2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
## @file
# Create makefile for MS nmake and GNU make
# Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
from __future__ import absolute_import
from AutoGen . AutoGen import AutoGen
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
from Common . LongFilePathSupport import LongFilePath , CopyLongFilePath
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
from Common . BuildToolError import *
from Common . DataType import *
from Common . Misc import *
from Common . StringUtils import NormPath , GetSplitList
from collections import defaultdict
from Workspace . WorkspaceCommon import OrderedListDict
import os . path as path
import copy
import hashlib
from . import InfSectionParser
from . import GenC
from . import GenMake
from . import GenDepex
from io import BytesIO
from GenPatchPcdTable . GenPatchPcdTable import parsePcdInfoFromMapFile
from Workspace . MetaFileCommentParser import UsageList
from . GenPcdDb import CreatePcdDatabaseCode
from Common . caching import cached_class_function
from AutoGen . ModuleAutoGenHelper import PlatformInfo , WorkSpaceInfo
import json
import tempfile
## Mapping Makefile type
gMakeTypeMap = { TAB_COMPILER_MSFT : " nmake " , " GCC " : " gmake " }
# Regular expression for finding Include Directories, the difference between MSFT and INTEL/GCC/RVCT
# is the former use /I , the Latter used -I to specify include directories
gBuildOptIncludePatternMsft = re . compile ( r " (?:.*?)/I[ \ t]*([^ ]*) " , re . MULTILINE | re . DOTALL )
gBuildOptIncludePatternOther = re . compile ( r " (?:.*?)-I[ \ t]*([^ ]*) " , re . MULTILINE | re . DOTALL )
## default file name for AutoGen
gAutoGenCodeFileName = " AutoGen.c "
gAutoGenHeaderFileName = " AutoGen.h "
gAutoGenStringFileName = " %(module_name)s StrDefs.h "
gAutoGenStringFormFileName = " %(module_name)s StrDefs.hpk "
gAutoGenDepexFileName = " %(module_name)s .depex "
gAutoGenImageDefFileName = " %(module_name)s ImgDefs.h "
gAutoGenIdfFileName = " %(module_name)s Idf.hpk "
gInfSpecVersion = " 0x00010017 "
# Match name = variable
gEfiVarStoreNamePattern = re . compile ( " \ s*name \ s*= \ s*( \ w+) " )
# The format of guid in efivarstore statement likes following and must be correct:
# guid = {0xA04A27f4, 0xDF00, 0x4D42, {0xB5, 0x52, 0x39, 0x51, 0x13, 0x02, 0x11, 0x3D}}
gEfiVarStoreGuidPattern = re . compile ( " \ s*guid \ s*= \ s*( { .*? { .*?} \ s*}) " )
# Template string to generic AsBuilt INF
gAsBuiltInfHeaderString = TemplateString ( """ $ {header_comments}
# FILE auto-generated
[ Defines ]
INF_VERSION = $ { module_inf_version }
BASE_NAME = $ { module_name }
FILE_GUID = $ { module_guid }
MODULE_TYPE = $ { module_module_type } $ { BEGIN }
VERSION_STRING = $ { module_version_string } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
PCD_IS_DRIVER = $ { pcd_is_driver_string } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION = $ { module_uefi_specification_version } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION = $ { module_pi_specification_version } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
ENTRY_POINT = $ { module_entry_point } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
UNLOAD_IMAGE = $ { module_unload_image } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
CONSTRUCTOR = $ { module_constructor } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
DESTRUCTOR = $ { module_destructor } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
SHADOW = $ { module_shadow } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
PCI_VENDOR_ID = $ { module_pci_vendor_id } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
PCI_DEVICE_ID = $ { module_pci_device_id } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
PCI_CLASS_CODE = $ { module_pci_class_code } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
PCI_REVISION = $ { module_pci_revision } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
BUILD_NUMBER = $ { module_build_number } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
SPEC = $ { module_spec } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
UEFI_HII_RESOURCE_SECTION = $ { module_uefi_hii_resource_section } $ { END } $ { BEGIN }
MODULE_UNI_FILE = $ { module_uni_file } $ { END }
[ Packages . $ { module_arch } ] $ { BEGIN }
$ { package_item } $ { END }
[ Binaries . $ { module_arch } ] $ { BEGIN }
$ { binary_item } $ { END }
[ PatchPcd . $ { module_arch } ] $ { BEGIN }
$ { patchablepcd_item }
$ { END }
[ Protocols . $ { module_arch } ] $ { BEGIN }
$ { protocol_item }
$ { END }
[ Ppis . $ { module_arch } ] $ { BEGIN }
$ { ppi_item }
$ { END }
[ Guids . $ { module_arch } ] $ { BEGIN }
$ { guid_item }
$ { END }
[ PcdEx . $ { module_arch } ] $ { BEGIN }
$ { pcd_item }
$ { END }
[ LibraryClasses . $ { module_arch } ]
# ${libraryclasses_item}${END}
$ { depexsection_item }
$ { userextension_tianocore_item }
$ { tail_comments }
[ BuildOptions . $ { module_arch } ]
## @AsBuilt${BEGIN}
## ${flags_item}${END}
""" )
# extend lists contained in a dictionary with lists stored in another dictionary
# if CopyToDict is not derived from DefaultDict(list) then this may raise exception
def ExtendCopyDictionaryLists ( CopyToDict , CopyFromDict ) :
for Key in CopyFromDict :
CopyToDict [ Key ] . extend ( CopyFromDict [ Key ] )
# Create a directory specified by a set of path elements and return the full path
def _MakeDir ( PathList ) :
RetVal = path . join ( * PathList )
CreateDirectory ( RetVal )
return RetVal
# Convert string to C format array
def _ConvertStringToByteArray ( Value ) :
Value = Value . strip ( )
if not Value :
return None
if Value [ 0 ] == ' { ' :
if not Value . endswith ( ' } ' ) :
return None
Value = Value . replace ( ' ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' { ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' } ' , ' ' )
ValFields = Value . split ( ' , ' )
try :
for Index in range ( len ( ValFields ) ) :
ValFields [ Index ] = str ( int ( ValFields [ Index ] , 0 ) )
except ValueError :
return None
Value = ' { ' + ' , ' . join ( ValFields ) + ' } '
return Value
Unicode = False
if Value . startswith ( ' L " ' ) :
if not Value . endswith ( ' " ' ) :
return None
Value = Value [ 1 : ]
Unicode = True
elif not Value . startswith ( ' " ' ) or not Value . endswith ( ' " ' ) :
return None
Value = eval ( Value ) # translate escape character
NewValue = ' { '
for Index in range ( 0 , len ( Value ) ) :
if Unicode :
NewValue = NewValue + str ( ord ( Value [ Index ] ) % 0x10000 ) + ' , '
else :
NewValue = NewValue + str ( ord ( Value [ Index ] ) % 0x100 ) + ' , '
Value = NewValue + ' 0} '
return Value
## ModuleAutoGen class
# This class encapsules the AutoGen behaviors for the build tools. In addition to
# the generation of AutoGen.h and AutoGen.c, it will generate *.depex file according
# to the [depex] section in module's inf file.
class ModuleAutoGen ( AutoGen ) :
# call super().__init__ then call the worker function with different parameter count
def __init__ ( self , Workspace , MetaFile , Target , Toolchain , Arch , * args , * * kwargs ) :
if not hasattr ( self , " _Init " ) :
self . _InitWorker ( Workspace , MetaFile , Target , Toolchain , Arch , * args )
self . _Init = True
## Cache the timestamps of metafiles of every module in a class attribute
TimeDict = { }
def __new__ ( cls , Workspace , MetaFile , Target , Toolchain , Arch , * args , * * kwargs ) :
# check if this module is employed by active platform
if not PlatformInfo ( Workspace , args [ 0 ] , Target , Toolchain , Arch , args [ - 1 ] ) . ValidModule ( MetaFile ) :
EdkLogger . verbose ( " Module [ %s ] for [ %s ] is not employed by active platform \n " \
% ( MetaFile , Arch ) )
return None
return super ( ModuleAutoGen , cls ) . __new__ ( cls , Workspace , MetaFile , Target , Toolchain , Arch , * args , * * kwargs )
## Initialize ModuleAutoGen
# @param Workspace EdkIIWorkspaceBuild object
# @param ModuleFile The path of module file
# @param Target Build target (DEBUG, RELEASE)
# @param Toolchain Name of tool chain
# @param Arch The arch the module supports
# @param PlatformFile Platform meta-file
def _InitWorker ( self , Workspace , ModuleFile , Target , Toolchain , Arch , PlatformFile , DataPipe ) :
EdkLogger . debug ( EdkLogger . DEBUG_9 , " AutoGen module [ %s ] [ %s ] " % ( ModuleFile , Arch ) )
GlobalData . gProcessingFile = " %s [ %s , %s , %s ] " % ( ModuleFile , Arch , Toolchain , Target )
self . Workspace = Workspace
self . WorkspaceDir = " "
self . PlatformInfo = None
self . DataPipe = DataPipe
self . __init_platform_info__ ( )
self . MetaFile = ModuleFile
self . SourceDir = self . MetaFile . SubDir
self . SourceDir = mws . relpath ( self . SourceDir , self . WorkspaceDir )
self . ToolChain = Toolchain
self . BuildTarget = Target
self . Arch = Arch
self . ToolChainFamily = self . PlatformInfo . ToolChainFamily
self . BuildRuleFamily = self . PlatformInfo . BuildRuleFamily
self . IsCodeFileCreated = False
self . IsAsBuiltInfCreated = False
self . DepexGenerated = False
self . BuildDatabase = self . Workspace . BuildDatabase
self . BuildRuleOrder = None
self . BuildTime = 0
self . _GuidComments = OrderedListDict ( )
self . _ProtocolComments = OrderedListDict ( )
self . _PpiComments = OrderedListDict ( )
self . _BuildTargets = None
self . _IntroBuildTargetList = None
self . _FinalBuildTargetList = None
self . _FileTypes = None
self . AutoGenDepSet = set ( )
self . ReferenceModules = [ ]
self . ConstPcd = { }
self . FileDependCache = { }
def __init_platform_info__ ( self ) :
pinfo = self . DataPipe . Get ( " P_Info " )
self . WorkspaceDir = pinfo . get ( " WorkspaceDir " )
self . PlatformInfo = PlatformInfo ( self . Workspace , pinfo . get ( " ActivePlatform " ) , pinfo . get ( " Target " ) , pinfo . get ( " ToolChain " ) , pinfo . get ( " Arch " ) , self . DataPipe )
## hash() operator of ModuleAutoGen
# The module file path and arch string will be used to represent
# hash value of this object
# @retval int Hash value of the module file path and arch
def __hash__ ( self ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
return hash ( ( self . MetaFile , self . Arch , self . ToolChain , self . BuildTarget ) )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return " %s [ %s ] " % ( self . MetaFile , self . Arch )
# Get FixedAtBuild Pcds of this Module
def FixedAtBuildPcds ( self ) :
RetVal = [ ]
for Pcd in self . ModulePcdList :
if Pcd . Type != TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD :
if Pcd not in RetVal :
RetVal . append ( Pcd )
return RetVal
def FixedVoidTypePcds ( self ) :
RetVal = { }
for Pcd in self . FixedAtBuildPcds :
if Pcd . DatumType == TAB_VOID :
if ' . ' . join ( ( Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , Pcd . TokenCName ) ) not in RetVal :
RetVal [ ' . ' . join ( ( Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , Pcd . TokenCName ) ) ] = Pcd . DefaultValue
return RetVal
def UniqueBaseName ( self ) :
ModuleNames = self . DataPipe . Get ( " M_Name " )
