package net.citizensnpcs.trait.waypoint; import java.util.Iterator; import org.bukkit.Location; public class PassiveWaypointCycler { private Location dest; private boolean executing; private Iterator itr; private final Iterable provider; public PassiveWaypointCycler(Iterable provider) { this.provider = provider; } private void ensureItr() { if (itr == null || !itr.hasNext()) { itr = provider.iterator(); } } /*@Override public boolean onCancel(AI ai, CancelReason reason) { if (hackfix) { hackfix = false; return false; } hackfix = false; if (executing && reason == CancelReason.REPLACE) { executing = false; return false; } executing = true; ensureItr(); if (dest == null && itr.hasNext()) dest =; if (dest != null) { hackfix = true; ai.setDestination(dest); hackfix = false; } return false; } @Override public boolean onCompletion(AI ai) { if (executing) { // if we're executing, we need to get the next waypoint ensureItr(); dest = itr.hasNext() ? : null; } else { executing = true; // we're free to return to our waypoints! // if we had a destination, we will return to it. } if (dest != null) { ai.setDestination(dest); } return false; } public void onProviderChanged() { itr = provider.iterator(); if (ai == null) return; dest = itr.hasNext() ? : null; if (dest != null) { ai.setDestination(dest); } }*/ public void onProviderChanged() { } }