/* * refit/menu.c * Menu functions * * Copyright (c) 2006 Christoph Pfisterer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * * Neither the name of Christoph Pfisterer nor the names of the * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ //#include "Platform.h" #include "libegint.h" //this includes platform.h //#include "../include/scroll_images.h" #include "Version.h" //#include "colors.h" #include "nanosvg.h" #include "FloatLib.h" #include "HdaCodecDump.h" #ifndef DEBUG_ALL #define DEBUG_MENU 1 #else #define DEBUG_MENU DEBUG_ALL #endif #if DEBUG_MENU == 0 #define DBG(...) #else #define DBG(...) DebugLog(DEBUG_MENU, __VA_ARGS__) #endif //#define PREBOOT_LOG L"EFI\\CLOVER\\misc\\preboot.log" #define VBIOS_BIN L"EFI\\CLOVER\\misc\\c0000.bin" //#define LSTR(s) L##s // scrolling definitions static INTN MaxItemOnScreen = -1; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN OptionMenu = {4, L"Options", NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0}, NULL }; extern REFIT_MENU_ENTRY MenuEntryReturn; extern UINTN ThemesNum; extern CHAR16 *ThemesList[]; extern UINTN ConfigsNum; extern CHAR16 *ConfigsList[]; extern UINTN DsdtsNum; extern CHAR16 *DsdtsList[]; extern UINTN AudioNum; extern HDA_OUTPUTS AudioList[20]; extern CHAR8 *NonDetected; extern BOOLEAN GetLegacyLanAddress; extern UINT8 gLanMac[4][6]; // their MAC addresses extern EFI_AUDIO_IO_PROTOCOL *AudioIo; INTN LayoutBannerOffset = 64; INTN LayoutButtonOffset = 0; INTN LayoutTextOffset = 0; INTN LayoutMainMenuHeight = 376; INTN LayoutAnimMoveForMenuX = 0; BOOLEAN SavePreBootLog = FALSE; #define SCROLL_LINE_UP (0) #define SCROLL_LINE_DOWN (1) #define SCROLL_PAGE_UP (2) #define SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN (3) #define SCROLL_FIRST (4) #define SCROLL_LAST (5) #define SCROLL_NONE (6) #define SCROLL_SCROLL_DOWN (7) #define SCROLL_SCROLL_UP (8) #define SCROLL_SCROLLBAR_MOVE (9) #define TEXT_CORNER_REVISION (1) #define TEXT_CORNER_HELP (2) #define TEXT_CORNER_OPTIMUS (3) #define TITLE_MAX_LEN (SVALUE_MAX_SIZE / sizeof(CHAR16) + 128) // other menu definitions #define MENU_FUNCTION_INIT (0) #define MENU_FUNCTION_CLEANUP (1) #define MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_ALL (2) #define MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_SELECTION (3) #define MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_TIMEOUT (4) typedef VOID (*MENU_STYLE_FUNC)(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN SCROLL_STATE *State, IN UINTN Function, IN CHAR16 *ParamText); static CHAR16 ArrowUp[2] = { ARROW_UP, 0 }; static CHAR16 ArrowDown[2] = { ARROW_DOWN, 0 }; BOOLEAN MainAnime = FALSE; BOOLEAN ScrollEnabled = FALSE; BOOLEAN IsDragging = FALSE; INTN ScrollWidth = 16; INTN ScrollButtonsHeight = 20; INTN ScrollBarDecorationsHeight = 5; INTN ScrollScrollDecorationsHeight = 7; INTN ScrollbarYMovement; //#define TextHeight (FONT_CELL_HEIGHT + TEXT_YMARGIN * 2) // clovy - set row height based on text size #define RowHeightFromTextHeight (1.35f) #define TITLEICON_SPACING (16) //#define ROW0__TILESIZE (144) //#define ROW1_TILESIZE (64) #define TILE1_XSPACING (8) //#define TILE_YSPACING (24) #define ROW0_SCROLLSIZE (100) #define INDICATOR_SIZE (52) //EG_IMAGE *SelectionImages[6] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; //EG_IMAGE *Buttons[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; static EG_IMAGE *TextBuffer = NULL; //EG_PIXEL SelectionBackgroundPixel = { 0xef, 0xef, 0xef, 0xff }; //non-trasparent //INTN row0TileSize = 144; //INTN row1TileSize = 64; static INTN row0Count, row0PosX, row0PosXRunning; static INTN row1Count, row1PosX, row1PosXRunning; static INTN *itemPosX = NULL; static INTN *itemPosY = NULL; static INTN row0PosY, row1PosY, textPosY, FunctextPosY; static EG_IMAGE* MainImage; static INTN OldX = 0, OldY = 0; static INTN OldTextWidth = 0; static UINTN OldRow = 0; static INTN OldTimeoutTextWidth = 0; static INTN MenuWidth, TimeoutPosY; static INTN EntriesPosX, EntriesPosY; static INTN EntriesWidth, EntriesHeight, EntriesGap; static EG_IMAGE* ScrollbarImage = NULL; static EG_IMAGE* ScrollbarBackgroundImage = NULL; static EG_IMAGE* UpButtonImage = NULL; static EG_IMAGE* DownButtonImage = NULL; static EG_IMAGE* BarStartImage = NULL; static EG_IMAGE* BarEndImage = NULL; static EG_IMAGE* ScrollStartImage = NULL; static EG_IMAGE* ScrollEndImage = NULL; static EG_RECT BarStart; static EG_RECT BarEnd; static EG_RECT ScrollStart; static EG_RECT ScrollEnd; static EG_RECT ScrollTotal; EG_RECT UpButton; EG_RECT DownButton; EG_RECT ScrollbarBackground; EG_RECT Scrollbar; EG_RECT ScrollbarOldPointerPlace; EG_RECT ScrollbarNewPointerPlace; INPUT_ITEM *InputItems = NULL; UINTN InputItemsCount = 0; INTN OldChosenTheme; INTN OldChosenConfig; INTN OldChosenDsdt; UINTN OldChosenAudio; UINT8 DefaultAudioVolume = 70; //INTN NewChosenTheme; INTN TextStyle; BOOLEAN mGuiReady = FALSE; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY MenuEntryOptions = { L"Options", TAG_OPTIONS, 1, 0, 'O', NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 0, 0, 0}, ActionEnter, ActionEnter, ActionNone, ActionNone, NULL }; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY MenuEntryAbout = { L"About Clover", TAG_ABOUT, 1, 0, 'A', NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 0, 0, 0}, ActionEnter, ActionEnter, ActionNone, ActionNone, NULL }; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY MenuEntryReset = { L"Restart Computer", TAG_RESET, 1, 0, 'R', NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 0, 0, 0}, ActionSelect, ActionEnter, ActionNone, ActionNone, NULL }; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY MenuEntryShutdown = { L"Exit Clover", TAG_SHUTDOWN, 1, 0, 'U', NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 0, 0, 0}, ActionSelect, ActionEnter, ActionNone, ActionNone, NULL }; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY MenuEntryReturn = { L"Return", TAG_RETURN, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 0, 0, 0}, ActionEnter, ActionEnter, ActionNone, ActionNone, NULL }; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN MainMenu = {1, L"Main Menu", NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, L"Automatic boot", NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0}, NULL}; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN AboutMenu = {2, L"About", NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0}, NULL}; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN HelpMenu = {3, L"Help", NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0}, NULL}; CHAR16* ArgOptional[NUM_OPT] = { L"arch=i386", //0 L"arch=x86_64", //1 L"-v ", //2 L"-f ", //3 L"-s ", //4 L"-x ", //5 L"nv_disable=1", //6 L"slide=0", //7 L"darkwake=0", //8 L"-xcpm", //9 L"-gux_no_idle", //10 L"-gux_nosleep", //11 L"-gux_nomsi", //12 L"-gux_defer_usb2", //13 L"keepsyms=1", //14 L"debug=0x100", //15 L"kextlog=0xffff", //16 L"-alcoff", //17 L"-shikioff", //18 L"nvda_drv=1" //19 }; CHAR8* OutputNames[] = { "LineOut", "Speaker", "Headphones", "SPDIF", "Garniture", "HDMI", "Other" }; UINTN RunGenericMenu(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN MENU_STYLE_FUNC StyleFunc, IN OUT INTN *DefaultEntryIndex, OUT REFIT_MENU_ENTRY **ChosenEntry); VOID FillInputs(BOOLEAN New) { UINTN i,j; //for loops CHAR8 tmp[41]; // BOOLEAN bit; tmp[40] = 0; //make it null-terminated InputItemsCount = 0; if (New) { InputItems = AllocateZeroPool(130 * sizeof(INPUT_ITEM)); //XXX } InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //0 //even though Ascii we will keep value as Unicode to convert later if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(SVALUE_MAX_SIZE); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, SVALUE_MAX_SIZE, L"%a ", gSettings.BootArgs); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = UNIString; //1 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(32); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 32, L"%s", gSettings.DsdtName); // 1-> 2 InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = UNIString; //2 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(63); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 63, L"%s", gSettings.BlockKexts); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = RadioSwitch; //3 - Themes chooser InputItems[InputItemsCount++].IValue = 3; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //4 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.DropSSDT; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //5 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.GeneratePStates; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //6 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.SlpSmiEnable; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //7 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(8); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 8, L"%02d", gSettings.PLimitDict); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //8 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(8); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 8, L"%02d", gSettings.UnderVoltStep); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //9 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.GenerateCStates; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //10 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.EnableC2; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //11 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.EnableC4; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //12 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.EnableC6; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //13 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.EnableISS; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //14 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"%06d", gSettings.QPI); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //15 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.PatchNMI; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //16 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.PatchVBios; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //17 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(20); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"0x%x", gPlatformFeature); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //18 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(36); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 36, L"0x%X", gSettings.BacklightLevel); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //19 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } if (gSettings.BusSpeed > 20000) { UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"%06d", gSettings.BusSpeed); } else { UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"%06d", gCPUStructure.ExternalClock); } InputItemsCount = 20; for (i=0; i 2) { //fool proof: cfg_name is 3 character or more. UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 20, L"%s", gSettings.FBName); } else { UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 20, L"%a", gGraphics[i].Config); } } else if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Nvidia) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //21+i*6 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.InjectNVidia; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //22+6i for (j=0; j<8; j++) { AsciiSPrint((CHAR8*)&tmp[2*j], 3, "%02x", gSettings.Dcfg[j]); } if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(40); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 40, L"%a", tmp); //InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue = PoolPrint(L"%08x",*(UINT64*)&gSettings.Dcfg[0]); } else /*if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Intel) */ { InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //21+i*6 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.InjectIntel; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //22+6i if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(20); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 26, L"0x%08X", gSettings.IgPlatform); // InputItemsCount += 3; // continue; } InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //23+6i if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(8); } if (gSettings.VideoPorts > 0) { UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 8, L"%02d", gSettings.VideoPorts); } else { UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 8, L"%02d", gGraphics[i].Ports); } if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Nvidia) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //24+6i for (j=0; j<20; j++) { AsciiSPrint((CHAR8*)&tmp[2*j], 3, "%02x", gSettings.NVCAP[j]); } if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(84); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 84, L"%a", tmp); } else { //ATI and others there will be connectors InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //24+6i if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(20); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 20, L"%08lx", gGraphics[i].Connectors); } InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //25+6i InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gGraphics[i].LoadVBios; } //and so on InputItemsCount = 44; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //44 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.KextPatchesAllowed; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //45 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPKernelCpu; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //46 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPAppleIntelCPUPM; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //47 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPAppleRTC; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //48 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPKernelPm; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //49 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.FixMCFG; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //50 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"%06d", gSettings.RefCLK); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //51 OS version if non-detected if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(SVALUE_MAX_SIZE); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, SVALUE_MAX_SIZE, L"%a ", NonDetected); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //52 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.InjectEDID; //VendorEDID & ProductEDID 53, 54 InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //53 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"0x%04x", gSettings.VendorEDID); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //54 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"0x%04x", gSettings.ProductEDID); // ErmaC: NvidiaGeneric menu selector y/n InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //55 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.NvidiaGeneric; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //56 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.NvidiaWeb; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //57 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.ResetHDA; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //58 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.AFGLowPowerState; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //59 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.HDAInjection; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; // 60 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%d", gSettings.HDALayoutId); // syscl change here InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //61 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPDELLSMBIOS; // end of change InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //62 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(24); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 24, L"0x%08x", gFwFeatures); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //63 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(24); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 24, L"0x%08x", gFwFeaturesMask); // Debug for KernelAndKextPatches InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //64 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPDebug; // CSR - aka System Integrity Protection configuration InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = CheckBit; //65 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].IValue = gSettings.BooterConfig; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = CheckBit; //66 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].IValue = gSettings.CsrActiveConfig; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = CheckBit; //67 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].IValue = gSettings.FixDsdt; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = CheckBit; //68 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].IValue = gSettings.OptionsBits; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = CheckBit; //69 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].IValue = gSettings.FlagsBits; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //70 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(8); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 8, L"%02d", gSettings.PointerSpeed); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //71 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"%04d", gSettings.DoubleClickTime); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //72 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.PointerMirror; //reserve for mouse and continue InputItemsCount = 74; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //74 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.USBFixOwnership; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //75 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"0x%04x", gSettings.C3Latency); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //76 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"%02d", gSettings.EnabledCores); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //77 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"%02d", gSettings.SavingMode); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //78 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%a", gSettings.ProductName); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //79 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%a", gSettings.VersionNr); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //80 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%a", gSettings.SerialNr); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //81 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%a", gSettings.BoardNumber); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //82 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%a", gSettings.BoardSerialNumber); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //83 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%d", gSettings.BoardType); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //84 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%a", gSettings.BoardVersion); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //85 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%d", gSettings.ChassisType); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //86 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%a", gSettings.RomVersion); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //87 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%a", gSettings.ReleaseDate); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //88 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.DoubleFirstState; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //89 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.EnableC7; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = RadioSwitch; //90 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].IValue = 90; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //91 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPKernelLapic; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //92 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.USBInjection; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //93 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.InjectClockID; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //94 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(26); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 26, L"0x%08X", gSettings.FakeATI); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //95 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(26); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 26, L"0x%08X", gSettings.FakeNVidia); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //96 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(26); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 26, L"0x%08X", gSettings.FakeIntel); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //97 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(26); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 26, L"0x%08X", gSettings.FakeLAN); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //98 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(26); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 26, L"0x%08X", gSettings.FakeWIFI); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //99 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(26); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 26, L"0x%08X", gSettings.FakeSATA); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //100 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(26); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 26, L"0x%08X", gSettings.FakeXHCI); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = CheckBit; //101 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].IValue = dropDSM; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //102 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.DebugDSDT; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //103 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(26); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 26, L"0x%08X", gSettings.FakeIMEI); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //104 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(26); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 26, L"0x%08X", gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.FakeCPUID); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //105 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPKernelXCPM; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //106 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.StringInjector; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //107 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.NoDefaultProperties; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //108 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.KernelPatchesAllowed; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //109 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"%01x", gSettings.DualLink); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //110 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.NvidiaNoEFI; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //111 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.NvidiaSingle; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Hex; //112 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"0x%04x", gSettings.IntelMaxValue); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //113 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.AutoMerge; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //114 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.DeInit; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //115 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.NoCaches; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = RadioSwitch; //116 - DSDT chooser InputItems[InputItemsCount++].IValue = 116; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //117 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%a", gSettings.EfiVersion); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = ASString; //118 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(64); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 64, L"%a", gSettings.BooterCfgStr); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = RadioSwitch; //119 - Audio chooser InputItems[InputItemsCount++].IValue = 119; InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = Decimal; //120 if (New) { InputItems[InputItemsCount].SValue = AllocateZeroPool(16); } UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[InputItemsCount++].SValue, 16, L"%04d", DefaultAudioVolume); InputItems[InputItemsCount].ItemType = BoolValue; //121 InputItems[InputItemsCount++].BValue = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPPanicNoKextDump; //menu for drop table if (gSettings.ACPIDropTables) { ACPI_DROP_TABLE *DropTable = gSettings.ACPIDropTables; while (DropTable) { DropTable->MenuItem.ItemType = BoolValue; DropTable = DropTable->Next; } } if (ACPIPatchedAML) { ACPI_PATCHED_AML *ACPIPatchedAMLTmp = ACPIPatchedAML; while (ACPIPatchedAMLTmp) { ACPIPatchedAMLTmp->MenuItem.ItemType = BoolValue; ACPIPatchedAMLTmp = ACPIPatchedAMLTmp->Next; } } } VOID ApplyInputs(VOID) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; MACHINE_TYPES Model; BOOLEAN NeedSave = TRUE; INTN i = 0; UINTN j; // UINT32 k; CHAR16 *ch; CHAR8 AString[256]; TagPtr dict; // DBG("ApplyInputs\n"); if (InputItems[i].Valid) { ZeroMem(&gSettings.BootArgs, 256); gBootChanged = TRUE; ch = InputItems[i].SValue; do { if (*ch == L'\\') { *ch = L'_'; } } while (*(++ch)); AsciiSPrint(gSettings.BootArgs, 255, "%s ", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //1 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { UnicodeSPrint(gSettings.DsdtName, sizeof(gSettings.DsdtName), L"%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //2 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { UnicodeSPrint(gSettings.BlockKexts, sizeof(gSettings.BlockKexts), L"%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //3 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { if (GlobalConfig.Theme) { FreePool(GlobalConfig.Theme); } if (OldChosenTheme == 0xFFFF) { GlobalConfig.Theme = PoolPrint(L"embedded"); } else { GlobalConfig.Theme = PoolPrint(L"%s", ThemesList[OldChosenTheme]); GlobalConfig.DarkEmbedded = FALSE; GlobalConfig.Font = FONT_ALFA; } //will change theme after ESC gThemeChanged = TRUE; } i++; //4 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.DropSSDT = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //5 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.GeneratePStates = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //6 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.SlpSmiEnable = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //7 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { // DBG("InputItems[i]: %s\n", InputItems[i].SValue); gSettings.PLimitDict = (UINT8)(StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue) & 0x7F); // DBG("Item 7=PLimitDict %d\n", gSettings.PLimitDict); } i++; //8 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.UnderVoltStep = (UINT8)(StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue) & 0x3F); // DBG("Item 8=UnderVoltStep %d\n", gSettings.UnderVoltStep); } i++; //9 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.GenerateCStates = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //10 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.EnableC2 = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //11 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.EnableC4 = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //12 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.EnableC6 = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //13 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.EnableISS = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //14 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.QPI = (UINT16)StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue); DBG("applied QPI=%d\n", gSettings.QPI); } i++; //15 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.PatchNMI = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //16 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.PatchVBios = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //17 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gPlatformFeature = (UINT64)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); DBG("applied PlatformFeature=0x%x\n", gPlatformFeature); } i++; //18 | Download-Fritz: There is no GUI element for BacklightLevel; please revise if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.BacklightLevel = (UINT16)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); gSettings.BacklightLevelConfig = TRUE; } i++; //19 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.BusSpeed = (UINT32)StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue); DBG("applied BusSpeed=%d\n", gSettings.BusSpeed); } i = 19; for (j = 0; j < NGFX; j++) { i++; //20 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(gGraphics[j].Model, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //21 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { if (gGraphics[j].Vendor == Ati) { gSettings.InjectATI = InputItems[i].BValue; } else if (gGraphics[j].Vendor == Nvidia) { gSettings.InjectNVidia = InputItems[i].BValue; } else if (gGraphics[j].Vendor == Intel) { gSettings.InjectIntel = InputItems[i].BValue; } } i++; //22 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { if (gGraphics[j].Vendor == Ati) { UnicodeSPrint(gSettings.FBName, 32, L"%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } else if (gGraphics[j].Vendor == Nvidia) { ZeroMem(AString, 256); AsciiSPrint(AString, 255, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); hex2bin(AString, (UINT8*)&gSettings.Dcfg[0], 8); } else if (gGraphics[j].Vendor == Intel) { //ig-platform-id for Ivy+ and snb-platform-id for Sandy gSettings.IgPlatform = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); DBG("applied *-platform-id=0x%x\n", gSettings.IgPlatform); } } if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Intel) { i += 3; continue; } i++; //23 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gGraphics[j].Ports = (UINT8)(StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue) & 0x0F); } i++; //24 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { if (gGraphics[j].Vendor == Nvidia) { ZeroMem(AString, 256); if (StrLen(InputItems[i].SValue) > 0) { AsciiSPrint(AString, 255, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); hex2bin(AString, (UINT8*)&gSettings.NVCAP[0], 20); } } else { gGraphics[j].Connectors = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); gGraphics[j].ConnChanged = TRUE; } } i++; //25 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gGraphics[j].LoadVBios = InputItems[i].BValue; } } //end of Graphics Cards // next number == 42 i = 44; if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KextPatchesAllowed = InputItems[i].BValue; gBootChanged = TRUE; } i++; //45 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPKernelCpu = InputItems[i].BValue; gBootChanged = TRUE; } i++; //46 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPAppleIntelCPUPM = InputItems[i].BValue; gBootChanged = TRUE; } i++; //47 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPAppleRTC = InputItems[i].BValue; gBootChanged = TRUE; } i++; //48 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPKernelPm = InputItems[i].BValue; gBootChanged = TRUE; } i++; //49 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.FixMCFG = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //50 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.RefCLK = (UINT32)StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //51 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(NonDetected, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //52 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.InjectEDID = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //53 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.VendorEDID = (UINT16)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //54 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.ProductEDID = (UINT16)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //55 // ErmaC: NvidiaGeneric bool(Y/N) if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.NvidiaGeneric = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //56 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.NvidiaWeb = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //57 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.ResetHDA = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //58 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.AFGLowPowerState = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //59 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.HDAInjection = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //60 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.HDALayoutId = (UINT32)(StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue)); } i++; //61 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPDELLSMBIOS = InputItems[i].BValue; // yes, we do need to change gRemapSmBiosIsRequire here as well gRemapSmBiosIsRequire = InputItems[i].BValue; gBootChanged = TRUE; } i++; //62 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gFwFeatures = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); DBG("applied FirmwareFeatures=0x%x\n", gFwFeatures); } i++; //63 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gFwFeaturesMask = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); DBG("applied FirmwareFeaturesMask=0x%x\n", gFwFeaturesMask); } i++; //64 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPDebug = InputItems[i].BValue; // gBootChanged = TRUE; } // CSR i = 65; if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.BooterConfig = InputItems[i].IValue & 0x7F; } i++; //66 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.CsrActiveConfig = InputItems[i].IValue; } i++; //67 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.FixDsdt = InputItems[i].IValue; } i++; //68 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.OptionsBits = InputItems[i].IValue; } i++; //69 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.FlagsBits = InputItems[i].IValue; } i++; //70 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { INTN Minus = 0; if (InputItems[i].SValue[0] == '-') { Minus = 1; } gSettings.PointerSpeed = StrDecimalToUintn(&InputItems[i].SValue[Minus]); if (Minus) { gSettings.PointerSpeed = -gSettings.PointerSpeed; } // DBG("Pointer Speed=%d\n", gSettings.PointerSpeed); } i++; //71 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.DoubleClickTime = StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue); // DBG("DoubleClickTime=%d ms\n", gSettings.DoubleClickTime); } i++; //72 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.PointerMirror = InputItems[i].BValue; } i = 74; if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.USBFixOwnership = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //75 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.C3Latency = (UINT16)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //76 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.EnabledCores = (UINT8)StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //77 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.SavingMode = (UINT8)StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //78 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(gSettings.ProductName, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); // let's fill all other fields based on this ProductName // to serve as default Model = GetModelFromString(gSettings.ProductName); if (Model != MaxMachineType) { SetDMISettingsForModel(Model, FALSE); } } i++; //79 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(gSettings.VersionNr, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //80 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(gSettings.SerialNr, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //81 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(gSettings.BoardNumber, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //82 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(gSettings.BoardSerialNumber, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //83 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.BoardType = (UINT8)(StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue) & 0x0F); } i++; //84 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(gSettings.BoardVersion, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //85 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.ChassisType = (UINT8)(StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue) & 0x0F); } i++; //86 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(gSettings.RomVersion, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //87 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(gSettings.ReleaseDate, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //88 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.DoubleFirstState = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //89 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.EnableC7 = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //90 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { Status = LoadUserSettings(SelfRootDir, ConfigsList[OldChosenConfig], &dict); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = GetUserSettings(SelfRootDir, dict); if (gConfigDict[2]) FreeTag(gConfigDict[2]); gConfigDict[2] = dict; UnicodeSPrint(gSettings.ConfigName, 64, L"%s", ConfigsList[OldChosenConfig]); gBootChanged = TRUE; gThemeChanged = TRUE; } FillInputs(FALSE); NeedSave = FALSE; } i++; //91 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPKernelLapic = InputItems[i].BValue; gBootChanged = TRUE; } i++; //92 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.USBInjection = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //93 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.InjectClockID = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //94 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.FakeATI = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //95 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.FakeNVidia = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //96 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.FakeIntel = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); DBG("applied FakeIntel=0x%x\n", gSettings.FakeIntel); } i++; //97 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.FakeLAN = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //98 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.FakeWIFI = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //99 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.FakeSATA = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //100 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.FakeXHCI = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //101 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { // gSettings.DropOEM_DSM = (UINT16)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); gSettings.DropOEM_DSM = (UINT16)InputItems[i].IValue; dropDSM = gSettings.DropOEM_DSM; //? // defDSM = TRUE; } i++; //102 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.DebugDSDT = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //103 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.FakeIMEI = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //104 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.FakeCPUID = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); DBG("applied FakeCPUID=%06x\n", gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.FakeCPUID); gBootChanged = TRUE; } i++; //105 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPKernelXCPM = InputItems[i].BValue; DBG("applied KernelXCPM\n"); gBootChanged = TRUE; } i++; //106 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.StringInjector = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //107 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.NoDefaultProperties = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //108 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KernelPatchesAllowed = InputItems[i].BValue; gBootChanged = TRUE; } i++; //109 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.DualLink = (UINT32)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); DBG("applied DualLink=%x\n", gSettings.DualLink); } i++; //110 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.NvidiaNoEFI = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //111 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.NvidiaSingle = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //112 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.IntelMaxValue = (UINT16)StrHexToUint64(InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //113 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.AutoMerge = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //114 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.DeInit = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //115 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.NoCaches = InputItems[i].BValue; } i++; //116 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { if (OldChosenDsdt == 0xFFFF) { UnicodeSPrint(gSettings.DsdtName, 64, L"BIOS.aml"); } else { UnicodeSPrint(gSettings.DsdtName, 64, L"%s", DsdtsList[OldChosenDsdt]); } } i++; //117 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(gSettings.EfiVersion, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //118 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { AsciiSPrint(gSettings.BooterCfgStr, 64, "%s", InputItems[i].SValue); } i++; //119 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL* DevicePath = NULL; UINT8 TmpIndex = OldChosenAudio & 0xFF; DBG("Chosen output %d:%s_%a\n", OldChosenAudio, AudioList[OldChosenAudio].Name, OutputNames[OldChosenAudio]); DevicePath = DevicePathFromHandle(AudioList[OldChosenAudio].Handle); if (DevicePath != NULL) { SetNvramVariable(L"Clover.SoundDevice", &gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, GetDevicePathSize(DevicePath), (UINT8 *)DevicePath); SetNvramVariable(L"Clover.SoundIndex", &gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, 1, (UINT8 *)&TmpIndex); } } i++; //120 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { DefaultAudioVolume = (UINT8)StrDecimalToUintn(InputItems[i].SValue); if (DefaultAudioVolume > 100) { // correct wrong input DefaultAudioVolume = 90; UnicodeSPrint(InputItems[i].SValue, 16, L"%04d", DefaultAudioVolume); } SetNvramVariable(L"Clover.SoundVolume", &gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, 1, &DefaultAudioVolume); } i++; //121 if (InputItems[i].Valid) { gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KPPanicNoKextDump = InputItems[i].BValue; gBootChanged = TRUE; } if (NeedSave) { SaveSettings(); } } VOID AddMenuInfo(REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen, CHAR16 *Line) { REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%s", Line); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_INFO; InputBootArgs->Item = NULL; (InputBootArgs->Entry).AtClick = ActionLight; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); } VOID AboutRefit(VOID) { // CHAR8* Revision = NULL; if (!(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_MENU_TITLE_IMAGE)) { AboutMenu.TitleImage = BuiltinIcon(BUILTIN_ICON_FUNC_ABOUT); } else { AboutMenu.TitleImage = NULL; } if (AboutMenu.EntryCount == 0) { AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, PoolPrint(L"Clover Version 2.5k rev %s", gFirmwareRevision)); // by Slice, dmazar, apianti, JrCs, pene and others"); #ifdef FIRMWARE_BUILDDATE AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, PoolPrint(L" Build: %a", FIRMWARE_BUILDDATE)); #else AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" Build: unknown"); #endif AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L""); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L"Based on rEFIt (c) 2006-2010 Christoph Pfisterer"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L"Portions Copyright (c) Intel Corporation"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L"Developers:"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" Slice, dmazar, apianti, JrCs, pene, usrsse2"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L"Credits also:"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" Kabyl, pcj, jadran, Blackosx, STLVNUB, ycr.ru"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" FrodoKenny, skoczi, crazybirdy, Oscar09, xsmile"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" cparm, rehabman, nms42, Sherlocks, Zenith432"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" stinga11, TheRacerMaster, solstice, SoThOr, DF"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" cecekpawon, Micky1979, Needy, joevt, ErmaC, vit9696"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" ath, savvas, syscl, goodwin_c, clovy, jief_machak"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" projectosx.com, applelife.ru, insanelymac.com"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L""); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L"Running on:"); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, PoolPrint(L" EFI Revision %d.%02d", gST->Hdr.Revision >> 16, gST->Hdr.Revision & ((1 << 16) - 1))); #if defined(MDE_CPU_IA32) AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" Platform: i386 (32 bit)"); #elif defined(MDE_CPU_X64) AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" Platform: x86_64 (64 bit)"); #else AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, L" Platform: unknown"); #endif AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, PoolPrint(L" Firmware: %s rev %d.%d", gST->FirmwareVendor, gST->FirmwareRevision >> 16, gST->FirmwareRevision & ((1 << 16) - 1))); AddMenuInfo(&AboutMenu, PoolPrint(L" Screen Output: %s", egScreenDescription())); AboutMenu.AnimeRun = GetAnime(&AboutMenu); AddMenuEntry(&AboutMenu, &MenuEntryReturn); } else if (AboutMenu.EntryCount >= 2) { /* EntryCount instead of InfoLineCount. Lastline == return/back. Is necessary recheck screen res here? */ FreePool(AboutMenu.Entries[AboutMenu.EntryCount-2]->Title); AboutMenu.Entries[AboutMenu.EntryCount-2]->Title = PoolPrint(L" Screen Output: %s", egScreenDescription()); } RunMenu(&AboutMenu, NULL); } VOID HelpRefit(VOID) { if (!(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_MENU_TITLE_IMAGE)) { HelpMenu.TitleImage = BuiltinIcon(BUILTIN_ICON_FUNC_HELP); } else { HelpMenu.TitleImage = NULL; } if (HelpMenu.EntryCount == 0) { switch (gLanguage) { case russian: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Выход из подменю, обновление главного меню"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Помощь по горячим клавишам"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Сохранить отчет в preboot.log (только если FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Показать скрытые значки в меню"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Родной DSDT сохранить в EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Патченный DSDT сохранить в EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Сохранить ВидеоБиос в EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Проверить звук на выбранном выходе"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Сделать дамп звуковых устройств в EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Изменить разрешение экрана на одно из возможных"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Снимок экрана в папку EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Извлечь указанный DVD"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Пробел - Дополнительное меню запуска выбранного тома"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Цифры 1-9 - Быстрый запуск тома по порядку в меню"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A (About) - О загрузчике"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O (Options) - Дополнительные настройки"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R (Reset) - Теплый перезапуск"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U (go oUt) - Завершить работу в Кловере"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S (Shell) - Переход в режим командной строки"); break; case ukrainian: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Вийти з меню, оновити головне меню"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Ця довідка"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Зберегти preboot.log (тiльки FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Відображати приховані розділи"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Зберегти OEM DSDT в EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Зберегти патчений DSDT в EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Check sound on selected output"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Make audio outputs dump into EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Зберегти VideoBios в EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Зберегти знімок екрану в EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Відкрити обраний диск (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Пробіл - докладніше про обраний пункт меню"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Клавіші 1-9 -  клавіші пунктів меню"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - Про систему"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Опції меню"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Перезавантаження"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Відключити ПК"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case spanish: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Salir de submenu o actualizar el menu principal"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Esta Ayuda"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Guardar preboot.log (Solo FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Show hidden entries"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Guardar DSDT oem en EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Guardar DSDT parcheado en EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Guardar VideoBios en EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Check sound on selected output"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Make audio outputs dump into EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Guardar Captura de pantalla en EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Expulsar volumen seleccionado (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Espacio - Detalles acerca selected menu entry"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Digitos 1-9 - Atajo a la entrada del menu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - Menu Acerca de"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Menu Optiones"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Reiniciar Equipo"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Apagar"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case portuguese: case brasil: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Sai do submenu, atualiza o menu principal"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Esta ajuda"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Salva preboot.log (somente FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Show hidden entries"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Salva oem DSDT em EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (somente FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Salva DSDT corrigido em EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (somente FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Salva VideoBios em EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (somente FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Check sound on selected output"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Make audio outputs dump into EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Salva screenshot em EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (somente FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Ejeta o volume selecionado (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Espaco - Detalhes sobre a opcao do menu selecionada"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Tecle 1-9 - Atalho para as entradas do menu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - Sobre o Menu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Opcoes do Menu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Reiniciar"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Desligar"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case italian: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Esci dal submenu, Aggiorna menu principale"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Aiuto"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Salva il preboot.log (solo su FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Mostra volumi nascosti"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Salva il DSDT oem in EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (solo suFAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Salva il patched DSDT in EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Salva il VideoBios in EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Controlla il suono sull'uscita selezionata"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Scarica le uscite audio in EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Cambia la risoluzione dello schermo alla prossima disponibile"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Salva screenshot in EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (solo su FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Resetta NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Espelli il volume selezionato (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Spazio - Dettagli sul menu selezionato"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Digita 1-9 - Abbreviazioni per il menu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - Informazioni"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Menu Opzioni"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Riavvio"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Spegnimento"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case german: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Zurueck aus Untermenue, Hauptmenue erneuern"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Diese Hilfe"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Sichere preboot.log (nur mit FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Show hidden entries"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Sichere OEM DSDT in EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (nur mit FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Sichere gepatchtes DSDT in EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Sichere VideoBios in EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Check sound on selected output"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Make audio outputs dump into EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Sichere Bildschirmfoto in EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (nur mit FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Volume auswerfen (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Leertaste - Details über den gewählten Menue Eintrag"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Zahlen 1-9 - Kurzwahl zum Menue Eintrag"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - Menue Informationen"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Menue Optionen"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Neustart"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Ausschalten"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case dutch: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Verlaat submenu, Vernieuw hoofdmenu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Onderdeel hulp"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - preboot.log opslaan (Alleen FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Verborgen opties weergeven"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Opslaan oem DSDT in EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Opslaan gepatchte DSDT in EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Opslaan VideoBios in EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Controleer geluid op geselecteerde uitgang"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Opslaan audio uitgangen in EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Wijzig schermresolutie naar eerstvolgende mogelijke modus"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Opslaan schermafdruk in EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Uitwerpen geselecteerd volume (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Spatie - Details over geselecteerd menuoptie"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Cijfers 1-9 - Snelkoppeling naar menuoptie"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - Menu Over"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Menu Opties"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Soft Reset"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Verlaten"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case french: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Quitter sous-menu, Retour menu principal"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Aide"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Enregistrer preboot.log (FAT32 only)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Show hidden entries"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Enregistrer oem DSDT dans EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Enregistrer DSDT modifié dans EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Enregistrer VideoBios dans EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Check sound on selected output"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Make audio outputs dump into EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Enregistrer la capture d'écran dans EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Ejecter le volume (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Space - Détails a propos du menu selectionné"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Digits 1-9 - Raccourci vers entrée menu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - A propos"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Options Menu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Redémarrer"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Eteindre"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case indonesian: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Keluar submenu, Refresh main menu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Help"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Simpan preboot.log ke EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Show hidden entries"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Simpan oem DSDT ke EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Simpan patched DSDT ke EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Simpan VideoBios ke EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Check sound on selected output"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Make audio outputs dump into EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Simpan screenshot ke EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Eject volume (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Spasi - Detail dari menu yang dipilih"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Tombol 1-9 - Shortcut pilihan menu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - About"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Opsi"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Soft Reset"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Shutdown"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case polish: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Wyjscie z podmenu, Odswiezenie glownego menu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Pomoc"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Zapis preboot.log (tylko FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Show hidden entries"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Zapis DSDT do EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (tylko FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Zapis poprawionego DSDT do EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Zapis BIOSu k. graficznej do EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Check sound on selected output"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Make audio outputs dump into EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Zapis zrzutu ekranu do EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (tylko FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Wysuniecie zaznaczonego dysku (tylko dla DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Spacja - Informacje nt. dostepnych opcji dla zaznaczonego dysku"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Znaki 1-9 - Skroty opcji dla wybranego dysku"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - Menu Informacyjne"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Menu Opcje"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Restart komputera"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Wylaczenie komputera"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case croatian: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - izlaz iz podizbornika, Osvježi glavni izbornik"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Ovaj izbornik"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Spremi preboot.log (samo na FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Show hidden entries"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Spremi oem DSDT u EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Spremi patched DSDT into EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Spremi VideoBios into EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Check sound on selected output"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Make audio outputs dump into EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Spremi screenshot into EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Izbaci izabrai (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Space - Detalji o odabranom sistemu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Brojevi 1 do 9 su prečac do izbora"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - Izbornik o meni"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Izbornik opcije"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Restart računala"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Isključivanje računala"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case czech: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Vrátit se do hlavní nabídky"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Tato Nápověda"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Uložit preboot.log (FAT32 only)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Show hidden entries"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Uložit oem DSDT do EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Uložit patchnuté DSDT do EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Uložit VideoBios do EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Check sound on selected output"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Make audio outputs dump into EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Uložit snímek obrazovky do EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Vysunout vybranou mechaniku (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Mezerník - Podrobnosti o vybraném disku"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"čísla 1-9 - Klávesové zkratky pro disky"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - Menu O Programu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Menu Možnosti"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Částečný restart"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Odejít"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case korean: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - 하위메뉴에서 나감, 메인메뉴 새로 고침"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - 이 도움말"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - preboot.log를 저장합니다. (FAT32방식에만 해당됨)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Show hidden entries"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - oem DSDT를 EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/에 저장합니다. (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - 패치된 DSDT를 EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/에 저장합니다. (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - VideoBios를 EFI/CLOVER/misc/에 저장합니다. (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - 선택한 출력에서 사운드 확인"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - 오디오 코덱덤프를 EFI/CLOVER/misc/에 저장합니다."); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - 스크린샷을 EFI/CLOVER/misc/에 저장합니다. (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - NVRAM 초기화"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - 선택한 볼륨을 제거합니다. (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Space - 선택한 메뉴의 상세 설명"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Digits 1-9 - 메뉴 단축 번호"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - 단축키 - 이 부트로더에 관하여"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - 단축키 - 부트 옵션"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - 단축키 - 리셋"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - 단축키 - 시스템 종료"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case romanian: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Iesire din sub-meniu, Refresh meniul principal"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - Ajutor"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Salvare preboot.log (doar pentru FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Salvare oem DSDT in EFI/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Salvare DSDT modificat in EFI/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Salvare VideoBios in EFI/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Check sound on selected output"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Make audio outputs dump into EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Salvare screenshot in EFI/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Scoatere volum selectat (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Space - Detalii despre item-ul selectat"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Cifre 1-9 - Scurtaturi pentru itemele meniului"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - Despre"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Optiuni"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Soft Reset"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Inchidere"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case chinese: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - 离开子菜单, 刷新主菜单"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - 帮助"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - 保存 preboot.log 到 EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - 显示隐藏的启动项"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - 保存原始的 DSDT 到 EFI/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - 保存修正后的 DSDT 到 EFI/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - 保存 VideoBios 到 EFI/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - 检查选中输出设备的声音"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - 生成声卡输出转储到 EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - 调整屏幕分辨率为下一个可用的模式"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - 保存截图到 EFI/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - 重置 NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - 推出选中的卷 (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"空格 - 关于选中项的详情"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"数字 1-9 - 菜单快捷键"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - 关于"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - 选项"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - 软复位"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - 退出"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; case english: default: AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"ESC - Escape from submenu, Refresh main menu"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F1 - This help"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F2 - Save preboot.log into EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F3 - Show hidden entries"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F4 - Save oem DSDT into EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F5 - Save patched DSDT into EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F6 - Save VideoBios into EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F7 - Check sound on selected output"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F8 - Make audio outputs dump into EFI/CLOVER/misc/"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F9 - Switch screen resoluton to next possible mode"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F10 - Save screenshot into EFI/CLOVER/misc/ (FAT32)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F11 - Reset NVRAM"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"F12 - Eject selected volume (DVD)"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Space - Details about selected menu entry"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"Digits 1-9 - Shortcut to menu entry"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"A - Menu About"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"O - Menu Options"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"R - Soft Reset"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"U - Exit from Clover"); AddMenuInfo(&HelpMenu, L"S - Shell"); break; } HelpMenu.AnimeRun = GetAnime(&HelpMenu); AddMenuEntry(&HelpMenu, &MenuEntryReturn); } RunMenu(&HelpMenu, NULL); } // // Graphics helper functions // /* SelectionImages: [0] SelectionBig [2] SelectionSmall [4] SelectionIndicator Buttons: [0] radio_button [1] radio_button_selected [2] checkbox [3] checkbox_checked */ VOID InitSelection(VOID) { if (!AllowGraphicsMode) return; SelectionBackgroundPixel.r = (GlobalConfig.SelectionColor >> 24) & 0xFF; SelectionBackgroundPixel.g = (GlobalConfig.SelectionColor >> 16) & 0xFF; SelectionBackgroundPixel.b = (GlobalConfig.SelectionColor >> 8) & 0xFF; SelectionBackgroundPixel.a = (GlobalConfig.SelectionColor >> 0) & 0xFF; if (SelectionImages[0] != NULL) { return; } // load small selection image if (GlobalConfig.SelectionSmallFileName != NULL){ SelectionImages[2] = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GlobalConfig.SelectionSmallFileName, FALSE); } if (SelectionImages[2] == NULL){ SelectionImages[2] = BuiltinIcon(BUILTIN_SELECTION_SMALL); SelectionImages[2]->HasAlpha = FALSE; // support transparensy for selection icons CopyMem(&BlueBackgroundPixel, &StdBackgroundPixel, sizeof(EG_PIXEL)); } SelectionImages[2] = egEnsureImageSize(SelectionImages[2], row1TileSize, row1TileSize, &MenuBackgroundPixel); if (SelectionImages[2] == NULL) { return; } // load big selection image if (!GlobalConfig.TypeSVG && GlobalConfig.SelectionBigFileName != NULL) { SelectionImages[0] = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GlobalConfig.SelectionBigFileName, FALSE); SelectionImages[0] = egEnsureImageSize(SelectionImages[0], row0TileSize, row0TileSize, &MenuBackgroundPixel); } if (SelectionImages[0] == NULL) { // calculate big selection image from small one SelectionImages[0] = BuiltinIcon(BUILTIN_SELECTION_BIG); SelectionImages[0]->HasAlpha = FALSE; // support transparensy for selection icons CopyMem(&BlueBackgroundPixel, &StdBackgroundPixel, sizeof(EG_PIXEL)); if (SelectionImages[0] == NULL) { egFreeImage(SelectionImages[2]); SelectionImages[2] = NULL; return; } if (GlobalConfig.SelectionOnTop) { SelectionImages[0]->HasAlpha = TRUE; SelectionImages[2]->HasAlpha = TRUE; } } // BootCampStyle indicator image if (GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle) { // load indicator selection image if (GlobalConfig.SelectionIndicatorName != NULL) { SelectionImages[4] = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GlobalConfig.SelectionIndicatorName, TRUE); } if (!SelectionImages[4]) { SelectionImages[4] = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_selection_indicator), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_selection_indicator), TRUE); } INTN ScaledIndicatorSize = (INTN)(INDICATOR_SIZE * GlobalConfig.Scale); SelectionImages[4] = egEnsureImageSize(SelectionImages[4], ScaledIndicatorSize, ScaledIndicatorSize, &MenuBackgroundPixel); if (!SelectionImages[4]) { SelectionImages[4] = egCreateFilledImage(ScaledIndicatorSize, ScaledIndicatorSize, TRUE, &StdBackgroundPixel); } SelectionImages[5] = egCreateFilledImage(ScaledIndicatorSize, ScaledIndicatorSize, TRUE, &MenuBackgroundPixel); } /* Button & radio, or any other next icons with builtin icon as fallback should synced to: - BUILTIN_ICON_* in lib.h - BuiltinIconTable in icns.c - Data in egemb_icons.h / scroll_images.h */ // Radio buttons Buttons[0] = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"radio_button", L"png"), TRUE); //memory leak Buttons[1] = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"radio_button_selected", L"png"), TRUE); if (!Buttons[0]) { Buttons[0] = egLoadIcon(ThemeDir, L"radio_button.png", 48); } if (!Buttons[0]) { Buttons[0] = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_radio_button), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_radio_button), TRUE); } if (!Buttons[1]) { Buttons[1] = egLoadIcon(ThemeDir, L"radio_button_selected.png", 48); } if (!Buttons[1]) { Buttons[1] = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_radio_button_selected), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_radio_button_selected), TRUE); } // Checkbox Buttons[2] = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"checkbox", L"png"), TRUE); Buttons[3] = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"checkbox_checked", L"png"), TRUE); if (!Buttons[2]) { // DBG("egLoadIcon checkbox\n"); Buttons[2] = egLoadIcon(ThemeDir, L"checkbox.png", 48); } if (!Buttons[3]) { // DBG("egLoadIcon checkbox_checked\n"); Buttons[3] = egLoadIcon(ThemeDir, L"checkbox_checked.png", 48); } if (!Buttons[2]) { // DBG("embedded checkbox\n"); Buttons[2] = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_checkbox), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_checkbox), TRUE); } if (!Buttons[3]) { // DBG("embedded checkbox_checked\n"); Buttons[3] = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_checkbox_checked), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_checkbox_checked), TRUE); } // non-selected background images if (GlobalConfig.SelectionBigFileName != NULL) { SelectionImages[1] = egCreateFilledImage(row0TileSize, row0TileSize, TRUE, &MenuBackgroundPixel); SelectionImages[3] = egCreateFilledImage(row1TileSize, row1TileSize, TRUE, &MenuBackgroundPixel); } else { // using embedded theme (this is an assumption but a better check is required) EG_PIXEL BackgroundPixel; if (GlobalConfig.DarkEmbedded || GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { BackgroundPixel = DarkEmbeddedBackgroundPixel; BackgroundPixel.a = 0x00; } else { BackgroundPixel = StdBackgroundPixel; BackgroundPixel.a = 0xff; } if (GlobalConfig.DarkEmbedded) { SelectionImages[1] = egCreateFilledImage(row0TileSize, row0TileSize, TRUE, &BackgroundPixel); SelectionImages[3] = egCreateFilledImage(row1TileSize, row1TileSize, TRUE, &BackgroundPixel); } else { SelectionImages[1] = egCreateFilledImage(row0TileSize, row0TileSize, TRUE, &BackgroundPixel); //&StdBackgroundPixel); SelectionImages[3] = egCreateFilledImage(row1TileSize, row1TileSize, TRUE, &BackgroundPixel); } } // DBG("selections inited\n"); } // // Scrolling functions // #define CONSTRAIN_MIN(Variable, MinValue) if (Variable < MinValue) Variable = MinValue #define CONSTRAIN_MAX(Variable, MaxValue) if (Variable > MaxValue) Variable = MaxValue static VOID InitScroll(OUT SCROLL_STATE *State, IN INTN ItemCount, IN UINTN MaxCount, IN UINTN VisibleSpace, IN INTN Selected) { //ItemCount - a number to scroll (Row0) //MaxCount - total number (Row0 + Row1) //VisibleSpace - a number to fit State->LastSelection = State->CurrentSelection = Selected; //MaxIndex, MaxScroll, MaxVisible are indexes, 0..N-1 State->MaxIndex = (INTN)MaxCount - 1; State->MaxScroll = ItemCount - 1; if (VisibleSpace == 0) { State->MaxVisible = State->MaxScroll; } else { State->MaxVisible = (INTN)VisibleSpace - 1; } if (State->MaxVisible >= ItemCount) { State->MaxVisible = ItemCount - 1; } State->MaxFirstVisible = State->MaxScroll - State->MaxVisible; CONSTRAIN_MIN(State->MaxFirstVisible, 0); State->FirstVisible = MIN(Selected, State->MaxFirstVisible); State->IsScrolling = (State->MaxFirstVisible > 0); State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->PaintSelection = FALSE; State->LastVisible = State->FirstVisible + State->MaxVisible; } static VOID UpdateScroll(IN OUT SCROLL_STATE *State, IN UINTN Movement) { INTN Lines; UINTN ScrollMovement = SCROLL_SCROLL_DOWN; INTN i; State->LastSelection = State->CurrentSelection; switch (Movement) { case SCROLL_SCROLLBAR_MOVE: ScrollbarYMovement += ScrollbarNewPointerPlace.YPos - ScrollbarOldPointerPlace.YPos; ScrollbarOldPointerPlace.XPos = ScrollbarNewPointerPlace.XPos; ScrollbarOldPointerPlace.YPos = ScrollbarNewPointerPlace.YPos; Lines = ScrollbarYMovement * State->MaxIndex / ScrollbarBackground.Height; ScrollbarYMovement = ScrollbarYMovement - Lines * (State->MaxVisible * TextHeight - 16 - 1) / State->MaxIndex; if (Lines < 0) { Lines = -Lines; ScrollMovement = SCROLL_SCROLL_UP; } for (i = 0; i < Lines; i++) UpdateScroll(State, ScrollMovement); break; case SCROLL_LINE_UP: //of left = decrement if (State->CurrentSelection > 0) { State->CurrentSelection --; if (State->CurrentSelection < State->FirstVisible) { State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->FirstVisible = State->CurrentSelection; } if (State->CurrentSelection == State->MaxScroll) { State->PaintAll = TRUE; } if ((State->CurrentSelection < State->MaxScroll) && (State->CurrentSelection > State->LastVisible)) { State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->LastVisible = State->CurrentSelection; State->FirstVisible = State->LastVisible - State->MaxVisible; } } break; case SCROLL_LINE_DOWN: //or right -- increment if (State->CurrentSelection < State->MaxIndex) { State->CurrentSelection++; if ((State->CurrentSelection > State->LastVisible) && (State->CurrentSelection <= State->MaxScroll)){ State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->FirstVisible++; CONSTRAIN_MAX(State->FirstVisible, State->MaxFirstVisible); } if (State->CurrentSelection == State->MaxScroll + 1) { State->PaintAll = TRUE; } } break; case SCROLL_SCROLL_DOWN: if (State->FirstVisible < State->MaxFirstVisible) { if (State->CurrentSelection == State->FirstVisible) State->CurrentSelection++; State->FirstVisible++; State->LastVisible++; State->PaintAll = TRUE; } break; case SCROLL_SCROLL_UP: if (State->FirstVisible > 0) { if (State->CurrentSelection == State->LastVisible) State->CurrentSelection--; State->FirstVisible--; State->LastVisible--; State->PaintAll = TRUE; } break; case SCROLL_PAGE_UP: if (State->CurrentSelection > 0) { if (State->CurrentSelection == State->MaxIndex) { // currently at last entry, special treatment if (State->IsScrolling) State->CurrentSelection -= State->MaxVisible - 1; // move to second line without scrolling else State->CurrentSelection = 0; // move to first entry } else { if (State->FirstVisible > 0) State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->CurrentSelection -= State->MaxVisible; // move one page and scroll synchronously State->FirstVisible -= State->MaxVisible; } CONSTRAIN_MIN(State->CurrentSelection, 0); CONSTRAIN_MIN(State->FirstVisible, 0); if (State->CurrentSelection < State->FirstVisible) { State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->FirstVisible = State->CurrentSelection; } } break; case SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN: if (State->CurrentSelection < State->MaxIndex) { if (State->CurrentSelection == 0) { // currently at first entry, special treatment if (State->IsScrolling) State->CurrentSelection += State->MaxVisible - 1; // move to second-to-last line without scrolling else State->CurrentSelection = State->MaxIndex; // move to last entry } else { if (State->FirstVisible < State->MaxFirstVisible) State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->CurrentSelection += State->MaxVisible; // move one page and scroll synchronously State->FirstVisible += State->MaxVisible; } CONSTRAIN_MAX(State->CurrentSelection, State->MaxIndex); CONSTRAIN_MAX(State->FirstVisible, State->MaxFirstVisible); if ((State->CurrentSelection > State->LastVisible) && (State->CurrentSelection <= State->MaxScroll)){ State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->FirstVisible+= State->MaxVisible; CONSTRAIN_MAX(State->FirstVisible, State->MaxFirstVisible); } } break; case SCROLL_FIRST: if (State->CurrentSelection > 0) { State->CurrentSelection = 0; if (State->FirstVisible > 0) { State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->FirstVisible = 0; } } break; case SCROLL_LAST: if (State->CurrentSelection < State->MaxIndex) { State->CurrentSelection = State->MaxIndex; if (State->FirstVisible < State->MaxFirstVisible) { State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->FirstVisible = State->MaxFirstVisible; } } break; case SCROLL_NONE: // The caller has already updated CurrentSelection, but we may // have to scroll to make it visible. if (State->CurrentSelection < State->FirstVisible) { State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->FirstVisible = State->CurrentSelection; // - (State->MaxVisible >> 1); CONSTRAIN_MIN(State->FirstVisible, 0); } else if ((State->CurrentSelection > State->LastVisible) && (State->CurrentSelection <= State->MaxScroll)) { State->PaintAll = TRUE; State->FirstVisible = State->CurrentSelection - State->MaxVisible; CONSTRAIN_MAX(State->FirstVisible, State->MaxFirstVisible); } break; } if (!State->PaintAll && State->CurrentSelection != State->LastSelection) State->PaintSelection = TRUE; State->LastVisible = State->FirstVisible + State->MaxVisible; //ycr.ru if ((State->PaintAll) && (Movement != SCROLL_NONE)) HidePointer(); } // // menu helper functions // VOID AddMenuInfoLine(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN CHAR16 *InfoLine) { AddListElement((VOID ***) &(Screen->InfoLines), (UINTN*)&(Screen->InfoLineCount), InfoLine); } VOID AddMenuEntry(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry) { if ( !Screen ) return; if ( !Entry ) return; AddListElement((VOID ***) &(Screen->Entries), (UINTN*)&(Screen->EntryCount), Entry); } VOID FreeMenu(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen) { INTN i; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Tentry = NULL; //TODO - here we must FreePool for a list of Entries, Screens, InputBootArgs if ((Screen != NULL) && (Screen->EntryCount > 0)) { for (i = 0; i < Screen->EntryCount; i++) { Tentry = Screen->Entries[i]; if (Tentry->SubScreen) { if (Tentry->SubScreen->Title) { FreePool(Tentry->SubScreen->Title); Tentry->SubScreen->Title = NULL; } // don't free image because of reusing them FreeMenu(Tentry->SubScreen); Tentry->SubScreen = NULL; } if (Tentry->Tag != TAG_RETURN) { //can't free constants if (Tentry->Title) { FreePool(Tentry->Title); Tentry->Title = NULL; } } FreePool(Tentry); } Screen->EntryCount = 0; FreePool(Screen->Entries); Screen->Entries = NULL; } if ((Screen != NULL) && (Screen->InfoLineCount > 0)) { for (i = 0; i < Screen->InfoLineCount; i++) { // TODO: call a user-provided routine for each element here FreePool(Screen->InfoLines[i]); } Screen->InfoLineCount = 0; FreePool(Screen->InfoLines); Screen->InfoLines = NULL; } } static INTN FindMenuShortcutEntry(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN CHAR16 Shortcut) { INTN i; if (Shortcut >= 'a' && Shortcut <= 'z') Shortcut -= ('a' - 'A'); if (Shortcut) { for (i = 0; i < Screen->EntryCount; i++) { if (Screen->Entries[i]->ShortcutDigit == Shortcut || Screen->Entries[i]->ShortcutLetter == Shortcut) { return i; } } } return -1; } // // generic input menu function // usr-sse2 // static UINTN InputDialog(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN MENU_STYLE_FUNC StyleFunc, IN SCROLL_STATE *State) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_INPUT_KEY key; UINTN ind = 0; UINTN i = 0; UINTN MenuExit = 0; //UINTN LogSize; UINTN Pos = (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection])->Row; INPUT_ITEM *Item = ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]))->Item; CHAR16 *Backup = EfiStrDuplicate(Item->SValue); UINTN BackupPos, BackupShift; CHAR16 *Buffer; //SCROLL_STATE StateLine; /* I would like to see a LineSize that depends on the Title width and the menu width so the edit dialog does not extend beyond the menu width. There are 3 cases: 1) Text menu where MenuWidth is min of ConWidth - 6 and max of 50 and all StrLen(Title) 2) Graphics menu where MenuWidth is measured in pixels and font is fixed width. The following works well in my case but depends on font width and minimum screen size. LineSize = 76 - StrLen(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Title); 3) Graphics menu where font is proportional. In this case LineSize would depend on the current width of the displayed string which would need to be recalculated after every change. Anyway, the above will not be implemented for now, and LineSize will remain at 38 because it works. */ UINTN LineSize = 38; #define DBG_INPUTDIALOG 0 #if DBG_INPUTDIALOG UINTN Iteration = 0; #endif if ((Item->ItemType != BoolValue) && (Item->ItemType != RadioSwitch) && (Item->ItemType != CheckBit)) { // Grow Item->SValue to SVALUE_MAX_SIZE if we want to edit a text field Item->SValue = EfiReallocatePool(Item->SValue, StrSize(Item->SValue), SVALUE_MAX_SIZE); } Buffer = Item->SValue; BackupShift = Item->LineShift; BackupPos = Pos; do { if (Item->ItemType == BoolValue) { Item->BValue = !Item->BValue; MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ENTER; } else if (Item->ItemType == RadioSwitch) { if (Item->IValue == 3) { OldChosenTheme = Pos? Pos - 1: 0xFFFF; } else if (Item->IValue == 90) { OldChosenConfig = Pos; } else if (Item->IValue == 116) { OldChosenDsdt = Pos? Pos - 1: 0xFFFF; } else if (Item->IValue == 119) { OldChosenAudio = Pos; } MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ENTER; } else if (Item->ItemType == CheckBit) { Item->IValue ^= Pos; MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ENTER; } else { Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &key); if (Status == EFI_NOT_READY) { gBS->WaitForEvent(1, &gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &ind); continue; } switch (key.ScanCode) { case SCAN_RIGHT: if (Pos + Item->LineShift < StrLen(Buffer)) { if (Pos < LineSize) Pos++; else Item->LineShift++; } break; case SCAN_LEFT: if (Pos > 0) Pos--; else if (Item->LineShift > 0) Item->LineShift--; break; case SCAN_HOME: Pos = 0; Item->LineShift=0; break; case SCAN_END: if (StrLen(Buffer) < LineSize) Pos = StrLen(Buffer); else { Pos = LineSize; Item->LineShift = StrLen(Buffer) - LineSize; } break; case SCAN_ESC: MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ESCAPE; continue; break; case SCAN_F2: SavePreBootLog = TRUE; break; case SCAN_F6: Status = egSaveFile(SelfRootDir, VBIOS_BIN, (UINT8*)(UINTN)0xc0000, 0x20000); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = egSaveFile(NULL, VBIOS_BIN, (UINT8*)(UINTN)0xc0000, 0x20000); } break; case SCAN_F10: egScreenShot(); break; case SCAN_DELETE: // forward delete if (Pos + Item->LineShift < StrLen(Buffer)) { for (i = Pos + Item->LineShift; i < StrLen(Buffer); i++) { Buffer[i] = Buffer[i+1]; } /* // Commented this out because it looks weird - Forward Delete should not // affect anything left of the cursor even if it's just to shift more of the // string into view. if (Item->LineShift > 0 && Item->LineShift + LineSize > StrLen(Buffer)) { Item->LineShift--; Pos++; } */ } break; } switch (key.UnicodeChar) { case CHAR_BACKSPACE: if (Buffer[0] != CHAR_NULL && Pos != 0) { for (i = Pos + Item->LineShift; i <= StrLen(Buffer); i++) { Buffer[i-1] = Buffer[i]; } Item->LineShift > 0 ? Item->LineShift-- : Pos--; } break; case CHAR_LINEFEED: case CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ENTER; Pos = 0; Item->LineShift = 0; break; default: if ((key.UnicodeChar >= 0x20) && (key.UnicodeChar < 0x80)){ if (StrSize(Buffer) < SVALUE_MAX_SIZE) { for (i = StrLen(Buffer)+1; i > Pos + Item->LineShift; i--) { Buffer[i] = Buffer[i-1]; } Buffer[i] = key.UnicodeChar; Pos < LineSize ? Pos++ : Item->LineShift++; } } break; } } // Redraw the field (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection])->Row = Pos; StyleFunc(Screen, State, MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_SELECTION, NULL); } while (!MenuExit); switch (MenuExit) { case MENU_EXIT_ENTER: Item->Valid = TRUE; ApplyInputs(); break; case MENU_EXIT_ESCAPE: if (StrCmp(Item->SValue, Backup) != 0) { UnicodeSPrint(Item->SValue, SVALUE_MAX_SIZE, L"%s", Backup); if (Item->ItemType != BoolValue) { Item->LineShift = BackupShift; (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection])->Row = BackupPos; } StyleFunc(Screen, State, MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_SELECTION, NULL); } break; } Item->Valid = FALSE; FreePool(Backup); if (Item->SValue) { MsgLog("EDITED: %s\n", Item->SValue); } return 0; } UINTN RunGenericMenu(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN MENU_STYLE_FUNC StyleFunc, IN OUT INTN *DefaultEntryIndex, OUT REFIT_MENU_ENTRY **ChosenEntry) { SCROLL_STATE State; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_INPUT_KEY key; // UINTN Index; INTN ShortcutEntry; BOOLEAN HaveTimeout = FALSE; INTN TimeoutCountdown = 0; CHAR16 *TimeoutMessage; UINTN MenuExit; if (ChosenEntry == NULL) { TextStyle = 0; } else { TextStyle = 2; } if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { if (!textFace[TextStyle].valid) { if (textFace[0].valid) { TextStyle = 0; } else if (textFace[2].valid) { TextStyle = 2; } else if (textFace[1].valid) { TextStyle = 1; } else { DBG("no valid text style\n"); textFace[TextStyle].size = TextHeight - 4; } } if (textFace[TextStyle].valid) { // TextHeight = (int)((textFace[TextStyle].size + 4) * GlobalConfig.Scale); //clovy - row height / text size factor TextHeight = (int)((textFace[TextStyle].size * RowHeightFromTextHeight) * GlobalConfig.Scale); } } //no default - no timeout! if ((*DefaultEntryIndex != -1) && (Screen->TimeoutSeconds > 0)) { // DBG("have timeout\n"); HaveTimeout = TRUE; TimeoutCountdown = Screen->TimeoutSeconds; } MenuExit = 0; StyleFunc(Screen, &State, MENU_FUNCTION_INIT, NULL); // DBG("scroll inited\n"); // override the starting selection with the default index, if any if (*DefaultEntryIndex >= 0 && *DefaultEntryIndex <= State.MaxIndex) { State.CurrentSelection = *DefaultEntryIndex; UpdateScroll(&State, SCROLL_NONE); } // DBG("RunGenericMenu CurrentSelection=%d MenuExit=%d\n", // State.CurrentSelection, MenuExit); // exhaust key buffer and be sure no key is pressed to prevent option selection // when coming with a key press from timeout=0, for example while (ReadAllKeyStrokes()) gBS->Stall(500 * 1000); while (!MenuExit) { // update the screen if (State.PaintAll) { StyleFunc(Screen, &State, MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_ALL, NULL); State.PaintAll = FALSE; } else if (State.PaintSelection) { StyleFunc(Screen, &State, MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_SELECTION, NULL); State.PaintSelection = FALSE; } if (HaveTimeout) { TimeoutMessage = PoolPrint(L"%s in %d seconds", Screen->TimeoutText, TimeoutCountdown); StyleFunc(Screen, &State, MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_TIMEOUT, TimeoutMessage); FreePool(TimeoutMessage); } if (gEvent) { //for now used at CD eject. MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ESCAPE; State.PaintAll = TRUE; gEvent = 0; //to prevent looping break; } key.UnicodeChar = 0; key.ScanCode = 0; if (!mGuiReady) { mGuiReady = TRUE; DBG("GUI ready\n"); } Status = WaitForInputEventPoll(Screen, 1); //wait for 1 seconds. if (Status == EFI_TIMEOUT) { if (HaveTimeout) { if (TimeoutCountdown <= 0) { // timeout expired MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_TIMEOUT; break; } else { // gBS->Stall(100000); TimeoutCountdown--; } } continue; } switch (gAction) { case ActionSelect: State.LastSelection = State.CurrentSelection; State.CurrentSelection = gItemID; State.PaintAll = TRUE; HidePointer(); break; case ActionEnter: State.LastSelection = State.CurrentSelection; State.CurrentSelection = gItemID; if (((Screen->Entries[gItemID])->Tag == TAG_INPUT) || ((Screen->Entries[gItemID])->Tag == TAG_CHECKBIT)) { MenuExit = InputDialog(Screen, StyleFunc, &State); } else if ((Screen->Entries[gItemID])->Tag == TAG_SWITCH) { MenuExit = InputDialog(Screen, StyleFunc, &State); State.PaintAll = TRUE; HidePointer(); } else if ((Screen->Entries[gItemID])->Tag != TAG_INFO) { MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ENTER; } break; case ActionHelp: MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_HELP; break; case ActionOptions: State.LastSelection = State.CurrentSelection; State.CurrentSelection = gItemID; MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_OPTIONS; break; case ActionDetails: State.LastSelection = State.CurrentSelection; // Index = State.CurrentSelection; State.CurrentSelection = gItemID; if (((Screen->Entries[gItemID])->Tag == TAG_INPUT) || ((Screen->Entries[gItemID])->Tag == TAG_CHECKBIT)) { MenuExit = InputDialog(Screen, StyleFunc, &State); } else if ((Screen->Entries[gItemID])->Tag == TAG_SWITCH) { MenuExit = InputDialog(Screen, StyleFunc, &State); State.PaintAll = TRUE; HidePointer(); } else if ((Screen->Entries[gItemID])->Tag != TAG_INFO) { MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_DETAILS; } break; case ActionDeselect: State.LastSelection = State.CurrentSelection; State.PaintAll = TRUE; HidePointer(); break; case ActionFinish: MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ESCAPE; break; case ActionScrollDown: UpdateScroll(&State, SCROLL_SCROLL_DOWN); break; case ActionScrollUp: UpdateScroll(&State, SCROLL_SCROLL_UP); break; case ActionMoveScrollbar: UpdateScroll(&State, SCROLL_SCROLLBAR_MOVE); break; default: break; } // read key press (and wait for it if applicable) Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &key); if ((Status == EFI_NOT_READY) && (gAction == ActionNone)) { continue; } if (gAction == ActionNone) { ReadAllKeyStrokes(); //clean to avoid doubles } if (HaveTimeout) { // the user pressed a key, cancel the timeout StyleFunc(Screen, &State, MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_TIMEOUT, L""); HidePointer(); //ycr.ru HaveTimeout = FALSE; } gAction = ActionNone; //do action once // react to key press switch (key.ScanCode) { case SCAN_UP: case SCAN_LEFT: UpdateScroll(&State, SCROLL_LINE_UP); break; case SCAN_DOWN: case SCAN_RIGHT: UpdateScroll(&State, SCROLL_LINE_DOWN); break; case SCAN_HOME: UpdateScroll(&State, SCROLL_FIRST); break; case SCAN_END: UpdateScroll(&State, SCROLL_LAST); break; case SCAN_PAGE_UP: UpdateScroll(&State, SCROLL_PAGE_UP); // SetNextScreenMode(1); StyleFunc(Screen, &State, MENU_FUNCTION_INIT, NULL); break; case SCAN_PAGE_DOWN: UpdateScroll(&State, SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN); // SetNextScreenMode(-1); StyleFunc(Screen, &State, MENU_FUNCTION_INIT, NULL); break; case SCAN_ESC: MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ESCAPE; break; case SCAN_INSERT: MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_OPTIONS; break; case SCAN_F1: MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_HELP; break; case SCAN_F2: SavePreBootLog = TRUE; //let it be twice Status = SaveBooterLog(SelfRootDir, PREBOOT_LOG); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = SaveBooterLog(NULL, PREBOOT_LOG); } break; case SCAN_F3: MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_HIDE_TOGGLE; break; case SCAN_F4: SaveOemTables(); break; case SCAN_F5: SaveOemDsdt(TRUE); //full patch break; case SCAN_F6: Status = egSaveFile(SelfRootDir, VBIOS_BIN, (UINT8*)(UINTN)0xc0000, 0x20000); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = egSaveFile(NULL, VBIOS_BIN, (UINT8*)(UINTN)0xc0000, 0x20000); } break; /* just a sample code case SCAN_F7: Status = egMkDir(SelfRootDir, L"EFI\\CLOVER\\new_folder"); DBG("create folder %r\n", Status); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = egSaveFile(SelfRootDir, L"EFI\\CLOVER\\new_folder\\new_file.txt", (UINT8*)SomeText, sizeof(*SomeText)+1); DBG("create file %r\n", Status); } break; */ case SCAN_F7: if (OldChosenAudio > AudioNum) { OldChosenAudio = 0; //security correction } Status = gBS->HandleProtocol(AudioList[OldChosenAudio].Handle, &gEfiAudioIoProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&AudioIo); DBG("open %d audio handle status=%r\n", OldChosenAudio, Status); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { StartupSoundPlay(SelfRootDir, NULL); //play embedded sound } break; case SCAN_F8: testSVG(); SaveHdaDumpBin(); SaveHdaDumpTxt(); break; case SCAN_F9: SetNextScreenMode(1); InitTheme(FALSE, NULL); break; case SCAN_F10: egScreenShot(); break; case SCAN_F11: ResetNvram (); break; case SCAN_F12: MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_EJECT; State.PaintAll = TRUE; break; } switch (key.UnicodeChar) { case CHAR_LINEFEED: case CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN: if (((Screen->Entries[State.CurrentSelection])->Tag == TAG_INPUT) || ((Screen->Entries[State.CurrentSelection])->Tag == TAG_CHECKBIT)) { MenuExit = InputDialog(Screen, StyleFunc, &State); } else if ((Screen->Entries[State.CurrentSelection])->Tag == TAG_SWITCH){ MenuExit = InputDialog(Screen, StyleFunc, &State); State.PaintAll = TRUE; } else if ((Screen->Entries[State.CurrentSelection])->Tag == TAG_CLOVER){ MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_DETAILS; } else if ((Screen->Entries[State.CurrentSelection])->Tag != TAG_INFO) { MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ENTER; } break; case ' ': //CHAR_SPACE if (((Screen->Entries[State.CurrentSelection])->Tag == TAG_INPUT) || ((Screen->Entries[State.CurrentSelection])->Tag == TAG_CHECKBIT)) { MenuExit = InputDialog(Screen, StyleFunc, &State); } else if ((Screen->Entries[State.CurrentSelection])->Tag == TAG_SWITCH){ MenuExit = InputDialog(Screen, StyleFunc, &State); State.PaintAll = TRUE; HidePointer(); } else if ((Screen->Entries[State.CurrentSelection])->Tag != TAG_INFO) { MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_DETAILS; } break; default: ShortcutEntry = FindMenuShortcutEntry(Screen, key.UnicodeChar); if (ShortcutEntry >= 0) { State.CurrentSelection = ShortcutEntry; MenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ENTER; } break; } } StyleFunc(Screen, &State, MENU_FUNCTION_CLEANUP, NULL); if (ChosenEntry) { *ChosenEntry = Screen->Entries[State.CurrentSelection]; } *DefaultEntryIndex = State.CurrentSelection; return MenuExit; } /** * Text Mode menu. */ static VOID TextMenuStyle(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN SCROLL_STATE *State, IN UINTN Function, IN CHAR16 *ParamText) { INTN i = 0, j = 0; static UINTN TextMenuWidth = 0,ItemWidth = 0, MenuHeight = 0; static UINTN MenuPosY = 0; //static CHAR16 **DisplayStrings; CHAR16 *TimeoutMessage; CHAR16 ResultString[TITLE_MAX_LEN]; // assume a title max length of around 128 UINTN OldChosenItem = ~(UINTN)0; switch (Function) { case MENU_FUNCTION_INIT: // vertical layout MenuPosY = 4; if (Screen->InfoLineCount > 0) { MenuPosY += Screen->InfoLineCount + 1; } MenuHeight = ConHeight - MenuPosY; if (Screen->TimeoutSeconds > 0) { MenuHeight -= 2; } InitScroll(State, Screen->EntryCount, Screen->EntryCount, MenuHeight, 0); // determine width of the menu TextMenuWidth = 50; // minimum for (i = 0; i <= State->MaxIndex; i++) { ItemWidth = StrLen(Screen->Entries[i]->Title); if (TextMenuWidth < ItemWidth) { TextMenuWidth = ItemWidth; } } if (TextMenuWidth > ConWidth - 6) { TextMenuWidth = ConWidth - 6; } if (Screen->Entries[0]->Tag == TAG_SWITCH && ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[0]))->Item->IValue == 90) { j = OldChosenConfig; } else if (Screen->Entries[0]->Tag == TAG_SWITCH && ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[0]))->Item->IValue == 116) { j = OldChosenDsdt; } else if (Screen->Entries[0]->Tag == TAG_SWITCH && ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[0]))->Item->IValue == 119) { j = OldChosenAudio; } break; case MENU_FUNCTION_CLEANUP: // release temporary memory // reset default output colours gST->ConOut->SetAttribute(gST->ConOut, ATTR_BANNER); break; case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_ALL: // paint the whole screen (initially and after scrolling) gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ATTR_CHOICE_BASIC); for (i = 0; i < (INTN)ConHeight - 4; i++) { gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 0, 4 + i); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, BlankLine); } BeginTextScreen(Screen->Title); if (Screen->InfoLineCount > 0) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ATTR_BASIC); for (i = 0; i < (INTN)Screen->InfoLineCount; i++) { gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 3, 4 + i); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, Screen->InfoLines[i]); } } for (i = State->FirstVisible; i <= State->LastVisible && i <= State->MaxIndex; i++) { gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 2, MenuPosY + (i - State->FirstVisible)); if (i == State->CurrentSelection) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ATTR_CHOICE_CURRENT); } else { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ATTR_CHOICE_BASIC); } StrCpyS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, Screen->Entries[i]->Title); if (Screen->Entries[i]->Tag == TAG_INPUT) { if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[i]))->Item->ItemType == BoolValue) { StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[i]))->Item->BValue? L": [+]" : L": [ ]"); } else { StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[i]))->Item->SValue); } } else if (Screen->Entries[i]->Tag == TAG_CHECKBIT) { // check boxes StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[i]))->Item->IValue & (Screen->Entries[i]->Row)) ? L": [+]" : L": [ ]"); } else if (Screen->Entries[i]->Tag == TAG_SWITCH) { // radio buttons // update chosen config if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[i]))->Item->IValue == 90) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenConfig; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[i]))->Item->IValue == 116) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenDsdt; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[i]))->Item->IValue == 119) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenAudio; } StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, (Screen->Entries[i]->Row == OldChosenItem) ? L": (*)" : L": ( )"); } for (j = StrLen(ResultString); j < (INTN)TextMenuWidth; j++) { ResultString[j] = L' '; } ResultString[j] = 0; gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, ResultString); } // scrolling indicators gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ATTR_SCROLLARROW); gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 0, MenuPosY); if (State->FirstVisible > 0) { gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, ArrowUp); } else { gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L" "); } gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 0, MenuPosY + State->MaxVisible); if (State->LastVisible < State->MaxIndex) { gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, ArrowDown); } else { gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L" "); } break; case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_SELECTION: // last selection // redraw selection cursor gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 2, MenuPosY + (State->LastSelection - State->FirstVisible)); gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ATTR_CHOICE_BASIC); //gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, DisplayStrings[State->LastSelection]); StrCpyS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]->Title); if (Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]->Tag == TAG_INPUT) { if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]))->Item->ItemType == BoolValue) { StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]))->Item->BValue? L": [+]" : L": [ ]"); } else { StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]))->Item->SValue); } } else if (Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]->Tag == TAG_CHECKBIT) { // check boxes StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]))->Item->IValue & (Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]->Row)) ? L": [+]" : L": [ ]"); } else if (Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]->Tag == TAG_SWITCH) { // radio buttons if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]))->Item->IValue == 90) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenConfig; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]))->Item->IValue == 116) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenDsdt; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]))->Item->IValue == 119) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenAudio; } StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, (Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]->Row == OldChosenItem) ? L": (*)" : L": ( )"); } for (j = StrLen(ResultString); j < (INTN)TextMenuWidth; j++) { ResultString[j] = L' '; } ResultString[j] = 0; gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, ResultString); // current selection gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 2, MenuPosY + (State->CurrentSelection - State->FirstVisible)); gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ATTR_CHOICE_CURRENT); StrCpyS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Title); if (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Tag == TAG_INPUT) { if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]))->Item->ItemType == BoolValue) { StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]))->Item->BValue? L": [+]" : L": [ ]"); } else { StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]))->Item->SValue); } } else if (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Tag == TAG_CHECKBIT) { // check boxes StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]))->Item->IValue & (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Row)) ? L": [+]" : L": [ ]"); } else if (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Tag == TAG_SWITCH) { // radio buttons if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]))->Item->IValue == 90) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenConfig; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]))->Item->IValue == 116) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenDsdt; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]))->Item->IValue == 119) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenAudio; } StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Row == OldChosenItem) ? L": (*)" : L": ( )"); } for (j = StrLen(ResultString); j < (INTN)TextMenuWidth; j++) { ResultString[j] = L' '; } ResultString[j] = 0; gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, ResultString); //gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, DisplayStrings[State->CurrentSelection]); break; case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_TIMEOUT: if (ParamText[0] == 0) { // clear message gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ATTR_BASIC); gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 0, ConHeight - 1); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, BlankLine + 1); } else { // paint or update message gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, ATTR_ERROR); gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 3, ConHeight - 1); TimeoutMessage = PoolPrint(L"%s ", ParamText); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, TimeoutMessage); FreePool(TimeoutMessage); } break; } } /** * Draw text with specific coordinates. */ INTN DrawTextXY(IN CHAR16 *Text, IN INTN XPos, IN INTN YPos, IN UINT8 XAlign) { INTN TextWidth = 0; INTN XText = 0; INTN Height; INTN TextXYStyle = 1; EG_IMAGE *TextBufferXY = NULL; if (!Text) { return 0; } if (!textFace[1].valid) { if (textFace[2].valid) { TextXYStyle = 2; } else { TextXYStyle = 0; } } egMeasureText(Text, &TextWidth, NULL); if (XAlign == X_IS_LEFT) { TextWidth = UGAWidth - XPos - 1; XText = XPos; } if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { TextWidth += TextHeight * 2; //give more place for buffer if (!textFace[TextXYStyle].valid) { DBG("no vaid text face for message!\n"); Height = TextHeight; } else { Height = (int)(textFace[TextXYStyle].size * RowHeightFromTextHeight * GlobalConfig.Scale); } } else { Height = TextHeight; } TextBufferXY = egCreateFilledImage(TextWidth, Height, TRUE, &MenuBackgroundPixel); // render the text TextWidth = egRenderText(Text, TextBufferXY, 0, 0, 0xFFFF, TextXYStyle); if (XAlign != X_IS_LEFT) { // shift 64 is prohibited XText = XPos - (TextWidth >> XAlign); //X_IS_CENTER = 1 } // DBG("draw text %s\n", Text); // DBG("pos=%d width=%d xtext=%d Height=%d Y=%d\n", XPos, TextWidth, XText, Height, YPos); BltImageAlpha(TextBufferXY, XText, YPos, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); egFreeImage(TextBufferXY); return TextWidth; } /** * Helper function to draw text for Boot Camp Style. * @author: Needy */ VOID DrawBCSText(IN CHAR16 *Text, IN INTN XPos, IN INTN YPos, IN UINT8 XAlign) { // check if text was provided if (!Text) { return; } INTN TextLen = StrLen(Text); // number of chars to be drawn on the screen INTN MaxTextLen = 13; INTN EllipsisLen = 2; CHAR16 *BCSText = NULL; // more space, more characters if (GlobalConfig.TileXSpace >= 25 && GlobalConfig.TileXSpace < 30) { MaxTextLen = 14; } else if (GlobalConfig.TileXSpace >= 30 && GlobalConfig.TileXSpace < 35) { MaxTextLen = 15; } else if (GlobalConfig.TileXSpace >= 35 && GlobalConfig.TileXSpace < 40) { MaxTextLen = 16; } else if (GlobalConfig.TileXSpace >= 40 && GlobalConfig.TileXSpace < 45) { MaxTextLen = 17; } else if (GlobalConfig.TileXSpace >= 45 && GlobalConfig.TileXSpace < 50) { MaxTextLen = 18; } else if (GlobalConfig.TileXSpace >= 50) { MaxTextLen = 19; } MaxTextLen += EllipsisLen; // if the text exceeds the given limit if (TextLen > MaxTextLen) { BCSText = AllocatePool((sizeof(CHAR16) * MaxTextLen) + 1); // error check, not enough memory if (!BCSText) { return; } // copy the permited amound of chars minus the ellipsis StrnCpyS(BCSText, (MaxTextLen - EllipsisLen) + 1, Text, MaxTextLen - EllipsisLen); BCSText[MaxTextLen - EllipsisLen] = '\0'; // add ellipsis StrnCatS(BCSText, MaxTextLen + 1, L"..", EllipsisLen); // redundant, used for safety measures BCSText[MaxTextLen] = '\0'; DrawTextXY(BCSText, XPos, YPos, XAlign); FreePool(BCSText); } else { // draw full text DrawTextXY(Text, XPos, YPos, XAlign); } } /** * Draw menu text. */ /* clovy VOID DrawMenuText(IN CHAR16 *Text, IN INTN SelectedWidth, IN INTN XPos, IN INTN YPos, IN INTN Cursor) { INTN Height; //use Text=null to reinit the buffer if (!Text) { if (TextBuffer) { egFreeImage(TextBuffer); TextBuffer = NULL; } return; } if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { Height = (int)((textFace[TextStyle].size + 4) * GlobalConfig.Scale); } else { Height = TextHeight; } if (TextBuffer && (TextBuffer->Height != Height)) { egFreeImage(TextBuffer); TextBuffer = NULL; } if (TextBuffer == NULL) { TextBuffer = egCreateImage(UGAWidth-XPos, Height, TRUE); } if (Cursor != 0xFFFF) { egFillImage(TextBuffer, &MenuBackgroundPixel); } else { egFillImage(TextBuffer, &InputBackgroundPixel); } if (SelectedWidth > 0) { // draw selection bar background egFillImageArea(TextBuffer, 0, 0, (INTN)SelectedWidth, Height, &SelectionBackgroundPixel); } // render the text if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { egRenderText(Text, TextBuffer, 0, 0, Cursor, TextStyle); } else { egRenderText(Text, TextBuffer, TEXT_XMARGIN, TEXT_YMARGIN, Cursor, TextStyle); } BltImageAlpha(TextBuffer, (INTN)XPos, (INTN)YPos, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); } */ VOID DrawMenuText(IN CHAR16 *Text, IN INTN SelectedWidth, IN INTN XPos, IN INTN YPos, IN INTN Cursor) { //use Text=null to reinit the buffer if (!Text) { if (TextBuffer) { egFreeImage(TextBuffer); TextBuffer = NULL; } return; } if (TextBuffer && (TextBuffer->Height != TextHeight)) { egFreeImage(TextBuffer); TextBuffer = NULL; } if (TextBuffer == NULL) { TextBuffer = egCreateImage(UGAWidth-XPos, TextHeight, TRUE); } if (Cursor != 0xFFFF) { egFillImage(TextBuffer, &MenuBackgroundPixel); } else { egFillImage(TextBuffer, &InputBackgroundPixel); } if (SelectedWidth > 0) { // draw selection bar background egFillImageArea(TextBuffer, 0, 0, (INTN)SelectedWidth, TextHeight, &SelectionBackgroundPixel); } // render the text if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { //clovy - text veltically centred on Height egRenderText(Text, TextBuffer, 0, (INTN)((TextHeight - (textFace[TextStyle].size * GlobalConfig.Scale)) / 2), Cursor, TextStyle); } else { egRenderText(Text, TextBuffer, TEXT_XMARGIN, TEXT_YMARGIN, Cursor, TextStyle); } BltImageAlpha(TextBuffer, (INTN)XPos, (INTN)YPos, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); } VOID FreeScrollBar(VOID) { if (ScrollbarBackgroundImage) { egFreeImage(ScrollbarBackgroundImage); ScrollbarBackgroundImage = NULL; } if (BarStartImage) { egFreeImage(BarStartImage); BarStartImage = NULL; } if (BarEndImage) { egFreeImage(BarEndImage); BarEndImage = NULL; } if (ScrollbarImage) { egFreeImage(ScrollbarImage); ScrollbarImage = NULL; } if (ScrollStartImage) { egFreeImage(ScrollStartImage); ScrollStartImage = NULL; } if (ScrollEndImage) { egFreeImage(ScrollEndImage); ScrollEndImage = NULL; } if (UpButtonImage) { egFreeImage(UpButtonImage); UpButtonImage = NULL; } if (DownButtonImage) { egFreeImage(DownButtonImage); DownButtonImage = NULL; } } VOID InitBar(VOID) { if (ThemeDir) { if (!ScrollbarBackgroundImage) { ScrollbarBackgroundImage = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"scrollbar\\bar_fill", L"png"), FALSE); } if (!BarStartImage) { BarStartImage = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"scrollbar\\bar_start", L"png"), TRUE); } if (!BarEndImage) { BarEndImage = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"scrollbar\\bar_end", L"png"), TRUE); } if (!ScrollbarImage) { ScrollbarImage = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"scrollbar\\scroll_fill", L"png"), FALSE); } if (!ScrollStartImage) { ScrollStartImage = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"scrollbar\\scroll_start", L"png"), TRUE); } if (!ScrollEndImage) { ScrollEndImage = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"scrollbar\\scroll_end", L"png"), TRUE); } if (!UpButtonImage) { UpButtonImage = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"scrollbar\\up_button", L"png"), TRUE); } if (!DownButtonImage) { DownButtonImage = egLoadImage(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"scrollbar\\down_button", L"png"), TRUE); } } if (!BarStartImage && !GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { BarStartImage = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_scroll_bar_start), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_scroll_bar_start), TRUE); } if (!BarEndImage && !GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { BarEndImage = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_scroll_bar_end), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_scroll_bar_end), TRUE); } if (!ScrollbarBackgroundImage) { if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { ScrollbarBackgroundImage = egLoadIcon(ThemeDir, L"scrollbar-background.png", 48); } if (!ScrollbarBackgroundImage) { ScrollbarBackgroundImage = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_scroll_bar_fill), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_scroll_bar_fill), TRUE); } } if (!ScrollbarImage) { if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { ScrollbarImage = egLoadIcon(ThemeDir, L"scrollbar-holder.png", 48); } if (!ScrollbarImage) { ScrollbarImage = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_scroll_scroll_fill), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_scroll_scroll_fill), TRUE); } } if (!ScrollStartImage && !GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { ScrollStartImage = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_scroll_scroll_start), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_scroll_scroll_start), TRUE); } if (!ScrollEndImage && !GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { ScrollEndImage = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_scroll_scroll_end), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_scroll_scroll_end), TRUE); } if (!UpButtonImage && !GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { UpButtonImage = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_scroll_up_button), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_scroll_up_button), TRUE); } if (!DownButtonImage && !GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { DownButtonImage = egDecodePNG(ACCESS_EMB_DATA(emb_scroll_down_button), ACCESS_EMB_SIZE(emb_scroll_down_button), TRUE); } if (!GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { UpButton.Width = ScrollWidth; // 16 UpButton.Height = ScrollButtonsHeight; // 20 DownButton.Width = UpButton.Width; DownButton.Height = ScrollButtonsHeight; BarStart.Height = ScrollBarDecorationsHeight; // 5 BarEnd.Height = ScrollBarDecorationsHeight; ScrollStart.Height = ScrollScrollDecorationsHeight; // 7 ScrollEnd.Height = ScrollScrollDecorationsHeight; } else { UpButton.Width = ScrollWidth; // 16 UpButton.Height = 0; // 20 DownButton.Width = UpButton.Width; DownButton.Height = 0; BarStart.Height = ScrollBarDecorationsHeight; // 5 BarEnd.Height = ScrollBarDecorationsHeight; ScrollStart.Height = 0; // 7 ScrollEnd.Height = 0; } } VOID SetBar(INTN PosX, INTN UpPosY, INTN DownPosY, IN SCROLL_STATE *State) { // DBG("SetBar <= %d %d %d %d %d\n", UpPosY, DownPosY, State->MaxVisible, State->MaxIndex, State->FirstVisible); //SetBar <= 302 722 19 31 0 UpButton.XPos = PosX; UpButton.YPos = UpPosY; DownButton.XPos = UpButton.XPos; DownButton.YPos = DownPosY; ScrollbarBackground.XPos = UpButton.XPos; ScrollbarBackground.YPos = UpButton.YPos + UpButton.Height; ScrollbarBackground.Width = UpButton.Width; ScrollbarBackground.Height = DownButton.YPos - (UpButton.YPos + UpButton.Height); BarStart.XPos = ScrollbarBackground.XPos; BarStart.YPos = ScrollbarBackground.YPos; BarStart.Width = ScrollbarBackground.Width; BarEnd.Width = ScrollbarBackground.Width; BarEnd.XPos = ScrollbarBackground.XPos; BarEnd.YPos = DownButton.YPos - BarEnd.Height; ScrollStart.XPos = ScrollbarBackground.XPos; ScrollStart.YPos = ScrollbarBackground.YPos + ScrollbarBackground.Height * State->FirstVisible / (State->MaxIndex + 1); ScrollStart.Width = ScrollbarBackground.Width; Scrollbar.XPos = ScrollbarBackground.XPos; Scrollbar.YPos = ScrollStart.YPos + ScrollStart.Height; Scrollbar.Width = ScrollbarBackground.Width; Scrollbar.Height = ScrollbarBackground.Height * (State->MaxVisible + 1) / (State->MaxIndex + 1) - ScrollStart.Height; ScrollEnd.Width = ScrollbarBackground.Width; ScrollEnd.XPos = ScrollbarBackground.XPos; ScrollEnd.YPos = Scrollbar.YPos + Scrollbar.Height - ScrollEnd.Height; Scrollbar.Height -= ScrollEnd.Height; ScrollTotal.XPos = UpButton.XPos; ScrollTotal.YPos = UpButton.YPos; ScrollTotal.Width = UpButton.Width; ScrollTotal.Height = DownButton.YPos + DownButton.Height - UpButton.YPos; // DBG("ScrollTotal.Height = %d\n", ScrollTotal.Height); //ScrollTotal.Height = 420 } VOID ScrollingBar(IN SCROLL_STATE *State) { EG_IMAGE* Total; INTN i; ScrollEnabled = (State->MaxFirstVisible != 0); if (ScrollEnabled) { Total = egCreateFilledImage(ScrollTotal.Width, ScrollTotal.Height, TRUE, &MenuBackgroundPixel); if (ScrollbarBackgroundImage && ScrollbarBackgroundImage->Height) { for (i = 0; i < ScrollbarBackground.Height; i+=ScrollbarBackgroundImage->Height) { egComposeImage(Total, ScrollbarBackgroundImage, ScrollbarBackground.XPos - ScrollTotal.XPos, ScrollbarBackground.YPos + i - ScrollTotal.YPos); } } egComposeImage(Total, BarStartImage, BarStart.XPos - ScrollTotal.XPos, BarStart.YPos - ScrollTotal.YPos); egComposeImage(Total, BarEndImage, BarEnd.XPos - ScrollTotal.XPos, BarEnd.YPos - ScrollTotal.YPos); if (ScrollbarImage && ScrollbarImage->Height) { for (i = 0; i < Scrollbar.Height; i+=ScrollbarImage->Height) { egComposeImage(Total, ScrollbarImage, Scrollbar.XPos - ScrollTotal.XPos, Scrollbar.YPos + i - ScrollTotal.YPos); } } egComposeImage(Total, UpButtonImage, UpButton.XPos - ScrollTotal.XPos, UpButton.YPos - ScrollTotal.YPos); egComposeImage(Total, DownButtonImage, DownButton.XPos - ScrollTotal.XPos, DownButton.YPos - ScrollTotal.YPos); egComposeImage(Total, ScrollStartImage, ScrollStart.XPos - ScrollTotal.XPos, ScrollStart.YPos - ScrollTotal.YPos); egComposeImage(Total, ScrollEndImage, ScrollEnd.XPos - ScrollTotal.XPos, ScrollEnd.YPos - ScrollTotal.YPos); BltImageAlpha(Total, ScrollTotal.XPos, ScrollTotal.YPos, &MenuBackgroundPixel, ScrollWidth); egFreeImage(Total); } } /** * Graphical menu. */ VOID GraphicsMenuStyle(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN SCROLL_STATE *State, IN UINTN Function, IN CHAR16 *ParamText) { INTN i; INTN j = 0; INTN ItemWidth = 0; INTN X, t1, t2; INTN VisibleHeight = 0; //assume vertical layout CHAR16 ResultString[TITLE_MAX_LEN]; // assume a title max length of around 128 INTN PlaceCentre = 0; //(TextHeight / 2) - 7; INTN PlaceCentre1 = 0; UINTN OldChosenItem = ~(UINTN)0; INTN TitleLen = 0; INTN ScaledWidth = (INTN)(GlobalConfig.CharWidth * GlobalConfig.Scale); // clovy INTN ctrlX, ctrlY, ctrlTextX; HidePointer(); switch (Function) { case MENU_FUNCTION_INIT: egGetScreenSize(&UGAWidth, &UGAHeight); InitAnime(Screen); SwitchToGraphicsAndClear(); EntriesPosY = ((UGAHeight - (int)(LAYOUT_TOTAL_HEIGHT * GlobalConfig.Scale)) >> 1) + (int)(LayoutBannerOffset * GlobalConfig.Scale) + (TextHeight << 1); VisibleHeight = ((UGAHeight - EntriesPosY) / TextHeight) - Screen->InfoLineCount - 2;/* - GlobalConfig.PruneScrollRows; */ //DBG("MENU_FUNCTION_INIT 1 EntriesPosY=%d VisibleHeight=%d\n", EntriesPosY, VisibleHeight); if (Screen->Entries[0]->Tag == TAG_SWITCH) { if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[0]))->Item->IValue == 3) { j = (OldChosenTheme == 0xFFFF) ? 0: (OldChosenTheme + 1); } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[0]))->Item->IValue == 90) { j = OldChosenConfig; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[0]))->Item->IValue == 116) { j = (OldChosenDsdt == 0xFFFF) ? 0: (OldChosenDsdt + 1); } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Screen->Entries[0]))->Item->IValue == 119) { j = OldChosenAudio; } } InitScroll(State, Screen->EntryCount, Screen->EntryCount, VisibleHeight, j); // determine width of the menu - not working //MenuWidth = 80; // minimum MenuWidth = (int)(LAYOUT_TEXT_WIDTH * GlobalConfig.Scale); //500 DrawMenuText(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (Screen->TitleImage) { if (MenuWidth > (INTN)(UGAWidth - (int)(TITLEICON_SPACING * GlobalConfig.Scale) - Screen->TitleImage->Width)) { MenuWidth = UGAWidth - (int)(TITLEICON_SPACING * GlobalConfig.Scale) - Screen->TitleImage->Width - 2; } EntriesPosX = (UGAWidth - (Screen->TitleImage->Width + (int)(TITLEICON_SPACING * GlobalConfig.Scale) + MenuWidth)) >> 1; //DBG("UGAWIdth=%d TitleImage=%d MenuWidth=%d\n", UGAWidth, //Screen->TitleImage->Width, MenuWidth); MenuWidth += Screen->TitleImage->Width; } else { EntriesPosX = (UGAWidth - MenuWidth) >> 1; } TimeoutPosY = EntriesPosY + (Screen->EntryCount + 1) * TextHeight; // initial painting egMeasureText(Screen->Title, &ItemWidth, NULL); if (!(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_MENU_TITLE)) { DrawTextXY(Screen->Title, (UGAWidth >> 1), EntriesPosY - TextHeight * 2, X_IS_CENTER); } if (Screen->TitleImage) { INTN FilmXPos = (INTN)(EntriesPosX - (Screen->TitleImage->Width + (int)(TITLEICON_SPACING * GlobalConfig.Scale))); INTN FilmYPos = (INTN)EntriesPosY; BltImageAlpha(Screen->TitleImage, FilmXPos, FilmYPos, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); // update FilmPlace only if not set by InitAnime if (Screen->FilmPlace.Width == 0 || Screen->FilmPlace.Height == 0) { Screen->FilmPlace.XPos = FilmXPos; Screen->FilmPlace.YPos = FilmYPos; Screen->FilmPlace.Width = Screen->TitleImage->Width; Screen->FilmPlace.Height = Screen->TitleImage->Height; } } if (Screen->InfoLineCount > 0) { DrawMenuText(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < (INTN)Screen->InfoLineCount; i++) { DrawMenuText(Screen->InfoLines[i], 0, EntriesPosX, EntriesPosY, 0xFFFF); EntriesPosY += TextHeight; } EntriesPosY += TextHeight; // also add a blank line } InitBar(); break; case MENU_FUNCTION_CLEANUP: HidePointer(); break; case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_ALL: DrawMenuText(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0); //should clean every line to avoid artefacts // DBG("PAINT_ALL: EntriesPosY=%d MaxVisible=%d\n", EntriesPosY, State->MaxVisible); // DBG("DownButton.Height=%d TextHeight=%d\n", DownButton.Height, TextHeight); t2 = EntriesPosY + (State->MaxVisible + 1) * TextHeight - DownButton.Height; t1 = EntriesPosX + TextHeight + MenuWidth + (INTN)((TEXT_XMARGIN + 16) * GlobalConfig.Scale); // DBG("PAINT_ALL: %d %d\n", t1, t2); SetBar(t1, EntriesPosY, t2, State); //823 302 554 // blackosx swapped this around so drawing of selection comes before drawing scrollbar. for (i = State->FirstVisible, j = 0; i <= State->LastVisible; i++, j++) { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry = Screen->Entries[i]; TitleLen = StrLen(Entry->Title); Entry->Place.XPos = EntriesPosX; Entry->Place.YPos = EntriesPosY + j * TextHeight; Entry->Place.Width = TitleLen * ScaledWidth; Entry->Place.Height = (UINTN)TextHeight; StrCpyS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, Entry->Title); //clovy//PlaceCentre1 = (TextHeight - (INTN)(Buttons[2]->Height * GlobalConfig.Scale)) / 2; //clovy//PlaceCentre = (PlaceCentre>0)?PlaceCentre:0; //clovy//PlaceCentre1 = (TextHeight - (INTN)(Buttons[0]->Height * GlobalConfig.Scale)) / 2; PlaceCentre = (INTN)((TextHeight - (INTN)(Buttons[2]->Height)) * GlobalConfig.Scale / 2); PlaceCentre1 = (INTN)((TextHeight - (INTN)(Buttons[0]->Height)) * GlobalConfig.Scale / 2); // clovy ctrlX = EntriesPosX + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale); if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) ctrlX = EntriesPosX; ctrlTextX = ctrlX + Buttons[0]->Width + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale / 2); ctrlY = Entry->Place.YPos + PlaceCentre; if (Entry->Tag == TAG_INPUT) { if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)Entry)->Item->ItemType == BoolValue) { Entry->Place.Width = StrLen(ResultString) * ScaledWidth; DrawMenuText(L" ", 0, EntriesPosX, Entry->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); DrawMenuText(ResultString, (i == State->CurrentSelection) ? (MenuWidth) : 0, // clovy EntriesPosX + (TextHeight + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale)), ctrlTextX, Entry->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); BltImageAlpha( (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Entry))->Item->BValue) ? Buttons[3] :Buttons[2], ctrlX, ctrlY, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); // DBG("X=%d, Y=%d, ImageY=%d\n", EntriesPosX + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale), // Entry->Place.YPos, Entry->Place.YPos + PlaceCentre); } else { // text input StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Entry))->Item->SValue); StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, L" "); Entry->Place.Width = StrLen(ResultString) * ScaledWidth; // Slice - suppose to use Row as Cursor in text DrawMenuText(ResultString, (i == State->CurrentSelection) ? MenuWidth : 0, EntriesPosX, Entry->Place.YPos, TitleLen + Entry->Row); } } else if (Entry->Tag == TAG_CHECKBIT) { DrawMenuText(L" ", 0, EntriesPosX, Entry->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); DrawMenuText(ResultString, (i == State->CurrentSelection) ? (MenuWidth) : 0, // clovy EntriesPosX + (TextHeight + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale)), ctrlTextX, Entry->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); BltImageAlpha((((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(Entry))->Item->IValue & Entry->Row) ? Buttons[3] :Buttons[2], ctrlX, ctrlY, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); } else if (Entry->Tag == TAG_SWITCH) { if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)Entry)->Item->IValue == 3) { //OldChosenItem = OldChosenTheme; OldChosenItem = (OldChosenTheme == 0xFFFF) ? 0: (OldChosenTheme + 1); } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)Entry)->Item->IValue == 90) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenConfig; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)Entry)->Item->IValue == 116) { OldChosenItem = (OldChosenDsdt == 0xFFFF) ? 