clean codes for better readability

Signed-off-by: SergeySlice <>
This commit is contained in:
SergeySlice 2023-06-11 22:08:12 +03:00
parent a1d46ccde7
commit 3238813474
6 changed files with 15 additions and 691 deletions

View File

@ -1744,14 +1744,11 @@ EFI_STATUS PatchACPI(IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume, const MacOsVersion& OSVersion)
UINT8 *buffer = NULL;
UINTN bufferLen = 0;
// constexpr LStringW PathPatched = L"\\EFI\\CL OVER\\ACPI\\patched";
// XStringW PathDsdt; // = L"\\DSDT.aml";
// CHAR16* PatchedAPIC = L"\\EFI\\CL OVER\\ACPI\\origin\\APIC-p.aml";
UINT32* rf = NULL;
UINT64* xf = NULL;
UINT64 XDsdt; //save values if present
UINT64 XFirmwareCtrl;
// EFI_FILE *RootDir;
UINT32 eCntR; //, eCntX;
UINT32 *pEntryR;
CHAR8 *pEntry;
@ -1767,7 +1764,6 @@ EFI_STATUS PatchACPI(IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume, const MacOsVersion& OSVersion)
XBool DsdtLoaded = false;
XBool NeedUpdate = false;
OPER_REGION *tmpRegion;
// XStringW AcpiOemPath = SWPrintf("%ls\\ACPI\\patched", OEMPath.wc_str());
@ -1836,9 +1832,6 @@ EFI_STATUS PatchACPI(IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume, const MacOsVersion& OSVersion)
RsdPointer = NewRsdPointer;
NeedUpdate = true;
// gBS->InstallConfigurationTable(&gEfiAcpiTableGuid, RsdPointer);
// DBG("first install success\n");
// gBS->InstallConfigurationTable(&gEfiAcpi10TableGuid, RsdPointer);
DBG("RsdPointer Acpi 2.0 installed\n");
Xsdt = (XSDT_TABLE*)(UINTN)BufferPtr;

View File

@ -64,21 +64,12 @@ INTN LayoutTextOffset = 0;
INTN LayoutButtonOffset = 0;
//SYSVARIABLES *SysVariables;
CHAR16 *IconFormat = NULL;
//GFX_PROPERTIES gGraphics[4]; //no more then 4 graphics cards
//HDA_PROPERTIES gAudios[4]; //no more then 4 Audio Controllers
//UINT16 gCPUtype;
//UINTN NGFX = 0; // number of GFX
//UINTN NHDA = 0; // number of HDA Devices
XStringWArray ThemeNameArray;
XStringWArray ConfigsList;
@ -89,14 +80,7 @@ XObjArray<HDA_OUTPUTS> AudioList;
XBool gFirmwareClover = false;
UINTN gEvent;
UINT16 gBacklightLevel;
//XBool defDSM;
//UINT16 dropDSM;
XBool ResumeFromCoreStorage = false;
//XBool gRemapSmBiosIsRequire;
// QPI
//XBool SetTable132 = false;
//EG_PIXEL SelectionBackgroundPixel = { 0xef, 0xef, 0xef, 0xff }; //define in lib.h
const INTN BCSMargin = 11;
@ -109,8 +93,6 @@ EMU_VARIABLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL *gEmuVariableControl = NULL;
// global configuration with default values
REFIT_CONFIG GlobalConfig;
CONST CHAR8* AudioOutputNames[] = {
@ -554,370 +536,6 @@ void afterGetUserSettings(SETTINGS_DATA& settingsData)
//GetDevices ()
// EFI_STATUS Status;
// UINTN HandleCount = 0;
// EFI_HANDLE *HandleArray = NULL;
// PCI_TYPE00 Pci;
// UINTN Index;
// UINTN Segment = 0;
// UINTN Bus = 0;
// UINTN Device = 0;
// UINTN Function = 0;
// UINTN i;
// UINT32 Bar0;
// // UINT8 *Mmio = NULL;
// radeon_card_info_t *info;
// SLOT_DEVICE *SlotDevice;
// NGFX = 0;
// NHDA = 0;
// AudioList.setEmpty();
// //Arpt.Valid = false; //global variables initialized by 0 - c-language
// XStringW GopDevicePathStr;
// XStringW DevicePathStr;
// DbgHeader("GetDevices");
// // Get GOP handle, in order to check to which GPU the monitor is currently connected
// Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer(ByProtocol, &gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, NULL, &HandleCount, &HandleArray);
// if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
// GopDevicePathStr = DevicePathToXStringW(DevicePathFromHandle(HandleArray[0]));
// DBG("GOP found at: %ls\n", GopDevicePathStr.wc_str());
// }
// // Scan PCI handles
// Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer (
// ByProtocol,
// &gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid,
// NULL,
// &HandleCount,
// &HandleArray
// );
// if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
// for (Index = 0; Index < HandleCount; ++Index) {