if not ModuleNames :
return self . Name
return ModuleNames . get ( ( self . Name , self . MetaFile ) , self . Name )
# Macros could be used in build_rule.txt (also Makefile)
def Macros ( self ) :
return OrderedDict ( (
( " WORKSPACE " , self . WorkspaceDir ) ,
( " MODULE_NAME " , self . Name ) ,
( " MODULE_NAME_GUID " , self . UniqueBaseName ) ,
( " MODULE_GUID " , self . Guid ) ,
( " MODULE_VERSION " , self . Version ) ,
( " MODULE_TYPE " , self . ModuleType ) ,
( " MODULE_FILE " , str ( self . MetaFile ) ) ,
( " MODULE_FILE_BASE_NAME " , self . MetaFile . BaseName ) ,
( " MODULE_RELATIVE_DIR " , self . SourceDir ) ,
( " MODULE_DIR " , self . SourceDir ) ,
( " BASE_NAME " , self . Name ) ,
( " ARCH " , self . Arch ) ,
( " TOOLCHAIN " , self . ToolChain ) ,
( " TOOLCHAIN_TAG " , self . ToolChain ) ,
( " TOOL_CHAIN_TAG " , self . ToolChain ) ,
( " TARGET " , self . BuildTarget ) ,
( " BUILD_DIR " , self . PlatformInfo . BuildDir ) ,
( " BIN_DIR " , os . path . join ( self . PlatformInfo . BuildDir , self . Arch ) ) ,
( " LIB_DIR " , os . path . join ( self . PlatformInfo . BuildDir , self . Arch ) ) ,
( " MODULE_BUILD_DIR " , self . BuildDir ) ,
( " OUTPUT_DIR " , self . OutputDir ) ,
( " DEBUG_DIR " , self . DebugDir ) ,
( " DEST_DIR_OUTPUT " , self . OutputDir ) ,
( " DEST_DIR_DEBUG " , self . DebugDir ) ,
( " PLATFORM_NAME " , self . PlatformInfo . Name ) ,
( " PLATFORM_GUID " , self . PlatformInfo . Guid ) ,
( " PLATFORM_VERSION " , self . PlatformInfo . Version ) ,
( " PLATFORM_RELATIVE_DIR " , self . PlatformInfo . SourceDir ) ,
( " PLATFORM_DIR " , mws . join ( self . WorkspaceDir , self . PlatformInfo . SourceDir ) ) ,
( " PLATFORM_OUTPUT_DIR " , self . PlatformInfo . OutputDir ) ,
( " FFS_OUTPUT_DIR " , self . FfsOutputDir )
) )
## Return the module build data object
def Module ( self ) :
return self . BuildDatabase [ self . MetaFile , self . Arch , self . BuildTarget , self . ToolChain ]
## Return the module name
def Name ( self ) :
return self . Module . BaseName
## Return the module DxsFile if exist
def DxsFile ( self ) :
return self . Module . DxsFile
## Return the module meta-file GUID
def Guid ( self ) :
# To build same module more than once, the module path with FILE_GUID overridden has
# the file name FILE_GUIDmodule.inf, but the relative path (self.MetaFile.File) is the real path
# in DSC. The overridden GUID can be retrieved from file name
if os . path . basename ( self . MetaFile . File ) != os . path . basename ( self . MetaFile . Path ) :
# Length of GUID is 36
return os . path . basename ( self . MetaFile . Path ) [ : 36 ]
return self . Module . Guid
## Return the module version
def Version ( self ) :
return self . Module . Version
## Return the module type
def ModuleType ( self ) :
return self . Module . ModuleType
## Return the component type (for Edk.x style of module)
def ComponentType ( self ) :
return self . Module . ComponentType
## Return the build type
def BuildType ( self ) :
return self . Module . BuildType
## Return the PCD_IS_DRIVER setting
def PcdIsDriver ( self ) :
return self . Module . PcdIsDriver
## Return the autogen version, i.e. module meta-file version
def AutoGenVersion ( self ) :
return self . Module . AutoGenVersion
## Check if the module is library or not
def IsLibrary ( self ) :
return bool ( self . Module . LibraryClass )
## Check if the module is binary module or not
def IsBinaryModule ( self ) :
return self . Module . IsBinaryModule
## Return the directory to store intermediate files of the module
def BuildDir ( self ) :
return _MakeDir ( (
self . PlatformInfo . BuildDir ,
self . Arch ,
self . SourceDir ,
self . MetaFile . BaseName
) )
## Return the directory to store the intermediate object files of the module
def OutputDir ( self ) :
return _MakeDir ( ( self . BuildDir , " OUTPUT " ) )
## Return the directory path to store ffs file
def FfsOutputDir ( self ) :
if GlobalData . gFdfParser :
return path . join ( self . PlatformInfo . BuildDir , TAB_FV_DIRECTORY , " Ffs " , self . Guid + self . Name )
return ' '
## Return the directory to store auto-gened source files of the module
def DebugDir ( self ) :
return _MakeDir ( ( self . BuildDir , " DEBUG " ) )
## Return the path of custom file
def CustomMakefile ( self ) :
RetVal = { }
for Type in self . Module . CustomMakefile :
MakeType = gMakeTypeMap [ Type ] if Type in gMakeTypeMap else ' nmake '
File = os . path . join ( self . SourceDir , self . Module . CustomMakefile [ Type ] )
RetVal [ MakeType ] = File
return RetVal
## Return the directory of the makefile
# @retval string The directory string of module's makefile
def MakeFileDir ( self ) :
return self . BuildDir
## Return build command string
# @retval string Build command string
def BuildCommand ( self ) :
return self . PlatformInfo . BuildCommand
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## Get Module package and Platform package
# @retval list The list of package object
def PackageList ( self ) :
PkagList = [ ]
if self . Module . Packages :
PkagList . extend ( self . Module . Packages )
Platform = self . BuildDatabase [ self . PlatformInfo . MetaFile , self . Arch , self . BuildTarget , self . ToolChain ]
for Package in Platform . Packages :
if Package in PkagList :
PkagList . append ( Package )
return PkagList
## Get object list of all packages the module and its dependent libraries belong to and the Platform depends on
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# @retval list The list of package object
def DerivedPackageList ( self ) :
PackageList = [ ]
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
PackageList . extend ( self . PackageList )
for M in self . DependentLibraryList :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
for Package in M . Packages :
if Package in PackageList :
PackageList . append ( Package )
return PackageList
## Get the depex string
# @return : a string contain all depex expression.
def _GetDepexExpresionString ( self ) :
DepexStr = ' '
DepexList = [ ]
## DPX_SOURCE IN Define section.
if self . Module . DxsFile :
return DepexStr
for M in [ self . Module ] + self . DependentLibraryList :
Filename = M . MetaFile . Path
InfObj = InfSectionParser . InfSectionParser ( Filename )
DepexExpressionList = InfObj . GetDepexExpresionList ( )
for DepexExpression in DepexExpressionList :
for key in DepexExpression :
Arch , ModuleType = key
DepexExpr = [ x for x in DepexExpression [ key ] if not str ( x ) . startswith ( ' # ' ) ]
# the type of build module is USER_DEFINED.
# All different DEPEX section tags would be copied into the As Built INF file
# and there would be separate DEPEX section tags
if self . ModuleType . upper ( ) == SUP_MODULE_USER_DEFINED or self . ModuleType . upper ( ) == SUP_MODULE_HOST_APPLICATION :
if ( Arch . upper ( ) == self . Arch . upper ( ) ) and ( ModuleType . upper ( ) != TAB_ARCH_COMMON ) :
DepexList . append ( { ( Arch , ModuleType ) : DepexExpr } )
else :
if Arch . upper ( ) == TAB_ARCH_COMMON or \
( Arch . upper ( ) == self . Arch . upper ( ) and \
ModuleType . upper ( ) in [ TAB_ARCH_COMMON , self . ModuleType . upper ( ) ] ) :
DepexList . append ( { ( Arch , ModuleType ) : DepexExpr } )
#the type of build module is USER_DEFINED.
if self . ModuleType . upper ( ) == SUP_MODULE_USER_DEFINED or self . ModuleType . upper ( ) == SUP_MODULE_HOST_APPLICATION :
for Depex in DepexList :
for key in Depex :
DepexStr + = ' [Depex. %s . %s ] \n ' % key
DepexStr + = ' \n ' . join ( ' # ' + val for val in Depex [ key ] )
DepexStr + = ' \n \n '
if not DepexStr :
return ' [Depex. %s ] \n ' % self . Arch
return DepexStr
#the type of build module not is USER_DEFINED.
Count = 0
for Depex in DepexList :
Count + = 1
if DepexStr != ' ' :
DepexStr + = ' AND '
DepexStr + = ' ( '
for D in Depex . values ( ) :
DepexStr + = ' ' . join ( val for val in D )
Index = DepexStr . find ( ' END ' )
if Index > - 1 and Index == len ( DepexStr ) - 3 :
DepexStr = DepexStr [ : - 3 ]
DepexStr = DepexStr . strip ( )
DepexStr + = ' ) '
if Count == 1 :
DepexStr = DepexStr . lstrip ( ' ( ' ) . rstrip ( ' ) ' ) . strip ( )
if not DepexStr :
return ' [Depex. %s ] \n ' % self . Arch
return ' [Depex. %s ] \n # ' % self . Arch + DepexStr
## Merge dependency expression
# @retval list The token list of the dependency expression after parsed
def DepexList ( self ) :
if self . DxsFile or self . IsLibrary or TAB_DEPENDENCY_EXPRESSION_FILE in self . FileTypes :
return { }
DepexList = [ ]
# Append depex from dependent libraries, if not "BEFORE", "AFTER" expression
FixedVoidTypePcds = { }
for M in [ self ] + self . LibraryAutoGenList :
FixedVoidTypePcds . update ( M . FixedVoidTypePcds )
for M in [ self ] + self . LibraryAutoGenList :
Inherited = False
for D in M . Module . Depex [ self . Arch , self . ModuleType ] :
if DepexList != [ ] :
DepexList . append ( ' AND ' )
DepexList . append ( ' ( ' )
#replace D with value if D is FixedAtBuild PCD
NewList = [ ]
for item in D :
if ' . ' not in item :
NewList . append ( item )
else :
try :
Value = FixedVoidTypePcds [ item ]
if len ( Value . split ( ' , ' ) ) != 16 :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , FORMAT_INVALID ,
" {} used in [Depex] section should be used as FixedAtBuild type and VOID* datum type and 16 bytes in the module. " . format ( item ) )
NewList . append ( Value )
except :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , FORMAT_INVALID , " {} used in [Depex] section should be used as FixedAtBuild type and VOID* datum type in the module. " . format ( item ) )
DepexList . extend ( NewList )
if DepexList [ - 1 ] == ' END ' : # no need of a END at this time
DepexList . pop ( )
DepexList . append ( ' ) ' )
Inherited = True
if Inherited :
EdkLogger . verbose ( " DEPEX[ %s ] (+ %s ) = %s " % ( self . Name , M . Module . BaseName , DepexList ) )
if ' BEFORE ' in DepexList or ' AFTER ' in DepexList :
if len ( DepexList ) > 0 :
EdkLogger . verbose ( ' ' )
return { self . ModuleType : DepexList }
## Merge dependency expression
# @retval list The token list of the dependency expression after parsed
def DepexExpressionDict ( self ) :
if self . DxsFile or self . IsLibrary or TAB_DEPENDENCY_EXPRESSION_FILE in self . FileTypes :
return { }
DepexExpressionString = ' '
# Append depex from dependent libraries, if not "BEFORE", "AFTER" expresion
for M in [ self . Module ] + self . DependentLibraryList :
Inherited = False
for D in M . DepexExpression [ self . Arch , self . ModuleType ] :
if DepexExpressionString != ' ' :
DepexExpressionString + = ' AND '
DepexExpressionString + = ' ( '
DepexExpressionString + = D
DepexExpressionString = DepexExpressionString . rstrip ( ' END ' ) . strip ( )
DepexExpressionString + = ' ) '
Inherited = True
if Inherited :
EdkLogger . verbose ( " DEPEX[ %s ] (+ %s ) = %s " % ( self . Name , M . BaseName , DepexExpressionString ) )
if ' BEFORE ' in DepexExpressionString or ' AFTER ' in DepexExpressionString :
if len ( DepexExpressionString ) > 0 :
EdkLogger . verbose ( ' ' )
