2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
* ConfigManager . cpp
* Created on : Apr 21 , 2021
* Author : jief
# include "ConfigManager.h"
# include "../Settings/SelfOem.h"
# include "../refit/lib.h"
# include "../Platform/Settings.h"
# include "../Platform/platformdata.h"
# include "../Platform/VersionString.h"
# include "../Platform/Nvram.h"
# include "../Platform/smbios.h"
# include "../Platform/gma.h"
# include "../Platform/ati.h"
# include "../Platform/ati_reg.h"
# include "../Platform/nvidia.h"
# include "../Platform/hda.h"
# include "../include/Net.h"
2021-05-09 16:13:37 +02:00
# include "../entry_scan/secureboot.h"
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
# ifndef DEBUG_ALL
# else
# endif
# define DBG(...)
# else
# define DBG(...) DebugLog (DEBUG_CONFIGMANAGER, __VA_ARGS__)
# endif
void ConfigManager : : DiscoverDevices ( )
UINT16 PreviousVendor = 0 ;
XStringW GopDevicePathStr ;
DbgHeader ( " GetDevices " ) ;
// Get GOP handle, in order to check to which GPU the monitor is currently connected
UINTN HandleCount = 0 ;
EFI_HANDLE * HandleArray = NULL ;
Status = gBS - > LocateHandleBuffer ( ByProtocol , & gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid , NULL , & HandleCount , & HandleArray ) ;
if ( ! EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
if ( HandleCount = = 0 ) {
log_technical_bug ( " HandleCount == 0 " ) ;
} else {
if ( HandleCount > 1 ) {
MsgLog ( " Found more than one GOP protocol ??? Using the first one \n " ) ;
GopDevicePathStr = DevicePathToXStringW ( DevicePathFromHandle ( HandleArray [ 0 ] ) ) ;
DBG ( " GOP found at: %ls \n " , GopDevicePathStr . wc_str ( ) ) ;
// Scan PCI handles
UINTN HandleCount = 0 ;
EFI_HANDLE * HandleArray = NULL ;
Status = gBS - > LocateHandleBuffer (
ByProtocol ,
& gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid ,
& HandleCount ,
& HandleArray
) ;
if ( ! EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
for ( UINTN Index = 0 ; Index < HandleCount ; + + Index ) {
Status = gBS - > HandleProtocol ( HandleArray [ Index ] , & gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid , ( void * * ) & PciIo ) ;
if ( ! EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
// Read PCI BUS
UINTN Segment = 0 ;
UINTN Bus = 0 ;
UINTN Device = 0 ;
UINTN Function = 0 ;
PciIo - > GetLocation ( PciIo , & Segment , & Bus , & Device , & Function ) ;
PCI_TYPE00 Pci ;
Status = PciIo - > Pci . Read (
PciIo ,
EfiPciIoWidthUint32 ,
0 ,
sizeof ( Pci ) / sizeof ( UINT32 ) ,
& Pci
) ;
DBG ( " PCI (%02llX|%02llX:%02llX.%02llX) : %04hX %04hX class=%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX \n " ,
Segment ,
Bus ,
Device ,
Function ,
Pci . Hdr . VendorId ,
Pci . Hdr . DeviceId ,
Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 2 ] ,
Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 1 ] ,
Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 0 ]
) ;
// GFX
//if ((Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[2] == PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY) &&
// (Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1] == PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY_VGA) &&
// (NGFX < 4)) {
if ( Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 2 ] = = PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY & &
( Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 1 ] = = PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY_VGA | | Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 1 ] = = PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY_OTHER )
) {
CONST CHAR8 * CardFamily = " " ;
UINT16 UFamily ;
DiscoveredGfx * gfx = new DiscoveredGfx ;
gfx - > DeviceID = Pci . Hdr . DeviceId ;
gfx - > Segment = Segment ;
gfx - > Bus = Bus ;
gfx - > Device = Device ;
gfx - > Function = Function ;
gfx - > Handle = HandleArray [ Index ] ;
switch ( Pci . Hdr . VendorId ) {
case 0x1002 : {
const radeon_card_info_t * info = NULL ;
gfx - > Vendor = Ati ;
size_t i = 0 ;
do {
info = & radeon_cards [ i ] ;
if ( info - > device_id = = Pci . Hdr . DeviceId ) {
break ;
} while ( radeon_cards [ i + + ] . device_id ! = 0 ) ;
gfx - > Model . takeValueFrom ( info - > model_name ) ;
gfx - > Config . takeValueFrom ( card_configs [ info - > cfg_name ] . name ) ;
gfx - > Ports = card_configs [ info - > cfg_name ] . ports ;
DBG ( " - GFX: Model=%s (ATI/AMD) \n " , gfx - > Model . c_str ( ) ) ;
//get mmio
if ( info - > chip_family < CHIP_FAMILY_HAINAN ) {
gfx - > Mmio = ( UINT8 * ) ( UINTN ) ( Pci . Device . Bar [ 2 ] & ~ 0x0f ) ;
} else {
gfx - > Mmio = ( UINT8 * ) ( UINTN ) ( Pci . Device . Bar [ 5 ] & ~ 0x0f ) ;
gfx - > Connectors = * ( UINT32 * ) ( gfx - > Mmio + RADEON_BIOS_0_SCRATCH ) ;
// DBG(" - RADEON_BIOS_0_SCRATCH = 0x%08X\n", gfx->Connectors);
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
gfx - > ConnChanged = false ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass * SlotDevice = new DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass ;
SlotDeviceArrayNonConst . AddReference ( SlotDevice , true ) ;
SlotDevice - > Index = 0 ;
SlotDevice - > SegmentGroupNum = ( UINT16 ) Segment ;
SlotDevice - > BusNum = ( UINT8 ) Bus ;
SlotDevice - > DevFuncNum = ( UINT8 ) ( ( Device < < 3 ) | ( Function & 0x07 ) ) ;
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
//SlotDevice->Valid = true;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
