package net.citizensnpcs.trait; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Function; import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.StrSubstitutor; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.HumanEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachment; import; import; import; import; import; import net.citizensnpcs.Settings.Setting; import net.citizensnpcs.api.CitizensAPI; import net.citizensnpcs.api.event.NPCCommandDispatchEvent; import net.citizensnpcs.api.gui.InventoryMenuPage; import net.citizensnpcs.api.gui.InventoryMenuSlot; import net.citizensnpcs.api.gui.Menu; import net.citizensnpcs.api.gui.MenuContext; import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC; import net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.DelegatePersistence; import net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.Persist; import net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.Persister; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.Trait; import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.TraitName; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.DataKey; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.ItemStorage; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.Messaging; import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.Translator; import; import; import; import; import; import net.citizensnpcs.util.Messages; import net.citizensnpcs.util.StringHelper; import net.citizensnpcs.util.Util; @TraitName("commandtrait") public class CommandTrait extends Trait { @Persist(keyType = Integer.class) @DelegatePersistence(NPCCommandPersister.class) private final Map commands = Maps.newHashMap(); @Persist private double cost = -1; @Persist private final Map customErrorMessages = Maps.newEnumMap(CommandTraitError.class); private final Map> executionErrors = Maps.newHashMap(); @Persist private ExecutionMode executionMode = ExecutionMode.LINEAR; @Persist private int experienceCost = -1; @Persist(valueType = Long.class) private final Map globalCooldowns = Maps.newHashMap(); @Persist private boolean hideErrorMessages; @Persist private final List itemRequirements = Lists.newArrayList(); @Persist private boolean persistSequence = false; @Persist(keyType = UUID.class, reify = true, value = "cooldowns") private final Map playerTracking = Maps.newHashMap(); @Persist private final List temporaryPermissions = Lists.newArrayList(); public CommandTrait() { super("commandtrait"); } public int addCommand(NPCCommandBuilder builder) { int id = getNewId(); commands.put(id,; return id; } private Transaction chargeCommandCosts(Player player, Hand hand, NPCCommand command) { NPCShopAction action = null; if (player.hasPermission("citizens.npc.command.ignoreerrors.*")) return Transaction.success(); if (cost > 0 && !player.hasPermission("citizens.npc.command.ignoreerrors.cost")) { action = new MoneyAction(cost); if (!action.take(player, 1).isPossible()) { sendErrorMessage(player, CommandTraitError.MISSING_MONEY, null, cost); } } if (experienceCost > 0 && !player.hasPermission("citizens.npc.command.ignoreerrors.expcost")) { action = new ExperienceAction(experienceCost); if (!action.take(player, 1).isPossible()) { sendErrorMessage(player, CommandTraitError.MISSING_EXPERIENCE, null, experienceCost); } } if (itemRequirements.size() > 0 && !player.hasPermission("citizens.npc.command.ignoreerrors.itemcost")) { action = new ItemAction(itemRequirements); if (!action.take(player, 1).isPossible()) { ItemStack stack = itemRequirements.get(0); sendErrorMessage(player, CommandTraitError.MISSING_ITEM, null, Util.prettyEnum(stack.getType()), stack.getAmount()); } } if (command.cost != -1 && !player.hasPermission("citizens.npc.command.ignoreerrors.cost")) { action = new MoneyAction(command.cost); if (!action.take(player, 1).isPossible()) { sendErrorMessage(player, CommandTraitError.MISSING_MONEY, null, command.cost); } } if (command.experienceCost != -1 && !player.hasPermission("citizens.npc.command.ignoreerrors.expcost")) { action = new ExperienceAction(command.experienceCost); if (!action.take(player, 1).isPossible()) { sendErrorMessage(player, CommandTraitError.MISSING_EXPERIENCE, null, command.experienceCost); } } if (command.itemCost != null && command.itemCost.size() > 0 && !player.hasPermission("citizens.npc.command.ignoreerrors.itemcost")) { action = new ItemAction(command.itemCost); if (!action.take(player, 1).isPossible()) { ItemStack stack = command.itemCost.get(0); sendErrorMessage(player, CommandTraitError.MISSING_ITEM, null, Util.prettyEnum(stack.getType()), stack.getAmount()); } } return action == null ? Transaction.success() : action.take(player, 1); } public void clear() { commands.clear(); } public void clearHistory(CommandTraitError which, String raw) { if (which == CommandTraitError.ON_GLOBAL_COOLDOWN && raw != null) { globalCooldowns.remove(BaseEncoding.base64().encode(raw.getBytes())); return; } Player who = null; if (raw != null) { who = Bukkit.getPlayerExact(raw); if (who == null) { who = Bukkit.getPlayer(UUID.fromString(raw)); } } Collection toClear = Lists.newArrayList(); if (who != null) { toClear.add(playerTracking.get(who.getUniqueId())); } else { toClear.addAll(playerTracking.values()); } switch (which) { case MAXIMUM_TIMES_USED: for (PlayerNPCCommand tracked : toClear) { tracked.nUsed.clear(); } break; case ON_COOLDOWN: for (PlayerNPCCommand tracked : toClear) { tracked.lastUsed.clear(); } break; case ON_GLOBAL_COOLDOWN: globalCooldowns.clear(); break; default: return; } } /** * Send a brief description of the current state of the trait to the supplied {@link CommandSender}. */ public void describe(CommandSender sender) { List left = Lists.newArrayList(); List right = Lists.newArrayList(); for (NPCCommand command : commands.values()) { if (command.hand == Hand.LEFT || command.hand == Hand.SHIFT_LEFT || command.hand == Hand.BOTH) { left.add(command); } if (command.hand == Hand.RIGHT || command.hand == Hand.SHIFT_RIGHT || command.hand == Hand.BOTH) { right.add(command); } } List outputList = Lists.newArrayList(); if (cost > 0) { outputList.add("Cost: " + StringHelper.wrap(cost)); } if (experienceCost > 0) { outputList.add("XP cost: " + StringHelper.wrap(experienceCost)); } if (left.size() > 0) { outputList.add(; for (NPCCommand command : left) { outputList.add(describe(command)); } } if (right.size() > 0) { outputList.add(; for (NPCCommand command : right) { outputList.add(describe(command)); } } if (outputList.isEmpty()) { outputList.add(; } else { outputList.add(0, executionMode.toString()); } StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); for (String item : outputList) { output.append(item); output.append(" "); } Messaging.send(sender, output.toString().trim()); } private String describe(NPCCommand command) { String output =, command.command, StringHelper.wrap(command.cooldown != 0 ? command.cooldown : Setting.NPC_COMMAND_GLOBAL_COMMAND_COOLDOWN.asSeconds()), StringHelper.wrap(hasCost( ? command.cost : "default"), StringHelper.wrap(hasExperienceCost( ? command.experienceCost : "default"),; if (command.globalCooldown > 0) { output += "[global " + StringHelper.wrap(command.globalCooldown) + "s]"; } if (command.delay > 0) { output += "[delay " + StringHelper.wrap(command.delay) + "t]"; } if (command.n > 0) { output += "[" + StringHelper.wrap(command.n) + " uses]"; } if (command.op) { output += " -o"; } if (command.player) { output += " -p"; } return output; } public void dispatch(Player player, Hand handIn) { Hand hand = player.isSneaking() ? handIn == CommandTrait.Hand.LEFT ? CommandTrait.Hand.SHIFT_LEFT : CommandTrait.Hand.SHIFT_RIGHT : handIn; NPCCommandDispatchEvent event = new NPCCommandDispatchEvent(npc, player); Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); if (event.isCancelled()) return; Runnable task = new Runnable() { Boolean charged = null; @Override public void run() { List commandList = Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.filter(commands.values(), command -> (command.hand == hand || command.hand == Hand.BOTH))); if (executionMode == ExecutionMode.RANDOM) { if (commandList.size() > 