return { self . ModuleType : DepexExpressionString }
# Get the tiano core user extension, it is contain dependent library.
# @retval: a list contain tiano core userextension.
def _GetTianoCoreUserExtensionList ( self ) :
TianoCoreUserExtentionList = [ ]
for M in [ self . Module ] + self . DependentLibraryList :
Filename = M . MetaFile . Path
InfObj = InfSectionParser . InfSectionParser ( Filename )
TianoCoreUserExtenList = InfObj . GetUserExtensionTianoCore ( )
for TianoCoreUserExtent in TianoCoreUserExtenList :
for Section in TianoCoreUserExtent :
ItemList = Section . split ( TAB_SPLIT )
Arch = self . Arch
if len ( ItemList ) == 4 :
Arch = ItemList [ 3 ]
if Arch . upper ( ) == TAB_ARCH_COMMON or Arch . upper ( ) == self . Arch . upper ( ) :
TianoCoreList = [ ]
TianoCoreList . extend ( [ TAB_SECTION_START + Section + TAB_SECTION_END ] )
TianoCoreList . extend ( TianoCoreUserExtent [ Section ] [ : ] )
TianoCoreList . append ( ' \n ' )
TianoCoreUserExtentionList . append ( TianoCoreList )
return TianoCoreUserExtentionList
## Return the list of specification version required for the module
# @retval list The list of specification defined in module file
def Specification ( self ) :
return self . Module . Specification
## Tool option for the module build
# @param PlatformInfo The object of PlatformBuildInfo
# @retval dict The dict containing valid options
def BuildOption ( self ) :
RetVal , self . BuildRuleOrder = self . PlatformInfo . ApplyBuildOption ( self . Module )
if self . BuildRuleOrder :
self . BuildRuleOrder = [ ' . %s ' % Ext for Ext in self . BuildRuleOrder . split ( ) ]
return RetVal
## Get include path list from tool option for the module build
# @retval list The include path list
def BuildOptionIncPathList ( self ) :
# Regular expression for finding Include Directories, the difference between MSFT and INTEL/GCC/RVCT
# is the former use /I , the Latter used -I to specify include directories
if self . PlatformInfo . ToolChainFamily in ( TAB_COMPILER_MSFT ) :
BuildOptIncludeRegEx = gBuildOptIncludePatternMsft
elif self . PlatformInfo . ToolChainFamily in ( ' INTEL ' , ' GCC ' , ' RVCT ' ) :
BuildOptIncludeRegEx = gBuildOptIncludePatternOther
else :
# New ToolChainFamily, don't known whether there is option to specify include directories
return [ ]
RetVal = [ ]
for Tool in ( ' CC ' , ' PP ' , ' VFRPP ' , ' ASLPP ' , ' ASLCC ' , ' APP ' , ' ASM ' ) :
try :
FlagOption = self . BuildOption [ Tool ] [ ' FLAGS ' ]
except KeyError :
FlagOption = ' '
if self . ToolChainFamily != ' RVCT ' :
IncPathList = [ NormPath ( Path , self . Macros ) for Path in BuildOptIncludeRegEx . findall ( FlagOption ) ]
else :
# RVCT may specify a list of directory seperated by commas
IncPathList = [ ]
for Path in BuildOptIncludeRegEx . findall ( FlagOption ) :
PathList = GetSplitList ( Path , TAB_COMMA_SPLIT )
IncPathList . extend ( NormPath ( PathEntry , self . Macros ) for PathEntry in PathList )
# EDK II modules must not reference header files outside of the packages they depend on or
# within the module's directory tree. Report error if violation.
if GlobalData . gDisableIncludePathCheck == False :
for Path in IncPathList :
if ( Path not in self . IncludePathList ) and ( CommonPath ( [ Path , self . MetaFile . Dir ] ) != self . MetaFile . Dir ) :
ErrMsg = " The include directory for the EDK II module in this line is invalid %s specified in %s FLAGS ' %s ' " % ( Path , Tool , FlagOption )
EdkLogger . error ( " build " ,
ExtraData = ErrMsg ,
File = str ( self . MetaFile ) )
RetVal + = IncPathList
return RetVal
## Return a list of files which can be built from source
# What kind of files can be built is determined by build rules in
# $(CONF_DIRECTORY)/build_rule.txt and toolchain family.
def SourceFileList ( self ) :
RetVal = [ ]
ToolChainTagSet = { " " , TAB_STAR , self . ToolChain }
ToolChainFamilySet = { " " , TAB_STAR , self . ToolChainFamily , self . BuildRuleFamily }
for F in self . Module . Sources :
# match tool chain
if F . TagName not in ToolChainTagSet :
EdkLogger . debug ( EdkLogger . DEBUG_9 , " The toolchain [ %s ] for processing file [ %s ] is found, "
" but [ %s ] is currently used " % ( F . TagName , str ( F ) , self . ToolChain ) )
# match tool chain family or build rule family
if F . ToolChainFamily not in ToolChainFamilySet :
EdkLogger . debug (
EdkLogger . DEBUG_0 ,
" The file [ %s ] must be built by tools of [ %s ], " \
" but current toolchain family is [ %s ], buildrule family is [ %s ] " \
% ( str ( F ) , F . ToolChainFamily , self . ToolChainFamily , self . BuildRuleFamily ) )
# add the file path into search path list for file including
if F . Dir not in self . IncludePathList :
self . IncludePathList . insert ( 0 , F . Dir )
RetVal . append ( F )
self . _MatchBuildRuleOrder ( RetVal )
for F in RetVal :
self . _ApplyBuildRule ( F , TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE )
return RetVal
def _MatchBuildRuleOrder ( self , FileList ) :
Order_Dict = { }
self . BuildOption
for SingleFile in FileList :
if self . BuildRuleOrder and SingleFile . Ext in self . BuildRuleOrder and SingleFile . Ext in self . BuildRules :
key = SingleFile . Path . rsplit ( SingleFile . Ext , 1 ) [ 0 ]
if key in Order_Dict :
Order_Dict [ key ] . append ( SingleFile . Ext )
else :
Order_Dict [ key ] = [ SingleFile . Ext ]
RemoveList = [ ]
for F in Order_Dict :
if len ( Order_Dict [ F ] ) > 1 :
Order_Dict [ F ] . sort ( key = lambda i : self . BuildRuleOrder . index ( i ) )
for Ext in Order_Dict [ F ] [ 1 : ] :
RemoveList . append ( F + Ext )
for item in RemoveList :
FileList . remove ( item )
return FileList
## Return the list of unicode files
def UnicodeFileList ( self ) :
return self . FileTypes . get ( TAB_UNICODE_FILE , [ ] )
## Return the list of vfr files
def VfrFileList ( self ) :
return self . FileTypes . get ( TAB_VFR_FILE , [ ] )
## Return the list of Image Definition files
def IdfFileList ( self ) :
return self . FileTypes . get ( TAB_IMAGE_FILE , [ ] )
## Return a list of files which can be built from binary
# "Build" binary files are just to copy them to build directory.
# @retval list The list of files which can be built later
def BinaryFileList ( self ) :
RetVal = [ ]
for F in self . Module . Binaries :
if F . Target not in [ TAB_ARCH_COMMON , TAB_STAR ] and F . Target != self . BuildTarget :
RetVal . append ( F )
self . _ApplyBuildRule ( F , F . Type , BinaryFileList = RetVal )
return RetVal
def BuildRules ( self ) :
RetVal = { }
BuildRuleDatabase = self . PlatformInfo . BuildRule
for Type in BuildRuleDatabase . FileTypeList :
#first try getting build rule by BuildRuleFamily
RuleObject = BuildRuleDatabase [ Type , self . BuildType , self . Arch , self . BuildRuleFamily ]
if not RuleObject :
# build type is always module type, but ...
if self . ModuleType != self . BuildType :
RuleObject = BuildRuleDatabase [ Type , self . ModuleType , self . Arch , self . BuildRuleFamily ]
#second try getting build rule by ToolChainFamily
if not RuleObject :
RuleObject = BuildRuleDatabase [ Type , self . BuildType , self . Arch , self . ToolChainFamily ]
if not RuleObject :
# build type is always module type, but ...
if self . ModuleType != self . BuildType :
RuleObject = BuildRuleDatabase [ Type , self . ModuleType , self . Arch , self . ToolChainFamily ]
if not RuleObject :
RuleObject = RuleObject . Instantiate ( self . Macros )
RetVal [ Type ] = RuleObject
for Ext in RuleObject . SourceFileExtList :
RetVal [ Ext ] = RuleObject
return RetVal
def _ApplyBuildRule ( self , File , FileType , BinaryFileList = None ) :
if self . _BuildTargets is None :
self . _IntroBuildTargetList = set ( )
self . _FinalBuildTargetList = set ( )
self . _BuildTargets = defaultdict ( set )
self . _FileTypes = defaultdict ( set )
if not BinaryFileList :
BinaryFileList = self . BinaryFileList
SubDirectory = os . path . join ( self . OutputDir , File . SubDir )
if not os . path . exists ( SubDirectory ) :
CreateDirectory ( SubDirectory )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
TargetList = set ( )
FinalTargetName = set ( )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
RuleChain = set ( )
SourceList = [ File ]
Index = 0
# Make sure to get build rule order value
self . BuildOption
while Index < len ( SourceList ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Reset the FileType if not the first iteration.
if Index > 0 :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
Source = SourceList [ Index ]
Index = Index + 1
if Source != File :
CreateDirectory ( Source . Dir )
if File . IsBinary and File == Source and File in BinaryFileList :
# Skip all files that are not binary libraries
if not self . IsLibrary :
RuleObject = self . BuildRules [ TAB_DEFAULT_BINARY_FILE ]
elif FileType in self . BuildRules :
RuleObject = self . BuildRules [ FileType ]
elif Source . Ext in self . BuildRules :
RuleObject = self . BuildRules [ Source . Ext ]
else :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# No more rule to apply: Source is a final target.
FinalTargetName . add ( Source )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
FileType = RuleObject . SourceFileType
self . _FileTypes [ FileType ] . add ( Source )
# stop at STATIC_LIBRARY for library
if self . IsLibrary and FileType == TAB_STATIC_LIBRARY :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
FinalTargetName . add ( Source )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
Target = RuleObject . Apply ( Source , self . BuildRuleOrder )
if not Target :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# No Target: Source is a final target.
FinalTargetName . add ( Source )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
TargetList . add ( Target )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
self . _BuildTargets [ FileType ] . add ( Target )
if not Source . IsBinary and Source == File :
self . _IntroBuildTargetList . add ( Target )
# to avoid cyclic rule
if FileType in RuleChain :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , ERROR_STATEMENT , " Cyclic dependency detected while generating rule for %s " % str ( Source ) )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
RuleChain . add ( FileType )
SourceList . extend ( Target . Outputs )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# For each final target name, retrieve the corresponding TargetDescBlock instance.