SlotDevice - > SlotName = " PCI Slot 0 " _XS8 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotID = 1 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX16 ;
break ;
case 0x8086 : {
gfx - > Vendor = Intel ;
gfx - > Model . takeValueFrom ( get_gma_model ( Pci . Hdr . DeviceId ) ) ;
DBG ( " - GFX: Model=%s (Intel) \n " , gfx - > Model . c_str ( ) ) ;
gfx - > Ports = 1 ;
gfx - > Connectors = ( 1 < < GfxPropertiesArrayNonConst . size ( ) ) ;
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
gfx - > ConnChanged = false ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
break ;
case 0x10de : {
gfx - > Vendor = Nvidia ;
UINT32 Bar0 = Pci . Device . Bar [ 0 ] ;
gfx - > Mmio = ( UINT8 * ) ( UINTN ) ( Bar0 & ~ 0x0f ) ;
//DBG("BAR: 0x%p\n", Mmio);
// get card type
gfx - > Family = ( REG32 ( gfx - > Mmio , 0 ) > > 20 ) & 0x1ff ;
UFamily = gfx - > Family & 0x1F0 ;
if ( ( UFamily = = NV_ARCH_KEPLER1 ) | |
( UFamily = = NV_ARCH_KEPLER2 ) | |
( UFamily = = NV_ARCH_KEPLER3 ) ) {
CardFamily = " Kepler " ;
else if ( ( UFamily = = NV_ARCH_FERMI1 ) | |
( UFamily = = NV_ARCH_FERMI2 ) ) {
CardFamily = " Fermi " ;
else if ( ( UFamily = = NV_ARCH_MAXWELL1 ) | |
( UFamily = = NV_ARCH_MAXWELL2 ) ) {
CardFamily = " Maxwell " ;
else if ( UFamily = = NV_ARCH_PASCAL ) {
CardFamily = " Pascal " ;
else if ( UFamily = = NV_ARCH_VOLTA ) {
CardFamily = " Volta " ;
else if ( UFamily = = NV_ARCH_TURING ) {
CardFamily = " Turing " ;
else if ( ( UFamily > = NV_ARCH_TESLA ) & & ( UFamily < 0xB0 ) ) { //not sure if 0xB0 is Tesla or Fermi
CardFamily = " Tesla " ;
} else {
CardFamily = " NVidia unknown " ;
gfx - > Model . takeValueFrom (
get_nvidia_model ( ( ( Pci . Hdr . VendorId < < 16 ) | Pci . Hdr . DeviceId ) ,
( ( Pci . Device . SubsystemVendorID < < 16 ) | Pci . Device . SubsystemID )
) ;
DBG ( " - GFX: Model=%s family %hX (%s) \n " , gfx - > Model . c_str ( ) , gfx - > Family , CardFamily ) ;
gfx - > Ports = 0 ;
DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass * SlotDevice = new DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass ;
SlotDeviceArrayNonConst . AddReference ( SlotDevice , true ) ;
SlotDevice - > Index = 1 ;
SlotDevice - > SegmentGroupNum = ( UINT16 ) Segment ;
SlotDevice - > BusNum = ( UINT8 ) Bus ;
SlotDevice - > DevFuncNum = ( UINT8 ) ( ( Device < < 3 ) | ( Function & 0x07 ) ) ;
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
//SlotDevice->Valid = true;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
SlotDevice - > SlotName = " PCI Slot 0 " _XS8 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotID = 1 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX16 ;
break ;
default : {
gfx - > Vendor = Unknown ;
gfx - > Model . S8Printf ( " pci%hx,%hx " , Pci . Hdr . VendorId , Pci . Hdr . DeviceId ) ;
gfx - > Ports = 1 ;
gfx - > Connectors = ( 1 < < GfxPropertiesArrayNonConst . size ( ) ) ;
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
gfx - > ConnChanged = false ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
break ;
// GOP device path should contain the device path of the GPU to which the monitor is connected
XStringW DevicePathStr = DevicePathToXStringW ( DevicePathFromHandle ( HandleArray [ Index ] ) ) ;
if ( StrStr ( GopDevicePathStr . wc_str ( ) , DevicePathStr . wc_str ( ) ) ) {
DBG ( " - GOP: Provided by device \n " ) ;
if ( GfxPropertiesArrayNonConst . size ( ) ! = 0 ) {
// we found GOP on a GPU scanned later, make space for this GPU at first position
GfxPropertiesArrayNonConst . InsertRef ( gfx , 0 , true ) ;
} else {
GfxPropertiesArrayNonConst . AddReference ( gfx , true ) ;
} //if gfx
else if ( ( Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 2 ] = = PCI_CLASS_NETWORK ) & &
( Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 1 ] = = PCI_CLASS_NETWORK_OTHER ) ) {
DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass * SlotDevice = new DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass ;
SlotDeviceArrayNonConst . AddReference ( SlotDevice , true ) ;
SlotDevice - > Index = 6 ;
SlotDevice - > SegmentGroupNum = ( UINT16 ) Segment ;
SlotDevice - > BusNum = ( UINT8 ) Bus ;
SlotDevice - > DevFuncNum = ( UINT8 ) ( ( Device < < 3 ) | ( Function & 0x07 ) ) ;
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
//SlotDevice->Valid = true;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
SlotDevice - > SlotName = " AirPort " _XS8 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotID = 0 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX1 ;
DBG ( " - WIFI: Vendor= " ) ;
switch ( Pci . Hdr . VendorId ) {
case 0x11ab :
DBG ( " Marvell \n " ) ;
break ;
case 0x10ec :
DBG ( " Realtek \n " ) ;
break ;
case 0x14e4 :
DBG ( " Broadcom \n " ) ;
break ;
case 0x1969 :
case 0x168C :
DBG ( " Atheros \n " ) ;
break ;
case 0x1814 :
DBG ( " Ralink \n " ) ;
break ;
case 0x8086 :
DBG ( " Intel \n " ) ;
break ;
default :
DBG ( " 0x%04X \n " , Pci . Hdr . VendorId ) ;
break ;
else if ( ( Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 2 ] = = PCI_CLASS_NETWORK ) & &
( Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 1 ] = = PCI_CLASS_NETWORK_ETHERNET ) ) {
DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass * SlotDevice = new DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass ;
SlotDeviceArrayNonConst . AddReference ( SlotDevice , true ) ;
SlotDevice - > Index = 5 ;
SlotDevice - > SegmentGroupNum = ( UINT16 ) Segment ;