// Status = gBS->HandleProtocol(HandleArray[Index], &gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid, (void **)&PciIo);
// if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
// // Read PCI BUS
// PciIo->GetLocation (PciIo, &Segment, &Bus, &Device, &Function);
// Status = PciIo->Pci.Read (
// PciIo,
// EfiPciIoWidthUint32,
// 0,
// sizeof (Pci) / sizeof (UINT32),
// &Pci
// );
// DBG("PCI (%02llX|%02llX:%02llX.%02llX) : %04hX %04hX class=%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX\n",
// Segment,
// Bus,
// Device,
// Function,
// Pci.Hdr.VendorId,
// Pci.Hdr.DeviceId,
// Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[2],
// Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1],
// Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[0]
// );
// // GFX
// //if ((Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[2] == PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY) &&
// // (Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1] == PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY_VGA) &&
// // (NGFX < 4)) {
// if ((Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[2] == PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY) &&
// ((Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1] == (PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY_VGA)) ||
// (Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1] == (PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY_OTHER))) &&
// (NGFX < 4)) {
// CONST CHAR8 *CardFamily = "";
// UINT16 UFamily;
// GFX_PROPERTIES *gfx = &gGraphics[NGFX];
// // GOP device path should contain the device path of the GPU to which the monitor is connected
// DevicePathStr = DevicePathToXStringW(DevicePathFromHandle(HandleArray[Index]));
// if (StrStr(GopDevicePathStr.wc_str(), DevicePathStr.wc_str())) {
// DBG(" - GOP: Provided by device\n");
// if (NGFX != 0) {
// // we found GOP on a GPU scanned later, make space for this GPU at first position
// for (i=NGFX; i>0; i--) {
// CopyMem(&gGraphics[i], &gGraphics[i-1], sizeof(GFX_PROPERTIES));
// }
// ZeroMem(&gGraphics[0], sizeof(GFX_PROPERTIES));
// gfx = &gGraphics[0]; // GPU with active GOP will be added at the first position
// }
// }
// gfx->DeviceID = Pci.Hdr.DeviceId;
// gfx->Segment = Segment;
// gfx->Bus = Bus;
// gfx->Device = Device;
// gfx->Function = Function;
// gfx->Handle = HandleArray[Index];
// switch (Pci.Hdr.VendorId) {
// case 0x1002:
// info = NULL;
// gfx->Vendor = Ati;
// i = 0;
// do {
// info = &radeon_cards[i];
// if (info->device_id == Pci.Hdr.DeviceId) {
// break;
// }
// } while (radeon_cards[i++].device_id != 0);
// snprintf (gfx->Model, 64, "%s", info->model_name);
// snprintf (gfx->Config, 64, "%s", card_configs[info->cfg_name].name);
// gfx->Ports = card_configs[info->cfg_name].ports;
// DBG(" - GFX: Model=%s (ATI/AMD)\n", gfx->Model);
// //get mmio
// if (info->chip_family < CHIP_FAMILY_HAINAN) {
// gfx->Mmio = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)(Pci.Device.Bar[2] & ~0x0f);
// } else {
// gfx->Mmio = (UINT8 *)(UINTN)(Pci.Device.Bar[5] & ~0x0f);
// }
// gfx->Connectors = *(UINT32*)(gfx->Mmio + RADEON_BIOS_0_SCRATCH);
// // DBG(" - RADEON_BIOS_0_SCRATCH = 0x%08X\n", gfx->Connectors);
// gfx->ConnChanged = false;
// SlotDevice = &gSettings.Smbios.SlotDevices[0];
// SlotDevice->SegmentGroupNum = (UINT16)Segment;
// SlotDevice->BusNum = (UINT8)Bus;
// SlotDevice->DevFuncNum = (UINT8)((Device << 3) | (Function & 0x07));
// SlotDevice->Valid = true;
// SlotDevice->SlotName = "PCI Slot 0"_XS8;
// SlotDevice->SlotID = 1;
// SlotDevice->SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX16;
// break;
// case 0x8086:
// gfx->Vendor = Intel;
// snprintf (gfx->Model, 64, "%s", get_gma_model (Pci.Hdr.DeviceId));
// DBG(" - GFX: Model=%s (Intel)\n", gfx->Model);
// gfx->Ports = 1;
