mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 03:21:55 +01:00
880 lines
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880 lines
31 KiB
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Locale::Po4a::AsciiDoc - convert AsciiDoc documents from/to PO files
The po4a (PO for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more
interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools on
areas where they were not expected like documentation.
Locale::Po4a::AsciiDoc is a module to help the translation of documentation in
the AsciiDoc format.
package Locale::Po4a::AsciiDoc;
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
@ISA = qw(Locale::Po4a::TransTractor);
@EXPORT = qw();
use Locale::Po4a::TransTractor;
use Locale::Po4a::Common;
These are this module's particular options:
=item B<definitions>
The name of a file containing definitions for po4a, as defined in the
You can use this option if it is not possible to put the definitions in
the document being translated.
In a definitions file, lines must not start by two slashes, but directly
by B<po4a:>.
=item B<entry>
Space-separated list of attribute entries you want to translate. By default,
no attribute entries are translatable.
=item B<macro>
Space-separated list of macro definitions.
=item B<style>
Space-separated list of style definitions.
The AsciiDoc module can be customized with lines starting by B<//po4a:>.
These lines are interpreted as commands to the parser.
The following commands are recognized:
=over 4
=item B<//po4a: macro >I<name>B<[>I<attribute list>B<]>
This permits to describe in detail the parameters of a B<macro>;
I<name> must be a valid macro name, and it ends with an underscore
if the target must be translated.
The I<attribute list> argument is a comma separated list which
contains informations about translatable arguments. This list contains
either numbers, to define positional parameters, or named attributes.
If a plus sign (B<+>) is prepended to I<name>, then the macro and its
arguments are translated as a whole. There is no need to define
attribute list in this case, but brackets must be present.
=item B<//po4a: style >B<[>I<attribute list>B<]>
This permits to describe in detail which attributes of a style must
be translated.
The I<attribute list> argument is a comma separated list which
contains informations about translatable arguments. This list contains
either numbers, to define positional parameters, or named attributes.
The first attribute is the style name, it will not be translated.
If a plus sign (B<+>) is prepended to the style name, then the
attribute list is translated as a whole. There is no need to define
translatable attributes.
If a minus sign (B<->) is prepended to the style name, then this
attribute is not translated.
=item B<//po4a: entry >I<name>
This declares an attribute entry as being translatable. By default,
they are not translated.
my @comments = ();
my %debug=('split_attributelist' => 0,
'join_attributelist' => 0
sub initialize {
my $self = shift;
my %options = @_;
$self->{options}{'nobullets'} = 1;
$self->{options}{'verbose'} = 1;
foreach my $opt (keys %options) {
die wrap_mod("po4a::asciidoc",
dgettext("po4a", "Unknown option: %s"), $opt)
unless exists $self->{options}{$opt};
$self->{options}{$opt} = $options{$opt};
if ($options{'debug'}) {
foreach ($options{'debug'}) {
$debug{$_} = 1;
$self->{translate} = {
macro => {},
