2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
## @file
# parse FDF file
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
# Copyright (c) 2015, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development, L.P.<BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
# Import Modules
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from re import compile , DOTALL
from string import hexdigits
from uuid import UUID
from Common . BuildToolError import *
from Common import EdkLogger
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
from Common . Misc import PathClass , tdict , ProcessDuplicatedInf , GuidStructureStringToGuidString
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
from Common . StringUtils import NormPath , ReplaceMacro
from Common import GlobalData
from Common . Expression import *
from Common . DataType import *
from Common . MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
import Common . LongFilePathOs as os
from Common . LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
from Common . RangeExpression import RangeExpression
from collections import OrderedDict
from . Fd import FD
from . Region import Region
from . Fv import FV
from . AprioriSection import AprioriSection
from . FfsInfStatement import FfsInfStatement
from . FfsFileStatement import FileStatement
from . VerSection import VerSection
from . UiSection import UiSection
from . FvImageSection import FvImageSection
from . DataSection import DataSection
from . DepexSection import DepexSection
from . CompressSection import CompressSection
from . GuidSection import GuidSection
from . Capsule import EFI_CERT_TYPE_PKCS7_GUID , EFI_CERT_TYPE_RSA2048_SHA256_GUID , Capsule
from . CapsuleData import CapsuleFfs , CapsulePayload , CapsuleFv , CapsuleFd , CapsuleAnyFile , CapsuleAfile
from . RuleComplexFile import RuleComplexFile
from . RuleSimpleFile import RuleSimpleFile
from . EfiSection import EfiSection
from . OptionRom import OPTIONROM
from . OptRomInfStatement import OptRomInfStatement , OverrideAttribs
from . OptRomFileStatement import OptRomFileStatement
from . GenFdsGlobalVariable import GenFdsGlobalVariable
T_CHAR_CR = ' \r '
T_CHAR_TAB = ' \t '
T_CHAR_BRACE_R = ' } '
ALIGNMENTS = { " Auto " , " 8 " , " 16 " , " 32 " , " 64 " , " 128 " , " 512 " , " 1K " , " 4K " , " 32K " , " 64K " , " 128K " ,
" 256K " , " 512K " , " 1M " , " 2M " , " 4M " , " 8M " , " 16M " }
RegionSizePattern = compile ( " \ s*(?P<base>(?:0x|0X)?[a-fA-F0-9]+) \ s* \ | \ s*(?P<size>(?:0x|0X)?[a-fA-F0-9]+) \ s* " )
RegionSizeGuidPattern = compile ( " \ s*(?P<base> \ w+ \ . \ w+[ \ . \ w \ [ \ ]]*) \ s* \ | \ s*(?P<size> \ w+ \ . \ w+[ \ . \ w \ [ \ ]]*) \ s* " )
RegionOffsetPcdPattern = compile ( " \ s*(?P<base> \ w+ \ . \ w+[ \ . \ w \ [ \ ]]*) \ s*$ " )
ShortcutPcdPattern = compile ( " \ s* \ w+ \ s*= \ s*(?P<value>(?:0x|0X)?[a-fA-F0-9]+) \ s* \ | \ s*(?P<name> \ w+ \ . \ w+) \ s* " )
BaseAddrValuePattern = compile ( ' ^0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ ' )
FileExtensionPattern = compile ( r ' ([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*) ' )
TokenFindPattern = compile ( r ' ([a-zA-Z0-9 \ -]+| \ $ \ (TARGET \ )| \ *)_([a-zA-Z0-9 \ -]+| \ $ \ (TOOL_CHAIN_TAG \ )| \ *)_([a-zA-Z0-9 \ -]+| \ $ \ (ARCH \ )| \ *) ' )
AllIncludeFileList = [ ]
# Get the closest parent
def GetParentAtLine ( Line ) :
for Profile in AllIncludeFileList :
if Profile . IsLineInFile ( Line ) :
return Profile
return None
# Check include loop
def IsValidInclude ( File , Line ) :
for Profile in AllIncludeFileList :
if Profile . IsLineInFile ( Line ) and Profile . FileName == File :
return False
return True
def GetRealFileLine ( File , Line ) :
InsertedLines = 0
for Profile in AllIncludeFileList :
if Profile . IsLineInFile ( Line ) :
return Profile . GetLineInFile ( Line )
elif Line > = Profile . InsertStartLineNumber and Profile . Level == 1 :
InsertedLines + = Profile . GetTotalLines ( )
return ( File , Line - InsertedLines )
## The exception class that used to report error messages when parsing FDF
# Currently the "ToolName" is set to be "FdfParser".
class Warning ( Exception ) :
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Str The message to record
# @param File The FDF name
# @param Line The Line number that error occurs
def __init__ ( self , Str , File = None , Line = None ) :
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( File , Line )
self . FileName = FileLineTuple [ 0 ]
self . LineNumber = FileLineTuple [ 1 ]
self . OriginalLineNumber = Line
self . Message = Str
self . ToolName = ' FdfParser '
def __str__ ( self ) :
return self . Message
# helper functions to facilitate consistency in warnings
# each function is for a different common warning
def Expected ( Str , File , Line ) :
return Warning ( " expected {} " . format ( Str ) , File , Line )
def ExpectedEquals ( File , Line ) :
return Warning . Expected ( " ' = ' " , File , Line )
def ExpectedCurlyOpen ( File , Line ) :
return Warning . Expected ( " ' { ' " , File , Line )
def ExpectedCurlyClose ( File , Line ) :
return Warning . Expected ( " ' } ' " , File , Line )
def ExpectedBracketClose ( File , Line ) :
return Warning . Expected ( " ' ] ' " , File , Line )
## The Include file content class that used to record file data when parsing include file
# May raise Exception when opening file.
class IncludeFileProfile :
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FileName The file that to be parsed
def __init__ ( self , FileName ) :
self . FileName = FileName
self . FileLinesList = [ ]
try :
with open ( FileName , " r " ) as fsock :
self . FileLinesList = fsock . readlines ( )
for index , line in enumerate ( self . FileLinesList ) :
if not line . endswith ( TAB_LINE_BREAK ) :
self . FileLinesList [ index ] + = TAB_LINE_BREAK
except :
EdkLogger . error ( " FdfParser " , FILE_OPEN_FAILURE , ExtraData = FileName )
self . InsertStartLineNumber = None
self . InsertAdjust = 0
self . IncludeFileList = [ ]
self . Level = 1 # first level include file
def GetTotalLines ( self ) :
TotalLines = self . InsertAdjust + len ( self . FileLinesList )
for Profile in self . IncludeFileList :
TotalLines + = Profile . GetTotalLines ( )
return TotalLines
def IsLineInFile ( self , Line ) :
if Line > = self . InsertStartLineNumber and Line < self . InsertStartLineNumber + self . GetTotalLines ( ) :
return True
return False
def GetLineInFile ( self , Line ) :
if not self . IsLineInFile ( Line ) :
return ( self . FileName , - 1 )
InsertedLines = self . InsertStartLineNumber
for Profile in self . IncludeFileList :
if Profile . IsLineInFile ( Line ) :
return Profile . GetLineInFile ( Line )
elif Line > = Profile . InsertStartLineNumber :
InsertedLines + = Profile . GetTotalLines ( )
return ( self . FileName , Line - InsertedLines + 1 )
## The FDF content class that used to record file data when parsing FDF
# May raise Exception when opening file.
class FileProfile :
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FileName The file that to be parsed
def __init__ ( self , FileName ) :
self . FileLinesList = [ ]
try :
with open ( FileName , " r " ) as fsock :
self . FileLinesList = fsock . readlines ( )
except :
EdkLogger . error ( " FdfParser " , FILE_OPEN_FAILURE , ExtraData = FileName )
self . FileName = FileName
self . PcdDict = OrderedDict ( )
self . PcdLocalDict = OrderedDict ( )
self . InfList = [ ]
self . InfDict = { ' ArchTBD ' : [ ] }
# ECC will use this Dict and List information
self . PcdFileLineDict = { }
self . InfFileLineList = [ ]
self . FdDict = { }
self . FdNameNotSet = False
self . FvDict = { }
self . CapsuleDict = { }
self . RuleDict = { }
self . OptRomDict = { }
self . FmpPayloadDict = { }
## The syntax parser for FDF
# PreprocessFile method should be called prior to ParseFile
# CycleReferenceCheck method can detect cycles in FDF contents
# GetNext*** procedures mean these procedures will get next token first, then make judgement.
# Get*** procedures mean these procedures will make judgement on current token only.
class FdfParser :
## The constructor
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FileName The file that to be parsed
def __init__ ( self , FileName ) :
self . Profile = FileProfile ( FileName )
self . FileName = FileName
self . CurrentLineNumber = 1
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
self . CurrentFdName = None
self . CurrentFvName = None
self . _Token = " "
self . _SkippedChars = " "
GlobalData . gFdfParser = self
# Used to section info
self . _CurSection = [ ]
# Key: [section name, UI name, arch]
self . _MacroDict = tdict ( True , 3 )
self . _PcdDict = OrderedDict ( )
self . _WipeOffArea = [ ]
if GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir == ' ' :
GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir = os . getenv ( " WORKSPACE " )
## _SkipWhiteSpace() method
# Skip white spaces from current char.
# @param self The object pointer
def _SkipWhiteSpace ( self ) :
while not self . _EndOfFile ( ) :
self . _SkippedChars + = str ( self . _CurrentChar ( ) )
self . _GetOneChar ( )
else :
## _EndOfFile() method
# Judge current buffer pos is at file end
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Current File buffer position is at file end
# @retval False Current File buffer position is NOT at file end
def _EndOfFile ( self ) :
NumberOfLines = len ( self . Profile . FileLinesList )
SizeOfLastLine = len ( self . Profile . FileLinesList [ - 1 ] )
if self . CurrentLineNumber == NumberOfLines and self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine > = SizeOfLastLine - 1 :
return True
if self . CurrentLineNumber > NumberOfLines :
return True
return False
## _EndOfLine() method
# Judge current buffer pos is at line end
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Current File buffer position is at line end
# @retval False Current File buffer position is NOT at line end
def _EndOfLine ( self ) :
if self . CurrentLineNumber > len ( self . Profile . FileLinesList ) :
return True
SizeOfCurrentLine = len ( self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ] )
if self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine > = SizeOfCurrentLine :
return True
return False
## Rewind() method
# Reset file data buffer to the initial state
# @param self The object pointer
# @param DestLine Optional new destination line number.
# @param DestOffset Optional new destination offset.
def Rewind ( self , DestLine = 1 , DestOffset = 0 ) :
self . CurrentLineNumber = DestLine
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine = DestOffset
## _UndoOneChar() method
# Go back one char in the file buffer
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully go back one char
# @retval False Not able to go back one char as file beginning reached
def _UndoOneChar ( self ) :
if self . CurrentLineNumber == 1 and self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine == 0 :
return False
elif self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine == 0 :
self . CurrentLineNumber - = 1
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine = len ( self . _CurrentLine ( ) ) - 1
else :
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - = 1
return True
## _GetOneChar() method
# Move forward one char in the file buffer
# @param self The object pointer
def _GetOneChar ( self ) :
if self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine == len ( self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ] ) - 1 :
self . CurrentLineNumber + = 1
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
else :
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine + = 1
## _CurrentChar() method
# Get the char pointed to by the file buffer pointer
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval Char Current char
def _CurrentChar ( self ) :
return self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ] [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine ]
## _NextChar() method
# Get the one char pass the char pointed to by the file buffer pointer
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval Char Next char
def _NextChar ( self ) :
if self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine == len ( self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ] ) - 1 :
return self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber ] [ 0 ]
return self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ] [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine + 1 ]
## _SetCurrentCharValue() method
# Modify the value of current char
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Value The new value of current char
def _SetCurrentCharValue ( self , Value ) :
self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ] [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine ] = Value
## _CurrentLine() method
# Get the list that contains current line contents
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval List current line contents
def _CurrentLine ( self ) :
return self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ]
def _StringToList ( self ) :
self . Profile . FileLinesList = [ list ( s ) for s in self . Profile . FileLinesList ]
if not self . Profile . FileLinesList :
EdkLogger . error ( ' FdfParser ' , FILE_READ_FAILURE , ' The file is empty! ' , File = self . FileName )
self . Profile . FileLinesList [ - 1 ] . append ( ' ' )
def _ReplaceFragment ( self , StartPos , EndPos , Value = ' ' ) :
if StartPos [ 0 ] == EndPos [ 0 ] :
Offset = StartPos [ 1 ]
while Offset < = EndPos [ 1 ] :
self . Profile . FileLinesList [ StartPos [ 0 ] ] [ Offset ] = Value
Offset + = 1
Offset = StartPos [ 1 ]
while self . Profile . FileLinesList [ StartPos [ 0 ] ] [ Offset ] not in CR_LB_SET :
self . Profile . FileLinesList [ StartPos [ 0 ] ] [ Offset ] = Value
Offset + = 1
Line = StartPos [ 0 ]
while Line < EndPos [ 0 ] :
Offset = 0
while self . Profile . FileLinesList [ Line ] [ Offset ] not in CR_LB_SET :
self . Profile . FileLinesList [ Line ] [ Offset ] = Value
Offset + = 1
Line + = 1
Offset = 0
while Offset < = EndPos [ 1 ] :
self . Profile . FileLinesList [ EndPos [ 0 ] ] [ Offset ] = Value
Offset + = 1
def _SetMacroValue ( self , Macro , Value ) :
if not self . _CurSection :
MacroDict = { }
if not self . _MacroDict [ self . _CurSection [ 0 ] , self . _CurSection [ 1 ] , self . _CurSection [ 2 ] ] :
self . _MacroDict [ self . _CurSection [ 0 ] , self . _CurSection [ 1 ] , self . _CurSection [ 2 ] ] = MacroDict
else :
MacroDict = self . _MacroDict [ self . _CurSection [ 0 ] , self . _CurSection [ 1 ] , self . _CurSection [ 2 ] ]
MacroDict [ Macro ] = Value
def _GetMacroValue ( self , Macro ) :
# Highest priority
if Macro in GlobalData . gCommandLineDefines :
return GlobalData . gCommandLineDefines [ Macro ]
if Macro in GlobalData . gGlobalDefines :
return GlobalData . gGlobalDefines [ Macro ]
if self . _CurSection :
MacroDict = self . _MacroDict [
self . _CurSection [ 0 ] ,
self . _CurSection [ 1 ] ,
self . _CurSection [ 2 ]
if MacroDict and Macro in MacroDict :
return MacroDict [ Macro ]
# Lowest priority
if Macro in GlobalData . gPlatformDefines :
return GlobalData . gPlatformDefines [ Macro ]
return None
def _SectionHeaderParser ( self , Section ) :
# [Defines]
# [FD.UiName]: use dummy instead if UI name is optional
# [FV.UiName]
# [Capsule.UiName]
# [Rule]: don't take rule section into account, macro is not allowed in this section
# [OptionRom.DriverName]
self . _CurSection = [ ]
Section = Section . strip ( ) [ 1 : - 1 ] . upper ( ) . replace ( ' ' , ' ' ) . strip ( TAB_SPLIT )
ItemList = Section . split ( TAB_SPLIT )
Item = ItemList [ 0 ]
if Item == ' ' or Item == ' RULE ' :
if Item == TAB_COMMON_DEFINES . upper ( ) :
self . _CurSection = [ TAB_COMMON , TAB_COMMON , TAB_COMMON ]
elif len ( ItemList ) > 1 :
self . _CurSection = [ ItemList [ 0 ] , ItemList [ 1 ] , TAB_COMMON ]
elif len ( ItemList ) > 0 :
self . _CurSection = [ ItemList [ 0 ] , ' DUMMY ' , TAB_COMMON ]
## PreprocessFile() method
# Preprocess file contents, replace comments with spaces.
# In the end, rewind the file buffer pointer to the beginning
# BUGBUG: No !include statement processing contained in this procedure
# !include statement should be expanded at the same FileLinesList[CurrentLineNumber - 1]
# @param self The object pointer
def PreprocessFile ( self ) :
self . Rewind ( )