// gfx->Connectors = (1 << NGFX);
// gfx->ConnChanged = false;
// break;
// case 0x10de:
// gfx->Vendor = Nvidia;
// Bar0 = Pci.Device.Bar[0];
// gfx->Mmio = (UINT8*)(UINTN)(Bar0 & ~0x0f);
// //DBG("BAR: 0x%p\n", Mmio);
// // get card type
// gfx->Family = (REG32(gfx->Mmio, 0) >> 20) & 0x1ff;
// UFamily = gfx->Family & 0x1F0;
// if ((UFamily == NV_ARCH_KEPLER1) ||
// (UFamily == NV_ARCH_KEPLER2) ||
// (UFamily == NV_ARCH_KEPLER3)) {
// CardFamily = "Kepler";
// }
// else if ((UFamily == NV_ARCH_FERMI1) ||
// (UFamily == NV_ARCH_FERMI2)) {
// CardFamily = "Fermi";
// }
// else if ((UFamily == NV_ARCH_MAXWELL1) ||
// (UFamily == NV_ARCH_MAXWELL2)) {
// CardFamily = "Maxwell";
// }
// else if (UFamily == NV_ARCH_PASCAL) {
// CardFamily = "Pascal";
// }
// else if (UFamily == NV_ARCH_VOLTA) {
// CardFamily = "Volta";
// }
// else if (UFamily == NV_ARCH_TURING) {
// CardFamily = "Turing";
// }
// else if ((UFamily >= NV_ARCH_TESLA) && (UFamily < 0xB0)) { //not sure if 0xB0 is Tesla or Fermi
// CardFamily = "Tesla";
// } else {
// CardFamily = "NVidia unknown";
// }
// snprintf (
// gfx->Model,
// 64,
// "%s",
// get_nvidia_model (((Pci.Hdr.VendorId << 16) | Pci.Hdr.DeviceId),
// ((Pci.Device.SubsystemVendorID << 16) | Pci.Device.SubsystemID),
// NULL) //NULL: get from generic lists
// );
// DBG(" - GFX: Model=%s family %hX (%s)\n", gfx->Model, gfx->Family, CardFamily);
// gfx->Ports = 0;
// SlotDevice = &gSettings.Smbios.SlotDevices[1];
// SlotDevice->SegmentGroupNum = (UINT16)Segment;
// SlotDevice->BusNum = (UINT8)Bus;
// SlotDevice->DevFuncNum = (UINT8)((Device << 3) | (Function & 0x07));
// SlotDevice->Valid = true;
// SlotDevice->SlotName = "PCI Slot 0"_XS8;
// SlotDevice->SlotID = 1;
// SlotDevice->SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX16;
// break;
// default:
// gfx->Vendor = Unknown;
// snprintf (gfx->Model, 64, "pci%hx,%hx", Pci.Hdr.VendorId, Pci.Hdr.DeviceId);
// gfx->Ports = 1;
// gfx->Connectors = (1 << NGFX);
// gfx->ConnChanged = false;
// break;
// }
// NGFX++;
// } //if gfx
// else if ((Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[2] == PCI_CLASS_NETWORK) &&
// (Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1] == PCI_CLASS_NETWORK_OTHER)) {
// SlotDevice = &gSettings.Smbios.SlotDevices[6];
// SlotDevice->SegmentGroupNum = (UINT16)Segment;
// SlotDevice->BusNum = (UINT8)Bus;
// SlotDevice->DevFuncNum = (UINT8)((Device << 3) | (Function & 0x07));
// SlotDevice->Valid = true;
// SlotDevice->SlotName = "AirPort"_XS8;
// SlotDevice->SlotID = 0;
// SlotDevice->SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX1;
// DBG(" - WIFI: Vendor= ");
// switch (Pci.Hdr.VendorId) {
// case 0x11ab:
// DBG("Marvell\n");
// break;
// case 0x10ec:
// DBG("Realtek\n");
// break;
// case 0x14e4:
// DBG("Broadcom\n");
// break;
// case 0x1969:
// case 0x168C:
// DBG("Atheros\n");
// break;
// case 0x1814:
// DBG("Ralink\n");
// break;
// case 0x8086:
// DBG("Intel\n");
// break;
// default:
// DBG(" 0x%04X\n", Pci.Hdr.VendorId);
// break;
// }
// }
// else if ((Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[2] == PCI_CLASS_NETWORK) &&
// (Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1] == PCI_CLASS_NETWORK_ETHERNET)) {
// SlotDevice = &gSettings.Smbios.SlotDevices[5];
// SlotDevice->SegmentGroupNum = (UINT16)Segment;
// SlotDevice->BusNum = (UINT8)Bus;
// SlotDevice->DevFuncNum = (UINT8)((Device << 3) | (Function & 0x07));
// SlotDevice->Valid = true;
// SlotDevice->SlotName = "Ethernet"_XS8;
// SlotDevice->SlotID = 2;
// SlotDevice->SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX1;
// gLanVendor[nLanCards] = Pci.Hdr.VendorId;
// Bar0 = Pci.Device.Bar[0];
// gLanMmio[nLanCards++] = (UINT8*)(UINTN)(Bar0 & ~0x0f);
// if (nLanCards >= 4) {
// DBG(" - [!] too many LAN card in the system (upto 4 limit exceeded), overriding the last one\n");
