/** @file Utility routines used by boot maintenance modules. Copyright (c) 2004 - 2009, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "Platform.h" //#include "IO.h" /** Find the first instance of this Protocol in the system and return it's interface. @param ProtocolGuid Provides the protocol to search for @param Interface On return, a pointer to the first interface that matches ProtocolGuid @retval EFI_SUCCESS A protocol instance matching ProtocolGuid was found @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No protocol instances were found that match ProtocolGuid **/ EFI_STATUS EfiLibLocateProtocol ( IN EFI_GUID *ProtocolGuid, OUT VOID **Interface ) { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( ProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) Interface ); return Status; } /** Function opens and returns a file handle to the root directory of a volume. @param DeviceHandle A handle for a device @return A valid file handle or NULL is returned **/ EFI_FILE_HANDLE EfiLibOpenRoot ( IN EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL *Volume; EFI_FILE_HANDLE File; File = NULL; // // File the file system interface to the device // Status = gBS->HandleProtocol ( DeviceHandle, &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &Volume ); // // Open the root directory of the volume // if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = Volume->OpenVolume ( Volume, &File ); } // // Done // return EFI_ERROR(Status) ? NULL : File; } /** Function gets the file system information from an open file descriptor. @param FHand The file handle. @return A pointer to a buffer with file information. @retval NULL is returned if failed to get Volume Label Info. **/ XStringW EfiLibFileSystemVolumeLabelInfo ( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE FHand ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_VOLUME_LABEL *VolumeInfo = NULL; UINTN Size = 0; XStringW returnValue; Status = FHand->GetInfo (FHand, &gEfiFileSystemVolumeLabelInfoIdGuid, &Size, VolumeInfo); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { // inc size by 2 because some drivers (HFSPlus.efi) do not count 0 at the end of file name Size += 2; VolumeInfo = (__typeof__(VolumeInfo))BllocateZeroPool(Size); Status = FHand->GetInfo (FHand, &gEfiFileSystemVolumeLabelInfoIdGuid, &Size, VolumeInfo); // Check to make sure this isn't actually EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO *FSInfo = (EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO *)VolumeInfo; returnValue.takeValueFrom(FSInfo->VolumeLabel); } FreePool(VolumeInfo); } return returnValue; } /** Duplicate a string. @param Src The source. @return A new string which is duplicated copy of the source. @retval NULL If there is not enough memory. **/ CHAR16 * EfiStrDuplicate ( IN CONST CHAR16 *Src ) { CHAR16 *Dest; UINTN Size; Size = StrSize (Src); //at least 2bytes Dest = (__typeof__(Dest))AllocatePool (Size); // ASSERT (Dest != NULL); if (Dest != NULL) { CopyMem(Dest, Src, Size); } return Dest; } //Compare strings case insensitive // return 0 if strings are equal not accounting match case INTN StriCmp ( IN CONST CHAR16 *FirstS, IN CONST CHAR16 *SecondS ) { while (*FirstS != L'\0') { if ( (((*FirstS >= 'a') && (*FirstS <= 'z')) ? (*FirstS - ('a' - 'A')) : *FirstS ) != (((*SecondS >= 'a') && (*SecondS <= 'z')) ? (*SecondS - ('a' - 'A')) : *SecondS ) ) return 1; FirstS++; SecondS++; } return *SecondS; //if