/** @file Copyright (c) 2007 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "Edb.h" /** Check the Hook flag, and trigger exception if match. @param VmPtr - EbcDebuggerCheckHookFlag @param Flag - Feature flag **/ VOID EbcDebuggerCheckHookFlag ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr, IN UINT32 Flag ) { if ((mDebuggerPrivate.FeatureFlags & Flag) == Flag) { mDebuggerPrivate.StatusFlags = Flag; EbcDebugSignalException ( EXCEPT_EBC_BREAKPOINT, EXCEPTION_FLAG_NONE, VmPtr ); } return ; } /** It will record soruce address for Callstack entry. @param SourceEntry - Source address @param Type - Branch type **/ VOID EbcDebuggerPushCallstackSource ( IN UINT64 SourceEntry, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_BRANCH_TYPE Type ) { if (mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount > EFI_DEBUGGER_CALLSTACK_MAX) { ASSERT (FALSE); mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount = EFI_DEBUGGER_CALLSTACK_MAX; } // // Record the new callstack entry // mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount].SourceAddress = SourceEntry; mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount].Type = Type; // // Do not change CallStackEntryCount // return ; } /** It will record parameter for Callstack entry. @param ParameterAddress - The address for the parameter @param Type - Branch type **/ VOID EbcDebuggerPushCallstackParameter ( IN UINT64 ParameterAddress, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_BRANCH_TYPE Type ) { if (mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount > EFI_DEBUGGER_CALLSTACK_MAX) { ASSERT (FALSE); mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount = EFI_DEBUGGER_CALLSTACK_MAX; } // // Record the new callstack parameter // mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount].ParameterAddr = (UINTN)ParameterAddress; CopyMem ( mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount].Parameter, (VOID *)(UINTN)ParameterAddress, sizeof(mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount].Parameter) ); // // Do not change CallStackEntryCount // return ; } /** It will record source address for callstack entry. @param DestEntry - Source address @param Type - Branch type **/ VOID EbcDebuggerPushCallstackDest ( IN UINT64 DestEntry, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_BRANCH_TYPE Type ) { UINTN Index; if (mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount < EFI_DEBUGGER_CALLSTACK_MAX) { // // If there is empty entry for callstack, add it // ASSERT (mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount].Type == Type); mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount].DestAddress = DestEntry; mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount ++; } else { // // If there is no empty entry for callstack, throw the oldest one // ASSERT (mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[EFI_DEBUGGER_TRACE_MAX].Type == Type); for (Index = 0; Index < EFI_DEBUGGER_CALLSTACK_MAX; Index++) { CopyMem (&mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[Index], &mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[Index + 1], sizeof (mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[Index]) ); } mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[EFI_DEBUGGER_CALLSTACK_MAX - 1].DestAddress = DestEntry; mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount = EFI_DEBUGGER_CALLSTACK_MAX; } return ; } /** It will throw the newest Callstack entry. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerPopCallstack ( VOID ) { if ((mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount > 0) && (mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount <= EFI_DEBUGGER_CALLSTACK_MAX)) { // // Throw the newest one // mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount --; mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount].SourceAddress = 0; mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount].DestAddress = 0; } else if (mDebuggerPrivate.CallStackEntryCount == 0) { // // NOT assert here because it is reasonable, because when we start to build // callstack, we do not know how many function already called. // } else { ASSERT (FALSE); } return ; } /** It will record source address for trace entry. @param SourceEntry - Source address @param Type - Branch type **/ VOID EbcDebuggerPushTraceSourceEntry ( IN UINT64 SourceEntry, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_BRANCH_TYPE Type ) { if (mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntryCount > EFI_DEBUGGER_TRACE_MAX) { ASSERT (FALSE); mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntryCount = EFI_DEBUGGER_TRACE_MAX; } // // Record the new trace entry // mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntryCount].SourceAddress = SourceEntry; mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntryCount].Type = Type; // // Do not change TraceEntryCount // return ; } /** It will record destination address for trace entry. @param DestEntry - Destination address @param Type - Branch type **/ VOID EbcDebuggerPushTraceDestEntry ( IN UINT64 DestEntry, IN EFI_DEBUGGER_BRANCH_TYPE Type ) { UINTN Index; if (mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntryCount < EFI_DEBUGGER_TRACE_MAX) { // // If there is empty entry for trace, add it // ASSERT (mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntryCount].Type == Type); mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntry[mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntryCount].DestAddress = DestEntry; mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntryCount ++; } else { // // If there is no empty entry for trace, throw the oldest one // ASSERT (mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntry[EFI_DEBUGGER_TRACE_MAX].Type == Type); for (Index = 0; Index < EFI_DEBUGGER_TRACE_MAX; Index++) { mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntry[Index] = mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntry[Index + 1]; } mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntry[EFI_DEBUGGER_CALLSTACK_MAX - 1].DestAddress = DestEntry; mDebuggerPrivate.TraceEntryCount = EFI_DEBUGGER_TRACE_MAX; } return ; } /** It will record address for StepEntry, if STEPOVER or STEPOUT is enabled. @param Entry - Break Address @param FramePtr - Break Frame pointer @param Flag - for STEPOVER or STEPOUT **/ VOID EbcDebuggerPushStepEntry ( IN UINT64 Entry, IN UINT64 FramePtr, IN UINT32 Flag ) { // // Check StepOver // if ((Flag == EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_STEPOVER) && ((mDebuggerPrivate.FeatureFlags & EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_STEPOVER) == EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_STEPOVER)) { mDebuggerPrivate.StepContext.BreakAddress = Entry; mDebuggerPrivate.StepContext.FramePointer = FramePtr; mDebuggerPrivate.FeatureFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_STEPOVER; } // // Check StepOut // if ((Flag == EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_STEPOUT) && ((mDebuggerPrivate.FeatureFlags & EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_STEPOUT) == EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_STEPOUT)) { mDebuggerPrivate.StepContext.BreakAddress = Entry; mDebuggerPrivate.StepContext.FramePointer = FramePtr; mDebuggerPrivate.FeatureFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_STEPOUT; } } /** Notify the callback function when an event is triggered. @param Event Indicates the event that invoke this function. @param Context Indicates the calling context. **/ VOID EFIAPI EbcDebuggerBreakEventFunc ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { EFI_STATUS Status; if ((mDebuggerPrivate.FeatureFlags & EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOK) != EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOK) { return ; } Status = gBS->CheckEvent (gST->ConIn->WaitForKey); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { mDebuggerPrivate.StatusFlags = EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOK; } } /** The hook in InitializeEbcDriver. It will init the EbcDebuggerPrivate data structure. @param Handle - The EbcDebugProtocol handle. @param EbcDebugProtocol - The EbcDebugProtocol interface. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookInit ( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle, IN EFI_DEBUG_SUPPORT_PROTOCOL *EbcDebugProtocol ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_OBJECT *Object; EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_ENTRY *Entry; // // Register all exception handler // for (Index = EXCEPT_EBC_UNDEFINED; Index <= EXCEPT_EBC_STEP; Index++) { EbcDebugProtocol->RegisterExceptionCallback ( EbcDebugProtocol, 0, NULL, Index ); EbcDebugProtocol->RegisterExceptionCallback ( EbcDebugProtocol, 0, EdbExceptionHandler, Index ); } // // Init Symbol // Object = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof(EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_OBJECT) * EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_OBJECT_MAX); ASSERT (Object != NULL); mDebuggerPrivate.DebuggerSymbolContext.Object = Object; mDebuggerPrivate.DebuggerSymbolContext.ObjectCount = 0; mDebuggerPrivate.DebuggerSymbolContext.MaxObjectCount = EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_OBJECT_MAX; for (Index = 0; Index < EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_OBJECT_MAX; Index++) { Entry = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof(EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_ENTRY) * EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_ENTRY_MAX); ASSERT (Entry != NULL); Object[Index].Entry = Entry; Object[Index].MaxEntryCount = EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_ENTRY_MAX; Object[Index].SourceBuffer = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof(VOID *) * (EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_ENTRY_MAX + 1)); ASSERT (Object[Index].SourceBuffer != NULL); } // // locate PciRootBridgeIo // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiPciRootBridgeIoProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID**) &mDebuggerPrivate.PciRootBridgeIo ); // // locate DebugImageInfoTable // Status = EfiGetSystemConfigurationTable ( &gEfiDebugImageInfoTableGuid, (VOID**) &mDebuggerPrivate.DebugImageInfoTableHeader ); // // Register Debugger Configuration Protocol, for config in shell // Status = gBS->InstallProtocolInterface ( &Handle, &gEfiDebuggerConfigurationProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, &mDebuggerPrivate.DebuggerConfiguration ); // // // Create break event // Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_TIMER | EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, EbcDebuggerBreakEventFunc, NULL, &mDebuggerPrivate.BreakEvent ); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = gBS->SetTimer ( mDebuggerPrivate.BreakEvent, TimerPeriodic, EFI_DEBUG_BREAK_TIMER_INTERVAL ); } return ; } /** The hook in UnloadImage for EBC Interpreter. It clean up the environment. