#!/bin/bash # Created by vector sigma on 04/11/2019. # Copyright © 2019 CloverHackyColor. All rights reserved. logPath="/tmp/cltmplog" exec > >(tee -a $logPath) 2>&1 cd /tmp boot1install="/tmp/boot1-install" # must be there # arguments disk="${1}" # disk0s1 filesystem="${2}" # fat32, hfs, exfat partition_scheme="${3}" # FDisk_partition_scheme, GUID_partition_scheme boot0="/tmp/${4}" # /tmp/boot0af, /tmp/boot0ss boot1="/tmp/${5}" # /tmp/boot1h, /tmp/boot1f32, /tmp/boot1x etc. ESP="${6}" # ESP, OTHER bootdev="/dev/${disk}" bootrdev=${bootdev/disk/rdisk} bootdisk="${bootdev%s*}" bootrdisk="${bootdisk/disk/rdisk}" bootslice="${bootdev#*disk*s}" keepmounted=0 journaled=0 saveLog() { /usr/sbin/diskutil mount "$bootdev" > /dev/null 2>&1 local mp=$(LC_ALL=C /sbin/mount | egrep "^$bootdev on" | sed 's/^.* on *//;s/ ([^(]*//') if [[ -n "$mp" ]]; then if [[ -d "${mp}"/EFI/CLOVER ]] && [[ -f "${logPath}" ]]; then cat "${logPath}" > "${mp}"/EFI/CLOVER/Clover.app_install.log chmod 777 "${mp}"/EFI/CLOVER/Clover.app_install.log fi fi } echo echo "Installing boot sectors (version of Wed 13 May 2020, 15:49)" echo echo "disk: ${disk}" echo "bootdev: ${bootdev}" echo "bootrdev: ${bootrdev}" echo "bootdisk: ${bootdisk}" echo "bootrdisk: ${bootrdisk}" echo "bootslice: ${bootslice}" echo "filesystem: ${filesystem}" echo "partition_scheme: ${partition_scheme}" echo if [[ "$disk" != disk*s* ]]; then echo "Error: target disk not specified or not in the correct format as diskXsY." exit 1 fi if [ "${partition_scheme}" != FDisk_partition_scheme ] && \ [ "${partition_scheme}" != GUID_partition_scheme ]; then echo "Error: unsupported Partition Scheme Map \"${partition_scheme}\"." saveLog && exit 1 fi if [ "${filesystem}" != fat32 ] && \ [ "${filesystem}" != exfat ] && \ [ "${filesystem}" != hfs ]; then echo "Error: unsupported filesystem \"${filesystem}\"" saveLog && exit 1 fi if [[ ! -f "${boot0}" ]]; then echo "Error: cannot found /tmp/boot0[af-ss] sector." saveLog && exit 1 fi if [[ ! -f "${boot1}" ]]; then echo "Error: cannot found /tmp/boot1[1f32-h-x] sector." saveLog && exit 1 fi if [[ ! -f "${boot1install}" ]]; then echo "Error: cannot found /tmp/boot1-install." saveLog && exit 1 fi # chmod +x "${boot1install}" rootdisk=$(LC_ALL=C /usr/sbin/diskutil info / | grep -i 'device identifier:' | awk '{print $NF}') if [[ "${rootdisk}" == "${disk}" ]]; then keepmounted=1 fi echo # hfs can cause a panic writing boot sectors if journaled # panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7fa32683ad): "jnl: end_tr: !!!DANGER!!! bp 0xffffff8134a09650 flags (0x101) not LOCKED & DELWRI\n"@/ # code: # panic("jnl: end_tr: !!!DANGER!!! bp %p flags (0x%x) not LOCKED & DELWRI\n", bp, buf_flags(bp)); # fix? disable the journal (will be reactivated later) if [[ $(LC_ALL=C /usr/sbin/diskutil info "${disk}" | grep -i 'file system personality:') == *ournaled* ]]; then /usr/sbin/diskutil disableJournal "${disk}" journaled=1 fi # Try to unmount the partition first mnt_pt=$(LC_ALL=C /sbin/mount | egrep "^$bootdev on" | sed 's/^.* on *//;s/ ([^(]*//') if [[ $keepmounted -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ -n "$mnt_pt" ]]; then # Try to umount the partition with umount /sbin/umount $bootdev 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then # If it doesn't work try with diskutil /usr/sbin/diskutil unmount $bootdev 2>/dev/null [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && mnt_pt='' fi fi fi ### Stage 0 ### echo echo "Stage 0 - Writing ${boot0} to ${bootrdisk}" echo "Executing: dd if=${bootrdisk} count=1 bs=512 of=/tmp/CloverOrigMBR" /bin/dd if="${bootrdisk}" count=1 bs=512 of=/tmp/CloverOrigMBR echo "Executing: cp /tmp/CloverOrigMBR /tmp/CloverNewMBR" /bin/cp -R /tmp/CloverOrigMBR /tmp/CloverNewMBR echo "Executing: dd if=${boot0} of=/tmp/CloverNewMBR bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc" /bin/dd if="${boot0}" of=/tmp/CloverNewMBR bs=440 count=1 conv=notrunc echo "Executing: fdisk -f /tmp/CloverNewMBR -u -y ${bootrdisk}" /usr/sbin/fdisk -f /tmp/CloverNewMBR -u -y "${bootrdisk}" ### Stage 1 ### echo echo "Stage 1 - Writing ${boot1} to ${bootrdev}" if [[ $keepmounted -eq 1 ]]; then echo "Executing: boot1-install -y -f -M ${boot1} ${bootrdev}" "$boot1install" -y -f -M "${boot1}" "${bootrdev}" else echo "Executing: boot1-install -y -f ${boot1} ${bootrdev}" "$boot1install" -y -f "${boot1}" "${bootrdev}" fi if [[ "${partition_scheme}" == FDisk_partition_scheme && "$boot0" == "/tmp/boot0af" ]]; then echo "Setup Active Partition to be: ${bootslice}" /usr/sbin/fdisk -e "${bootrdisk}" <<-MAKEACTIVE print flag "${bootslice}" write y quit MAKEACTIVE partitionactive=$( /usr/sbin/fdisk -d "${bootrdisk}" | grep -n "*" | awk -F: '{print $1}') echo "New Active Partition: ${partitionactive}" echo "" fi sleep 2 saveLog if [[ $journaled -ne 0 ]]; then /usr/sbin/diskutil enableJournal "${disk}" fi # Now try to remount the partition if [[ "${ESP}" == ESP ]]; then /usr/sbin/diskutil unmount force $bootdev > /dev/null 2>&1 else /usr/sbin/diskutil mount "$bootdev" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi /bin/rm -rf /tmp/Clover* /bin/rm -rf /tmp/boot1* /bin/rm -rf /tmp/boot2* /bin/rm -rf /tmp/bootsec* exit 0