// // DebugLib.c // cpp_tests UTF16 signed char // // Created by Jief on 12/10/2020. // Copyright © 2020 JF Knudsen. All rights reserved. // #include #include "../../../../rEFIt_UEFI/Platform/Posix/abort.h" /** Prints an assert message containing a filename, line number, and description. This may be followed by a breakpoint or a dead loop. Print a message of the form "ASSERT (): \n" to the debug output device. If DEBUG_PROPERTY_ASSERT_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set then CpuBreakpoint() is called. Otherwise, if DEBUG_PROPERTY_ASSERT_DEADLOOP_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set then CpuDeadLoop() is called. If neither of these bits are set, then this function returns immediately after the message is printed to the debug output device. DebugAssert() must actively prevent recursion. If DebugAssert() is called while processing another DebugAssert(), then DebugAssert() must return immediately. If FileName is NULL, then a string of "(NULL) Filename" is printed. If Description is NULL, then a string of "(NULL) Description" is printed. @param FileName The pointer to the name of the source file that generated the assert condition. @param LineNumber The line number in the source file that generated the assert condition @param Description The pointer to the description of the assert condition. **/ VOID EFIAPI DebugAssert ( IN CONST CHAR8 *FileName, IN UINTN LineNumber, IN CONST CHAR8 *Description ) { // panic(); // panic("ouch\n"); panic("%s %llu %s\n", FileName, LineNumber, Description); } /** Returns TRUE if ASSERT() macros are enabled. This function returns TRUE if the DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_ASSERT_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set. Otherwise, FALSE is returned. @retval TRUE The DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_ASSERT_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set. @retval FALSE The DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_ASSERT_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is clear. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI DebugAssertEnabled ( VOID ) { return TRUE; } RETURN_STATUS EFIAPI BaseDebugLibSerialPortConstructor ( VOID ) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID EFIAPI DebugPrint ( IN UINTN ErrorLevel, IN CONST CHAR8 *Format, ... ) { VA_LIST Marker; VA_START (Marker, Format); vprintf(Format, Marker); VA_END (Marker); } BOOLEAN EFIAPI DebugCodeEnabled ( VOID ) { return TRUE; } BOOLEAN EFIAPI DebugPrintEnabled ( VOID ) { return TRUE; } BOOLEAN EFIAPI DebugPrintLevelEnabled ( IN CONST UINTN ErrorLevel ) { return TRUE; }