/** @file Copyright (C) 2019, vit9696. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include STATIC VOID * PanicUnpack ( IN CONST VOID *Packed, IN UINTN PackedSize, OUT UINTN *UnpackedSize ) { VOID *Unpacked; CONST UINT8 *PackedWalker; UINT8 *UnpackedWalker; UINT64 Sequence; if (OcOverflowMulUN (PackedSize, 8, UnpackedSize)) { return NULL; } // // Source buffer is required to be 8-byte aligned by Apple, // so we can freely truncate here. // *UnpackedSize /= 7; *UnpackedSize = *UnpackedSize - (*UnpackedSize % 8); if (*UnpackedSize == 0 || OcOverflowAddUN (*UnpackedSize, 1, UnpackedSize)) { return NULL; } Unpacked = AllocatePool (*UnpackedSize); if (Unpacked == NULL) { return NULL; } Sequence = 0; PackedWalker = Packed; UnpackedWalker = Unpacked; while (PackedSize >= 7) { CopyMem (&Sequence, PackedWalker, 7); *UnpackedWalker++ = (UINT8) BitFieldRead64 (Sequence, 7 * 0, 7 * 0 + 6); *UnpackedWalker++ = (UINT8) BitFieldRead64 (Sequence, 7 * 1, 7 * 1 + 6); *UnpackedWalker++ = (UINT8) BitFieldRead64 (Sequence, 7 * 2, 7 * 2 + 6); *UnpackedWalker++ = (UINT8) BitFieldRead64 (Sequence, 7 * 3, 7 * 3 + 6); *UnpackedWalker++ = (UINT8) BitFieldRead64 (Sequence, 7 * 4, 7 * 4 + 6); *UnpackedWalker++ = (UINT8) BitFieldRead64 (Sequence, 7 * 5, 7 * 5 + 6); *UnpackedWalker++ = (UINT8) BitFieldRead64 (Sequence, 7 * 6, 7 * 6 + 6); *UnpackedWalker++ = (UINT8) BitFieldRead64 (Sequence, 7 * 7, 7 * 7 + 6); PackedWalker += 7; PackedSize -= 7; } // // Ensure null-termination. // *UnpackedWalker++ = '\0'; return Unpacked; } STATIC BOOLEAN PanicExpandPutBuf ( IN OUT CHAR8 **Buffer, IN OUT UINTN *AllocatedSize, IN OUT UINTN *CurrentSize, IN CONST CHAR8 *NewData, IN UINTN NewDataSize ) { CHAR8 *TmpBuffer; UINTN NewSize; if (*AllocatedSize - *CurrentSize <= NewDataSize) { if (*AllocatedSize > 0) { NewSize = *AllocatedSize; } else { NewSize = NewDataSize; } NewSize = MAX (NewSize, 8192); if (OcOverflowMulUN (NewSize, 2, &NewSize)) { if (*Buffer != NULL) { FreePool (*Buffer); } return FALSE; } TmpBuffer = ReallocatePool (*AllocatedSize, NewSize, *Buffer); if (TmpBuffer == NULL) { if (*Buffer != NULL) { FreePool (*Buffer); } return FALSE; } *Buffer = TmpBuffer; *AllocatedSize = NewSize; } CopyMem (*Buffer + *CurrentSize, NewData, NewDataSize); *CurrentSize += NewDataSize; return TRUE; } STATIC CHAR8 * PanicExpand ( IN CONST CHAR8 *Encoded, IN UINTN EncodedSize, OUT UINTN *ExpandedSize ) { CHAR8 *Expanded; UINTN AllocatedSize; UINTN CurrentSize; UINTN TmpSize; CHAR8 *EncodedStart; BOOLEAN Success; EncodedStart = AsciiStrStr (Encoded, "loaded kext"); if (EncodedStart == NULL) { return NULL; ///< Not encoded. } Expanded = NULL; AllocatedSize = 0; CurrentSize = 0; TmpSize = EncodedStart - EncodedStart; if (!PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, Encoded, TmpSize)) { return NULL; } Encoded += TmpSize; EncodedSize -= TmpSize; while (EncodedSize > 0) { TmpSize = 1; switch (Encoded[0]) { case '>': Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, "com.apple.driver.", L_STR_LEN ("com.apple.driver.")); break; case '|': Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, "com.apple.iokit.", L_STR_LEN ("com.apple.iokit.")); break; case '$': Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, "com.apple.security.", L_STR_LEN ("com.apple.security.")); break; case '@': Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, "com.apple.", L_STR_LEN ("com.apple.")); break; case '!': if (EncodedSize >= 2) { ++TmpSize; switch (Encoded[1]) { case 'U': Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, "AppleUSB", L_STR_LEN ("AppleUSB")); break; case 'A': Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, "Apple", L_STR_LEN ("Apple")); break; case 'F': Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, "Family", L_STR_LEN ("Family")); break; case 'S': Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, "Storage", L_STR_LEN ("Storage")); break; case 'C': Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, "Controller", L_STR_LEN ("Controller")); break; case 'B': Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, "Bluetooth", L_STR_LEN ("Bluetooth")); break; case 'I': Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, "Intel", L_STR_LEN ("Intel")); break; default: Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, Encoded, 2); break; } break; } /* Fallthrough */ default: Success = PanicExpandPutBuf (&Expanded, &AllocatedSize, &CurrentSize, Encoded, 1); break; } if (!Success) { return NULL; } Encoded += TmpSize; EncodedSize -= TmpSize; } *ExpandedSize = CurrentSize; // // One extra byte is always guaranteed. // Expanded[CurrentSize] = '\0'; return Expanded; } VOID * OcReadApplePanicLog ( OUT UINT32 *PanicSize ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 Index; VOID *Value; UINTN ValueSize; CHAR16 VariableName[32]; VOID *TmpData; UINTN TmpDataSize; VOID *PanicData; TmpData = NULL; TmpDataSize = 0; for (Index = 0; Index < 1024; ++Index) { UnicodeSPrint ( VariableName, sizeof (VariableName), APPLE_PANIC_INFO_NO_VARIABLE_NAME, Index ); Status = GetVariable2 (VariableName, &gEfiAppleBootGuid, &Value, &ValueSize); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { break; } if (ValueSize == 0) { FreePool (Value); break; } PanicData = ReallocatePool (TmpDataSize, TmpDataSize + ValueSize, TmpData); if (PanicData == NULL) { FreePool (Value); if (TmpData != NULL) { FreePool (TmpData); } return NULL; } TmpData = PanicData; CopyMem ( (UINT8 *) TmpData + TmpDataSize, Value, ValueSize ); FreePool (Value); TmpDataSize += ValueSize; } if (Index == 0) { // // We have not advanced past the first variable, there is no panic log. // return NULL; } // // We have a kernel panic now. // ASSERT (TmpData != NULL); ASSERT (TmpDataSize > 0); PanicData = PanicUnpack (TmpData, TmpDataSize, &TmpDataSize); FreePool (TmpData); if (PanicData != NULL) { // // Truncate trailing zeroes. // TmpDataSize = AsciiStrLen (PanicData); TmpData = PanicExpand (PanicData, TmpDataSize, &TmpDataSize); if (TmpData != NULL) { FreePool (PanicData); PanicData = TmpData; } } *PanicSize = (UINT32) TmpDataSize; return TmpData; }