InComment = False
DoubleSlashComment = False
HashComment = False
# HashComment in quoted string " " is ignored.
InString = False
while not self . _EndOfFile ( ) :
if self . _CurrentChar ( ) == T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE and not InComment :
InString = not InString
# meet new line, then no longer in a comment for // and '#'
if self . _CurrentChar ( ) == TAB_LINE_BREAK :
self . CurrentLineNumber + = 1
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
if InComment and DoubleSlashComment :
InComment = False
DoubleSlashComment = False
if InComment and HashComment :
InComment = False
HashComment = False
# check for */ comment end
elif InComment and not DoubleSlashComment and not HashComment and self . _CurrentChar ( ) == TAB_STAR and self . _NextChar ( ) == TAB_BACK_SLASH :
self . _SetCurrentCharValue ( TAB_SPACE_SPLIT )
self . _GetOneChar ( )
self . _SetCurrentCharValue ( TAB_SPACE_SPLIT )
self . _GetOneChar ( )
InComment = False
# set comments to spaces
elif InComment :
self . _SetCurrentCharValue ( TAB_SPACE_SPLIT )
self . _GetOneChar ( )
# check for // comment
elif self . _CurrentChar ( ) == TAB_BACK_SLASH and self . _NextChar ( ) == TAB_BACK_SLASH and not self . _EndOfLine ( ) :
InComment = True
DoubleSlashComment = True
# check for '#' comment
elif self . _CurrentChar ( ) == TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT and not self . _EndOfLine ( ) and not InString :
InComment = True
HashComment = True
# check for /* comment start
elif self . _CurrentChar ( ) == TAB_BACK_SLASH and self . _NextChar ( ) == TAB_STAR :
self . _SetCurrentCharValue ( TAB_SPACE_SPLIT )
self . _GetOneChar ( )
self . _SetCurrentCharValue ( TAB_SPACE_SPLIT )
self . _GetOneChar ( )
InComment = True
else :
self . _GetOneChar ( )
# restore from ListOfList to ListOfString
self . Profile . FileLinesList = [ " " . join ( list ) for list in self . Profile . FileLinesList ]
self . Rewind ( )
## PreprocessIncludeFile() method
# Preprocess file contents, replace !include statements with file contents.
# In the end, rewind the file buffer pointer to the beginning
# @param self The object pointer
def PreprocessIncludeFile ( self ) :
# nested include support
Processed = False
MacroDict = { }
while self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
if self . _Token == TAB_DEFINE :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Macro name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Macro = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Value = self . _GetExpression ( )
MacroDict [ Macro ] = Value
elif self . _Token == TAB_INCLUDE :
Processed = True
IncludeLine = self . CurrentLineNumber
IncludeOffset = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len ( TAB_INCLUDE )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " include file name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
IncFileName = self . _Token
PreIndex = 0
StartPos = IncFileName . find ( ' $( ' , PreIndex )
EndPos = IncFileName . find ( ' ) ' , StartPos + 2 )
while StartPos != - 1 and EndPos != - 1 :
Macro = IncFileName [ StartPos + 2 : EndPos ]
MacroVal = self . _GetMacroValue ( Macro )
if not MacroVal :
if Macro in MacroDict :
MacroVal = MacroDict [ Macro ]
if MacroVal is not None :
IncFileName = IncFileName . replace ( ' $( ' + Macro + ' ) ' , MacroVal , 1 )
if MacroVal . find ( ' $( ' ) != - 1 :
PreIndex = StartPos
else :
PreIndex = StartPos + len ( MacroVal )
else :
raise Warning ( " The Macro %s is not defined " % Macro , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
StartPos = IncFileName . find ( ' $( ' , PreIndex )
EndPos = IncFileName . find ( ' ) ' , StartPos + 2 )
IncludedFile = NormPath ( IncFileName )
# First search the include file under the same directory as FDF file
IncludedFile1 = PathClass ( IncludedFile , os . path . dirname ( self . FileName ) )
ErrorCode = IncludedFile1 . Validate ( ) [ 0 ]
if ErrorCode != 0 :
# Then search the include file under the same directory as DSC file
PlatformDir = ' '
if GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform :
PlatformDir = GenFdsGlobalVariable . ActivePlatform . Dir
elif GlobalData . gActivePlatform :
PlatformDir = GlobalData . gActivePlatform . MetaFile . Dir
IncludedFile1 = PathClass ( IncludedFile , PlatformDir )
ErrorCode = IncludedFile1 . Validate ( ) [ 0 ]
if ErrorCode != 0 :
# Also search file under the WORKSPACE directory
IncludedFile1 = PathClass ( IncludedFile , GlobalData . gWorkspace )
ErrorCode = IncludedFile1 . Validate ( ) [ 0 ]
if ErrorCode != 0 :
raise Warning ( " The include file does not exist under below directories: \n %s \n %s \n %s \n " % ( os . path . dirname ( self . FileName ) , PlatformDir , GlobalData . gWorkspace ) ,
self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not IsValidInclude ( IncludedFile1 . Path , self . CurrentLineNumber ) :
raise Warning ( " The include file {0} is causing a include loop. \n " . format ( IncludedFile1 . Path ) , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
IncFileProfile = IncludeFileProfile ( IncludedFile1 . Path )
CurrentLine = self . CurrentLineNumber
CurrentOffset = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine
# list index of the insertion, note that line number is 'CurrentLine + 1'
InsertAtLine = CurrentLine
ParentProfile = GetParentAtLine ( CurrentLine )
if ParentProfile is not None :
ParentProfile . IncludeFileList . insert ( 0 , IncFileProfile )
IncFileProfile . Level = ParentProfile . Level + 1
IncFileProfile . InsertStartLineNumber = InsertAtLine + 1
# deal with remaining portions after "!include filename", if exists.
if self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
if self . CurrentLineNumber == CurrentLine :
RemainingLine = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ CurrentOffset : ]
self . Profile . FileLinesList . insert ( self . CurrentLineNumber , RemainingLine )
IncFileProfile . InsertAdjust + = 1
self . CurrentLineNumber + = 1
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine = 0
for Line in IncFileProfile . FileLinesList :
self . Profile . FileLinesList . insert ( InsertAtLine , Line )
self . CurrentLineNumber + = 1
InsertAtLine + = 1
# reversely sorted to better determine error in file
AllIncludeFileList . insert ( 0 , IncFileProfile )
# comment out the processed include file statement
TempList = list ( self . Profile . FileLinesList [ IncludeLine - 1 ] )
TempList . insert ( IncludeOffset , TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT )
self . Profile . FileLinesList [ IncludeLine - 1 ] = ' ' . join ( TempList )
if Processed : # Nested and back-to-back support
self . Rewind ( DestLine = IncFileProfile . InsertStartLineNumber - 1 )
Processed = False
# Preprocess done.
self . Rewind ( )
def _GetIfListCurrentItemStat ( IfList ) :
if len ( IfList ) == 0 :
return True
for Item in IfList :
if Item [ 1 ] == False :
return False
return True
## PreprocessConditionalStatement() method
# Preprocess conditional statement.
# In the end, rewind the file buffer pointer to the beginning
# @param self The object pointer
def PreprocessConditionalStatement ( self ) :
# IfList is a stack of if branches with elements of list [Pos, CondSatisfied, BranchDetermined]
IfList = [ ]
RegionLayoutLine = 0
ReplacedLine = - 1
while self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
# Determine section name and the location dependent macro
if self . _GetIfListCurrentItemStat ( IfList ) :
if self . _Token . startswith ( TAB_SECTION_START ) :
Header = self . _Token
if not self . _Token . endswith ( TAB_SECTION_END ) :
self . _SkipToToken ( TAB_SECTION_END )
Header + = self . _SkippedChars
if Header . find ( ' $( ' ) != - 1 :
raise Warning ( " macro cannot be used in section header " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . _SectionHeaderParser ( Header )
# Replace macros except in RULE section or out of section
elif self . _CurSection and ReplacedLine != self . CurrentLineNumber :
ReplacedLine = self . CurrentLineNumber
self . _UndoToken ( )
CurLine = self . Profile . FileLinesList [ ReplacedLine - 1 ]
PreIndex = 0
StartPos = CurLine . find ( ' $( ' , PreIndex )
EndPos = CurLine . find ( ' ) ' , StartPos + 2 )
while StartPos != - 1 and EndPos != - 1 and self . _Token not in { TAB_IF_DEF , TAB_IF_N_DEF , TAB_IF , TAB_ELSE_IF } :
MacroName = CurLine [ StartPos + 2 : EndPos ]
MacroValue = self . _GetMacroValue ( MacroName )
if MacroValue is not None :
CurLine = CurLine . replace ( ' $( ' + MacroName + ' ) ' , MacroValue , 1 )
if MacroValue . find ( ' $( ' ) != - 1 :
PreIndex = StartPos
else :
PreIndex = StartPos + len ( MacroValue )
else :
PreIndex = EndPos + 1
StartPos = CurLine . find ( ' $( ' , PreIndex )
EndPos = CurLine . find ( ' ) ' , StartPos + 2 )
self . Profile . FileLinesList [ ReplacedLine - 1 ] = CurLine
if self . _Token == TAB_DEFINE :
if self . _GetIfListCurrentItemStat ( IfList ) :
if not self . _CurSection :
raise Warning ( " macro cannot be defined in Rule section or out of section " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
DefineLine = self . CurrentLineNumber - 1
DefineOffset = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len ( TAB_DEFINE )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Macro name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Macro = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Value = self . _GetExpression ( )
self . _SetMacroValue ( Macro , Value )
self . _WipeOffArea . append ( ( ( DefineLine , DefineOffset ) , ( self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1 ) ) )
elif self . _Token == ' SET ' :
if not self . _GetIfListCurrentItemStat ( IfList ) :
SetLine = self . CurrentLineNumber - 1
SetOffset = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len ( ' SET ' )
PcdPair = self . _GetNextPcdSettings ( )
PcdName = " %s . %s " % ( PcdPair [ 1 ] , PcdPair [ 0 ] )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Value = self . _GetExpression ( )
Value = self . _EvaluateConditional ( Value , self . CurrentLineNumber , ' eval ' , True )
self . _PcdDict [ PcdName ] = Value
self . Profile . PcdDict [ PcdPair ] = Value
self . SetPcdLocalation ( PcdPair )
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . Profile . PcdFileLineDict [ PcdPair ] = FileLineTuple
self . _WipeOffArea . append ( ( ( SetLine , SetOffset ) , ( self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1 ) ) )
elif self . _Token in { TAB_IF_DEF , TAB_IF_N_DEF , TAB_IF } :
IfStartPos = ( self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len ( self . _Token ) )
IfList . append ( [ IfStartPos , None , None ] )
CondLabel = self . _Token
Expression = self . _GetExpression ( )
if CondLabel == TAB_IF :
ConditionSatisfied = self . _EvaluateConditional ( Expression , IfList [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + 1 , ' eval ' )
else :
ConditionSatisfied = self . _EvaluateConditional ( Expression , IfList [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + 1 , ' in ' )
if CondLabel == TAB_IF_N_DEF :
ConditionSatisfied = not ConditionSatisfied
BranchDetermined = ConditionSatisfied
IfList [ - 1 ] = [ IfList [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] , ConditionSatisfied , BranchDetermined ]
if ConditionSatisfied :
self . _WipeOffArea . append ( ( IfList [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] , ( self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1 ) ) )
elif self . _Token in { TAB_ELSE_IF , TAB_ELSE } :
ElseStartPos = ( self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len ( self . _Token ) )
if len ( IfList ) < = 0 :
raise Warning ( " Missing !if statement " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if IfList [ - 1 ] [ 1 ] :
IfList [ - 1 ] = [ ElseStartPos , False , True ]
self . _WipeOffArea . append ( ( ElseStartPos , ( self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1 ) ) )
else :
self . _WipeOffArea . append ( ( IfList [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] , ElseStartPos ) )
IfList [ - 1 ] = [ ElseStartPos , True , IfList [ - 1 ] [ 2 ] ]
if self . _Token == TAB_ELSE_IF :
Expression = self . _GetExpression ( )
ConditionSatisfied = self . _EvaluateConditional ( Expression , IfList [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + 1 , ' eval ' )
IfList [ - 1 ] = [ IfList [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] , ConditionSatisfied , IfList [ - 1 ] [ 2 ] ]
if IfList [ - 1 ] [ 1 ] :
if IfList [ - 1 ] [ 2 ] :
IfList [ - 1 ] [ 1 ] = False
else :
IfList [ - 1 ] [ 2 ] = True
self . _WipeOffArea . append ( ( IfList [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] , ( self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1 ) ) )
elif self . _Token == ' !endif ' :
if len ( IfList ) < = 0 :
raise Warning ( " Missing !if statement " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if IfList [ - 1 ] [ 1 ] :
self . _WipeOffArea . append ( ( ( self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - len ( ' !endif ' ) ) , ( self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1 ) ) )
else :
self . _WipeOffArea . append ( ( IfList [ - 1 ] [ 0 ] , ( self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine - 1 ) ) )
IfList . pop ( )
elif not IfList : # Don't use PCDs inside conditional directive
if self . CurrentLineNumber < = RegionLayoutLine :
# Don't try the same line twice
SetPcd = ShortcutPcdPattern . match ( self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ] )
if SetPcd :
self . _PcdDict [ SetPcd . group ( ' name ' ) ] = SetPcd . group ( ' value ' )
RegionLayoutLine = self . CurrentLineNumber
RegionSize = RegionSizePattern . match ( self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ] )
if not RegionSize :
RegionLayoutLine = self . CurrentLineNumber
RegionSizeGuid = RegionSizeGuidPattern . match ( self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber ] )
if not RegionSizeGuid :
RegionLayoutLine = self . CurrentLineNumber + 1
self . _PcdDict [ RegionSizeGuid . group ( ' base ' ) ] = RegionSize . group ( ' base ' )
self . _PcdDict [ RegionSizeGuid . group ( ' size ' ) ] = RegionSize . group ( ' size ' )
RegionLayoutLine = self . CurrentLineNumber + 1
if IfList :
raise Warning ( " Missing !endif " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . Rewind ( )
def _CollectMacroPcd ( self ) :
MacroDict = { }
# PCD macro
MacroDict . update ( GlobalData . gPlatformPcds )
MacroDict . update ( self . _PcdDict )
# Lowest priority
MacroDict . update ( GlobalData . gPlatformDefines )
if self . _CurSection :
# Defines macro
ScopeMacro = self . _MacroDict [ TAB_COMMON , TAB_COMMON , TAB_COMMON ]
if ScopeMacro :
MacroDict . update ( ScopeMacro )
# Section macro
ScopeMacro = self . _MacroDict [
self . _CurSection [ 0 ] ,
self . _CurSection [ 1 ] ,
self . _CurSection [ 2 ]
if ScopeMacro :
MacroDict . update ( ScopeMacro )
MacroDict . update ( GlobalData . gGlobalDefines )
MacroDict . update ( GlobalData . gCommandLineDefines )
for Item in GlobalData . BuildOptionPcd :
if isinstance ( Item , tuple ) :
PcdName , TmpValue = Item . split ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT )
TmpValue = BuildOptionValue ( TmpValue , { } )
MacroDict [ PcdName . strip ( ) ] = TmpValue
# Highest priority
return MacroDict
def _EvaluateConditional ( self , Expression , Line , Op = None , Value = None ) :
MacroPcdDict = self . _CollectMacroPcd ( )
if Op == ' eval ' :
try :
if Value :
return ValueExpression ( Expression , MacroPcdDict ) ( True )
else :
return ValueExpression ( Expression , MacroPcdDict ) ( )
except WrnExpression as Excpt :
# Catch expression evaluation warning here. We need to report
# the precise number of line and return the evaluation result
EdkLogger . warn ( ' Parser ' , " Suspicious expression: %s " % str ( Excpt ) ,
File = self . FileName , ExtraData = self . _CurrentLine ( ) ,
Line = Line )
return Excpt . result
except Exception as Excpt :
if hasattr ( Excpt , ' Pcd ' ) :
if Excpt . Pcd in GlobalData . gPlatformOtherPcds :
Info = GlobalData . gPlatformOtherPcds [ Excpt . Pcd ]
raise Warning ( " Cannot use this PCD ( %s ) in an expression as "
" it must be defined in a [PcdsFixedAtBuild] or [PcdsFeatureFlag] section "
" of the DSC file ( %s ), and it is currently defined in this section: "
" %s , line #: %d . " % ( Excpt . Pcd , GlobalData . gPlatformOtherPcds [ ' DSCFILE ' ] , Info [ 0 ] , Info [ 1 ] ) ,
self . FileName , Line )
else :
raise Warning ( " PCD ( %s ) is not defined in DSC file ( %s ) " % ( Excpt . Pcd , GlobalData . gPlatformOtherPcds [ ' DSCFILE ' ] ) ,
self . FileName , Line )
else :
raise Warning ( str ( Excpt ) , self . FileName , Line )
else :
if Expression . startswith ( ' $( ' ) and Expression [ - 1 ] == ' ) ' :
Expression = Expression [ 2 : - 1 ]
return Expression in MacroPcdDict
## _IsToken() method
# Check whether input string is found from current char position along
# If found, the string value is put into self._Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @param String The string to search
# @param IgnoreCase Indicate case sensitive/non-sensitive search, default is case sensitive
# @retval True Successfully find string, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find string, file buffer pointer not changed
def _IsToken ( self , String , IgnoreCase = False ) :
self . _SkipWhiteSpace ( )
# Only consider the same line, no multi-line token allowed
StartPos = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine
index = - 1
if IgnoreCase :
index = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ] . upper ( ) . find ( String . upper ( ) )
else :
index = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ] . find ( String )
if index == 0 :
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine + = len ( String )
self . _Token = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ StartPos : self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine ]
