2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
## @file
# generate flash image
# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
# Import Modules
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from re import compile
from optparse import OptionParser
from sys import exit
from glob import glob
from struct import unpack
from linecache import getlines
from io import BytesIO
import Common . LongFilePathOs as os
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
from Common . TargetTxtClassObject import TargetTxtDict , gDefaultTargetTxtFile
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
from Common . DataType import *
import Common . GlobalData as GlobalData
from Common import EdkLogger
from Common . StringUtils import NormPath
from Common . Misc import DirCache , PathClass , GuidStructureStringToGuidString
from Common . Misc import SaveFileOnChange , ClearDuplicatedInf
from Common . BuildVersion import gBUILD_VERSION
from Common . MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
from Workspace . WorkspaceDatabase import WorkspaceDatabase
from . FdfParser import FdfParser , Warning
from . GenFdsGlobalVariable import GenFdsGlobalVariable
from . FfsFileStatement import FileStatement
import Common . DataType as DataType
from struct import Struct
## Version and Copyright
versionNumber = " 1.0 " + ' ' + gBUILD_VERSION
__version__ = " % prog Version " + versionNumber
__copyright__ = " Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. "
## Tool entrance method
# This method mainly dispatch specific methods per the command line options.
# If no error found, return zero value so the caller of this tool can know
# if it's executed successfully or not.
# @retval 0 Tool was successful
# @retval 1 Tool failed
def main ( ) :
global Options
Options = myOptionParser ( )
EdkLogger . Initialize ( )
return GenFdsApi ( OptionsToCommandDict ( Options ) )
def resetFdsGlobalVariable ( ) :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . FvDir = ' '
GenFdsGlobalVariable . OutputDirDict = { }
GenFdsGlobalVariable . BinDir = ' '
# will be FvDir + os.sep + 'Ffs'
GenFdsGlobalVariable . FfsDir = ' '
GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser = None
GenFdsGlobalVariable . LibDir = ' '
GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpace = None
GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir = ' '
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ConfDir = ' '
GenFdsGlobalVariable . OutputDirFromDscDict = { }
GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName = ' '
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag = ' '
GenFdsGlobalVariable . RuleDict = { }
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ArchList = None
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform = None
GenFdsGlobalVariable . FvAddressFileName = ' '
GenFdsGlobalVariable . VerboseMode = False
GenFdsGlobalVariable . DebugLevel = - 1
GenFdsGlobalVariable . SharpCounter = 0
GenFdsGlobalVariable . SharpNumberPerLine = 40
GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfFile = ' '
GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfFileTimeStamp = 0
GenFdsGlobalVariable . FixedLoadAddress = False
GenFdsGlobalVariable . PlatformName = ' '
GenFdsGlobalVariable . BuildRuleFamily = DataType . TAB_COMPILER_MSFT
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainFamily = DataType . TAB_COMPILER_MSFT
GenFdsGlobalVariable . __BuildRuleDatabase = None
GenFdsGlobalVariable . GuidToolDefinition = { }
GenFdsGlobalVariable . FfsCmdDict = { }
GenFdsGlobalVariable . SecCmdList = [ ]
GenFdsGlobalVariable . CopyList = [ ]
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ModuleFile = ' '
2019-09-20 06:56:20 +02:00
GenFdsGlobalVariable . EnableGenfdsMultiThread = True
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
GenFdsGlobalVariable . LargeFileInFvFlags = [ ]
GenFdsGlobalVariable . EFI_FIRMWARE_FILE_SYSTEM3_GUID = ' 5473C07A-3DCB-4dca-BD6F-1E9689E7349A '
GenFdsGlobalVariable . LARGE_FILE_SIZE = 0x1000000
GenFdsGlobalVariable . SectionHeader = Struct ( " 3B 1B " )
# FvName, FdName, CapName in FDF, Image file name
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ImageBinDict = { }
def GenFdsApi ( FdsCommandDict , WorkSpaceDataBase = None ) :
global Workspace
Workspace = " "
ArchList = None
ReturnCode = 0
resetFdsGlobalVariable ( )
try :
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " verbose " ) :
EdkLogger . SetLevel ( EdkLogger . VERBOSE )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . VerboseMode = True
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " FixedAddress " ) :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . FixedLoadAddress = True
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " quiet " ) :
EdkLogger . SetLevel ( EdkLogger . QUIET )
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " debug " ) :
EdkLogger . SetLevel ( FdsCommandDict . get ( " debug " ) + 1 )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . DebugLevel = FdsCommandDict . get ( " debug " )
else :
EdkLogger . SetLevel ( EdkLogger . INFO )
if not FdsCommandDict . get ( " Workspace " , os . environ . get ( ' WORKSPACE ' ) ) :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , OPTION_MISSING , " WORKSPACE not defined " ,
ExtraData = " Please use ' -w ' switch to pass it or set the WORKSPACE environment variable. " )
elif not os . path . exists ( FdsCommandDict . get ( " Workspace " , os . environ . get ( ' WORKSPACE ' ) ) ) :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , PARAMETER_INVALID , " WORKSPACE is invalid " ,