for FTargetName in FinalTargetName :
for Target in TargetList :
if FTargetName == Target . Target :
self . _FinalBuildTargetList . add ( Target )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
def Targets ( self ) :
if self . _BuildTargets is None :
self . _IntroBuildTargetList = set ( )
self . _FinalBuildTargetList = set ( )
self . _BuildTargets = defaultdict ( set )
self . _FileTypes = defaultdict ( set )
#TRICK: call SourceFileList property to apply build rule for source files
self . SourceFileList
#TRICK: call _GetBinaryFileList to apply build rule for binary files
self . BinaryFileList
return self . _BuildTargets
def IntroTargetList ( self ) :
self . Targets
return self . _IntroBuildTargetList
def CodaTargetList ( self ) :
self . Targets
return self . _FinalBuildTargetList
def FileTypes ( self ) :
self . Targets
return self . _FileTypes
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
## Get the list of package object the module depends on and the Platform depends on
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
# @retval list The package object list
def DependentPackageList ( self ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
return self . PackageList
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
## Return the list of auto-generated code file
# @retval list The list of auto-generated file
def AutoGenFileList ( self ) :
AutoGenUniIdf = self . BuildType != ' UEFI_HII '
UniStringBinBuffer = BytesIO ( )
IdfGenBinBuffer = BytesIO ( )
RetVal = { }
AutoGenC = TemplateString ( )
AutoGenH = TemplateString ( )
StringH = TemplateString ( )
StringIdf = TemplateString ( )
GenC . CreateCode ( self , AutoGenC , AutoGenH , StringH , AutoGenUniIdf , UniStringBinBuffer , StringIdf , AutoGenUniIdf , IdfGenBinBuffer )
# AutoGen.c is generated if there are library classes in inf, or there are object files
if str ( AutoGenC ) != " " and ( len ( self . Module . LibraryClasses ) > 0
or TAB_OBJECT_FILE in self . FileTypes ) :
AutoFile = PathClass ( gAutoGenCodeFileName , self . DebugDir )
RetVal [ AutoFile ] = str ( AutoGenC )
self . _ApplyBuildRule ( AutoFile , TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE )
if str ( AutoGenH ) != " " :
AutoFile = PathClass ( gAutoGenHeaderFileName , self . DebugDir )
RetVal [ AutoFile ] = str ( AutoGenH )
self . _ApplyBuildRule ( AutoFile , TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE )
if str ( StringH ) != " " :
AutoFile = PathClass ( gAutoGenStringFileName % { " module_name " : self . Name } , self . DebugDir )
RetVal [ AutoFile ] = str ( StringH )
self . _ApplyBuildRule ( AutoFile , TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE )
if UniStringBinBuffer is not None and UniStringBinBuffer . getvalue ( ) != b " " :
AutoFile = PathClass ( gAutoGenStringFormFileName % { " module_name " : self . Name } , self . OutputDir )
RetVal [ AutoFile ] = UniStringBinBuffer . getvalue ( )
AutoFile . IsBinary = True
self . _ApplyBuildRule ( AutoFile , TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE )
if UniStringBinBuffer is not None :
UniStringBinBuffer . close ( )
if str ( StringIdf ) != " " :
AutoFile = PathClass ( gAutoGenImageDefFileName % { " module_name " : self . Name } , self . DebugDir )
RetVal [ AutoFile ] = str ( StringIdf )
self . _ApplyBuildRule ( AutoFile , TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE )
if IdfGenBinBuffer is not None and IdfGenBinBuffer . getvalue ( ) != b " " :
AutoFile = PathClass ( gAutoGenIdfFileName % { " module_name " : self . Name } , self . OutputDir )
RetVal [ AutoFile ] = IdfGenBinBuffer . getvalue ( )
AutoFile . IsBinary = True
self . _ApplyBuildRule ( AutoFile , TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE )
if IdfGenBinBuffer is not None :
IdfGenBinBuffer . close ( )
return RetVal
## Return the list of library modules explicitly or implicitly used by this module
def DependentLibraryList ( self ) :
# only merge library classes and PCD for non-library module
if self . IsLibrary :
return [ ]
return self . PlatformInfo . ApplyLibraryInstance ( self . Module )
## Get the list of PCDs from current module
# @retval list The list of PCD
def ModulePcdList ( self ) :
# apply PCD settings from platform
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
RetVal = self . PlatformInfo . ApplyPcdSetting ( self , self . Module . Pcds )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
return RetVal
def _PcdComments ( self ) :
ReVal = OrderedListDict ( )
ExtendCopyDictionaryLists ( ReVal , self . Module . PcdComments )
if not self . IsLibrary :
for Library in self . DependentLibraryList :
ExtendCopyDictionaryLists ( ReVal , Library . PcdComments )
return ReVal
## Get the list of PCDs from dependent libraries
# @retval list The list of PCD
def LibraryPcdList ( self ) :
if self . IsLibrary :
return [ ]
RetVal = [ ]
Pcds = set ( )
# get PCDs from dependent libraries
for Library in self . DependentLibraryList :
PcdsInLibrary = OrderedDict ( )
for Key in Library . Pcds :
# skip duplicated PCDs
if Key in self . Module . Pcds or Key in Pcds :
Pcds . add ( Key )
PcdsInLibrary [ Key ] = copy . copy ( Library . Pcds [ Key ] )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
RetVal . extend ( self . PlatformInfo . ApplyPcdSetting ( self , PcdsInLibrary , Library = Library ) )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
return RetVal
## Get the GUID value mapping
# @retval dict The mapping between GUID cname and its value
def GuidList ( self ) :
RetVal = self . Module . Guids
for Library in self . DependentLibraryList :
RetVal . update ( Library . Guids )
ExtendCopyDictionaryLists ( self . _GuidComments , Library . GuidComments )
ExtendCopyDictionaryLists ( self . _GuidComments , self . Module . GuidComments )
return RetVal
def GetGuidsUsedByPcd ( self ) :
RetVal = OrderedDict ( self . Module . GetGuidsUsedByPcd ( ) )
for Library in self . DependentLibraryList :
RetVal . update ( Library . GetGuidsUsedByPcd ( ) )
return RetVal
## Get the protocol value mapping
# @retval dict The mapping between protocol cname and its value
def ProtocolList ( self ) :
RetVal = OrderedDict ( self . Module . Protocols )
for Library in self . DependentLibraryList :
RetVal . update ( Library . Protocols )
ExtendCopyDictionaryLists ( self . _ProtocolComments , Library . ProtocolComments )
ExtendCopyDictionaryLists ( self . _ProtocolComments , self . Module . ProtocolComments )
return RetVal
## Get the PPI value mapping
# @retval dict The mapping between PPI cname and its value
def PpiList ( self ) :
RetVal = OrderedDict ( self . Module . Ppis )
for Library in self . DependentLibraryList :
RetVal . update ( Library . Ppis )
ExtendCopyDictionaryLists ( self . _PpiComments , Library . PpiComments )
ExtendCopyDictionaryLists ( self . _PpiComments , self . Module . PpiComments )
return RetVal
## Get the list of include search path
# @retval list The list path
def IncludePathList ( self ) :
RetVal = [ ]
RetVal . append ( self . MetaFile . Dir )
RetVal . append ( self . DebugDir )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
for Package in self . PackageList :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
PackageDir = mws . join ( self . WorkspaceDir , Package . MetaFile . Dir )
if PackageDir not in RetVal :
RetVal . append ( PackageDir )
IncludesList = Package . Includes
if Package . _PrivateIncludes :
if not self . MetaFile . OriginalPath . Path . startswith ( PackageDir ) :
IncludesList = list ( set ( Package . Includes ) . difference ( set ( Package . _PrivateIncludes ) ) )
for Inc in IncludesList :
if Inc not in RetVal :
RetVal . append ( str ( Inc ) )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
RetVal . extend ( self . IncPathFromBuildOptions )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
return RetVal
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
def IncPathFromBuildOptions ( self ) :
IncPathList = [ ]
for tool in self . BuildOption :
if ' FLAGS ' in self . BuildOption [ tool ] :
flags = self . BuildOption [ tool ] [ ' FLAGS ' ]
whitespace = False
for flag in flags . split ( " " ) :
flag = flag . strip ( )
if flag . startswith ( ( " /I " , " -I " ) ) :
if len ( flag ) > 2 :
if os . path . exists ( flag [ 2 : ] ) :
IncPathList . append ( flag [ 2 : ] )
else :
whitespace = True
if whitespace and flag :
if os . path . exists ( flag ) :
IncPathList . append ( flag )
whitespace = False
return IncPathList
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
def IncludePathLength ( self ) :
return sum ( len ( inc ) + 1 for inc in self . IncludePathList )
## Get the list of include paths from the packages
# @IncludesList list The list path
def PackageIncludePathList ( self ) :
IncludesList = [ ]
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
for Package in self . PackageList :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
PackageDir = mws . join ( self . WorkspaceDir , Package . MetaFile . Dir )
IncludesList = Package . Includes
if Package . _PrivateIncludes :
if not self . MetaFile . Path . startswith ( PackageDir ) :
IncludesList = list ( set ( Package . Includes ) . difference ( set ( Package . _PrivateIncludes ) ) )
return IncludesList
## Get HII EX PCDs which maybe used by VFR
# efivarstore used by VFR may relate with HII EX PCDs
# Get the variable name and GUID from efivarstore and HII EX PCD
# List the HII EX PCDs in As Built INF if both name and GUID match.
# @retval list HII EX PCDs
def _GetPcdsMaybeUsedByVfr ( self ) :
if not self . SourceFileList :
return [ ]
NameGuids = set ( )
for SrcFile in self . SourceFileList :
if SrcFile . Ext . lower ( ) != ' .vfr ' :
Vfri = os . path . join ( self . OutputDir , SrcFile . BaseName + ' .i ' )
if not os . path . exists ( Vfri ) :
VfriFile = open ( Vfri , ' r ' )
Content = VfriFile . read ( )
VfriFile . close ( )
Pos = Content . find ( ' efivarstore ' )
while Pos != - 1 :
# Make sure 'efivarstore' is the start of efivarstore statement
# In case of the value of 'name' (name = efivarstore) is equal to 'efivarstore'
Index = Pos - 1
while Index > = 0 and Content [ Index ] in ' \t \r \n ' :
Index - = 1
if Index > = 0 and Content [ Index ] != ' ; ' :
Pos = Content . find ( ' efivarstore ' , Pos + len ( ' efivarstore ' ) )
# 'efivarstore' must be followed by name and guid
Name = gEfiVarStoreNamePattern . search ( Content , Pos )
if not Name :
Guid = gEfiVarStoreGuidPattern . search ( Content , Pos )
if not Guid :
NameArray = _ConvertStringToByteArray ( ' L " ' + Name . group ( 1 ) + ' " ' )
NameGuids . add ( ( NameArray , GuidStructureStringToGuidString ( Guid . group ( 1 ) ) ) )
Pos = Content . find ( ' efivarstore ' , Name . end ( ) )
if not NameGuids :
return [ ]
HiiExPcds = [ ]
for Pcd in self . PlatformInfo . Pcds . values ( ) :
if Pcd . Type != TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_HII :
for SkuInfo in Pcd . SkuInfoList . values ( ) :
Value = GuidValue ( SkuInfo . VariableGuid , self . PlatformInfo . PackageList , self . MetaFile . Path )
if not Value :
Name = _ConvertStringToByteArray ( SkuInfo . VariableName )
Guid = GuidStructureStringToGuidString ( Value )
if ( Name , Guid ) in NameGuids and Pcd not in HiiExPcds :
HiiExPcds . append ( Pcd )
return HiiExPcds
def _GenOffsetBin ( self ) :
VfrUniBaseName = { }
for SourceFile in self . Module . Sources :
if SourceFile . Type . upper ( ) == " .VFR " :
# search the .map file to find the offset of vfr binary in the PE32+/TE file.
VfrUniBaseName [ SourceFile . BaseName ] = ( SourceFile . BaseName + " Bin " )
elif SourceFile . Type . upper ( ) == " .UNI " :
# search the .map file to find the offset of Uni strings binary in the PE32+/TE file.
VfrUniBaseName [ " UniOffsetName " ] = ( self . Name + " Strings " )
if not VfrUniBaseName :
return None
MapFileName = os . path . join ( self . OutputDir , self . Name + " .map " )
EfiFileName = os . path . join ( self . OutputDir , self . Name + " .efi " )
VfrUniOffsetList = GetVariableOffset ( MapFileName , EfiFileName , list ( VfrUniBaseName . values ( ) ) )
if not VfrUniOffsetList :
return None
OutputName = ' %s Offset.bin ' % self . Name
UniVfrOffsetFileName = os . path . join ( self . OutputDir , OutputName )
try :
fInputfile = open ( UniVfrOffsetFileName , " wb+ " , 0 )
except :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , FILE_OPEN_FAILURE , " File open failed for %s " % UniVfrOffsetFileName , None )
# Use a instance of BytesIO to cache data
fStringIO = BytesIO ( )
for Item in VfrUniOffsetList :
if ( Item [ 0 ] . find ( " Strings " ) != - 1 ) :
# UNI offset in image.
# GUID + Offset
# { 0x8913c5e0, 0x33f6, 0x4d86, { 0x9b, 0xf1, 0x43, 0xef, 0x89, 0xfc, 0x6, 0x66 } }
UniGuid = b ' \xe0 \xc5 \x13 \x89 \xf6 3 \x86 M \x9b \xf1 C \xef \x89 \xfc \x06 f '
fStringIO . write ( UniGuid )
UniValue = pack ( ' Q ' , int ( Item [ 1 ] , 16 ) )
fStringIO . write ( UniValue )
else :