0: (OldChosenDsdt + 1); } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)Entry)->Item->IValue == 119) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenAudio; } DrawMenuText(ResultString, (i == State->CurrentSelection) ? MenuWidth : 0, // clovy EntriesPosX + (TextHeight + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale)), ctrlTextX, Entry->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); BltImageAlpha((Entry->Row == OldChosenItem) ? Buttons[1] : Buttons[0], ctrlX, ctrlY, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); } else { //DBG("paint entry %d title=%s\n", i, Screen->Entries[i]->Title); DrawMenuText(ResultString, (i == State->CurrentSelection) ? MenuWidth : 0, EntriesPosX, Entry->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); } } ScrollingBar(State); //MouseBirth(); break; case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_SELECTION: { // last selection REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *EntryL = Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *EntryC = Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]; TitleLen = StrLen(EntryL->Title); StrCpyS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, EntryL->Title); //clovy//PlaceCentre = (TextHeight - (INTN)(Buttons[2]->Height * GlobalConfig.Scale)) / 2; //clovy//PlaceCentre = (PlaceCentre>0)?PlaceCentre:0; //clovy//PlaceCentre1 = (TextHeight - (INTN)(Buttons[0]->Height * GlobalConfig.Scale)) / 2; PlaceCentre = (INTN)((TextHeight - (INTN)(Buttons[2]->Height)) * GlobalConfig.Scale / 2); PlaceCentre1 = (INTN)((TextHeight - (INTN)(Buttons[0]->Height)) * GlobalConfig.Scale / 2); // clovy ctrlX = EntriesPosX + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale); if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) ctrlX = EntriesPosX; ctrlTextX = ctrlX + Buttons[0]->Width + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale / 2); // redraw selection cursor // 1. blackosx swapped this around so drawing of selection comes before drawing scrollbar. // 2. usr-sse2 if (EntryL->Tag == TAG_INPUT) { if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryL)->Item->ItemType == BoolValue) { //clovy//DrawMenuText(ResultString, 0, EntriesPosX + (TextHeight + TEXT_XMARGIN), //clovy// EntryL->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); DrawMenuText(ResultString, 0, ctrlTextX, EntryL->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); BltImageAlpha((((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryL)->Item->BValue)? Buttons[3] : Buttons[2], ctrlX, EntryL->Place.YPos + PlaceCentre, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); // DBG("se:X=%d, Y=%d, ImageY=%d\n", EntriesPosX + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale), // EntryL->Place.YPos, EntryL->Place.YPos + PlaceCentre); } else { StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(EntryL))->Item->SValue + ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)(EntryL))->Item->LineShift); StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, L" "); DrawMenuText(ResultString, 0, EntriesPosX, EntriesPosY + (State->LastSelection - State->FirstVisible) * TextHeight, TitleLen + EntryL->Row); } } else if (EntryL->Tag == TAG_SWITCH) { if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryL)->Item->IValue == 3) { OldChosenItem = (OldChosenTheme == 0xFFFF) ? 0: OldChosenTheme + 1; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryL)->Item->IValue == 90) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenConfig; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryL)->Item->IValue == 116) { OldChosenItem = (OldChosenDsdt == 0xFFFF) ? 0: OldChosenDsdt + 1; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryL)->Item->IValue == 119) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenAudio; } // clovy // DrawMenuText(ResultString, 0, EntriesPosX + (TextHeight + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale)), // EntriesPosY + (State->LastSelection - State->FirstVisible) * TextHeight, 0xFFFF); DrawMenuText(ResultString, 0, ctrlTextX, EntriesPosY + (State->LastSelection - State->FirstVisible) * TextHeight, 0xFFFF); BltImageAlpha((EntryL->Row == OldChosenItem) ? Buttons[1] : Buttons[0], ctrlX, EntryL->Place.YPos + PlaceCentre1, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); } else if (EntryL->Tag == TAG_CHECKBIT) { // clovy // DrawMenuText(ResultString, 0, EntriesPosX + (TextHeight + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale)), // EntryL->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); DrawMenuText(ResultString, 0, ctrlTextX, EntryL->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); BltImageAlpha((((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryL)->Item->IValue & EntryL->Row) ? Buttons[3] : Buttons[2], ctrlX, EntryL->Place.YPos + PlaceCentre, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); // DBG("ce:X=%d, Y=%d, ImageY=%d\n", EntriesPosX + (INTN)(TEXT_XMARGIN * GlobalConfig.Scale), // EntryL->Place.YPos, EntryL->Place.YPos + PlaceCentre); } else { DrawMenuText(EntryL->Title, 0, EntriesPosX, EntriesPosY + (State->LastSelection - State->FirstVisible) * TextHeight, 0xFFFF); } // current selection StrCpyS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, EntryC->Title); TitleLen = StrLen(EntryC->Title); if (EntryC->Tag == TAG_SWITCH) { if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryC)->Item->IValue == 3) { OldChosenItem = (OldChosenTheme == 0xFFFF) ? 0: OldChosenTheme + 1;; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryC)->Item->IValue == 90) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenConfig; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryC)->Item->IValue == 116) { OldChosenItem = (OldChosenDsdt == 0xFFFF) ? 0: OldChosenDsdt + 1; } else if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryC)->Item->IValue == 119) { OldChosenItem = OldChosenAudio; } } if (EntryC->Tag == TAG_INPUT) { if (((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryC)->Item->ItemType == BoolValue) { DrawMenuText(ResultString, MenuWidth, ctrlTextX, EntryC->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); BltImageAlpha((((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryC)->Item->BValue)? Buttons[3] : Buttons[2], ctrlX, EntryC->Place.YPos + PlaceCentre, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); } else { StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryC)->Item->SValue + ((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryC)->Item->LineShift); StrCatS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, L" "); DrawMenuText(ResultString, MenuWidth, EntriesPosX, EntriesPosY + (State->CurrentSelection - State->FirstVisible) * TextHeight, TitleLen + EntryC->Row); } } else if (EntryC->Tag == TAG_SWITCH) { StrCpyS(ResultString, TITLE_MAX_LEN, EntryC->Title); DrawMenuText(ResultString, MenuWidth, ctrlTextX, EntriesPosY + (State->CurrentSelection - State->FirstVisible) * TextHeight, 0xFFFF); BltImageAlpha((EntryC->Row == OldChosenItem) ? Buttons[1]:Buttons[0], ctrlX, EntryC->Place.YPos + PlaceCentre1, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); } else if (EntryC->Tag == TAG_CHECKBIT) { DrawMenuText(ResultString, MenuWidth, ctrlTextX, EntryC->Place.YPos, 0xFFFF); BltImageAlpha((((REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG*)EntryC)->Item->IValue & EntryC->Row) ? Buttons[3] :Buttons[2], ctrlX, EntryC->Place.YPos + PlaceCentre, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); } else { DrawMenuText(EntryC->Title, MenuWidth, EntriesPosX, EntriesPosY + (State->CurrentSelection - State->FirstVisible) * TextHeight, 0xFFFF); } ScrollStart.YPos = ScrollbarBackground.YPos + ScrollbarBackground.Height * State->FirstVisible / (State->MaxIndex + 1); Scrollbar.YPos = ScrollStart.YPos + ScrollStart.Height; ScrollEnd.YPos = Scrollbar.YPos + Scrollbar.Height; // ScrollEnd.Height is already subtracted ScrollingBar(State); break; } case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_TIMEOUT: //ever be here? X = (UGAWidth - StrLen(ParamText) * ScaledWidth) >> 1; DrawMenuText(ParamText, 0, X, TimeoutPosY, 0xFFFF); break; } MouseBirth(); } /** * Draw entries for GUI. */ static VOID DrawMainMenuEntry(REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry, BOOLEAN selected, INTN XPos, INTN YPos) { INTN Scale = GlobalConfig.MainEntriesSize >> 3; //usually it is 128>>3 == 16. if 256>>3 == 32 if (((Entry->Tag == TAG_LOADER) || (Entry->Tag == TAG_LEGACY)) && !(GlobalConfig.HideBadges & HDBADGES_SWAP) && (Entry->Row == 0)) { MainImage = Entry->DriveImage; } else { MainImage = Entry->Image; } if (!MainImage) { if (!IsEmbeddedTheme()) { MainImage = egLoadIcon(ThemeDir, GetIconsExt(L"icons\\os_mac", L"icns"), Scale << 3); } if (!MainImage) { MainImage = DummyImage(Scale << 3); } } // DBG("Entry title=%s; Width=%d\n", Entry->Title, MainImage->Width); if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG) { Scale = 16 * (selected ? 1 : -1); } else { Scale = ((Entry->Row == 0) ? (Scale * (selected ? 1 : -1)): 16) ; } if (GlobalConfig.SelectionOnTop) { SelectionImages[0]->HasAlpha = TRUE; SelectionImages[2]->HasAlpha = TRUE; //MainImage->HasAlpha = TRUE; BltImageCompositeBadge(MainImage, SelectionImages[((Entry->Row == 0) ? 0 : 2) + (selected ? 0 : 1)], (Entry->Row == 0) ? Entry->BadgeImage:NULL, XPos, YPos, Scale); } else { BltImageCompositeBadge(SelectionImages[((Entry->Row == 0) ? 0 : 2) + (selected ? 0 : 1)], MainImage, (Entry->Row == 0) ? Entry->BadgeImage:NULL, XPos, YPos, Scale); } // draw BCS indicator // Needy: if Labels (Titles) are hidden there is no point to draw the indicator if (GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle && !(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL)) { SelectionImages[4]->HasAlpha = TRUE; // inidcator is for row 0, main entries, only if (Entry->Row == 0) { BltImageAlpha(SelectionImages[4 + (selected ? 0 : 1)], XPos + (row0TileSize / 2) - (INTN)(INDICATOR_SIZE * 0.5f * GlobalConfig.Scale), row0PosY + row0TileSize + TextHeight + (BCSMargin * 2), &MenuBackgroundPixel, Scale); } } Entry->Place.XPos = XPos; Entry->Place.YPos = YPos; Entry->Place.Width = MainImage->Width; Entry->Place.Height = MainImage->Height; } static VOID FillRectAreaOfScreen(IN INTN XPos, IN INTN YPos, IN INTN Width, IN INTN Height, IN EG_PIXEL *Color, IN UINT8 XAlign) { EG_IMAGE *TmpBuffer = NULL; INTN X = XPos - (Width >> XAlign); if (!Width || !Height) return; TmpBuffer = egCreateImage(Width, Height, FALSE); if (!BackgroundImage) { egFillImage(TmpBuffer, Color); } else { egRawCopy(TmpBuffer->PixelData, BackgroundImage->PixelData + YPos * BackgroundImage->Width + X, Width, Height, TmpBuffer->Width, BackgroundImage->Width); } BltImage(TmpBuffer, X, YPos); egFreeImage(TmpBuffer); } static VOID DrawMainMenuLabel(IN CHAR16 *Text, IN INTN XPos, IN INTN YPos, IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN SCROLL_STATE *State) { INTN TextWidth; INTN BadgeDim = (INTN)(BADGE_DIMENSION * GlobalConfig.Scale); egMeasureText(Text, &TextWidth, NULL); //Clear old text if (OldTextWidth > TextWidth) { FillRectAreaOfScreen(OldX, OldY, OldTextWidth, TextHeight, &MenuBackgroundPixel, X_IS_CENTER); } if (!(GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle) && (GlobalConfig.HideBadges & HDBADGES_INLINE) && (!OldRow) && (OldTextWidth) && (OldTextWidth != TextWidth)) { //Clear badge BltImageAlpha(NULL, (OldX - (OldTextWidth >> 1) - (BadgeDim + 16)), (OldY - ((BadgeDim - TextHeight) >> 1)), &MenuBackgroundPixel, BadgeDim >> 3); } DrawTextXY(Text, XPos, YPos, X_IS_CENTER); //show inline badge if (!(GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle) && (GlobalConfig.HideBadges & HDBADGES_INLINE) && (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Row == 0)) { // Display Inline Badge: small icon before the text BltImageAlpha(((LOADER_ENTRY*)Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection])->me.Image, (XPos - (TextWidth >> 1) - (BadgeDim + 16)), (YPos - ((BadgeDim - TextHeight) >> 1)), &MenuBackgroundPixel, BadgeDim >> 3); } OldX = XPos; OldY = YPos; OldTextWidth = TextWidth; OldRow = Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Row; } VOID CountItems(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen) { INTN i; row0PosX = 0; row1PosX = Screen->EntryCount; // layout row0Count = 0; //Nr items in row0 row1Count = 0; for (i = 0; i < (INTN)Screen->EntryCount; i++) { if (Screen->Entries[i]->Row == 0) { row0Count++; CONSTRAIN_MIN(row0PosX, i); } else { row1Count++; CONSTRAIN_MAX(row1PosX, i); } } } VOID DrawTextCorner(UINTN TextC, UINT8 Align) { INTN Xpos; CHAR16 *Text = NULL; if ( // HIDEUI_ALL - included ((TextC == TEXT_CORNER_REVISION) && ((GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_REVISION) != 0)) || ((TextC == TEXT_CORNER_HELP) && ((GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_HELP) != 0)) || ((TextC == TEXT_CORNER_OPTIMUS) && (GlobalConfig.ShowOptimus == FALSE)) ) { return; } switch (TextC) { case TEXT_CORNER_REVISION: Text = gFirmwareRevision; break; case TEXT_CORNER_HELP: Text = L"F1:Help"; break; case TEXT_CORNER_OPTIMUS: if (gGraphics[0].Vendor != Intel) { Text = L"Discrete"; } else { Text = L"Intel"; } // Text = (NGFX == 2)?L"Intel":L"Discrete"; break; default: return; } switch (Align) { case X_IS_LEFT: Xpos = (INTN)(TextHeight * 0.75f); break; case X_IS_RIGHT: Xpos = UGAWidth - (INTN)(TextHeight * 0.7f);//2 break; case X_IS_CENTER: Xpos = UGAWidth >> 1; break; default: return; } // DBG("draw text %s at (%d, %d)\n", Text, Xpos, UGAHeight - 5 - TextHeight), // clovy DrawTextXY(Text, Xpos, UGAHeight - 5 - TextHeight, Align); DrawTextXY(Text, Xpos, UGAHeight - (INTN)(TextHeight * 1.5f), Align); } VOID MainMenuVerticalStyle(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN SCROLL_STATE *State, IN UINTN Function, IN CHAR16 *ParamText) { INTN i; INTN row0PosYRunning; INTN VisibleHeight = 0; //assume vertical layout INTN MessageHeight = 20; if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG && textFace[1].valid) { MessageHeight = (INTN)(textFace[1].size * RowHeightFromTextHeight * GlobalConfig.Scale); } else { MessageHeight = (INTN)(TextHeight * RowHeightFromTextHeight * GlobalConfig.Scale); } switch (Function) { case MENU_FUNCTION_INIT: egGetScreenSize(&UGAWidth, &UGAHeight); InitAnime(Screen); SwitchToGraphicsAndClear(); //BltClearScreen(FALSE); //adjustable by theme.plist? EntriesPosY = (int)(LAYOUT_Y_EDGE * GlobalConfig.Scale); EntriesGap = (int)(GlobalConfig.TileYSpace * GlobalConfig.Scale); EntriesWidth = GlobalConfig.MainEntriesSize + (int)(16 * GlobalConfig.Scale); EntriesHeight = GlobalConfig.MainEntriesSize + (int)(16 * GlobalConfig.Scale); // VisibleHeight = (UGAHeight - EntriesPosY - (int)(LAYOUT_Y_EDGE * GlobalConfig.Scale) + EntriesGap) / (EntriesHeight + EntriesGap); EntriesPosX = UGAWidth - EntriesWidth - (int)((BAR_WIDTH + LAYOUT_X_EDGE) * GlobalConfig.Scale); TimeoutPosY = UGAHeight - (int)(LAYOUT_Y_EDGE * GlobalConfig.Scale) - MessageHeight * 2; //optimus + timeout texts CountItems(Screen); InitScroll(State, row0Count, Screen->EntryCount, VisibleHeight, 0); row0PosX = EntriesPosX; row0PosY = EntriesPosY; row1PosX = (UGAWidth + EntriesGap - (row1TileSize + (int)(TILE1_XSPACING * GlobalConfig.Scale)) * row1Count) >> 1; textPosY = TimeoutPosY - (int)(GlobalConfig.TileYSpace * GlobalConfig.Scale) - MessageHeight; //message text row1PosY = textPosY - row1TileSize - (int)(GlobalConfig.TileYSpace * GlobalConfig.Scale) - LayoutTextOffset; if (!itemPosX) { itemPosX = AllocatePool(sizeof(UINT64) * Screen->EntryCount); itemPosY = AllocatePool(sizeof(UINT64) * Screen->EntryCount); } row0PosYRunning = row0PosY; row1PosXRunning = row1PosX; // DBG("EntryCount =%d\n", Screen->EntryCount); for (i = 0; i < (INTN)Screen->EntryCount; i++) { if (Screen->Entries[i]->Row == 0) { itemPosX[i] = row0PosX; itemPosY[i] = row0PosYRunning; row0PosYRunning += EntriesHeight + EntriesGap; } else { itemPosX[i] = row1PosXRunning; itemPosY[i] = row1PosY; row1PosXRunning += row1TileSize + (int)(TILE1_XSPACING* GlobalConfig.Scale); // DBG("next item in row1 at x=%d\n", row1PosXRunning); } } // initial painting InitSelection(); // Update FilmPlace only if not set by InitAnime if (Screen->FilmPlace.Width == 0 || Screen->FilmPlace.Height == 0) { CopyMem(&Screen->FilmPlace, &BannerPlace, sizeof(BannerPlace)); } InitBar(); break; case MENU_FUNCTION_CLEANUP: FreePool(itemPosX); itemPosX = NULL; FreePool(itemPosY); itemPosY = NULL; HidePointer(); break; case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_ALL: SetBar(EntriesPosX + EntriesWidth + (int)(10 * GlobalConfig.Scale), EntriesPosY, UGAHeight - (int)(LAYOUT_Y_EDGE * GlobalConfig.Scale), State); for (i = 0; i <= State->MaxIndex; i++) { if (Screen->Entries[i]->Row == 0) { if ((i >= State->FirstVisible) && (i <= State->LastVisible)) { DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[i], (i == State->CurrentSelection)?1:0, itemPosX[i - State->FirstVisible], itemPosY[i - State->FirstVisible]); } } else { //row1 DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[i], (i == State->CurrentSelection)?1:0, itemPosX[i], itemPosY[i]); } } if (!(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL)){ DrawMainMenuLabel(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Title, (UGAWidth >> 1), textPosY, Screen, State); } ScrollingBar(State); DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_REVISION, X_IS_LEFT); DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_OPTIMUS, X_IS_CENTER); MouseBirth(); break; case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_SELECTION: HidePointer(); if (Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]->Row == 0) { DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection], FALSE, itemPosX[State->LastSelection - State->FirstVisible], itemPosY[State->LastSelection - State->FirstVisible]); } else { DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection], FALSE, itemPosX[State->LastSelection], itemPosY[State->LastSelection]); } if (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Row == 0) { DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection], TRUE, itemPosX[State->CurrentSelection - State->FirstVisible], itemPosY[State->CurrentSelection - State->FirstVisible]); } else { DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection], TRUE, itemPosX[State->CurrentSelection], itemPosY[State->CurrentSelection]); } if (!(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL)) { DrawMainMenuLabel(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Title, (UGAWidth >> 1), textPosY, Screen, State); } ScrollingBar(State); DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_REVISION, X_IS_LEFT); DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_OPTIMUS, X_IS_CENTER); MouseBirth(); break; case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_TIMEOUT: i = (GlobalConfig.HideBadges & HDBADGES_INLINE)?3:1; HidePointer(); if (!(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL)){ FillRectAreaOfScreen((UGAWidth >> 1), textPosY + MessageHeight * i, OldTimeoutTextWidth, TextHeight, &MenuBackgroundPixel, X_IS_CENTER); OldTimeoutTextWidth = DrawTextXY(ParamText, (UGAWidth >> 1), textPosY + MessageHeight * i, X_IS_CENTER); } DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_REVISION, X_IS_LEFT); break; } } /** * Main screen text. */ VOID MainMenuStyle(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN SCROLL_STATE *State, IN UINTN Function, IN CHAR16 *ParamText) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; INTN i = 0; INTN MessageHeight = 0; // clovy if (GlobalConfig.TypeSVG && textFace[1].valid) { MessageHeight = (INTN)(textFace[1].size * RowHeightFromTextHeight * GlobalConfig.Scale); } else { MessageHeight = (INTN)(TextHeight * RowHeightFromTextHeight * GlobalConfig.Scale); } switch (Function) { case MENU_FUNCTION_INIT: egGetScreenSize(&UGAWidth, &UGAHeight); InitAnime(Screen); SwitchToGraphicsAndClear(); //BltClearScreen(FALSE); EntriesGap = (int)(GlobalConfig.TileXSpace * GlobalConfig.Scale); EntriesWidth = row0TileSize; EntriesHeight = GlobalConfig.MainEntriesSize + (int)(16.f * GlobalConfig.Scale); MaxItemOnScreen = (UGAWidth - (int)((ROW0_SCROLLSIZE * 2)* GlobalConfig.Scale)) / (EntriesWidth + EntriesGap); //8 CountItems(Screen); InitScroll(State, row0Count, Screen->EntryCount, MaxItemOnScreen, 0); row0PosX = EntriesWidth + EntriesGap; row0PosX = row0PosX * ((MaxItemOnScreen < row0Count)?MaxItemOnScreen:row0Count); row0PosX = row0PosX - EntriesGap; row0PosX = UGAWidth - row0PosX; row0PosX = row0PosX >> 1; row0PosY = (int)(((float)UGAHeight - LayoutMainMenuHeight * GlobalConfig.Scale) * 0.5f + LayoutBannerOffset * GlobalConfig.Scale); row1PosX = (UGAWidth + 8 - (row1TileSize + (INTN)(8.0f * GlobalConfig.Scale)) * row1Count) >> 1; if (GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle && !(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL)) { row1PosY = row0PosY + row0TileSize + (BCSMargin * 2) + TextHeight + (INTN)(INDICATOR_SIZE * GlobalConfig.Scale) + (INTN)((LayoutButtonOffset + GlobalConfig.TileYSpace) * GlobalConfig.Scale); } else { row1PosY = row0PosY + EntriesHeight + (INTN)((GlobalConfig.TileYSpace + LayoutButtonOffset) * GlobalConfig.Scale); } if (row1Count > 0) { textPosY = row1PosY + MAX(row1TileSize, MessageHeight) + (INTN)((GlobalConfig.TileYSpace + LayoutTextOffset) * GlobalConfig.Scale); } else { textPosY = row1PosY; } if (GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle) { textPosY = row0PosY + row0TileSize + TEXT_YMARGIN + BCSMargin; } FunctextPosY = row1PosY + row1TileSize + (INTN)((GlobalConfig.TileYSpace + LayoutTextOffset) * GlobalConfig.Scale); if (!itemPosX) { itemPosX = AllocatePool(sizeof(UINT64) * Screen->EntryCount); } row0PosXRunning = row0PosX; row1PosXRunning = row1PosX; //DBG("EntryCount =%d\n", Screen->EntryCount); for (i = 0; i < (INTN)Screen->EntryCount; i++) { if (Screen->Entries[i]->Row == 0) { itemPosX[i] = row0PosXRunning; row0PosXRunning += EntriesWidth + EntriesGap; } else { itemPosX[i] = row1PosXRunning; row1PosXRunning += row1TileSize + (INTN)(TILE1_XSPACING * GlobalConfig.Scale); //DBG("next item in row1 at x=%d\n", row1PosXRunning); } } // initial painting InitSelection(); // Update FilmPlace only if not set by InitAnime if (Screen->FilmPlace.Width == 0 || Screen->FilmPlace.Height == 0) { CopyMem(&Screen->FilmPlace, &BannerPlace, sizeof(BannerPlace)); } //DBG("main menu inited\n"); break; case MENU_FUNCTION_CLEANUP: FreePool(itemPosX); itemPosX = NULL; HidePointer(); break; case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_ALL: for (i = 0; i <= State->MaxIndex; i++) { if (Screen->Entries[i]->Row == 0) { if ((i >= State->FirstVisible) && (i <= State->LastVisible)) { DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[i], (i == State->CurrentSelection)?1:0, itemPosX[i - State->FirstVisible], row0PosY); // draw static text for the boot options, BootCampStyle if (GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle && !(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL)) { INTN textPosX = itemPosX[i - State->FirstVisible] + (row0TileSize / 2); // clear the screen FillRectAreaOfScreen(textPosX, textPosY, EntriesWidth + GlobalConfig.TileXSpace, MessageHeight, &MenuBackgroundPixel, X_IS_CENTER); // draw the text DrawBCSText(Screen->Entries[i]->Title, textPosX, textPosY, X_IS_CENTER); } } } else { DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[i], (i == State->CurrentSelection)?1:0, itemPosX[i], row1PosY); } } // clear the text from the second row, required by the BootCampStyle if ((GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle) && (Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]->Row == 1) && (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Row == 0) && !(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL)) { FillRectAreaOfScreen((UGAWidth >> 1), FunctextPosY, // clovy OldTextWidth, TextHeight, &MenuBackgroundPixel, X_IS_CENTER); OldTextWidth, MessageHeight, &MenuBackgroundPixel, X_IS_CENTER); } // something is wrong with the DrawMainMenuLabel or Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection] // and it's required to create the first selection text from here // used for the second row entries, when BootCampStyle is used if ((Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]->Row == 0) && (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Row == 1) && GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle && !(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL)) { DrawMainMenuLabel(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Title, (UGAWidth >> 1), FunctextPosY, Screen, State); } // something is wrong with the DrawMainMenuLabel or Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection] // and it's required to create the first selection text from here // used for all the entries if (!(GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle) && !(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL)) { DrawMainMenuLabel(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Title, (UGAWidth >> 1), textPosY, Screen, State); } DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_HELP, X_IS_LEFT); DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_OPTIMUS, X_IS_CENTER); DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_REVISION, X_IS_RIGHT); Status = MouseBirth(); if(EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("can't bear mouse at all! Status=%r\n", Status); } break; case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_SELECTION: HidePointer(); if (Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection]->Row == 0) { DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection], FALSE, itemPosX[State->LastSelection - State->FirstVisible], row0PosY); } else { DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[State->LastSelection], FALSE, itemPosX[State->LastSelection], row1PosY); } if (Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Row == 0) { DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection], TRUE, itemPosX[State->CurrentSelection - State->FirstVisible], row0PosY); } else { DrawMainMenuEntry(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection], TRUE, itemPosX[State->CurrentSelection], row1PosY); } // create dynamic text for the second row if BootCampStyle is used if ((GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle) && (!