ExtraData = " Please use ' -w ' switch to pass it or set the WORKSPACE environment variable. " )
else :
Workspace = os . path . normcase ( FdsCommandDict . get ( " Workspace " , os . environ . get ( ' WORKSPACE ' ) ) )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir = Workspace
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " debug " ) :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . VerboseLogger ( " Using Workspace: " + Workspace )
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " GenfdsMultiThread " ) :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . EnableGenfdsMultiThread = True
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else :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . EnableGenfdsMultiThread = False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
os . chdir ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir )
# set multiple workspace
PackagesPath = os . getenv ( " PACKAGES_PATH " )
mws . setWs ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir , PackagesPath )
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " fdf_file " ) :
FdfFilename = FdsCommandDict . get ( " fdf_file " ) [ 0 ] . Path
FdfFilename = GenFdsGlobalVariable . ReplaceWorkspaceMacro ( FdfFilename )
if FdfFilename [ 0 : 2 ] == ' .. ' :
FdfFilename = os . path . realpath ( FdfFilename )
if not os . path . isabs ( FdfFilename ) :
FdfFilename = mws . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir , FdfFilename )
if not os . path . exists ( FdfFilename ) :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , FILE_NOT_FOUND , ExtraData = FdfFilename )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfFile = FdfFilename
GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfFileTimeStamp = os . path . getmtime ( FdfFilename )
else :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , OPTION_MISSING , " Missing FDF filename " )
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " build_target " ) :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName = FdsCommandDict . get ( " build_target " )
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " toolchain_tag " ) :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag = FdsCommandDict . get ( " toolchain_tag " )
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " active_platform " ) :
ActivePlatform = FdsCommandDict . get ( " active_platform " )
ActivePlatform = GenFdsGlobalVariable . ReplaceWorkspaceMacro ( ActivePlatform )
if ActivePlatform [ 0 : 2 ] == ' .. ' :
ActivePlatform = os . path . realpath ( ActivePlatform )
if not os . path . isabs ( ActivePlatform ) :
ActivePlatform = mws . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir , ActivePlatform )
if not os . path . exists ( ActivePlatform ) :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , FILE_NOT_FOUND , " ActivePlatform doesn ' t exist! " )
else :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , OPTION_MISSING , " Missing active platform " )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform = PathClass ( NormPath ( ActivePlatform ) )
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " conf_directory " ) :
# Get alternate Conf location, if it is absolute, then just use the absolute directory name
ConfDirectoryPath = os . path . normpath ( FdsCommandDict . get ( " conf_directory " ) )
if ConfDirectoryPath . startswith ( ' " ' ) :
ConfDirectoryPath = ConfDirectoryPath [ 1 : ]
if ConfDirectoryPath . endswith ( ' " ' ) :
ConfDirectoryPath = ConfDirectoryPath [ : - 1 ]
if not os . path . isabs ( ConfDirectoryPath ) :
# Since alternate directory name is not absolute, the alternate directory is located within the WORKSPACE
# This also handles someone specifying the Conf directory in the workspace. Using --conf=Conf
ConfDirectoryPath = os . path . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir , ConfDirectoryPath )
else :
if " CONF_PATH " in os . environ :
ConfDirectoryPath = os . path . normcase ( os . environ [ " CONF_PATH " ] )
else :
# Get standard WORKSPACE/Conf, use the absolute path to the WORKSPACE/Conf
ConfDirectoryPath = mws . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir , ' Conf ' )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ConfDir = ConfDirectoryPath
if not GlobalData . gConfDirectory :
GlobalData . gConfDirectory = GenFdsGlobalVariable . ConfDir
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
BuildConfigurationFile = os . path . normpath ( os . path . join ( ConfDirectoryPath , gDefaultTargetTxtFile ) )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
if os . path . isfile ( BuildConfigurationFile ) == True :
# if no build target given in command line, get it from target.txt
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
TargetObj = TargetTxtDict ( )
TargetTxt = TargetObj . Target
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
if not GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName :
BuildTargetList = TargetTxt . TargetTxtDictionary [ TAB_TAT_DEFINES_TARGET ]
if len ( BuildTargetList ) != 1 :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , OPTION_VALUE_INVALID , ExtraData = " Only allows one instance for Target. " )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName = BuildTargetList [ 0 ]
# if no tool chain given in command line, get it from target.txt
if not GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag :
ToolChainList = TargetTxt . TargetTxtDictionary [ TAB_TAT_DEFINES_TOOL_CHAIN_TAG ]