SlotDevice - > BusNum = ( UINT8 ) Bus ;
SlotDevice - > DevFuncNum = ( UINT8 ) ( ( Device < < 3 ) | ( Function & 0x07 ) ) ;
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
//SlotDevice->Valid = true;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
SlotDevice - > SlotName = " Ethernet " _XS8 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotID = 2 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX1 ;
LanCardClass * lanCard = new LanCardClass ;
LanCardArrayNonConst . AddReference ( lanCard , true ) ;
UINT16 Vendor = Pci . Hdr . VendorId ;
UINT32 Bar0 = Pci . Device . Bar [ 0 ] ;
UINT8 * Mmio = ( UINT8 * ) ( UINTN ) ( Bar0 & ~ 0x0f ) ;
DBG ( " - LAN: %zu Vendor= " , LanCardArrayNonConst . size ( ) ) ;
switch ( Pci . Hdr . VendorId ) {
case 0x11ab :
DBG ( " Marvell \n " ) ;
break ;
case 0x10ec :
DBG ( " Realtek \n " ) ;
break ;
case 0x14e4 :
DBG ( " Broadcom \n " ) ;
break ;
case 0x1969 :
case 0x168C :
DBG ( " Atheros \n " ) ;
break ;
case 0x8086 :
DBG ( " Intel \n " ) ;
break ;
case 0x10de :
DBG ( " Nforce \n " ) ;
break ;
default :
DBG ( " Unknown \n " ) ;
break ;
// Get MAC-address from hardwaredirectly
if ( Mmio ! = NULL ) {
UINTN Offset = 0 ;
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
XBool Swab = false ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
UINT32 Mac0 , Mac4 ;
switch ( Vendor ) {
case 0x11ab : //Marvell Yukon
if ( PreviousVendor = = Vendor ) {
Offset = B2_MAC_2 ;
} else {
Offset = B2_MAC_1 ;
CopyMem ( & lanCard - > MacAddress [ 0 ] , Mmio + Offset , 6 ) ;
goto done ;
case 0x10ec : //Realtek
Mac0 = IoRead32 ( ( UINTN ) Mmio ) ;
Mac4 = IoRead32 ( ( UINTN ) Mmio + 4 ) ;
goto copy ;
case 0x14e4 : //Broadcom
if ( PreviousVendor = = Vendor ) {
} else {
break ;
case 0x1969 : //Atheros
Offset = L1C_STAD0 ;
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
Swab = true ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
break ;
case 0x8086 : //Intel
if ( PreviousVendor = = Vendor ) {
Offset = INTEL_MAC_2 ;
} else {
Offset = INTEL_MAC_1 ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( ! Offset ) {
continue ;
Mac0 = * ( UINT32 * ) ( Mmio + Offset ) ;
Mac4 = * ( UINT32 * ) ( Mmio + Offset + 4 ) ;
if ( Swab ) {
lanCard - > MacAddress [ 0 ] = ( UINT8 ) ( ( Mac4 & 0xFF00 ) > > 8 ) ;
lanCard - > MacAddress [ 1 ] = ( UINT8 ) ( Mac4 & 0xFF ) ;
lanCard - > MacAddress [ 2 ] = ( UINT8 ) ( ( Mac0 & 0xFF000000 ) > > 24 ) ;
lanCard - > MacAddress [ 3 ] = ( UINT8 ) ( ( Mac0 & 0x00FF0000 ) > > 16 ) ;
lanCard - > MacAddress [ 4 ] = ( UINT8 ) ( ( Mac0 & 0x0000FF00 ) > > 8 ) ;
lanCard - > MacAddress [ 5 ] = ( UINT8 ) ( Mac0 & 0x000000FF ) ;
goto done ;
copy :
CopyMem ( & lanCard - > MacAddress [ 0 ] , & Mac0 , 4 ) ;
CopyMem ( & lanCard - > MacAddress [ 4 ] , & Mac4 , 2 ) ;
done :
PreviousVendor = Vendor ;
DBG ( " Legacy MAC address of LAN #%zu= " , LanCardArrayNonConst . size ( ) - 1 ) ; // size() can't be 0 here.
for ( size_t Index2 = 0 ; Index2 < sizeof ( lanCard - > MacAddress ) ; Index2 + + ) {
DBG ( " %02hhX: " , lanCard - > MacAddress [ Index2 ] ) ;
DBG ( " \n " ) ;
else if ( ( Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 2 ] = = PCI_CLASS_SERIAL ) & &
( Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 1 ] = = PCI_CLASS_SERIAL_FIREWIRE ) ) {
DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass * SlotDevice = new DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass ;
SlotDeviceArrayNonConst . AddReference ( SlotDevice , true ) ;
SlotDevice - > Index = 12 ;
SlotDevice - > SegmentGroupNum = ( UINT16 ) Segment ;
SlotDevice - > BusNum = ( UINT8 ) Bus ;
SlotDevice - > DevFuncNum = ( UINT8 ) ( ( Device < < 3 ) | ( Function & 0x07 ) ) ;
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
//SlotDevice->Valid = true;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
SlotDevice - > SlotName = " FireWire " _XS8 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotID = 3 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX4 ;
else if ( Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 2 ] = = PCI_CLASS_MEDIA & &
( Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 1 ] = = PCI_CLASS_MEDIA_HDA | | Pci . Hdr . ClassCode [ 1 ] = = PCI_CLASS_MEDIA_AUDIO )
) {
DiscoveredHdaProperties * hda = new DiscoveredHdaProperties ;
// Populate Controllers IDs
hda - > controller_vendor_id = Pci . Hdr . VendorId ;
hda - > controller_device_id = Pci . Hdr . DeviceId ;
// HDA Controller Info
HdaControllerGetName ( ( ( hda - > controller_device_id < < 16 ) | hda - > controller_vendor_id ) , & hda - > controller_name ) ;
if ( IsHDMIAudio ( HandleArray [ Index ] ) ) {
DBG ( " - HDMI Audio: \n " ) ;
DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass * SlotDevice = new DiscoveredSlotDeviceClass ;
SlotDeviceArrayNonConst . AddReference ( SlotDevice , true ) ;
SlotDevice - > Index = 4 ;
SlotDevice - > SegmentGroupNum = ( UINT16 ) Segment ;
SlotDevice - > BusNum = ( UINT8 ) Bus ;
SlotDevice - > DevFuncNum = ( UINT8 ) ( ( Device < < 3 ) | ( Function & 0x07 ) ) ;
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
//SlotDevice->Valid = true;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
SlotDevice - > SlotName = " HDMI port " _XS8 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotID = 5 ;
SlotDevice - > SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX4 ;
// TODO not done here anymore! Here, we discover devices. No more. No other action.