// nLanCards = 3; // last one will be rewritten
// }
// DBG(" - LAN: %llu Vendor=", nLanCards-1);
// switch (Pci.Hdr.VendorId) {
// case 0x11ab:
// DBG("Marvell\n");
// break;
// case 0x10ec:
// DBG("Realtek\n");
// break;
// case 0x14e4:
// DBG("Broadcom\n");
// break;
// case 0x1969:
// case 0x168C:
// DBG("Atheros\n");
// break;
// case 0x8086:
// DBG("Intel\n");
// break;
// case 0x10de:
// DBG("Nforce\n");
// break;
// default:
// DBG("Unknown\n");
// break;
// }
// }
// else if ((Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[2] == PCI_CLASS_SERIAL) &&
// (Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1] == PCI_CLASS_SERIAL_FIREWIRE)) {
// SlotDevice = &gSettings.Smbios.SlotDevices[12];
// SlotDevice->SegmentGroupNum = (UINT16)Segment;
// SlotDevice->BusNum = (UINT8)Bus;
// SlotDevice->DevFuncNum = (UINT8)((Device << 3) | (Function & 0x07));
// SlotDevice->Valid = true;
// SlotDevice->SlotName = "FireWire"_XS8;
// SlotDevice->SlotID = 3;
// SlotDevice->SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX4;
// }
// else if ((Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[2] == PCI_CLASS_MEDIA) &&
// ((Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1] == PCI_CLASS_MEDIA_HDA) ||
// (Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1] == PCI_CLASS_MEDIA_AUDIO)) &&
// (NHDA < 4)) {
// HDA_PROPERTIES *hda = &gAudios[NHDA];
// // Populate Controllers IDs
// hda->controller_vendor_id = Pci.Hdr.VendorId;
// hda->controller_device_id = Pci.Hdr.DeviceId;
// // HDA Controller Info
// HdaControllerGetName(((hda->controller_device_id << 16) | hda->controller_vendor_id), &hda->controller_name);
// if (IsHDMIAudio(HandleArray[Index])) {
// DBG(" - HDMI Audio: \n");
// SlotDevice = &gSettings.Smbios.SlotDevices[4];
// SlotDevice->SegmentGroupNum = (UINT16)Segment;
// SlotDevice->BusNum = (UINT8)Bus;
// SlotDevice->DevFuncNum = (UINT8)((Device << 3) | (Function & 0x07));
// SlotDevice->Valid = true;
// SlotDevice->SlotName = "HDMI port"_XS8;
// SlotDevice->SlotID = 5;
// SlotDevice->SlotType = SlotTypePciExpressX4;
// }
// if (gSettings.Devices.Audio.ResetHDA) {
// //Slice method from VoodooHDA
// UINT8 Value = 0;
// Status = PciIo->Pci.Read (PciIo, EfiPciIoWidthUint8, 0x44, 1, &Value);
// if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
// continue;
// }
// Value &= 0xf8;
// PciIo->Pci.Write (PciIo, EfiPciIoWidthUint8, 0x44, 1, &Value);
// //ResetControllerHDA();
// }
// NHDA++;
// } // if Audio device
// }
// }
// }
SetDevices (LOADER_ENTRY *Entry)
@ -1017,12 +635,9 @@ SetDevices (LOADER_ENTRY *Entry)
PCIdevice.subsys_id_union.subsys.device_id = Pci.Device.SubsystemID;
PCIdevice.used = false;
//if (gSettings.Devices.AddPropertyArray.size() == 0xFFFE) { //yyyy it means Arbitrary // Looks like NrAddProperties == 0xFFFE is not used anymore
device = NULL;
/* if (!string) {
string = devprop_create_string();
} */
for ( size_t idx = 0 ; idx < gSettings.Devices.ArbitraryArray.size() ; ++idx ) {
const SETTINGS_DATA::DevicesClass::ArbitraryPropertyClass& Prop = gSettings.Devices.ArbitraryArray[idx];
if (Prop.Device != {
@ -1048,16 +663,14 @@ SetDevices (LOADER_ENTRY *Entry)
if (PCIdevice.used) {
DBG("custom properties for device %02llX:%02llX.%02llX injected\n", Bus, Device, Function);
// GFX
if (/* gSettings.GraphicsInjector && */
if (
(Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[2] == PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY) &&
((Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1] == PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY_VGA) ||
(Pci.Hdr.ClassCode[1] == PCI_CLASS_DISPLAY_OTHER))) {
//gGraphics.DeviceID = Pci.Hdr.DeviceId;
switch (Pci.Hdr.VendorId) {
case 0x1002:
@ -1888,211 +1501,15 @@ XStringW GetOtherKextsDir (XBool On)
// Jief 2020-10: this is only called by SetFSInjection(). SetFSInjection() doesn't check for return value emptiness.