if ToolChainList is None or len ( ToolChainList ) == 0 :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE , ExtraData = " No toolchain given. Don ' t know how to build. " )
if len ( ToolChainList ) != 1 :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , OPTION_VALUE_INVALID , ExtraData = " Only allows one instance for ToolChain. " )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag = ToolChainList [ 0 ]
else :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , FILE_NOT_FOUND , ExtraData = BuildConfigurationFile )
#Set global flag for build mode
GlobalData . gIgnoreSource = FdsCommandDict . get ( " IgnoreSources " )
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " macro " ) :
for Pair in FdsCommandDict . get ( " macro " ) :
if Pair . startswith ( ' " ' ) :
Pair = Pair [ 1 : ]
if Pair . endswith ( ' " ' ) :
Pair = Pair [ : - 1 ]
List = Pair . split ( ' = ' )
if len ( List ) == 2 :
if not List [ 1 ] . strip ( ) :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , OPTION_VALUE_INVALID , ExtraData = " No Value given for Macro %s " % List [ 0 ] )
if List [ 0 ] . strip ( ) in [ " WORKSPACE " , " TARGET " , " TOOLCHAIN " ] :
GlobalData . gGlobalDefines [ List [ 0 ] . strip ( ) ] = List [ 1 ] . strip ( )
else :
GlobalData . gCommandLineDefines [ List [ 0 ] . strip ( ) ] = List [ 1 ] . strip ( )
else :
GlobalData . gCommandLineDefines [ List [ 0 ] . strip ( ) ] = " TRUE "
os . environ [ " WORKSPACE " ] = Workspace
# Use the -t and -b option as gGlobalDefines's TOOLCHAIN and TARGET if they are not defined
if " TARGET " not in GlobalData . gGlobalDefines :
GlobalData . gGlobalDefines [ " TARGET " ] = GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName
if " TOOLCHAIN " not in GlobalData . gGlobalDefines :
GlobalData . gGlobalDefines [ " TOOLCHAIN " ] = GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag
if " TOOL_CHAIN_TAG " not in GlobalData . gGlobalDefines :
GlobalData . gGlobalDefines [ ' TOOL_CHAIN_TAG ' ] = GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag
""" call Workspace build create database """
GlobalData . gDatabasePath = os . path . normpath ( os . path . join ( ConfDirectoryPath , GlobalData . gDatabasePath ) )
if WorkSpaceDataBase :
BuildWorkSpace = WorkSpaceDataBase
else :
BuildWorkSpace = WorkspaceDatabase ( )
# Get files real name in workspace dir
GlobalData . gAllFiles = DirCache ( Workspace )
GlobalData . gWorkspace = Workspace
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " build_architecture_list " ) :
ArchList = FdsCommandDict . get ( " build_architecture_list " ) . split ( ' , ' )
else :
ArchList = BuildWorkSpace . BuildObject [ GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform , TAB_COMMON , FdsCommandDict . get ( " build_target " ) , FdsCommandDict . get ( " toolchain_tag " ) ] . SupArchList
TargetArchList = set ( BuildWorkSpace . BuildObject [ GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform , TAB_COMMON , FdsCommandDict . get ( " build_target " ) , FdsCommandDict . get ( " toolchain_tag " ) ] . SupArchList ) & set ( ArchList )
if len ( TargetArchList ) == 0 :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , GENFDS_ERROR , " Target ARCH %s not in platform supported ARCH %s " % ( str ( ArchList ) , str ( BuildWorkSpace . BuildObject [ GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform , TAB_COMMON ] . SupArchList ) ) )
for Arch in ArchList :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . OutputDirFromDscDict [ Arch ] = NormPath ( BuildWorkSpace . BuildObject [ GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform , Arch , FdsCommandDict . get ( " build_target " ) , FdsCommandDict . get ( " toolchain_tag " ) ] . OutputDirectory )
# assign platform name based on last entry in ArchList
GenFdsGlobalVariable . PlatformName = BuildWorkSpace . BuildObject [ GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform , ArchList [ - 1 ] , FdsCommandDict . get ( " build_target " ) , FdsCommandDict . get ( " toolchain_tag " ) ] . PlatformName
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " platform_build_directory " ) :
OutputDirFromCommandLine = GenFdsGlobalVariable . ReplaceWorkspaceMacro ( FdsCommandDict . get ( " platform_build_directory " ) )
if not os . path . isabs ( OutputDirFromCommandLine ) :
OutputDirFromCommandLine = os . path . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir , OutputDirFromCommandLine )
for Arch in ArchList :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . OutputDirDict [ Arch ] = OutputDirFromCommandLine
else :
for Arch in ArchList :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . OutputDirDict [ Arch ] = os . path . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . OutputDirFromDscDict [ Arch ] , GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName + ' _ ' + GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag )
for Key in GenFdsGlobalVariable . OutputDirDict :
OutputDir = GenFdsGlobalVariable . OutputDirDict [ Key ]
if OutputDir [ 0 : 2 ] == ' .. ' :
OutputDir = os . path . realpath ( OutputDir )
if OutputDir [ 1 ] != ' : ' :
OutputDir = os . path . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir , OutputDir )
if not os . path . exists ( OutputDir ) :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , FILE_NOT_FOUND , ExtraData = OutputDir )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . OutputDirDict [ Key ] = OutputDir
""" Parse Fdf file, has to place after build Workspace as FDF may contain macros from DSC file """
if WorkSpaceDataBase :
FdfParserObj = GlobalData . gFdfParser
else :
FdfParserObj = FdfParser ( FdfFilename )
FdfParserObj . ParseFile ( )
