Fix Disabled property in Smbios/Block config.
Move flagstate in GlobalConfig.
Remove gSettings.Smbios.REV, ECPI, RBr and RPlt.
Create getRBr() and getRPlt().
Operator == and isEqual in XArray, XObjArray, SETTINGS_DATA.
Rename equal to isEqual in XString and XStringArray.
Operator == in INPUT_ITEM, undefinable, ABSTRACT_PATCH (and derived) and
Clean b64cdecode.h.
Create GetChassisTypeFromModel() and GetFwFeaturesMaskFromModel().
Ignore first '\' in ForceKextsToLoad.
XString : Add a parameter to wc_str to access address of nth chars.
XString : Add endWithOrEqualToIC.
Create ConstXStringArray.
Renamed ForceKexts to ForceKextsToLoad.
Create a copy KPKernelPm, KPAppleIntelCPUPM as they can be modified by
Delete gRemapSmBiosIsRequire, duplicate of Patches->KPDELLSMBIOS
Slight refactor of hex2bin and XMLDecode.
Memory leak in XBuffer.stealValueFrom().
Create XString.strsicat() and stealValueFrom with a size parameter.