style => {},
entry => {}
if ($self->{options}{'definitions'}) {
$self->{options}{entry} =~ s/^\s*//;
foreach my $attr (split(/\s+/, $self->{options}{entry})) {
$self->{translate}->{entry}->{$attr} = 1;
$self->{options}{macro} =~ s/^\s*//;
foreach my $attr (split(/\s+/, $self->{options}{macro})) {
$self->{options}{style} =~ s/^\s*//;
foreach my $attr (split(/\s+/, $self->{options}{style})) {
sub register_attributelist {
my $self = shift;
my $list = shift;
my $type = shift || 'style';
$list =~ s/^\[//;
$list =~ s/\]$//;
$list =~ s/\s+//;
$list = ",".$list.",";
$list =~ m/^,([-+]?)([^,]*)/;
my $command = $2;
$self->{translate}->{$type}->{$command} = $list;
print STDERR "Definition: $type $command: $list\n" if $debug{definitions};
sub register_macro {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
die wrap_mod("po4a::asciidoc",
dgettext("po4a", "Unable to parse macro definition: %s"), $text)
unless $text =~ m/^(\+?)([\w\d][\w\d-]*?)(_?)\[(.*)\]$/;
my $macroplus = $1;
my $macroname = $2;
my $macrotarget = $3;
my $macroparam = $macroname.",".$4;
$self->register_attributelist($macroparam, 'macro');
if ($macrotarget eq '_') {
$self->{translate}->{macro}->{$macroname} .= '_';
if ($macroplus eq '+') {
$self->{translate}->{macro}->{$macroname} =~ s/^,/,+/;
sub is_translated_target {
my $self = shift;
my $macroname = shift;
return defined($self->{translate}->{macro}->{$macroname}) &&
$self->{translate}->{macro}->{$macroname} =~ m/_$/;
sub is_unsplitted_attributelist {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $type = shift;
return defined($self->{translate}->{$type}->{$name}) &&
$self->{translate}->{$type}->{$name} =~ m/^,\+/;
sub process_definition {
my $self = shift;
my $command = shift;
if ($command =~ m/^po4a: macro\s+(.*\[.*\])\s*$/) {
} elsif ($command =~ m/^po4a: style\s*(\[.*\])\s*$/) {
} elsif ($command =~ m/^po4a: entry\s+(.+?)\s*$/) {
$self->{translate}->{entry}->{$1} = 1;
sub parse_definition_file {
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
if (! open (IN,"<", $filename)) {
die wrap_mod("po4a::asciidoc",
dgettext("po4a", "Can't open %s: %s"), $filename, $!);
while (<IN>) {
process_definition($self, $_);
close IN;
my $RE_SECTION_TEMPLATES = "sect1|sect2|sect3|sect4|preface|colophon|dedication|synopsis|index";
my $RE_STYLE_PARAGRAPH = "normal|literal|verse|quote|listing|abstract|partintro|comment|example|sidebar|source|music|latex|graphviz";
my $RE_STYLE_NUMBERING = "arabic|loweralpha|upperalpha|lowerroman|upperroman";
my $RE_STYLE_LIST = "appendix|horizontal|qanda|glossary|bibliography";
my $UnicodeGCString_available = 0;
$UnicodeGCString_available = 1 if (eval { require Unicode::GCString });
eval {
sub columns($$$) {
my $text = shift;
my $encoder = shift;
$text = $encoder->decode($text) if (defined($encoder) && $encoder->name ne "ascii");
if ($UnicodeGCString_available) {
return Unicode::GCString->new($text)->columns();
} else {
$text =~ s/\n$//s;
return length($text) if !(defined($encoder) && $encoder->name ne "ascii");
die wrap_mod("po4a::asciidoc",
dgettext("po4a", "Detection of two line titles failed at %s\nInstall the Unicode::GCString module!"), shift)
sub parse {
my $self = shift;
my ($line,$ref);
my $paragraph="";
my $wrapped_mode = 1;
my $file = $ref;
$file =~ s/:[0-9]+$// if defined($line);
while (defined($line)) {
$ref =~ m/^(.*):[0-9]+$/;
if ($1 ne $file) {
$file = $1;
$wrapped_mode = 1;
