/* * Hibernate.c * * Created by dmazar, 01.2014. * * Hibernate support. * */ #include // Only use angled for Platform, else, xcode project won't compile #include "AcpiPatcher.h" #include "guid.h" #include "APFS.h" #include "Nvram.h" #include "BootOptions.h" #include "../Platform/Volumes.h" #ifndef DEBUG_ALL #define DEBUG_HIB 1 #else #define DEBUG_HIB DEBUG_ALL #endif #if DEBUG_HIB == 0 #define DBG(...) #else #define DBG(...) DebugLog(DEBUG_HIB, __VA_ARGS__); #endif #define CREATE_NEW_BOOT_IMAGE 1 #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) // // Just the first part of HFS+ volume header from where we can take modification time // typedef struct _HFSPlusVolumeHeaderMin { UINT16 signature; UINT16 version; UINT32 attributes; UINT32 lastMountedVersion; UINT32 journalInfoBlock; UINT32 createDate; UINT32 modifyDate; UINT32 backupDate; UINT32 checkedDate; UINT32 fileCount; UINT32 folderCount; UINT32 blockSize; UINT32 totalBlocks; UINT32 freeBlocks; } HFSPlusVolumeHeaderMin; // IOHibernateImageHeader.signature enum { kIOHibernateHeaderSignature = 0x73696d65, kIOHibernateHeaderInvalidSignature = 0x7a7a7a7a }; typedef struct _IOHibernateImageHeaderMin { UINT64 imageSize; UINT64 image1Size; UINT32 restore1CodePhysPage; UINT32 reserved1; UINT64 restore1CodeVirt; UINT32 restore1PageCount; UINT32 restore1CodeOffset; UINT32 restore1StackOffset; UINT32 pageCount; UINT32 bitmapSize; UINT32 restore1Sum; UINT32 image1Sum; UINT32 image2Sum; UINT32 actualRestore1Sum; UINT32 actualImage1Sum; UINT32 actualImage2Sum; UINT32 actualUncompressedPages; UINT32 conflictCount; UINT32 nextFree; UINT32 signature; UINT32 processorFlags; UINT32 runtimePages; UINT32 runtimePageCount; UINT64 runtimeVirtualPages; UINT32 performanceDataStart; UINT32 performanceDataSize; UINT64 encryptStart; UINT64 machineSignature; UINT32 previewSize; UINT32 previewPageListSize; UINT32 diag[4]; UINT32 handoffPages; UINT32 handoffPageCount; UINT32 systemTableOffset; UINT32 debugFlags; UINT32 options; UINT32 sleepTime; UINT32 compression; } IOHibernateImageHeaderMin; typedef struct _IOHibernateImageHeaderMinSnow { UINT64 imageSize; UINT64 image1Size; UINT32 restore1CodePhysPage; UINT32 restore1PageCount; UINT32 restore1CodeOffset; UINT32 restore1StackOffset; UINT32 pageCount; UINT32 bitmapSize; UINT32 restore1Sum; UINT32 image1Sum; UINT32 image2Sum; UINT32 actualRestore1Sum; UINT32 actualImage1Sum; UINT32 actualImage2Sum; UINT32 actualUncompressedPages; UINT32 conflictCount; UINT32 nextFree; UINT32 signature; UINT32 processorFlags; } IOHibernateImageHeaderMinSnow; typedef struct _AppleRTCHibernateVars { UINT8 signature[4]; UINT32 revision; UINT8 booterSignature[20]; UINT8 wiredCryptKey[16]; } AppleRTCHibernateVars; #pragma pack(pop) // // Taken from VBoxFsDxe // // // time conversion // // Adopted from public domain code in FreeBSD libc. // #define SECSPERMIN 60 #define MINSPERHOUR 60 #define HOURSPERDAY 24 #define DAYSPERWEEK 7 #define DAYSPERNYEAR 365 #define DAYSPERLYEAR 366 #define SECSPERHOUR (SECSPERMIN * MINSPERHOUR) #define SECSPERDAY ((INTN) SECSPERHOUR * HOURSPERDAY) #define MONSPERYEAR 12 #define EPOCH_YEAR 1970 #define EPOCH_WDAY TM_THURSDAY #define isleap(y) (((y) % 4) == 0 && (((y) % 100) != 0 || ((y) % 400) == 0)) #define LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(y) ((y) / 4 - (y) / 100 + (y) / 400) INT32 mon_lengths[2][MONSPERYEAR] = { { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }, { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } }; INT32 year_lengths[2] = { DAYSPERNYEAR, DAYSPERLYEAR }; //static fsw_u32 mac_to_posix(fsw_u32 mac_time) INT32 mac_to_posix(UINT32 mac_time) { /* Mac time is 1904 year based */ return mac_time ? mac_time - 2082844800 : 0; } /* not used void fsw_efi_decode_time(OUT EFI_TIME *EfiTime, IN UINT32 UnixTime) { INT32 days, rem; INT32 y, newy, yleap; INT32 *ip; ZeroMem(EfiTime, sizeof(EFI_TIME)); days = ((INTN)UnixTime) / SECSPERDAY; rem = ((INTN)UnixTime) % SECSPERDAY; EfiTime->Hour = (UINT8) (rem / SECSPERHOUR); rem = rem % SECSPERHOUR; EfiTime->Minute = (UINT8) (rem / SECSPERMIN); EfiTime->Second = (UINT8) (rem % SECSPERMIN); y = EPOCH_YEAR; while (days < 0 || days >= (INT64) year_lengths[yleap = isleap(y)]) { newy = y + days / DAYSPERNYEAR; if (days < 0) --newy; days -= (newy - y) * DAYSPERNYEAR + LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(newy - 1) - LEAPS_THRU_END_OF(y - 1); y = newy; } EfiTime->Year = (UINT16)y; ip = mon_lengths[yleap]; for (EfiTime->Month = 0; days >= (INT64) ip[EfiTime->Month]; ++(EfiTime->Month)) days = days - (INT64) ip[EfiTime->Month]; EfiTime->Month++; // adjust range to EFI conventions EfiTime->Day = (UINT8) (days + 1); } */ EFI_BLOCK_READ OrigBlockIoRead = NULL; UINT64 gSleepImageOffset = 0; UINT32 gSleepTime = 0; // // Available on all platforms, requires NMI bit handling. // #define R_PCH_RTC_INDEX 0x70 #define R_PCH_RTC_TARGET 0x71 #define R_PCH_RTC_EXT_INDEX 0x72 #define R_PCH_RTC_EXT_TARGET 0x73 // // Available on Ivy Bridge and newer. Ignores NMI bit. // #define R_PCH_RTC_INDEX_ALT 0x74 #define R_PCH_RTC_TARGET_ALT 0x75 #define R_PCH_RTC_EXT_INDEX_ALT 0x76 #define R_PCH_RTC_EXT_TARGET_ALT 0x77 // // RTC Memory bank size // #define RTC_BANK_SIZE 0x80 // // RTC INDEX bit mask // #define RTC_DATA_MASK 0x7F #define RTC_NMI_MASK 0x80 STATIC UINT8 SimpleRtcRead ( IN UINT8 Offset ) { UINT8 RtcIndexPort; UINT8 RtcDataPort; UINT8 RtcIndexNmi; if (Offset < RTC_BANK_SIZE) { RtcIndexPort = R_PCH_RTC_INDEX; RtcDataPort = R_PCH_RTC_TARGET; } else { RtcIndexPort = R_PCH_RTC_EXT_INDEX; RtcDataPort = R_PCH_RTC_EXT_TARGET; } RtcIndexNmi = IoRead8 (RtcIndexPort) & RTC_NMI_MASK; IoWrite8 (RtcIndexPort, (Offset & RTC_DATA_MASK) | RtcIndexNmi); return IoRead8 (RtcDataPort); } STATIC void SimpleRtcWrite ( IN UINT8 Offset, IN UINT8 Value ) { UINT8 RtcIndexPort; UINT8 RtcDataPort; UINT8 RtcIndexNmi; if (Offset < RTC_BANK_SIZE) { RtcIndexPort = R_PCH_RTC_INDEX; RtcDataPort = R_PCH_RTC_TARGET; } else { RtcIndexPort = R_PCH_RTC_EXT_INDEX; RtcDataPort = R_PCH_RTC_EXT_TARGET; } RtcIndexNmi = IoRead8 (RtcIndexPort) & RTC_NMI_MASK; IoWrite8 (RtcIndexPort, (Offset & RTC_DATA_MASK) | RtcIndexNmi); IoWrite8 (RtcDataPort, Value); } /** BlockIo->Read() override. */ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OurBlockIoRead ( IN EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINT32 MediaId, IN EFI_LBA Lba, IN UINTN BufferSize, OUT void *Buffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = OrigBlockIoRead(This, MediaId, Lba, BufferSize, Buffer); // Enter special processing only when gSleepImageOffset == 0, to avoid recursion when Boot/Log=true if (gSleepImageOffset == 0 && Status == EFI_SUCCESS && BufferSize >= sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeaderMin)) { //sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeaderMin)==96 IOHibernateImageHeaderMin *Header; IOHibernateImageHeaderMinSnow *Header2; UINT32 BlockSize = 0; // Mark that we are executing, to avoid entering above phrase again, and don't add DBGs outside this scope, to avoid recursion gSleepImageOffset = (UINT64)-1; if (This->Media != NULL) { BlockSize = This->Media->BlockSize; } else { BlockSize = 512; } // DBG(" OurBlockIoRead: Lba=%lx, Offset=%lx (BlockSize=%d)\n", Lba, MultU64x32(Lba, BlockSize), BlockSize); Header = (IOHibernateImageHeaderMin *) Buffer; Header2 = (IOHibernateImageHeaderMinSnow *) Buffer; // DBG(" sig lion: %X\n", Header->signature); // DBG(" sig snow: %X\n", Header2->signature); // DBG(" sig swap: %X\n", SwapBytes32(Header->signature)); if (Header->signature == kIOHibernateHeaderSignature || Header2->signature == kIOHibernateHeaderSignature) { gSleepImageOffset = MultU64x32(Lba, BlockSize); DBG(" got sleep image offset\n"); machineSignature = ((IOHibernateImageHeaderMin*)Buffer)->machineSignature; DBG(" image has machineSignature =0x%llX\n", machineSignature); //save sleep time as lvs1974 suggested if (Header->signature == kIOHibernateHeaderSignature) { gSleepTime = Header->sleepTime; } else gSleepTime = 0; // return invalid parameter in case of success in order to prevent driver from caching our buffer return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { DBG(" no valid sleep image offset was found\n"); gSleepImageOffset = 0; } } return Status; } /** Get sleep image location (volume and name) */ void