if FdfParserObj . CycleReferenceCheck ( ) :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED , " Cycle Reference Detected in FDF file " )
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " fd " ) :
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " fd " ) [ 0 ] . upper ( ) in FdfParserObj . Profile . FdDict :
GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFd = FdsCommandDict . get ( " fd " ) [ 0 ]
else :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , OPTION_VALUE_INVALID ,
" No such an FD in FDF file: %s " % FdsCommandDict . get ( " fd " ) [ 0 ] )
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " fv " ) :
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " fv " ) [ 0 ] . upper ( ) in FdfParserObj . Profile . FvDict :
GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFv = FdsCommandDict . get ( " fv " ) [ 0 ]
else :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , OPTION_VALUE_INVALID ,
" No such an FV in FDF file: %s " % FdsCommandDict . get ( " fv " ) [ 0 ] )
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " cap " ) :
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " cap " ) [ 0 ] . upper ( ) in FdfParserObj . Profile . CapsuleDict :
GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisCap = FdsCommandDict . get ( " cap " ) [ 0 ]
else :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , OPTION_VALUE_INVALID ,
" No such a Capsule in FDF file: %s " % FdsCommandDict . get ( " cap " ) [ 0 ] )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpace = BuildWorkSpace
if ArchList :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . ArchList = ArchList
# Dsc Build Data will handle Pcd Settings from CommandLine.
""" Modify images from build output if the feature of loading driver at fixed address is on. """
if GenFdsGlobalVariable . FixedLoadAddress :
GenFds . PreprocessImage ( BuildWorkSpace , GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform )
# Record the FV Region info that may specific in the FD
if FdfParserObj . Profile . FvDict and FdfParserObj . Profile . FdDict :
for FvObj in FdfParserObj . Profile . FvDict . values ( ) :
for FdObj in FdfParserObj . Profile . FdDict . values ( ) :
for RegionObj in FdObj . RegionList :
if RegionObj . RegionType != BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV :
for RegionData in RegionObj . RegionDataList :
if FvObj . UiFvName . upper ( ) == RegionData . upper ( ) :
if not FvObj . BaseAddress :
FvObj . BaseAddress = ' 0x %x ' % ( int ( FdObj . BaseAddress , 0 ) + RegionObj . Offset )
if FvObj . FvRegionInFD :
if FvObj . FvRegionInFD != RegionObj . Size :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , FORMAT_INVALID , " The FV %s ' s region is specified in multiple FD with different value. " % FvObj . UiFvName )
else :
FvObj . FvRegionInFD = RegionObj . Size
RegionObj . BlockInfoOfRegion ( FdObj . BlockSizeList , FvObj )
""" Call GenFds """
GenFds . GenFd ( ' ' , FdfParserObj , BuildWorkSpace , ArchList )
""" Generate GUID cross reference file """
GenFds . GenerateGuidXRefFile ( BuildWorkSpace , ArchList , FdfParserObj )
""" Display FV space info. """
GenFds . DisplayFvSpaceInfo ( FdfParserObj )
except Warning as X :
EdkLogger . error ( X . ToolName , FORMAT_INVALID , File = X . FileName , Line = X . LineNumber , ExtraData = X . Message , RaiseError = False )
except FatalError as X :
if FdsCommandDict . get ( " debug " ) is not None :
import traceback
EdkLogger . quiet ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
ReturnCode = X . args [ 0 ]
except :
import traceback
EdkLogger . error (
" \n Python " ,
" Tools code failure " ,
ExtraData = " Please send email to %s for help, attaching following call stack trace! \n " % MSG_EDKII_MAIL_ADDR ,
RaiseError = False
EdkLogger . quiet ( traceback . format_exc ( ) )
ReturnCode = CODE_ERROR
finally :
ClearDuplicatedInf ( )
return ReturnCode
def OptionsToCommandDict ( Options ) :
FdsCommandDict = { }
FdsCommandDict [ " verbose " ] = Options . verbose
FdsCommandDict [ " FixedAddress " ] = Options . FixedAddress
FdsCommandDict [ " quiet " ] = Options . quiet
FdsCommandDict [ " debug " ] = Options . debug
FdsCommandDict [ " Workspace " ] = Options . Workspace
2019-09-20 06:56:20 +02:00
FdsCommandDict [ " GenfdsMultiThread " ] = not Options . NoGenfdsMultiThread
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
FdsCommandDict [ " fdf_file " ] = [ PathClass ( Options . filename ) ] if Options . filename else [ ]
FdsCommandDict [ " build_target " ] = Options . BuildTarget
FdsCommandDict [ " toolchain_tag " ] = Options . ToolChain
FdsCommandDict [ " active_platform " ] = Options . activePlatform
FdsCommandDict [ " OptionPcd " ] = Options . OptionPcd
FdsCommandDict [ " conf_directory " ] = Options . ConfDirectory
FdsCommandDict [ " IgnoreSources " ] = Options . IgnoreSources
FdsCommandDict [ " macro " ] = Options . Macros
FdsCommandDict [ " build_architecture_list " ] = Options . archList
FdsCommandDict [ " platform_build_directory " ] = Options . outputDir
FdsCommandDict [ " fd " ] = [ Options . uiFdName ] if Options . uiFdName else [ ]
FdsCommandDict [ " fv " ] = [ Options . uiFvName ] if Options . uiFvName else [ ]
FdsCommandDict [ " cap " ] = [ Options . uiCapName ] if Options . uiCapName else [ ]
return FdsCommandDict
gParamCheck = [ ]
def SingleCheckCallback ( option , opt_str , value , parser ) :
if option not in gParamCheck :
setattr ( parser . values , option . dest , value )
gParamCheck . append ( option )
else :
parser . error ( " Option %s only allows one instance in command line! " % option )