if ((defined $self->{verbatim}) and ($self->{verbatim} == 3)) {
# Untranslated blocks
if ($line =~ m/^~{4,}$/) {
undef $self->{verbatim};
undef $self->{type};
$wrapped_mode = 1;
} elsif ((defined $self->{verbatim}) and ($self->{verbatim} == 2)) {
# CommentBlock
if ($line =~ m/^\/{4,}$/) {
undef $self->{verbatim};
undef $self->{type};
$wrapped_mode = 1;
} else {
push @comments, $line;
} elsif ((not defined($self->{verbatim})) and ($line =~ m/^(\+|--)$/)) {
# List Item Continuation or List Block
} elsif ((not defined($self->{verbatim})) and
($line =~ m/^(={2,}|-{2,}|~{2,}|\^{2,}|\+{2,})$/) and
(defined($paragraph) )and
($paragraph =~ m/^[^\n]*\n$/s) and
(columns($paragraph, $self->{TT}{po_in}{encoder}, $ref) == (length($line)))) {
# Found title
$wrapped_mode = 0;
my $level = $line;
$level =~ s/^(.).*$/$1/;
$paragraph =~ s/\n$//s;
my $t = $self->translate($paragraph,
"Title $level",
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => 0);
$wrapped_mode = 1;
$self->pushline(($level x (columns($t, $self->{TT}{po_in}{encoder}, $ref)))."\n");
} elsif ($line =~ m/^(={1,5})( +)(.*?)( +\1)?$/) {
my $titlelevel1 = $1;
my $titlespaces = $2;
my $title = $3;
my $titlelevel2 = $4||"";
# Found one line title
$wrapped_mode = 0;
my $t = $self->translate($title,
"Title $titlelevel1",
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => 0);
$wrapped_mode = 1;
} elsif ($line =~ m/^(\/{4,}|\+{4,}|-{4,}|\.{4,}|\*{4,}|_{4,}|={4,}|~{4,}|\|={4,})$/) {
# Found one delimited block
my $t = $line;
$t =~ s/^(.).*$/$1/;
my $type = "delimited block $t";
if (defined $self->{verbatim} and ($self->{type} ne $type)) {
$paragraph .= "$line\n";
} else {
if ( (defined $self->{type})
and ($self->{type} eq $type)) {
undef $self->{type};
undef $self->{verbatim};
$wrapped_mode = 1;
} else {
if ($t eq "\/") {
# CommentBlock, should not be treated
$self->{verbatim} = 2;
} elsif ($t eq "+") {
# PassthroughBlock
$wrapped_mode = 0;
$self->{verbatim} = 1;
} elsif ($t eq "-" or $t eq "|") {
# ListingBlock
$wrapped_mode = 0;
$self->{verbatim} = 1;
} elsif ($t eq ".") {
# LiteralBlock
$wrapped_mode = 0;
$self->{verbatim} = 1;
} elsif ($t eq "*") {
# SidebarBlock
$wrapped_mode = 1;
} elsif ($t eq "_") {
# QuoteBlock
if ( (defined $self->{type})
and ($self->{type} eq "verse")) {
$wrapped_mode = 0;
$self->{verbatim} = 1;
} else {
$wrapped_mode = 1;
} elsif ($t eq "=") {
# ExampleBlock
$wrapped_mode = 1;
} elsif ($t eq "~") {
# Filter blocks, TBC: not translated
$wrapped_mode = 0;
$self->{verbatim} = 3;
$self->{type} = $type;
$self->pushline($line."\n") unless defined($self->{verbatim}) && $self->{verbatim} == 2;
} elsif ((not defined($self->{verbatim})) and ($line =~ m/^\/\/(.*)/)) {
my $comment = $1;
if ($comment =~ m/^po4a: /) {
# Po4a command line
} else {
# Comment line
push @comments, $comment;
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
($line =~ m/^\[\[([^\]]*)\]\]$/)) {
# Found BlockId
$wrapped_mode = 1;
undef $self->{bullet};
undef $self->{indent};
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
($paragraph eq "") and
($line =~ m/^((?:$RE_STYLE_ADMONITION):\s+)(.*)$/)) {
my $type = $1;
my $text = $2;
$wrapped_mode = 1;
undef $self->{bullet};
undef $self->{indent};
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
($line =~ m/^\[($RE_STYLES)\]$/)) {
my $type = $1;
$wrapped_mode = 1;
if ($type eq "verse") {
$wrapped_mode = 0;
undef $self->{bullet};
undef $self->{indent};
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