GetSleepImageLocation(IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume, REFIT_VOLUME **SleepImageVolume, XStringW* SleepImageNamePtr) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; UINT8 *PrefBuffer = NULL; UINTN PrefBufferLen = 0; // TagDict* PrefDict; // const TagStruct* dict; // const TagStruct* dict2; // const TagStruct* prop; CONST CHAR16 *PrefName = L"\\Library\\Preferences\\SystemConfiguration\\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist"; CONST CHAR16 *PrefName2 = L"\\Library\\Preferences\\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist"; REFIT_VOLUME *ImageVolume = Volume; XStringW& SleepImageName = *SleepImageNamePtr; if (Volume->RootDir) { // find sleep image entry from plist Status = egLoadFile(Volume->RootDir, PrefName, &PrefBuffer, &PrefBufferLen); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { XStringW PrefName3 = SWPrintf("\\Library\\Preferences\\com.apple.PowerManagement.%s.plist", gSettings.getUUID().toXString8().c_str()); Status = egLoadFile(Volume->RootDir, PrefName3.wc_str(), &PrefBuffer, &PrefBufferLen); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = egLoadFile(Volume->RootDir, PrefName2, &PrefBuffer, &PrefBufferLen); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" read prefs %ls status=%s\n", PrefName2, efiStrError(Status)); } } else { DBG(" read prefs %ls status=%s\n", PrefName3.wc_str(), efiStrError(Status)); } } else { DBG(" read prefs %ls status=%s\n", PrefName, efiStrError(Status)); } } if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { TagDict* PrefDict; Status = ParseXML((const CHAR8*)PrefBuffer, &PrefDict, PrefBufferLen); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { const TagDict* dict = PrefDict->dictPropertyForKey("Custom Profile"); if (dict) { const TagDict* dict2 = dict->dictPropertyForKey("AC Power"); if (dict2) { const TagStruct* prop = dict2->propertyForKey("Hibernate File"); if (prop && prop->isString() ) { if (prop->getString()->stringValue().contains("/Volumes/")) { CHAR8 *VolNameStart = NULL, *VolNameEnd = NULL; XStringW VolName; UINTN VolNameSize = 0; // Extract Volumes Name VolNameStart = AsciiStrStr(prop->getString()->stringValue().c_str() + 1, "/") + 1; if (VolNameStart) { VolNameEnd = AsciiStrStr(VolNameStart, "/"); if (VolNameEnd) { VolNameSize = (VolNameEnd - VolNameStart + 1) * sizeof(CHAR16); if (VolNameSize > 0) { VolName.strncpy(VolNameStart, VolNameSize); } } } if (VolName.notEmpty()) { ImageVolume = FindVolumeByName(VolName.wc_str()); if (ImageVolume) { SleepImageName = SWPrintf("%s", VolNameEnd); } else { ImageVolume = Volume; } } } else if ( prop->getString()->stringValue().contains("/var") && !prop->getString()->stringValue().contains("private")) { SleepImageName = SWPrintf("\\private%s", prop->getString()->stringValue().c_str()); } else { SleepImageName = SWPrintf("%s", prop->getString()->stringValue().c_str()); } SleepImageName.replaceAll('/', '\\'); DBG(" SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = '%ls', ImageName = '%ls'\n", ImageVolume->VolName.wc_str(), SleepImageName.wc_str()); } } } PrefDict->FreeTag(); } } if (SleepImageName.isEmpty()) { SleepImageName = SWPrintf("\\private\\var\\vm\\sleepimage"); DBG(" using default sleep image name = %ls\n", SleepImageName.wc_str()); } if (PrefBuffer) { FreePool(PrefBuffer); //allocated by egLoadFile } *SleepImageVolume = ImageVolume; } /** Returns byte offset of sleepimage on the whole disk or 0 if not found or error. * * To avoid messing with HFS+ format, we'll use the trick with overriding * BlockIo->Read() of the disk and then read first bytes of the sleepimage * through file system driver. And then we'll detect block delivered by BlockIo * and calculate position from there. * It's for hack after all :) */ UINT64 GetSleepImagePosition (IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume, REFIT_VOLUME **SleepImageVolume) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; EFI_FILE *File = NULL; void *Buffer; UINTN BufferSize; XStringW ImageName; REFIT_VOLUME *ImageVolume; if (!Volume) { DBG(" no volume to get sleepimage\n"); return 0; } if (Volume->WholeDiskBlockIO == NULL) { DBG(" no disk