return True
return False
## _IsKeyword() method
# Check whether input keyword is found from current char position along, whole word only!
# If found, the string value is put into self._Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Keyword The string to search
# @param IgnoreCase Indicate case sensitive/non-sensitive search, default is case sensitive
# @retval True Successfully find string, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find string, file buffer pointer not changed
def _IsKeyword ( self , KeyWord , IgnoreCase = False ) :
self . _SkipWhiteSpace ( )
# Only consider the same line, no multi-line token allowed
StartPos = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine
index = - 1
if IgnoreCase :
index = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ] . upper ( ) . find ( KeyWord . upper ( ) )
else :
index = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ] . find ( KeyWord )
if index == 0 :
followingChar = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine + len ( KeyWord ) ]
if not str ( followingChar ) . isspace ( ) and followingChar not in SEPARATORS :
return False
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine + = len ( KeyWord )
self . _Token = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ StartPos : self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine ]
return True
return False
def _GetExpression ( self ) :
Line = self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ]
Index = len ( Line ) - 1
while Line [ Index ] in CR_LB_SET :
Index - = 1
ExpressionString = self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ] [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : Index + 1 ]
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine + = len ( ExpressionString )
ExpressionString = ExpressionString . strip ( )
return ExpressionString
## _GetNextWord() method
# Get next C name from file lines
# If found, the string value is put into self._Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a C name string, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a C name string, file buffer pointer not changed
def _GetNextWord ( self ) :
self . _SkipWhiteSpace ( )
if self . _EndOfFile ( ) :
return False
TempChar = self . _CurrentChar ( )
StartPos = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine
if ( TempChar > = ' a ' and TempChar < = ' z ' ) or ( TempChar > = ' A ' and TempChar < = ' Z ' ) or TempChar == ' _ ' :
self . _GetOneChar ( )
while not self . _EndOfLine ( ) :
TempChar = self . _CurrentChar ( )
if ( TempChar > = ' a ' and TempChar < = ' z ' ) or ( TempChar > = ' A ' and TempChar < = ' Z ' ) \
or ( TempChar > = ' 0 ' and TempChar < = ' 9 ' ) or TempChar == ' _ ' or TempChar == ' - ' :
self . _GetOneChar ( )
else :
self . _Token = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ StartPos : self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine ]
return True
return False
def _GetNextPcdWord ( self ) :
self . _SkipWhiteSpace ( )
if self . _EndOfFile ( ) :
return False
TempChar = self . _CurrentChar ( )
StartPos = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine
if ( TempChar > = ' a ' and TempChar < = ' z ' ) or ( TempChar > = ' A ' and TempChar < = ' Z ' ) or TempChar == ' _ ' or TempChar == TAB_SECTION_START or TempChar == TAB_SECTION_END :
self . _GetOneChar ( )
while not self . _EndOfLine ( ) :
TempChar = self . _CurrentChar ( )
if ( TempChar > = ' a ' and TempChar < = ' z ' ) or ( TempChar > = ' A ' and TempChar < = ' Z ' ) \
or ( TempChar > = ' 0 ' and TempChar < = ' 9 ' ) or TempChar == ' _ ' or TempChar == ' - ' or TempChar == TAB_SECTION_START or TempChar == TAB_SECTION_END :
self . _GetOneChar ( )
else :
self . _Token = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ StartPos : self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine ]
return True
return False
## _GetNextToken() method
# Get next token unit before a separator
# If found, the string value is put into self._Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a token unit, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a token unit, file buffer pointer not changed
def _GetNextToken ( self ) :
# Skip leading spaces, if exist.
self . _SkipWhiteSpace ( )
if self . _EndOfFile ( ) :
return False
# Record the token start position, the position of the first non-space char.
StartPos = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine
StartLine = self . CurrentLineNumber
while StartLine == self . CurrentLineNumber :
TempChar = self . _CurrentChar ( )
# Try to find the end char that is not a space and not in separator tuple.
# That is, when we got a space or any char in the tuple, we got the end of token.
if not str ( TempChar ) . isspace ( ) and TempChar not in SEPARATORS :
self . _GetOneChar ( )
# if we happen to meet a separator as the first char, we must proceed to get it.
# That is, we get a token that is a separator char. normally it is the boundary of other tokens.
elif StartPos == self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine and TempChar in SEPARATORS :
self . _GetOneChar ( )
else :
# else:
# return False
EndPos = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine
if self . CurrentLineNumber != StartLine :
EndPos = len ( self . Profile . FileLinesList [ StartLine - 1 ] )
self . _Token = self . Profile . FileLinesList [ StartLine - 1 ] [ StartPos : EndPos ]
if self . _Token . lower ( ) in { TAB_IF , TAB_END_IF , TAB_ELSE_IF , TAB_ELSE , TAB_IF_DEF , TAB_IF_N_DEF , TAB_ERROR , TAB_INCLUDE } :
self . _Token = self . _Token . lower ( )
if StartPos != self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine :
return True
else :
return False
## _GetNextGuid() method
# Get next token unit before a separator
# If found, the GUID string is put into self._Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a registry format GUID, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a registry format GUID, file buffer pointer not changed
def _GetNextGuid ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
if GlobalData . gGuidPattern . match ( self . _Token ) is not None :
return True
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
elif self . _Token in GlobalData . gGuidDict :
return True
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
else :
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
def _Verify ( Name , Value , Scope ) :
# value verification only applies to numeric values.
if Scope not in TAB_PCD_NUMERIC_TYPES :
ValueNumber = 0
try :
ValueNumber = int ( Value , 0 )
except :
EdkLogger . error ( " FdfParser " , FORMAT_INVALID , " The value is not valid dec or hex number for %s . " % Name )
if ValueNumber < 0 :
EdkLogger . error ( " FdfParser " , FORMAT_INVALID , " The value can ' t be set to negative value for %s . " % Name )
if ValueNumber > MAX_VAL_TYPE [ Scope ] :
EdkLogger . error ( " FdfParser " , FORMAT_INVALID , " Too large value for %s . " % Name )
return True
## _UndoToken() method
# Go back one token unit in file buffer
# @param self The object pointer
def _UndoToken ( self ) :
self . _UndoOneChar ( )
while self . _CurrentChar ( ) . isspace ( ) :
if not self . _UndoOneChar ( ) :
self . _GetOneChar ( )
StartPos = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine
CurrentLine = self . CurrentLineNumber
while CurrentLine == self . CurrentLineNumber :
TempChar = self . _CurrentChar ( )
# Try to find the end char that is not a space and not in separator tuple.
# That is, when we got a space or any char in the tuple, we got the end of token.
if not str ( TempChar ) . isspace ( ) and not TempChar in SEPARATORS :
if not self . _UndoOneChar ( ) :
# if we happen to meet a separator as the first char, we must proceed to get it.
# That is, we get a token that is a separator char. normally it is the boundary of other tokens.
elif StartPos == self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine and TempChar in SEPARATORS :
else :
self . _GetOneChar ( )
## _GetNextHexNumber() method
# Get next HEX data before a separator
# If found, the HEX data is put into self._Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a HEX data, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a HEX data, file buffer pointer not changed
def _GetNextHexNumber ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
if GlobalData . gHexPatternAll . match ( self . _Token ) :
return True
else :
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
## _GetNextDecimalNumber() method
# Get next decimal data before a separator
# If found, the decimal data is put into self._Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a decimal data, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a decimal data, file buffer pointer not changed
def _GetNextDecimalNumber ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
if self . _Token . isdigit ( ) :
return True
else :
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
def _GetNextPcdSettings ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " <PcdTokenSpaceCName> " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
pcdTokenSpaceCName = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " . " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " <PcdCName> " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
pcdCName = self . _Token
Fields = [ ]
while self . _IsToken ( TAB_SPLIT ) :
if not self . _GetNextPcdWord ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Pcd Fields " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Fields . append ( self . _Token )
return ( pcdCName , pcdTokenSpaceCName , TAB_SPLIT . join ( Fields ) )
## _GetStringData() method
# Get string contents quoted in ""
# If found, the decimal data is put into self._Token
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a string data, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find a string data, file buffer pointer not changed
def _GetStringData ( self ) :
QuoteToUse = None
if self . _Token . startswith ( T_CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE ) or self . _Token . startswith ( " L \" " ) :
elif self . _Token . startswith ( T_CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE ) or self . _Token . startswith ( " L \' " ) :
else :
return False
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _SkipToToken ( QuoteToUse )
currentLineNumber = self . CurrentLineNumber
if not self . _SkipToToken ( QuoteToUse ) :
raise Warning ( QuoteToUse , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if currentLineNumber != self . CurrentLineNumber :
raise Warning ( QuoteToUse , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . _Token = self . _SkippedChars . rstrip ( QuoteToUse )
return True
## _SkipToToken() method
# Search forward in file buffer for the string
# The skipped chars are put into self._SkippedChars
# @param self The object pointer
# @param String The string to search
# @param IgnoreCase Indicate case sensitive/non-sensitive search, default is case sensitive
# @retval True Successfully find the string, file buffer pointer moved forward
# @retval False Not able to find the string, file buffer pointer not changed
def _SkipToToken ( self , String , IgnoreCase = False ) :
StartPos = self . GetFileBufferPos ( )
self . _SkippedChars = " "
while not self . _EndOfFile ( ) :
index = - 1
if IgnoreCase :
index = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ] . upper ( ) . find ( String . upper ( ) )
else :
index = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ] . find ( String )
if index == 0 :
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine + = len ( String )
self . _SkippedChars + = String
return True
self . _SkippedChars + = str ( self . _CurrentChar ( ) )
self . _GetOneChar ( )
self . SetFileBufferPos ( StartPos )
self . _SkippedChars = " "
return False
## GetFileBufferPos() method
# Return the tuple of current line and offset within the line
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval Tuple Line number and offset pair
def GetFileBufferPos ( self ) :
return ( self . CurrentLineNumber , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine )
## SetFileBufferPos() method
# Restore the file buffer position
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Pos The new file buffer position
def SetFileBufferPos ( self , Pos ) :
( self . CurrentLineNumber , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine ) = Pos
## Preprocess() method
# Preprocess comment, conditional directive, include directive, replace macro.
# Exception will be raised if syntax error found
# @param self The object pointer
def Preprocess ( self ) :
self . _StringToList ( )
self . PreprocessFile ( )
self . PreprocessIncludeFile ( )
self . _StringToList ( )
self . PreprocessFile ( )
self . PreprocessConditionalStatement ( )
self . _StringToList ( )
for Pos in self . _WipeOffArea :
self . _ReplaceFragment ( Pos [ 0 ] , Pos [ 1 ] )
self . Profile . FileLinesList = [ " " . join ( list ) for list in self . Profile . FileLinesList ]
while self . _GetDefines ( ) :
## ParseFile() method
# Parse the file profile buffer to extract fd, fv ... information
# Exception will be raised if syntax error found
# @param self The object pointer
def ParseFile ( self ) :
try :
self . Preprocess ( )
self . _GetError ( )
# Keep processing sections of the FDF until no new sections or a syntax error is found
while self . _GetFd ( ) or self . _GetFv ( ) or self . _GetFmp ( ) or self . _GetCapsule ( ) or self . _GetRule ( ) or self . _GetOptionRom ( ) :
except Warning as X :
self . _UndoToken ( )
#'\n\tGot Token: \"%s\" from File %s\n' % (self._Token, FileLineTuple[0]) + \
# At this point, the closest parent would be the included file itself
Profile = GetParentAtLine ( X . OriginalLineNumber )
if Profile is not None :
X . Message + = ' near line %d , column %d : %s ' \
% ( X . LineNumber , 0 , Profile . FileLinesList [ X . LineNumber - 1 ] )
else :
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
X . Message + = ' near line %d , column %d : %s ' \
% ( FileLineTuple [ 1 ] , self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine + 1 , self . Profile . FileLinesList [ self . CurrentLineNumber - 1 ] [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ] . rstrip ( TAB_LINE_BREAK ) . rstrip ( T_CHAR_CR ) )
## SectionParser() method
# Parse the file section info
# Exception will be raised if syntax error found
# @param self The object pointer
# @param section The section string
def SectionParser ( self , section ) :
S = section . upper ( )
if not S . startswith ( " [DEFINES " ) and not S . startswith ( " [FD. " ) and not S . startswith ( " [FV. " ) and not S . startswith ( " [CAPSULE. " ) \
and not S . startswith ( " [RULE. " ) and not S . startswith ( " [OPTIONROM. " ) and not S . startswith ( ' [FMPPAYLOAD. ' ) :
raise Warning ( " Unknown section or section appear sequence error (The correct sequence should be [DEFINES], [FD.], [FV.], [Capsule.], [Rule.], [OptionRom.], [FMPPAYLOAD.]) " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
## _GetDefines() method
# Get Defines section contents and store its data into AllMacrosList
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a Defines
# @retval False Not able to find a Defines
def _GetDefines ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
S = self . _Token . upper ( )
if S . startswith ( TAB_SECTION_START ) and not S . startswith ( " [DEFINES " ) :
self . SectionParser ( S )
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
self . _UndoToken ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( " [DEFINES " , True ) :
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
#print 'Parsing String: %s in File %s, At line: %d, Offset Within Line: %d' \
# % (self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine:], FileLineTuple[0], FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
raise Warning . Expected ( " [DEFINES " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_SECTION_END ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedBracketClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
while self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
# handle the SET statement
if self . _Token == ' SET ' :
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _GetSetStatement ( None )
Macro = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) or self . _Token . startswith ( TAB_SECTION_START ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " MACRO value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Value = self . _Token
return False
##_GetError() method
def _GetError ( self ) :
#save the Current information
CurrentLine = self . CurrentLineNumber
CurrentOffset = self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine
while self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
if self . _Token == TAB_ERROR :
EdkLogger . error ( ' FdfParser ' , ERROR_STATEMENT , self . _CurrentLine ( ) . replace ( TAB_ERROR , ' ' , 1 ) , File = self . FileName , Line = self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . CurrentLineNumber = CurrentLine
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine = CurrentOffset
## _GetFd() method
# Get FD section contents and store its data into FD dictionary of self.Profile
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a FD
# @retval False Not able to find a FD
def _GetFd ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
S = self . _Token . upper ( )
if S . startswith ( TAB_SECTION_START ) and not S . startswith ( " [FD. " ) :
if not S . startswith ( " [FV. " ) and not S . startswith ( ' [FMPPAYLOAD. ' ) and not S . startswith ( " [CAPSULE. " ) \
and not S . startswith ( " [RULE. " ) and not S . startswith ( " [OPTIONROM. " ) :
raise Warning ( " Unknown section " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
self . _UndoToken ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( " [FD. " , True ) :
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
#print 'Parsing String: %s in File %s, At line: %d, Offset Within Line: %d' \
# % (self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine:], FileLineTuple[0], FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
raise Warning . Expected ( " [FD.] " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FdName = self . _GetUiName ( )
if FdName == " " :
if len ( self . Profile . FdDict ) == 0 :
FdName = GenFdsGlobalVariable . PlatformName
if FdName == " " and GlobalData . gActivePlatform :
FdName = GlobalData . gActivePlatform . PlatformName
self . Profile . FdNameNotSet = True
else :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FdName in [FD.] section " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . CurrentFdName = FdName . upper ( )
if self . CurrentFdName in self . Profile . FdDict :
raise Warning ( " Unexpected the same FD name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_SECTION_END ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedBracketClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FdObj = FD ( )
FdObj . FdUiName = self . CurrentFdName
self . Profile . FdDict [ self . CurrentFdName ] = FdObj
if len ( self . Profile . FdDict ) > 1 and self . Profile . FdNameNotSet :
raise Warning . Expected ( " all FDs have their name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Status = self . _GetCreateFile ( FdObj )
if not Status :
raise Warning ( " FD name error " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
while self . _GetTokenStatements ( FdObj ) :
for Attr in ( " BaseAddress " , " Size " , " ErasePolarity " ) :
if getattr ( FdObj , Attr ) is None :
self . _GetNextToken ( )
raise Warning ( " Keyword %s missing " % Attr , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not FdObj . BlockSizeList :
FdObj . BlockSizeList . append ( ( 1 , FdObj . Size , None ) )
self . _GetDefineStatements ( FdObj )
self . _GetSetStatements ( FdObj )
if not self . _GetRegionLayout ( FdObj ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " region layout " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
while self . _GetRegionLayout ( FdObj ) :
return True
## _GetUiName() method
# Return the UI name of a section
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval FdName UI name
def _GetUiName ( self ) :
Name = " "
if self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
Name = self . _Token
return Name
## _GetCreateFile() method
# Return the output file name of object
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj object whose data will be stored in file
# @retval FdName UI name
def _GetCreateFile ( self , Obj ) :
if self . _IsKeyword ( " CREATE_FILE " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " file name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FileName = self . _Token
Obj . CreateFileName = FileName
return True
def SetPcdLocalation ( self , pcdpair ) :
self . Profile . PcdLocalDict [ pcdpair ] = ( self . Profile . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
## _GetTokenStatements() method
# Get token statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom token statement is got
def _GetTokenStatements ( self , Obj ) :
if self . _IsKeyword ( " BaseAddress " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Hex base address " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Obj . BaseAddress = self . _Token
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_VALUE_SPLIT ) :
pcdPair = self . _GetNextPcdSettings ( )
Obj . BaseAddressPcd = pcdPair
self . Profile . PcdDict [ pcdPair ] = Obj . BaseAddress