## Parse command line options
# Using standard Python module optparse to parse command line option of this tool.
# @retval Opt A optparse.Values object containing the parsed options
def myOptionParser ( ) :
usage = " % prog [options] -f input_file -a arch_list -b build_target -p active_platform -t tool_chain_tag -D \" MacroName [= MacroValue] \" "
Parser = OptionParser ( usage = usage , description = __copyright__ , version = " % prog " + str ( versionNumber ) )
Parser . add_option ( " -f " , " --file " , dest = " filename " , type = " string " , help = " Name of FDF file to convert " , action = " callback " , callback = SingleCheckCallback )
Parser . add_option ( " -a " , " --arch " , dest = " archList " , help = " comma separated list containing one or more of: IA32, X64, IPF, ARM, AARCH64 or EBC which should be built, overrides target.txt?s TARGET_ARCH " )
Parser . add_option ( " -q " , " --quiet " , action = " store_true " , type = None , help = " Disable all messages except FATAL ERRORS. " )
Parser . add_option ( " -v " , " --verbose " , action = " store_true " , type = None , help = " Turn on verbose output with informational messages printed. " )
Parser . add_option ( " -d " , " --debug " , action = " store " , type = " int " , help = " Enable debug messages at specified level. " )
Parser . add_option ( " -p " , " --platform " , type = " string " , dest = " activePlatform " , help = " Set the ACTIVE_PLATFORM, overrides target.txt ACTIVE_PLATFORM setting. " ,
action = " callback " , callback = SingleCheckCallback )
Parser . add_option ( " -w " , " --workspace " , type = " string " , dest = " Workspace " , default = os . environ . get ( ' WORKSPACE ' ) , help = " Set the WORKSPACE " ,
action = " callback " , callback = SingleCheckCallback )
Parser . add_option ( " -o " , " --outputDir " , type = " string " , dest = " outputDir " , help = " Name of Build Output directory " ,
action = " callback " , callback = SingleCheckCallback )
Parser . add_option ( " -r " , " --rom_image " , dest = " uiFdName " , help = " Build the image using the [FD] section named by FdUiName. " )
Parser . add_option ( " -i " , " --FvImage " , dest = " uiFvName " , help = " Build the FV image using the [FV] section named by UiFvName " )
Parser . add_option ( " -C " , " --CapsuleImage " , dest = " uiCapName " , help = " Build the Capsule image using the [Capsule] section named by UiCapName " )
Parser . add_option ( " -b " , " --buildtarget " , type = " string " , dest = " BuildTarget " , help = " Set the build TARGET, overrides target.txt TARGET setting. " ,
action = " callback " , callback = SingleCheckCallback )
Parser . add_option ( " -t " , " --tagname " , type = " string " , dest = " ToolChain " , help = " Using the tools: TOOL_CHAIN_TAG name to build the platform. " ,
action = " callback " , callback = SingleCheckCallback )
Parser . add_option ( " -D " , " --define " , action = " append " , type = " string " , dest = " Macros " , help = " Macro: \" Name [= Value] \" . " )
Parser . add_option ( " -s " , " --specifyaddress " , dest = " FixedAddress " , action = " store_true " , type = None , help = " Specify driver load address. " )
Parser . add_option ( " --conf " , action = " store " , type = " string " , dest = " ConfDirectory " , help = " Specify the customized Conf directory. " )
Parser . add_option ( " --ignore-sources " , action = " store_true " , dest = " IgnoreSources " , default = False , help = " Focus to a binary build and ignore all source files " )
Parser . add_option ( " --pcd " , action = " append " , dest = " OptionPcd " , help = " Set PCD value by command line. Format: \" PcdName=Value \" " )
2019-09-20 06:56:20 +02:00
Parser . add_option ( " --genfds-multi-thread " , action = " store_true " , dest = " GenfdsMultiThread " , default = True , help = " Enable GenFds multi thread to generate ffs file. " )
Parser . add_option ( " --no-genfds-multi-thread " , action = " store_true " , dest = " NoGenfdsMultiThread " , default = False , help = " Disable GenFds multi thread to generate ffs file. " )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
Options , _ = Parser . parse_args ( )
return Options
## The class implementing the EDK2 flash image generation process
# This process includes:
# 1. Collect workspace information, includes platform and module information
# 2. Call methods of Fd class to generate FD
# 3. Call methods of Fv class to generate FV that not belong to FD
class GenFds ( object ) :
FdfParsef = None
OnlyGenerateThisFd = None
OnlyGenerateThisFv = None
OnlyGenerateThisCap = None