# VFR binary offset in image.
# GUID + Offset
# { 0xd0bc7cb4, 0x6a47, 0x495f, { 0xaa, 0x11, 0x71, 0x7, 0x46, 0xda, 0x6, 0xa2 } };
VfrGuid = b ' \xb4 | \xbc \xd0 Gj_I \xaa \x11 q \x07 F \xda \x06 \xa2 '
fStringIO . write ( VfrGuid )
VfrValue = pack ( ' Q ' , int ( Item [ 1 ] , 16 ) )
fStringIO . write ( VfrValue )
# write data into file.
try :
fInputfile . write ( fStringIO . getvalue ( ) )
except :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , FILE_WRITE_FAILURE , " Write data to file %s failed, please check whether the "
" file been locked or using by other applications. " % UniVfrOffsetFileName , None )
fStringIO . close ( )
fInputfile . close ( )
return OutputName
def OutputFile ( self ) :
retVal = set ( )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
for Root , Dirs , Files in os . walk ( self . BuildDir ) :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
for File in Files :
# lib file is already added through above CodaTargetList, skip it here
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if not ( File . lower ( ) . endswith ( ' .obj ' ) or File . lower ( ) . endswith ( ' .debug ' ) ) :
NewFile = path . join ( Root , File )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
retVal . add ( NewFile )
for Root , Dirs , Files in os . walk ( self . FfsOutputDir ) :
for File in Files :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
NewFile = path . join ( Root , File )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
retVal . add ( NewFile )
return retVal
## Create AsBuilt INF file the module
def CreateAsBuiltInf ( self ) :
if self . IsAsBuiltInfCreated :
# Skip INF file generation for libraries
if self . IsLibrary :
# Skip the following code for modules with no source files
if not self . SourceFileList :
# Skip the following code for modules without any binary files
if self . BinaryFileList :
### TODO: How to handles mixed source and binary modules
# Find all DynamicEx and PatchableInModule PCDs used by this module and dependent libraries
# Also find all packages that the DynamicEx PCDs depend on
Pcds = [ ]
PatchablePcds = [ ]
Packages = [ ]
PcdCheckList = [ ]
PcdTokenSpaceList = [ ]
for Pcd in self . ModulePcdList + self . LibraryPcdList :
PatchablePcds . append ( Pcd )
PcdCheckList . append ( ( Pcd . TokenCName , Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE ) )
elif Pcd . Type in PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_TYPE_SET :
if Pcd not in Pcds :
Pcds . append ( Pcd )
PcdCheckList . append ( ( Pcd . TokenCName , Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX ) )
PcdCheckList . append ( ( Pcd . TokenCName , Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC ) )
PcdTokenSpaceList . append ( Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName )
GuidList = OrderedDict ( self . GuidList )
for TokenSpace in self . GetGuidsUsedByPcd :
# If token space is not referred by patch PCD or Ex PCD, remove the GUID from GUID list
# The GUIDs in GUIDs section should really be the GUIDs in source INF or referred by Ex an patch PCDs
if TokenSpace not in PcdTokenSpaceList and TokenSpace in GuidList :
GuidList . pop ( TokenSpace )
CheckList = ( GuidList , self . PpiList , self . ProtocolList , PcdCheckList )
for Package in self . DerivedPackageList :
if Package in Packages :
BeChecked = ( Package . Guids , Package . Ppis , Package . Protocols , Package . Pcds )
Found = False
for Index in range ( len ( BeChecked ) ) :
for Item in CheckList [ Index ] :
if Item in BeChecked [ Index ] :
Packages . append ( Package )
Found = True
if Found :
VfrPcds = self . _GetPcdsMaybeUsedByVfr ( )
for Pkg in self . PlatformInfo . PackageList :
if Pkg in Packages :
for VfrPcd in VfrPcds :
if ( ( VfrPcd . TokenCName , VfrPcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX ) in Pkg . Pcds or
( VfrPcd . TokenCName , VfrPcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC ) in Pkg . Pcds ) :
Packages . append ( Pkg )
ModuleType = SUP_MODULE_DXE_DRIVER if self . ModuleType == SUP_MODULE_UEFI_DRIVER and self . DepexGenerated else self . ModuleType
DriverType = self . PcdIsDriver if self . PcdIsDriver else ' '
Guid = self . Guid
MDefs = self . Module . Defines
AsBuiltInfDict = {
' module_name ' : self . Name ,
' module_guid ' : Guid ,
' module_module_type ' : ModuleType ,
' module_version_string ' : [ MDefs [ ' VERSION_STRING ' ] ] if ' VERSION_STRING ' in MDefs else [ ] ,
' pcd_is_driver_string ' : [ ] ,
' module_uefi_specification_version ' : [ ] ,
' module_pi_specification_version ' : [ ] ,
' module_entry_point ' : self . Module . ModuleEntryPointList ,
' module_unload_image ' : self . Module . ModuleUnloadImageList ,
' module_constructor ' : self . Module . ConstructorList ,
' module_destructor ' : self . Module . DestructorList ,
' module_shadow ' : [ MDefs [ ' SHADOW ' ] ] if ' SHADOW ' in MDefs else [ ] ,
' module_pci_vendor_id ' : [ MDefs [ ' PCI_VENDOR_ID ' ] ] if ' PCI_VENDOR_ID ' in MDefs else [ ] ,
' module_pci_device_id ' : [ MDefs [ ' PCI_DEVICE_ID ' ] ] if ' PCI_DEVICE_ID ' in MDefs else [ ] ,
' module_pci_class_code ' : [ MDefs [ ' PCI_CLASS_CODE ' ] ] if ' PCI_CLASS_CODE ' in MDefs else [ ] ,
' module_pci_revision ' : [ MDefs [ ' PCI_REVISION ' ] ] if ' PCI_REVISION ' in MDefs else [ ] ,
' module_build_number ' : [ MDefs [ ' BUILD_NUMBER ' ] ] if ' BUILD_NUMBER ' in MDefs else [ ] ,
' module_spec ' : [ MDefs [ ' SPEC ' ] ] if ' SPEC ' in MDefs else [ ] ,
' module_uefi_hii_resource_section ' : [ MDefs [ ' UEFI_HII_RESOURCE_SECTION ' ] ] if ' UEFI_HII_RESOURCE_SECTION ' in MDefs else [ ] ,
' module_uni_file ' : [ MDefs [ ' MODULE_UNI_FILE ' ] ] if ' MODULE_UNI_FILE ' in MDefs else [ ] ,
' module_arch ' : self . Arch ,
' package_item ' : [ Package . MetaFile . File . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' / ' ) for Package in Packages ] ,
' binary_item ' : [ ] ,
' patchablepcd_item ' : [ ] ,
' pcd_item ' : [ ] ,
' protocol_item ' : [ ] ,
' ppi_item ' : [ ] ,
' guid_item ' : [ ] ,
' flags_item ' : [ ] ,
' libraryclasses_item ' : [ ]
if ' MODULE_UNI_FILE ' in MDefs :
UNIFile = os . path . join ( self . MetaFile . Dir , MDefs [ ' MODULE_UNI_FILE ' ] )
if os . path . isfile ( UNIFile ) :
shutil . copy2 ( UNIFile , self . OutputDir )
if self . AutoGenVersion > int ( gInfSpecVersion , 0 ) :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' module_inf_version ' ] = ' 0x %08x ' % self . AutoGenVersion
else :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' module_inf_version ' ] = gInfSpecVersion
if DriverType :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' pcd_is_driver_string ' ] . append ( DriverType )
if ' UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION ' in self . Specification :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' module_uefi_specification_version ' ] . append ( self . Specification [ ' UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION ' ] )
if ' PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION ' in self . Specification :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' module_pi_specification_version ' ] . append ( self . Specification [ ' PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION ' ] )
OutputDir = self . OutputDir . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' / ' ) . strip ( ' / ' )
DebugDir = self . DebugDir . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' / ' ) . strip ( ' / ' )
for Item in self . CodaTargetList :
File = Item . Target . Path . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' / ' ) . strip ( ' / ' ) . replace ( DebugDir , ' ' ) . replace ( OutputDir , ' ' ) . strip ( ' / ' )
if os . path . isabs ( File ) :
File = File . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' / ' ) . strip ( ' / ' ) . replace ( OutputDir , ' ' ) . strip ( ' / ' )
if Item . Target . Ext . lower ( ) == ' .aml ' :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' binary_item ' ] . append ( ' ASL| ' + File )
elif Item . Target . Ext . lower ( ) == ' .acpi ' :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' binary_item ' ] . append ( ' ACPI| ' + File )
elif Item . Target . Ext . lower ( ) == ' .efi ' :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' binary_item ' ] . append ( ' PE32| ' + self . Name + ' .efi ' )
else :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' binary_item ' ] . append ( ' BIN| ' + File )
if not self . DepexGenerated :
DepexFile = os . path . join ( self . OutputDir , self . Name + ' .depex ' )
if os . path . exists ( DepexFile ) :
self . DepexGenerated = True
if self . DepexGenerated :
if self . ModuleType in [ SUP_MODULE_PEIM ] :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' binary_item ' ] . append ( ' PEI_DEPEX| ' + self . Name + ' .depex ' )
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' binary_item ' ] . append ( ' DXE_DEPEX| ' + self . Name + ' .depex ' )
elif self . ModuleType in [ SUP_MODULE_DXE_SMM_DRIVER ] :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' binary_item ' ] . append ( ' SMM_DEPEX| ' + self . Name + ' .depex ' )
Bin = self . _GenOffsetBin ( )
if Bin :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' binary_item ' ] . append ( ' BIN| %s ' % Bin )
for Root , Dirs , Files in os . walk ( OutputDir ) :
for File in Files :
if File . lower ( ) . endswith ( ' .pdb ' ) :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' binary_item ' ] . append ( ' DISPOSABLE| ' + File )
HeaderComments = self . Module . HeaderComments
StartPos = 0
for Index in range ( len ( HeaderComments ) ) :
if HeaderComments [ Index ] . find ( ' @BinaryHeader ' ) != - 1 :
HeaderComments [ Index ] = HeaderComments [ Index ] . replace ( ' @BinaryHeader ' , ' @file ' )
StartPos = Index
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' header_comments ' ] = ' \n ' . join ( HeaderComments [ StartPos : ] ) . replace ( ' :# ' , ' :// ' )
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' tail_comments ' ] = ' \n ' . join ( self . Module . TailComments )
GenList = [
( self . ProtocolList , self . _ProtocolComments , ' protocol_item ' ) ,
( self . PpiList , self . _PpiComments , ' ppi_item ' ) ,
( GuidList , self . _GuidComments , ' guid_item ' )
for Item in GenList :
for CName in Item [ 0 ] :
Comments = ' \n ' . join ( Item [ 1 ] [ CName ] ) if CName in Item [ 1 ] else ' '
Entry = Comments + ' \n ' + CName if Comments else CName
AsBuiltInfDict [ Item [ 2 ] ] . append ( Entry )
PatchList = parsePcdInfoFromMapFile (
os . path . join ( self . OutputDir , self . Name + ' .map ' ) ,
os . path . join ( self . OutputDir , self . Name + ' .efi ' )
if PatchList :
for Pcd in PatchablePcds :
TokenCName = Pcd . TokenCName
for PcdItem in GlobalData . MixedPcd :
if ( Pcd . TokenCName , Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName ) in GlobalData . MixedPcd [ PcdItem ] :
TokenCName = PcdItem [ 0 ]
for PatchPcd in PatchList :
if TokenCName == PatchPcd [ 0 ] :
else :
PcdValue = ' '
if Pcd . DatumType == ' BOOLEAN ' :
BoolValue = Pcd . DefaultValue . upper ( )
if BoolValue == ' TRUE ' :
Pcd . DefaultValue = ' 1 '
elif BoolValue == ' FALSE ' :
Pcd . DefaultValue = ' 0 '
if Pcd . DatumType in TAB_PCD_NUMERIC_TYPES :
HexFormat = ' 0x %02x '
if Pcd . DatumType == TAB_UINT16 :
HexFormat = ' 0x %04x '
elif Pcd . DatumType == TAB_UINT32 :
HexFormat = ' 0x %08x '
elif Pcd . DatumType == TAB_UINT64 :
HexFormat = ' 0x %016x '
PcdValue = HexFormat % int ( Pcd . DefaultValue , 0 )
else :
if Pcd . MaxDatumSize is None or Pcd . MaxDatumSize == ' ' :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , AUTOGEN_ERROR ,
" Unknown [MaxDatumSize] of PCD [ %s . %s ] " % ( Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , TokenCName )
ArraySize = int ( Pcd . MaxDatumSize , 0 )
PcdValue = Pcd . DefaultValue
if PcdValue [ 0 ] != ' { ' :
Unicode = False
if PcdValue [ 0 ] == ' L ' :
Unicode = True
PcdValue = PcdValue . lstrip ( ' L ' )
PcdValue = eval ( PcdValue )
NewValue = ' { '
for Index in range ( 0 , len ( PcdValue ) ) :
if Unicode :
CharVal = ord ( PcdValue [ Index ] )
NewValue = NewValue + ' 0x %02x ' % ( CharVal & 0x00FF ) + ' , ' \
+ ' 0x %02x ' % ( CharVal >> 8 ) + ' , '
else :
NewValue = NewValue + ' 0x %02x ' % ( ord ( PcdValue [ Index ] ) % 0x100 ) + ' , '
Padding = ' 0x00, '
if Unicode :
Padding = Padding * 2
ArraySize = ArraySize / / 2
if ArraySize < ( len ( PcdValue ) + 1 ) :
if Pcd . MaxSizeUserSet :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , AUTOGEN_ERROR ,
" The maximum size of VOID* type PCD ' %s . %s ' is less than its actual size occupied. " % ( Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , TokenCName )
else :
ArraySize = len ( PcdValue ) + 1
if ArraySize > len ( PcdValue ) + 1 :
NewValue = NewValue + Padding * ( ArraySize - len ( PcdValue ) - 1 )
PcdValue = NewValue + Padding . strip ( ) . rstrip ( ' , ' ) + ' } '
elif len ( PcdValue . split ( ' , ' ) ) < = ArraySize :
PcdValue = PcdValue . rstrip ( ' } ' ) + ' , 0x00 ' * ( ArraySize - len ( PcdValue . split ( ' , ' ) ) )
PcdValue + = ' } '
else :
if Pcd . MaxSizeUserSet :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , AUTOGEN_ERROR ,
" The maximum size of VOID* type PCD ' %s . %s ' is less than its actual size occupied. " % ( Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , TokenCName )
else :
ArraySize = len ( PcdValue ) + 1
PcdItem = ' %s . %s | %s |0x %X ' % \
( Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , TokenCName , PcdValue , PatchPcd [ 1 ] )
PcdComments = ' '
if ( Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , Pcd . TokenCName ) in self . _PcdComments :
PcdComments = ' \n ' . join ( self . _PcdComments [ Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , Pcd . TokenCName ] )
if PcdComments :
PcdItem = PcdComments + ' \n ' + PcdItem
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' patchablepcd_item ' ] . append ( PcdItem )
for Pcd in Pcds + VfrPcds :
PcdCommentList = [ ]
HiiInfo = ' '
TokenCName = Pcd . TokenCName
for PcdItem in GlobalData . MixedPcd :
if ( Pcd . TokenCName , Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName ) in GlobalData . MixedPcd [ PcdItem ] :
TokenCName = PcdItem [ 0 ]
if Pcd . Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_HII :
for SkuName in Pcd . SkuInfoList :
SkuInfo = Pcd . SkuInfoList [ SkuName ]
HiiInfo = ' ## %s | %s | %s ' % ( SkuInfo . VariableName , SkuInfo . VariableGuid , SkuInfo . VariableOffset )
if ( Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , Pcd . TokenCName ) in self . _PcdComments :
PcdCommentList = self . _PcdComments [ Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName , Pcd . TokenCName ] [ : ]
if HiiInfo :
UsageIndex = - 1
UsageStr = ' '
for Index , Comment in enumerate ( PcdCommentList ) :
for Usage in UsageList :
if Comment . find ( Usage ) != - 1 :
UsageStr = Usage
UsageIndex = Index
if UsageIndex != - 1 :
PcdCommentList [ UsageIndex ] = ' ## %s %s %s ' % ( UsageStr , HiiInfo , PcdCommentList [ UsageIndex ] . replace ( UsageStr , ' ' ) )
else :
PcdCommentList . append ( ' ## UNDEFINED ' + HiiInfo )
PcdComments = ' \n ' . join ( PcdCommentList )
PcdEntry = Pcd . TokenSpaceGuidCName + ' . ' + TokenCName
if PcdComments :
PcdEntry = PcdComments + ' \n ' + PcdEntry
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' pcd_item ' ] . append ( PcdEntry )
for Item in self . BuildOption :
if ' FLAGS ' in self . BuildOption [ Item ] :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' flags_item ' ] . append ( ' %s : %s _ %s _ %s _ %s _FLAGS = %s ' % ( self . ToolChainFamily , self . BuildTarget , self . ToolChain , self . Arch , Item , self . BuildOption [ Item ] [ ' FLAGS ' ] . strip ( ) ) )
