/*++ Copyright (c) 2005, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the Software License Agreement which accompanies this distribution. Module Name: debug.c Abstract: Debug functions for fat driver Revision History --*/ #include "Fat.h" VOID FatDumpFatTable ( IN FAT_VOLUME *Volume ) /*++ Routine Description: Dump all the FAT Entry of the FAT table in the volume Arguments: Volume - The volume whose FAT info will be dumped Returns: None --*/ { UINTN EntryValue; UINTN MaxIndex; UINTN Index; CHAR16 *Pointer; MaxIndex = Volume->MaxCluster + 2; Print (L"Dump of Fat Table, MaxCluster %x\n", MaxIndex); for (Index = 0; Index < MaxIndex; Index++) { EntryValue = FatGetFatEntry (Volume, Index); if (EntryValue != FAT_CLUSTER_FREE) { Pointer = NULL; switch (EntryValue) { case FAT_CLUSTER_RESERVED: Pointer = L"RESERVED"; break; case FAT_CLUSTER_BAD: Pointer = L"BAD"; break; } if (FAT_END_OF_FAT_CHAIN (EntryValue)) { Pointer = L"LAST"; } if (Pointer != NULL) { Print (L"Entry %x = %s\n", Index, Pointer); } else { Print (L"Entry %x = %x\n", Index, EntryValue); } } } }