hex2bin returns the length when passing NULL for out parameter instead
of 0.
Buildid in OEMString for my own build.
Create TagTypes.h.
Rename AddProperties to AddPropertiesArray.
devprop_generate_string now returns a XString8.
Add cpy method in XBuffer.
Add strsicpy in XString.
Renamed ForceKexts to ForceKextsToLoad.
Create a copy KPKernelPm, KPAppleIntelCPUPM as they can be modified by
Delete gRemapSmBiosIsRequire, duplicate of Patches->KPDELLSMBIOS
Slight refactor of hex2bin and XMLDecode.
Memory leak in XBuffer.stealValueFrom().
Create XString.strsicat() and stealValueFrom with a size parameter.