Using QEMU under Windows 1. Dowload and install QEMU 2. Create QEMU folder in your favorite place and copy files here: OVMF.fd or bios.bin or other bios files vgabios-stdvga.bin or other VGA bios 3. cd here 4. Create an image in vhdx format "C:\Program Files\qemu\qemu-img.exe" create -f vhdx test.vhdx 200M 5. Clean sparse flag fsutil sparse setflag test.vhdx 0 6. Try to mount it. It will be registered in system. Then you can open disk management and format the drive into FAT32. For example name TESTCLOVER. 7. Double click to open it. 8. Copy folder .. \Clover\CloverPackage\CloverV2\EFI to the volume 9. Copy themes to EFI\CLOVER\themes\ folder 10. Create fake files like EFI\Ubuntu\grubx64.efi EFI\RedHat\grubx64.efi and so on 11. Eject volume TESTCLOVER. 12. Run QEMU by the script runqemu.bat