self . SetPcdLocalation ( pcdPair )
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . Profile . PcdFileLineDict [ pcdPair ] = FileLineTuple
return True
if self . _IsKeyword ( " Size " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Hex size " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Size = self . _Token
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_VALUE_SPLIT ) :
pcdPair = self . _GetNextPcdSettings ( )
Obj . SizePcd = pcdPair
self . Profile . PcdDict [ pcdPair ] = Size
self . SetPcdLocalation ( pcdPair )
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . Profile . PcdFileLineDict [ pcdPair ] = FileLineTuple
Obj . Size = int ( Size , 0 )
return True
if self . _IsKeyword ( " ErasePolarity " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Erase Polarity " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _Token in { " 1 " , " 0 " } :
raise Warning . Expected ( " 1 or 0 Erase Polarity " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Obj . ErasePolarity = self . _Token
return True
return self . _GetBlockStatements ( Obj )
## _GetAddressStatements() method
# Get address statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom address statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def _GetAddressStatements ( self , Obj ) :
if self . _IsKeyword ( " BsBaseAddress " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextDecimalNumber ( ) and not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " address " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
BsAddress = int ( self . _Token , 0 )
Obj . BsBaseAddress = BsAddress
if self . _IsKeyword ( " RtBaseAddress " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextDecimalNumber ( ) and not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " address " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
RtAddress = int ( self . _Token , 0 )
Obj . RtBaseAddress = RtAddress
## _GetBlockStatements() method
# Get block statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom block statement is got
def _GetBlockStatements ( self , Obj ) :
IsBlock = False
while self . _GetBlockStatement ( Obj ) :
IsBlock = True
Item = Obj . BlockSizeList [ - 1 ]
if Item [ 0 ] is None or Item [ 1 ] is None :
raise Warning . Expected ( " block statement " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
return IsBlock
## _GetBlockStatement() method
# Get block statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom block statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def _GetBlockStatement ( self , Obj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " BlockSize " ) :
return False
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) and not self . _GetNextDecimalNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Hex or Integer block size " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
BlockSize = self . _Token
BlockSizePcd = None
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_VALUE_SPLIT ) :
PcdPair = self . _GetNextPcdSettings ( )
BlockSizePcd = PcdPair
self . Profile . PcdDict [ PcdPair ] = BlockSize
self . SetPcdLocalation ( PcdPair )
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . Profile . PcdFileLineDict [ PcdPair ] = FileLineTuple
BlockSize = int ( BlockSize , 0 )
BlockNumber = None
if self . _IsKeyword ( " NumBlocks " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextDecimalNumber ( ) and not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " block numbers " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
BlockNumber = int ( self . _Token , 0 )
Obj . BlockSizeList . append ( ( BlockSize , BlockNumber , BlockSizePcd ) )
return True
## _GetDefineStatements() method
# Get define statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom define statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def _GetDefineStatements ( self , Obj ) :
while self . _GetDefineStatement ( Obj ) :
## _GetDefineStatement() method
# Get define statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom define statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def _GetDefineStatement ( self , Obj ) :
if self . _IsKeyword ( TAB_DEFINE ) :
self . _GetNextToken ( )
Macro = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Value = self . _Token
Macro = ' $( ' + Macro + ' ) '
Obj . DefineVarDict [ Macro ] = Value
return True
return False
## _GetSetStatements() method
# Get set statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom set statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def _GetSetStatements ( self , Obj ) :
while self . _GetSetStatement ( Obj ) :
## _GetSetStatement() method
# Get set statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom set statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def _GetSetStatement ( self , Obj ) :
if self . _IsKeyword ( " SET " ) :
PcdPair = self . _GetNextPcdSettings ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Value = self . _GetExpression ( )
Value = self . _EvaluateConditional ( Value , self . CurrentLineNumber , ' eval ' , True )
if Obj :
Obj . SetVarDict [ PcdPair ] = Value
self . Profile . PcdDict [ PcdPair ] = Value
self . SetPcdLocalation ( PcdPair )
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . Profile . PcdFileLineDict [ PcdPair ] = FileLineTuple
return True
return False
## _CalcRegionExpr(self)
# Calculate expression for offset or size of a region
# @return: None if invalid expression
# Calculated number if successfully
def _CalcRegionExpr ( self ) :
StartPos = self . GetFileBufferPos ( )
Expr = ' '
PairCount = 0
while not self . _EndOfFile ( ) :
CurCh = self . _CurrentChar ( )
if CurCh == ' ( ' :
PairCount + = 1
elif CurCh == ' ) ' :
PairCount - = 1
if CurCh in ' | \r \n ' and PairCount == 0 :
Expr + = CurCh
self . _GetOneChar ( )
try :
return int (
ValueExpression ( Expr ,
self . _CollectMacroPcd ( )
) ( True ) , 0 )
except Exception :
self . SetFileBufferPos ( StartPos )
return None
## _GetRegionLayout() method
# Get region layout for FD
# @param self The object pointer
# @param theFd for whom region is got
# @retval True Successfully find
# @retval False Not able to find
def _GetRegionLayout ( self , theFd ) :
Offset = self . _CalcRegionExpr ( )
if Offset is None :
return False
RegionObj = Region ( )
RegionObj . Offset = Offset
theFd . RegionList . append ( RegionObj )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_VALUE_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' | ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Size = self . _CalcRegionExpr ( )
if Size is None :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Region Size " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
RegionObj . Size = Size
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
return True
if not self . _Token in { " SET " , BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV , " FILE " , " DATA " , " CAPSULE " , " INF " } :
# If next token is a word which is not a valid FV type, it might be part of [PcdOffset[|PcdSize]]
# Or it might be next region's offset described by an expression which starts with a PCD.
# PcdOffset[|PcdSize] or OffsetPcdExpression|Size
self . _UndoToken ( )
IsRegionPcd = ( RegionSizeGuidPattern . match ( self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ] ) or
RegionOffsetPcdPattern . match ( self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ] ) )
if IsRegionPcd :
RegionObj . PcdOffset = self . _GetNextPcdSettings ( )
self . Profile . PcdDict [ RegionObj . PcdOffset ] = " 0x %08X " % ( RegionObj . Offset + int ( theFd . BaseAddress , 0 ) )
self . SetPcdLocalation ( RegionObj . PcdOffset )
self . _PcdDict [ ' %s . %s ' % ( RegionObj . PcdOffset [ 1 ] , RegionObj . PcdOffset [ 0 ] ) ] = " 0x %x " % RegionObj . Offset
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . Profile . PcdFileLineDict [ RegionObj . PcdOffset ] = FileLineTuple
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_VALUE_SPLIT ) :
RegionObj . PcdSize = self . _GetNextPcdSettings ( )
self . Profile . PcdDict [ RegionObj . PcdSize ] = " 0x %08X " % RegionObj . Size
self . SetPcdLocalation ( RegionObj . PcdSize )
self . _PcdDict [ ' %s . %s ' % ( RegionObj . PcdSize [ 1 ] , RegionObj . PcdSize [ 0 ] ) ] = " 0x %x " % RegionObj . Size
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . Profile . PcdFileLineDict [ RegionObj . PcdSize ] = FileLineTuple
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
return True
if self . _Token == " SET " :
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _GetSetStatements ( RegionObj )
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
return True
elif self . _Token == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV :
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _GetRegionFvType ( RegionObj )
elif self . _Token == " CAPSULE " :
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _GetRegionCapType ( RegionObj )
elif self . _Token == " FILE " :
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _GetRegionFileType ( RegionObj )
elif self . _Token == " INF " :
self . _UndoToken ( )
RegionObj . RegionType = " INF "
while self . _IsKeyword ( " INF " ) :
self . _UndoToken ( )
ffsInf = self . _ParseInfStatement ( )
if not ffsInf :
RegionObj . RegionDataList . append ( ffsInf )
elif self . _Token == " DATA " :
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _GetRegionDataType ( RegionObj )
else :
self . _UndoToken ( )
if self . _GetRegionLayout ( theFd ) :
return True
raise Warning ( " A valid region type was not found. "
" Valid types are [SET, FV, CAPSULE, FILE, DATA, INF]. This error occurred " ,
self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
return True
## _GetRegionFvType() method
# Get region fv data for region
# @param self The object pointer
# @param RegionObj for whom region data is got
def _GetRegionFvType ( self , RegionObj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' FV ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FV name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
RegionObj . RegionType = BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV
RegionObj . RegionDataList . append ( ( self . _Token ) . upper ( ) )
while self . _IsKeyword ( BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FV name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
RegionObj . RegionDataList . append ( ( self . _Token ) . upper ( ) )
## _GetRegionCapType() method
# Get region capsule data for region
# @param self The object pointer
# @param RegionObj for whom region data is got
def _GetRegionCapType ( self , RegionObj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " CAPSULE " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' CAPSULE ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " CAPSULE name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
RegionObj . RegionType = " CAPSULE "
RegionObj . RegionDataList . append ( self . _Token )
while self . _IsKeyword ( " CAPSULE " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " CAPSULE name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
RegionObj . RegionDataList . append ( self . _Token )
## _GetRegionFileType() method
# Get region file data for region
# @param self The object pointer
# @param RegionObj for whom region data is got
def _GetRegionFileType ( self , RegionObj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FILE " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' FILE ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " File name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
RegionObj . RegionType = " FILE "
RegionObj . RegionDataList . append ( self . _Token )
while self . _IsKeyword ( " FILE " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FILE name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
RegionObj . RegionDataList . append ( self . _Token )
## _GetRegionDataType() method
# Get region array data for region
# @param self The object pointer
# @param RegionObj for whom region data is got
def _GetRegionDataType ( self , RegionObj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " DATA " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Region Data type " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyOpen ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Hex byte " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if len ( self . _Token ) > 18 :
raise Warning ( " Hex string can ' t be converted to a valid UINT64 value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
# convert hex string value to byte hex string array
AllString = self . _Token
AllStrLen = len ( AllString )
DataString = " "
while AllStrLen > 4 :
DataString = DataString + " 0x " + AllString [ AllStrLen - 2 : AllStrLen ] + TAB_COMMA_SPLIT
AllStrLen = AllStrLen - 2
DataString = DataString + AllString [ : AllStrLen ] + TAB_COMMA_SPLIT
# byte value array
if len ( self . _Token ) < = 4 :
while self . _IsToken ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT ) :
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning ( " Invalid Hex number " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if len ( self . _Token ) > 4 :
raise Warning ( " Hex byte(must be 2 digits) too long " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
DataString + = self . _Token
DataString + = TAB_COMMA_SPLIT
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
DataString = DataString . rstrip ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT )
RegionObj . RegionType = " DATA "
RegionObj . RegionDataList . append ( DataString )
while self . _IsKeyword ( " DATA " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyOpen ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Hex byte " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if len ( self . _Token ) > 18 :
raise Warning ( " Hex string can ' t be converted to a valid UINT64 value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
# convert hex string value to byte hex string array
AllString = self . _Token
AllStrLen = len ( AllString )
DataString = " "
while AllStrLen > 4 :
DataString = DataString + " 0x " + AllString [ AllStrLen - 2 : AllStrLen ] + TAB_COMMA_SPLIT
AllStrLen = AllStrLen - 2
DataString = DataString + AllString [ : AllStrLen ] + TAB_COMMA_SPLIT
# byte value array
if len ( self . _Token ) < = 4 :
while self . _IsToken ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT ) :
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning ( " Invalid Hex number " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if len ( self . _Token ) > 4 :
raise Warning ( " Hex byte(must be 2 digits) too long " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
DataString + = self . _Token
DataString + = TAB_COMMA_SPLIT
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
DataString = DataString . rstrip ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT )
RegionObj . RegionDataList . append ( DataString )
## _GetFv() method
# Get FV section contents and store its data into FV dictionary of self.Profile
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a FV
# @retval False Not able to find a FV
def _GetFv ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
S = self . _Token . upper ( )
if S . startswith ( TAB_SECTION_START ) and not S . startswith ( " [FV. " ) :
self . SectionParser ( S )
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
self . _UndoToken ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( " [FV. " , True ) :
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
#print 'Parsing String: %s in File %s, At line: %d, Offset Within Line: %d' \
# % (self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine:], FileLineTuple[0], FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
raise Warning ( " Unknown Keyword ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvName = self . _GetUiName ( )
self . CurrentFvName = FvName . upper ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_SECTION_END ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedBracketClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvObj = FV ( Name = self . CurrentFvName )
self . Profile . FvDict [ self . CurrentFvName ] = FvObj
Status = self . _GetCreateFile ( FvObj )
if not Status :
raise Warning ( " FV name error " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . _GetDefineStatements ( FvObj )
self . _GetAddressStatements ( FvObj )
while True :
self . _GetSetStatements ( FvObj )
if not ( self . _GetBlockStatement ( FvObj ) or self . _GetFvBaseAddress ( FvObj ) or
self . _GetFvForceRebase ( FvObj ) or self . _GetFvAlignment ( FvObj ) or
self . _GetFvAttributes ( FvObj ) or self . _GetFvNameGuid ( FvObj ) or
self . _GetFvExtEntryStatement ( FvObj ) or self . _GetFvNameString ( FvObj ) ) :
if FvObj . FvNameString == ' TRUE ' and not FvObj . FvNameGuid :
raise Warning ( " FvNameString found but FvNameGuid was not found " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . _GetAprioriSection ( FvObj )
self . _GetAprioriSection ( FvObj )
while True :
isInf = self . _GetInfStatement ( FvObj )
isFile = self . _GetFileStatement ( FvObj )
if not isInf and not isFile :
return True
## _GetFvAlignment() method
# Get alignment for FV
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom alignment is got
# @retval True Successfully find a alignment statement
# @retval False Not able to find a alignment statement
def _GetFvAlignment ( self , Obj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FvAlignment " ) :
return False
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " alignment value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token . upper ( ) not in { " 1 " , " 2 " , " 4 " , " 8 " , " 16 " , " 32 " , " 64 " , " 128 " , " 256 " , " 512 " , \
" 1K " , " 2K " , " 4K " , " 8K " , " 16K " , " 32K " , " 64K " , " 128K " , " 256K " , " 512K " , \
" 1M " , " 2M " , " 4M " , " 8M " , " 16M " , " 32M " , " 64M " , " 128M " , " 256M " , " 512M " , \
" 1G " , " 2G " } :
raise Warning ( " Unknown alignment value ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Obj . FvAlignment = self . _Token
return True
## _GetFvBaseAddress() method
# Get BaseAddress for FV
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom FvBaseAddress is got
# @retval True Successfully find a FvBaseAddress statement
# @retval False Not able to find a FvBaseAddress statement
def _GetFvBaseAddress ( self , Obj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FvBaseAddress " ) :
return False
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FV base address value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not BaseAddrValuePattern . match ( self . _Token . upper ( ) ) :
raise Warning ( " Unknown FV base address value ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Obj . FvBaseAddress = self . _Token
return True
## _GetFvForceRebase() method
# Get FvForceRebase for FV
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom FvForceRebase is got
# @retval True Successfully find a FvForceRebase statement
# @retval False Not able to find a FvForceRebase statement
def _GetFvForceRebase ( self , Obj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FvForceRebase " ) :
return False
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FvForceRebase value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token . upper ( ) not in { " TRUE " , " FALSE " , " 0 " , " 0X0 " , " 0X00 " , " 1 " , " 0X1 " , " 0X01 " } :
raise Warning ( " Unknown FvForceRebase value ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token . upper ( ) in { " TRUE " , " 1 " , " 0X1 " , " 0X01 " } :
Obj . FvForceRebase = True
elif self . _Token . upper ( ) in { " FALSE " , " 0 " , " 0X0 " , " 0X00 " } :
Obj . FvForceRebase = False
else :
Obj . FvForceRebase = None
return True
## _GetFvAttributes() method
# Get attributes for FV
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom attribute is got
# @retval None
def _GetFvAttributes ( self , FvObj ) :
IsWordToken = False
while self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
IsWordToken = True
name = self . _Token
if name not in { " ERASE_POLARITY " , " MEMORY_MAPPED " , \
" WRITE_POLICY_RELIABLE " , " WEAK_ALIGNMENT " , " FvUsedSizeEnable " } :
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) or self . _Token . upper ( ) not in { " TRUE " , " FALSE " , " 1 " , " 0 " } :
raise Warning . Expected ( " TRUE/FALSE (1/0) " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvObj . FvAttributeDict [ name ] = self . _Token
return IsWordToken
## _GetFvNameGuid() method
# Get FV GUID for FV
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom GUID is got
# @retval None
def _GetFvNameGuid ( self , FvObj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FvNameGuid " ) :
return False
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextGuid ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " GUID value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if self . _Token in GlobalData . gGuidDict :
self . _Token = GuidStructureStringToGuidString ( GlobalData . gGuidDict [ self . _Token ] ) . upper ( )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
FvObj . FvNameGuid = self . _Token
return True
def _GetFvNameString ( self , FvObj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FvNameString " ) :
return False
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) or self . _Token . upper ( ) not in { ' TRUE ' , ' FALSE ' } :
raise Warning . Expected ( " TRUE or FALSE for FvNameString " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvObj . FvNameString = self . _Token