(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL)) && Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Row == 1) { DrawMainMenuLabel(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Title, (UGAWidth >> 1), FunctextPosY, Screen, State); } // create dynamic text for all the entries if ((!(GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle)) && (!(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL))) { DrawMainMenuLabel(Screen->Entries[State->CurrentSelection]->Title, (UGAWidth >> 1), textPosY, Screen, State); } DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_HELP, X_IS_LEFT); DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_OPTIMUS, X_IS_CENTER); DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_REVISION, X_IS_RIGHT); Status = MouseBirth(); if(EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("can't bear mouse at sel! Status=%r\n", Status); } break; case MENU_FUNCTION_PAINT_TIMEOUT: i = (GlobalConfig.HideBadges & HDBADGES_INLINE)?3:1; HidePointer(); if (!(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_LABEL)){ FillRectAreaOfScreen((UGAWidth >> 1), FunctextPosY + MessageHeight * i, OldTimeoutTextWidth, MessageHeight, &MenuBackgroundPixel, X_IS_CENTER); OldTimeoutTextWidth = DrawTextXY(ParamText, (UGAWidth >> 1), FunctextPosY + MessageHeight * i, X_IS_CENTER); } DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_HELP, X_IS_LEFT); DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_OPTIMUS, X_IS_CENTER); DrawTextCorner(TEXT_CORNER_REVISION, X_IS_RIGHT); Status = MouseBirth(); if(EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("can't bear mouse at timeout! Status=%r\n", Status); } break; } } // // user-callable dispatcher functions // UINTN RunMenu(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, OUT REFIT_MENU_ENTRY **ChosenEntry) { INTN Index = -1; MENU_STYLE_FUNC Style = TextMenuStyle; if (AllowGraphicsMode) Style = GraphicsMenuStyle; return RunGenericMenu(Screen, Style, &Index, ChosenEntry); } VOID NewEntry(REFIT_MENU_ENTRY **Entry, REFIT_MENU_SCREEN **SubScreen, ACTION AtClick, UINTN ID, CONST CHAR8 *Title) { //create entry *Entry = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(LOADER_ENTRY)); if (Title) { (*Entry)->Title = PoolPrint(L"%a", Title); } else { (*Entry)->Title = AllocateZeroPool(128); } (*Entry)->Image = OptionMenu.TitleImage; (*Entry)->Tag = TAG_OPTIONS; (*Entry)->AtClick = AtClick; // create the submenu *SubScreen = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_MENU_SCREEN)); (*SubScreen)->Title = (*Entry)->Title; (*SubScreen)->TitleImage = (*Entry)->Image; (*SubScreen)->ID = ID; (*SubScreen)->AnimeRun = GetAnime(*SubScreen); (*Entry)->SubScreen = *SubScreen; } VOID AddMenuCheck(REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen, CONST CHAR8 *Text, UINTN Bit, INTN ItemNum) { REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%a", Text); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_CHECKBIT; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = Bit; InputBootArgs->Item = &InputItems[ItemNum]; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); } VOID ModifyTitles(REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *ChosenEntry) { if (ChosenEntry->SubScreen->ID == SCREEN_DSDT) { UnicodeSPrint(ChosenEntry->Title, 128, L"DSDT fix mask [0x%08x]->", gSettings.FixDsdt); //MsgLog("@ESC: %s\n", (*ChosenEntry)->Title); } else if (ChosenEntry->SubScreen->ID == SCREEN_CSR) { // CSR UnicodeSPrint(ChosenEntry->Title, 128, L"System Integrity Protection [0x%04x]->", gSettings.CsrActiveConfig); // check for the right booter flag to allow the application // of the new System Integrity Protection configuration. if (gSettings.CsrActiveConfig != 0 && gSettings.BooterConfig == 0) { gSettings.BooterConfig = 0x28; } } else if (ChosenEntry->SubScreen->ID == SCREEN_BLC) { UnicodeSPrint(ChosenEntry->Title, 128, L"boot_args->flags [0x%04x]->", gSettings.BooterConfig); } else if (ChosenEntry->SubScreen->ID == SCREEN_DSM) { UnicodeSPrint(ChosenEntry->Title, 128, L"Drop OEM _DSM [0x%04x]->", dropDSM); } } VOID AddMenuItem(REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen, INTN Inx, CONST CHAR8 *Title, UINTN Tag, BOOLEAN Cursor) { REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%a", Title); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = Tag; if (Inx == 3 || Inx == 116) { InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = 0; } else { InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = Cursor?StrLen(InputItems[Inx].SValue):0xFFFF; } InputBootArgs->Item = &InputItems[Inx]; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = Cursor?ActionSelect:ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = Cursor?ActionNone:ActionDetails; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtDoubleClick = Cursor?ActionEnter:ActionNone; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuGraphics() { UINTN i, N, Ven = 97; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; //, *SubEntry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_GRAPHICS, "Graphics Injector->"); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Number of VideoCard%a=%d",((NGFX!=1)?"s":""), NGFX)); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 52, "InjectEDID", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 53, "Fake Vendor EDID:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 54, "Fake Product EDID:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 18, "Backlight Level:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 112, "Intel Max Backlight:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); //gSettings.IntelMaxValue for (i = 0; i < NGFX; i++) { AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, L"----------------------"); AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Card DeviceID=%04x", gGraphics[i].DeviceID)); N = 20 + i * 6; AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N, "Model:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Nvidia) { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N+1, "InjectNVidia", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); } else if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Ati) { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N+1, "InjectATI", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); } else if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Intel) { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N+1, "InjectIntel", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); } else { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N+1, "InjectX3", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); } if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Nvidia) { Ven = 95; } else if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Ati) { Ven = 94; } else /*if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Intel)*/ { Ven = 96; } if ((gGraphics[i].Vendor == Ati) || (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Intel)) { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 109, "DualLink:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); } if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Ati) { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 114, "DeInit:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); } AddMenuItem(SubScreen, Ven, "FakeID:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Nvidia) { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N+2, "DisplayCFG:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); } else if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Ati) { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N+2, "FBConfig:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); } else /*if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Intel)*/{ AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N+2, "*-platform-id:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); } // ErmaC: NvidiaGeneric entry if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Nvidia) { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 55, "Generic NVIDIA name", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 110, "NVIDIA No EFI", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 111, "NVIDIA Single", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 56, "Use NVIDIA WEB drivers", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); } if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Intel) { continue; } AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N+3, "Ports:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); if (gGraphics[i].Vendor == Nvidia) { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N+4, "NVCAP:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); } else { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N+4, "Connectors:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 50, "RefCLK:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); } AddMenuItem(SubScreen, N+5, "Load Video Bios", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } // ErmaC: Audio submenu REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuAudio() { UINTN i; // init REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; // create the entry in the main menu NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_AUDIO, "Audio tuning->"); // submenu description AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Choose options to tune the HDA devices")); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Number of Audio Controller%a=%d", ((NHDA!=1)?"s":""), NHDA)); for (i = 0; i < NHDA; i++) { AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"%d) %s [%04x][%04x]", (i+1), gAudios[i].controller_name, gAudios[i].controller_vendor_id, gAudios[i].controller_device_id) ); } //AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 59, "HDAInjection", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); if (gSettings.HDAInjection) { AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 60, "HDALayoutId:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); } // avaiable configuration AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 57, "ResetHDA", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 58, "AFGLowPowerState", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); // return AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } #define nya(x) x/10,x%10 REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuSpeedStep() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; //, *SubEntry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_CPU, "CPU tuning->"); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"%a", gCPUStructure.BrandString)); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Model: %2x/%2x/%2x", gCPUStructure.Family, gCPUStructure.Model, gCPUStructure.Stepping)); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Cores: %d Threads: %d", gCPUStructure.Cores, gCPUStructure.Threads)); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"FSB speed MHz: %d", DivU64x32(gCPUStructure.FSBFrequency, Mega))); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"CPU speed MHz: %d", DivU64x32(gCPUStructure.CPUFrequency, Mega))); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Ratio: Min=%d.%d Max=%d.%d Turbo=%d.%d/%d.%d/%d.%d/%d.%d", nya(gCPUStructure.MinRatio), nya(gCPUStructure.MaxRatio), nya(gCPUStructure.Turbo4), nya(gCPUStructure.Turbo3), nya(gCPUStructure.Turbo2), nya(gCPUStructure.Turbo1))); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 76, "Cores enabled:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 6, "Halt Enabler", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 7, "PLimitDict:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 8, "UnderVoltStep:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 88, "DoubleFirstState", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 5, "GeneratePStates", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 9, "GenerateCStates", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 10, "EnableC2", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 11, "EnableC4", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 12, "EnableC6", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 89, "EnableC7", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 13, "Use SystemIO", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 75, "C3Latency:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 19, "BusSpeed [kHz]:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 14, "QPI [MHz]:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 77, "Saving Mode:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 15, "PatchAPIC", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); //-> move to ACPI? AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuKextPatches() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; INTN NrKexts = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.NrKexts; KEXT_PATCH *KextPatchesMenu = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KextPatches; //zzzz INTN Index; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_KEXTS, "Custom kexts patches->"); for (Index = 0; Index < NrKexts; Index++) { InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%30a", KextPatchesMenu[Index].Label); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_INPUT; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor InputBootArgs->Item = &(KextPatchesMenu[Index].MenuItem); InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuKextBlockInjection(CHAR16* UniSysVer) { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry = NULL; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen = NULL; REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; UINTN i = 0; SIDELOAD_KEXT *Kext = NULL; CHAR8 sysVer[256]; UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS(UniSysVer, sysVer, sizeof(sysVer)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sysVer)-2; i++) { if (sysVer[i] == '\0') { sysVer[i+0] = '-'; sysVer[i+1] = '>'; sysVer[i+2] = '\0'; break; } } Kext = InjectKextList; while (Kext) { if (StrCmp(Kext->KextDirNameUnderOEMPath, UniSysVer) == 0) { if ( SubScreen == NULL ) { NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_KEXT_INJECT, sysVer); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Choose/check kext to disable:")); } InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%s, v.%s", Kext->FileName, Kext->Version); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_INPUT; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor InputBootArgs->Item = &(Kext->MenuItem); InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); SIDELOAD_KEXT *plugInKext = Kext->PlugInList; while (plugInKext) { InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L" |-- %s, v.%s", plugInKext->FileName, plugInKext->Version); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_INPUT; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor InputBootArgs->Item = &(plugInKext->MenuItem); InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); plugInKext = plugInKext->Next; } } Kext = Kext->Next; } if ( SubScreen != NULL ) AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } LOADER_ENTRY *SubMenuKextInjectMgmt(LOADER_ENTRY *Entry) { LOADER_ENTRY *SubEntry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; CHAR16 *kextDir = NULL; UINTN i; CHAR8 ShortOSVersion[8]; // CHAR16 *UniSysVer = NULL; CHAR8 *ChosenOS = Entry->OSVersion; NewEntry((REFIT_MENU_ENTRY**) &SubEntry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_SYSTEM, "Block injected kexts->"); SubEntry->Flags = Entry->Flags; if (ChosenOS) { // DBG("chosen os %a\n", ChosenOS); //shorten os version 10.11.6 -> 10.11 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ShortOSVersion[i] = ChosenOS[i]; if (ShortOSVersion[i] == '\0') { break; } if (((i > 2) && (ShortOSVersion[i] == '.')) || (i == 5)) { ShortOSVersion[i] = '\0'; break; } } AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint( L"Block injected kexts for target version of macOS: %a", ShortOSVersion)); // Add kext from 10.x { AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuKextBlockInjection(L"10.x")); CHAR16 DirName[256]; if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_INSTALLER(Entry->LoaderType)) { UnicodeSPrint(DirName, sizeof(DirName), L"10.x_install"); } else { if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_RECOVERY(Entry->LoaderType)) { UnicodeSPrint(DirName, sizeof(DirName), L"10.x_recovery"); } else { UnicodeSPrint(DirName, sizeof(DirName), L"10.x_normal"); } } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuKextBlockInjection(DirName)); } // Add kext from 10.{version} { CHAR16 DirName[256]; UnicodeSPrint(DirName, sizeof(DirName), L"%a", ShortOSVersion); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuKextBlockInjection(DirName)); if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_INSTALLER(Entry->LoaderType)) { UnicodeSPrint(DirName, sizeof(DirName), L"%a_install", ShortOSVersion); } else { if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_RECOVERY(Entry->LoaderType)) { UnicodeSPrint(DirName, sizeof(DirName), L"%a_recovery", ShortOSVersion); } else { UnicodeSPrint(DirName, sizeof(DirName), L"%a_normal", ShortOSVersion); } } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuKextBlockInjection(DirName)); } // Add kext from : // 10.{version}.0 if NO minor version // 10.{version}.{minor version} if minor version is > 0 { { CHAR16 OSVersionKextsDirName[256]; if ( AsciiStrCmp(ShortOSVersion, Entry->OSVersion) == 0 ) { UnicodeSPrint(OSVersionKextsDirName, sizeof(OSVersionKextsDirName), L"%a.0", Entry->OSVersion); }else{ UnicodeSPrint(OSVersionKextsDirName, sizeof(OSVersionKextsDirName), L"%a", Entry->OSVersion); } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuKextBlockInjection(OSVersionKextsDirName)); } CHAR16 DirName[256]; if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_INSTALLER(Entry->LoaderType)) { UnicodeSPrint(DirName, sizeof(DirName), L"%a_install", Entry->OSVersion); } else { if (OSTYPE_IS_OSX_RECOVERY(Entry->LoaderType)) { UnicodeSPrint(DirName, sizeof(DirName), L"%a_recovery", Entry->OSVersion); } else { UnicodeSPrint(DirName, sizeof(DirName), L"%a_normal", Entry->OSVersion); } } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuKextBlockInjection(DirName)); } } else { AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint( L"Block injected kexts for target version of macOS: %a", ChosenOS)); } if ((kextDir = GetOtherKextsDir(TRUE)) != NULL) { AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuKextBlockInjection(L"Other")); FreePool(kextDir); } if ((kextDir = GetOtherKextsDir(FALSE)) != NULL) { AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuKextBlockInjection(L"Off")); FreePool(kextDir); } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return SubEntry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuKernelPatches() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; INTN NrKernels = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.NrKernels; KERNEL_PATCH *KernelPatchesMenu = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.KernelPatches; //zzzz INTN Index; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_KERNELS, "Custom kernel patches->"); for (Index = 0; Index < NrKernels; Index++) { InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%30a", KernelPatchesMenu[Index].Label); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_INPUT; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor InputBootArgs->Item = &(KernelPatchesMenu[Index].MenuItem); InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuBootPatches() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; INTN NrBoots = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.NrBoots; KERNEL_PATCH *BootPatchesMenu = gSettings.KernelAndKextPatches.BootPatches; //zzzz INTN Index; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_BOOTER, "Custom booter patches->"); for (Index = 0; Index < NrBoots; Index++) { InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%30a", BootPatchesMenu[Index].Label); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_INPUT; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor InputBootArgs->Item = &(BootPatchesMenu[Index].MenuItem); InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuBinaries() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_BINARIES, "Binaries patching->"); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"%a", gCPUStructure.BrandString)); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Real CPUID: 0x%06x", gCPUStructure.Signature)); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 64, "Debug", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, L"----------------------"); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 104, "Fake CPUID:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); // AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 108, "Kernel patching allowed", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 45, "Kernel Support CPU", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 91, "Kernel Lapic", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 105, "Kernel XCPM", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 48, "Kernel PM", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 121, "Panic No Kext Dump", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuKernelPatches()); AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, L"----------------------"); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 46, "AppleIntelCPUPM Patch", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 47, "AppleRTC Patch", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 61, "Dell SMBIOS Patch", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); // AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 115, "No Caches", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); // AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 44, "Kext patching allowed", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuKextPatches()); AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, L"----------------------"); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuBootPatches()); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuDropTables() { CHAR8 sign[5]; CHAR8 OTID[9]; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; sign[4] = 0; OTID[8] = 0; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_TABLES, "Tables dropping->"); if (gSettings.ACPIDropTables) { ACPI_DROP_TABLE *DropTable = gSettings.ACPIDropTables; while (DropTable) { CopyMem((CHAR8*)&sign, (CHAR8*)&(DropTable->Signature), 4); CopyMem((CHAR8*)&OTID, (CHAR8*)&(DropTable->TableId), 8); //MsgLog("adding to menu %a (%x) %a (%lx) L=%d(0x%x)\n", // sign, DropTable->Signature, // OTID, DropTable->TableId, // DropTable->Length, DropTable->Length); InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"Drop \"%4.4a\" \"%8.8a\" %d", sign, OTID, DropTable->Length); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_INPUT; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor InputBootArgs->Item = &(DropTable->MenuItem); InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); DropTable = DropTable->Next; } } AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 4, "Drop all OEM SSDT", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 113, "Automatic smart merge", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); //AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, L"PATCHED AML:"); if (ACPIPatchedAML) { ACPI_PATCHED_AML *ACPIPatchedAMLTmp = ACPIPatchedAML; while (ACPIPatchedAMLTmp) { InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"Drop \"%s\"", ACPIPatchedAMLTmp->FileName); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_INPUT; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor InputBootArgs->Item = &(ACPIPatchedAMLTmp->MenuItem); InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); ACPIPatchedAMLTmp = ACPIPatchedAMLTmp->Next; } } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuSmbios() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_SMBIOS, "SMBIOS->"); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"%a", gCPUStructure.BrandString)); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"%a", gSettings.OEMProduct)); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"with board %a", gSettings.OEMBoard)); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 78, "Product Name:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 79, "Product Version:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 80, "Product SN:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 81, "Board ID:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 82, "Board SN:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 83, "Board Type:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 84, "Board Version:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 85, "Chassis Type:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 86, "ROM Version:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 87, "ROM Release Date:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 62, "FirmwareFeatures:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 63, "FirmwareFeaturesMask:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 17, "PlatformFeature:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 117, "EFI Version:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuDropDSM() { // init REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; // create the entry in the main menu NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_DSM, NULL); // Entry->Title = PoolPrint(L"Drop OEM _DSM [0x%04x]->", gSettings.DropOEM_DSM); // submenu description AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Choose devices to drop OEM _DSM methods from DSDT")); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "ATI/AMD Graphics", DEV_ATI, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Nvidia Graphics", DEV_NVIDIA, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Intel Graphics", DEV_INTEL, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "PCI HDA audio", DEV_HDA, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "HDMI audio", DEV_HDMI, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "PCI