/* Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. */ #include <Platform.h> #include <Efi.h> #include "../entry_scan/entry_scan.h" //#include "device_tree.h" #include "kernel_patcher.h" #include "usbfix.h" #include "../Platform/cpu.h" #include "../Platform/Settings.h" #ifndef DEBUG_ALL #define PATCH_DEBUG 0 #define MEM_DEB 0 #else #define PATCH_DEBUG DEBUG_ALL #define MEM_DEB DEBUG_ALL #endif #if PATCH_DEBUG #define DBG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__); #else #define DBG(...) #endif //// //// Max bytes needed to represent ID of a SCSI device //// //#define EFI_SCSI_TARGET_MAX_BYTES (0x10) //// //// bit5..7 are for Logical unit number //// 11100000b (0xe0) //// //#define EFI_SCSI_LOGICAL_UNIT_NUMBER_MASK 0xe0 // // Scsi Command Length // #define EFI_SCSI_OP_LENGTH_SIX 0x6 //#define EFI_SCSI_OP_LENGTH_TEN 0xa //#define EFI_SCSI_OP_LENGTH_SIXTEEN 0x10 EFI_EVENT mVirtualAddressChangeEvent = NULL; EFI_EVENT OnReadyToBootEvent = NULL; EFI_EVENT ExitBootServiceEvent = NULL; EFI_EVENT mSimpleFileSystemChangeEvent = NULL; EFI_HANDLE mHandle = NULL; extern EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES gOrgRS; /* void WaitForCR() { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_INPUT_KEY key; UINTN ind; while (TRUE) { Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &key); if (Status == EFI_NOT_READY) { gBS->WaitForEvent(1, &gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &ind); continue; } if (key.UnicodeChar == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN) { break; } } } */ #if 0 //this procedure was developed for 10.5. Seems no more needed void CorrectMemoryMap(IN UINT32 memMap, IN UINT32 memDescriptorSize, IN OUT UINT32 *memMapSize) { EfiMemoryRange* memDescriptor; UINT64 Bytes; UINT32 Index; CHAR16 tmp[80]; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; // UINTN ind; // //step 1. Check for last empty descriptors // // PauseForKey(L"Check for last empty descriptors"); // gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"Check for last empty descriptors\n\r"); // gBS->Stall(2000000); memDescriptor = (EfiMemoryRange *)(UINTN)(memMap + *memMapSize - memDescriptorSize); while ((memDescriptor->NumberOfPages == 0) || (memDescriptor->NumberOfPages > (1<<25))) { memDescriptor = (EfiMemoryRange *)((UINTN)memDescriptor - memDescriptorSize); *memMapSize -= memDescriptorSize; } // //step 2. Add last desc about MEM4GB // /* if (gTotalMemory > MEM4GB) { //next descriptor memDescriptor = (EfiMemoryRange *)((UINTN)memDescriptor + memDescriptorSize); memDescriptor->Type = EfiConventionalMemory; memDescriptor->PhysicalStart = MEM4GB; memDescriptor->VirtualStart = MEM4GB; memDescriptor->NumberOfPages = LShiftU64(gTotalMemory - MEM4GB, EFI_PAGE_SHIFT); memDescriptor->Attribute = 0; *memMapSize += memDescriptorSize; } */ memDescriptor = (EfiMemoryRange *)(UINTN)memMap; for (Index = 0; Index < *memMapSize / memDescriptorSize; Index ++) { // //step 3. convert BootServiceData to conventional // not needed as performed by mach_kernel /* switch (memDescriptor->Type) { case EfiLoaderData: case EfiBootServicesCode: case EfiBootServicesData: memDescriptor->Type = EfiConventionalMemory; memDescriptor->Attribute = 0; // DBG(L"Range BS %hhX corrected to conventional\n", memDescriptor->PhysicalStart); if(MEM_DEB) { snwprintf(tmp, 160, "Range BS %hhX corrected to