## GenFd()
# @param OutputDir Output directory
# @param FdfParserObject FDF contents parser
# @param Workspace The directory of workspace
# @param ArchList The Arch list of platform
def GenFd ( OutputDir , FdfParserObject , WorkSpace , ArchList ) :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . SetDir ( ' ' , FdfParserObject , WorkSpace , ArchList )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . VerboseLogger ( " Generate all Fd images and their required FV and Capsule images! " )
if GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisCap is not None and GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisCap . upper ( ) in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . CapsuleDict :
CapsuleObj = GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . CapsuleDict [ GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisCap . upper ( ) ]
if CapsuleObj is not None :
CapsuleObj . GenCapsule ( )
if GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFd is not None and GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFd . upper ( ) in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . FdDict :
FdObj = GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . FdDict [ GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFd . upper ( ) ]
if FdObj is not None :
FdObj . GenFd ( )
elif GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFd is None and GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFv is None :
for FdObj in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . FdDict . values ( ) :
FdObj . GenFd ( )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . VerboseLogger ( " \n Generate other FV images! " )
if GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFv is not None and GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFv . upper ( ) in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . FvDict :
FvObj = GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . FvDict [ GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFv . upper ( ) ]
if FvObj is not None :
Buffer = BytesIO ( )
FvObj . AddToBuffer ( Buffer )
Buffer . close ( )
elif GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFv is None :
for FvObj in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . FvDict . values ( ) :
Buffer = BytesIO ( )
FvObj . AddToBuffer ( Buffer )
Buffer . close ( )
if GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFv is None and GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFd is None and GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisCap is None :
if GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . CapsuleDict != { } :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . VerboseLogger ( " \n Generate other Capsule images! " )
for CapsuleObj in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . CapsuleDict . values ( ) :
CapsuleObj . GenCapsule ( )
if GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . OptRomDict != { } :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . VerboseLogger ( " \n Generate all Option ROM! " )
for OptRomObj in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . OptRomDict . values ( ) :
OptRomObj . AddToBuffer ( None )
def GenFfsMakefile ( OutputDir , FdfParserObject , WorkSpace , ArchList , GlobalData ) :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . SetEnv ( FdfParserObject , WorkSpace , ArchList , GlobalData )
for FdObj in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . FdDict . values ( ) :
FdObj . GenFd ( Flag = True )
for FvObj in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . FvDict . values ( ) :
FvObj . AddToBuffer ( Buffer = None , Flag = True )
if GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . OptRomDict != { } :
for OptRomObj in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . OptRomDict . values ( ) :
OptRomObj . AddToBuffer ( Buffer = None , Flag = True )
return GenFdsGlobalVariable . FfsCmdDict
## GetFvBlockSize()
# @param FvObj Whose block size to get
# @retval int Block size value
def GetFvBlockSize ( FvObj ) :
DefaultBlockSize = 0x1
FdObj = None
if GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFd is not None and GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFd . upper ( ) in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . FdDict :
FdObj = GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . FdDict [ GenFds . OnlyGenerateThisFd . upper ( ) ]
if FdObj is None :
for ElementFd in GenFdsGlobalVariable . FdfParser . Profile . FdDict . values ( ) :
for ElementRegion in ElementFd . RegionList :
if ElementRegion . RegionType == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV :
for ElementRegionData in ElementRegion . RegionDataList :