# Generated LibraryClasses section in comments.
for Library in self . LibraryAutoGenList :
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' libraryclasses_item ' ] . append ( Library . MetaFile . File . replace ( ' \\ ' , ' / ' ) )
# Generated UserExtensions TianoCore section.
# All tianocore user extensions are copied.
UserExtStr = ' '
for TianoCore in self . _GetTianoCoreUserExtensionList ( ) :
UserExtStr + = ' \n ' . join ( TianoCore )
ExtensionFile = os . path . join ( self . MetaFile . Dir , TianoCore [ 1 ] )
if os . path . isfile ( ExtensionFile ) :
shutil . copy2 ( ExtensionFile , self . OutputDir )
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' userextension_tianocore_item ' ] = UserExtStr
# Generated depex expression section in comments.
DepexExpression = self . _GetDepexExpresionString ( )
AsBuiltInfDict [ ' depexsection_item ' ] = DepexExpression if DepexExpression else ' '
AsBuiltInf = TemplateString ( )
AsBuiltInf . Append ( gAsBuiltInfHeaderString . Replace ( AsBuiltInfDict ) )
SaveFileOnChange ( os . path . join ( self . OutputDir , self . Name + ' .inf ' ) , str ( AsBuiltInf ) , False )
self . IsAsBuiltInfCreated = True
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
def CacheCopyFile ( self , DestDir , SourceDir , File ) :
if os . path . isdir ( File ) :
sub_dir = os . path . relpath ( File , SourceDir )
destination_file = os . path . join ( DestDir , sub_dir )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
destination_dir = os . path . dirname ( destination_file )
CreateDirectory ( destination_dir )
try :
CopyFileOnChange ( File , destination_dir )
except :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]: fail to copy file: %s to folder: %s " % ( File , destination_dir ) )
def CopyModuleToCache ( self ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Find the MakeHashStr and PreMakeHashStr from latest MakeHashFileList
# and PreMakeHashFileList files
MakeHashStr = None
PreMakeHashStr = None
MakeTimeStamp = 0
PreMakeTimeStamp = 0
Files = [ f for f in os . listdir ( LongFilePath ( self . BuildDir ) ) if path . isfile ( LongFilePath ( path . join ( self . BuildDir , f ) ) ) ]
for File in Files :
if " .MakeHashFileList. " in File :
#find lastest file through time stamp
FileTimeStamp = os . stat ( LongFilePath ( path . join ( self . BuildDir , File ) ) ) [ 8 ]
if FileTimeStamp > MakeTimeStamp :
MakeTimeStamp = FileTimeStamp
MakeHashStr = File . split ( ' . ' ) [ - 1 ]
if len ( MakeHashStr ) != 32 :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]: wrong MakeHashFileList file: %s " % ( File ) )
if " .PreMakeHashFileList. " in File :
FileTimeStamp = os . stat ( LongFilePath ( path . join ( self . BuildDir , File ) ) ) [ 8 ]
if FileTimeStamp > PreMakeTimeStamp :
PreMakeTimeStamp = FileTimeStamp
PreMakeHashStr = File . split ( ' . ' ) [ - 1 ]
if len ( PreMakeHashStr ) != 32 :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]: wrong PreMakeHashFileList file: %s " % ( File ) )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if not MakeHashStr :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]: No MakeHashFileList file for module: %s [ %s ] " % ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) )
if not PreMakeHashStr :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]: No PreMakeHashFileList file for module: %s [ %s ] " % ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) )
# Create Cache destination dirs
FileDir = path . join ( GlobalData . gBinCacheDest , self . PlatformInfo . OutputDir , self . BuildTarget + " _ " + self . ToolChain , self . Arch , self . SourceDir , self . MetaFile . BaseName )
FfsDir = path . join ( GlobalData . gBinCacheDest , self . PlatformInfo . OutputDir , self . BuildTarget + " _ " + self . ToolChain , TAB_FV_DIRECTORY , " Ffs " , self . Guid + self . Name )
CacheFileDir = path . join ( FileDir , MakeHashStr )
CacheFfsDir = path . join ( FfsDir , MakeHashStr )
CreateDirectory ( CacheFileDir )
CreateDirectory ( CacheFfsDir )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Create ModuleHashPair file to support multiple version cache together
ModuleHashPair = path . join ( FileDir , self . Name + " .ModuleHashPair " )
ModuleHashPairList = [ ] # tuple list: [tuple(PreMakefileHash, MakeHash)]
if os . path . exists ( ModuleHashPair ) :
with open ( ModuleHashPair , ' r ' ) as f :
ModuleHashPairList = json . load ( f )
if not ( PreMakeHashStr , MakeHashStr ) in set ( map ( tuple , ModuleHashPairList ) ) :
ModuleHashPairList . insert ( 0 , ( PreMakeHashStr , MakeHashStr ) )
with open ( ModuleHashPair , ' w ' ) as f :
json . dump ( ModuleHashPairList , f , indent = 2 )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Copy files to Cache destination dirs
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
if not self . OutputFile :
Ma = self . BuildDatabase [ self . MetaFile , self . Arch , self . BuildTarget , self . ToolChain ]
self . OutputFile = Ma . Binaries
for File in self . OutputFile :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if File . startswith ( os . path . abspath ( self . FfsOutputDir ) + os . sep ) :
self . CacheCopyFile ( CacheFfsDir , self . FfsOutputDir , File )
else :
if self . Name + " .autogen.hash. " in File or \
self . Name + " .autogen.hashchain. " in File or \
self . Name + " .hash. " in File or \
self . Name + " .hashchain. " in File or \
self . Name + " .PreMakeHashFileList. " in File or \
self . Name + " .MakeHashFileList. " in File :
self . CacheCopyFile ( FileDir , self . BuildDir , File )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
else :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
self . CacheCopyFile ( CacheFileDir , self . BuildDir , File )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
## Create makefile for the module and its dependent libraries
# @param CreateLibraryMakeFile Flag indicating if or not the makefiles of
# dependent libraries will be created
def CreateMakeFile ( self , CreateLibraryMakeFile = True , GenFfsList = [ ] ) :
# nest this function inside it's only caller.
def CreateTimeStamp ( ) :
FileSet = { self . MetaFile . Path }
for SourceFile in self . Module . Sources :
FileSet . add ( SourceFile . Path )
for Lib in self . DependentLibraryList :
FileSet . add ( Lib . MetaFile . Path )
for f in self . AutoGenDepSet :
FileSet . add ( f . Path )
if os . path . exists ( self . TimeStampPath ) :
os . remove ( self . TimeStampPath )
SaveFileOnChange ( self . TimeStampPath , " \n " . join ( FileSet ) , False )
# Ignore generating makefile when it is a binary module
if self . IsBinaryModule :
self . GenFfsList = GenFfsList
if not self . IsLibrary and CreateLibraryMakeFile :
for LibraryAutoGen in self . LibraryAutoGenList :
LibraryAutoGen . CreateMakeFile ( )
# CanSkip uses timestamps to determine build skipping
if self . CanSkip ( ) :
if len ( self . CustomMakefile ) == 0 :
Makefile = GenMake . ModuleMakefile ( self )
else :
Makefile = GenMake . CustomMakefile ( self )
if Makefile . Generate ( ) :
EdkLogger . debug ( EdkLogger . DEBUG_9 , " Generated makefile for module %s [ %s ] " %
( self . Name , self . Arch ) )
else :
EdkLogger . debug ( EdkLogger . DEBUG_9 , " Skipped the generation of makefile for module %s [ %s ] " %
( self . Name , self . Arch ) )
CreateTimeStamp ( )
MakefileType = Makefile . _FileType
MakefileName = Makefile . _FILE_NAME_ [ MakefileType ]
MakefilePath = os . path . join ( self . MakeFileDir , MakefileName )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
FilePath = path . join ( self . BuildDir , self . Name + " .makefile " )
SaveFileOnChange ( FilePath , MakefilePath , False )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
def CopyBinaryFiles ( self ) :
for File in self . Module . Binaries :
SrcPath = File . Path
DstPath = os . path . join ( self . OutputDir , os . path . basename ( SrcPath ) )
CopyLongFilePath ( SrcPath , DstPath )
## Create autogen code for the module and its dependent libraries
# @param CreateLibraryCodeFile Flag indicating if or not the code of
# dependent libraries will be created
def CreateCodeFile ( self , CreateLibraryCodeFile = True ) :
if self . IsCodeFileCreated :
# Need to generate PcdDatabase even PcdDriver is binarymodule
if self . IsBinaryModule and self . PcdIsDriver != ' ' :
CreatePcdDatabaseCode ( self , TemplateString ( ) , TemplateString ( ) )
if self . IsBinaryModule :
if self . IsLibrary :
self . CopyBinaryFiles ( )
if not self . IsLibrary and CreateLibraryCodeFile :
for LibraryAutoGen in self . LibraryAutoGenList :
LibraryAutoGen . CreateCodeFile ( )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
self . LibraryAutoGenList
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
AutoGenList = [ ]
IgoredAutoGenList = [ ]
for File in self . AutoGenFileList :
if GenC . Generate ( File . Path , self . AutoGenFileList [ File ] , File . IsBinary ) :
AutoGenList . append ( str ( File ) )
else :
IgoredAutoGenList . append ( str ( File ) )
for ModuleType in self . DepexList :
# Ignore empty [depex] section or [depex] section for SUP_MODULE_USER_DEFINED module
if len ( self . DepexList [ ModuleType ] ) == 0 or ModuleType == SUP_MODULE_USER_DEFINED or ModuleType == SUP_MODULE_HOST_APPLICATION :
Dpx = GenDepex . DependencyExpression ( self . DepexList [ ModuleType ] , ModuleType , True )
DpxFile = gAutoGenDepexFileName % { " module_name " : self . Name }
if len ( Dpx . PostfixNotation ) != 0 :
self . DepexGenerated = True
if Dpx . Generate ( path . join ( self . OutputDir , DpxFile ) ) :
AutoGenList . append ( str ( DpxFile ) )
else :
IgoredAutoGenList . append ( str ( DpxFile ) )
if IgoredAutoGenList == [ ] :
EdkLogger . debug ( EdkLogger . DEBUG_9 , " Generated [ %s ] files for module %s [ %s ] " %
( " " . join ( AutoGenList ) , self . Name , self . Arch ) )
elif AutoGenList == [ ] :
EdkLogger . debug ( EdkLogger . DEBUG_9 , " Skipped the generation of [ %s ] files for module %s [ %s ] " %
( " " . join ( IgoredAutoGenList ) , self . Name , self . Arch ) )
else :
EdkLogger . debug ( EdkLogger . DEBUG_9 , " Generated [ %s ] (skipped %s ) files for module %s [ %s ] " %
( " " . join ( AutoGenList ) , " " . join ( IgoredAutoGenList ) , self . Name , self . Arch ) )
self . IsCodeFileCreated = True
return AutoGenList
## Summarize the ModuleAutoGen objects of all libraries used by this module
def LibraryAutoGenList ( self ) :
RetVal = [ ]
for Library in self . DependentLibraryList :
La = ModuleAutoGen (
self . Workspace ,
Library . MetaFile ,
self . BuildTarget ,
self . ToolChain ,
self . Arch ,
self . PlatformInfo . MetaFile ,
self . DataPipe
La . IsLibrary = True
if La not in RetVal :
RetVal . append ( La )
for Lib in La . CodaTargetList :
self . _ApplyBuildRule ( Lib . Target , TAB_UNKNOWN_FILE )
return RetVal
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
def GenCMakeHash ( self ) :
# GenCMakeHash can only be called in --binary-destination
# Never called in multiprocessing and always directly save result in main process,
# so no need remote dict to share the gCMakeHashFile result with main process
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
DependencyFileSet = set ( )
# Add AutoGen files
if self . AutoGenFileList :
for File in set ( self . AutoGenFileList ) :
DependencyFileSet . add ( File )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Add Makefile
abspath = path . join ( self . BuildDir , self . Name + " .makefile " )
try :
with open ( LongFilePath ( abspath ) , " r " ) as fd :
lines = fd . readlines ( )
except Exception as e :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , FILE_NOT_FOUND , " %s doesn ' t exist " % abspath , ExtraData = str ( e ) , RaiseError = False )
if lines :
DependencyFileSet . update ( lines )
# Caculate all above dependency files hash
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
# Initialze hash object
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
FileList = [ ]
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
m = hashlib . md5 ( )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
for File in sorted ( DependencyFileSet , key = lambda x : str ( x ) ) :
if not path . exists ( LongFilePath ( str ( File ) ) ) :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]: header file %s is missing for module: %s [ %s ] " % ( File , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) )
with open ( LongFilePath ( str ( File ) ) , ' rb ' ) as f :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
Content = f . read ( )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
m . update ( Content )
FileList . append ( ( str ( File ) , hashlib . md5 ( Content ) . hexdigest ( ) ) )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
HashChainFile = path . join ( self . BuildDir , self . Name + " .autogen.hashchain. " + m . hexdigest ( ) )
GlobalData . gCMakeHashFile [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = HashChainFile
try :
with open ( LongFilePath ( HashChainFile ) , ' w ' ) as f :
json . dump ( FileList , f , indent = 2 )
except :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]: fail to save hashchain file: %s " % HashChainFile )
return False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
def GenModuleHash ( self ) :