return True
def _GetFvExtEntryStatement ( self , FvObj ) :
if not ( self . _IsKeyword ( " FV_EXT_ENTRY " ) or self . _IsKeyword ( " FV_EXT_ENTRY_TYPE " ) ) :
return False
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " TYPE " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' TYPE ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) and not self . _GetNextDecimalNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Hex FV extension entry type value At Line " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvObj . FvExtEntryTypeValue . append ( self . _Token )
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyOpen ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FILE " ) and not self . _IsKeyword ( " DATA " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' FILE ' or ' DATA ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvObj . FvExtEntryType . append ( self . _Token )
if self . _Token == ' DATA ' :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyOpen ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Hex byte " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if len ( self . _Token ) > 4 :
raise Warning ( " Hex byte(must be 2 digits) too long " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
DataString = self . _Token
DataString + = TAB_COMMA_SPLIT
while self . _IsToken ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT ) :
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning ( " Invalid Hex number " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if len ( self . _Token ) > 4 :
raise Warning ( " Hex byte(must be 2 digits) too long " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
DataString + = self . _Token
DataString + = TAB_COMMA_SPLIT
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
DataString = DataString . rstrip ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT )
FvObj . FvExtEntryData . append ( DataString )
if self . _Token == ' FILE ' :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FV Extension Entry file path At Line " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvObj . FvExtEntryData . append ( self . _Token )
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
return True
## _GetAprioriSection() method
# Get token statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FvObj for whom apriori is got
# @retval True Successfully find apriori statement
# @retval False Not able to find apriori statement
def _GetAprioriSection ( self , FvObj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " APRIORI " ) :
return False
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " PEI " ) and not self . _IsKeyword ( " DXE " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Apriori file type " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
AprType = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyOpen ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
AprSectionObj = AprioriSection ( )
AprSectionObj . AprioriType = AprType
self . _GetDefineStatements ( AprSectionObj )
while True :
IsInf = self . _GetInfStatement ( AprSectionObj )
IsFile = self . _GetFileStatement ( AprSectionObj )
if not IsInf and not IsFile :
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvObj . AprioriSectionList . append ( AprSectionObj )
return True
def _ParseInfStatement ( self ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " INF " ) :
return None
ffsInf = FfsInfStatement ( )
self . _GetInfOptions ( ffsInf )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " INF file path " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
ffsInf . InfFileName = self . _Token
if not ffsInf . InfFileName . endswith ( ' .inf ' ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " .inf file path " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
ffsInf . CurrentLineNum = self . CurrentLineNumber
ffsInf . CurrentLineContent = self . _CurrentLine ( )
#Replace $(SAPCE) with real space
ffsInf . InfFileName = ffsInf . InfFileName . replace ( ' $(SPACE) ' , ' ' )
if ffsInf . InfFileName . replace ( TAB_WORKSPACE , ' ' ) . find ( ' $ ' ) == - 1 :
#do case sensitive check for file path
ErrorCode , ErrorInfo = PathClass ( NormPath ( ffsInf . InfFileName ) , GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir ) . Validate ( )
if ErrorCode != 0 :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , ErrorCode , ExtraData = ErrorInfo )
NewFileName = ffsInf . InfFileName
if ffsInf . OverrideGuid :
NewFileName = ProcessDuplicatedInf ( PathClass ( ffsInf . InfFileName , GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir ) , ffsInf . OverrideGuid , GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir ) . Path
if not NewFileName in self . Profile . InfList :
self . Profile . InfList . append ( NewFileName )
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . Profile . InfFileLineList . append ( FileLineTuple )
if ffsInf . UseArch :
if ffsInf . UseArch not in self . Profile . InfDict :
self . Profile . InfDict [ ffsInf . UseArch ] = [ ffsInf . InfFileName ]
else :
self . Profile . InfDict [ ffsInf . UseArch ] . append ( ffsInf . InfFileName )
else :
self . Profile . InfDict [ ' ArchTBD ' ] . append ( ffsInf . InfFileName )
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_VALUE_SPLIT ) :
if self . _IsKeyword ( ' RELOCS_STRIPPED ' ) :
ffsInf . KeepReloc = False
elif self . _IsKeyword ( ' RELOCS_RETAINED ' ) :
ffsInf . KeepReloc = True
else :
raise Warning ( " Unknown reloc strip flag ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
return ffsInf
## _GetInfStatement() method
# Get INF statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom inf statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find inf statement
# @retval False Not able to find inf statement
def _GetInfStatement ( self , Obj , ForCapsule = False ) :
ffsInf = self . _ParseInfStatement ( )
if not ffsInf :
return False
if ForCapsule :
myCapsuleFfs = CapsuleFfs ( )
myCapsuleFfs . Ffs = ffsInf
Obj . CapsuleDataList . append ( myCapsuleFfs )
else :
Obj . FfsList . append ( ffsInf )
return True
## _GetInfOptions() method
# Get options for INF
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsInfObj for whom option is got
def _GetInfOptions ( self , FfsInfObj ) :
if self . _IsKeyword ( " FILE_GUID " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextGuid ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " GUID value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if self . _Token in GlobalData . gGuidDict :
self . _Token = GuidStructureStringToGuidString ( GlobalData . gGuidDict [ self . _Token ] ) . upper ( )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
FfsInfObj . OverrideGuid = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( " RuleOverride " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Rule name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FfsInfObj . Rule = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( " VERSION " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Version " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _GetStringData ( ) :
FfsInfObj . Version = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( BINARY_FILE_TYPE_UI ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " UI name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _GetStringData ( ) :
FfsInfObj . Ui = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( " USE " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ARCH name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FfsInfObj . UseArch = self . _Token
if self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
p = compile ( r ' ([a-zA-Z0-9 \ -]+| \ $ \ (TARGET \ )| \ *)_([a-zA-Z0-9 \ -]+| \ $ \ (TOOL_CHAIN_TAG \ )| \ *)_([a-zA-Z0-9 \ -]+| \ $ \ (ARCH \ )) ' )
if p . match ( self . _Token ) and p . match ( self . _Token ) . span ( ) [ 1 ] == len ( self . _Token ) :
FfsInfObj . KeyStringList . append ( self . _Token )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT ) :
else :
self . _UndoToken ( )
while self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
if not p . match ( self . _Token ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " KeyString \" Target_Tag_Arch \" " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FfsInfObj . KeyStringList . append ( self . _Token )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT ) :
## _GetFileStatement() method
# Get FILE statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom FILE statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find FILE statement
# @retval False Not able to find FILE statement
def _GetFileStatement ( self , Obj , ForCapsule = False ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FILE " ) :
return False
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FFS type " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if ForCapsule and self . _Token == ' DATA ' :
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
FfsFileObj = FileStatement ( )
FfsFileObj . FvFileType = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextGuid ( ) :
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " File GUID " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token == ' PCD ' :
if not self . _IsToken ( " ( " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' ( ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
PcdPair = self . _GetNextPcdSettings ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( " ) " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' ) ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . _Token = ' PCD( ' + PcdPair [ 1 ] + TAB_SPLIT + PcdPair [ 0 ] + ' ) '
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if self . _Token in GlobalData . gGuidDict :
self . _Token = GuidStructureStringToGuidString ( GlobalData . gGuidDict [ self . _Token ] ) . upper ( )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
FfsFileObj . NameGuid = self . _Token
self . _GetFilePart ( FfsFileObj )
if ForCapsule :
capsuleFfs = CapsuleFfs ( )
capsuleFfs . Ffs = FfsFileObj
Obj . CapsuleDataList . append ( capsuleFfs )
else :
Obj . FfsList . append ( FfsFileObj )
return True
## _FileCouldHaveRelocFlag() method
# Check whether reloc strip flag can be set for a file type.
# @param FileType The file type to check with
# @retval True This type could have relocation strip flag
# @retval False No way to have it
def _FileCouldHaveRelocFlag ( FileType ) :
return True
else :
return False
## _SectionCouldHaveRelocFlag() method
# Check whether reloc strip flag can be set for a section type.
# @param SectionType The section type to check with
# @retval True This type could have relocation strip flag
# @retval False No way to have it
def _SectionCouldHaveRelocFlag ( SectionType ) :
return True
else :
return False
## _GetFilePart() method
# Get components for FILE statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFileObj for whom component is got
def _GetFilePart ( self , FfsFileObj ) :
self . _GetFileOpts ( FfsFileObj )
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
if self . _IsKeyword ( ' RELOCS_STRIPPED ' ) or self . _IsKeyword ( ' RELOCS_RETAINED ' ) :
if self . _FileCouldHaveRelocFlag ( FfsFileObj . FvFileType ) :
if self . _Token == ' RELOCS_STRIPPED ' :
FfsFileObj . KeepReloc = False
else :
FfsFileObj . KeepReloc = True
else :
raise Warning ( " File type %s could not have reloc strip flag %d " % ( FfsFileObj . FvFileType , self . CurrentLineNumber ) , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyOpen ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " File name or section data " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FV name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FfsFileObj . FvName = self . _Token
elif self . _Token == " FD " :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FD name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FfsFileObj . FdName = self . _Token
elif self . _Token in { TAB_DEFINE , " APRIORI " , " SECTION " } :
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _GetSectionData ( FfsFileObj )
elif hasattr ( FfsFileObj , ' FvFileType ' ) and FfsFileObj . FvFileType == ' RAW ' :
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _GetRAWData ( FfsFileObj )
else :
FfsFileObj . CurrentLineNum = self . CurrentLineNumber
FfsFileObj . CurrentLineContent = self . _CurrentLine ( )
FfsFileObj . FileName = self . _Token . replace ( ' $(SPACE) ' , ' ' )
self . _VerifyFile ( FfsFileObj . FileName )
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
## _GetRAWData() method
# Get RAW data for FILE statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFileObj for whom section is got
def _GetRAWData ( self , FfsFileObj ) :
FfsFileObj . FileName = [ ]
FfsFileObj . SubAlignment = [ ]
while True :
AlignValue = None
if self . _GetAlignment ( ) :
if self . _Token not in ALIGNMENTS :
raise Warning ( " Incorrect alignment ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
#For FFS, Auto is default option same to ""
if not self . _Token == " Auto " :
AlignValue = self . _Token
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Filename value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FileName = self . _Token . replace ( ' $(SPACE) ' , ' ' )
if FileName == T_CHAR_BRACE_R :
self . _UndoToken ( )
raise Warning . Expected ( " Filename value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . _VerifyFile ( FileName )
File = PathClass ( NormPath ( FileName ) , GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir )
FfsFileObj . FileName . append ( File . Path )
FfsFileObj . SubAlignment . append ( AlignValue )
if self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
self . _UndoToken ( )
if len ( FfsFileObj . SubAlignment ) == 1 :
FfsFileObj . SubAlignment = FfsFileObj . SubAlignment [ 0 ]
if len ( FfsFileObj . FileName ) == 1 :
FfsFileObj . FileName = FfsFileObj . FileName [ 0 ]
## _GetFileOpts() method
# Get options for FILE statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFileObj for whom options is got
def _GetFileOpts ( self , FfsFileObj ) :
if self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
if TokenFindPattern . match ( self . _Token ) :
FfsFileObj . KeyStringList . append ( self . _Token )
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT ) :
while self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
if not TokenFindPattern . match ( self . _Token ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " KeyString \" Target_Tag_Arch \" " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FfsFileObj . KeyStringList . append ( self . _Token )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT ) :
else :
self . _UndoToken ( )
if self . _IsKeyword ( " FIXED " , True ) :
FfsFileObj . Fixed = True
if self . _IsKeyword ( " CHECKSUM " , True ) :
FfsFileObj . CheckSum = True
if self . _GetAlignment ( ) :
if self . _Token not in ALIGNMENTS :
raise Warning ( " Incorrect alignment ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
#For FFS, Auto is default option same to ""
if not self . _Token == " Auto " :
FfsFileObj . Alignment = self . _Token
## _GetAlignment() method
# Return the alignment value
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find alignment
# @retval False Not able to find alignment
def _GetAlignment ( self ) :
if self . _IsKeyword ( " Align " , True ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " alignment value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
return True
return False
## _GetSectionData() method
# Get section data for FILE statement
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFileObj for whom section is got
def _GetSectionData ( self , FfsFileObj ) :
self . _GetDefineStatements ( FfsFileObj )
while True :
IsLeafSection = self . _GetLeafSection ( FfsFileObj )
IsEncapSection = self . _GetEncapsulationSec ( FfsFileObj )
if not IsLeafSection and not IsEncapSection :
## _GetLeafSection() method
# Get leaf section for Obj
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom leaf section is got
# @retval True Successfully find section statement
# @retval False Not able to find section statement
def _GetLeafSection ( self , Obj ) :
OldPos = self . GetFileBufferPos ( )
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " SECTION " ) :
if len ( Obj . SectionList ) == 0 :
raise Warning . Expected ( " SECTION " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
else :
return False
AlignValue = None
if self . _GetAlignment ( ) :
if self . _Token not in ALIGNMENTS :
raise Warning ( " Incorrect alignment ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
AlignValue = self . _Token
BuildNum = None
if self . _IsKeyword ( " BUILD_NUM " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Build number value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
BuildNum = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( " VERSION " ) :
if AlignValue == ' Auto ' :
raise Warning ( " Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " version " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
VerSectionObj = VerSection ( )
VerSectionObj . Alignment = AlignValue
VerSectionObj . BuildNum = BuildNum
if self . _GetStringData ( ) :
VerSectionObj . StringData = self . _Token
else :
VerSectionObj . FileName = self . _Token
Obj . SectionList . append ( VerSectionObj )
elif self . _IsKeyword ( BINARY_FILE_TYPE_UI ) :
if AlignValue == ' Auto ' :
raise Warning ( " Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " UI " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
UiSectionObj = UiSection ( )
UiSectionObj . Alignment = AlignValue
if self . _GetStringData ( ) :
UiSectionObj . StringData = self . _Token
else :
UiSectionObj . FileName = self . _Token
Obj . SectionList . append ( UiSectionObj )
elif self . _IsKeyword ( " FV_IMAGE " ) :
if AlignValue == ' Auto ' :
raise Warning ( " Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FV name or FV file path " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvName = self . _Token
FvObj = None
if self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
FvObj = FV ( )
FvObj . UiFvName = FvName . upper ( )
self . _GetDefineStatements ( FvObj )
self . _GetBlockStatement ( FvObj )
self . _GetSetStatements ( FvObj )
self . _GetFvAlignment ( FvObj )
self . _GetFvAttributes ( FvObj )
while True :
IsInf = self . _GetInfStatement ( FvObj )
IsFile = self . _GetFileStatement ( FvObj )
if not IsInf and not IsFile :
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvImageSectionObj = FvImageSection ( )
FvImageSectionObj . Alignment = AlignValue
if FvObj is not None :
FvImageSectionObj . Fv = FvObj
FvImageSectionObj . FvName = None
else :
FvImageSectionObj . FvName = FvName . upper ( )
FvImageSectionObj . FvFileName = FvName
Obj . SectionList . append ( FvImageSectionObj )
elif self . _IsKeyword ( " PEI_DEPEX_EXP " ) or self . _IsKeyword ( " DXE_DEPEX_EXP " ) or self . _IsKeyword ( " SMM_DEPEX_EXP " ) :
if AlignValue == ' Auto ' :
raise Warning ( " Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
DepexSectionObj = DepexSection ( )
DepexSectionObj . Alignment = AlignValue
DepexSectionObj . DepexType = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyOpen ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _SkipToToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Depex expression ending ' } ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
DepexSectionObj . Expression = self . _SkippedChars . rstrip ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R )
Obj . SectionList . append ( DepexSectionObj )
else :
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " section type " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
# Encapsulation section appear, UndoToken and return
if self . _Token == " COMPRESS " or self . _Token == " GUIDED " :
self . SetFileBufferPos ( OldPos )
return False
raise Warning ( " Unknown section type ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if AlignValue == ' Auto ' and ( not self . _Token == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_PE32 ) and ( not self . _Token == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_TE ) :
raise Warning ( " Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
# DataSection
DataSectionObj = DataSection ( )
DataSectionObj . Alignment = AlignValue
DataSectionObj . SecType = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( ' RELOCS_STRIPPED ' ) or self . _IsKeyword ( ' RELOCS_RETAINED ' ) :
if self . _FileCouldHaveRelocFlag ( Obj . FvFileType ) and self . _SectionCouldHaveRelocFlag ( DataSectionObj . SecType ) :
if self . _Token == ' RELOCS_STRIPPED ' :
DataSectionObj . KeepReloc = False
else :
DataSectionObj . KeepReloc = True
else :
raise Warning ( " File type %s , section type %s , could not have reloc strip flag %d " % ( Obj . FvFileType , DataSectionObj . SecType , self . CurrentLineNumber ) , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " section file path " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
DataSectionObj . SectFileName = self . _Token
self . _VerifyFile ( DataSectionObj . SectFileName )
else :
if not self . _GetCglSection ( DataSectionObj ) :
return False
Obj . SectionList . append ( DataSectionObj )
return True
## _VerifyFile
# Check if file exists or not:
# If current phase if GenFds, the file must exist;
# If current phase is AutoGen and the file is not in $(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY), the file must exist