XStringW GetOSVersionKextsDir(const MacOsVersion& OSVersion)
// XString8 FixedVersion;
// CHAR8 *DotPtr;
if ( !selfOem.isKextsDirFound() ) return NullXStringW;
// if (OSVersion.notEmpty()) {
// FixedVersion.strncpy(OSVersion.c_str(), 5);
// // DBG("%s\n", FixedVersion);
// // OSVersion may contain minor version too (can be 10.x or 10.x.y)
// if ((DotPtr = AsciiStrStr (FixedVersion.c_str(), ".")) != NULL) {
// DotPtr = AsciiStrStr (DotPtr+1, "."); // second dot
// }
// if (DotPtr != NULL) {
// *DotPtr = 0;
// }
// }
//MsgLog ("OS=%ls\n", OSTypeStr);
// find source injection folder with kexts
// note: we are just checking for existance of particular folder, not checking if it is empty or not
// check OEM subfolders: version specific or default to Other
// Jief : NOTE selfOem.getKextsFullPath() return a path under OEM if exists, or in Clover if not.
XStringW SrcDir = SWPrintf("%ls\\%s", selfOem.getKextsFullPath().wc_str(), OSVersion.asString(2).c_str());
if (FileExists (&self.getSelfVolumeRootDir(), SrcDir)) return SrcDir;
return NullXStringW;
//InjectKextsFromDir (
// EFI_STATUS Status,
// CONST CHAR16 *SrcDir
// )
// if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
// MsgLog (" - ERROR: Kext injection failed!\n");
// return EFI_NOT_STARTED;
// }
// return Status;
// Do we need that with OC ? For old version ?
// EFI_STATUS Status;
// XStringW SrcDir;
// //XBool InjectionNeeded = false;
// //XBool BlockCaches = false;
// FSI_STRING_LIST *Blacklist = 0;
// FSI_STRING_LIST *ForceLoadKexts = NULL;
// MsgLog ("Beginning FSInjection\n");
// Status = gBS->LocateProtocol(gFSInjectProtocolGuid, NULL, (void **)&FSInject);
// if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
// //Print (L"- No FSINJECTION_PROTOCOL, Status = %s\n", efiStrError(Status));
// MsgLog (" - ERROR: gFSInjectProtocolGuid not found!\n");
// return EFI_NOT_STARTED;
// }
// // check if blocking of caches is needed
// if ( OSFLAG_ISSET(Flags, OSFLAG_NOCACHES) || LoadOptions.contains("-f") ) {
// MsgLog ("Blocking kext caches\n");
// // BlockCaches = true;
// // add caches to blacklist
// Blacklist = FSInject->CreateStringList();
// if (Blacklist == NULL) {
// MsgLog (" - ERROR: Not enough memory!\n");
// return EFI_NOT_STARTED;
// }
// /*
// From 10.7 to 10.9, status of directly restoring ESD files or update from Appstore cannot block kernel cache. because there are boot.efi and kernelcache file without kernel file.
// After macOS installed, boot.efi can call kernel file from S/L/Kernels.
// For this reason, long time ago, chameleon's user restored Base System.dmg to made USB installer and added kernel file in root and custom kexts in S/L/E. then used "-f" option.
// From 10.10+, boot.efi call only prelinkedkernel file without kernel file. we can never block only kernelcache.
// The use of these block caches is meaningless in modern macOS. Unlike the old days, we do not have to do the tedious task of putting the files needed for booting into the S/L/E.
// Caution! Do not add this list. If add this list, will see "Kernel cache load error (0xe)". This is just a guideline.
// by Sherlocks, 2017.11
// */
// // Installed/createinstallmedia
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\System\\Library\\PrelinkedKernels\\prelinkedkernel"); // 10.10+/10.13.4+
// // Recovery
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\\\kernelcache"); // 10.7 - 10.10
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\\\prelinkedkernel"); // 10.11+
// // BaseSytem/InstallESD
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\kernelcache"); // 10.7 - 10.9/(10.7/10.8)
// // 1st stage - createinstallmedia
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\.IABootFiles\\kernelcache"); // 10.9/10.10
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\.IABootFiles\\prelinkedkernel"); // 10.11 - 10.13.3
// // 2nd stage - InstallESD/AppStore/startosinstall
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\Mac OS X Install Data\\kernelcache"); // 10.7
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\OS X Install Data\\kernelcache"); // 10.8 - 10.10
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\OS X Install Data\\prelinkedkernel"); // 10.11
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\macOS Install Data\\prelinkedkernel"); // 10.12 - 10.12.3
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\macOS Install Data\\Locked Files\\Boot Files\\prelinkedkernel");// 10.12.4+
// // 2nd stage - Fusion Drive