# GenModuleHash only called after autogen phase
# Never called in multiprocessing and always directly save result in main process,
# so no need remote dict to share the gModuleHashFile result with main process
# GenPreMakefileHashList consume no dict.
# GenPreMakefileHashList produce local gModuleHashFile dict.
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
DependencyFileSet = set ( )
# Add Module Meta file
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
DependencyFileSet . add ( self . MetaFile . Path )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
# Add Module's source files
if self . SourceFileList :
for File in set ( self . SourceFileList ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
DependencyFileSet . add ( File . Path )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
# Add modules's include header files
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Directly use the deps.txt file in the module BuildDir
abspath = path . join ( self . BuildDir , " deps.txt " )
rt = None
try :
with open ( LongFilePath ( abspath ) , " r " ) as fd :
lines = fd . readlines ( )
if lines :
rt = set ( [ item . lstrip ( ) . strip ( " \n " ) for item in lines if item . strip ( " \n " ) . endswith ( " .h " ) ] )
except Exception as e :
EdkLogger . error ( " build " , FILE_NOT_FOUND , " %s doesn ' t exist " % abspath , ExtraData = str ( e ) , RaiseError = False )
if rt :
DependencyFileSet . update ( rt )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
# Caculate all above dependency files hash
# Initialze hash object
FileList = [ ]
m = hashlib . md5 ( )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
BuildDirStr = path . abspath ( self . BuildDir ) . lower ( )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
for File in sorted ( DependencyFileSet , key = lambda x : str ( x ) ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Skip the AutoGen files in BuildDir which already been
# included in .autogen.hash. file
if BuildDirStr in path . abspath ( File ) . lower ( ) :
if not path . exists ( LongFilePath ( File ) ) :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]: header file %s is missing for module: %s [ %s ] " % ( File , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
with open ( LongFilePath ( File ) , ' rb ' ) as f :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
Content = f . read ( )
m . update ( Content )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
FileList . append ( ( File , hashlib . md5 ( Content ) . hexdigest ( ) ) )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
HashChainFile = path . join ( self . BuildDir , self . Name + " .hashchain. " + m . hexdigest ( ) )
GlobalData . gModuleHashFile [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = HashChainFile
try :
with open ( LongFilePath ( HashChainFile ) , ' w ' ) as f :
json . dump ( FileList , f , indent = 2 )
except :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]: fail to save hashchain file: %s " % HashChainFile )
return False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
def GenPreMakefileHashList ( self ) :
# GenPreMakefileHashList consume below dicts:
# gPlatformHashFile
# gPackageHashFile
# gModuleHashFile
# GenPreMakefileHashList produce no dict.
# gModuleHashFile items might be produced in multiprocessing, so
# need check gModuleHashFile remote dict
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
# skip binary module
if self . IsBinaryModule :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
FileList = [ ]
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
m = hashlib . md5 ( )
# Add Platform level hash
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
HashFile = GlobalData . gPlatformHashFile
if path . exists ( LongFilePath ( HashFile ) ) :
FileList . append ( HashFile )
m . update ( HashFile . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
else :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]: No Platform HashFile: %s " % HashFile )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
# Add Package level hash
if self . DependentPackageList :
for Pkg in sorted ( self . DependentPackageList , key = lambda x : x . PackageName ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if not ( Pkg . PackageName , Pkg . Arch ) in GlobalData . gPackageHashFile :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]:No Package %s for module %s [ %s ] " % ( Pkg . PackageName , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) )
HashFile = GlobalData . gPackageHashFile [ ( Pkg . PackageName , Pkg . Arch ) ]
if path . exists ( LongFilePath ( HashFile ) ) :
FileList . append ( HashFile )
m . update ( HashFile . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
else :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]:No Package HashFile: %s " % HashFile )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
# Add Module self
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# GenPreMakefileHashList needed in both --binary-destination
# and --hash. And --hash might save ModuleHashFile in remote dict
# during multiprocessing.
if ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) in GlobalData . gModuleHashFile :
HashFile = GlobalData . gModuleHashFile [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ]
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
else :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]:No ModuleHashFile for module: %s [ %s ] " % ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) )
if path . exists ( LongFilePath ( HashFile ) ) :
FileList . append ( HashFile )
m . update ( HashFile . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
else :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]:No Module HashFile: %s " % HashFile )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Add Library hash
if self . LibraryAutoGenList :
for Lib in sorted ( self . LibraryAutoGenList , key = lambda x : x . MetaFile . Path ) :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if ( Lib . MetaFile . Path , Lib . Arch ) in GlobalData . gModuleHashFile :
HashFile = GlobalData . gModuleHashFile [ ( Lib . MetaFile . Path , Lib . Arch ) ]
else :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]:No ModuleHashFile for lib: %s [ %s ] " % ( Lib . MetaFile . Path , Lib . Arch ) )
if path . exists ( LongFilePath ( HashFile ) ) :
FileList . append ( HashFile )
m . update ( HashFile . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
else :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]:No Lib HashFile: %s " % HashFile )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Save PreMakeHashFileList
FilePath = path . join ( self . BuildDir , self . Name + " .PreMakeHashFileList. " + m . hexdigest ( ) )
try :
with open ( LongFilePath ( FilePath ) , ' w ' ) as f :
json . dump ( FileList , f , indent = 0 )
except :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]: fail to save PreMake HashFileList: %s " % FilePath )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
def GenMakefileHashList ( self ) :
# GenMakefileHashList only need in --binary-destination which will
# everything in local dict. So don't need check remote dict.
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
# skip binary module
if self . IsBinaryModule :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
FileList = [ ]
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
m = hashlib . md5 ( )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Add AutoGen hash
HashFile = GlobalData . gCMakeHashFile [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ]
if path . exists ( LongFilePath ( HashFile ) ) :
FileList . append ( HashFile )
m . update ( HashFile . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
else :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]:No AutoGen HashFile: %s " % HashFile )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Add Module self
if ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) in GlobalData . gModuleHashFile :
HashFile = GlobalData . gModuleHashFile [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ]
else :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]:No ModuleHashFile for module: %s [ %s ] " % ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) )
if path . exists ( LongFilePath ( HashFile ) ) :
FileList . append ( HashFile )
m . update ( HashFile . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
else :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]:No Module HashFile: %s " % HashFile )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
# Add Library hash
if self . LibraryAutoGenList :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
for Lib in sorted ( self . LibraryAutoGenList , key = lambda x : x . MetaFile . Path ) :
if ( Lib . MetaFile . Path , Lib . Arch ) in GlobalData . gModuleHashFile :
HashFile = GlobalData . gModuleHashFile [ ( Lib . MetaFile . Path , Lib . Arch ) ]
else :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]:No ModuleHashFile for lib: %s [ %s ] " % ( Lib . MetaFile . Path , Lib . Arch ) )
if path . exists ( LongFilePath ( HashFile ) ) :
FileList . append ( HashFile )
m . update ( HashFile . encode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
else :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]:No Lib HashFile: %s " % HashFile )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Save MakeHashFileList
FilePath = path . join ( self . BuildDir , self . Name + " .MakeHashFileList. " + m . hexdigest ( ) )
try :
with open ( LongFilePath ( FilePath ) , ' w ' ) as f :
json . dump ( FileList , f , indent = 0 )
except :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]: fail to save Make HashFileList: %s " % FilePath )
def CheckHashChainFile ( self , HashChainFile ) :
# Assume the HashChainFile basename format is the 'x.hashchain.16BytesHexStr'
# The x is module name and the 16BytesHexStr is md5 hexdigest of
# all hashchain files content
HashStr = HashChainFile . split ( ' . ' ) [ - 1 ]
if len ( HashStr ) != 32 :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]: wrong format HashChainFile: %s " % ( File ) )
return False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
try :
with open ( LongFilePath ( HashChainFile ) , ' r ' ) as f :
HashChainList = json . load ( f )
except :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]: fail to load HashChainFile: %s " % HashChainFile )
return False
# Print the different file info
# print(HashChainFile)
for idx , ( SrcFile , SrcHash ) in enumerate ( HashChainList ) :
if SrcFile in GlobalData . gFileHashDict :
DestHash = GlobalData . gFileHashDict [ SrcFile ]
else :
try :
with open ( LongFilePath ( SrcFile ) , ' rb ' ) as f :
Content = f . read ( )
DestHash = hashlib . md5 ( Content ) . hexdigest ( )
GlobalData . gFileHashDict [ SrcFile ] = DestHash
except IOError as X :
# cache miss if SrcFile is removed in new version code
GlobalData . gFileHashDict [ SrcFile ] = 0
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache insight]: first cache miss file in %s is %s " % ( HashChainFile , SrcFile ) )
return False
if SrcHash != DestHash :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache insight]: first cache miss file in %s is %s " % ( HashChainFile , SrcFile ) )
return False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
return True
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
## Decide whether we can skip the left autogen and make process
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
def CanSkipbyMakeCache ( self ) :
# For --binary-source only
# CanSkipbyMakeCache consume below dicts:
# gModuleMakeCacheStatus
# gHashChainStatus
# GenPreMakefileHashList produce gModuleMakeCacheStatus, gModuleHashFile dict.
# all these dicts might be produced in multiprocessing, so
# need check these remote dict
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
if not GlobalData . gBinCacheSource :
return False
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) in GlobalData . gModuleMakeCacheStatus :
return GlobalData . gModuleMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ]
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# If Module is binary, which has special build rule, do not skip by cache.