LAN Adapter", DEV_LAN, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "PCI WiFi Adapter", DEV_WIFI, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "IDE HDD", DEV_IDE, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "SATA HDD", DEV_SATA, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "USB Controllers", DEV_USB, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "LPC Controller", DEV_LPC, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "SMBUS Controller", DEV_SMBUS, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "IMEI Device", DEV_IMEI, 101); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Firewire", DEV_FIREWIRE, 101); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); ModifyTitles(Entry); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuDsdtFix() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; //, *SubEntry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; // REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_DSDT, NULL); // Entry->Title = PoolPrint(L"DSDT fix mask [0x%08x]->", gSettings.FixDsdt); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Add DTGP", FIX_DTGP, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix Darwin as WinXP", FIX_WARNING, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix Darwin as Win7", FIX_DARWIN, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix shutdown", FIX_SHUTDOWN, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Add MCHC", FIX_MCHC, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix HPET", FIX_HPET, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fake LPC", FIX_LPC, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix IPIC", FIX_IPIC, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Add SMBUS", FIX_SBUS, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix display", FIX_DISPLAY, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix IDE", FIX_IDE, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix SATA", FIX_SATA, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix Firewire", FIX_FIREWIRE, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix USB", FIX_USB, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix LAN", FIX_LAN, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix Airport", FIX_WIFI, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix sound", FIX_HDA, 67); // AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix new way", FIX_NEW_WAY, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix RTC", FIX_RTC, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix TMR", FIX_TMR, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Add IMEI", FIX_IMEI, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix IntelGFX", FIX_INTELGFX, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix _WAK", FIX_WAK, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Del unused", FIX_UNUSED, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix ADP1", FIX_ADP1, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Add PNLF", FIX_PNLF, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix S3D", FIX_S3D, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Rename ACST", FIX_ACST, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Add HDMI", FIX_HDMI, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix Regions", FIX_REGIONS, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix Headers", FIX_HEADERS, 67); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Fix Mutex", FIX_MUTEX, 67); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); ModifyTitles(Entry); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuDSDTPatches() //yyyy { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; INTN PatchDsdtNum = gSettings.PatchDsdtNum; INPUT_ITEM *DSDTPatchesMenu = gSettings.PatchDsdtMenuItem; INTN Index; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_DSDT_PATCHES, "Custom DSDT patches->"); for (Index = 0; Index < PatchDsdtNum; Index++) { InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%a", gSettings.PatchDsdtLabel[Index]); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_INPUT; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor InputBootArgs->Item = &DSDTPatchesMenu[Index]; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuDsdts() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; UINTN i; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_ACPI, "Dsdt name->"); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, L"Select a DSDT file:"); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 116, "BIOS.aml", TAG_SWITCH, FALSE); for (i = 0; i < DsdtsNum; i++) { InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%s", DsdtsList[i]); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_SWITCH; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = i + 1; InputBootArgs->Item = &InputItems[116]; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuACPI() { // init REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; // create the entry in the options menu NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_ACPI, "ACPI patching->"); // submenu description AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Choose options to patch ACPI")); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 102, "Debug DSDT", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuDsdts()); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuDropTables()); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuDropDSM()); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuDsdtFix()); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuDSDTPatches()); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 49, "Fix MCFG", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuAudioPort() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; UINTN i; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_AUDIOPORTS, "Startup sound output->"); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, L"Select an audio output, press F7 to test"); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 120, "Volume:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); for (i = 0; i < AudioNum; i++) { InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%s_%a", AudioList[i].Name, OutputNames[AudioList[i].Device]); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_SWITCH; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = i; InputBootArgs->Item = &InputItems[119]; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } VOID CreateMenuProps(REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen, DEV_PROPERTY *Prop) { REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L" key: %a", Prop->Key); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_INPUT; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = 0xFFFF; //cursor // InputBootArgs->Item = ADDRESS_OF(DEV_PROPERTY, Prop, INPUT_ITEM, MenuItem); InputBootArgs->Item = &Prop->MenuItem; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); switch (Prop->ValueType) { case kTagTypeInteger: AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L" value: 0x%08x", *(UINT64*)Prop->Value)); break; case kTagTypeString: AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L" value: %30a", Prop->Value)); break; case kTagTypeFalse: AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L" value: false")); break; case kTagTypeTrue: AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L" value: true")); break; default: //type data, print first 24 bytes //CHAR8* Bytes2HexStr(UINT8 *data, UINTN len) AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L" value[%d]: %24a", Prop->ValueLen, Bytes2HexStr((UINT8*)Prop->Value, MIN(24, Prop->ValueLen)))); break; } } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuCustomDevices() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; UINT32 DevAddr, OldDevAddr = 0; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_DEVICES, "Custom properties->"); if (gSettings.ArbProperties) { DEV_PROPERTY *Prop = gSettings.ArbProperties; if (Prop && (Prop->Device == 0)) { DEV_PROPERTY *Props = NULL; while (Prop) { AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, L"------------"); AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"%a", Prop->Label)); Props = Prop->Child; while (Props) { CreateMenuProps(SubScreen, Props); Props = Props->Next; } Prop = Prop->Next; } } while (Prop) { DevAddr = Prop->Device; if (DevAddr != 0 && DevAddr != OldDevAddr) { OldDevAddr = DevAddr; AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, L"------------"); AddMenuInfo(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"%a", Prop->Label)); CreateMenuProps(SubScreen, Prop); } Prop = Prop->Next; } } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); Entry->SubScreen = SubScreen; return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuPCI() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_USB, "PCI devices->"); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 74, "USB Ownership", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 92, "USB Injection", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 93, "Inject ClockID", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 106, "Inject EFI Strings", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 107, "No Default Properties", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 97, "FakeID LAN:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 98, "FakeID WIFI:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 99, "FakeID SATA:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 100, "FakeID XHCI:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 103, "FakeID IMEI:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuCustomDevices()); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); Entry->SubScreen = SubScreen; return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuThemes() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; UINTN i; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_THEME, "Themes->"); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, L"Installed themes:"); //add embedded AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 3, "embedded", TAG_SWITCH, FALSE); for (i = 0; i < ThemesNum; i++) { InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%s", ThemesList[i]); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_SWITCH; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = i + 1; InputBootArgs->Item = &InputItems[3]; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuGUI() { // init REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; // create the entry in the options menu NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_GUI, "GUI tuning->"); // submenu description AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Choose options to tune the Interface")); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 70, "Pointer Speed:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 72, "Mirror Move", TAG_INPUT, FALSE); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuThemes()); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } /* * This is a simple and user friendly submenu which makes it possible to modify * the System Integrity Protection configuration from the Clover's GUI. * Author: Needy. * The below function is based on the SubMenuDsdtFix function. */ REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuCSR() { // init REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; // create the entry in the main menu NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_CSR, NULL); // submenu description AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Modify the System Integrity Protection configuration.")); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"All configuration changes apply to the entire machine.")); // available configurations AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Allow Untrusted Kexts", CSR_ALLOW_UNTRUSTED_KEXTS, 66); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Allow Unrestricted FS", CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_FS, 66); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Allow Task For PID", CSR_ALLOW_TASK_FOR_PID, 66); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Allow Kernel Debuger", CSR_ALLOW_KERNEL_DEBUGGER, 66); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Allow Apple Internal", CSR_ALLOW_APPLE_INTERNAL, 66); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Allow Unrestricted DTrace", CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_DTRACE, 66); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Allow Unrestricted NVRAM", CSR_ALLOW_UNRESTRICTED_NVRAM, 66); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Allow Device Configuration", CSR_ALLOW_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION, 66); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Allow Any Recovery OS", CSR_ALLOW_ANY_RECOVERY_OS, 66); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Allow Unapproved Kexts", CSR_ALLOW_UNAPPROVED_KEXTS, 66); // return AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); ModifyTitles(Entry); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuBLC() { // init REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; // create the entry in the main menu NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_BLC, NULL); // Entry->Title = PoolPrint(L"boot_args->flags [0x%02x]->", gSettings.BooterConfig); // submenu description AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Modify flags for boot.efi")); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Reboot On Panic", kBootArgsFlagRebootOnPanic, 65); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Hi DPI", kBootArgsFlagHiDPI, 65); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Black Screen", kBootArgsFlagBlack, 65); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "CSR Active Config", kBootArgsFlagCSRActiveConfig, 65); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "CSR Pending Config", kBootArgsFlagCSRPendingConfig, 65); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "CSR Boot", kBootArgsFlagCSRBoot, 65); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Black Background", kBootArgsFlagBlackBg, 65); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Login UI", kBootArgsFlagLoginUI, 65); AddMenuCheck(SubScreen, "Install UI", kBootArgsFlagInstallUI, 65); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); ModifyTitles(Entry); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuSystem() { // init REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; // create the entry in the options menu NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_SYSTEM, "System Parameters->"); // submenu description AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, PoolPrint(L"Choose options for booted OS")); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 2, "Block kext:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 51, "Set OS version if not:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuItem(SubScreen, 118, "Booter Cfg Command:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuCSR()); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, SubMenuBLC()); AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *SubMenuConfigs() { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *Entry; REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *SubScreen; REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG *InputBootArgs; UINTN i; NewEntry(&Entry, &SubScreen, ActionEnter, SCREEN_THEME, "Configs->"); AddMenuInfoLine(SubScreen, L"Select a config file:"); for (i = 0; i < ConfigsNum; i++) { InputBootArgs = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG)); InputBootArgs->Entry.Title = PoolPrint(L"%s", ConfigsList[i]); InputBootArgs->Entry.Tag = TAG_SWITCH; InputBootArgs->Entry.Row = i; InputBootArgs->Item = &InputItems[90]; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtClick = ActionEnter; InputBootArgs->Entry.AtRightClick = ActionDetails; AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, (REFIT_MENU_ENTRY*)InputBootArgs); } AddMenuEntry(SubScreen, &MenuEntryReturn); return Entry; } VOID OptionsMenu(OUT REFIT_MENU_ENTRY **ChosenEntry, IN CHAR8 *LastChosenOS) { REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *TmpChosenEntry = NULL; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *NextChosenEntry = NULL; UINTN MenuExit = 0; UINTN SubMenuExit; UINTN NextMenuExit; //CHAR16* Flags; MENU_STYLE_FUNC Style = TextMenuStyle; INTN EntryIndex = 0; INTN SubEntryIndex = -1; //value -1 means old position to remember INTN NextEntryIndex = -1; // REFIT_INPUT_DIALOG* InputBootArgs; BOOLEAN OldFontStyle = GlobalConfig.Proportional; GlobalConfig.Proportional = FALSE; //temporary disable proportional if (AllowGraphicsMode) { Style = GraphicsMenuStyle; } // remember, if you extended this menu then change procedures // FillInputs and ApplyInputs if (!(GlobalConfig.HideUIFlags & HIDEUI_FLAG_MENU_TITLE_IMAGE)) { OptionMenu.TitleImage = BuiltinIcon(BUILTIN_ICON_FUNC_OPTIONS); } else { OptionMenu.TitleImage = NULL; } gThemeOptionsChanged = FALSE; if (OptionMenu.EntryCount == 0) { gThemeOptionsChanged = TRUE; OptionMenu.ID = SCREEN_OPTIONS; OptionMenu.AnimeRun = GetAnime(&OptionMenu); //FALSE; AddMenuItem(&OptionMenu, 0, "Boot Args:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); // AddMenuItem(&OptionMenu, 90, "Config:", TAG_INPUT, TRUE); // InputBootArgs->Entry.ShortcutDigit = 0xF1; AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, SubMenuConfigs()); if (AllowGraphicsMode) { AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, SubMenuGUI()); } AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, SubMenuACPI()); AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, SubMenuSmbios()); AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, SubMenuPCI()); AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, SubMenuSpeedStep()); AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, SubMenuGraphics()); AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, SubMenuAudio()); AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, SubMenuAudioPort()); AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, SubMenuBinaries()); AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, SubMenuSystem()); AddMenuEntry(&OptionMenu, &MenuEntryReturn); //DBG("option menu created entries=%d\n", OptionMenu.EntryCount); } while (!MenuExit) { MenuExit = RunGenericMenu(&OptionMenu, Style, &EntryIndex, ChosenEntry); // MenuExit = RunMenu(&OptionMenu, ChosenEntry); if (MenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ESCAPE || (*ChosenEntry)->Tag == TAG_RETURN) break; if (MenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ENTER || MenuExit == MENU_EXIT_DETAILS) { //enter input dialog or subscreen if ((*ChosenEntry)->SubScreen != NULL) { SubMenuExit = 0; while (!SubMenuExit) { SubMenuExit = RunGenericMenu((*ChosenEntry)->SubScreen, Style, &SubEntryIndex, &TmpChosenEntry); if (SubMenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ESCAPE || TmpChosenEntry->Tag == TAG_RETURN){ ApplyInputs(); ModifyTitles(*ChosenEntry); break; } if (SubMenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ENTER || MenuExit == MENU_EXIT_DETAILS) { if (TmpChosenEntry->SubScreen != NULL) { NextMenuExit = 0; while (!NextMenuExit) { NextMenuExit = RunGenericMenu(TmpChosenEntry->SubScreen, Style, &NextEntryIndex, &NextChosenEntry); if (NextMenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ESCAPE || NextChosenEntry->Tag == TAG_RETURN){ ApplyInputs(); ModifyTitles(TmpChosenEntry); break; } if (NextMenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ENTER || MenuExit == MENU_EXIT_DETAILS) { // enter input dialog NextMenuExit = 0; ApplyInputs(); ModifyTitles(TmpChosenEntry); } } //while(!NextMenuExit) } // enter input dialog SubMenuExit = 0; ApplyInputs(); ModifyTitles(TmpChosenEntry); } } //while(!SubMenuExit) } MenuExit = 0; } // if MENU_EXIT_ENTER } //exit: GlobalConfig.Proportional = OldFontStyle; ApplyInputs(); } UINT32 EncodeOptions(CHAR16 *Options) { UINT32 OptionsBits = 0; INTN Index; if (!Options) { return 0; } for (Index = 0; Index < NUM_OPT; Index++) { if (StrStr(Options, ArgOptional[Index])) { OptionsBits |= (1 << Index); if (Index == 1) { OptionsBits &= ~1; } } } return OptionsBits; } VOID DecodeOptions(LOADER_ENTRY *Entry) { //set checked option INTN Index; if (!Entry) { return; } for (Index = 0; Index < INX_NVWEBON; Index++) { //not including INX_NVWEBON if (gSettings.OptionsBits & (1 << Index)) { Entry->LoadOptions = AddLoadOption(Entry->LoadOptions, ArgOptional[Index]); } } //remove unchecked options for (Index = 0; Index < INX_NVWEBON; Index++) { //not including INX_NVWEBON if ((gSettings.OptionsBits & (1 << Index)) == 0) { Entry->LoadOptions = RemoveLoadOption(Entry->LoadOptions, ArgOptional[Index]); } } if (Entry->me.Tag != TAG_LEGACY) { // Only for non-legacy entries, as LEGACY_ENTRY doesn't have OSVersion if (gSettings.OptionsBits & OPT_NVWEBON) { if (AsciiOSVersionToUint64(Entry->OSVersion) >= AsciiOSVersionToUint64("10.12")) { gSettings.NvidiaWeb = TRUE; } else { Entry->LoadOptions = AddLoadOption(Entry->LoadOptions, ArgOptional[INX_NVWEBON]); } } if ((gSettings.OptionsBits & OPT_NVWEBON) == 0) { if (AsciiOSVersionToUint64(Entry->OSVersion) >= AsciiOSVersionToUint64("10.12")) { gSettings.NvidiaWeb = FALSE; } else { Entry->LoadOptions = RemoveLoadOption(Entry->LoadOptions, ArgOptional[INX_NVWEBON]); } } } } UINTN RunMainMenu(IN REFIT_MENU_SCREEN *Screen, IN INTN DefaultSelection, OUT REFIT_MENU_ENTRY **ChosenEntry) { MENU_STYLE_FUNC Style = TextMenuStyle; MENU_STYLE_FUNC MainStyle = TextMenuStyle; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *TempChosenEntry = 0; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *MainChosenEntry = 0; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *NextChosenEntry = NULL; UINTN MenuExit = 0, SubMenuExit = 0; INTN DefaultEntryIndex = DefaultSelection; INTN SubMenuIndex; if (AllowGraphicsMode) { Style = GraphicsMenuStyle; if (GlobalConfig.VerticalLayout) { MainStyle = MainMenuVerticalStyle; } else { MainStyle = MainMenuStyle; } } while (!MenuExit) { Screen->AnimeRun = MainAnime; MenuExit = RunGenericMenu(Screen, MainStyle, &DefaultEntryIndex, &MainChosenEntry); Screen->TimeoutSeconds = 0; if (MenuExit == MENU_EXIT_DETAILS && MainChosenEntry->SubScreen != NULL) { CHAR16 *TmpArgs = NULL; if (AsciiStrLen(gSettings.BootArgs) > 0) { TmpArgs = PoolPrint(L"%a", gSettings.BootArgs); } SubMenuIndex = -1; gSettings.OptionsBits = EncodeOptions(TmpArgs); // DBG("main OptionsBits = 0x%x\n", gSettings.OptionsBits); gSettings.OptionsBits |= EncodeOptions(((LOADER_ENTRY*)MainChosenEntry)->LoadOptions); // DBG("add OptionsBits = 0x%x\n", gSettings.OptionsBits); DecodeOptions((LOADER_ENTRY*)MainChosenEntry); // DBG(" enter menu with LoadOptions: %s\n", ((LOADER_ENTRY*)MainChosenEntry)->LoadOptions); if (MainChosenEntry->Tag != TAG_LEGACY) { // Only for non-legacy entries, as LEGACY_ENTRY doesn't have Flags gSettings.FlagsBits = ((LOADER_ENTRY*)MainChosenEntry)->Flags; } // DBG(" MainChosenEntry with FlagsBits = 0x%x\n", gSettings.FlagsBits); if (TmpArgs) { FreePool(TmpArgs); TmpArgs = NULL; } SubMenuExit = 0; while (!SubMenuExit) { //running details menu SubMenuExit = RunGenericMenu(MainChosenEntry->SubScreen, Style, &SubMenuIndex, &TempChosenEntry); DecodeOptions((LOADER_ENTRY*)MainChosenEntry); // DBG("get OptionsBits = 0x%x\n", gSettings.OptionsBits); // DBG(" TempChosenEntry FlagsBits = 0x%x\n", ((LOADER_ENTRY*)TempChosenEntry)->Flags); if (SubMenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ESCAPE || TempChosenEntry->Tag == TAG_RETURN) { SubMenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ENTER; MenuExit = 0; break; } if (MainChosenEntry->Tag == TAG_CLOVER) { ((LOADER_ENTRY*)MainChosenEntry)->LoadOptions = EfiStrDuplicate(((LOADER_ENTRY*)TempChosenEntry)->LoadOptions); } // DBG(" exit menu with LoadOptions: %s\n", ((LOADER_ENTRY*)MainChosenEntry)->LoadOptions); if (SubMenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ENTER && TempChosenEntry->Tag != TAG_LEGACY) { // Only for non-legacy entries, as LEGACY_ENTRY doesn't have Flags ((LOADER_ENTRY*)MainChosenEntry)->Flags = ((LOADER_ENTRY*)TempChosenEntry)->Flags; // DBG(" get MainChosenEntry FlagsBits = 0x%x\n", ((LOADER_ENTRY*)MainChosenEntry)->Flags); } if (/*MenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ENTER &&*/ MainChosenEntry->Tag == TAG_LOADER) { if (((LOADER_ENTRY*)MainChosenEntry)->LoadOptions) { AsciiSPrint(gSettings.BootArgs, 255, "%s", ((LOADER_ENTRY*)MainChosenEntry)->LoadOptions); } else { ZeroMem(&gSettings.BootArgs, 255); } DBG(" boot with args: %a\n", gSettings.BootArgs); } //---- Details submenu (kexts disabling etc) if (SubMenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ENTER || MenuExit == MENU_EXIT_DETAILS) { if (TempChosenEntry->SubScreen != NULL) { UINTN NextMenuExit = 0; INTN NextEntryIndex = -1; while (!NextMenuExit) { NextMenuExit = RunGenericMenu(TempChosenEntry->SubScreen, Style, &NextEntryIndex, &NextChosenEntry); if (NextMenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ESCAPE || NextChosenEntry->Tag == TAG_RETURN) { SubMenuExit = 0; NextMenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ENTER; break; } // DBG(" get NextChosenEntry FlagsBits = 0x%x\n", ((LOADER_ENTRY*)NextChosenEntry)->Flags); //---- Details submenu (kexts disabling etc) second level if (NextMenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ENTER || MenuExit == MENU_EXIT_DETAILS) { if (NextChosenEntry->SubScreen != NULL) { UINTN DeepMenuExit = 0; INTN DeepEntryIndex = -1; REFIT_MENU_ENTRY *DeepChosenEntry = NULL; while (!DeepMenuExit) { DeepMenuExit = RunGenericMenu(NextChosenEntry->SubScreen, Style, &DeepEntryIndex, &DeepChosenEntry); if (DeepMenuExit == MENU_EXIT_ESCAPE || DeepChosenEntry->Tag == TAG_RETURN) { DeepMenuExit = MENU_EXIT_ENTER; NextMenuExit = 0; break; } // DBG(" get DeepChosenEntry FlagsBits = 0x%x\n", ((LOADER_ENTRY*)DeepChosenEntry)->Flags); } //while(!DeepMenuExit) } } } //while(!NextMenuExit) } } //--------- } } } if (ChosenEntry) { *ChosenEntry = MainChosenEntry; } return MenuExit; }