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\\\System\\Library\\PrelinkedKernels\\prelinkedkernel"); // 10.11
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\\\System\\Library\\PrelinkedKernels\\prelinkedkernel"); // 10.11
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\\\System\\Library\\PrelinkedKernels\\prelinkedkernel"); // 10.11
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\\\prelinkedkernel"); // 10.12+
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\\\prelinkedkernel"); // 10.12+
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\\\prelinkedkernel"); // 10.12+
// // NetInstall
// //FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\NetInstall macOS High Sierra.nbi\\i386\\x86_64\\kernelcache");
// // Block Caches list
// // InstallDVD/Installed
// FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\System\\Library\\Caches\\\\Startup\\Extensions.mkext"); // 10.6
// FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\System\\Library\\Extensions.mkext"); // 10.6
// FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, L"\\System\\Library\\Caches\\\\Startup\\kernelcache"); // 10.6/10.6 - 10.9
// if (gSettings.BlockKexts.notEmpty()) {
// FSInject->AddStringToList(Blacklist, SWPrintf("\\System\\Library\\Extensions\\%ls", gSettings.BlockKexts.wc_str()).wc_str());
// }
// }
// // check if kext injection is needed
// // (will be done only if caches are blocked or if boot.efi refuses to load kernelcache)
// //SrcDir = NULL;
// SrcDir = GetOtherKextsDir(true);
// Status = FSInject->Install(
// Volume->DeviceHandle,
// L"\\System\\Library\\Extensions",
// SelfVolume->DeviceHandle,
// //GetOtherKextsDir (),
// SrcDir.wc_str(),
// Blacklist,
// ForceLoadKexts
// );
// //InjectKextsFromDir(Status, GetOtherKextsDir());
// InjectKextsFromDir(Status, SrcDir.wc_str());
// SrcDir = GetOSVersionKextsDir(macOSVersion);
// Status = FSInject->Install(
// Volume->DeviceHandle,
// L"\\System\\Library\\Extensions",
// SelfVolume->DeviceHandle,
// //GetOSVersionKextsDir(OSVersion),
// SrcDir.wc_str(),
// Blacklist,
// ForceLoadKexts
// );
// //InjectKextsFromDir(Status, GetOSVersionKextsDir(OSVersion));
// InjectKextsFromDir(Status, SrcDir.wc_str());
// } else {
// MsgLog("skipping kext injection (not requested)\n");
// }
// // prepare list of kext that will be forced to load
// ForceLoadKexts = FSInject->CreateStringList();
// if (ForceLoadKexts == NULL) {
// MsgLog(" - Error: not enough memory!\n");
// return EFI_NOT_STARTED;
// }
// KextPatcherRegisterKexts(FSInject, ForceLoadKexts);
// // reinit Volume->RootDir? it seems it's not needed.
// return Status;
if ( SystemParameters.CustomUuid.notNull() ) return SystemParameters.CustomUuid;
return Smbios.SmUUID;
//const XString8& SETTINGS_DATA::getUUID(EFI_GUID *uuid)
// if ( SystemParameters.CustomUuid.notEmpty() ) {
// if ( uuid ) {
// EFI_STATUS Status = StrToGuidBE(SystemParameters.CustomUuid, uuid);
// if ( EFI_ERROR(Status) ) {
// log_technical_bug("CustomUuid(%s) is not valid", SystemParameters.CustomUuid.c_str()); // it's a technical bug. Validity is checked when imported from settings, so that must never happen.
// *uuid = EFI_GUID();
// return nullGuidAsString;
// }
// }
// return SystemParameters.CustomUuid;
// }
// if ( uuid ) {
// EFI_STATUS Status = StrToGuidBE(Smbios.SmUUID, uuid);
// if ( EFI_ERROR(Status) ) {
// log_technical_bug("SmUUID(%s) is not valid", Smbios.SmUUID.c_str()); // same as before
// *uuid = EFI_GUID();
// return nullGuidAsString;
// }
// }
// return Smbios.SmUUID;

View File

@ -23,19 +23,9 @@
#define CLOVER_SIGN SIGNATURE_32('C','l','v','r')
//// SysVariables
// CHAR16 *Key;
// INPUT_ITEM MenuItem;
extern CONST CHAR8 *AudioOutputNames[];
extern XBool gFirmwareClover;
@ -100,10 +90,6 @@ public:
if ( !(Name == other.Name) ) return false;
return true;
// void takeValueFrom(const ACPI_NAME& other)
// {
// Name = other.Name;
// }
XString8Array getSplittedName() const {
XString8Array splittedName = Split<XString8Array>(Name, ".");
@ -668,18 +654,7 @@ public:
XBool isEqual(const PatchVBiosBytesNewClass& other) const
return XObjArray<VBIOS_PATCH>::isEqual(other);
// if ( VBIOS_PATCH_BYTES_array.size() != other.VBIOS_PATCH_BYTES_array.size() ) return false;
// for ( size_t idx = 0 ; idx < VBIOS_PATCH_BYTES_array.size() ; ++idx ) {
// if ( VBIOS_PATCH_BYTES_array[idx].NumberOfBytes != other[idx].Find.size() ) return false;
// if ( memcmp(VBIOS_PATCH_BYTES_array[idx].Find, other.VBIOS_PATCH_BYTES_array[idx].Find, VBIOS_PATCH_BYTES_array[idx].NumberOfBytes) != 0 ) return false;