($line =~ m/^\[.*\]$/)) {
my $t = $self->parse_style($line);
$wrapped_mode = 1;
if ($line =~ m/^\[(['"]?)(verse|quote)\1,/) {
$wrapped_mode = 0 if $2 eq 'verse';
$self->{type} = $2;
undef $self->{bullet};
undef $self->{indent};
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
($line =~ m/^(\s*)([*_+`'#[:alnum:]].*)((?:::|;;|\?\?|:-)(?: *\\)?)$/)) {
my $indent = $1;
my $label = $2;
my $labelend = $3;
# Found labeled list
$wrapped_mode = 1;
$self->{bullet} = "";
$self->{indent} = $indent;
my $t = $self->translate($label,
"Labeled list",
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => 0);
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
($line =~ m/^(\s*)(\S.*)((?:::|;;)\s+)(.*)$/)) {
my $indent = $1;
my $label = $2;
my $labelend = $3;
my $labeltext = $4;
# Found Horizontal Labeled Lists
$wrapped_mode = 1;
$self->{bullet} = "";
$self->{indent} = $indent;
my $t = $self->translate($label,
"Labeled list",
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => 0);
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
($line =~ m/^\:(\S.*?)(:\s*)(.*)$/)) {
my $attrname = $1;
my $attrsep = $2;
my $attrvalue = $3;
while ($attrvalue =~ s/ \+$//s) {
$ref =~ m/^(.*):[0-9]+$/;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$attrvalue .= $line;
# Found an Attribute entry
$wrapped_mode = 1;
undef $self->{bullet};
undef $self->{indent};
if (defined($self->{translate}->{entry}->{$attrname})) {
my $t = $self->translate($attrvalue,
"Attribute :$attrname:",
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => 0);
} else {
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
($line =~ m/^([\w\d][\w\d-]*)(::)(\S+)\[(.*)\]$/)) {
my $macroname = $1;
my $macrotype = $2;
my $macrotarget = $3;
my $macroparam = $4;
# Found a macro
if ($macrotype eq '::') {
$wrapped_mode = 1;
undef $self->{bullet};
undef $self->{indent};
my $t = $self->parse_macro($macroname, $macrotype, $macrotarget, $macroparam);
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
($line !~ m/^\.\./) and ($line =~ m/^\.(\S.*)$/)) {
my $title = $1;
# Found block title
$wrapped_mode = 1;
undef $self->{bullet};
undef $self->{indent};
my $t = $self->translate($title,
"Block title",
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => 0);
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
($line =~ m/^(\s*)((?:[-*o+]|(?:[0-9]+[.\)])|(?:[a-z][.\)])|\([0-9]+\)|\.|\.\.)\s+)(.*)$/)) {
my $indent = $1||"";
my $bullet = $2;
my $text = $3;
$paragraph = $text."\n";
$self->{indent} = $indent;
$self->{bullet} = $bullet;
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
($line =~ m/^((?:<?[0-9]+)?> +)(.*)$/)) {
my $bullet = $1;
my $text = $2;
$paragraph = $text."\n";
$self->{indent} = "";
$self->{bullet} = $bullet;
} elsif (not defined $self->{verbatim} and
(defined $self->{bullet} and $line =~ m/^(\s+)(.*)$/)) {
my $indent = $1;
my $text = $2;
if (not defined $self->{indent}) {
$paragraph .= $text."\n";
$self->{indent} = $indent;
} elsif (length($paragraph) and (length($self->{bullet}) + length($self->{indent}) == length($indent))) {
$paragraph .= $text."\n";
} else {
$paragraph = $text."\n";
$self->{indent} = $indent;
$self->{bullet} = "";
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
# Break paragraphs on lines containing only spaces
$wrapped_mode = 1 unless defined($self->{verbatim});
undef $self->{controlkey};
} elsif ($line =~ /^-- $/) {
