor(Player player) { this.player = player; this.markers = new EntityMarkers(); } @Override public void begin() { Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_BEGIN); if (showingMarkers) { createWaypointMarkers(); } } private void clearWaypoints() { waypoints.clear(); onWaypointsModified(); markers.destroyMarkers(); Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_WAYPOINTS_CLEARED); } private void createWaypointMarkers() { for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.size(); i++) { markers.createMarker(waypoints.get(i), waypoints.get(i).getLocation()); } } @Override public void end() { if (!editing) return; editing = false; if (conversation != null) { conversation.abandon(); } Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_END); markers.destroyMarkers(); } private String formatLoc(Location location) { return String.format("[[%d]], [[%d]], [[%d]]", location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ()); } @Override public Waypoint getCurrentWaypoint() { if (waypoints.size() == 0 || !editing) { return null; } return selectedWaypoint == null ? waypoints.get(waypoints.size() - 1) : selectedWaypoint; } private Location getLastWaypoint() { if (waypoints.size() <= 1) return null; return waypoints.get(waypoints.size() - 1).getLocation(); } @EventHandler public void onNPCDespawn(NPCDespawnEvent event) { if (event.getNPC().equals(npc)) { Editor.leave(player); } } @EventHandler public void onNPCRemove(NPCRemoveEvent event) { if (event.getNPC().equals(npc)) { Editor.leave(player); } } @EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true) public void onPlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) { if (!event.getPlayer().equals(player)) return; String message = event.getMessage(); if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("triggers")) { event.setCancelled(true); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(CitizensAPI.getPlugin(), () -> { conversation = TriggerEditPrompt.start(player, LinearWaypointEditor.this); conversation.addConversationAbandonedListener(e -> { setPaused(false); conversation = null; }); setPaused(true); }); } else if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("clear")) { event.setCancelled(true); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(CitizensAPI.getPlugin(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { clearWaypoints(); } }); } else if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("toggle path") || message.equalsIgnoreCase("markers")) { event.setCancelled(true); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(CitizensAPI.getPlugin(), () -> togglePath()); } else if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("cycle")) { event.setCancelled(true); Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(CitizensAPI.getPlugin(), () -> { cycle = !cycle; Messaging.sendTr(event.getPlayer(), cycle ? Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_CYCLE_SET : Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_CYCLE_UNSET); }); } } @EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true) public void onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { if (!event.getPlayer().equals(player) || event.getAction() == Action.PHYSICAL || !npc.isSpawned() || event.getPlayer().getWorld() != npc.getEntity().getWorld() || Util.isOffHand(event)) return; if (event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK || event.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_AIR) { if (event.getClickedBlock() == null) return; event.setCancelled(true); Location at = event.getClickedBlock().getLocation().add(0, 1, 0); Location prev = getLastWaypoint(); if (prev != null && prev.getWorld() == at.getWorld()) { double distance = at.distance(prev); double maxDistance = npc.getNavigator().getDefaultParameters().range(); if (distance > maxDistance) { Messaging.sendErrorTr(player, Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_RANGE_EXCEEDED, distance, maxDistance, ChatColor.RED); return; } } Waypoint element = new Waypoint(at); int idx = waypoints.size(); if (waypoints.indexOf(selectedWaypoint) != -1) { idx = waypoints.indexOf(selectedWaypoint); waypoints.add(idx, element); } else { waypoints.add(element); } if (showingMarkers) { markers.createMarker(element, element.getLocation().clone()); } Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_ADDED_WAYPOINT, formatLoc(at), waypoints.size()); } else if (waypoints.size() > 0 && !event.getPlayer().isSneaking()) { event.setCancelled(true); Waypoint waypoint = removeWaypoint(waypoints.size() - 1); if (waypoint.equals(selectedWaypoint)) { selectedWaypoint = null; } Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_REMOVED_WAYPOINT, waypoints.size()); } onWaypointsModified(); } @EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true) public void onPlayerInteractEntity(PlayerInteractEntityEvent event) { if (!player.equals(event.getPlayer()) || !showingMarkers || Util.isOffHand(event)) return; int slot = -1; double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < waypoints.size(); i++) { Waypoint waypoint = waypoints.get(i); double distance = waypoint.getLocation() .distanceSquared(event.getRightClicked().getLocation().add(0, -1, 0)); if (minDistance > distance) { minDistance = distance; slot = i; } } if (slot == -1) return; if (selectedWaypoint != null && waypoints.get(slot) == selectedWaypoint) { removeWaypoint(slot); Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_REMOVED_WAYPOINT, waypoints.size()); return; } selectedWaypoint = waypoints.get(slot); Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_SELECTED_WAYPOINT, formatLoc(selectedWaypoint.getLocation())); } private void onWaypointsModified() { if (currentGoal != null) { currentGoal.onProviderChanged(); } if (conversation != null && getCurrentWaypoint() != null) { getCurrentWaypoint().describeTriggers(player); } } private Waypoint removeWaypoint(int idx) { Waypoint waypoint = waypoints.remove(idx); if (showingMarkers) { markers.removeMarker(waypoint); } if (waypoint == selectedWaypoint) { selectedWaypoint = null; } return waypoint; } private void togglePath() { showingMarkers = !showingMarkers; if (showingMarkers) { createWaypointMarkers(); Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_SHOWING_MARKERS); } else { markers.destroyMarkers(); Messaging.sendTr(player, Messages.LINEAR_WAYPOINT_EDITOR_NOT_SHOWING_MARKERS); } } } private class LinearWaypointGoal implements Goal { private boolean ascending = true; private final Location cachedLocation = new Location(null, 0, 0, 0); private Waypoint currentDestination; private Iterator itr; private boolean paused; private GoalSelector selector; private void ensureItr() { if (itr == null) { itr = getUnsafeIterator(); } else if (!itr.hasNext()) { itr = getNewIterator(); } } private Navigator getNavigator() { return npc.getNavigator(); } private Iterator getNewIterator() { LinearWaypointsCompleteEvent event = new LinearWaypointsCompleteEvent(LinearWaypointProvider.this, getUnsafeIterator()); Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(event); Iterator next = event.getNextWaypoints(); return next; } private Iterator getUnsafeIterator() { if (cycle && ascending) { ascending = false; return new Iterator() { int idx = waypoints.size() - 1; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return idx >= 0 && idx < waypoints.size(); } @Override public Waypoint next() { return waypoints.get(idx--); } @Override public void remove() { waypoints.remove(Math.max(0, idx - 1)); } }; } else { ascending = true; return new Iterator() { int idx = 0; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return idx < waypoints.size(); } @Override public Waypoint next() { return waypoints.get(idx++); } @Override public void remove() { waypoints.remove(Math.max(0, idx - 1)); } }; } } public boolean isPaused() { return paused; } public void onProviderChanged() { itr = getUnsafeIterator(); if (currentDestination != null) { if (selector != null) { selector.finish(); } if (npc != null && npc.getNavigator().isNavigating()) { npc.getNavigator().cancelNavigation(); } } } @Override public void reset() { currentDestination = null; selector = null; } @Override public void run(GoalSelector selector) { if (!getNavigator().isNavigating()) { selector.finish(); } } public void setPaused(boolean pause) { paused = pause; if (pause && currentDestination != null) { selector.finish(); if (npc != null && npc.getNavigator().isNavigating()) { npc.getNavigator().cancelNavigation(); } } } @Override public boolean shouldExecute(final GoalSelector selector) { if (paused || currentDestination != null || !npc.isSpawned() || getNavigator().isNavigating()) return false; ensureItr(); boolean shouldExecute = itr.hasNext(); if (!shouldExecute) return false; this.selector = selector; Waypoint next =; final Location npcLoc = npc.getEntity().getLocation(cachedLocation); if (npcLoc.getWorld() != next.getLocation().getWorld() || npcLoc.distance(next.getLocation()) <= npc.getNavigator().getLocalParameters().distanceMargin()) return false; currentDestination = next; if (cachePaths) { SourceDestinationPair key = new SourceDestinationPair(npcLoc, currentDestination); Iterable cached = cachedPaths.get(key); if (cached != null) { if (Iterables.size(cached) == 0 || !key.verify(npcLoc.getWorld(), cached)) { cachedPaths.remove(key); } else { getNavigator().setTarget(cached); } } } if (!getNavigator().isNavigating()) { getNavigator().setTarget(currentDestination.getLocation()); } double margin = getNavigator().getLocalParameters().distanceMargin(); getNavigator().getLocalParameters().addSingleUseCallback(cancelReason -> { if (npc.isSpawned() && currentDestination != null && Util.locationWithinRange(npc.getStoredLocation(), currentDestination.getLocation(), margin + 1)) { currentDestination.onReach(npc); if (cachePaths && cancelReason == null) { Iterable path = getNavigator().getPathStrategy().getPath(); if (Iterables.size(path) > 0) { cachedPaths.put(new SourceDestinationPair(npcLoc, currentDestination), path); } } } selector.finish(); }); return true; } } private static class SourceDestinationPair { private final Vector from; private final Vector to; public SourceDestinationPair(Location npcLoc, Waypoint to) { this(new Vector(npcLoc.getBlockX(), npcLoc.getBlockY(), npcLoc.getBlockZ()), to.getLocation().toVector()); } public SourceDestinationPair(Vector from, Vector to) { this.from = from; = to; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; SourceDestinationPair other = (SourceDestinationPair) obj; if (from == null) { if (other.from != null) { return false; } } else if (!from.equals(other.from)) { return false; } if (to == null) { if ( != null) { return false; } } else if (!to.equals( { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = prime + ((from == null) ? 0 : from.hashCode()); return prime * result + ((to == null) ? 0 : to.hashCode()); } public boolean verify(World world, Iterable cached) { for (Vector vector : cached) { if (!MinecraftBlockExaminer .canStandOn(world.getBlockAt(vector.getBlockX(), vector.getBlockY() - 1, vector.getBlockZ()))) { return false; } } return true; } } }