mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 03:21:55 +01:00
484 lines
9.3 KiB
484 lines
9.3 KiB
DEFAULT_HANDLER_SIZE: equ 9 ; size of exception/interrupt stub
SYS_CODE_SEL64: equ 0x38 ; 64-bit code selector in GDT
PE_OFFSET_IN_MZ_STUB: equ 0x3c ; place in MsDos stub for offset to PE Header
VGA_FB: equ 0x000b8000 ; VGA framebuffer for 80x25 mono mode
VGA_LINE: equ 80 * 2 ; # bytes in one line
BASE_ADDR_64: equ 0x00021000
STACK_TOP: equ 0x001fffe8
SIZE: equ 0x1000
.CheckSum: resd 1
.Offset: resd 1
.Length: resd 1
.FileName: resb 52
.Signature: resd 1
.HeaderCheckSum: resd 1
.FileLength: resd 1
.NumberOfImages: resd 1
resb 6
.NumberOfSections: resw 1
resb 12
.SizeOfOptionalHeader: resw 1
resb 2
.Magic: resb 16
.AddressOfEntryPoint: resd 1
resb 4
.ImageBase64: resd 1
resb 12
.VirtualAddress: resd 1
.SizeOfRawData: resd 1
.PointerToRawData: resd 1
resb 16
%macro StubWithNoCode 1
push 0 ; push error code place holder on the stack
push %1
jmp strict qword commonIdtEntry
%macro StubWithACode 1
times 2 nop
push %1
jmp strict qword commonIdtEntry
%macro PrintReg 2
mov esi, %1
call PrintString
mov rax, [rbp + %2]
call PrintQword
bits 64
org BASE_ADDR_64
global _start
mov esp, STACK_TOP
; set OSFXSR and OSXMMEXCPT because some code will use XMM registers
mov rax, cr4
or rax, 0x600
mov cr4, rax
; Populate IDT with meaningful offsets for exception handlers...
sidt [REL Idtr]
mov eax, StubTable
mov ebx, eax ; use bx to copy 15..0 to descriptors
shr eax, 16 ; use ax to copy 31..16 to descriptors
; 63..32 of descriptors is 0
mov ecx, 0x78 ; 78h IDT entries to initialize with unique entry points
mov edi, [REL Idtr + 2]
.StubLoop: ; loop through all IDT entries exception handlers and initialize to default handler
mov [rdi], bx ; write bits 15..0 of offset
mov word [rdi + 2], SYS_CODE_SEL64 ; SYS_CODE_SEL64 from GDT
mov word [rdi + 4], 0x8e00 ; type = 386 interrupt gate, present
mov [rdi + 6], ax ; write bits 31..16 of offset
mov dword [rdi + 8], 0 ; write bits 63..32 of offset
add edi, 16 ; move up to next descriptor
add ebx, DEFAULT_HANDLER_SIZE ; move to next entry point
loop .StubLoop ; loop back through again until all descriptors are initialized
mov esi, BlockSignature + 2
add esi, [rsi + EFILDR_HEADER_size + EFILDR_IMAGE.Offset] ; esi = Base of EFILDR.C
mov ebp, [rsi + PE_OFFSET_IN_MZ_STUB]
add ebp, esi ; ebp = PE Image Header for EFILDR.C
mov edi, [rbp + PE_HEADER.ImageBase64] ; edi = ImageBase (63..32 is zero, ignore)
mov eax, [rbp + PE_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint] ; eax = EntryPoint
add eax, edi ; eax = ImageBase + EntryPoint
mov [REL .EfiLdrOffset], eax ; Modify jump instruction for correct entry point
movzx ebx, word [rbp + PE_HEADER.NumberOfSections] ; bx = Number of sections
movzx eax, word [rbp + PE_HEADER.SizeOfOptionalHeader]; ax = Optional Header Size
add ebp, eax
add ebp, PE_HEADER.Magic ; ebp = Start of 1st Section
push rsi ; Save Base of EFILDR.C
push rdi ; Save ImageBase
add esi, [rbp + PE_SECTION_HEADER.PointerToRawData] ; esi = Base of EFILDR.C + PointerToRawData
add edi, [rbp + PE_SECTION_HEADER.VirtualAddress] ; edi = ImageBase + VirtualAddress
mov ecx, [rbp + PE_SECTION_HEADER.SizeOfRawData] ; ecx = SizeOfRawData
shr ecx, 2
rep movsd
pop rdi ; Restore ImageBase
pop rsi ; Restore Base of EFILDR.C
add ebp, PE_SECTION_HEADER_size ; ebp = Pointer to next section record
dec ebx
jnz .SectionLoop
movzx ecx, word [REL Idtr] ; get size of IDT
inc ecx
add ecx, [REL Idtr + 2] ; add to base of IDT to get location of memory map...
; argument in RCX
.EfiLdrOffset: equ $ + 1
mov eax, 0x00401000
jmp rax ; jump to entry point
%assign i 0
%rep 8
StubWithNoCode i
%assign i i+1
StubWithACode 8 ; Double Fault
StubWithNoCode 9
StubWithACode 10 ; Invalid TSS
StubWithACode 11 ; Segment Not Present
StubWithACode 12 ; Stack Fault
StubWithACode 13 ; GP Fault
StubWithACode 14 ; Page Fault
StubWithNoCode 15
StubWithNoCode 16
StubWithACode 17 ; Alignment Check
%assign i 18
%rep 102
StubWithNoCode i
%assign i i+1
push rax
push rcx
push rdx
push rbx
push rsp
push rbp
push rsi
push rdi
push r8
push r9
push r10
push r11
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
mov rbp, rsp
; At this point the stack looks like this:
; Calling SS
; Calling RSP
; rflags
; Calling CS
; Calling RIP
; Error code or 0
; Int num or 0ffh for unknown int num
; rax
; rcx
; rdx
; rbx
; rsp
; rbp
; rsi
; rdi
; r8
; r9
; r10
; r11
; r12
; r13
; r14
; r15 <------- RSP, RBP
call ClearScreen
mov esi, String1
call PrintString
mov eax, [rbp + 16 * 8] ; move Int number into EAX
cmp eax, 19
ja .PrintDefaultString
mov esi, [rax * 8 + StringTable] ; get offset from StringTable to actual string address
jmp .PrintTheString
mov esi, IntUnknownString
; patch Int number
mov edx, eax
call A2C
mov [rsi + 1], al
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 4
call A2C
mov [rsi], al
call PrintString
PrintReg String2, 19 * 8 ; CS
mov byte [rdi], ':'
add edi, 2
mov rax, [rbp + 18 * 8] ; RIP
call PrintQword
mov esi, String3
call PrintString
mov edi, VGA_FB + 2 * VGA_LINE
PrintReg StringRax, 15 * 8
PrintReg StringRcx, 14 * 8
PrintReg StringRdx, 13 * 8
mov edi, VGA_FB + 3 * VGA_LINE
PrintReg StringRbx, 12 * 8
PrintReg StringRsp, 21 * 8
PrintReg StringRbp, 10 * 8
mov edi, VGA_FB + 4 * VGA_LINE
PrintReg StringRsi, 9 * 8
PrintReg StringRdi, 8 * 8
PrintReg StringEcode, 17 * 8
mov edi, VGA_FB + 5 * VGA_LINE
PrintReg StringR8, 7 * 8
PrintReg StringR9, 6 * 8
PrintReg StringR10, 5 * 8
mov edi, VGA_FB + 6 * VGA_LINE
PrintReg StringR11, 4 * 8
PrintReg StringR12, 3 * 8
PrintReg StringR13, 2 * 8
mov edi, VGA_FB + 7 * VGA_LINE
PrintReg StringR14, 8
PrintReg StringR15, 0
PrintReg StringSs, 22 * 8
mov edi, VGA_FB + 8 * VGA_LINE
PrintReg StringRflags, 20 * 8
mov edi, VGA_FB + 10 * VGA_LINE
mov rsi, rbp
add rsi, 23 * 8 ; stack beyond SS
mov ecx, 4
push rcx
mov ecx, 4
mov edx, edi
mov rax, [rsi]
call PrintQword
add rsi, 8
mov byte [rdi], ' '
add edi, 2
loop .InnerLoop
pop rcx
add edx, VGA_LINE
mov edi, edx
loop .OuterLoop
mov edi, VGA_FB + 15 * VGA_LINE
mov rsi, [rbp + 18 * 8] ; RIP
sub rsi, 8 * 8 ; code preceding RIP