conventional\n\r", memDescriptor->PhysicalStart); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, tmp); // gBS->Stall(2000000); WaitForCR(); } break; default: break; } */ // //step 4. free reserved memory if cachable if ((memDescriptor->Type == EfiReservedMemoryType) && (memDescriptor->Attribute == EFI_MEMORY_WB)) { memDescriptor->Type = EfiConventionalMemory; memDescriptor->Attribute = 0xF; // DBG(L"Range WB %hhX corrected to conventional\n", memDescriptor->PhysicalStart); if(MEM_DEB) { snwprintf(tmp, 160, "Range WB %hhX corrected to conventional\n\r", memDescriptor->PhysicalStart); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, tmp); //gBS->Stall(2000000); // WaitForCR(); } } // //step 5. free reserved memory if base >= 20000 & <= 60000 //xxx if ((memDescriptor->Type == EfiReservedMemoryType) && (memDescriptor->PhysicalStart >= 0x20000000) && (memDescriptor->PhysicalStart <= 0x60000000)) { memDescriptor->Type = EfiConventionalMemory; memDescriptor->Attribute = 0xF; } // } //step 6. Reserve for 9E memDescriptor = (EfiMemoryRange *)((UINTN)memDescriptor + memDescriptorSize); memDescriptor->Type = EfiReservedMemoryType; memDescriptor->PhysicalStart = 0x9e000; memDescriptor->VirtualStart = 0x9e000; memDescriptor->NumberOfPages = 2; memDescriptor->Attribute = 0; *memMapSize += memDescriptorSize; if(MEM_DEB) { gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"press any key to dump MemoryMap\r\n"); // gBS->Stall(2000000); WaitForSingleEvent (gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, 0); gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key); // PauseForKey(L"press any key to dump MemoryMap"); memDescriptor = (EfiMemoryRange *)(UINTN)memMap; for (Index = 0; Index < *memMapSize / memDescriptorSize; Index ++) { Bytes = LShiftU64 (memDescriptor->NumberOfPages, 12); snwprintf(tmp, 160, "%lX-%lX pages %lX type %lX attr %hhX \r\n\r\t", memDescriptor->PhysicalStart, memDescriptor->PhysicalStart + Bytes - 1, memDescriptor->NumberOfPages, (UINTN)memDescriptor->Type, memDescriptor->Attribute ); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, tmp); // gBS->Stall(2000000); memDescriptor = (EfiMemoryRange *)((UINTN)memDescriptor + memDescriptorSize); if (Index % 20 == 19) { gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"press any key\r\n"); WaitForSingleEvent (gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, 0); // gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key); /* if (ReadAllKeyStrokes()) { // remove buffered key strokes gBS->Stall(5000000); // 5 seconds delay ReadAllKeyStrokes(); // empty the buffer again } gBS->WaitForEvent(1, &gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &ind); ReadAllKeyStrokes(); // empty the buffer to protect the menu WaitForCR(); */ } } } } #endif void EFIAPI OnExitBootServices(IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN void *Context) { /* if (gCPUStructure.Vendor == CPU_VENDOR_INTEL && (gCPUStructure.Family == 0x06 && gCPUStructure.Model >= CPU_MODEL_SANDY_BRIDGE) ) { UINT64 msr = 0; msr = AsmReadMsr64(MSR_PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL); //0xE2 // printf("MSR 0xE2 on Exit BS %08x\n", msr); } */ /* // EFI_STATUS Status; { // UINT32 machineSignature = 0; EFI_ACPI_2_0_FIXED_ACPI_DESCRIPTION_TABLE *FadtPointer = NULL; EFI_ACPI_4_0_FIRMWARE_ACPI_CONTROL_STRUCTURE *Facs = NULL; // DBG("---dump hibernations data---\n"); FadtPointer = GetFadt(); if (FadtPointer != NULL) { Facs = (EFI_ACPI_4_0_FIRMWARE_ACPI_CONTROL_STRUCTURE*)(UINTN)(FadtPointer->FirmwareCtrl); printf(" Firmware wake address=%08lx\n", Facs->FirmwareWakingVector); printf(" Firmware wake 64 addr=%16llx\n", Facs->XFirmwareWakingVector); printf(" Hardware signature =%08lx\n", Facs->HardwareSignature); printf(" GlobalLock =%08lx\n", Facs->GlobalLock); printf(" Flags =%08lx\n", Facs->Flags); printf(" HS at offset 0x%08x\n", OFFSET_OF(EFI_ACPI_4_0_FIRMWARE_ACPI_CONTROL_STRUCTURE, HardwareSignature)); // machineSignature = Facs->HardwareSignature; } } */ gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"); // // Patch kernel and kexts if needed // // Jief : OpenCore is doing the kernel patching for all versions. // LOADER_ENTRY *Entry = ((REFIT_ABSTRACT_MENU_ENTRY*)Context)->getLOADER_ENTRY(); // if ( Entry && Entry->OSVersion.startWith("10") ) { // Entry->KernelAndKextsPatcherStart(); // } #if 0 //it will be as a sample of possible patches in future // gBS->Stall(2000000); //PauseForKey(L"press any key to MemoryFix"); if (gSettings.MemoryFix) { BootArgs1* bootArgs1v; BootArgs2* bootArgs2v; UINT8* ptr=(UINT8*)(UINTN)0x100000; // DTEntry efiPlatform; // CHAR8* dtreeRoot; UINTN archMode = sizeof(UINTN) * 8; UINTN Version = 0; while(TRUE) { bootArgs2v = (BootArgs2*)ptr; bootArgs1v = (BootArgs1*)ptr; /* search bootargs for 10.7 */ if(((bootArgs2v->Revision == 0) || (bootArgs2v->Revision == 1)) && bootArgs2v->Version==2) { if (((UINTN)bootArgs2v->efiMode == 32) || ((UINTN)bootArgs2v->efiMode == 64)){ // dtreeRoot = (CHAR8*)(UINTN)bootArgs2v->deviceTreeP; bootArgs2v->efiMode = (UINT8)archMode; //correct to EFI arch Version = 2; // DBG(L"found bootarg v2"); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"found bootarg v2"); break; } /* search bootargs for 10.4 - 10.6.x */ } else if(((bootArgs1v->Revision==6) || (bootArgs1v->Revision==5) || (bootArgs1v->Revision==4)) && (bootArgs1v->Version ==1)){ if (((UINTN)bootArgs1v->efiMode == 32) || ((UINTN)bootArgs1v->efiMode == 64)){ // dtreeRoot = (CHAR8*)(UINTN)bootArgs1v->deviceTreeP; bootArgs1v->efiMode = (UINT8)archMode; Version = 1; // DBG(L"found bootarg v1"); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"found bootarg v1"); break; } } ptr+=0x1000; if((UINT32)(UINTN)ptr > 0x3000000) { // DBG("bootArgs not found!\n"); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"bootArgs not found!"); gBS->Stall(5000000); // return; break; } } if(Version==2) { CorrectMemoryMap(bootArgs2v->MemoryMap, bootArgs2v->MemoryMapDescriptorSize, &bootArgs2v->MemoryMapSize); // bootArgs2v->efiSystemTable = (UINT32)(UINTN)gST; }else if(Version==1) { CorrectMemoryMap(bootArgs1v->MemoryMap, bootArgs1v->MemoryMapDescriptorSize, &bootArgs1v->MemoryMapSize); // bootArgs1v->efiSystemTable = (UINT32)(UINTN)gST; } } #endif if (gSettings.Devices.USB.USBFixOwnership) { FixOwnership(); } } void EFIAPI OnReadyToBoot ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN void *Context ) { /* if ((gCPUStructure.Vendor == CPU_VENDOR_INTEL && (gCPUStructure.Family == 0x06 && gCPUStructure.Model >= CPU_MODEL_SANDY_BRIDGE) )) { UINT64 msr = 0; msr = AsmReadMsr64(MSR_PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL); //0xE2 } // printf("MSR 0xE2 on ReadyToBoot %08x\n", msr); */ gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"-- ReadyToBoot --\n"); } void EFIAPI VirtualAddressChangeEvent ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN void *Context ) { // EfiConvertPointer (0x0, (void **) &mProperty); // EfiConvertPointer (0x0, (void **) &mSmmCommunication); } void EFIAPI OnSimpleFileSystem ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN void *Context ) { EFI_TPL OldTpl; OldTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_NOTIFY); gEvent = 1; // ReinitRefitLib(); //ScanVolumes(); //enter GUI // DrawMenuText(L"OnSimpleFileSystem", 0, 0, UGAHeight-40, 1); // MsgLog("OnSimpleFileSystem occured\n"); gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl); } EFI_STATUS GuiEventsInitialize () { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_EVENT Event; void* RegSimpleFileSystem = NULL; gEvent = 0; Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_NOTIFY, OnSimpleFileSystem, NULL, &Event); if(!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = gBS->RegisterProtocolNotify ( &gEfiSimpleFileSystemProtocolGuid, Event, &RegSimpleFileSystem); } return Status; } //EFI_STATUS //WaitForSingleEvent ( // IN EFI_EVENT Event, // IN UINT64 Timeout OPTIONAL // ) //{ // EFI_STATUS Status; // UINTN Index; // // EFI_EVENT WaitList[3]; // EFI_EVENT TimerEvent; // // if (Timeout != 0) // { // // // // Create a timer event // // // Status = gBS->CreateEvent(EVT_TIMER, 0, NULL, NULL, &TimerEvent); // if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) // { // // // // Set the timer event // // // gBS->SetTimer(TimerEvent, TimerRelative, Timeout); // // // // // Wait for the original event or the timer // // // WaitList[0] = Event; // WaitList[1] = TimerEvent; // // Status = gBS->WaitForEvent(2, WaitList, &Index); // gBS->CloseEvent (TimerEvent); // if (!EFI_ERROR(Status) && Index == 1) // { // Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; // } // } // } // else // { // WaitList[0] = Event; // Status = gBS->WaitForEvent (1, WaitList, &Index); // } // return Status; //} // //set Timeout in ms EFI_STATUS WaitFor2EventWithTsc ( IN EFI_EVENT Event1, IN EFI_EVENT Event2, IN UINT64 Timeout OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; EFI_EVENT WaitList[2]; UINT64 t0, t1; //all arguments are UINT64, we can use native divide and multiply UINT64 Delta = DivU64x64Remainder(MultU64x64(Timeout, gCPUStructure.TSCFrequency), 1000, NULL); if (Timeout != 0) { t0 = AsmReadTsc(); do { Status = gBS->CheckEvent(Event1); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; } if (Event2) { Status = gBS->CheckEvent(Event2); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { break; } } // Let's try to relax processor a bit CpuPause(); Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; t1 = AsmReadTsc(); } while ((t1 - t0) < Delta); } else { WaitList[0] = Event1; WaitList[1] = Event2; Status = gBS->WaitForEvent (2, WaitList, &Index); } return Status; } EFI_STATUS EventsInitialize (IN LOADER_ENTRY *Entry) { EFI_STATUS Status; void* Registration = NULL; // // Register the event to reclaim variable for OS usage. // //EfiCreateEventReadyToBoot(&OnReadyToBootEvent); /* EfiCreateEventReadyToBootEx ( TPL_NOTIFY, OnReadyToBoot, NULL, &OnReadyToBootEvent ); */ // // Register notify for exit boot services // Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_SIGNAL_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES, TPL_CALLBACK, OnExitBootServices, Entry, &ExitBootServiceEvent); if(!