// if ( memcmp(VBIOS_PATCH_BYTES_array[idx].Replace, other.VBIOS_PATCH_BYTES_array[idx].Replace, VBIOS_PATCH_BYTES_array[idx].NumberOfBytes) != 0 ) return false;
// }
// return true;
// void takeValueFrom(const PatchVBiosBytesNewClass& other)
// {
// }

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include <Protocol/GraphicsOutput.h>
#include "../../Platform/cpu.h"
//#include "../../Platform/nvidia.h"
extern UINT8 default_NVCAP[]; // dependecy problem. TODO
extern const UINT8 default_dcfg_0[];
extern const UINT8 default_dcfg_1[];

View File

@ -1495,7 +1495,6 @@ void LOADER_ENTRY::StartLoader()
gSettings.RtVariables.CsrActiveConfig = (UINT32)0xBEF;
gSettings.RtVariables.BooterConfig = 0x28;
// ReadSIPCfg();
@ -1520,11 +1519,6 @@ void LOADER_ENTRY::StartLoader()
// //we are booting OSX - restore emulation if it's not installed before g boot.efi
// if (gEmuVariableControl != NULL) {
// gEmuVariableControl->InstallEmulation(gEmuVariableControl);
// }
// first patchACPI and find PCIROOT and RTC
// but before ACPI patch we need smbios patch

View File

@ -37,10 +37,8 @@
#include "menu.h"
#include <Platform.h> // Only use angled for Platform, else, xcode project won't compile
#include "../libeg/libegint.h"
//#include "../include/scroll_images.h"
#include "../Platform/Settings.h"
//#include "colors.h"
#include "../libeg/nanosvg.h"
#include "../libeg/FloatLib.h"
@ -83,40 +81,11 @@
INTN LayoutMainMenuHeight = 376;
INTN LayoutAnimMoveForMenuX = 0;
//#define SCROLL_LINE_UP (0)
//#define SCROLL_LINE_DOWN (1)
//#define SCROLL_PAGE_UP (2)
//#define SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN (3)
//#define SCROLL_FIRST (4)
//#define SCROLL_LAST (5)
//#define SCROLL_NONE (6)
//#define SCROLL_SCROLL_DOWN (7)
//#define SCROLL_SCROLL_UP (8)
#define TEXT_CORNER_HELP (2)
//#define TITLE_MAX_LEN (SVALUE_MAX_SIZE / sizeof(CHAR16) + 128)
//// other menu definitions
//#define MENU_FUNCTION_INIT (0)
//static CHAR16 ArrowUp[2] = { ARROW_UP, 0 };
//static CHAR16 ArrowDown[2] = { ARROW_DOWN, 0 };
//XBool MainAnime = false;
REFIT_MENU_ITEM_OPTIONS MenuEntryOptions (L"Options"_XSW, 1, 0, 'O', ActionEnter);
REFIT_MENU_ITEM_ABOUT MenuEntryAbout (L"About Clover"_XSW, 1, 0, 'A', ActionEnter);
REFIT_MENU_ITEM_RESET MenuEntryReset (L"Restart Computer"_XSW, 1, 0, 'R', ActionSelect);
@ -136,14 +105,12 @@ void FillInputs(XBool New)
UINTN i,j; //for loops
CHAR8 tmp[41];
// XBool bit;
tmp[40] = 0; //make it null-terminated
UINTN InputItemsCount = 0;
if (New) {
// InputItems = (__typeof__(InputItems))A_llocateZeroPool(130 * sizeof(INPUT_ITEM)); //XXX
InputItems = new INPUT_ITEM[132];
InputItems = new INPUT_ITEM[135];
InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //0
@ -216,15 +183,11 @@ void FillInputs(XBool New)
snprintf((CHAR8*)&tmp[2*j], 3, "%02hhX", gSettings.Graphics.Dcfg[j]);
InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue.SWPrintf("%s", tmp);
//InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue = P__oolPrint(L"%08x",*(UINT64*)&gSettings.Graphics.Dcfg[0]);
} else /*if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Intel) */ {
InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //21+i*6
InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.Graphics.InjectAsDict.InjectIntel;
InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //22+6i
InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue.SWPrintf("0x%08X", GlobalConfig.IgPlatform);
// InputItemsCount += 3;
// continue;
InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //23+6i
@ -471,7 +434,6 @@ void FillInputs(XBool New)
InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue.SWPrintf("%08d", gSettings.Quirks.OcBooterQuirks.TscSyncTimeout);
//menu for drop table
if (GlobalConfig.ACPIDropTables) {
ACPI_DROP_TABLE *DropTable = GlobalConfig.ACPIDropTables;
@ -729,8 +691,6 @@ void ApplyInputs(void)
i++; //61
if (InputItems[i].Valid) {
gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPDELLSMBIOS = InputItems[i].BValue != 0;
// // yes, we do need to change gRemapSmBiosIsRequire here as well
// gRemapSmBiosIsRequire = InputItems[i].BValue;
GlobalConfig.gBootChanged = true;
i++; //62
@ -874,16 +834,10 @@ void ApplyInputs(void)
i++; //90
if (InputItems[i].Valid) {
// TagDict* dict;
/*Status = */gConf.ReLoadConfig(XStringW(ConfigsList[OldChosenConfig])/*, &dict*/); // TODO: make a ReloadConfig, because in case of a reload, there are probably slightly different things to do.