# Break paragraphs on email signature hint
$wrapped_mode = 1;
} elsif ( $line =~ /^=+$/
or $line =~ /^_+$/
or $line =~ /^-+$/) {
$wrapped_mode = 0;
$paragraph .= $line."\n";
$wrapped_mode = 1;
} else {
if ($line =~ /^\s/) {
# A line starting by a space indicates a non-wrap
# paragraph
$wrapped_mode = 0;
undef $self->{bullet};
undef $self->{indent};
# TODO: comments
$paragraph .= $line."\n";
# paragraphs starting by a bullet, or numbered
# or paragraphs with a line containing many consecutive spaces
# (more than 3)
# are considered as verbatim paragraphs
$wrapped_mode = 0 if ( $paragraph =~ m/^(\*|[0-9]+[.)] )/s
or $paragraph =~ m/[ \t][ \t][ \t]/s);
if (length $paragraph) {
sub do_paragraph {
my ($self, $paragraph, $wrap) = (shift, shift, shift);
my $type = shift || $self->{type} || "Plain text";
return if ($paragraph eq "");
# my $b;
# if (defined $self->{bullet}) {
# $b = $self->{bullet};
# } else {
# $b = "UNDEF";
# }
# $type .= " verbatim: '".($self->{verbatim}||"NONE")."' bullet: '$b' indent: '".($self->{indent}||"NONE")."' type: '".($self->{type}||"NONE")."'";
if (not $wrap and not defined $self->{verbatim}) {
# Detect bullets
# | * blah blah
# |<spaces> blah
# | ^-- aligned
# <empty line>
# Other bullets supported:
# - blah o blah + blah
# 1. blah 1) blah (1) blah
if ($paragraph =~ m/^(\s*)((?:[-*o+]|([0-9]+[.\)])|\([0-9]+\))\s+)([^\n]*\n)(.*)$/s) {
my $para = $5;
my $bullet = $2;
my $indent1 = $1;
my $indent2 = "$1".(' ' x length $bullet);
my $text = $4;
while ($para !~ m/$indent2(?:[-*o+]|([0-9]+[.\)])|\([0-9]+\))\s+/
and $para =~ s/^$indent2(\S[^\n]*\n)//s) {
$text .= $1;
# TODO: detect if a line starts with the same bullet
if ($text !~ m/\S[ \t][ \t][ \t]+\S/s) {
my $bullet_regex = quotemeta($indent1.$bullet);
$bullet_regex =~ s/[0-9]+/\\d\+/;
if ($para eq '' or $para =~ m/^$bullet_regex\S/s) {
my $trans = $self->translate($text,
"Bullet: '$indent1$bullet'",
"wrap" => 1,
"wrapcol" => - (length $indent2));
$trans =~ s/^/$indent1$bullet/s;
$trans =~ s/\n(.)/\n$indent2$1/sg;
$self->pushline( $trans."\n" );
if ($para eq '') {
} else {
# Another bullet
$paragraph = $para;
my $end = "";
if ($wrap) {
$paragraph =~ s/^(.*?)(\n*)$/$1/s;
$end = $2 || "";
my $t = $self->translate($paragraph,
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => $wrap);
@comments = ();
if (defined $self->{bullet}) {
my $bullet = $self->{bullet};
my $indent1 = $self->{indent};
my $indent2 = $indent1.(' ' x length($bullet));
$t =~ s/^/$indent1$bullet/s;
$t =~ s/\n(.)/\n$indent2$1/sg;
$self->pushline( $t.$end );
sub parse_style {
my ($self, $text) = (shift, shift);
$text =~ s/^\[//;
$text =~ s/\]$//;
$text =~ m/^([^=,]+)/;
if (defined($1) && $self->is_unsplitted_attributelist($1, 'style')) {
my $t = $self->translate($text,
"Unsplitted AttributeList",
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => 0);
return "[$t]";
my @attributes = $self->split_attributelist($text);
return "[".join(", ", $self->join_attributelist("style", @attributes))."]";
sub parse_macro {
my ($self, $macroname, $macrotype, $macrotarget, $macroparam) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
if ($self->is_unsplitted_attributelist($macroname, 'macro')) {
my $t = $self->translate("$macroname$macrotype$macrotarget\[$macroparam\]",
"Unsplitted macro call",
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => 0);
return $t;
my @attributes = $self->split_attributelist($macroparam);
