/** @file Copyright (C) 2019, vit9696. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef OC_CONSOLE_LIB_H #define OC_CONSOLE_LIB_H #include #include /** Console renderer to use. **/ typedef enum { OcConsoleRendererBuiltinGraphics, OcConsoleRendererSystemGraphics, OcConsoleRendererSystemText, OcConsoleRendererSystemGeneric } OC_CONSOLE_RENDERER; /** Special commands sent to Builtin text renderer through TestString. **/ #define OC_CONSOLE_MARK_CONTROLLED L"MarkControlled" #define OC_CONSOLE_MARK_UNCONTROLLED L"MarkUncontrolled" /** Configure console control protocol with given options. @param[in] Renderer Renderer to use. @param[in] IgnoreTextOutput Skip console output in text mode. @param[in] SanitiseClearScreen Workaround ClearScreen breaking resolution. @param[in] ClearScreenOnModeSwitch Clear graphic screen when switching to text mode. @param[in] ReplaceTabWithSpace Replace invisible tab characters with spaces in OutputString. **/ VOID OcSetupConsole ( IN OC_CONSOLE_RENDERER Renderer, IN BOOLEAN IgnoreTextOutput, IN BOOLEAN SanitiseClearScreen, IN BOOLEAN ClearScreenOnModeSwitch, IN BOOLEAN ReplaceTabWithSpace ); /** Update console control screen mode. @param[in] Mode Desired mode. @retval previous console control mode. **/ EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_SCREEN_MODE OcConsoleControlSetMode ( IN EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_SCREEN_MODE Mode ); /** Parse screen resolution from string. @param[in] String Resolution in WxH@B or WxH format. @param[out] Width Parsed resolution width or 0. @param[out] Height Parsed resolution height or 0. @param[out] Bpp Parsed resolution bpp or 0. @param[out] Max Set to TRUE when String equals to Max. **/ VOID OcParseScreenResolution ( IN CONST CHAR8 *String, OUT UINT32 *Width, OUT UINT32 *Height, OUT UINT32 *Bpp, OUT BOOLEAN *Max ); /** Parse console mode from string. @param[in] String Resolution in WxH format. @param[out] Width Parsed mode width or 0. @param[out] Height Parsed mode height or 0. @param[out] Max Set to TRUE when String equals to Max. **/ VOID OcParseConsoleMode ( IN CONST CHAR8 *String, OUT UINT32 *Width, OUT UINT32 *Height, OUT BOOLEAN *Max ); /** Set screen resolution on console handle. @param[in] Width Resolution width or 0 for Max. @param[in] Height Resolution height or 0 for Max. @param[in] Bpp Resolution bpp or 0 for automatic. @retval EFI_SUCCESS on success. **/ EFI_STATUS OcSetConsoleResolution ( IN UINT32 Width, IN UINT32 Height, IN UINT32 Bpp OPTIONAL ); /** Set console mode. @param[in] Width Resolution width or 0 for Max. @param[in] Height Resolution height or 0 for Max. @retval EFI_SUCCESS on success. **/ EFI_STATUS OcSetConsoleMode ( IN UINT32 Width, IN UINT32 Height ); /** Ensure installed GOP protocol on ConOut handle. **/ VOID OcProvideConsoleGop( IN BOOLEAN Route ); /** Perform console reconnection. **/ VOID OcReconnectConsole ( VOID ); /** Use direct GOP renderer for console. @param[in] CacheType Caching type, e.g. CacheWriteCombining or -1 to disable. @retval EFI_SUCCESS on success. **/ EFI_STATUS OcUseDirectGop ( IN INT32 CacheType ); /** Allocate new System Table with disabled text output. @param[in] SystemTable Base System Table. @retval non NULL The System Table table was allocated successfully. **/ EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * AllocateNullTextOutSystemTable ( IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable ); /** Provide UGA protocol instances on top of existing GOP instances. @retval EFI_SUCCESS on success. **/ EFI_STATUS OcProvideUgaPassThrough ( VOID ); /** Install and initialise Apple Framebuffer Info protocol on top of GOP protocol. For EfiBoot 10.4, which can only use UGA, this is the only way to obtain framebuffer base for XNU kernel PE Boot_args. @param[in] Reinstall Overwrite installed protocol. @retval installed or located protocol or NULL. **/ APPLE_FRAMEBUFFER_INFO_PROTOCOL * OcAppleFbInfoInstallProtocol ( IN BOOLEAN Reinstall ); #endif // OC_CONSOLE_LIB_H