/* * refit/scan/securevars.c * * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Christoph Pfisterer * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * * Neither the name of Christoph Pfisterer nor the names of the * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ //CONST INTN SecureVarsDef = 0; // jief : not used ?? #ifdef ENABLE_SECURE_BOOT #include "entry_scan.h" #include #include "securebootkeys.h" #include #include #include #ifndef DEBUG_ALL #define DEBUG_SECURE_VARS 1 #else #define DEBUG_SECURE_VARS DEBUG_ALL #endif #if DEBUG_SECURE_VARS == 0 #define DBG(...) #else #define DBG(...) DebugLog(DEBUG_SECURE_VARS, __VA_ARGS__) #endif #define SET_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTES (EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS | \ EFI_VARIABLE_TIME_BASED_AUTHENTICATED_WRITE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATED_WRITE_ACCESS) #define SET_ADD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTES (SET_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTES | EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE) // Clear the secure boot keys EFI_STATUS ClearSecureBootKeys(void) { // Clear the platform database return gRT->SetVariable(PLATFORM_DATABASE_NAME, &PLATFORM_DATABASE_GUID, SET_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTES, sizeof(gSecureBootPlatformNullSignedKey), (void *)gSecureBootPlatformNullSignedKey); } // Enroll the secure boot keys EFI_STATUS EnrollSecureBootKeys(IN void *AuthorizedDatabase, IN UINTN AuthorizedDatabaseSize, IN BOOLEAN WantDefaultKeys) { EFI_STATUS Status; // Enroll this image's certificate UINTN DatabaseSize = 0; void *Database = NULL; FreePool(AuthorizedDatabase); if (WantDefaultKeys) { // Get default authorized database DBG("Retrieving default authorized database ...\n"); Database = GetSignatureDatabase(DEFAULT_AUTHORIZED_DATABASE_NAME, &DEFAULT_AUTHORIZED_DATABASE_GUID, &DatabaseSize); if ((DatabaseSize == 0) && (Database != NULL)) { FreePool(Database); Database = NULL; } } // Set the authorized database if (Database != NULL) { DBG("Appending default authorized database to authorized database ...\n"); //Status = AppendSignatureDatabaseToDatabase(&Database, &DatabaseSize, AuthorizedDatabase, AuthorizedDatabaseSize); Status = AppendSignatureToDatabase(&Database, &DatabaseSize, &gEfiCertX509Guid, (void *)gSecureBootDatabaseKey, sizeof(gSecureBootDatabaseKey)); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FreePool(Database); return Status; } DBG("Setting authorized database ...\n"); Status = SetAuthorizedDatabase(Database, DatabaseSize); FreePool(Database); DatabaseSize = 0; Database = NULL; } else { // Set clover signature as only unless default keys are also wanted DBG("Setting authorized database ...\n"); if (WantDefaultKeys) { DBG("No default authorized database found, using built-in default keys ...\n"); DatabaseSize = 0; Database = NULL; Status = AppendSignatureToDatabase(&Database, &DatabaseSize, &gEfiCertX509Guid, (void *)gSecureBootCanonicalDatabaseKey, sizeof(gSecureBootCanonicalDatabaseKey)); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (Database != NULL) { FreePool(Database); } DBG("Failed to modify authorized database with Canonical key! %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return Status; } Status = AppendSignatureToDatabase(&Database, &DatabaseSize, &gEfiCertX509Guid, (void *)gSecureBootMSPCADatabaseKey, sizeof(gSecureBootMSPCADatabaseKey)); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (Database != NULL) { FreePool(Database); } DBG("Failed to modify authorized database with MS PCA key! %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return Status; } Status = AppendSignatureToDatabase(&Database, &DatabaseSize, &gEfiCertX509Guid, (void *)gSecureBootMSUEFICADatabaseKey, sizeof(gSecureBootMSUEFICADatabaseKey)); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (Database != NULL) { FreePool(Database); } DBG("Failed to modify authorized database with MS UEFICA key! %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return Status; } } Status = AppendSignatureToDatabase(&Database, &DatabaseSize, &gEfiCertX509Guid, (void *)gSecureBootDatabaseKey, sizeof(gSecureBootDatabaseKey)); //Status = AppendSignatureToDatabase(&Database, &DatabaseSize, &gEfiCertX509Guid, AuthorizedDatabase, AuthorizedDatabaseSize); Status = SetAuthorizedDatabase(Database, DatabaseSize); FreePool(Database); DatabaseSize = 0; Database = NULL; //Status = SetAuthorizedDatabase(AuthorizedDatabase, AuthorizedDatabaseSize); // Append keys if needed... } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("Failed to set the authorized database! %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return Status; } // We set the unauthorized database if (WantDefaultKeys) { // Get the default authorized database DBG("Retrieving the default unauthorized database ...