unshift @attributes, $macroname;
my @translated_attributes = $self->join_attributelist("macro", @attributes);
shift @translated_attributes;
if ($self->is_translated_target($macroname)) {
my $target = unquote_space($macrotarget);
my $t = $self->translate($target,
"Target for macro $macroname",
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => 0);
$macrotarget = quote_space($t);
return "$macroname$macrotype$macrotarget\[".join(", ", @translated_attributes)."]";
sub split_attributelist {
my ($self, $text) = (shift, shift);
print STDERR "Splitting attributes in: $text\n" if $debug{split_attributelist};
my @attributes = ();
while ($text =~ m/\G(
[^\W\d][-\w]*="(?:[^"\\]++|\\.)*+" # named attribute
| [^\W\d][-\w]*=None # undefined named attribute
| [^\W\d][-\w]*=\S+ # invalid, but accept it anyway
| "(?:[^"\\]++|\\.)*+" # quoted attribute
| (?:[^,\\]++|\\.)++ # unquoted attribute
)(?:,\s*+)?/gx) {
print STDERR " -> $1\n" if $debug{split_attributelist};
push @attributes, $1;
die wrap_mod("po4a::asciidoc",
dgettext("po4a", "Unable to parse attribute list: [%s]"), $text)
unless scalar(@attributes);
return @attributes;
sub join_attributelist {
my ($self, $type) = (shift, shift);
my @attributes = @_;
my $command = shift(@attributes);
my $position = 1;
my @text = ($command);
if ($command =~ m/=/) {
my $attr = $command;
$command =~ s/=.*//;
@text = ();
push @text, $self->translate_attributelist($type, $command, $position, $attr);
foreach my $attr (@attributes) {
push @text, $self->translate_attributelist($type, $command, $position, $attr);
print STDERR "Joined attributes: ".join(", ", @text)."\n" if $debug{join_attributelist};
return @text;
sub translate_attributelist {
my ($self, $type, $command, $count, $attr) = (shift, shift, shift, shift, shift);
return $attr unless defined $self->{translate}->{$type}->{$command};
if ($attr =~ m/^([^\W\d][-\w]*)=(.*)/) {
my $attrname = $1;
my $attrvalue = $2;
if ($self->{translate}->{$type}->{$command} =~ m/,$attrname,/) {
my $value = unquote($attrvalue);
my $t = $self->translate($value,
"Named '$attrname' AttributeList argument for $type '$command'",
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => 0);
if ($attrvalue eq 'None' && $t eq 'None') {
$attr = $attrname."=None";
} else {
$attr = $attrname."=".quote($t);
} else {
if ($self->{translate}->{$type}->{$command} =~ m/,$count,/) {
my $attrvalue = unquote($attr);
my $t = $self->translate($attrvalue,
"Positional (\$$count) AttributeList argument for $type '$command'",
"comment" => join("\n", @comments),
"wrap" => 0);
$attr = quote($t);
return $attr;
sub unquote {
my ($text) = shift;
return $text unless $text =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
$text =~ s/\\"/"/g;
return $text;
sub quote {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s/"/\\"/g;
return '"'.$text.'"';
sub quote_space {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s/ /%20/g;
return $text;
sub unquote_space {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s/%20/ /g;
return $text;
Tested successfully on simple AsciiDoc files.
=head1 AUTHORS
Nicolas François <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>
Denis Barbier <barbier@linuxfr.org>
Copyright 2005-2008 by Nicolas FRANÇOIS <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>.
Copyright 2012 by Denis BARBIER <barbier@linuxfr.org>.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of GPL (see the COPYING file).