0) { runCommand(player, commandList.get(Util.getFastRandom().nextInt(commandList.size()))); } return; } int max = -1; if (executionMode == ExecutionMode.SEQUENTIAL) { Collections.sort(commandList, Comparator.comparing(o1 ->; max = commandList.size() > 0 ? commandList.get(commandList.size() - 1).id : -1; } if (executionMode == ExecutionMode.LINEAR) { executionErrors.put(player.getUniqueId().toString(), EnumSet.noneOf(CommandTraitError.class)); } for (NPCCommand command : commandList) { PlayerNPCCommand info = null; if (executionMode == ExecutionMode.SEQUENTIAL && (info = playerTracking.get(player.getUniqueId())) != null) { if (info.lastUsedHand != hand) { info.lastUsedHand = hand; info.lastUsedId = -1; } if ( <= info.lastUsedId) { if (info.lastUsedId != max) continue; info.lastUsedId = -1; } } runCommand(player, command); if (executionMode == ExecutionMode.SEQUENTIAL && (info = playerTracking.get(player.getUniqueId())) != null) { info.lastUsedHand = hand; } if (executionMode == ExecutionMode.SEQUENTIAL || (charged != null && !charged)) break; } } private void runCommand(Player player, NPCCommand command) { Runnable runnable = () -> { PlayerNPCCommand info = playerTracking.get(player.getUniqueId()); if (info == null && (executionMode == ExecutionMode.SEQUENTIAL || PlayerNPCCommand.requiresTracking(command))) { playerTracking.put(player.getUniqueId(), info = new PlayerNPCCommand()); } Transaction charge = null; if (charged == null) { charge = chargeCommandCosts(player, hand, command); if (!charge.isPossible()) { charged = false; return; } } if (info != null && !info.canUse(CommandTrait.this, player, command)) return; if (charged == null) {; } if (temporaryPermissions.size() > 0) { PermissionAttachment attachment = player.addAttachment(CitizensAPI.getPlugin()); if (attachment != null) { for (String permission : temporaryPermissions) { attachment.setPermission(permission, true); }, player); attachment.remove(); return; } }, player); }; if (command.delay <= 0) {; } else { Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(CitizensAPI.getPlugin(), runnable, command.delay); } } }; if (Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) {; } else { Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(CitizensAPI.getPlugin(), task); } } public String fillPlaceholder(CommandSender sender, String input) { return null; } public double getCost() { return cost; } public double getCost(int id) { return commands.get(id).cost; } public ExecutionMode getExecutionMode() { return executionMode; } public float getExperienceCost() { return experienceCost; } public int getExperienceCost(int id) { return commands.get(id).experienceCost; } public List getItemCost(int id) { return commands.get(id).itemCost; } private int getNewId() { int i = 0; while (commands.containsKey(i)) { i++; } return i; } public boolean hasCommandId(int id) { return commands.containsKey(id); } public boolean hasCost(int id) { return commands.get(id).cost != -1; } public boolean hasExperienceCost(int id) { return commands.get(id).experienceCost != -1; } public boolean hasItemCost(int id) { return !commands.get(id).itemCost.isEmpty(); } public boolean isHideErrorMessages() { return hideErrorMessages; } public boolean persistSequence() { return persistSequence; } public void removeCommandById(int id) { commands.remove(id); } @Override public void save(DataKey key) { Collection commands = this.commands.values(); for (Iterator itr = playerTracking.values().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { PlayerNPCCommand playerCommand =; playerCommand.prune(globalCooldowns, commands); if (playerCommand.lastUsed.isEmpty() && playerCommand.nUsed.isEmpty() && (!persistSequence || playerCommand.lastUsedId == -1)) { itr.remove(); } } } private void sendErrorMessage(Player player, CommandTraitError msg, Function transform, Object... objects) { if (hideErrorMessages) return; Set sent = executionErrors.get(player.getUniqueId().toString()); if (sent != null) { if (sent.contains(msg)) return; sent.add(msg); } String messageRaw = customErrorMessages.getOrDefault(msg, msg.setting.asString()); if (transform != null) { messageRaw = transform.apply(messageRaw); } if (messageRaw != null && messageRaw.trim().length() > 0) { Messaging.send(player, Translator.format(messageRaw, objects)); } } public void setCost(double cost) { this.cost = cost; } public void setCost(double cost, int id) { commands.get(id).cost = cost; } public void setCustomErrorMessage(CommandTraitError which, String message) { customErrorMessages.put(which, message); } public void setExecutionMode(ExecutionMode mode) { executionMode = mode; } public void setExperienceCost(int experienceCost) { this.experienceCost = experienceCost; } public void setExperienceCost(int experienceCost, int id) { commands.get(id).experienceCost = experienceCost; } public void setHideErrorMessages(boolean hide) { hideErrorMessages = hide; } public void setItemCost(List itemCost, int id) { commands.get(id).itemCost.clear(); commands.get(id).itemCost.addAll(itemCost); } public void setPersistSequence(boolean persistSequence) { this.persistSequence = persistSequence; } public void setTemporaryPermissions(List permissions) { temporaryPermissions.clear(); temporaryPermissions.addAll(permissions); } public enum CommandTraitError { MAXIMUM_TIMES_USED(Setting.NPC_COMMAND_MAXIMUM_TIMES_USED_MESSAGE), MISSING_EXPERIENCE(Setting.NPC_COMMAND_NOT_ENOUGH_EXPERIENCE_MESSAGE), MISSING_ITEM(Setting.NPC_COMMAND_MISSING_ITEM_MESSAGE), MISSING_MONEY(Setting.NPC_COMMAND_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY_MESSAGE), NO_PERMISSION(Setting.NPC_COMMAND_NO_PERMISSION_MESSAGE), ON_COOLDOWN(Setting.NPC_COMMAND_ON_COOLDOWN_MESSAGE), ON_GLOBAL_COOLDOWN(Setting.NPC_COMMAND_ON_GLOBAL_COOLDOWN_MESSAGE); private final Setting setting; CommandTraitError(Setting setting) { this.setting = setting; } } public enum ExecutionMode { LINEAR, RANDOM, SEQUENTIAL; @Override public String toString() { return name().charAt(0) + name().substring(1).toLowerCase(); } } public static enum Hand { BOTH, LEFT, RIGHT, SHIFT_LEFT, SHIFT_RIGHT; } @Menu(title = "Drag items for requirements", type = InventoryType.CHEST, dimensions = { 5, 9 }) public static class ItemRequirementGUI extends InventoryMenuPage { private int id = -1; private Inventory inventory; private CommandTrait trait; private ItemRequirementGUI() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public ItemRequirementGUI(CommandTrait trait) { this.trait = trait; } public ItemRequirementGUI(CommandTrait trait, int id) { this.trait = trait; = id; } @Override public void initialise(MenuContext ctx) { inventory = ctx.getInventory(); if (id == -1) { for (ItemStack stack : trait.itemRequirements) { inventory.addItem(stack.clone()); } } else { for (ItemStack stack : trait.commands.get(id).itemCost) { inventory.addItem(stack.clone()); } } } @Override public void onClick(InventoryMenuSlot slot, InventoryClickEvent event) { event.setCancelled(false); } @Override public void onClose(HumanEntity player) { List requirements = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ItemStack stack : inventory.getContents()) { if (stack != null && stack.getType() != Material.AIR) { requirements.add(stack); } } if (id == -1) { trait.itemRequirements.clear(); trait.itemRequirements.addAll(requirements); } else { trait.setItemCost(requirements, id); } } } private static class NPCCommand { String command; int cooldown; double cost; int delay; int experienceCost; int globalCooldown; Hand hand; int id; List itemCost; String key; int n; boolean op; List perms; boolean player; public NPCCommand(int id, String command, Hand hand, boolean player, boolean op, int cooldown, List perms, int n, int delay, int globalCooldown, double cost, int experienceCost, List itemCost) { = id; this.command = command; this.hand = hand; this.player = player; this.op = op; this.cooldown = cooldown; this.perms = perms; this.n = n; this.delay = delay; this.globalCooldown = globalCooldown; this.cost = cost; this.experienceCost = experienceCost; this.itemCost = itemCost; } public String getEncodedKey() { if (key != null) return key; return key = BaseEncoding.base64().encode(command.getBytes()); } public void run(NPC npc, Player clicker) { Util.runCommand(npc, clicker, command, op, player); } } public static class NPCCommandBuilder { String command; int cooldown; double cost = -1; int delay; int experienceCost = -1; int globalCooldown; Hand hand; List itemCost = Lists.newArrayList(); int n = -1; boolean op; List perms = Lists.newArrayList(); boolean player; public NPCCommandBuilder(String command, Hand hand) { this.command = command; this.hand = hand; } public NPCCommandBuilder addPerm(String permission) { perms.add(permission); return this; } public NPCCommandBuilder addPerms(List perms) { this.perms.addAll(perms); return this; } private NPCCommand build(int id) { return new NPCCommand(id, command, hand, player, op, cooldown, perms, n, delay, globalCooldown, cost, experienceCost, itemCost); } public NPCCommandBuilder command(String command) { this.command = command; return this; } public NPCCommandBuilder cooldown(Duration cd) { return cooldown(Util.convert(TimeUnit.SECONDS, cd)); } public NPCCommandBuilder cooldown(int cooldown) { this.cooldown = cooldown; return this; } public NPCCommandBuilder cost(double cost) { this.cost = cost; return this; } public NPCCommandBuilder delay(Duration delay) { this.delay = Util.toTicks(delay); return this; } public NPCCommandBuilder experienceCost(int experienceCost) { this.experienceCost = experienceCost; return this; } public NPCCommandBuilder globalCooldown(Duration cd) { return globalCooldown(Util.convert(TimeUnit.SECONDS, cd)); } public NPCCommandBuilder globalCooldown(int cooldown) { globalCooldown = cooldown; return this; } public NPCCommandBuilder itemCost(List itemCost) { this.itemCost = itemCost; return this; } public NPCCommandBuilder n(int n) { this.n = n; return this; } public NPCCommandBuilder op(boolean op) { this.op = op; return this; } public NPCCommandBuilder player(boolean player) { this.player = player; return this; } } private static class NPCCommandPersister implements Persister { public NPCCommandPersister() { } @Override public NPCCommand create(DataKey root) { List perms = Lists.newArrayList(); for (DataKey key : root.getRelative("permissions").getIntegerSubKeys()) { perms.add(key.getString("")); } List items = Lists.newArrayList(); for (DataKey key : root.getRelative("itemCost").getIntegerSubKeys()) { items.add(ItemStorage.loadItemStack(key)); } double cost = root.keyExists("cost") ? root.getDouble("cost") : -1; int exp = root.keyExists("experienceCost") ? root.getInt("experienceCost") : -1; return new NPCCommand(Integer.parseInt(, root.getString("command"), Hand.valueOf(root.getString("hand")), Boolean.parseBoolean(root.getString("player")), Boolean.parseBoolean(root.getString("op")), root.getInt("cooldown"), perms, root.getInt("n"), root.getInt("delay"), root.getInt("globalcooldown"), cost, exp, items); } @Override public void save(NPCCommand instance, DataKey root) { root.setString("command", instance.command); root.setString("hand",; root.setBoolean("player", instance.player); root.setBoolean("op", instance.op); root.setInt("cooldown", instance.cooldown); root.setInt("globalcooldown", instance.globalCooldown); root.setInt("n", instance.n); root.setInt("delay", instance.delay); for (int i = 0; i < instance.perms.size(); i++) { root.setString("permissions." + i, instance.perms.get(i)); } root.setDouble("cost", instance.cost); root.setInt("experienceCost", instance.experienceCost); for (int i = 0; i < instance.itemCost.size(); i++) { ItemStorage.saveItem(root.getRelative("itemCost." + i), instance.itemCost.get(i)); } } } private static class PlayerNPCCommand { @Persist(valueType = Long.class) Map lastUsed = Maps.newHashMap(); @Persist Hand lastUsedHand; @Persist int lastUsedId = -1; @Persist Map nUsed = Maps.newHashMap(); public PlayerNPCCommand() { } public boolean canUse(CommandTrait trait, Player player, NPCCommand command) { for (String perm : command.perms) { if (!player.hasPermission(perm)) { trait.sendErrorMessage(player, CommandTraitError.NO_PERMISSION, null); return false; } } long