# @param FileName: File path to be verified.
def _VerifyFile ( self , FileName ) :
if FileName . replace ( TAB_WORKSPACE , ' ' ) . find ( ' $ ' ) != - 1 :
if not GlobalData . gAutoGenPhase or not self . _GetMacroValue ( TAB_DSC_DEFINES_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ) in FileName :
ErrorCode , ErrorInfo = PathClass ( NormPath ( FileName ) , GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir ) . Validate ( )
if ErrorCode != 0 :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , ErrorCode , ExtraData = ErrorInfo )
## _GetCglSection() method
# Get compressed or GUIDed section for Obj
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom leaf section is got
# @param AlignValue alignment value for complex section
# @retval True Successfully find section statement
# @retval False Not able to find section statement
def _GetCglSection ( self , Obj , AlignValue = None ) :
if self . _IsKeyword ( " COMPRESS " ) :
type = " PI_STD "
if self . _IsKeyword ( " PI_STD " ) or self . _IsKeyword ( " PI_NONE " ) :
type = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyOpen ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
CompressSectionObj = CompressSection ( )
CompressSectionObj . Alignment = AlignValue
CompressSectionObj . CompType = type
# Recursive sections...
while True :
IsLeafSection = self . _GetLeafSection ( CompressSectionObj )
IsEncapSection = self . _GetEncapsulationSec ( CompressSectionObj )
if not IsLeafSection and not IsEncapSection :
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Obj . SectionList . append ( CompressSectionObj )
return True
elif self . _IsKeyword ( " GUIDED " ) :
GuidValue = None
if self . _GetNextGuid ( ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if self . _Token in GlobalData . gGuidDict :
self . _Token = GuidStructureStringToGuidString ( GlobalData . gGuidDict [ self . _Token ] ) . upper ( )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
GuidValue = self . _Token
AttribDict = self . _GetGuidAttrib ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyOpen ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
GuidSectionObj = GuidSection ( )
GuidSectionObj . Alignment = AlignValue
GuidSectionObj . NameGuid = GuidValue
GuidSectionObj . SectionType = " GUIDED "
GuidSectionObj . ProcessRequired = AttribDict [ " PROCESSING_REQUIRED " ]
GuidSectionObj . AuthStatusValid = AttribDict [ " AUTH_STATUS_VALID " ]
GuidSectionObj . ExtraHeaderSize = AttribDict [ " EXTRA_HEADER_SIZE " ]
# Recursive sections...
while True :
IsLeafSection = self . _GetLeafSection ( GuidSectionObj )
IsEncapSection = self . _GetEncapsulationSec ( GuidSectionObj )
if not IsLeafSection and not IsEncapSection :
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Obj . SectionList . append ( GuidSectionObj )
return True
return False
## _GetGuidAttri() method
# Get attributes for GUID section
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval AttribDict Dictionary of key-value pair of section attributes
def _GetGuidAttrib ( self ) :
AttribDict = { }
AttribDict [ " PROCESSING_REQUIRED " ] = " NONE "
AttribDict [ " AUTH_STATUS_VALID " ] = " NONE "
AttribDict [ " EXTRA_HEADER_SIZE " ] = - 1
while self . _IsKeyword ( " PROCESSING_REQUIRED " ) or self . _IsKeyword ( " AUTH_STATUS_VALID " ) \
or self . _IsKeyword ( " EXTRA_HEADER_SIZE " ) :
AttribKey = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " TRUE(1)/FALSE(0)/Number " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
elif AttribKey == " EXTRA_HEADER_SIZE " :
Base = 10
if self . _Token [ 0 : 2 ] . upper ( ) == " 0X " :
Base = 16
try :
AttribDict [ AttribKey ] = int ( self . _Token , Base )
except ValueError :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Number " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
elif self . _Token . upper ( ) not in { " TRUE " , " FALSE " , " 1 " , " 0 " } :
raise Warning . Expected ( " TRUE/FALSE (1/0) " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
AttribDict [ AttribKey ] = self . _Token
return AttribDict
## _GetEncapsulationSec() method
# Get encapsulation section for FILE
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFile for whom section is got
# @retval True Successfully find section statement
# @retval False Not able to find section statement
def _GetEncapsulationSec ( self , FfsFileObj ) :
OldPos = self . GetFileBufferPos ( )
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " SECTION " ) :
if len ( FfsFileObj . SectionList ) == 0 :
raise Warning . Expected ( " SECTION " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
else :
return False
AlignValue = None
if self . _GetAlignment ( ) :
if self . _Token not in ALIGNMENT_NOAUTO :
raise Warning ( " Incorrect alignment ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
AlignValue = self . _Token
if not self . _GetCglSection ( FfsFileObj , AlignValue ) :
self . SetFileBufferPos ( OldPos )
return False
else :
return True
def _GetFmp ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
S = self . _Token . upper ( )
if S . startswith ( TAB_SECTION_START ) and not S . startswith ( " [FMPPAYLOAD. " ) :
self . SectionParser ( S )
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _SkipToToken ( " [FMPPAYLOAD. " , True )
FmpUiName = self . _GetUiName ( ) . upper ( )
if FmpUiName in self . Profile . FmpPayloadDict :
raise Warning ( " Duplicated FMP UI name found: %s " % FmpUiName , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FmpData = CapsulePayload ( )
FmpData . UiName = FmpUiName
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_SECTION_END ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedBracketClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning ( " The FMP payload section is empty! " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
while self . _Token in FmpKeyList :
Name = self . _Token
FmpKeyList . remove ( Name )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if Name == ' IMAGE_TYPE_ID ' :
if not self . _GetNextGuid ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " GUID value for IMAGE_TYPE_ID. " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FmpData . ImageTypeId = self . _Token
elif Name == ' CERTIFICATE_GUID ' :
if not self . _GetNextGuid ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " GUID value for CERTIFICATE_GUID. " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FmpData . Certificate_Guid = self . _Token
if UUID ( FmpData . Certificate_Guid ) != EFI_CERT_TYPE_RSA2048_SHA256_GUID and UUID ( FmpData . Certificate_Guid ) != EFI_CERT_TYPE_PKCS7_GUID :
raise Warning ( " Only support EFI_CERT_TYPE_RSA2048_SHA256_GUID or EFI_CERT_TYPE_PKCS7_GUID for CERTIFICATE_GUID. " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
else :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " value of %s " % Name , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Value = self . _Token
if FdfParser . _Verify ( Name , Value , ' UINT8 ' ) :
FmpData . Version = Value
elif Name == ' IMAGE_INDEX ' :
if FdfParser . _Verify ( Name , Value , ' UINT8 ' ) :
FmpData . ImageIndex = Value
elif Name == ' HARDWARE_INSTANCE ' :
if FdfParser . _Verify ( Name , Value , ' UINT8 ' ) :
FmpData . HardwareInstance = Value
elif Name == ' MONOTONIC_COUNT ' :
if FdfParser . _Verify ( Name , Value , ' UINT64 ' ) :
FmpData . MonotonicCount = Value
if FmpData . MonotonicCount . upper ( ) . startswith ( ' 0X ' ) :
FmpData . MonotonicCount = int ( FmpData . MonotonicCount , 16 )
else :
FmpData . MonotonicCount = int ( FmpData . MonotonicCount )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
else :
self . _UndoToken ( )
if ( FmpData . MonotonicCount and not FmpData . Certificate_Guid ) or ( not FmpData . MonotonicCount and FmpData . Certificate_Guid ) :
EdkLogger . error ( " FdfParser " , FORMAT_INVALID , " CERTIFICATE_GUID and MONOTONIC_COUNT must be work as a pair. " )
# Only the IMAGE_TYPE_ID is required item
if FmpKeyList and ' IMAGE_TYPE_ID ' in FmpKeyList :
raise Warning ( " ' IMAGE_TYPE_ID ' in FMP payload section. " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
# get the Image file and Vendor code file
self . _GetFMPCapsuleData ( FmpData )
if not FmpData . ImageFile :
raise Warning ( " Missing image file in FMP payload section. " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
# check whether more than one Vendor code file
if len ( FmpData . VendorCodeFile ) > 1 :
raise Warning ( " Vendor code file max of 1 per FMP payload section. " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . Profile . FmpPayloadDict [ FmpUiName ] = FmpData
return True
## _GetCapsule() method
# Get capsule section contents and store its data into capsule list of self.Profile
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a capsule
# @retval False Not able to find a capsule
def _GetCapsule ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
S = self . _Token . upper ( )
if S . startswith ( TAB_SECTION_START ) and not S . startswith ( " [CAPSULE. " ) :
self . SectionParser ( S )
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
self . _UndoToken ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( " [CAPSULE. " , True ) :
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
#print 'Parsing String: %s in File %s, At line: %d, Offset Within Line: %d' \
# % (self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine:], FileLineTuple[0], FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
raise Warning . Expected ( " [Capsule.] " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
CapsuleObj = Capsule ( )
CapsuleName = self . _GetUiName ( )
if not CapsuleName :
raise Warning . Expected ( " capsule name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
CapsuleObj . UiCapsuleName = CapsuleName . upper ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_SECTION_END ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedBracketClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _IsKeyword ( " CREATE_FILE " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " file name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
CapsuleObj . CreateFile = self . _Token
self . _GetCapsuleStatements ( CapsuleObj )
self . Profile . CapsuleDict [ CapsuleObj . UiCapsuleName ] = CapsuleObj
return True
## _GetCapsuleStatements() method
# Get statements for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom statements are got
def _GetCapsuleStatements ( self , Obj ) :
self . _GetCapsuleTokens ( Obj )
self . _GetDefineStatements ( Obj )
self . _GetSetStatements ( Obj )
self . _GetCapsuleData ( Obj )
## _GetCapsuleTokens() method
# Get token statements for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom token statements are got
def _GetCapsuleTokens ( self , Obj ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
Name = self . _Token . strip ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if Name == ' CAPSULE_FLAGS ' :
if not self . _Token in { " PersistAcrossReset " , " PopulateSystemTable " , " InitiateReset " } :
raise Warning . Expected ( " PersistAcrossReset, PopulateSystemTable, or InitiateReset " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Value = self . _Token . strip ( )
while self . _IsToken ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _Token in { " PersistAcrossReset " , " PopulateSystemTable " , " InitiateReset " } :
raise Warning . Expected ( " PersistAcrossReset, PopulateSystemTable, or InitiateReset " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Value + = self . _Token . strip ( )
elif Name == ' OEM_CAPSULE_FLAGS ' :
Value = self . _Token . strip ( )
if not Value . upper ( ) . startswith ( ' 0X ' ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " hex value starting with 0x " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
try :
Value = int ( Value , 0 )
except ValueError :
raise Warning . Expected ( " hex string failed to convert to value " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not 0x0000 < = Value < = 0xFFFF :
raise Warning . Expected ( " hex value between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Value = self . _Token . strip ( )
else :
Value = self . _Token . strip ( )
Obj . TokensDict [ Name ] = Value
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
self . _UndoToken ( )
## _GetCapsuleData() method
# Get capsule data for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom capsule data are got
def _GetCapsuleData ( self , Obj ) :
while True :
IsInf = self . _GetInfStatement ( Obj , True )
IsFile = self . _GetFileStatement ( Obj , True )
IsFv = self . _GetFvStatement ( Obj )
IsFd = self . _GetFdStatement ( Obj )
IsAnyFile = self . _GetAnyFileStatement ( Obj )
IsAfile = self . _GetAfileStatement ( Obj )
IsFmp = self . _GetFmpStatement ( Obj )
if not ( IsInf or IsFile or IsFv or IsFd or IsAnyFile or IsAfile or IsFmp ) :
## _GetFMPCapsuleData() method
# Get capsule data for FMP capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom capsule data are got
def _GetFMPCapsuleData ( self , Obj ) :
while True :
IsFv = self . _GetFvStatement ( Obj , True )
IsFd = self . _GetFdStatement ( Obj , True )
IsAnyFile = self . _GetAnyFileStatement ( Obj , True )
if not ( IsFv or IsFd or IsAnyFile ) :
## _GetFvStatement() method
# Get FV for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param CapsuleObj for whom FV is got
# @retval True Successfully find a FV statement
# @retval False Not able to find a FV statement
def _GetFvStatement ( self , CapsuleObj , FMPCapsule = False ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV ) :
return False
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FV name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token . upper ( ) not in self . Profile . FvDict :
raise Warning ( " FV name does not exist " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
myCapsuleFv = CapsuleFv ( )
myCapsuleFv . FvName = self . _Token
if FMPCapsule :
if not CapsuleObj . ImageFile :
CapsuleObj . ImageFile . append ( myCapsuleFv )
else :
CapsuleObj . VendorCodeFile . append ( myCapsuleFv )
else :
CapsuleObj . CapsuleDataList . append ( myCapsuleFv )
return True
## _GetFdStatement() method
# Get FD for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param CapsuleObj for whom FD is got
# @retval True Successfully find a FD statement
# @retval False Not able to find a FD statement
def _GetFdStatement ( self , CapsuleObj , FMPCapsule = False ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FD " ) :
return False
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FD name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token . upper ( ) not in self . Profile . FdDict :
raise Warning ( " FD name does not exist " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
myCapsuleFd = CapsuleFd ( )
myCapsuleFd . FdName = self . _Token
if FMPCapsule :
if not CapsuleObj . ImageFile :
CapsuleObj . ImageFile . append ( myCapsuleFd )
else :
CapsuleObj . VendorCodeFile . append ( myCapsuleFd )
else :
CapsuleObj . CapsuleDataList . append ( myCapsuleFd )
return True
def _GetFmpStatement ( self , CapsuleObj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FMP_PAYLOAD " ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FMP " ) :
return False
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " PAYLOAD " ) :
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " payload name after FMP_PAYLOAD = " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Payload = self . _Token . upper ( )
if Payload not in self . Profile . FmpPayloadDict :
raise Warning ( " This FMP Payload does not exist: %s " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
CapsuleObj . FmpPayloadList . append ( self . Profile . FmpPayloadDict [ Payload ] )
return True
def _ParseRawFileStatement ( self ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FILE " ) :
return None
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " DATA " ) :
self . _UndoToken ( )
return None
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " File name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
AnyFileName = self . _Token
self . _VerifyFile ( AnyFileName )
if not os . path . isabs ( AnyFileName ) :
AnyFileName = mws . join ( GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir , AnyFileName )
return AnyFileName
## _GetAnyFileStatement() method
# Get AnyFile for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param CapsuleObj for whom AnyFile is got
# @retval True Successfully find a Anyfile statement
# @retval False Not able to find a AnyFile statement
def _GetAnyFileStatement ( self , CapsuleObj , FMPCapsule = False ) :
AnyFileName = self . _ParseRawFileStatement ( )
if not AnyFileName :
return False
myCapsuleAnyFile = CapsuleAnyFile ( )
myCapsuleAnyFile . FileName = AnyFileName
if FMPCapsule :
if not CapsuleObj . ImageFile :
CapsuleObj . ImageFile . append ( myCapsuleAnyFile )
else :
CapsuleObj . VendorCodeFile . append ( myCapsuleAnyFile )
else :
CapsuleObj . CapsuleDataList . append ( myCapsuleAnyFile )
return True
## _GetAfileStatement() method
# Get Afile for capsule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param CapsuleObj for whom Afile is got
# @retval True Successfully find a Afile statement
# @retval False Not able to find a Afile statement
def _GetAfileStatement ( self , CapsuleObj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " APPEND " ) :
return False
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Afile name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
AfileName = self . _Token
AfileBaseName = os . path . basename ( AfileName )
if os . path . splitext ( AfileBaseName ) [ 1 ] not in { " .bin " , " .BIN " , " .Bin " , " .dat " , " .DAT " , " .Dat " , " .data " , " .DATA " , " .Data " } :
raise Warning ( ' invalid binary file type, should be one of " bin " ,BINARY_FILE_TYPE_BIN, " Bin " , " dat " , " DAT " , " Dat " , " data " , " DATA " , " Data " ' , \
self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not os . path . isabs ( AfileName ) :
AfileName = GenFdsGlobalVariable . ReplaceWorkspaceMacro ( AfileName )
self . _VerifyFile ( AfileName )
else :
if not os . path . exists ( AfileName ) :
raise Warning ( ' %s does not exist ' % AfileName , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
else :
myCapsuleAfile = CapsuleAfile ( )
myCapsuleAfile . FileName = AfileName
CapsuleObj . CapsuleDataList . append ( myCapsuleAfile )
return True
## _GetRule() method
# Get Rule section contents and store its data into rule list of self.Profile
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a Rule