// if (gSettings.Devices.Audio.ResetHDA) {
// //Slice method from VoodooHDA
// UINT8 Value = 0;
// Status = PciIo->Pci.Read (PciIo, EfiPciIoWidthUint8, 0x44, 1, &Value);
// if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
// continue;
// }
// Value &= 0xf8;
// PciIo->Pci.Write (PciIo, EfiPciIoWidthUint8, 0x44, 1, &Value);
// //ResetControllerHDA();
// }
HdaPropertiesArrayNonConst . AddReference ( hda , true ) ;
} // if Audio device
template < class C >
EFI_STATUS LoadPlist ( const XStringW & ConfName , C * plist )
UINTN Size = 0 ;
CHAR8 * ConfigPtr = NULL ;
// XStringW ConfigPlistPath;
// XStringW ConfigOemPath;
// DbgHeader("LoadUserSettings");
// load config
if ( ConfName . isEmpty ( ) /*|| Dict == NULL*/ ) {
return EFI_NOT_FOUND ;
// ConfigOemPath = SWPrintf("%ls\\%ls.plist", selfOem.getOOEMPath.wc_str(), ConfName.wc_str());
Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND ;
XStringW configFilename = SWPrintf ( " %ls.plist " , ConfName . wc_str ( ) ) ;
XStringW configPlistPath ;
if ( selfOem . oemDirExists ( ) ) {
configPlistPath = SWPrintf ( " %ls \\ %ls.plist " , selfOem . getOemFullPath ( ) . wc_str ( ) , ConfName . wc_str ( ) ) ;
if ( FileExists ( & selfOem . getOemDir ( ) , configFilename ) ) {
Status = egLoadFile ( & selfOem . getOemDir ( ) , configFilename . wc_str ( ) , ( UINT8 * * ) & ConfigPtr , & Size ) ;
if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
DBG ( " Cannot find %ls at path (%s): '%ls', trying '%ls' \n " , configFilename . wc_str ( ) , efiStrError ( Status ) , selfOem . getOemFullPath ( ) . wc_str ( ) , self . getCloverDirFullPath ( ) . wc_str ( ) ) ;
} else {
DBG ( " Using %ls at path: %ls \n " , configFilename . wc_str ( ) , selfOem . getOemFullPath ( ) . wc_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! selfOem . oemDirExists ( ) | | EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
configPlistPath = SWPrintf ( " %ls \\ %ls.plist " , self . getCloverDirFullPath ( ) . wc_str ( ) , ConfName . wc_str ( ) ) ;
if ( FileExists ( & self . getCloverDir ( ) , configFilename . wc_str ( ) ) ) {
Status = egLoadFile ( & self . getCloverDir ( ) , configFilename . wc_str ( ) , ( UINT8 * * ) & ConfigPtr , & Size ) ;
if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
DBG ( " Cannot find %ls at path '%ls' : %s \n " , configFilename . wc_str ( ) , self . getCloverDirFullPath ( ) . wc_str ( ) , efiStrError ( Status ) ) ;
} else {
DBG ( " Using %ls at path: %ls \n " , configFilename . wc_str ( ) , self . getCloverDirFullPath ( ) . wc_str ( ) ) ;
if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
MsgLog ( " '%ls' not loaded. Efi error %s \n " , configPlistPath . wc_str ( ) , efiStrError ( Status ) ) ;
return Status ;
XmlLiteParser xmlLiteParser ;
bool parsingOk = plist - > parse ( ( const CHAR8 * ) ConfigPtr , Size , " " _XS8 , & xmlLiteParser ) ;
if ( xmlLiteParser . getErrorsAndWarnings ( ) . size ( ) ) {
2021-05-23 12:20:30 +02:00
if ( xmlLiteParser . getErrorsAndWarnings ( ) . size ( ) > 1 ) {
DebugLog ( 2 , " There are problems in plist '%ls' \n " , configPlistPath . wc_str ( ) ) ;
} else {
DebugLog ( 2 , " There is a problem in plist '%ls' \n " , configPlistPath . wc_str ( ) ) ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
for ( size_t idx = 0 ; idx < xmlLiteParser . getErrorsAndWarnings ( ) . size ( ) ; idx + + ) {
const XmlParserMessage & xmlMsg = xmlLiteParser . getErrorsAndWarnings ( ) [ idx ] ;
DebugLog ( 2 , " %s: %s \n " , xmlMsg . isError ? " Error " : " Warning " , xmlMsg . msg . c_str ( ) ) ;
DebugLog ( 2 , " Use CloverConfigPlistValidator or look in the log \n " ) ;
if ( ! parsingOk ) {
DebugLog ( 2 , " Parsing error while parsing '%ls'. \n " , configPlistPath . wc_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! parsingOk | | xmlLiteParser . getErrorsAndWarnings ( ) . size ( ) > 0 ) gBS - > Stall ( 3000000 ) ; // 3 seconds delay
return Status ;
2021-07-01 17:03:15 +02:00
* Load a plist into configPlist global object
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
* ConfName : name of the file , without . plist extension . File will be searched in OEM or main folder
EFI_STATUS ConfigManager : : LoadConfigPlist ( const XStringW & ConfName )
EFI_STATUS Status = LoadPlist ( ConfName , & configPlist ) ;
return Status ;
2021-07-01 17:03:15 +02:00
* Load a plist into smbiosPlist global object
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
* ConfName : name of the file , without . plist extension . File will be searched in OEM or main folder
EFI_STATUS ConfigManager : : LoadSMBIOSPlist ( const XStringW & ConfName )
EFI_STATUS Status = LoadPlist ( ConfName , & smbiosPlist ) ;
if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
smbiosPlist . reset ( ) ;
return Status ;
void ConfigManager : : FillSmbiosWithDefaultValue ( MACHINE_TYPES Model , const SmbiosPlistClass : : SmbiosDictClass & smbiosDictClass )
GlobalConfig . CurrentModel = Model ;
//GlobalConfig.BiosVersionUsed = ApplePlatformData[Model].firmwareVersion;
// Check for BiosVersion and BiosReleaseDate by Sherlocks
if ( smbiosDictClass . getBiosVersion ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) {
int c = compareBiosVersion ( GlobalConfig . BiosVersionUsed , smbiosDictClass . dgetBiosVersion ( ) ) ;
if ( c = = 0 ) {
DBG ( " Found same BiosVersion in clover and config \n " ) ;
} else
if ( c < 0 ) {
DBG ( " Using latest BiosVersion from config \n " ) ;
GlobalConfig . BiosVersionUsed = smbiosDictClass . dgetBiosVersion ( ) ;
} else {
DBG ( " Using latest BiosVersion from clover \n " ) ;
} else {
DBG ( " BiosVersion: not set, Using BiosVersion from clover \n " ) ;
DBG ( " BiosVersion: %s \n " , GlobalConfig . BiosVersionUsed . c_str ( ) ) ;
//GlobalConfig.ReleaseDateUsed = GetReleaseDate(Model); // AppleReleaseDate
int compareReleaseDateResult = 0 ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getBiosReleaseDate ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) {
