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* Created by jief in 1997.
* Copyright (c) 2020 Jief
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef XToolsCommon_h
#define XToolsCommon_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <stddef.h> // size_t
#include <limits.h> // CHAR_MIN etc.
#include <stdint.h> // UINT16_MAX etc.
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_ref { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_ref<T&> { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_const { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_const<const T> { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_const<const T&> { typedef T& type; };
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_const<const T*> { typedef T* type; }; // this match type with [] and [size]
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_ptr { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_ptr<T*> { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_ptr<T[]> { typedef T type; };
template <class T, size_t n> struct _xtools__remove_ptr<T[n]> { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_const_ptr { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_const_ptr<const T> { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_const_ptr<T*> { typedef T type; };
template< class T > struct _xtools__remove_const_ptr<const T*> { typedef T type; };
template< class T, size_t n > struct _xtools__remove_const_ptr<T[n]> { typedef T type; };
template< class T, size_t n > struct _xtools__remove_const_ptr<const T[n]> { typedef T type; };
template <class _Tp>
struct __numeric_limits {};
template <> struct __numeric_limits< char> {static constexpr char min() { return CHAR_MIN; }
static constexpr char max() { return CHAR_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< signed char> {static constexpr signed char min() { return SCHAR_MIN; }
static constexpr signed char max() { return SCHAR_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< unsigned char> {static constexpr unsigned char min() { return 0; }
static constexpr unsigned char max() { return UCHAR_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< char16_t> {static constexpr char16_t min() { return 0; }
static constexpr char16_t max() { return UINT16_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< char32_t> {static constexpr char32_t min() { return 0; }
static constexpr char32_t max() { return UINT32_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< wchar_t> {static constexpr wchar_t min() { return 0; }
static constexpr wchar_t max() { return __WCHAR_MAX__; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< short> {static constexpr short min() { return SHRT_MIN; }
static constexpr short max() { return SHRT_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< unsigned short> {static constexpr unsigned short min() { return 0; }
static constexpr unsigned short max() { return USHRT_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< int> {static constexpr int min() { return INT_MIN; }
static constexpr int max() { return INT_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< unsigned int> {static constexpr unsigned int min() { return 0; }
static constexpr unsigned int max() { return UINT_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< long> {static constexpr long min() { return LONG_MIN; }
static constexpr long max() { return LONG_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< unsigned long> {static constexpr unsigned long min() { return 0; }
static constexpr unsigned long max() { return ULONG_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits< long long> {static constexpr long long min() { return LLONG_MIN; }
static constexpr long long max() { return LLONG_MAX; } };
template <> struct __numeric_limits<unsigned long long> {static constexpr unsigned long long min() { return 0; }
static constexpr unsigned long long max() { return ULLONG_MAX; } };
template <class _Tp>
class numeric_limits : public __numeric_limits<typename _xtools__remove_const<_Tp>::type>
struct _xtools__false_type {
static constexpr bool value = false;
bool v() const { return false; }
struct _xtools__true_type {
static constexpr bool value = true;
bool v() const { return true; }
/* make unsigned */
template <class _Tp>
struct _xtools__make_unsigned {};
2020-04-30 23:43:44 +02:00
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< char> {typedef unsigned char type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< signed char> {typedef unsigned char type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< unsigned char> {typedef unsigned char type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< char16_t> {typedef char16_t type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< char32_t> {typedef char32_t type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< wchar_t> {typedef char16_t type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< wchar_t> {typedef char32_t type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< short> {typedef unsigned short type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< unsigned short> {typedef unsigned short type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< int> {typedef unsigned int type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< unsigned int> {typedef unsigned int type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< long> {typedef unsigned long type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< unsigned long> {typedef unsigned long type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned< long long> {typedef unsigned long long type;};
template <> struct _xtools__make_unsigned<unsigned long long> {typedef unsigned long long type;};
// is_integral
template <class _Tp> struct _xtools__is_integral_st : public _xtools__false_type {};
//template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<bool> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<char> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<signed char> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<unsigned char> : public _xtools__true_type {};
//template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<wchar_t> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<short> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<unsigned short> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<int> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<unsigned int> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<long> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<unsigned long> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<long long> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_integral_st<unsigned long long> : public _xtools__true_type {};
// is_char
2020-04-30 23:43:44 +02:00
// Looks like I don't need to remove reference.
// This : template<typename O, enable_if(is_char(O))>
// void strcpy(O otherChar)
// is still enabled if parameter is a char&
template <class _Tp> struct _xtools__is_char_st : public _xtools__false_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_st<char> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_st<signed char> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_st<unsigned char> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_st<char16_t> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_st<char32_t> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_st<wchar_t> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <class _Tp> struct _xtools__is_bool_st : public _xtools__false_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_bool_st<bool> : public _xtools__true_type {};
//// STRUCT TEMPLATE remove_reference
//template<class _Ty>
// struct remove_ref
// { // remove reference
// using type = _Ty;
// };
//template<class _Ty>
// struct remove_ref<_Ty&>
// { // remove reference
// using type = _Ty;
// };
// STRUCT TEMPLATE remove_const
//template<class _Ty>
// struct remove_const
// { // remove const
// typedef _Ty type;
// };
//template<class _Ty>
// struct remove_const<const _Ty>
// { // remove const
// typedef _Ty type;
// };
// is_char_ptr
template <class _Tp> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st : public _xtools__false_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<char*> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<char[]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <size_t _Np> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<char[_Np]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<signed char*> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<signed char[]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <size_t _Np> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<signed char[_Np]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<unsigned char*> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<unsigned char[]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <size_t _Np> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<unsigned char[_Np]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<char16_t*> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<char16_t[]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <size_t _Np> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<char16_t[_Np]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<char32_t*> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<char32_t[]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <size_t _Np> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<char32_t[_Np]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<wchar_t*> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<wchar_t[]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
template <size_t _Np> struct _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<wchar_t[_Np]> : public _xtools__true_type {};
/* enable_if */
template <bool, typename T = void>
struct _xtools_enable_if_t
template <typename T>
struct _xtools_enable_if_t<true, T> {
typedef T type;
template< class... >
using _xtools__void_t = void;
/* has type member */
// primary template handles types that have no nested ::type member:
template< class, class = _xtools__void_t<> >
struct _xtools__has_type_member : _xtools__false_type { };
// specialization recognizes types that do have a nested ::type member:
template< class T >
struct _xtools__has_type_member<T, _xtools__void_t<typename T::char_t>> : _xtools__true_type { };
2020-04-30 23:43:44 +02:00
#define remove_const(x) typename _xtools__remove_const<x>::type
#define remove_ptr(x) typename _xtools__remove_ptr<x>::type
2020-04-30 23:43:44 +02:00
#define unsigned_type(x) typename _xtools__make_unsigned<remove_const(x)>::type
#define remove_ref(x) typename _xtools__remove_ref<x>::type
#define remove_const_ptr(x) typename _xtools__remove_const_ptr<x>::type
2020-04-30 23:43:44 +02:00
#define is_integral(x) _xtools__is_integral_st<remove_const(x)>::value
#define is_char(x) _xtools__is_char_st<remove_const(x)>::value
#define is_bool(x) _xtools__is_bool_st<remove_const(x)>::value
2020-04-30 23:43:44 +02:00
#define is_char_ptr(x) _xtools__is_char_ptr_st<typename _xtools__remove_const<x>::type>::value
#define enable_if_t(x) typename _xtools_enable_if_t<x>::type
#define enable_if(x) typename enable_if_type = typename _xtools_enable_if_t<x>::type
#endif // __cplusplus
#endif /* XToolsCommon_h */