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookUnload ( VOID ) { UINTN Index; UINTN SubIndex; EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_OBJECT *Object; // // Close the break event // if (mDebuggerPrivate.BreakEvent != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (mDebuggerPrivate.BreakEvent); } // // Clean up the symbol // Object = mDebuggerPrivate.DebuggerSymbolContext.Object; for (Index = 0; Index < EFI_DEBUGGER_SYMBOL_OBJECT_MAX; Index++) { // // Clean up Entry // gBS->FreePool(Object[Index].Entry); Object[Index].Entry = NULL; Object[Index].EntryCount = 0; // // Clean up source buffer // for (SubIndex = 0; Object[Index].SourceBuffer[SubIndex] != NULL; SubIndex++) { gBS->FreePool(Object[Index].SourceBuffer[SubIndex]); Object[Index].SourceBuffer[SubIndex] = NULL; } gBS->FreePool(Object[Index].SourceBuffer); Object[Index].SourceBuffer = NULL; } // // Clean up Object // gBS->FreePool(Object); mDebuggerPrivate.DebuggerSymbolContext.Object = NULL; mDebuggerPrivate.DebuggerSymbolContext.ObjectCount = 0; // // Done // return ; } /** The hook in EbcUnloadImage. Currently do nothing here. @param Handle - The EbcImage handle. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookEbcUnloadImage ( IN EFI_HANDLE Handle ) { return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteEbcImageEntryPoint. It will record the call-stack entry. (-1 means EbcImageEntryPoint call) and trigger Exception if BOE enabled. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookExecuteEbcImageEntryPoint ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { EbcDebuggerPushCallstackSource ((UINT64)(UINTN)-1, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCall); EbcDebuggerPushCallstackParameter ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Gpr[0], EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCall); EbcDebuggerPushCallstackDest ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCall); EbcDebuggerCheckHookFlag (VmPtr, EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOE); return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteEbcImageEntryPoint. It will record the call-stack entry. (-2 means EbcInterpret call) and trigger Exception if BOT enabled. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookEbcInterpret ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { EbcDebuggerPushCallstackSource ((UINT64)(UINTN)-2, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCall); EbcDebuggerPushCallstackParameter ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Gpr[0], EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCall); EbcDebuggerPushCallstackDest ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCall); EbcDebuggerCheckHookFlag (VmPtr, EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOT); return ; } /** The hook in EbcExecute, before ExecuteFunction. It will trigger Exception if GoTil, StepOver, or StepOut hit. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookExecuteStart ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { EFI_TPL CurrentTpl; // // Check Ip for GoTil // if (mDebuggerPrivate.GoTilContext.BreakAddress == (UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip) { mDebuggerPrivate.StatusFlags = EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_GT; mDebuggerPrivate.GoTilContext.BreakAddress = 0; EbcDebugSignalException ( EXCEPT_EBC_BREAKPOINT, EXCEPTION_FLAG_NONE, VmPtr ); mDebuggerPrivate.StatusFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_GT; return ; } // // Check ReturnAddress for StepOver // if ((mDebuggerPrivate.StepContext.BreakAddress == (UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip) && (mDebuggerPrivate.StepContext.FramePointer == (UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->FramePtr)) { mDebuggerPrivate.StatusFlags = EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_STEPOVER; mDebuggerPrivate.StepContext.BreakAddress = 0; mDebuggerPrivate.StepContext.FramePointer = 0; EbcDebugSignalException ( EXCEPT_EBC_BREAKPOINT, EXCEPTION_FLAG_NONE, VmPtr ); mDebuggerPrivate.StatusFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_STEPOVER; } // // Check FramePtr for StepOut // if (mDebuggerPrivate.StepContext.BreakAddress == (UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->FramePtr) { mDebuggerPrivate.StatusFlags = EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_STEPOUT; mDebuggerPrivate.StepContext.BreakAddress = 0; mDebuggerPrivate.StepContext.FramePointer = 0; EbcDebugSignalException ( EXCEPT_EBC_BREAKPOINT, EXCEPTION_FLAG_NONE, VmPtr ); mDebuggerPrivate.StatusFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_STEPOUT; } // // Check Flags for BreakOnKey // if (mDebuggerPrivate.StatusFlags == EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOK) { // // Only break when the current TPL <= TPL_APPLICATION // CurrentTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_HIGH_LEVEL); gBS->RestoreTPL (CurrentTpl); if (CurrentTpl <= TPL_APPLICATION) { EbcDebugSignalException ( EXCEPT_EBC_BREAKPOINT, EXCEPTION_FLAG_NONE, VmPtr ); mDebuggerPrivate.StatusFlags &= ~EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_B_BOK; } } return ; } /** The hook in EbcExecute, after ExecuteFunction. It will record StepOut Entry if need. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookExecuteEnd ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { UINTN Address; // // Use FramePtr as checkpoint for StepOut // CopyMem (&Address, (VOID *)((UINTN)VmPtr->FramePtr), sizeof(Address)); EbcDebuggerPushStepEntry (Address, (UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->FramePtr, EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_STEPOUT); return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteCALL, before move IP. It will trigger Exception if BOC enabled, and record Callstack, and trace information. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookCALLStart ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { EbcDebuggerCheckHookFlag (VmPtr, EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOC); EbcDebuggerPushCallstackSource ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCall); EbcDebuggerPushCallstackParameter ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Gpr[0], EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCall); EbcDebuggerPushTraceSourceEntry ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCall); return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteCALL, after move IP. It will record Callstack, trace information and record StepOver/StepOut Entry if need. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookCALLEnd ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { UINT64 Address; UINTN FramePtr; EbcDebuggerPushCallstackDest ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCall); EbcDebuggerPushTraceDestEntry ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCall); // // Get Old FramePtr // CopyMem (&FramePtr, (VOID *)((UINTN)VmPtr->FramePtr), sizeof(FramePtr)); // // Use ReturnAddress as checkpoint for StepOver // CopyMem (&Address, (VOID *)(UINTN)VmPtr->Gpr[0], sizeof(Address)); EbcDebuggerPushStepEntry (Address, FramePtr, EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_STEPOVER); // // Use FramePtr as checkpoint for StepOut // Address = 0; CopyMem (&Address, (VOID *)(FramePtr), sizeof(UINTN)); EbcDebuggerPushStepEntry (Address, FramePtr, EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_STEPOUT); return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteCALL, before call EbcLLCALLEX. It will trigger Exception if BOCX enabled, and record Callstack information. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookCALLEXStart ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { EbcDebuggerCheckHookFlag (VmPtr, EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOCX); // EbcDebuggerPushCallstackSource ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCallEx); // EbcDebuggerPushCallstackParameter ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->R[0], EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCallEx); EbcDebuggerPushTraceSourceEntry ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCallEx); return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteCALL, after call EbcLLCALLEX. It will record trace information. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookCALLEXEnd ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { // EbcDebuggerPushCallstackDest ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCallEx); EbcDebuggerPushTraceDestEntry ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcCallEx); return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteRET, before move IP. It will trigger Exception if BOR enabled, and record Callstack, and trace information. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookRETStart ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { EbcDebuggerCheckHookFlag (VmPtr, EFI_DEBUG_FLAG_EBC_BOR); EbcDebuggerPopCallstack (); EbcDebuggerPushTraceSourceEntry ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcRet); return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteRET, after move IP. It will record trace information. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookRETEnd ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { EbcDebuggerPushTraceDestEntry ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcRet); return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteJMP, before move IP. It will record trace information. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookJMPStart ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { EbcDebuggerPushTraceSourceEntry ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcJmp); return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteJMP, after move IP. It will record trace information. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookJMPEnd ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { EbcDebuggerPushTraceDestEntry ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcJmp); return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteJMP8, before move IP. It will record trace information. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookJMP8Start ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { EbcDebuggerPushTraceSourceEntry ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcJmp8); return ; } /** The hook in ExecuteJMP8, after move IP. It will record trace information. @param VmPtr - pointer to VM context. **/ VOID EbcDebuggerHookJMP8End ( IN VM_CONTEXT *VmPtr ) { EbcDebuggerPushTraceDestEntry ((UINT64)(UINTN)VmPtr->Ip, EfiDebuggerBranchTypeEbcJmp8); return ; }