compareReleaseDateResult = compareReleaseDate ( GetReleaseDate ( Model ) , smbiosDictClass . dgetBiosReleaseDate ( ) ) ;
if ( compareReleaseDateResult = = 0 ) {
DBG ( " Found same BiosReleaseDate in clover and config \n " ) ;
} else
if ( compareReleaseDateResult = = - 1 ) {
DBG ( " Using latest BiosReleaseDate from config \n " ) ;
GlobalConfig . ReleaseDateUsed = smbiosDictClass . dgetBiosReleaseDate ( ) ;
} else
if ( compareReleaseDateResult = = 1 ) {
DBG ( " Using latest BiosReleaseDate from clover \n " ) ;
} else {
DBG ( " BiosReleaseDate: not set, Using BiosReleaseDate from clover \n " ) ;
if ( ! smbiosDictClass . getBiosReleaseDate ( ) . isDefined ( ) | | compareReleaseDateResult = = - 2 )
//DBG("Found unknown date format from config\n");
size_t len = GlobalConfig . ReleaseDateUsed . length ( ) ;
const char * j = GlobalConfig . BiosVersionUsed . c_str ( ) ;
j + = AsciiStrLen ( j ) ;
while ( * j ! = ' . ' ) {
j - - ;
if ( len = = 8 ) {
GlobalConfig . ReleaseDateUsed . S8Printf ( " %c%c/%c%c/%c%c \n " , j [ 3 ] , j [ 4 ] , j [ 5 ] , j [ 6 ] , j [ 1 ] , j [ 2 ] ) ;
//DBG("Using the date of used BiosVersion\n");
} else if ( len = = 10 ) {
GlobalConfig . ReleaseDateUsed . S8Printf ( " %c%c/%c%c/20%c%c \n " , j [ 3 ] , j [ 4 ] , j [ 5 ] , j [ 6 ] , j [ 1 ] , j [ 2 ] ) ;
//DBG("Using the date of used BiosVersion\n");
DBG ( " BiosReleaseDate: %s \n " , GlobalConfig . ReleaseDateUsed . c_str ( ) ) ;
// GlobalConfig.EfiVersionUsed.takeValueFrom(ApplePlatformData[Model].efiversion);
if ( smbiosDictClass . getEfiVersion ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) {
if ( AsciiStrVersionToUint64 ( GlobalConfig . EfiVersionUsed , 4 , 5 ) > AsciiStrVersionToUint64 ( smbiosDictClass . dgetEfiVersion ( ) , 4 , 5 ) ) {
DBG ( " Using latest EfiVersion from clover: %s \n " , GlobalConfig . EfiVersionUsed . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else if ( AsciiStrVersionToUint64 ( GlobalConfig . EfiVersionUsed , 4 , 5 ) < AsciiStrVersionToUint64 ( smbiosDictClass . dgetEfiVersion ( ) , 4 , 5 ) ) {
GlobalConfig . EfiVersionUsed = smbiosDictClass . dgetEfiVersion ( ) ;
DBG ( " Using latest EfiVersion from config: %s \n " , GlobalConfig . EfiVersionUsed . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else {
DBG ( " Using EfiVersion from clover: %s \n " , GlobalConfig . EfiVersionUsed . c_str ( ) ) ;
} else if ( GlobalConfig . EfiVersionUsed . notEmpty ( ) ) {
DBG ( " Using EfiVersion from clover: %s \n " , GlobalConfig . EfiVersionUsed . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getBiosVendor ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . BiosVendor = smbiosDictClass . getBiosVendor ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getManufacturer ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . ManufactureName = smbiosDictClass . getManufacturer ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getProductName ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . ProductName = smbiosDictClass . getProductName ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getVersion ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . SystemVersion = smbiosDictClass . getVersion ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getSerialNumber ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . SerialNr = smbiosDictClass . getSerialNumber ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getFamily ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . FamilyName = smbiosDictClass . getFamily ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getBoardManufacturer ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . BoardManufactureName = smbiosDictClass . getBoardManufacturer ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getBoardSerialNumber ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . BoardSerialNumber = smbiosDictClass . getBoardSerialNumber ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getBoardID ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . BoardNumber = smbiosDictClass . getBoardID ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getBoardVersion ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . BoardVersion = smbiosDictClass . getBoardVersion ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getLocationInChassis ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . LocationInChassis = smbiosDictClass . getLocationInChassis ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getChassisManufacturer ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . ChassisManufacturer = smbiosDictClass . getChassisManufacturer ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getChassisAssetTag ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . ChassisAssetTag = smbiosDictClass . getChassisAssetTag ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getFirmwareFeatures ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . FirmwareFeatures = smbiosDictClass . getFirmwareFeatures ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getFirmwareFeaturesMask ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . FirmwareFeaturesMask = smbiosDictClass . getFirmwareFeaturesMask ( ) . value ( ) ;
2021-09-25 13:33:16 +02:00
if ( smbiosDictClass . getExtendedFirmwareFeatures ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . ExtendedFirmwareFeatures = smbiosDictClass . getExtendedFirmwareFeatures ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask = smbiosDictClass . getExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask ( ) . value ( ) ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
if ( smbiosDictClass . getPlatformFeature ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . gPlatformFeature = smbiosDictClass . getPlatformFeature ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getBoardType ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . BoardType = smbiosDictClass . getBoardType ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getChassisType ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . ChassisType = smbiosDictClass . getChassisType ( ) . value ( ) ;