BlockIo\n"); return 0; } // If IsSleepImageValidBySignature() was used, then we already have that offset if (Volume->SleepImageOffset != 0) { if (SleepImageVolume != NULL) { // Update caller's SleepImageVolume when requested GetSleepImageLocation(Volume, SleepImageVolume, &ImageName); } DBG(" returning previously calculated offset: %llx\n", Volume->SleepImageOffset); return Volume->SleepImageOffset; } // Get sleepimage name and volume GetSleepImageLocation(Volume, &ImageVolume, &ImageName); if (ImageVolume->RootDir) { // Open sleepimage Status = ImageVolume->RootDir->Open(ImageVolume->RootDir, &File, ImageName.wc_str(), EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" cannot open sleepimage -> %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return 0; } } // We want to read the first 512 bytes from sleepimage BufferSize = 512; Buffer = (__typeof__(Buffer))AllocatePool(BufferSize); if (Buffer == NULL) { DBG(" could not allocate buffer for sleepimage\n"); return 0; } // DBG(" Reading first %d bytes of sleepimage ...\n", BufferSize); if (!ImageVolume->WholeDiskBlockIO) { DBG(" can not get whole disk\n"); if (Buffer) { FreePool(Buffer); } return 0; } // Override disk BlockIo OrigBlockIoRead = ImageVolume->WholeDiskBlockIO->ReadBlocks; ImageVolume->WholeDiskBlockIO->ReadBlocks = OurBlockIoRead; gSleepImageOffset = 0; //used as temporary global variable to pass our value Status = File->Read(File, &BufferSize, Buffer); // Restore original disk BlockIo ImageVolume->WholeDiskBlockIO->ReadBlocks = OrigBlockIoRead; // OurBlockIoRead always returns invalid parameter in order to avoid driver caching, so that is a good value if (Status == EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER) { Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } // DBG(" Reading completed -> %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); // Close sleepimage File->Close(File); // We don't use the buffer, as actual signature checking is being done by OurBlockIoRead if (Buffer) { FreePool(Buffer); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" can not read sleepimage -> %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return 0; } // We store SleepImageOffset, in case our BlockIoRead does not execute again on next read due to driver caching. if (gSleepImageOffset != 0) { DBG(" sleepimage offset acquired successfully: %llx\n", gSleepImageOffset); ImageVolume->SleepImageOffset = gSleepImageOffset; } else { DBG(" sleepimage offset could not be acquired\n"); } if (SleepImageVolume != NULL) { // Update caller's SleepImageVolume when requested *SleepImageVolume = ImageVolume; } return gSleepImageOffset; } /** Returns true if /private/var/vm/sleepimage exists * and it's modification time is close to volume modification time). */ XBool IsSleepImageValidBySleepTime (IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume) { EFI_STATUS Status; void *Buffer; EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *BlockIo; HFSPlusVolumeHeaderMin *HFSHeader; UINT32 HFSVolumeModifyDate; INTN TimeDelta; INTN Pages; // = 1; //EFI_TIME ImageModifyTime; //EFI_TIME *TimePtr; //EFI_TIME HFSVolumeModifyTime; DBG(" gSleepTime: %d\n", gSleepTime); //fsw_efi_decode_time(&ImageModifyTime, gSleepTime); //TimePtr = &ImageModifyTime; //DBG(" in EFI: %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d\n", TimePtr->Year, TimePtr->Month, TimePtr->Day, TimePtr->Hour, TimePtr->Minute, TimePtr->Second); // // Get HFS+ volume nodification time // // use 4KB aligned page to avoid possible issues with BlockIo buffer alignment BlockIo = Volume->BlockIO; Pages = EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES(BlockIo->Media->BlockSize); Buffer = (__typeof__(Buffer))AllocatePages(Pages); if (Buffer == NULL) { return false; } Status = BlockIo->ReadBlocks(BlockIo, BlockIo->Media->MediaId, 2, BlockIo->Media->BlockSize, Buffer); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" can not read HFS+ header -> %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); FreePages(Buffer, Pages); return false; } HFSHeader = (HFSPlusVolumeHeaderMin *)Buffer; HFSVolumeModifyDate = SwapBytes32(HFSHeader->modifyDate); HFSVolumeModifyDate = mac_to_posix(HFSVolumeModifyDate); DBG(" HFS+ volume modifyDate: %d\n", HFSVolumeModifyDate); //fsw_efi_decode_time(&HFSVolumeModifyTime, mac_to_posix(HFSVolumeModifyDate)); //TimePtr = &HFSVolumeModifyTime; //DBG(" in EFI: %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d\n", TimePtr->Year, TimePtr->Month, TimePtr->Day, TimePtr->Hour, TimePtr->Minute, TimePtr->Second); // // Check that sleepimage is not more then 5 secs older then volume modification date // Idea is from Chameleon // TimeDelta = HFSVolumeModifyDate - (INTN)gSleepTime; DBG(" image older then volume: %lld sec\n", TimeDelta); if (TimeDelta > 5 /*|| TimeDelta < -5 */) { //Slice - if image newer then volume it should be OK DBG(" image too old\n"); FreePages(Buffer, Pages); return false; } DBG(" machineSignature from FACS =0x%llX\n", machineSignature); // machineSignature = ((IOHibernateImageHeaderMin*)Buffer)->machineSignature; // DBG(" image has machineSignature =0x%X\n", machineSignature); FreePages(Buffer, Pages); return true; } /** Returns true if /private/var/vm/sleepimage exists * and it's signature is kIOHibernateHeaderSignature. */ XBool IsSleepImageValidBySignature (IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume) { // We'll have to detect offset here also in case driver caches // some data and stops us from detecting offset later. // So, make first call to GetSleepImagePosition() now. DBG(" Check sleep image 'by signature':\n"); return (GetSleepImagePosition (Volume, NULL) != 0); } UINT16 PartNumForVolume(REFIT_VOLUME *Volume) { UINT16 PartNum = 0; //if not found then zero mean whole disk HARDDRIVE_DEVICE_PATH *HdPath = NULL; const EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *DevicePath = Volume->DevicePath; while (DevicePath && !IsDevicePathEnd (DevicePath)) { if ((DevicePathType (DevicePath) == MEDIA_DEVICE_PATH) && (DevicePathSubType (DevicePath) == MEDIA_HARDDRIVE_DP)) { HdPath = (HARDDRIVE_DEVICE_PATH *)DevicePath; break; } DevicePath = NextDevicePathNode (DevicePath); } if (HdPath != NULL) { PartNum = (UINT16)(HdPath->PartitionNumber); } return PartNum; } REFIT_VOLUME *FoundParentVolume(REFIT_VOLUME *Volume) { UINTN VolumeIndex; REFIT_VOLUME *Volume1 = NULL; INT16 SearchPartNum = PartNumForVolume(Volume); if (SearchPartNum < 3) { // 0 - whole disk // 1 - ESP // 2 - a partition to search // 3 - minimum # for recovery DBG(" the volume has wrong partition number %d\n", SearchPartNum); return NULL; //don't search! } for (VolumeIndex = 0; VolumeIndex < Volumes.size(); VolumeIndex++) { Volume1 = &Volumes[VolumeIndex]; if (Volume1 != Volume && Volume1->WholeDiskBlockIO == Volume->WholeDiskBlockIO) { if (PartNumForVolume(Volume1) == SearchPartNum - 1) { return Volume1; } } } return NULL; } STATIC CHAR16 OffsetHexStr[100]; /** Returns true if given OSX on given volume is hibernated. */ XBool IsOsxHibernated (IN LOADER_ENTRY *Entry) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; UINTN Size = 0; UINT8 *Data = NULL; REFIT_VOLUME *Volume = Entry->Volume; EFI_GUID BootGUID; XBool ret = false; UINT8 *Value = NULL; EFI_GUID VolumeUUID; if (!Volume) { return false; } /* Status = GetRootUUID(ThisVolume); // already done if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { //this is set by scan loaders only for Recovery volumes FP.1EE01920[\].Open('com.apple.boot.R', 1, 0) = Not Found FP.1EE01920[\].Open('com.apple.boot.P', 1, 0) = Not Found FP.1EE01920[\].Open('com.apple.boot.S', 1, 0) = EFI_SUCCESS -> FP.1EE01A20[\com.apple.boot.S] FP.1EE01A20[\com.apple.boot.S].Open('Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.Boot.plist', 1, 0) = EFI_SUCCESS -> FP.1F7F7F20[\com.apple.boot.S\Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.Boot.plist] FP.1F7F7F20[\com.apple.boot.S\Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.Boot.plist].GetInfo(gEfiFileInfoGuid, 122, 1F7FAE18) = Success FP.1F7F7F20[\com.apple.boot.S\Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.Boot.plist].Read(309, 1CF27018) = Success FP.1F7F7F20[\com.apple.boot.S\Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.Boot.plist].Close() = Success Kernel Flags Root UUID D6E74829-F4A5-3CBA-B8EE-D0B6E40E4D53 // Volume = from UUID // We can obtain Partition UUID but not Volume UUID Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; for (VolumeIndex = 0; VolumeIndex < VolumesCount; VolumeIndex++) { Volume = Volumes[VolumeIndex]; VolumeUUID = FindGPTPartitionGuidInDevicePath(Volume->DevicePath); DBG("Volume[%d] has UUID=%ls\n", VolumeIndex, GuidLEToStr(VolumeUUID)); if (CompareGuid(&ThisVolume->RootUUID, VolumeUUID)) { DBG("found root volume at path: %ls\n", FileDevicePathToStr(Volume->DevicePath)); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; break; } } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Volume = ThisVolume; DBG("cant find volume with UUID=%ls\n", GuidLEToStr(&ThisVolume->RootUUID)); } DBG(" got RootUUID %s\n", ThisVolume->RootUUID.toXString8().c_str()); VolumeUUIDStr = GuidLEToStr(&ThisVolume->RootUUID); DBG(" Search for Volume with UUID: %ls\n", VolumeUUIDStr); if (VolumeUUIDStr) { FreePool(VolumeUUIDStr); } Volume = FoundParentVolume(ThisVolume); if (Volume) { DBG(" Found parent Volume with name %ls\n", Volume->VolName); if (Volume->RootDir == NULL) { return false; } } else { DBG(" Parent Volume not found, use this one\n"); Volume = ThisVolume; } } */ //For tests /* Status = GetRootUUID(Volume); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EFI_GUID TmpGuid; CHAR16 *Ptr = GuidLEToStr(&Volume->RootUUID); DBG("got str=%ls\n", Ptr); Status = StrToGuidBE (Ptr, &TmpGuid); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" cant convert Str %ls to EFI_GUID\n", Ptr); } else { XStringW TmpStr = SWPrintf("%ls", TmpGuid.toXString8().c_str()); DBG("got the guid %ls\n", TmpStr.wc_str()); CopyMem((void*)Ptr, TmpStr, StrSize(TmpStr)); DBG("fter CopyMem: %ls\n", Ptr); } } */ //if sleep image is good but OSX was not hibernated. //or we choose "cancel hibernate wake" then it must be canceled if (gSettings.Boot.NeverHibernate) { DBG(" hibernated: set as never\n"); return false; } DBG(" Check if volume Is Hibernated:\n"); if (!gSettings.Boot.StrictHibernate) { // CloverEFI or UEFI with EmuVariable if (IsSleepImageValidBySignature(Volume)) { if ((gSleepTime == 0) || IsSleepImageValidBySleepTime(Volume)) { DBG(" hibernated: yes\n"); ret = true; } else { DBG(" hibernated: no - time\n"); return false; } // IsHibernate = true; } else { DBG(" hibernated: no - sign\n"); return false; //test } } if (!gFirmwareClover && (!gDriversFlags.EmuVariableLoaded || gSettings.Boot.HibernationFixup)) { DBG(" UEFI with NVRAM? "); Status = GetVariable2 (L"Boot0082", gEfiGlobalVariableGuid, (void**)&Data, &Size); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" no, Boot0082 not exists\n"); ret = false; } else { DBG("yes\n"); ret = true; //1. Parse Media Device Path from Boot0082 load option //Cut Data pointer by 0x08 up to DevicePath // Data += 0x08; // Size -= 0x08; //We get starting offset of media device path, and then jumping 24 bytes to EFI_GUID start // BootGUID = (EFI_GUID*)(Data + NodeParser(Data, Size, 0x04) + 0x18); /* APFS Hibernation support*/ //Check that current volume is APFS VolumeUUID = APFSPartitionUUIDExtract(Volume->DevicePath); if ( VolumeUUID.notNull() ) { //BootGUID = (EFI_GUID*)(Data + Size - 0x14); BootGUID = *(EFI_GUID*)ScanGuid(Data, Size, &VolumeUUID); //DBG(" APFS Boot0082 points to UUID:%s\n", BootGUID.toXString8().c_str()); } else { //BootGUID = (EFI_GUID*)(Data + Size - 0x16); VolumeUUID = FindGPTPartitionGuidInDevicePath(Volume->DevicePath); if ( VolumeUUID.notNull() ) { BootGUID = *(EFI_GUID*)ScanGuid(Data, Size, &VolumeUUID); //DBG(" Boot0082 points to UUID:%s\n", BootGUID.toXString8().c_str()); } } //DBG(" Volume has PartUUID=%s\n", VolumeUUID.toXString8().c_str()); if (BootGUID.notNull() && VolumeUUID.notNull() && BootGUID != VolumeUUID ) { ret = false; } else { DBG(" Boot0082 points to Volume with UUID:%s\n", BootGUID.toXString8().c_str()); //3. Checks for boot-image exists if (gSettings.Boot.StrictHibernate) { /* Variable NV+RT+BS '7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-image' DataSize = 0x3A 00000000: 02 01 0C 00 D0 41 03 0A-00 00 00 00 01 01 06 00 *.....A..........