Fix Disabled property in Smbios/Block config.
Move flagstate in GlobalConfig.
Remove gSettings.Smbios.REV, ECPI, RBr and RPlt.
Create getRBr() and getRPlt().
Operator == and isEqual in XArray, XObjArray, SETTINGS_DATA.
Rename equal to isEqual in XString and XStringArray.
Operator == in INPUT_ITEM, undefinable, ABSTRACT_PATCH (and derived) and
Clean b64cdecode.h.
Create GetChassisTypeFromModel() and GetFwFeaturesMaskFromModel().
Ignore first '\' in ForceKextsToLoad.
XString : Add a parameter to wc_str to access address of nth chars.
XString : Add endWithOrEqualToIC.
Create ConstXStringArray.
hex2bin returns the length when passing NULL for out parameter instead
of 0.
Buildid in OEMString for my own build.
Create TagTypes.h.
Rename AddProperties to AddPropertiesArray.
devprop_generate_string now returns a XString8.
Add cpy method in XBuffer.
Add strsicpy in XString.
Renamed ForceKexts to ForceKextsToLoad.
Create a copy KPKernelPm, KPAppleIntelCPUPM as they can be modified by
Delete gRemapSmBiosIsRequire, duplicate of Patches->KPDELLSMBIOS
Slight refactor of hex2bin and XMLDecode.
Memory leak in XBuffer.stealValueFrom().
Create XString.strsicat() and stealValueFrom with a size parameter.
Fixed some icons ordering in main menu.
Fixed macOs version detection for custom entries.
Fixed main Big Sur partition appearing in menu.
Refactor IsValidGuidAsciiString.
Rename strerror to efiStrError because of conflict when run cpp_tests on
Switch base64_decode_block to long to avoid warning and cast.
Correct GetTableType4(). Size was used without being initialized.
ReleaseDate wrongly had a \n at the end.
Bug in utf8_stringnn_from_utf16_string.
XString replaceAll(XString,XString) function.