if ( smbiosDictClass . getMobile ( ) . isDefined ( ) ) gSettings . Smbios . Mobile = smbiosDictClass . getMobile ( ) . value ( ) ;
void ConfigManager : : applySettings ( ) const
// comes from GetDefaultSettings()
if ( ! configPlist . Graphics . Inject . isInjectIntelDefined ( ) )
gSettings . Graphics . InjectAsDict . InjectIntel =
( gConf . GfxPropertiesArray . size ( ) > 0 & & gConf . GfxPropertiesArray [ 0 ] . Vendor = = Intel ) | |
( gConf . GfxPropertiesArray . size ( ) > 1 & & gConf . GfxPropertiesArray [ 1 ] . Vendor = = Intel ) ;
if ( ! configPlist . Graphics . Inject . isInjectATIDefined ( ) )
gSettings . Graphics . InjectAsDict . InjectATI =
( gConf . GfxPropertiesArray . size ( ) > 0 & & gConf . GfxPropertiesArray [ 0 ] . Vendor = = Ati & & ( gConf . GfxPropertiesArray [ 0 ] . DeviceID & 0xF000 ) ! = 0x6000 ) | |
( gConf . GfxPropertiesArray . size ( ) > 1 & & gConf . GfxPropertiesArray [ 1 ] . Vendor = = Ati & & ( gConf . GfxPropertiesArray [ 1 ] . DeviceID & 0xF000 ) ! = 0x6000 ) ;
if ( ! configPlist . Graphics . Inject . isInjectNVidiaDefined ( ) )
gSettings . Graphics . InjectAsDict . InjectNVidia =
( gConf . GfxPropertiesArray . isCardAtPosNvidia ( 0 ) & & gConf . GfxPropertiesArray [ 0 ] . Family < 0xE0 ) | |
( gConf . GfxPropertiesArray . isCardAtPosNvidia ( 1 ) & & gConf . GfxPropertiesArray [ 1 ] . Family < 0xE0 ) ;
if ( configPlist . RtVariables . dgetBooterCfgStr ( ) . isEmpty ( ) )
CHAR8 * OldCfgStr = ( CHAR8 * ) GetNvramVariable ( L " bootercfg " , & gEfiAppleBootGuid , NULL , NULL ) ;
if ( OldCfgStr )
gSettings . RtVariables . BooterCfgStr . takeValueFrom ( OldCfgStr ) ;
FreePool ( OldCfgStr ) ;
// comes from GetDefaultCpuSettings(SETTINGS_DATA& gSettings)
if ( gCPUStructure . Model > = CPU_MODEL_IVY_BRIDGE )
if ( ! configPlist . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . getGeneratePStates ( ) . isDefined ( ) )
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . GeneratePStates = true ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
if ( ! configPlist . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . getGenerateCStates ( ) . isDefined ( ) )
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . GenerateCStates = true ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
// backward compatibility, APFS, APLF, PluginType follow PStates
if ( ! configPlist . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . getGenerateAPSN ( ) . isDefined ( ) )
gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . GenerateAPSN = gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . GeneratePStates ;
if ( ! configPlist . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . getGenerateAPLF ( ) . isDefined ( ) )
gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . GenerateAPLF = gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . GeneratePStates ;
if ( ! configPlist . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . getGeneratePluginType ( ) . isDefined ( ) )
gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . GeneratePluginType = gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . Generate . GeneratePStates ;
if ( ! configPlist . ACPI . SSDT . getEnableC6 ( ) . isDefined ( ) )
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . _EnableC6 = true ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
if ( ! configPlist . ACPI . SSDT . getPluginType ( ) . isDefined ( ) )
gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . PluginType = 1 ;
if ( gCPUStructure . Model = = CPU_MODEL_IVY_BRIDGE )
if ( ! configPlist . ACPI . SSDT . getMinMultiplier ( ) . isDefined ( ) )
gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . MinMultiplier = 7 ;
if ( ! configPlist . ACPI . SSDT . getC3Latency ( ) . isDefined ( ) )
gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . _C3Latency = 0x00FA ;
2021-06-24 21:52:12 +02:00
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
2021-05-04 12:03:40 +02:00
//gSettings.CPU.Turbo = gCPUStructure.Turbo;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
if ( gCPUStructure . Model > = CPU_MODEL_SKYLAKE_D )
if ( ! configPlist . CPU . getUseARTFreq ( ) . isDefined ( ) )
gSettings . CPU . UseARTFreq = true ;
if ( gSettings . Smbios . SmUUID = = nullGuidAsString )
gSettings . Smbios . SmUUID = getSmUUIDFromSmbios ( ) ;
// comes from main.cpp
DBG ( " Calibrated TSC Frequency = %llu = %lluMHz \n " , gCPUStructure . TSCCalibr , DivU64x32 ( gCPUStructure . TSCCalibr , Mega ) ) ;
if ( gCPUStructure . TSCCalibr > 200000000ULL ) { //200MHz
gCPUStructure . TSCFrequency = gCPUStructure . TSCCalibr ;
// DBG("print error level mask = %x\n", GetDebugPrintErrorLevel() );
gCPUStructure . CPUFrequency = gCPUStructure . TSCFrequency ;
gCPUStructure . FSBFrequency = DivU64x32 ( MultU64x32 ( gCPUStructure . CPUFrequency , 10 ) ,
( gCPUStructure . MaxRatio = = 0 ) ? 1 : gCPUStructure . MaxRatio ) ;
gCPUStructure . MaxSpeed = ( UINT32 ) DivU64x32 ( gCPUStructure . TSCFrequency + ( Mega > > 1 ) , Mega ) ;
switch ( gCPUStructure . Model ) {
case CPU_MODEL_ATOM : // Atom
case CPU_MODEL_DOTHAN : // Pentium M, Dothan, 90nm
case CPU_MODEL_YONAH : // Core Duo/Solo, Pentium M DC
case CPU_MODEL_MEROM : // Core Xeon, Core 2 Duo, 65nm, Mobile
//case CPU_MODEL_CONROE:// Core Xeon, Core 2 Duo, 65nm, Desktop like Merom but not mobile
case CPU_MODEL_PENRYN : // Core 2 Duo/Extreme, Xeon, 45nm , Mobile
case CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM : // Core i7 LGA1366, Xeon 5500, "Bloomfield", "Gainstown", 45nm
case CPU_MODEL_FIELDS : // Core i7, i5 LGA1156, "Clarksfield", "Lynnfield", "Jasper", 45nm
case CPU_MODEL_DALES : // Core i7, i5, Nehalem
case CPU_MODEL_CLARKDALE : // Core i7, i5, i3 LGA1156, "Westmere", "Clarkdale", , 32nm
case CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE : // Core i7 LGA1366, Six-core, "Westmere", "Gulftown", 32nm
case CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM_EX : // Core i7, Nehalem-Ex Xeon, "Beckton"
case CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE_EX : // Core i7, Nehalem-Ex Xeon, "Eagleton"
gCPUStructure . ExternalClock = ( UINT32 ) DivU64x32 ( gCPUStructure . FSBFrequency + Kilo - 1 , Kilo ) ;
//DBG(" Read TSC ExternalClock: %d MHz\n", (INT32)(DivU64x32(gCPUStructure.ExternalClock, Kilo)));
break ;
default :
//DBG(" Read TSC ExternalClock: %d MHz\n", (INT32)(DivU64x32(gCPUStructure.FSBFrequency, Mega)));
// for sandy bridge or newer
// to match ExternalClock 25 MHz like real mac, divide FSBFrequency by 4
gCPUStructure . ExternalClock = ( ( UINT32 ) DivU64x32 ( gCPUStructure . FSBFrequency + Kilo - 1 , Kilo ) + 3 ) / 4 ;
//DBG(" Corrected TSC ExternalClock: %d MHz\n", (INT32)(DivU64x32(gCPUStructure.ExternalClock, Kilo)));
break ;
if ( gSettings . CPU . QEMU ) {
// UINT64 Msrflex = 0ULL;
if ( ! gSettings . CPU . UserChange ) {
gSettings . CPU . BusSpeed = 200000 ;
gCPUStructure . MaxRatio = ( UINT32 ) DivU64x32 ( gCPUStructure . TSCCalibr , gSettings . CPU . BusSpeed * Kilo ) ;
DBG ( " Set MaxRatio for QEMU: %d \n " , gCPUStructure . MaxRatio ) ;
gCPUStructure . MaxRatio * = 10 ;
gCPUStructure . MinRatio = 60 ;
gCPUStructure . FSBFrequency = DivU64x32 ( MultU64x32 ( gCPUStructure . CPUFrequency , 10 ) ,
( gCPUStructure . MaxRatio = = 0 ) ? 1 : gCPUStructure . MaxRatio ) ;
gCPUStructure . ExternalClock = ( UINT32 ) DivU64x32 ( gCPUStructure . FSBFrequency + Kilo - 1 , Kilo ) ;
// comes from SaveSettings()
gMobile = gSettings . Smbios . Mobile ;
if ( ( gSettings . CPU . BusSpeed ! = 0 ) & & ( gSettings . CPU . BusSpeed > 10 * Kilo ) & & ( gSettings . CPU . BusSpeed < 500 * Kilo ) )
switch ( gCPUStructure . Model )
case CPU_MODEL_ATOM : // Atom
case CPU_MODEL_DOTHAN : // Pentium M, Dothan, 90nm
case CPU_MODEL_YONAH : // Core Duo/Solo, Pentium M DC
case CPU_MODEL_MEROM : // Core Xeon, Core 2 Duo, 65nm, Mobile
//case CPU_MODEL_CONROE:// Core Xeon, Core 2 Duo, 65nm, Desktop like Merom but not mobile
case CPU_MODEL_PENRYN : // Core 2 Duo/Extreme, Xeon, 45nm , Mobile
case CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM : // Core i7 LGA1366, Xeon 5500, "Bloomfield", "Gainstown", 45nm
case CPU_MODEL_FIELDS : // Core i7, i5 LGA1156, "Clarksfield", "Lynnfield", "Jasper", 45nm
case CPU_MODEL_DALES : // Core i7, i5, Nehalem
case CPU_MODEL_CLARKDALE : // Core i7, i5, i3 LGA1156, "Westmere", "Clarkdale", , 32nm
case CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE : // Core i7 LGA1366, Six-core, "Westmere", "Gulftown", 32nm
case CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM_EX : // Core i7, Nehalem-Ex Xeon, "Beckton"
case CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE_EX : // Core i7, Nehalem-Ex Xeon, "Eagleton"
gCPUStructure . ExternalClock = gSettings . CPU . BusSpeed ;
//DBG("Read ExternalClock: %d MHz\n", (INT32)(DivU64x32(gCPUStructure.ExternalClock, Kilo)));
break ;
default :
//DBG("Read ExternalClock: %d MHz\n", (INT32)(DivU64x32(gSettings.BusSpeed, Kilo)));
// for sandy bridge or newer
// to match ExternalClock 25 MHz like real mac, divide BusSpeed by 4
gCPUStructure . ExternalClock = ( gSettings . CPU . BusSpeed + 3 ) / 4 ;
//DBG("Corrected ExternalClock: %d MHz\n", (INT32)(DivU64x32(gCPUStructure.ExternalClock, Kilo)));
break ;
gCPUStructure . FSBFrequency = MultU64x64 ( gSettings . CPU . BusSpeed , Kilo ) ; //kHz -> Hz
gCPUStructure . MaxSpeed = ( UINT32 ) ( ( DivU64x32 ( ( UINT64 ) ( gSettings . CPU . BusSpeed ) * gCPUStructure . MaxRatio , 10000 ) ) ) ; //kHz->MHz
if ( ( gSettings . CPU . CpuFreqMHz > 100 ) & & ( gSettings . CPU . CpuFreqMHz < 20000 ) )
gCPUStructure . MaxSpeed = gSettings . CPU . CpuFreqMHz ;
// to determine the use of Table 132
if ( gSettings . CPU . QPI )
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
GlobalConfig . SetTable132 = true ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
//DBG("QPI: use Table 132\n");
} else
switch ( gCPUStructure . Model )
case CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM : // Core i7 LGA1366, Xeon 5500, "Bloomfield", "Gainstown", 45nm
case CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE : // Core i7 LGA1366, Six-core, "Westmere", "Gulftown", 32nm
case CPU_MODEL_NEHALEM_EX : // Core i7, Nehalem-Ex Xeon, "Beckton"
case CPU_MODEL_WESTMERE_EX : // Core i7, Nehalem-Ex Xeon, "Eagleton"
2021-09-28 10:28:45 +02:00
GlobalConfig . SetTable132 = true ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
DBG ( " QPI: use Table 132 \n " ) ;
break ;
default :
//DBG("QPI: disable Table 132\n");
break ;
gCPUStructure . CPUFrequency = MultU64x64 ( gCPUStructure . MaxSpeed , Mega ) ;
EFI_STATUS ConfigManager : : LoadConfig ( const XStringW & ConfName )
DbgHeader ( " GetUserSettings " ) ;
if ( ! selfOem . isInitialized ( ) ) {
log_technical_bug ( " %s : !selfOem.isInitialized() " , __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ) ;
EFI_STATUS Status = LoadConfigPlist ( ConfName ) ;
2021-05-19 14:11:21 +02:00
if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
DBG ( " LoadConfigPlist return %s. Config not loaded \n " , efiStrError ( Status ) ) ;
2021-07-01 17:03:15 +02:00
//return Status; // Let's try to continue with default values.
2021-05-19 14:11:21 +02:00
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
/*Status = */ LoadSMBIOSPlist ( L " smbios " _XSW ) ; // we don't need Status. If not loaded correctly, smbiosPlist is !defined and will be ignored by AssignOldNewSettings()
MACHINE_TYPES Model = iMac132 ;
2021-06-24 21:52:12 +02:00
if ( smbiosPlist . SMBIOS . isDefined ( ) & & smbiosPlist . SMBIOS . hasModel ( ) ) {
Model = smbiosPlist . SMBIOS . getModel ( ) ;
} else if ( configPlist . getSMBIOS ( ) . hasModel ( ) ) {
Model = configPlist . getSMBIOS ( ) . getModel ( ) ;
} else {
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
Model = GetDefaultModel ( ) ;
2021-07-01 17:03:15 +02:00
if ( ! EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
gSettings . takeValueFrom ( configPlist ) ; // if load failed, keep default value.