\n"); DatabaseSize = 0; Database = NULL; Database = GetSignatureDatabase(DEFAULT_UNAUTHORIZED_DATABASE_NAME, &DEFAULT_UNAUTHORIZED_DATABASE_GUID, &DatabaseSize); if ((DatabaseSize == 0) && (Database != NULL)) { FreePool(Database); Database = NULL; } // Set the unauthorized database if (Database != NULL) { Status = SetSignatureDatabase(UNAUTHORIZED_DATABASE_NAME, &UNAUTHORIZED_DATABASE_GUID, Database, DatabaseSize); FreePool(Database); DatabaseSize = 0; if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("Failed to set the unauthorized database! %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return Status; } } } // We need to enroll our own exchange database because we may update databases outside of setup mode DatabaseSize = 0; Database = NULL; if (WantDefaultKeys) { // Get the default exchange database DBG("Retrieving default exchange database ...\n"); Database = GetSignatureDatabase(DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_DATABASE_NAME, &DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_DATABASE_GUID, &DatabaseSize); if ((DatabaseSize == 0) && (Database != NULL)) { FreePool(Database); Database = NULL; DatabaseSize = 0; } if (Database == NULL) { DBG("No default exchange database found, using built-in default keys ...\n"); DatabaseSize = 0; Database = NULL; Status = AppendSignatureToDatabase(&Database, &DatabaseSize, &gEfiCertX509Guid, (void *)gSecureBootMSExchangeKey, sizeof(gSecureBootMSExchangeKey)); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (Database != NULL) { FreePool(Database); } DBG("Failed to modify exchange database with MS exchange key! %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return Status; } } } // Set the exchange database DBG("Modifying exchange database ...\n"); Status = AppendSignatureToDatabase(&Database, &DatabaseSize, &gEfiCertX509Guid, (void *)gSecureBootExchangeKeyDER, sizeof(gSecureBootExchangeKeyDER)); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { if (Database != NULL) { FreePool(Database); } DBG("Failed to modify exchange database! %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return Status; } DBG("Setting the exchange database ...\n"); Status = SetSignatureDatabase(EXCHANGE_DATABASE_NAME, &EXCHANGE_DATABASE_GUID, Database, DatabaseSize); FreePool(Database); DatabaseSize = 0; Database = NULL; if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("Failed to set exchange database key! %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return Status; } // Unsure if default platform database should be enrolled.....??? // Set the platform database - NOT ENROLLING DEFAULT PLATFORM DATABASE, ONLY CLOVER SHOULD OWN PLATFORM(?) DBG("Setting the platform database ...\n"); Status = gRT->SetVariable(PLATFORM_DATABASE_NAME, &PLATFORM_DATABASE_GUID, SET_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTES, sizeof(gSecureBootPlatformSignedKey), (void *)gSecureBootPlatformSignedKey); return Status; } // Read signature database void *GetSignatureDatabase(IN CHAR16 *DatabaseName, IN EFI_GUID *DatabaseGuid, OUT UINTN *DatabaseSize) { UINTN Size = 0; void *Database; // Check parameters if (DatabaseSize == NULL) { return NULL; } *DatabaseSize = 0; if ((DatabaseName == NULL) || (DatabaseGuid == NULL)) { return NULL; } // Get database size if (gRT->GetVariable(DatabaseName, DatabaseGuid, NULL, &Size, NULL) != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { return NULL; } if (Size == 0) { return NULL; } // Allocate a buffer large enough to hold the database Database = (__typeof__(Database))AllocateZeroPool(Size); if (Database == NULL) { return NULL; } // Read database if (EFI_ERROR(gRT->GetVariable(DatabaseName, DatabaseGuid, NULL, &Size, Database)) || (Size == 0)) { FreePool(Database); return NULL; } // Return database *DatabaseSize = Size; return Database; } #define IsLeap(y) (((y) % 4) == 0 && (((y) % 100) != 0 || ((y) % 400) == 0)) #define SECSPERMIN (60) #define SECSPERHOUR (60 * 60) #define SECSPERDAY (24 * SECSPERHOUR) STATIC UINTN CumulativeDays[2][14] = { { 0, 0, 31, 31 + 28, 31 + 28 + 31, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30, 31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 }, { 0, 0, 31, 31 + 29, 31 + 29 + 31, 31 + 29 + 31 + 30, 31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 31, 31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30, 31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31, 31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31, 31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30, 31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31, 31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30, 31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 } }; STATIC EFI_STATUS GetUTCTime(OUT EFI_TIME *Timestamp) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Timer = 0; UINTN Year, YearNo, MonthNo; UINTN DayNo, DayRemainder; if (Timestamp == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Get current time Status = gRT->GetTime(Timestamp, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } // Get the current offset of the year in seconds since epoch for (Year = 1970; Year < Timestamp->Year; ++Year) { Timer += (UINTN)((IsLeap (Year) ? 366 : 365) * SECSPERDAY); } // Get the current offset Timer += (UINTN)((Timestamp->TimeZone != EFI_UNSPECIFIED_TIMEZONE) ? (Timestamp->TimeZone * 60) : 0) + (UINTN)(CumulativeDays[IsLeap(Timestamp->Year)][Timestamp->Month] * SECSPERDAY) + (UINTN)(((Timestamp->Day > 0) ? Timestamp->Day - 1 : 0) * SECSPERDAY) + (UINTN)(Timestamp->Hour * SECSPERHOUR) + (UINTN)(Timestamp->Minute * 60) + (UINTN)Timestamp->Second; // Convert back to time ZeroMem(Timestamp, sizeof(EFI_TIME)); DayNo = (UINTN)(Timer / SECSPERDAY); DayRemainder = (UINTN)(Timer % SECSPERDAY); Timestamp->Second = (UINT8)(DayRemainder % SECSPERMIN); Timestamp->Minute = (UINT8)((DayRemainder % SECSPERHOUR) / SECSPERMIN); Timestamp->Hour = (UINT8)(DayRemainder / SECSPERHOUR); for (Year = 1970, YearNo = 0; DayNo > 0; ++Year) { UINTN TotalDays = (IsLeap(Year) ? 366 : 365); if (DayNo >= TotalDays) { DayNo = (DayNo - TotalDays); YearNo++; } else { break; } } Timestamp->Year = (UINT16)(YearNo + 1970); for (MonthNo = 12; MonthNo > 1; --MonthNo) { if (DayNo >= CumulativeDays[IsLeap(Year)][MonthNo]) { DayNo = (UINT16) (DayNo - (UINT16) (CumulativeDays[IsLeap(Year)][MonthNo])); break; } } Timestamp->Month = (UINT8)MonthNo; Timestamp->Day = (UINT8)(DayNo + 1); Timestamp->Nanosecond = 0; Timestamp->TimeZone = 0; Timestamp->Daylight = 0; Timestamp->Pad1 = 0; Timestamp->Pad2 = 0; return EFI_SUCCESS; } // Write signed variable EFI_STATUS SetSignedVariable(IN CHAR16 *DatabaseName, IN EFI_GUID *DatabaseGuid, IN UINT32 Attributes, IN void *Database, IN UINTN DatabaseSize) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATION_2 *Authentication; UINTN Size, NameLen; UINTN DataSize = 0; EFI_TIME Timestamp; void *Data = NULL; BIO *BioData = NULL; PKCS7 *p7; X509 *Certificate = NULL; EVP_PKEY *PrivateKey = NULL; const EVP_MD *md; // Check parameters if ((DatabaseName == NULL) || (DatabaseGuid == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } DBG("Setting secure variable: %s %ls 0x%hhX (0x%hhX)\n", strguid(DatabaseGuid), DatabaseName, Database, DatabaseSize); NameLen = StrLen(DatabaseName); if (NameLen == 0) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Get the current time DBG("Getting timestamp ...\n"); Status = GetUTCTime(&Timestamp); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } DBG("Timestamp: %t\n", Timestamp); // In user mode we need to sign the database with exchange key if (!gSettings.Boot.SecureBootSetupMode) { // Initialize the cyphers and digests ERR_load_crypto_strings(); OpenSSL_add_all_digests(); OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers(); // Create signing certificate BioData = BIO_new_mem_buf((void *)gSecureBootExchangeKey, sizeof(gSecureBootExchangeKey)); if (BioData == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Certificate = PEM_read_bio_X509(BioData, NULL, NULL, NULL); BIO_free(BioData); if (Certificate == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // Create