# @retval False Not able to find a Rule
def _GetRule ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
S = self . _Token . upper ( )
if S . startswith ( TAB_SECTION_START ) and not S . startswith ( " [RULE. " ) :
self . SectionParser ( S )
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
self . _UndoToken ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( " [Rule. " , True ) :
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
#print 'Parsing String: %s in File %s, At line: %d, Offset Within Line: %d' \
# % (self.Profile.FileLinesList[self.CurrentLineNumber - 1][self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine:], FileLineTuple[0], FileLineTuple[1], self.CurrentOffsetWithinLine)
raise Warning . Expected ( " [Rule.] " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _SkipToToken ( TAB_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' . ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Arch = self . _SkippedChars . rstrip ( TAB_SPLIT )
ModuleType = self . _GetModuleType ( )
TemplateName = " "
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_SPLIT ) :
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " template name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
TemplateName = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_SECTION_END ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedBracketClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
RuleObj = self . _GetRuleFileStatements ( )
RuleObj . Arch = Arch . upper ( )
RuleObj . ModuleType = ModuleType
RuleObj . TemplateName = TemplateName
if TemplateName == ' ' :
self . Profile . RuleDict [ ' RULE ' + \
Arch . upper ( ) + \
ModuleType . upper ( ) ] = RuleObj
else :
self . Profile . RuleDict [ ' RULE ' + \
Arch . upper ( ) + \
ModuleType . upper ( ) + \
TemplateName . upper ( ) ] = RuleObj
return True
## _GetModuleType() method
# Return the module type
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval string module type
def _GetModuleType ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Module type " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token . upper ( ) not in {
raise Warning ( " Unknown Module type ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
return self . _Token
## _GetFileExtension() method
# Return the file extension
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval string file name extension
def _GetFileExtension ( self ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' . ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Ext = " "
if self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
if FileExtensionPattern . match ( self . _Token ) :
Ext = self . _Token
return TAB_SPLIT + Ext
else :
raise Warning ( " Unknown file extension ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
else :
raise Warning . Expected ( " file extension " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
## _GetRuleFileStatement() method
# Get rule contents
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval Rule Rule object
def _GetRuleFileStatements ( self ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FILE " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FILE " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FFS type " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Type = self . _Token . strip ( ) . upper ( )
raise Warning ( " Unknown FV type ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " $(NAMED_GUID) " ) :
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
NamedGuid = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ] . split ( ) [ 0 ] . strip ( )
if GlobalData . gGuidPatternEnd . match ( NamedGuid ) :
self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine + = len ( NamedGuid )
self . _Token = NamedGuid
else :
raise Warning . Expected ( " $(NAMED_GUID) " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token == ' PCD ' :
if not self . _IsToken ( " ( " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' ( ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
PcdPair = self . _GetNextPcdSettings ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( " ) " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' ) ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . _Token = ' PCD( ' + PcdPair [ 1 ] + TAB_SPLIT + PcdPair [ 0 ] + ' ) '
NameGuid = self . _Token
KeepReloc = None
if self . _IsKeyword ( ' RELOCS_STRIPPED ' ) or self . _IsKeyword ( ' RELOCS_RETAINED ' ) :
if self . _FileCouldHaveRelocFlag ( Type ) :
if self . _Token == ' RELOCS_STRIPPED ' :
KeepReloc = False
else :
KeepReloc = True
else :
raise Warning ( " File type %s could not have reloc strip flag %d " % ( Type , self . CurrentLineNumber ) , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
KeyStringList = [ ]
if self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
if TokenFindPattern . match ( self . _Token ) :
KeyStringList . append ( self . _Token )
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT ) :
while self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
if not TokenFindPattern . match ( self . _Token ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " KeyString \" Target_Tag_Arch \" " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
KeyStringList . append ( self . _Token )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_COMMA_SPLIT ) :
else :
self . _UndoToken ( )
Fixed = False
if self . _IsKeyword ( " Fixed " , True ) :
Fixed = True
CheckSum = False
if self . _IsKeyword ( " CheckSum " , True ) :
CheckSum = True
AlignValue = " "
if self . _GetAlignment ( ) :
if self . _Token not in ALIGNMENTS :
raise Warning ( " Incorrect alignment ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
#For FFS, Auto is default option same to ""
if not self . _Token == " Auto " :
AlignValue = self . _Token
if self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
# Complex file rule expected
NewRule = RuleComplexFile ( )
NewRule . FvFileType = Type
NewRule . NameGuid = NameGuid
NewRule . Alignment = AlignValue
NewRule . CheckSum = CheckSum
NewRule . Fixed = Fixed
NewRule . KeyStringList = KeyStringList
if KeepReloc is not None :
NewRule . KeepReloc = KeepReloc
while True :
IsEncapsulate = self . _GetRuleEncapsulationSection ( NewRule )
IsLeaf = self . _GetEfiSection ( NewRule )
if not IsEncapsulate and not IsLeaf :
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
return NewRule
else :
# Simple file rule expected
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " leaf section type " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
SectionName = self . _Token
if SectionName not in {
raise Warning ( " Unknown leaf section name ' %s ' " % SectionName , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _IsKeyword ( " Fixed " , True ) :
Fixed = True
if self . _IsKeyword ( " CheckSum " , True ) :
CheckSum = True
SectAlignment = " "
if self . _GetAlignment ( ) :
if self . _Token not in ALIGNMENTS :
raise Warning ( " Incorrect alignment ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token == ' Auto ' and ( not SectionName == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_PE32 ) and ( not SectionName == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_TE ) :
raise Warning ( " Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
SectAlignment = self . _Token
Ext = None
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_VALUE_SPLIT ) :
Ext = self . _GetFileExtension ( )
elif not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " File name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
NewRule = RuleSimpleFile ( )
NewRule . SectionType = SectionName
NewRule . FvFileType = Type
NewRule . NameGuid = NameGuid
NewRule . Alignment = AlignValue
NewRule . SectAlignment = SectAlignment
NewRule . CheckSum = CheckSum
NewRule . Fixed = Fixed
NewRule . KeyStringList = KeyStringList
if KeepReloc is not None :
NewRule . KeepReloc = KeepReloc
NewRule . FileExtension = Ext
NewRule . FileName = self . _Token
return NewRule
## _GetEfiSection() method
# Get section list for Rule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom section is got
# @retval True Successfully find section statement
# @retval False Not able to find section statement
def _GetEfiSection ( self , Obj ) :
OldPos = self . GetFileBufferPos ( )
EfiSectionObj = EfiSection ( )
if not self . _GetNextWord ( ) :
CurrentLine = self . _CurrentLine ( ) [ self . CurrentOffsetWithinLine : ] . split ( ) [ 0 ] . strip ( )
if self . _Token == ' { ' and Obj . FvFileType == " RAW " and TAB_SPLIT in CurrentLine :
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_VALUE_SPLIT ) :
EfiSectionObj . FileExtension = self . _GetFileExtension ( )
elif self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
EfiSectionObj . FileName = self . _Token
EfiSectionObj . SectionType = BINARY_FILE_TYPE_RAW
Obj . SectionList . append ( EfiSectionObj )
return True
else :
return False
SectionName = self . _Token
if SectionName not in {
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
if SectionName == " FV_IMAGE " :
FvImageSectionObj = FvImageSection ( )
if self . _IsKeyword ( " FV_IMAGE " ) :
if self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
FvObj = FV ( )
self . _GetDefineStatements ( FvObj )
self . _GetBlockStatement ( FvObj )
self . _GetSetStatements ( FvObj )
self . _GetFvAlignment ( FvObj )
self . _GetFvAttributes ( FvObj )
self . _GetAprioriSection ( FvObj )
self . _GetAprioriSection ( FvObj )
while True :
IsInf = self . _GetInfStatement ( FvObj )
IsFile = self . _GetFileStatement ( FvObj )
if not IsInf and not IsFile :
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvImageSectionObj . Fv = FvObj
FvImageSectionObj . FvName = None
else :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' FV ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvImageSectionObj . FvFileType = self . _Token
if self . _GetAlignment ( ) :
if self . _Token not in ALIGNMENT_NOAUTO :
raise Warning ( " Incorrect alignment ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FvImageSectionObj . Alignment = self . _Token
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_VALUE_SPLIT ) :
FvImageSectionObj . FvFileExtension = self . _GetFileExtension ( )
elif self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
if self . _Token not in {
FvImageSectionObj . FvFileName = self . _Token
else :
self . _UndoToken ( )
else :
raise Warning . Expected ( " FV file name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Obj . SectionList . append ( FvImageSectionObj )
return True
EfiSectionObj . SectionType = SectionName
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " file type " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token == " STRING " :
if not self . _RuleSectionCouldHaveString ( EfiSectionObj . SectionType ) :
raise Warning ( " %s section could NOT have string data %d " % ( EfiSectionObj . SectionType , self . CurrentLineNumber ) , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Quoted String " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _GetStringData ( ) :
EfiSectionObj . StringData = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( " BUILD_NUM " ) :
if not self . _RuleSectionCouldHaveBuildNum ( EfiSectionObj . SectionType ) :
raise Warning ( " %s section could NOT have BUILD_NUM %d " % ( EfiSectionObj . SectionType , self . CurrentLineNumber ) , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Build number " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
EfiSectionObj . BuildNum = self . _Token
else :
EfiSectionObj . FileType = self . _Token
self . _CheckRuleSectionFileType ( EfiSectionObj . SectionType , EfiSectionObj . FileType )
if self . _IsKeyword ( " Optional " ) :
if not self . _RuleSectionCouldBeOptional ( EfiSectionObj . SectionType ) :
raise Warning ( " %s section could NOT be optional %d " % ( EfiSectionObj . SectionType , self . CurrentLineNumber ) , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
EfiSectionObj . Optional = True
if self . _IsKeyword ( " BUILD_NUM " ) :
if not self . _RuleSectionCouldHaveBuildNum ( EfiSectionObj . SectionType ) :
raise Warning ( " %s section could NOT have BUILD_NUM %d " % ( EfiSectionObj . SectionType , self . CurrentLineNumber ) , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Build number " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
EfiSectionObj . BuildNum = self . _Token
if self . _GetAlignment ( ) :
if self . _Token not in ALIGNMENTS :
raise Warning ( " Incorrect alignment ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _Token == ' Auto ' and ( not SectionName == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_PE32 ) and ( not SectionName == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_TE ) :
raise Warning ( " Auto alignment can only be used in PE32 or TE section " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
EfiSectionObj . Alignment = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( ' RELOCS_STRIPPED ' ) or self . _IsKeyword ( ' RELOCS_RETAINED ' ) :
if self . _SectionCouldHaveRelocFlag ( EfiSectionObj . SectionType ) :
if self . _Token == ' RELOCS_STRIPPED ' :
EfiSectionObj . KeepReloc = False
else :
EfiSectionObj . KeepReloc = True
if Obj . KeepReloc is not None and Obj . KeepReloc != EfiSectionObj . KeepReloc :
raise Warning ( " Section type %s has reloc strip flag conflict with Rule " % EfiSectionObj . SectionType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
else :
raise Warning ( " Section type %s could not have reloc strip flag " % EfiSectionObj . SectionType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _IsToken ( TAB_VALUE_SPLIT ) :
EfiSectionObj . FileExtension = self . _GetFileExtension ( )
elif self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
if self . _Token not in {
if self . _Token . startswith ( ' PCD ' ) :
self . _UndoToken ( )
self . _GetNextWord ( )
if self . _Token == ' PCD ' :
if not self . _IsToken ( " ( " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' ( ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
PcdPair = self . _GetNextPcdSettings ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( " ) " ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " ' ) ' " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . _Token = ' PCD( ' + PcdPair [ 1 ] + TAB_SPLIT + PcdPair [ 0 ] + ' ) '
EfiSectionObj . FileName = self . _Token
else :
self . _UndoToken ( )
else :
raise Warning . Expected ( " section file name " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Obj . SectionList . append ( EfiSectionObj )
return True
## _RuleSectionCouldBeOptional() method
# Get whether a section could be optional
# @param SectionType The section type to check
# @retval True section could be optional
# @retval False section never optional
def _RuleSectionCouldBeOptional ( SectionType ) :
return True
else :
return False
## _RuleSectionCouldHaveBuildNum() method
# Get whether a section could have build number information
# @param SectionType The section type to check
# @retval True section could have build number information
# @retval False section never have build number information
def _RuleSectionCouldHaveBuildNum ( SectionType ) :
if SectionType == " VERSION " :
return True
else :
return False
## _RuleSectionCouldHaveString() method
# Get whether a section could have string
# @param SectionType The section type to check
# @retval True section could have string
# @retval False section never have string
def _RuleSectionCouldHaveString ( SectionType ) :
if SectionType in { BINARY_FILE_TYPE_UI , " VERSION " } :
return True
else :
return False
## _CheckRuleSectionFileType() method
# Get whether a section matches a file type
# @param self The object pointer
# @param SectionType The section type to check
# @param FileType The file type to check
def _CheckRuleSectionFileType ( self , SectionType , FileType ) :
WarningString = " Incorrect section file type ' %s ' "
if SectionType == " COMPAT16 " :
if FileType not in { " COMPAT16 " , " SEC_COMPAT16 " } :
raise Warning ( WarningString % FileType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
elif SectionType == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_PE32 :
if FileType not in { BINARY_FILE_TYPE_PE32 , " SEC_PE32 " } :
raise Warning ( WarningString % FileType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
elif SectionType == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_PIC :
raise Warning ( WarningString % FileType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
elif SectionType == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_TE :
if FileType not in { BINARY_FILE_TYPE_TE , " SEC_TE " } :
raise Warning ( WarningString % FileType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
elif SectionType == " RAW " :
if FileType not in { BINARY_FILE_TYPE_BIN , " SEC_BIN " , " RAW " , " ASL " , " ACPI " } :
raise Warning ( WarningString % FileType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
raise Warning ( WarningString % FileType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
elif SectionType == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_UI :
if FileType not in { BINARY_FILE_TYPE_UI , " SEC_UI " } :
raise Warning ( WarningString % FileType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
elif SectionType == " VERSION " :
if FileType not in { " VERSION " , " SEC_VERSION " } :
raise Warning ( WarningString % FileType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
elif SectionType == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_PEI_DEPEX :
if FileType not in { BINARY_FILE_TYPE_PEI_DEPEX , " SEC_PEI_DEPEX " } :
raise Warning ( WarningString % FileType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
elif SectionType == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_GUID :
if FileType not in { BINARY_FILE_TYPE_PE32 , " SEC_GUID " } :
raise Warning ( WarningString % FileType , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
## _GetRuleEncapsulationSection() method
# Get encapsulation section for Rule
# @param self The object pointer
# @param theRule for whom section is got
# @retval True Successfully find section statement
# @retval False Not able to find section statement
def _GetRuleEncapsulationSection ( self , theRule ) :
if self . _IsKeyword ( " COMPRESS " ) :
Type = " PI_STD "
if self . _IsKeyword ( " PI_STD " ) or self . _IsKeyword ( " PI_NONE " ) :
Type = self . _Token
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyOpen ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
CompressSectionObj = CompressSection ( )