// TODO improve this (avoid to delete settings to re-import them !)
// restore default value for SMBIOS (delete values from configPlist)
SetDMISettingsForModel ( Model , & gSettings , & GlobalConfig ) ;
// import values from configPlist if they are defined
FillSmbiosWithDefaultValue ( Model , configPlist . getSMBIOS ( ) ) ;
if ( smbiosPlist . SMBIOS . isDefined ( ) ) {
// import values from smbiosPlist if they are defined
FillSmbiosWithDefaultValue ( Model , smbiosPlist . SMBIOS ) ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
applySettings ( ) ;
return Status ;
* Fill LanCardArrayNonConst with what is found through UEFI
* LanCardArrayNonConst must be empty before clling , as there is no handling of duplicates ( although it would be easy to do ! )
void ConfigManager : : GetUEFIMacAddress ( )
if ( LanCardArrayNonConst . notEmpty ( ) ) {
log_technical_bug ( " LanCardArrayNonConst.notEmpty() " ) ; // this function "could" be called if LanCardArrayNonConst is not empty, because it just add into the array. But that ends up in duplicates.
// Other possibility is to call setEmpty(), but that'll hide a technical bug.
// Locate Service Binding handles.
UINTN NumberOfHandles = 0 ;
EFI_HANDLE * HandleBuffer = NULL ;
Status = gBS - > LocateHandleBuffer (
ByProtocol ,
& gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid ,
& NumberOfHandles ,
& HandleBuffer
) ;
if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
return ;
DbgHeader ( " GetUEFIMacAddress " ) ;
for ( size_t Index = 0 ; Index < NumberOfHandles ; Index + + ) {
Status = gBS - > HandleProtocol (
HandleBuffer [ Index ] ,
& gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid ,
( void * * ) & Node
) ;
if ( EFI_ERROR ( Status ) ) {
continue ;
while ( ! IsDevicePathEnd ( DevicePath ) ) {
if ( ( DevicePathType ( DevicePath ) = = MESSAGING_DEVICE_PATH ) & &
( DevicePathSubType ( DevicePath ) = = MSG_MAC_ADDR_DP ) ) {
// Get MAC address.
MAC_ADDR_DEVICE_PATH * MacAddressNode = ( MAC_ADDR_DEVICE_PATH * ) DevicePath ;
if ( ! LanCardArrayNonConst . containsMacAddress ( & MacAddressNode - > MacAddress . Addr [ 0 ] ) ) {
LanCardClass * lanPath = new LanCardClass ;
CopyMem ( & lanPath - > MacAddress , & MacAddressNode - > MacAddress . Addr [ 0 ] , sizeof ( lanPath - > MacAddress ) ) ;
DBG ( " UEFI MAC address of %ls LAN #%zu= " , DevicePathToXStringW ( DevicePath ) . wc_str ( ) , LanCardArrayNonConst . size ( ) ) ;
for ( size_t Index2 = 0 ; Index2 < sizeof ( lanPath - > MacAddress ) ; Index2 + + ) {
DBG ( " %02hhX: " , lanPath - > MacAddress [ Index2 ] ) ;
DBG ( " \n " ) ;
LanCardArrayNonConst . AddReference ( lanPath , true ) ;
DevicePath = NextDevicePathNode ( DevicePath ) ;
if ( HandleBuffer ! = NULL ) {
FreePool ( HandleBuffer ) ;
EFI_STATUS ConfigManager : : ReLoadConfig ( const XStringW & ConfName )
/* I'm pretty sure, one day, there will be other things to do than just LoadConfig */
return LoadConfig ( ConfName ) ;
EFI_STATUS ConfigManager : : InitialisePlatform ( )
PrepatchSmbios ( & g_SmbiosDiscoveredSettings ) ;
GlobalConfig . OEMBoardFromSmbios = g_SmbiosDiscoveredSettings . OEMBoardFromSmbios ;
GlobalConfig . OEMProductFromSmbios = g_SmbiosDiscoveredSettings . OEMProductFromSmbios ;
GlobalConfig . OEMVendorFromSmbios = g_SmbiosDiscoveredSettings . OEMVendorFromSmbios ;
//replace / with _
GlobalConfig . OEMProductFromSmbios . replaceAll ( U ' / ' , U ' _ ' ) ;
GlobalConfig . OEMBoardFromSmbios . replaceAll ( U ' / ' , U ' _ ' ) ;
DBG ( " Running on: '%s' with board '%s' \n " , GlobalConfig . OEMProductFromSmbios . c_str ( ) , GlobalConfig . OEMBoardFromSmbios . c_str ( ) ) ;
gCPUStructure . ExternalClock = g_SmbiosDiscoveredSettings . ExternalClock ;
gCPUStructure . CurrentSpeed = g_SmbiosDiscoveredSettings . CurrentSpeed ;
gCPUStructure . MaxSpeed = g_SmbiosDiscoveredSettings . MaxSpeed ;
GetCPUProperties ( ) ;
DiscoverDevices ( ) ;
2021-07-01 17:16:54 +02:00
2021-06-24 21:52:12 +02:00
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
if ( g_SmbiosDiscoveredSettings . EnabledCores ) {
GlobalConfig . EnabledCores = g_SmbiosDiscoveredSettings . EnabledCores ;
} else {
GlobalConfig . EnabledCores = gCPUStructure . Cores ;
selfOem . initialize ( " config " _XS8 , gFirmwareClover , GlobalConfig . OEMBoardFromSmbios , GlobalConfig . OEMProductFromSmbios , ( INT32 ) ( DivU64x32 ( gCPUStructure . CPUFrequency , Mega ) ) , gConf . LanCardArray ) ;
Status = gConf . LoadConfig ( L " config " _XSW ) ;
2021-07-01 17:16:54 +02:00
GlobalConfig . C3Latency = gSettings . ACPI . SSDT . _C3Latency ;
GlobalConfig . KPKernelPm = gSettings . KernelAndKextPatches . _KPKernelPm ;
2021-04-28 20:30:34 +02:00
for ( size_t idx = 0 ; idx < GfxPropertiesArrayNonConst . size ( ) ; + + idx ) {
GfxPropertiesArrayNonConst [ idx ] . LoadVBios = gSettings . Graphics . LoadVBios ;
if ( gSettings . Devices . Audio . ResetHDA ) ResetHDA ( ) ;
InitializeSecureBoot ( ) ;
return Status ;
ConfigManager gConf ;