signing private key BioData = BIO_new_mem_buf((void *)gSecureBootExchangePrivateKey, sizeof(gSecureBootExchangePrivateKey)); if (BioData == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } PrivateKey = PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(BioData, NULL, NULL, NULL); BIO_free(BioData); if (PrivateKey == NULL) { X509_free(Certificate); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // Do the actual signing process BioData = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); BIO_write(BioData, DatabaseName, (int)StrLen(DatabaseName)); BIO_write(BioData, DatabaseGuid, sizeof(EFI_GUID)); BIO_write(BioData, &Attributes, sizeof(UINT32)); BIO_write(BioData, &Timestamp, sizeof(EFI_TIME)); BIO_write(BioData, Database, (int)DatabaseSize); md = EVP_get_digestbyname("SHA256"); p7 = PKCS7_new(); PKCS7_set_type(p7, NID_pkcs7_signed); PKCS7_content_new(p7, NID_pkcs7_data); PKCS7_sign_add_signer(p7, Certificate, PrivateKey, md, PKCS7_BINARY | PKCS7_DETACHED | PKCS7_NOSMIMECAP); PKCS7_set_detached(p7, 1); PKCS7_final(p7, BioData, PKCS7_BINARY | PKCS7_DETACHED | PKCS7_NOSMIMECAP); X509_free(Certificate); EVP_PKEY_free(PrivateKey); DataSize = i2d_PKCS7(p7, NULL); Data = (__typeof__(Data))AllocateZeroPool(DataSize); i2d_PKCS7(p7, (unsigned char **)&Data); PKCS7_free(p7); // Set the authentication buffer size Size = sizeof(EFI_TIME) + sizeof(EFI_GUID) + sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(UINT16) + sizeof(UINT16) + DataSize; } else { // In setup mode we don't need to sign, so just set the database DBG("In setup mode, not signing ...\n"); Size = sizeof(EFI_TIME) + sizeof(EFI_GUID) + sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(UINT16) + sizeof(UINT16) + DatabaseSize; } // Create the authentication buffer DBG("Creating authentication ...\n"); Authentication = (EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATION_2 *)AllocateZeroPool(Size); if (Authentication == NULL) { if (Data != NULL) { FreePool(Data); } return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // Set the certificate elements CopyMem(&(Authentication->TimeStamp), &Timestamp, sizeof(EFI_TIME)); Authentication->AuthInfo.Hdr.dwLength = (UINT32)(sizeof(EFI_GUID) + sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(UINT16) + sizeof(UINT16) + DataSize); Authentication->AuthInfo.Hdr.wRevision = 0x0200; Authentication->AuthInfo.Hdr.wCertificateType = WIN_CERT_TYPE_EFI_GUID; CopyMem(&(Authentication->AuthInfo.CertType), &gEfiCertPkcs7Guid, sizeof(EFI_GUID)); // Copy the data into the authentication if (Data != NULL) { CopyMem(((UINT8 *)Authentication) + sizeof(EFI_TIME) + sizeof(EFI_GUID) + sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(UINT16) + sizeof(UINT16), Data, DataSize); FreePool(Data); } else { CopyMem(((UINT8 *)Authentication) + sizeof(EFI_TIME) + sizeof(EFI_GUID) + sizeof(UINT32) + sizeof(UINT16) + sizeof(UINT16), Database, DatabaseSize); //Payload, PayloadSize); } DBG("Writing secure variable 0x%hhX (0x%hhX) ...\n", Authentication, Size); // Write the database variable Status = gRT->SetVariable(DatabaseName, DatabaseGuid, SET_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTES, Size, Authentication); // Cleanup the authentication buffer FreePool(Authentication); return Status; } // Write signature database EFI_STATUS SetSignatureDatabase(IN CHAR16 *DatabaseName, IN EFI_GUID *DatabaseGuid, IN void *Database, IN UINTN DatabaseSize) { EFI_STATUS Status; // Check is valid to set database if ((GlobalConfig.Boot.SecureBoot && gSettings.Boot.SecureBootSetupMode) || (!GlobalConfig.Boot.SecureBoot && !gSettings.Boot.SecureBootSetupMode)) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // Erase database Status = SetSignedVariable(DatabaseName, DatabaseGuid, 0, NULL, 0); // Check if database was not found which is cool cause we are removing it if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) { if ((Database == NULL) || (DatabaseSize == 0)) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } } else if (EFI_ERROR(Status) || (Database == NULL) || (DatabaseSize == 0)) { // Return status if only erasing return Status; } return SetSignedVariable(DatabaseName, DatabaseGuid, SET_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTES, Database, DatabaseSize); } #endif // ENABLE_SECURE_BOOT