Introduce class apd (automatic pointer destruction)
Introduce MemoryTracker
Weak symbols in MemoryAllocationLib to be able to redefine them (see
Embed LegacyOS instead of a pointer.
Fixed a lot of memory leaks.
defaultMacModel member that has to be assigned before).
Move BiosVersion, BiosReleaseDate and EfiVersion checks in
SmbiosDictClass. Create warnings for incorrect values.
Rename MaxMachineType to MaxMacModel.
Remove GlobalConfig->BiosVersionUsed, ReleaseDateUsed and
Bug was : xmlKey() wrongly return by value. Returning xmlKey().value()
by reference = returning a local object by reference. value() was
destroyed and referenced memory become garbage.
Light refactor of PauseForKey.
gSettings.CPU.SavingMode is ConfigManager.
PlatformPosix : do not redefine abort(), use abort() instead of
Format debug.log file name.
Use malloc/free instead of AllocateZeroPool/FreePool for validator
Use strlen instead of AsciiStrLen for validator compatibility.
getRBr() and getRPlt() : make them independent from global var.
Fix wrong line number in XmlLiteParser.
Fix Disabled property in Smbios/Block config.
Move flagstate in GlobalConfig.
Remove gSettings.Smbios.REV, ECPI, RBr and RPlt.
Create getRBr() and getRPlt().
Operator == and isEqual in XArray, XObjArray, SETTINGS_DATA.
Rename equal to isEqual in XString and XStringArray.
Operator == in INPUT_ITEM, undefinable, ABSTRACT_PATCH (and derived) and
Clean b64cdecode.h.
Fix bad "dead installer" detection.
Exclude a DisableDriversArray string if it's empty.
Rename back PatchVBiosBytesNew to PatchVBiosBytes.
Rename ConfigPlist to ConfigPlistClass.
Minor other renames to clean settings.h.