CompressSectionObj . CompType = Type
# Recursive sections...
while True :
IsEncapsulate = self . _GetRuleEncapsulationSection ( CompressSectionObj )
IsLeaf = self . _GetEfiSection ( CompressSectionObj )
if not IsEncapsulate and not IsLeaf :
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
theRule . SectionList . append ( CompressSectionObj )
return True
elif self . _IsKeyword ( " GUIDED " ) :
GuidValue = None
if self . _GetNextGuid ( ) :
2022-02-05 19:53:39 +01:00
if self . _Token in GlobalData . gGuidDict :
self . _Token = GuidStructureStringToGuidString ( GlobalData . gGuidDict [ self . _Token ] ) . upper ( )
2019-09-03 11:58:42 +02:00
GuidValue = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( " $(NAMED_GUID) " ) :
GuidValue = self . _Token
AttribDict = self . _GetGuidAttrib ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( " { " ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyOpen ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
GuidSectionObj = GuidSection ( )
GuidSectionObj . NameGuid = GuidValue
GuidSectionObj . SectionType = " GUIDED "
GuidSectionObj . ProcessRequired = AttribDict [ " PROCESSING_REQUIRED " ]
GuidSectionObj . AuthStatusValid = AttribDict [ " AUTH_STATUS_VALID " ]
GuidSectionObj . ExtraHeaderSize = AttribDict [ " EXTRA_HEADER_SIZE " ]
# Efi sections...
while True :
IsEncapsulate = self . _GetRuleEncapsulationSection ( GuidSectionObj )
IsLeaf = self . _GetEfiSection ( GuidSectionObj )
if not IsEncapsulate and not IsLeaf :
if not self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedCurlyClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
theRule . SectionList . append ( GuidSectionObj )
return True
return False
## _GetOptionRom() method
# Get OptionROM section contents and store its data into OptionROM list of self.Profile
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True Successfully find a OptionROM
# @retval False Not able to find a OptionROM
def _GetOptionRom ( self ) :
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
return False
S = self . _Token . upper ( )
if S . startswith ( TAB_SECTION_START ) and not S . startswith ( " [OPTIONROM. " ) :
self . SectionParser ( S )
self . _UndoToken ( )
return False
self . _UndoToken ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( " [OptionRom. " , True ) :
raise Warning ( " Unknown Keyword ' %s ' " % self . _Token , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
OptRomName = self . _GetUiName ( )
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_SECTION_END ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedBracketClose ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
OptRomObj = OPTIONROM ( OptRomName )
self . Profile . OptRomDict [ OptRomName ] = OptRomObj
while True :
isInf = self . _GetOptRomInfStatement ( OptRomObj )
isFile = self . _GetOptRomFileStatement ( OptRomObj )
if not isInf and not isFile :
return True
## _GetOptRomInfStatement() method
# Get INF statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom inf statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find inf statement
# @retval False Not able to find inf statement
def _GetOptRomInfStatement ( self , Obj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " INF " ) :
return False
ffsInf = OptRomInfStatement ( )
self . _GetInfOptions ( ffsInf )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " INF file path " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
ffsInf . InfFileName = self . _Token
if ffsInf . InfFileName . replace ( TAB_WORKSPACE , ' ' ) . find ( ' $ ' ) == - 1 :
#check for file path
ErrorCode , ErrorInfo = PathClass ( NormPath ( ffsInf . InfFileName ) , GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir ) . Validate ( )
if ErrorCode != 0 :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , ErrorCode , ExtraData = ErrorInfo )
NewFileName = ffsInf . InfFileName
if ffsInf . OverrideGuid :
NewFileName = ProcessDuplicatedInf ( PathClass ( ffsInf . InfFileName , GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir ) , ffsInf . OverrideGuid , GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir ) . Path
if not NewFileName in self . Profile . InfList :
self . Profile . InfList . append ( NewFileName )
FileLineTuple = GetRealFileLine ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
self . Profile . InfFileLineList . append ( FileLineTuple )
if ffsInf . UseArch :
if ffsInf . UseArch not in self . Profile . InfDict :
self . Profile . InfDict [ ffsInf . UseArch ] = [ ffsInf . InfFileName ]
else :
self . Profile . InfDict [ ffsInf . UseArch ] . append ( ffsInf . InfFileName )
else :
self . Profile . InfDict [ ' ArchTBD ' ] . append ( ffsInf . InfFileName )
self . _GetOptRomOverrides ( ffsInf )
Obj . FfsList . append ( ffsInf )
return True
## _GetOptRomOverrides() method
# Get overrides for OptROM INF & FILE
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsInfObj for whom overrides is got
def _GetOptRomOverrides ( self , Obj ) :
if self . _IsToken ( ' { ' ) :
Overrides = OverrideAttribs ( )
while True :
if self . _IsKeyword ( " PCI_VENDOR_ID " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Hex vendor id " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Overrides . PciVendorId = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( " PCI_CLASS_CODE " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Hex class code " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Overrides . PciClassCode = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( " PCI_DEVICE_ID " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
# Get a list of PCI IDs
Overrides . PciDeviceId = " "
while ( self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) ) :
Overrides . PciDeviceId = " {} {} " . format ( Overrides . PciDeviceId , self . _Token )
if not Overrides . PciDeviceId :
raise Warning . Expected ( " one or more Hex device ids " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if self . _IsKeyword ( " PCI_REVISION " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextHexNumber ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Hex revision " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Overrides . PciRevision = self . _Token
if self . _IsKeyword ( " PCI_COMPRESS " ) :
if not self . _IsToken ( TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT ) :
raise Warning . ExpectedEquals ( self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " TRUE/FALSE for compress " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
Overrides . NeedCompress = self . _Token . upper ( ) == ' TRUE '
if self . _IsToken ( T_CHAR_BRACE_R ) :
else :
EdkLogger . error ( " FdfParser " , FORMAT_INVALID , File = self . FileName , Line = self . CurrentLineNumber )
Obj . OverrideAttribs = Overrides
## _GetOptRomFileStatement() method
# Get FILE statements
# @param self The object pointer
# @param Obj for whom FILE statement is got
# @retval True Successfully find FILE statement
# @retval False Not able to find FILE statement
def _GetOptRomFileStatement ( self , Obj ) :
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " FILE " ) :
return False
FfsFileObj = OptRomFileStatement ( )
if not self . _IsKeyword ( " EFI " ) and not self . _IsKeyword ( BINARY_FILE_TYPE_BIN ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " Binary type (EFI/BIN) " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FfsFileObj . FileType = self . _Token
if not self . _GetNextToken ( ) :
raise Warning . Expected ( " File path " , self . FileName , self . CurrentLineNumber )
FfsFileObj . FileName = self . _Token
if FfsFileObj . FileName . replace ( TAB_WORKSPACE , ' ' ) . find ( ' $ ' ) == - 1 :
#check for file path
ErrorCode , ErrorInfo = PathClass ( NormPath ( FfsFileObj . FileName ) , GenFdsGlobalVariable . WorkSpaceDir ) . Validate ( )
if ErrorCode != 0 :
EdkLogger . error ( " GenFds " , ErrorCode , ExtraData = ErrorInfo )
if FfsFileObj . FileType == ' EFI ' :
self . _GetOptRomOverrides ( FfsFileObj )
Obj . FfsList . append ( FfsFileObj )
return True
## _GetCapInFd() method
# Get Cap list contained in FD
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FdName FD name
# @retval CapList List of Capsule in FD
def _GetCapInFd ( self , FdName ) :
CapList = [ ]
if FdName . upper ( ) in self . Profile . FdDict :
FdObj = self . Profile . FdDict [ FdName . upper ( ) ]
for elementRegion in FdObj . RegionList :
if elementRegion . RegionType == ' CAPSULE ' :
for elementRegionData in elementRegion . RegionDataList :
if elementRegionData . endswith ( " .cap " ) :
if elementRegionData is not None and elementRegionData . upper ( ) not in CapList :
CapList . append ( elementRegionData . upper ( ) )
return CapList
## _GetReferencedFdCapTuple() method
# Get FV and FD list referenced by a capsule image
# @param self The object pointer
# @param CapObj Capsule section to be searched
# @param RefFdList referenced FD by section
# @param RefFvList referenced FV by section
def _GetReferencedFdCapTuple ( self , CapObj , RefFdList = [ ] , RefFvList = [ ] ) :
for CapsuleDataObj in CapObj . CapsuleDataList :
if hasattr ( CapsuleDataObj , ' FvName ' ) and CapsuleDataObj . FvName is not None and CapsuleDataObj . FvName . upper ( ) not in RefFvList :
RefFvList . append ( CapsuleDataObj . FvName . upper ( ) )
elif hasattr ( CapsuleDataObj , ' FdName ' ) and CapsuleDataObj . FdName is not None and CapsuleDataObj . FdName . upper ( ) not in RefFdList :
RefFdList . append ( CapsuleDataObj . FdName . upper ( ) )
elif CapsuleDataObj . Ffs is not None :
if isinstance ( CapsuleDataObj . Ffs , FileStatement ) :
if CapsuleDataObj . Ffs . FvName is not None and CapsuleDataObj . Ffs . FvName . upper ( ) not in RefFvList :
RefFvList . append ( CapsuleDataObj . Ffs . FvName . upper ( ) )
elif CapsuleDataObj . Ffs . FdName is not None and CapsuleDataObj . Ffs . FdName . upper ( ) not in RefFdList :
RefFdList . append ( CapsuleDataObj . Ffs . FdName . upper ( ) )
else :
self . _GetReferencedFdFvTupleFromSection ( CapsuleDataObj . Ffs , RefFdList , RefFvList )
## _GetFvInFd() method
# Get FV list contained in FD
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FdName FD name
# @retval FvList list of FV in FD
def _GetFvInFd ( self , FdName ) :
FvList = [ ]
if FdName . upper ( ) in self . Profile . FdDict :
FdObj = self . Profile . FdDict [ FdName . upper ( ) ]
for elementRegion in FdObj . RegionList :
if elementRegion . RegionType == BINARY_FILE_TYPE_FV :
for elementRegionData in elementRegion . RegionDataList :
if elementRegionData . endswith ( " .fv " ) :
if elementRegionData is not None and elementRegionData . upper ( ) not in FvList :
FvList . append ( elementRegionData . upper ( ) )
return FvList
## _GetReferencedFdFvTuple() method
# Get FD and FV list referenced by a FFS file
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFile contains sections to be searched
# @param RefFdList referenced FD by section
# @param RefFvList referenced FV by section
def _GetReferencedFdFvTuple ( self , FvObj , RefFdList = [ ] , RefFvList = [ ] ) :
for FfsObj in FvObj . FfsList :
if isinstance ( FfsObj , FileStatement ) :
if FfsObj . FvName is not None and FfsObj . FvName . upper ( ) not in RefFvList :
RefFvList . append ( FfsObj . FvName . upper ( ) )
elif FfsObj . FdName is not None and FfsObj . FdName . upper ( ) not in RefFdList :
RefFdList . append ( FfsObj . FdName . upper ( ) )
else :
self . _GetReferencedFdFvTupleFromSection ( FfsObj , RefFdList , RefFvList )
## _GetReferencedFdFvTupleFromSection() method
# Get FD and FV list referenced by a FFS section
# @param self The object pointer
# @param FfsFile contains sections to be searched
# @param FdList referenced FD by section
# @param FvList referenced FV by section
def _GetReferencedFdFvTupleFromSection ( self , FfsFile , FdList = [ ] , FvList = [ ] ) :
SectionStack = list ( FfsFile . SectionList )
while SectionStack != [ ] :
SectionObj = SectionStack . pop ( )
if isinstance ( SectionObj , FvImageSection ) :
if SectionObj . FvName is not None and SectionObj . FvName . upper ( ) not in FvList :
FvList . append ( SectionObj . FvName . upper ( ) )
if SectionObj . Fv is not None and SectionObj . Fv . UiFvName is not None and SectionObj . Fv . UiFvName . upper ( ) not in FvList :
FvList . append ( SectionObj . Fv . UiFvName . upper ( ) )
self . _GetReferencedFdFvTuple ( SectionObj . Fv , FdList , FvList )
if isinstance ( SectionObj , CompressSection ) or isinstance ( SectionObj , GuidSection ) :
SectionStack . extend ( SectionObj . SectionList )
## CycleReferenceCheck() method
# Check whether cycle reference exists in FDF
# @param self The object pointer
# @retval True cycle reference exists
# @retval False Not exists cycle reference
def CycleReferenceCheck ( self ) :
# Check the cycle between FV and FD image
MaxLength = len ( self . Profile . FvDict )
for FvName in self . Profile . FvDict :
LogStr = " \n Cycle Reference Checking for FV: %s \n " % FvName
RefFvStack = set ( FvName )
FdAnalyzedList = set ( )
Index = 0
while RefFvStack and Index < MaxLength :
Index = Index + 1
FvNameFromStack = RefFvStack . pop ( )
if FvNameFromStack . upper ( ) in self . Profile . FvDict :
FvObj = self . Profile . FvDict [ FvNameFromStack . upper ( ) ]
else :
RefFdList = [ ]
RefFvList = [ ]
self . _GetReferencedFdFvTuple ( FvObj , RefFdList , RefFvList )
for RefFdName in RefFdList :
if RefFdName in FdAnalyzedList :
LogStr + = " FV %s contains FD %s \n " % ( FvNameFromStack , RefFdName )
FvInFdList = self . _GetFvInFd ( RefFdName )
if FvInFdList != [ ] :
for FvNameInFd in FvInFdList :
LogStr + = " FD %s contains FV %s \n " % ( RefFdName , FvNameInFd )
if FvNameInFd not in RefFvStack :
RefFvStack . add ( FvNameInFd )
if FvName in RefFvStack or FvNameFromStack in RefFvStack :
EdkLogger . info ( LogStr )
return True
FdAnalyzedList . add ( RefFdName )
for RefFvName in RefFvList :
LogStr + = " FV %s contains FV %s \n " % ( FvNameFromStack , RefFvName )
if RefFvName not in RefFvStack :
RefFvStack . add ( RefFvName )
if FvName in RefFvStack or FvNameFromStack in RefFvStack :
EdkLogger . info ( LogStr )
return True
# Check the cycle between Capsule and FD image
MaxLength = len ( self . Profile . CapsuleDict )
for CapName in self . Profile . CapsuleDict :
# Capsule image to be checked.
LogStr = " \n \n \n Cycle Reference Checking for Capsule: %s \n " % CapName
RefCapStack = { CapName }
FdAnalyzedList = set ( )
FvAnalyzedList = set ( )
Index = 0
while RefCapStack and Index < MaxLength :
Index = Index + 1
CapNameFromStack = RefCapStack . pop ( )
if CapNameFromStack . upper ( ) in self . Profile . CapsuleDict :
CapObj = self . Profile . CapsuleDict [ CapNameFromStack . upper ( ) ]
else :
RefFvList = [ ]
RefFdList = [ ]
self . _GetReferencedFdCapTuple ( CapObj , RefFdList , RefFvList )
FvListLength = 0
FdListLength = 0
while FvListLength < len ( RefFvList ) or FdListLength < len ( RefFdList ) :
for RefFdName in RefFdList :
if RefFdName in FdAnalyzedList :
LogStr + = " Capsule %s contains FD %s \n " % ( CapNameFromStack , RefFdName )
for CapNameInFd in self . _GetCapInFd ( RefFdName ) :
LogStr + = " FD %s contains Capsule %s \n " % ( RefFdName , CapNameInFd )
if CapNameInFd not in RefCapStack :
RefCapStack . append ( CapNameInFd )
if CapName in RefCapStack or CapNameFromStack in RefCapStack :
EdkLogger . info ( LogStr )
return True
for FvNameInFd in self . _GetFvInFd ( RefFdName ) :
LogStr + = " FD %s contains FV %s \n " % ( RefFdName , FvNameInFd )
if FvNameInFd not in RefFvList :
RefFvList . append ( FvNameInFd )
FdAnalyzedList . add ( RefFdName )
# the number of the parsed FV and FD image
FvListLength = len ( RefFvList )
FdListLength = len ( RefFdList )
for RefFvName in RefFvList :
if RefFvName in FvAnalyzedList :
LogStr + = " Capsule %s contains FV %s \n " % ( CapNameFromStack , RefFvName )
if RefFvName . upper ( ) in self . Profile . FvDict :
FvObj = self . Profile . FvDict [ RefFvName . upper ( ) ]
else :
self . _GetReferencedFdFvTuple ( FvObj , RefFdList , RefFvList )
FvAnalyzedList . add ( RefFvName )
return False
def GetAllIncludedFile ( self ) :
global AllIncludeFileList
return AllIncludeFileList
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
import sys
try :
test_file = sys . argv [ 1 ]
except IndexError as v :
print ( " Usage: %s filename " % sys . argv [ 0 ] )
sys . exit ( 1 )
parser = FdfParser ( test_file )
try :
parser . ParseFile ( )
parser . CycleReferenceCheck ( )
except Warning as X :
print ( str ( X ) )
else :
print ( " Success! " )