// if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
GlobalConfig.gBootChanged = true;
GlobalConfig.gThemeChanged = true;
// Status = GetUserSettings(dict, gSettings);
// if (gConfigDict[2]) gConfigDict[2]->FreeTag();
// gConfigDict[2] = dict;
// GlobalConfig.ConfigName.takeValueFrom(ConfigsList[OldChosenConfig]);
// }
// TODO: make a ReloadConfig, because in case of a reload, there are probably slightly different things to do.
GlobalConfig.gBootChanged = true;
GlobalConfig.gThemeChanged = true;
NeedSave = false;
@ -1155,10 +1109,7 @@ void AboutRefit(void)
AboutMenu.TitleImage = ThemeX.GetIcon(BUILTIN_ICON_FUNC_ABOUT);
// else {
// AboutMenu.TitleImage.setEmpty(); //done in the constructor
// }
// AboutMenu.AddMenuInfo_f(("Clover Version 5.0"));
if ( "unknown"_XS8 != LString8(gRevisionStr) ) AboutMenu.AddMenuInfo_f("%s", gRevisionStr);
if ( "unknown"_XS8 != LString8(gFirmwareBuildDate) ) AboutMenu.AddMenuInfo_f(" Build: %s", gFirmwareBuildDate);
if ( "unknown"_XS8 != gBuildId ) AboutMenu.AddMenuInfo_f(" Build id: %s", gBuildId.c_str());
@ -1845,7 +1796,6 @@ REFIT_ABSTRACT_MENU_ENTRY* SubMenuKextBlockInjection(const XString8& UniSysVer)
SIDELOAD_KEXT& plugInKext = Kext.PlugInList[idxPlugin];
InputBootArgs = new REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG;
InputBootArgs->Title.SWPrintf(" |-- %ls, v.%ls", plugInKext.FileName.wc_str(), plugInKext.Version.wc_str());
// InputBootArgs->Tag = TAG_INPUT;
InputBootArgs->Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor
InputBootArgs->Item = &(plugInKext.MenuItem);
InputBootArgs->AtClick = ActionEnter;
@ -1938,7 +1888,6 @@ REFIT_ABSTRACT_MENU_ENTRY* SubMenuKernelPatches()
for (size_t Index = 0; Index < gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KernelPatches.size(); Index++) {
InputBootArgs = new REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG;
InputBootArgs->Title.SWPrintf("%90s", gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KernelPatches[Index].Label.c_str());
// InputBootArgs->Tag = TAG_INPUT;
InputBootArgs->Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor
InputBootArgs->Item = &(gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KernelPatches[Index].MenuItem);
InputBootArgs->AtClick = ActionEnter;
@ -1961,7 +1910,6 @@ REFIT_ABSTRACT_MENU_ENTRY* SubMenuBootPatches()
for (size_t Index = 0; Index < gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.BootPatches.size(); Index++) {
InputBootArgs = new REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG;
InputBootArgs->Title.SWPrintf("%90s", gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.BootPatches[Index].Label.c_str());
// InputBootArgs->Tag = TAG_INPUT;
InputBootArgs->Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor
InputBootArgs->Item = &(gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.BootPatches[Index].MenuItem);
InputBootArgs->AtClick = ActionEnter;
@ -1995,7 +1943,7 @@ REFIT_ABSTRACT_MENU_ENTRY* SubMenuBinaries()
SubScreen->AddMenuItemInput(46, "AppleIntelCPUPM Patch", false);
SubScreen->AddMenuItemInput(47, "AppleRTC Patch", false);
SubScreen->AddMenuItemInput(45, "No 8 Apples Patch", false);
// SubScreen->AddMenuItemInput(45, "No 8 Apples Patch", false);
SubScreen->AddMenuItemInput(61, "Dell SMBIOS Patch", false);
// SubScreen->AddMenuItemInput(115, "No Caches", false);
// SubScreen->AddMenuItemInput(44, "Kext patching allowed", false);
@ -2025,10 +1973,7 @@ REFIT_ABSTRACT_MENU_ENTRY* SubMenuDropTables()
while (DropTable) {
CopyMem((CHAR8*)&sign, (CHAR8*)&(DropTable->Signature), 4);
CopyMem((CHAR8*)&OTID, (CHAR8*)&(DropTable->TableId), 8);
//MsgLog("adding to menu %s (%X) %s (%lx) L=%d(0x%X)\n",
// sign, DropTable->Signature,
// OTID, DropTable->TableId,
// DropTable->Length, DropTable->Length);
InputBootArgs = new REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG;
InputBootArgs->Title.SWPrintf("Drop \"%4.4s\" \"%8.8s\" %d", sign, OTID, DropTable->Length);
InputBootArgs->Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor