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// XCinema.hpp
// Clover
// Created by Sergey Isakov on 09/04/2020.
// Copyright © 2020 Slice. All rights reserved.
#ifndef XCinema_h
#define XCinema_h
extern "C" {
#include <Protocol/GraphicsOutput.h>
#include "../cpp_foundation/XToolsCommon.h"
#include "../cpp_foundation/XArray.h"
#include "../cpp_foundation/XStringW.h"
#include "../libeg/libeg.h"
#include "XImage.h"
#include "XTheme.h"
class XTheme;
class FILM
//I see no reason to make they protected
bool RunOnce;
INTN Id; //ScreenID, enumeration value but keep it to be int for extensibility
INTN NumFrames; //set by user in Theme.plist or in Theme.svg
INTN FrameTime; //usually 50, 100, 200 ms
INTN FilmX, FilmY; //relative
INTN ScreenEdgeHorizontal;
INTN ScreenEdgeVertical;
INTN NudgeX, NudgeY;
XStringW Path; //user defined name for folder and files Path/Path_002.png etc
XObjArray<IndexedImage> Frames; //Frames can be not sorted
INTN LastIndex; // it is not Frames.size(), it is last index inclusive, so frames 0,1,2,5,8 be LastIndex = 8
INTN CurrentFrame; // must be unique for each film
EG_RECT FilmPlace; // Screen has several Films each in own place
FILM() {}
FILM(INTN Id) : RunOnce(false), Id(Id)
~FILM() {}
const XImage& GetImage(INTN Index) const;
const XImage& GetImage() const;
void AddFrame(XImage* Frame, INTN Index); //IndexedImage will be created
size_t Size() { return Frames.size(); }
INTN LastFrameID() { return LastIndex; }
bool Finished() { return CurrentFrame == 0; }
void GetFrames(XTheme& TheTheme, const XStringW& Path); //read image sequence from Theme/Path/
void SetPlace(const EG_RECT& Rect) { FilmPlace = Rect; }
void Advance() { ++CurrentFrame %= (LastIndex + 1); }
void Reset() { CurrentFrame = 0; }
// EFI_STATUS GetFrame(IN INTN Index, OUT XImage *Frame); //usually Index=CurrentFrame
// EFI_STATUS GetFrame(OUT XImage *Frame);
//initially it was supposed to be one anime per one REFIT_SCREEN
// but this leads to large delays switching screens to initialize Film sequence again and again
// otherwise anime depends on theme and should be a member of XTheme
// then it should contain Screen->ID for each film
// but for next future we want to have other animated images in addition to screen->titleimage
// so let it be frames arrays each with own purpose (Id)
// XTheme contains Cinema which is an array of FILMs
// Each Screen contains a pointer to a FILM. And moreover titleFilm, or BackgroundFilm or even entryFilm
// Next problem is a timeout between frames.
// A theme contains images with indexes 1,2,5,6 for one Id.
// This Id contains fixed timeout between frames. Then next updateAnime Index will be compared with current tick
// if yes then update. Static index?
// in the far future I'll plan to make dynamic SVG: parse SVGIcon with a variable argument
// and then rasterize it. Real SVG contains constants only so it will be new dynamicSVG.
// then Entry->Image should be reparsed each time it created or contains flag to update every frameTime
class XCinema
XObjArray<FILM> Cinema;
XCinema() {}
~XCinema() {}
FILM* GetFilm(INTN Id);
void AddFilm(FILM* NewFilm);
#endif /* XCinema_h */