mov ecx, 4
push rcx
mov ecx, 4
mov edx, edi
mov rax, [rsi]
call PrintQword
add rsi, 8
mov byte [rdi], ' '
add edi, 2
loop .InnerLoop1
pop rcx
add edx, VGA_LINE
mov edi, edx
loop .OuterLoop1
jmp .Halt
; Return
mov rsp, rbp
pop r15
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
pop r8
pop rdi
pop rsi
pop rbp
pop rax ; rsp
pop rbx
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rax
add rsp, 16 ; error code and INT number
push rax
mov al, [rsi]
test al, al
jz .done
mov [rdi], al
inc esi
add edi, 2
jmp .loop
pop rax
; RAX contains qword to print
; RDI contains memory location (screen location) to print it to
push rcx
push rbx
push rax
mov ecx, 16
rol rax, 4
mov bl, al
and bl, 15
add bl, '0'
cmp bl, '9'
jbe .is_digit
add bl, 7
mov [rdi], bl
add edi, 2
loop .looptop
pop rax
pop rbx
pop rcx
push rax
push rcx
mov ax, 0x0c20
mov edi, VGA_FB
mov ecx, 80 * 25
rep stosw
mov edi, VGA_FB
pop rcx
pop rax
and al, 15
add al, '0'
cmp al, '9'
jbe .is_digit
add al, 7
String1: db '*** INT ', 0
Int0String: db '00h Divide by 0 -', 0
Int1String: db '01h Debug exception -', 0
Int2String: db '02h NMI -', 0
Int3String: db '03h Breakpoint -', 0
Int4String: db '04h Overflow -', 0
Int5String: db '05h Bound -', 0
Int6String: db '06h Invalid opcode -', 0
Int7String: db '07h Device not available -', 0
Int8String: db '08h Double fault -', 0
Int9String: db '09h Coprocessor seg overrun (reserved) -', 0
Int10String: db '0Ah Invalid TSS -', 0
Int11String: db '0Bh Segment not present -', 0
Int12String: db '0Ch Stack fault -', 0
Int13String: db '0Dh General protection fault -', 0
Int14String: db '0Eh Page fault -', 0
Int15String: db '0Fh (Intel reserved) -', 0
Int16String: db '10h Floating point error -', 0
Int17String: db '11h Alignment check -', 0
Int18String: db '12h Machine check -', 0
Int19String: db '13h SIMD Floating-Point Exception -', 0
IntUnknownString: db '??h Unknown interrupt -', 0
align 8, db 0
%assign i 0
%rep 20
dq Int%[i]String
%assign i i+1
String2: db ' HALT!! *** (', 0
String3: db ')', 0
StringRax: db 'RAX=', 0
StringRcx: db ' RCX=', 0
StringRdx: db ' RDX=', 0
StringRbx: db 'RBX=', 0
StringRsp: db ' RSP=', 0
StringRbp: db ' RBP=', 0
StringRsi: db 'RSI=', 0
StringRdi: db ' RDI=', 0
StringEcode: db ' ECODE=', 0
StringR8: db 'R8 =', 0
StringR9: db ' R9 =', 0
StringR10: db ' R10=', 0
StringR11: db 'R11=', 0
StringR12: db ' R12=', 0
StringR13: db ' R13=', 0
StringR14: db 'R14=', 0
StringR15: db ' R15=', 0
StringSs: db ' SS =', 0
StringRflags: db 'RFLAGS=', 0
align 2, db 0
times SIZE - 2 - $ + $$ db 0
dw 0xaa55