if ElementRegionData is not None and ElementRegionData . upper ( ) == FvObj . UiFvName :
if FvObj . BlockSizeList != [ ] :
return FvObj . BlockSizeList [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
else :
return ElementRegion . BlockSizeOfRegion ( ElementFd . BlockSizeList )
if FvObj . BlockSizeList != [ ] :
return FvObj . BlockSizeList [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
return DefaultBlockSize
else :
for ElementRegion in FdObj . RegionList :
if ElementRegion . RegionType == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV :
for ElementRegionData in ElementRegion . RegionDataList :
if ElementRegionData is not None and ElementRegionData . upper ( ) == FvObj . UiFvName :
if FvObj . BlockSizeList != [ ] :
return FvObj . BlockSizeList [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
else :
return ElementRegion . BlockSizeOfRegion ( ElementFd . BlockSizeList )
return DefaultBlockSize
## DisplayFvSpaceInfo()
# @param FvObj Whose block size to get
# @retval None
def DisplayFvSpaceInfo ( FdfParserObject ) :
FvSpaceInfoList = [ ]
MaxFvNameLength = 0
for FvName in FdfParserObject . Profile . FvDict :
if len ( FvName ) > MaxFvNameLength :
MaxFvNameLength = len ( FvName )
FvSpaceInfoFileName = os . path . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . FvDir , FvName . upper ( ) + ' .Fv.map ' )
if os . path . exists ( FvSpaceInfoFileName ) :
FileLinesList = getlines ( FvSpaceInfoFileName )
TotalFound = False
Total = ' '
UsedFound = False
Used = ' '
FreeFound = False
Free = ' '
for Line in FileLinesList :
NameValue = Line . split ( ' = ' )
if len ( NameValue ) == 2 :
if NameValue [ 0 ] . strip ( ) == ' EFI_FV_TOTAL_SIZE ' :
TotalFound = True
Total = NameValue [ 1 ] . strip ( )
if NameValue [ 0 ] . strip ( ) == ' EFI_FV_TAKEN_SIZE ' :
UsedFound = True
Used = NameValue [ 1 ] . strip ( )
if NameValue [ 0 ] . strip ( ) == ' EFI_FV_SPACE_SIZE ' :
FreeFound = True
Free = NameValue [ 1 ] . strip ( )
if TotalFound and UsedFound and FreeFound :
FvSpaceInfoList . append ( ( FvName , Total , Used , Free ) )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . InfLogger ( ' \n FV Space Information ' )
for FvSpaceInfo in FvSpaceInfoList :
Name = FvSpaceInfo [ 0 ]
TotalSizeValue = int ( FvSpaceInfo [ 1 ] , 0 )
UsedSizeValue = int ( FvSpaceInfo [ 2 ] , 0 )
FreeSizeValue = int ( FvSpaceInfo [ 3 ] , 0 )
if UsedSizeValue == TotalSizeValue :
Percentage = ' 100 '
else :
Percentage = str ( ( UsedSizeValue + 0.0 ) / TotalSizeValue ) [ 0 : 4 ] . lstrip ( ' 0. ' )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
GenFdsGlobalVariable . InfLogger ( Name + ' ' + ' [ ' + Percentage + ' %F ull] ' \
+ str ( TotalSizeValue ) + ' ( ' + hex ( TotalSizeValue ) + ' ) ' + ' total, ' \
+ str ( UsedSizeValue ) + ' ( ' + hex ( UsedSizeValue ) + ' ) ' + ' used, ' \
+ str ( FreeSizeValue ) + ' ( ' + hex ( FreeSizeValue ) + ' ) ' + ' free ' )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
## PreprocessImage()
# @param BuildDb Database from build meta data files
# @param DscFile modules from dsc file will be preprocessed
# @retval None
def PreprocessImage ( BuildDb , DscFile ) :
PcdDict = BuildDb . BuildObject [ DscFile , TAB_COMMON , GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName , GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag ] . Pcds
PcdValue = ' '
for Key in PcdDict :
PcdObj = PcdDict [ Key ]
if PcdObj . TokenCName == ' PcdBsBaseAddress ' :
PcdValue = PcdObj . DefaultValue
if PcdValue == ' ' :
Int64PcdValue = int ( PcdValue , 0 )
if Int64PcdValue == 0 or Int64PcdValue < - 1 :
TopAddress = 0
if Int64PcdValue > 0 :
TopAddress = Int64PcdValue
ModuleDict = BuildDb . BuildObject [ DscFile , TAB_COMMON , GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName , GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag ] . Modules
for Key in ModuleDict :
ModuleObj = BuildDb . BuildObject [ Key , TAB_COMMON , GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName , GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag ]
print ( ModuleObj . BaseName + ' ' + ModuleObj . ModuleType )
def GenerateGuidXRefFile ( BuildDb , ArchList , FdfParserObj ) :
GuidXRefFileName = os . path . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . FvDir , " Guid.xref " )
GuidXRefFile = [ ]
PkgGuidDict = { }
GuidDict = { }
ModuleList = [ ]
FileGuidList = [ ]
VariableGuidSet = set ( )
for Arch in ArchList :
PlatformDataBase = BuildDb . BuildObject [ GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform , Arch , GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName , GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag ]