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { /*Status = */gBS->RegisterProtocolNotify ( &gEfiStatusCodeRuntimeProtocolGuid, ExitBootServiceEvent, &Registration); } // // Register the event to convert the pointer for runtime. // /* gBS->CreateEventEx ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_NOTIFY, VirtualAddressChangeEvent, NULL, &gEfiEventVirtualAddressChangeGuid, &mVirtualAddressChangeEvent ); */ // and what if EFI_ERROR? return Status; } EFI_STATUS EjectVolume(IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume) { EFI_SCSI_IO_PROTOCOL *ScsiIo = NULL; EFI_SCSI_IO_SCSI_REQUEST_PACKET CommandPacket; // UINT64 Lun = 0; // UINT8 *Target; // UINT8 TargetArray[EFI_SCSI_TARGET_MAX_BYTES]; EFI_STATUS Status; // = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; UINT8 Cdb[EFI_SCSI_OP_LENGTH_SIX]; USB_MASS_DEVICE *UsbMass = NULL; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *BlkIo = NULL; EFI_BLOCK_IO_MEDIA *Media; UINT32 Timeout; UINT32 CmdResult; // // Initialize SCSI REQUEST_PACKET and 6-byte Cdb // ZeroMem (&CommandPacket, sizeof (EFI_SCSI_IO_SCSI_REQUEST_PACKET)); ZeroMem (Cdb, EFI_SCSI_OP_LENGTH_SIX); Status = gBS->HandleProtocol(Volume->DeviceHandle, &gEfiScsiIoProtocolGuid, (void **) &ScsiIo); if (ScsiIo) { // Target = &TargetArray[0]; // ScsiIo->GetDeviceLocation (ScsiIo, &Target, &Lun); Cdb[0] = EFI_SCSI_OP_START_STOP_UNIT; // Cdb[1] = (UINT8) (LShiftU64 (Lun, 5) & EFI_SCSI_LOGICAL_UNIT_NUMBER_MASK); // Cdb[1] |= 0x01; Cdb[1] = 0x01; Cdb[4] = ATA_CMD_SUBOP_EJECT_DISC; CommandPacket.Timeout = EFI_TIMER_PERIOD_SECONDS (3); CommandPacket.Cdb = Cdb; CommandPacket.CdbLength = (UINT8) sizeof (Cdb); Status = ScsiIo->ExecuteScsiCommand (ScsiIo, &CommandPacket, NULL); } else { Status = gBS->HandleProtocol(Volume->DeviceHandle, &gEfiBlockIoProtocolGuid, (void **) &BlkIo); if (BlkIo) { UsbMass = USB_MASS_DEVICE_FROM_BLOCK_IO (BlkIo); if (!UsbMass) { MsgLog("no UsbMass\n"); Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; goto ON_EXIT; } Media = &UsbMass->BlockIoMedia; if (!Media) { MsgLog("no BlockIoMedia\n"); Status = EFI_NO_MEDIA; goto ON_EXIT; } // // If it is a removable media, such as CD-Rom or Usb-Floppy, // need to detect the media before each read/write. While some of // Usb-Flash is marked as removable media. // //TODO - DetectMedia will appear automatically. Do nothing? if (!Media->RemovableMedia) { //Status = UsbBootDetectMedia (UsbMass); // if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; goto ON_EXIT; // } } if (!(Media->MediaPresent)) { Status = EFI_NO_MEDIA; goto ON_EXIT; } //TODO - remember previous state /* if (MediaId != Media->MediaId) { Status = EFI_MEDIA_CHANGED; goto ON_EXIT; }*/ Timeout = USB_BOOT_GENERAL_CMD_TIMEOUT; Cdb[0] = EFI_SCSI_OP_START_STOP_UNIT; // Cdb[1] = (UINT8) (USB_BOOT_LUN(UsbMass->Lun) & EFI_SCSI_LOGICAL_UNIT_NUMBER_MASK); // Cdb[1] |= 0x01; Cdb[1] = 0x01; Cdb[4] = ATA_CMD_SUBOP_EJECT_DISC; //eject command. // Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED; Status = UsbMass->Transport->ExecCommand ( UsbMass->Context, &Cdb, sizeof(Cdb), EfiUsbDataOut, NULL, 0, UsbMass->Lun, Timeout, &CmdResult ); //ON_EXIT: // gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl); } } ON_EXIT: return Status; }