all chars equal then compare sizes, last char in SecondS will be 0 } // If Null-terminated strings are case insensitive equal or its sSize symbols are equal then TRUE BOOLEAN AsciiStriNCmp( IN CONST CHAR8 *FirstS, IN CONST CHAR8 *SecondS, IN CONST UINTN sSize ) { INTN i = sSize; while ( i && (*FirstS != '\0') ) { if ( (((*FirstS >= 'a') && (*FirstS <= 'z')) ? (*FirstS - ('a' - 'A')) : *FirstS ) != (((*SecondS >= 'a') && (*SecondS <= 'z')) ? (*SecondS - ('a' - 'A')) : *SecondS ) ) return FALSE; FirstS++; SecondS++; i--; } return TRUE; } // Case insensitive search of WhatString in WhereString BOOLEAN AsciiStrStriN ( IN CONST CHAR8 *WhatString, IN CONST UINTN sWhatSize, IN CONST CHAR8 *WhereString, IN CONST UINTN sWhereSize ) { INTN i = sWhereSize; BOOLEAN Found = FALSE; if (sWhatSize > sWhereSize) return FALSE; for (; i && !Found; i--) { Found = AsciiStriNCmp(WhatString, WhereString, sWhatSize); WhereString++; } return Found; } /** Function gets the file information from an open file descriptor, and stores it in a buffer allocated from pool. @param FHand File Handle. @return A pointer to a buffer with file information or NULL is returned **/ EFI_FILE_INFO * EfiLibFileInfo ( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE FHand ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_INFO *FileInfo = NULL; UINTN Size = 0; Status = FHand->GetInfo (FHand, &gEfiFileInfoGuid, &Size, FileInfo); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { // inc size by 2 because some drivers (HFSPlus.efi) do not count 0 at the end of file name Size += 2; FileInfo = (__typeof__(FileInfo))BllocateZeroPool(Size); Status = FHand->GetInfo (FHand, &gEfiFileInfoGuid, &Size, FileInfo); } return EFI_ERROR(Status)?NULL:FileInfo; } EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO * EfiLibFileSystemInfo ( IN EFI_FILE_HANDLE FHand ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_FILE_SYSTEM_INFO *FileSystemInfo = NULL; UINTN Size = 0; Status = FHand->GetInfo (FHand, &gEfiFileSystemInfoGuid, &Size, FileSystemInfo); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { // inc size by 2 because some drivers (HFSPlus.efi) do not count 0 at the end of file name Size += 2; FileSystemInfo = (__typeof__(FileSystemInfo))BllocateZeroPool(Size); Status = FHand->GetInfo (FHand, &gEfiFileSystemInfoGuid, &Size, FileSystemInfo); } return EFI_ERROR(Status)?NULL:FileSystemInfo; } /** Function is used to determine the number of device path instances that exist in a device path. @param DevicePath A pointer to a device path data structure. @return This function counts and returns the number of device path instances in DevicePath. **/ UINTN EfiDevicePathInstanceCount ( IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath ) { UINTN Count; UINTN Size; Count = 0; while (GetNextDevicePathInstance (&DevicePath, &Size) != NULL) { Count += 1; } return Count; } /** Adjusts the size of a previously allocated buffer. @param OldPool - A pointer to the buffer whose size is being adjusted. @param OldSize - The size of the current buffer. @param NewSize - The size of the new buffer. @return The newly allocated buffer. @retval NULL Allocation failed. **/ VOID * EfiReallocatePool ( IN VOID *OldPool, IN UINTN OldSize, IN UINTN NewSize ) { VOID *NewPool; NewPool = NULL; if (NewSize != 0) { NewPool = (__typeof__(NewPool))BllocateZeroPool(NewSize); } if (OldPool != NULL) { if (NewPool != NULL) { CopyMem(NewPool, OldPool, OldSize < NewSize ? OldSize : NewSize); } FreePool(OldPool); } return NewPool; } /** Compare two EFI_TIME data. @param FirstTime - A pointer to the first EFI_TIME data. @param SecondTime - A pointer to the second EFI_TIME data. @retval TRUE The FirstTime is not later than the SecondTime. @retval FALSE The FirstTime is later than the SecondTime. **/ BOOLEAN TimeCompare ( IN EFI_TIME *FirstTime, IN EFI_TIME *SecondTime ) { if (FirstTime->Year != SecondTime->Year) { return (BOOLEAN) (FirstTime->Year < SecondTime->Year); } else if (FirstTime->Month != SecondTime->Month) { return (BOOLEAN) (FirstTime->Month < SecondTime->Month); } else if (FirstTime->Day != SecondTime->Day) { return (BOOLEAN) (FirstTime->Day < SecondTime->Day); } else if (FirstTime->Hour != SecondTime->Hour) { return (BOOLEAN) (FirstTime->Hour < SecondTime->Hour); } else if (FirstTime->Minute != SecondTime->Minute) { return (BOOLEAN) (FirstTime->Minute < SecondTime->Minute); } else if (FirstTime->Second != SecondTime->Second) { return (BOOLEAN) (FirstTime->Second < SecondTime->Second); } return (BOOLEAN) (FirstTime->Nanosecond <= SecondTime->Nanosecond); } /* Translate VT-UTF8 characters into one Unicode character. UTF8 Encoding Table Bits per Character | Unicode Character Range | Unicode Binary Encoding | UTF8 Binary Encoding 0-7 | 0x0000 - 0x007F | 00000000 0xxxxxxx | 0xxxxxxx 8-11 | 0x0080 - 0x07FF | 00000xxx xxxxxxxx | 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 12-16 | 0x0800 - 0xFFFF | xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx | 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx $ U+0024 10 0100 00100100 24 ¢ U+00A2 1010 0010 11000010 10100010 C2 A2 € U+20AC 0010 0000 1010 1100 11100010 10000010 10101100 E2 82 AC 𐍈 U+10348 1 0000 0011 0100 1000 11110000 10010000 10001101 10001000 F0 90 8D 88 */ CHAR8* GetUnicodeChar(CHAR8 *s, CHAR16* UnicodeChar) { INT8 ValidBytes = 0; UINT8 Byte0, Byte1, Byte2; UINT8 UnicodeByte0, UnicodeByte1; CHAR16 A = L'\0'; if (*s == '&') { if (AsciiStrStr(s, "&#x") !=0 ) { s += 3; while (IS_HEX(*s) || IS_DIGIT(*s)) { A <<= 4; if (IS_DIGIT(*s)) { A += *s - 0x30; } else if (IS_UPPER(*s)) { A += *s - 0x41 + 10; } else { A += *s - 0x61 + 10; } s++; } } else if (AsciiStrStr(s, "&") !=0 ) { A = 0x26; //& s += 5; } else if (AsciiStrStr(s, """) !=0 ) { A = 0x22; //" s += 6; } else if (AsciiStrStr(s, "<") !=0 ) { A = 0x3C; //< s += 4; } else if (AsciiStrStr(s, ">") !=0 ) { A = 0x3E; //> s += 4; } else if (AsciiStrStr(s, " ") !=0 ) { A = 0xA0; //> s += 6; } *UnicodeChar = A; } else { if ((*s & 0x80) == 0) { ValidBytes = 1; } else if ((*s & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { ValidBytes = 2; } else if ((*s & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { ValidBytes = 3; } switch (ValidBytes) { case 1: // // one-byte utf8 code // *UnicodeChar = (UINT16) (*s++); break; case 2: // // two-byte utf8 code // Byte1 = *s++; //c2 Byte0 = *s++; //a2 UnicodeByte0 = (UINT8) ((Byte1 << 6) | (Byte0 & 0x3f)); UnicodeByte1 = (UINT8) ((Byte1 >> 2) & 0x07); *UnicodeChar = (UINT16) (UnicodeByte0 | (UnicodeByte1 << 8)); break; case 3: // // three-byte utf8 code // sample E3 90 A1 = 0x3421 // Byte2 = *s++; Byte1 = *s++; Byte0 = *s++; UnicodeByte0 = (UINT8) ((Byte1 << 6) | (Byte0 & 0x3f)); UnicodeByte1 = (UINT8) ((Byte2 << 4) | ((Byte1 >> 2) & 0x0f)); *UnicodeChar = (UINT16) (UnicodeByte0 | (UnicodeByte1 << 8)); default: break; } } return s; }