PkgList = GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpace . GetPackageList ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform , Arch , GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName , GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag )
for P in PkgList :
PkgGuidDict . update ( P . Guids )
for Name , Guid in PlatformDataBase . Pcds :
Pcd = PlatformDataBase . Pcds [ Name , Guid ]
for SkuId in Pcd . SkuInfoList :
Sku = Pcd . SkuInfoList [ SkuId ]
if Sku . VariableGuid in VariableGuidSet : continue
VariableGuidSet . add ( Sku . VariableGuid )
if Sku . VariableGuid and Sku . VariableGuid in PkgGuidDict . keys ( ) :
GuidDict [ Sku . VariableGuid ] = PkgGuidDict [ Sku . VariableGuid ]
for ModuleFile in PlatformDataBase . Modules :
Module = BuildDb . BuildObject [ ModuleFile , Arch , GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName , GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag ]
if Module in ModuleList :
else :
ModuleList . append ( Module )
if GlobalData . gGuidPattern . match ( ModuleFile . BaseName ) :
GuidXRefFile . append ( " %s %s \n " % ( ModuleFile . BaseName , Module . BaseName ) )
else :
GuidXRefFile . append ( " %s %s \n " % ( Module . Guid , Module . BaseName ) )
GuidDict . update ( Module . Protocols )
GuidDict . update ( Module . Guids )
GuidDict . update ( Module . Ppis )
for FvName in FdfParserObj . Profile . FvDict :
for FfsObj in FdfParserObj . Profile . FvDict [ FvName ] . FfsList :
if not isinstance ( FfsObj , FileStatement ) :
InfPath = PathClass ( NormPath ( mws . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir , FfsObj . InfFileName ) ) )
FdfModule = BuildDb . BuildObject [ InfPath , Arch , GenFdsGlobalVariable . TargetName , GenFdsGlobalVariable . ToolChainTag ]
if FdfModule in ModuleList :
else :
ModuleList . append ( FdfModule )
GuidXRefFile . append ( " %s %s \n " % ( FdfModule . Guid , FdfModule . BaseName ) )
GuidDict . update ( FdfModule . Protocols )
GuidDict . update ( FdfModule . Guids )
GuidDict . update ( FdfModule . Ppis )
else :
FileStatementGuid = FfsObj . NameGuid
if FileStatementGuid in FileGuidList :
else :
FileGuidList . append ( FileStatementGuid )
Name = [ ]
FfsPath = os . path . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . FvDir , ' Ffs ' )
FfsPath = glob ( os . path . join ( FfsPath , FileStatementGuid ) + TAB_STAR )
if not FfsPath :
if not os . path . exists ( FfsPath [ 0 ] ) :
MatchDict = { }
ReFileEnds = compile ( ' \ S+(.ui)$| \ S+(fv.sec.txt)$| \ S+(.pe32.txt)$| \ S+(.te.txt)$| \ S+(.pic.txt)$| \ S+(.raw.txt)$| \ S+(.ffs.txt)$ ' )
FileList = os . listdir ( FfsPath [ 0 ] )
for File in FileList :
Match = ReFileEnds . search ( File )
if Match :
for Index in range ( 1 , 8 ) :
if Match . group ( Index ) and Match . group ( Index ) in MatchDict :
MatchDict [ Match . group ( Index ) ] . append ( File )
elif Match . group ( Index ) :
MatchDict [ Match . group ( Index ) ] = [ File ]
if not MatchDict :
if ' .ui ' in MatchDict :
for File in MatchDict [ ' .ui ' ] :
with open ( os . path . join ( FfsPath [ 0 ] , File ) , ' rb ' ) as F :
F . read ( )
length = F . tell ( )
F . seek ( 4 )
TmpStr = unpack ( ' %d h ' % ( ( length - 4 ) / / 2 ) , F . read ( ) )
Name = ' ' . join ( chr ( c ) for c in TmpStr [ : - 1 ] )
else :
FileList = [ ]
if ' fv.sec.txt ' in MatchDict :
FileList = MatchDict [ ' fv.sec.txt ' ]
elif ' .pe32.txt ' in MatchDict :
FileList = MatchDict [ ' .pe32.txt ' ]
elif ' .te.txt ' in MatchDict :
FileList = MatchDict [ ' .te.txt ' ]
elif ' .pic.txt ' in MatchDict :
FileList = MatchDict [ ' .pic.txt ' ]
elif ' .raw.txt ' in MatchDict :
FileList = MatchDict [ ' .raw.txt ' ]
elif ' .ffs.txt ' in MatchDict :
FileList = MatchDict [ ' .ffs.txt ' ]
else :
for File in FileList :
with open ( os . path . join ( FfsPath [ 0 ] , File ) , ' r ' ) as F :
Name . append ( ( F . read ( ) . split ( ) [ - 1 ] ) )
if not Name :
Name = ' ' . join ( Name ) if isinstance ( Name , type ( [ ] ) ) else Name
GuidXRefFile . append ( " %s %s \n " % ( FileStatementGuid , Name ) )
# Append GUIDs, Protocols, and PPIs to the Xref file
GuidXRefFile . append ( " \n " )
for key , item in GuidDict . items ( ) :
GuidXRefFile . append ( " %s %s \n " % ( GuidStructureStringToGuidString ( item ) . upper ( ) , key ) )
if GuidXRefFile :
GuidXRefFile = ' ' . join ( GuidXRefFile )
SaveFileOnChange ( GuidXRefFileName , GuidXRefFile , False )
GenFdsGlobalVariable . InfLogger ( " \n GUID cross reference file can be found at %s " % GuidXRefFileName )
elif os . path . exists ( GuidXRefFileName ) :
os . remove ( GuidXRefFileName )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
r = main ( )
## 0-127 is a safe return range, and 1 is a standard default error
if r < 0 or r > 127 :
r = 1
exit ( r )