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
if self . IsBinaryModule :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
print ( " [cache miss]: MakeCache: Skip BinaryModule: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
GlobalData . gModuleMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
return False
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# see .inc as binary file, do not skip by hash
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
for f_ext in self . SourceFileList :
if ' .inc ' in str ( f_ext ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
print ( " [cache miss]: MakeCache: Skip ' .inc ' File: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
GlobalData . gModuleMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
return False
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
ModuleCacheDir = path . join ( GlobalData . gBinCacheSource , self . PlatformInfo . OutputDir , self . BuildTarget + " _ " + self . ToolChain , self . Arch , self . SourceDir , self . MetaFile . BaseName )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
FfsDir = path . join ( GlobalData . gBinCacheSource , self . PlatformInfo . OutputDir , self . BuildTarget + " _ " + self . ToolChain , TAB_FV_DIRECTORY , " Ffs " , self . Guid + self . Name )
ModuleHashPairList = [ ] # tuple list: [tuple(PreMakefileHash, MakeHash)]
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
ModuleHashPair = path . join ( ModuleCacheDir , self . Name + " .ModuleHashPair " )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
try :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
with open ( LongFilePath ( ModuleHashPair ) , ' r ' ) as f :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
ModuleHashPairList = json . load ( f )
except :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# ModuleHashPair might not exist for new added module
GlobalData . gModuleMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]: fail to load ModuleHashPair file: %s " % ModuleHashPair )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
print ( " [cache miss]: MakeCache: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
return False
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Check the PreMakeHash in ModuleHashPairList one by one
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
for idx , ( PreMakefileHash , MakeHash ) in enumerate ( ModuleHashPairList ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
SourceHashDir = path . join ( ModuleCacheDir , MakeHash )
SourceFfsHashDir = path . join ( FfsDir , MakeHash )
PreMakeHashFileList_FilePah = path . join ( ModuleCacheDir , self . Name + " .PreMakeHashFileList. " + PreMakefileHash )
MakeHashFileList_FilePah = path . join ( ModuleCacheDir , self . Name + " .MakeHashFileList. " + MakeHash )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
try :
with open ( LongFilePath ( MakeHashFileList_FilePah ) , ' r ' ) as f :
MakeHashFileList = json . load ( f )
except :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]: fail to load MakeHashFileList file: %s " % MakeHashFileList_FilePah )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
HashMiss = False
for HashChainFile in MakeHashFileList :
HashChainStatus = None
if HashChainFile in GlobalData . gHashChainStatus :
HashChainStatus = GlobalData . gHashChainStatus [ HashChainFile ]
if HashChainStatus == False :
HashMiss = True
elif HashChainStatus == True :
# Convert to path start with cache source dir
RelativePath = os . path . relpath ( HashChainFile , self . WorkspaceDir )
NewFilePath = os . path . join ( GlobalData . gBinCacheSource , RelativePath )
if self . CheckHashChainFile ( NewFilePath ) :
GlobalData . gHashChainStatus [ HashChainFile ] = True
# Save the module self HashFile for GenPreMakefileHashList later usage
if self . Name + " .hashchain. " in HashChainFile :
GlobalData . gModuleHashFile [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = HashChainFile
else :
GlobalData . gHashChainStatus [ HashChainFile ] = False
HashMiss = True
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if HashMiss :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# PreMakefile cache hit, restore the module build result
for root , dir , files in os . walk ( SourceHashDir ) :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
for f in files :
File = path . join ( root , f )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
self . CacheCopyFile ( self . BuildDir , SourceHashDir , File )
if os . path . exists ( SourceFfsHashDir ) :
for root , dir , files in os . walk ( SourceFfsHashDir ) :
for f in files :
File = path . join ( root , f )
self . CacheCopyFile ( self . FfsOutputDir , SourceFfsHashDir , File )
if self . Name == " PcdPeim " or self . Name == " PcdDxe " :
CreatePcdDatabaseCode ( self , TemplateString ( ) , TemplateString ( ) )
print ( " [cache hit]: MakeCache: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
GlobalData . gModuleMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = True
return True
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
print ( " [cache miss]: MakeCache: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
GlobalData . gModuleMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = False
return False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
## Decide whether we can skip the left autogen and make process
def CanSkipbyPreMakeCache ( self ) :
# CanSkipbyPreMakeCache consume below dicts:
# gModulePreMakeCacheStatus
# gHashChainStatus
# gModuleHashFile
# GenPreMakefileHashList produce gModulePreMakeCacheStatus dict.
# all these dicts might be produced in multiprocessing, so
# need check these remote dicts
if not GlobalData . gUseHashCache or GlobalData . gBinCacheDest :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
return False
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) in GlobalData . gModulePreMakeCacheStatus :
return GlobalData . gModulePreMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ]
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# If Module is binary, which has special build rule, do not skip by cache.
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
if self . IsBinaryModule :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
print ( " [cache miss]: PreMakeCache: Skip BinaryModule: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
GlobalData . gModulePreMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
return False
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# see .inc as binary file, do not skip by hash
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
for f_ext in self . SourceFileList :
if ' .inc ' in str ( f_ext ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
print ( " [cache miss]: PreMakeCache: Skip ' .inc ' File: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
GlobalData . gModulePreMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
return False
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# For --hash only in the incremental build
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
if not GlobalData . gBinCacheSource :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
Files = [ path . join ( self . BuildDir , f ) for f in os . listdir ( self . BuildDir ) if path . isfile ( path . join ( self . BuildDir , f ) ) ]
PreMakeHashFileList_FilePah = None
MakeTimeStamp = 0
# Find latest PreMakeHashFileList file in self.BuildDir folder
for File in Files :
if " .PreMakeHashFileList. " in File :
FileTimeStamp = os . stat ( path . join ( self . BuildDir , File ) ) [ 8 ]
if FileTimeStamp > MakeTimeStamp :
MakeTimeStamp = FileTimeStamp
PreMakeHashFileList_FilePah = File
if not PreMakeHashFileList_FilePah :
GlobalData . gModulePreMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = False
return False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
try :
with open ( LongFilePath ( PreMakeHashFileList_FilePah ) , ' r ' ) as f :
PreMakeHashFileList = json . load ( f )
except :
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]: fail to load PreMakeHashFileList file: %s " % PreMakeHashFileList_FilePah )
print ( " [cache miss]: PreMakeCache: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
GlobalData . gModulePreMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = False
return False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
HashMiss = False
for HashChainFile in PreMakeHashFileList :
HashChainStatus = None
if HashChainFile in GlobalData . gHashChainStatus :
HashChainStatus = GlobalData . gHashChainStatus [ HashChainFile ]
if HashChainStatus == False :
HashMiss = True
elif HashChainStatus == True :
if self . CheckHashChainFile ( HashChainFile ) :
GlobalData . gHashChainStatus [ HashChainFile ] = True
# Save the module self HashFile for GenPreMakefileHashList later usage
if self . Name + " .hashchain. " in HashChainFile :
GlobalData . gModuleHashFile [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = HashChainFile
else :
GlobalData . gHashChainStatus [ HashChainFile ] = False
HashMiss = True
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if HashMiss :
print ( " [cache miss]: PreMakeCache: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
GlobalData . gModulePreMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = False
return False
else :
print ( " [cache hit]: PreMakeCache: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
GlobalData . gModulePreMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = True
return True
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
ModuleCacheDir = path . join ( GlobalData . gBinCacheSource , self . PlatformInfo . OutputDir , self . BuildTarget + " _ " + self . ToolChain , self . Arch , self . SourceDir , self . MetaFile . BaseName )
FfsDir = path . join ( GlobalData . gBinCacheSource , self . PlatformInfo . OutputDir , self . BuildTarget + " _ " + self . ToolChain , TAB_FV_DIRECTORY , " Ffs " , self . Guid + self . Name )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
ModuleHashPairList = [ ] # tuple list: [tuple(PreMakefileHash, MakeHash)]
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
ModuleHashPair = path . join ( ModuleCacheDir , self . Name + " .ModuleHashPair " )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
try :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
with open ( LongFilePath ( ModuleHashPair ) , ' r ' ) as f :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
ModuleHashPairList = json . load ( f )
except :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# ModuleHashPair might not exist for new added module
GlobalData . gModulePreMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = False
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache warning]: fail to load ModuleHashPair file: %s " % ModuleHashPair )
print ( " [cache miss]: PreMakeCache: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
return False
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Check the PreMakeHash in ModuleHashPairList one by one
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
for idx , ( PreMakefileHash , MakeHash ) in enumerate ( ModuleHashPairList ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
SourceHashDir = path . join ( ModuleCacheDir , MakeHash )
SourceFfsHashDir = path . join ( FfsDir , MakeHash )
PreMakeHashFileList_FilePah = path . join ( ModuleCacheDir , self . Name + " .PreMakeHashFileList. " + PreMakefileHash )
MakeHashFileList_FilePah = path . join ( ModuleCacheDir , self . Name + " .MakeHashFileList. " + MakeHash )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
try :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
with open ( LongFilePath ( PreMakeHashFileList_FilePah ) , ' r ' ) as f :
PreMakeHashFileList = json . load ( f )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
except :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
EdkLogger . quiet ( " [cache error]: fail to load PreMakeHashFileList file: %s " % PreMakeHashFileList_FilePah )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
HashMiss = False
for HashChainFile in PreMakeHashFileList :
HashChainStatus = None
if HashChainFile in GlobalData . gHashChainStatus :
HashChainStatus = GlobalData . gHashChainStatus [ HashChainFile ]
if HashChainStatus == False :
HashMiss = True
elif HashChainStatus == True :
# Convert to path start with cache source dir
RelativePath = os . path . relpath ( HashChainFile , self . WorkspaceDir )
NewFilePath = os . path . join ( GlobalData . gBinCacheSource , RelativePath )
if self . CheckHashChainFile ( NewFilePath ) :
GlobalData . gHashChainStatus [ HashChainFile ] = True
else :
GlobalData . gHashChainStatus [ HashChainFile ] = False
HashMiss = True
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if HashMiss :
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# PreMakefile cache hit, restore the module build result
for root , dir , files in os . walk ( SourceHashDir ) :
for f in files :
File = path . join ( root , f )
self . CacheCopyFile ( self . BuildDir , SourceHashDir , File )
if os . path . exists ( SourceFfsHashDir ) :
for root , dir , files in os . walk ( SourceFfsHashDir ) :
for f in files :
File = path . join ( root , f )
self . CacheCopyFile ( self . FfsOutputDir , SourceFfsHashDir , File )
if self . Name == " PcdPeim " or self . Name == " PcdDxe " :
CreatePcdDatabaseCode ( self , TemplateString ( ) , TemplateString ( ) )
print ( " [cache hit]: PreMakeCache: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
GlobalData . gModulePreMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = True
return True
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
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print ( " [cache miss]: PreMakeCache: " , self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch )
GlobalData . gModulePreMakeCacheStatus [ ( self . MetaFile . Path , self . Arch ) ] = False
return False
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## Decide whether we can skip the Module build
def CanSkipbyCache ( self , gHitSet ) :
# Hashing feature is off
if not GlobalData . gBinCacheSource :
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return False
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if self in gHitSet :
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
return True
return False
## Decide whether we can skip the ModuleAutoGen process
# If any source file is newer than the module than we cannot skip
def CanSkip ( self ) :
# Don't skip if cache feature enabled
if GlobalData . gUseHashCache or GlobalData . gBinCacheDest or GlobalData . gBinCacheSource :
return False
if self . MakeFileDir in GlobalData . gSikpAutoGenCache :
return True
if not os . path . exists ( self . TimeStampPath ) :
return False
#last creation time of the module
DstTimeStamp = os . stat ( self . TimeStampPath ) [ 8 ]
SrcTimeStamp = self . Workspace . _SrcTimeStamp
if SrcTimeStamp > DstTimeStamp :
return False
with open ( self . TimeStampPath , ' r ' ) as f :
for source in f :
source = source . rstrip ( ' \n ' )
if not os . path . exists ( source ) :
return False
if source not in ModuleAutoGen . TimeDict :
ModuleAutoGen . TimeDict [ source ] = os . stat ( source ) [ 8 ]
if ModuleAutoGen . TimeDict [ source ] > DstTimeStamp :
return False
GlobalData . gSikpAutoGenCache . add ( self . MakeFileDir )
return True
def TimeStampPath ( self ) :
return os . path . join ( self . MakeFileDir , ' AutoGenTimeStamp ' )