globalDelay = Setting.NPC_COMMAND_GLOBAL_COMMAND_COOLDOWN.asSeconds(); long currentTimeSec = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; String commandKey = command.getEncodedKey(); if (!player.hasPermission("citizens.npc.command.ignoreerrors.cooldown") && lastUsed.containsKey(commandKey)) { long deadline = ((Number) lastUsed.get(commandKey)).longValue() + (command.cooldown != 0 ? command.cooldown : globalDelay); if (currentTimeSec < deadline) { long seconds = deadline - currentTimeSec; trait.sendErrorMessage(player, CommandTraitError.ON_COOLDOWN, new TimeVariableFormatter(seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS), seconds); return false; } lastUsed.remove(commandKey); } if (!player.hasPermission("citizens.npc.command.ignoreerrors.globalcooldown") && command.globalCooldown > 0 && trait.globalCooldowns.containsKey(commandKey)) { long deadline = ((Number) trait.globalCooldowns.get(commandKey)).longValue() + command.globalCooldown; if (currentTimeSec < deadline) { long seconds = deadline - currentTimeSec; trait.sendErrorMessage(player, CommandTraitError.ON_GLOBAL_COOLDOWN, new TimeVariableFormatter(seconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS), seconds); return false; } trait.globalCooldowns.remove(commandKey); } int timesUsed = nUsed.getOrDefault(commandKey, 0); if (!player.hasPermission("citizens.npc.command.ignoreerrors.nused") && command.n > 0 && command.n <= timesUsed) { trait.sendErrorMessage(player, CommandTraitError.MAXIMUM_TIMES_USED, null, command.n); return false; } if (command.cooldown > 0 || globalDelay > 0) { lastUsed.put(commandKey, currentTimeSec); } if (command.globalCooldown > 0) { trait.globalCooldowns.put(commandKey, currentTimeSec); } if (command.n > 0) { nUsed.put(commandKey, timesUsed + 1); } lastUsedId =; return true; } public void prune(Map globalCooldowns, Collection commands) { long currentTimeSec = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; Set commandKeys = Sets.newHashSet(); for (NPCCommand command : commands) { String commandKey = command.getEncodedKey(); commandKeys.add(commandKey); Number number = lastUsed.get(commandKey); if (number != null && number.longValue() + (command.cooldown != 0 ? command.cooldown : Setting.NPC_COMMAND_GLOBAL_COMMAND_COOLDOWN.asSeconds()) < currentTimeSec) { lastUsed.remove(commandKey); } if (globalCooldowns != null) { number = globalCooldowns.get(commandKey); if (number != null && number.longValue() + command.globalCooldown < currentTimeSec) { globalCooldowns.remove(commandKey); } } } Set diff = Sets.newHashSet(lastUsed.keySet()); diff.removeAll(commandKeys); for (String key : diff) { lastUsed.remove(key); nUsed.remove(key); } if (globalCooldowns != null) { diff = Sets.newHashSet(globalCooldowns.keySet()); diff.removeAll(commandKeys); for (String key : diff) { globalCooldowns.remove(key); } } } public static boolean requiresTracking(NPCCommand command) { return command.globalCooldown > 0 || command.cooldown > 0 || command.n > 0 || command.perms != null && command.perms.size() > 0 || Setting.NPC_COMMAND_GLOBAL_COMMAND_COOLDOWN.asSeconds() > 0; } } private static class TimeVariableFormatter implements Function { private final Map map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(5); public TimeVariableFormatter(long source, TimeUnit unit) { long seconds = TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(source, unit); long minutes = TimeUnit.MINUTES.convert(source, unit); long hours = TimeUnit.HOURS.convert(source, unit); long days = TimeUnit.DAYS.convert(source, unit); map.put("seconds", "" + seconds); map.put("seconds_over", "" + (seconds - TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(minutes, TimeUnit.MINUTES))); map.put("minutes", "" + minutes); map.put("minutes_over", "" + (minutes - TimeUnit.MINUTES.convert(hours, TimeUnit.HOURS))); map.put("hours", "" + hours); map.put("hours_over", "" + (hours - TimeUnit.HOURS.convert(days, TimeUnit.DAYS))); map.put("days", "" + days); } @Override public String apply(String t) { return StrSubstitutor.replace(t, map, "{", "}"); } } }