* 00000010: 02 1F 03 12 0A 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 04 04 1A 00 *................* 00000020: 33 00 36 00 63 00 34 00-64 00 64 00 63 00 30 00 *3.6.c.4.d.d.c.0.* 00000030: 30 00 30 00 00 00 7F FF-04 00 *0.0.......* 02 - ACPI_DEVICE_PATH 01 - ACPI_DP 0C - 4 bytes 00 D0 41 03 - PNP0A03 // FileVault2 4:609 0:000 Boot0082 points to Volume with UUID:BA92975E-E2FB-48E6-95CC-8138B286F646 4:609 0:000 boot-image before: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0x0,0x0)\25593c7000:A82E84C6-9DD6-49D6-960A-0F4C2FE4851C */ Status = GetVariable2 (L"boot-image", gEfiAppleBootGuid, (void**)&Value, &Size); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { // leave it as is DBG(" boot-image not found while we want StrictHibernate\n"); ret = false; } else { EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *BootImageDevPath; // UINTN Size; CHAR16 *Ptr = (CHAR16*)&OffsetHexStr[0]; DBG(" boot-image before: %ls\n", FileDevicePathToXStringW((EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL*)Value).wc_str()); snwprintf(OffsetHexStr, sizeof(OffsetHexStr), "%ls", (CHAR16 *)(Value + 0x20)); // DBG("OffsetHexStr=%ls\n", OffsetHexStr); while ((*Ptr != L':') && (*Ptr != 0)) { Ptr++; } // DBG(" have ptr=%p, in Str=%p, text:%ls\n", Ptr, &OffsetHexStr, Ptr); if (*Ptr++ == L':') { //Convert BeUUID to LeUUID //Ptr points to begin L"A82E84C6-9DD6-49D6-960A-0F4C2FE4851C" EFI_GUID TmpGuid; // CHAR16 *TmpStr = NULL; ResumeFromCoreStorage = true; // DBG("got str=%ls\n", Ptr); XString8 xs8; xs8.takeValueFrom(Ptr); // Status = StrToGuidBE(xs8, &TmpGuid); TmpGuid.takeValueFromBE(xs8); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" cant convert Str %ls to EFI_GUID\n", Ptr); } else { XStringW TmpStr = TmpGuid.toXStringW(); //DBG("got the guid %ls\n", TmpStr); memcpy((void*)Ptr, TmpStr.wc_str(), TmpStr.sizeInBytes()); } } if (StrCmp(gST->FirmwareVendor, L"INSYDE Corp.") != 0) { // skip this on INSYDE UEFI UINT8 SataNum = Value[22]; FreePool(Value); BootImageDevPath = FileDevicePath(Volume->WholeDiskDeviceHandle, OffsetHexStr); // DBG(" boot-image device path:\n"); Size = GetDevicePathSize(BootImageDevPath); Value = (UINT8*)BootImageDevPath; DBG(" boot-image after: %ls\n", FileDevicePathToXStringW(BootImageDevPath).wc_str()); //Apple's device path differs from UEFI BIOS device path that will be used by boot.efi //Value[6] = 8; //Acpi(PNP0A08,0) Value[22] = SataNum; Value[24] = 0xFF; Value[25] = 0xFF; DBG(" boot-image corrected: %ls\n", FileDevicePathToXStringW((EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL*)Value).wc_str()); PrintBytes(Value, Size); Status = gRT->SetVariable(L"boot-image", gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, Size , Value); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" can not write boot-image -> %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); ret = false; } } } } //else boot-image will be created } FreePool(Data); } } if (Value) { FreePool(Value); } return ret; } /** Prepares nvram vars needed for boot.efi to wake from hibernation: * boot-switch-vars and boot-image. * * Normally those vars should be set by kernel * boot-switch-vars: structure with image encription key * boot-image: device path like Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(1f,2)/Sata(2,0)/File(56b99e000) * where Acpi(PNP0A03,0)/Pci(1f,2)/Sata(2,0) points to the disk containing sleepimage * and File(56b99e000) contains hex position (in bytes) of the beginning of the sleepimage * * Since boot-switch-vars is not present in CloverEFI or with EmuVar driver (no real NVRAM) but also not on UEFI hack * (not written by the kernel for some reason), and since boot-image is also not present in CloverEFI * and on UEFI hack device path as set by kernel can be different in some bytes from the device path * reported by UEFI, we'll compute and set both vars here. * * That's the only way for CloverEFI and should be OK for UEFI hack also. */ XBool PrepareHibernation (IN REFIT_VOLUME *Volume) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT64 SleepImageOffset; EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *BootImageDevPath; UINTN Size = 0; void *Value = NULL; AppleRTCHibernateVars RtcVars; UINT8 *VarData = NULL; REFIT_VOLUME *SleepImageVolume; UINT32 Attributes; XBool HasIORTCVariables = false; XBool HasHibernateInfo = false; XBool HasHibernateInfoInRTC = false; DBG("PrepareHibernation:\n"); if (!gSettings.Boot.StrictHibernate) { // Find sleep image offset SleepImageOffset = GetSleepImagePosition (Volume, &SleepImageVolume); DBG(" SleepImageOffset: %llx\n", SleepImageOffset); if (SleepImageOffset == 0 || SleepImageVolume == NULL) { DBG(" sleepimage offset not found\n"); return false; } // Set boot-image var snwprintf(OffsetHexStr, sizeof(OffsetHexStr), "%llx", SleepImageOffset); BootImageDevPath = FileDevicePath(SleepImageVolume->WholeDiskDeviceHandle, OffsetHexStr); // DBG(" boot-image device path:\n"); Size = GetDevicePathSize(BootImageDevPath); VarData = (UINT8*)BootImageDevPath; PrintBytes(VarData, Size); DBG("boot-image before: %ls\n", FileDevicePathToXStringW(BootImageDevPath).wc_str()); // VarData[6] = 8; // VarData[24] = 0xFF; // VarData[25] = 0xFF; // DBG("boot-image corrected: %ls\n", FileDevicePathToStr(BootImageDevPath)); Status = gRT->SetVariable(L"boot-image", gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, Size , BootImageDevPath); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" can not write boot-image -> %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return false; } } // now we should delete boot0082 to do hibernate only once Status = DeleteBootOption(0x82); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("Options 0082 was not deleted: %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); } // // If legacy boot-switch-vars exists (NVRAM working), then use it. // Status = GetVariable2 (L"boot-switch-vars", gEfiAppleBootGuid, &Value, &Size); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { // // Leave it as is. // DBG(" boot-switch-vars present\n"); ZeroMem (Value, Size); gBS->FreePool(Value); return true; } // // Work with RTC memory if allowed. // if (gSettings.Boot.RtcHibernateAware) { UINT8 Index; UINT8 *RtcRawVars = (UINT8 *)&RtcVars; for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(AppleRTCHibernateVars); Index++) { RtcRawVars[Index] = SimpleRtcRead (Index + 128); } HasHibernateInfoInRTC = (RtcVars.signature[0] == 'A' && RtcVars.signature[1] == 'A' && RtcVars.signature[2] == 'P' && RtcVars.signature[3] == 'L'); HasHibernateInfo = HasHibernateInfoInRTC; // // If RTC variables is still written to NVRAM (and RTC is broken). // Prior to 10.13.6. // Status = GetVariable2(L"IOHibernateRTCVariables", gEfiAppleBootGuid, &Value, &Size); DBG("get IOHR variable status=%s, size=%llu, RTC info=%d\n", efiStrError(Status), Size, (bool)HasHibernateInfoInRTC); if (!HasHibernateInfo && !EFI_ERROR(Status) && Size == sizeof (RtcVars)) { CopyMem(RtcRawVars, Value, sizeof (RtcVars)); HasHibernateInfo = (RtcVars.signature[0] == 'A' && RtcVars.signature[1] == 'A' && RtcVars.signature[2] == 'P' && RtcVars.signature[3] == 'L'); } // // Erase RTC variables in NVRAM. // if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = gRT->SetVariable (L"IOHibernateRTCVariables", gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, 0, NULL); ZeroMem (Value, Size); gBS->FreePool(Value); } // // Convert RTC data to boot-key and boot-signature // if (HasHibernateInfo) { gRT->SetVariable (L"boot-image-key", gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, sizeof (RtcVars.wiredCryptKey), RtcVars.wiredCryptKey); gRT->SetVariable (L"boot-signature", gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS, sizeof (RtcVars.booterSignature), RtcVars.booterSignature); DBG("variables boot-image-key and boot-signature saved\n"); } // // Erase RTC memory similarly to AppleBds. // if (HasHibernateInfoInRTC) { ZeroMem (RtcRawVars, sizeof(AppleRTCHibernateVars)); RtcVars.signature[0] = 'D'; RtcVars.signature[1] = 'E'; RtcVars.signature[2] = 'A'; RtcVars.signature[3] = 'D'; for (Index = 0; Index < sizeof(AppleRTCHibernateVars); Index++) { SimpleRtcWrite (Index + 128, RtcRawVars[Index]); } } // // We have everything we need now. // if (HasHibernateInfo) { return true; } } // // Fallback to legacy hibernation support if any. // if IOHibernateRTCVariables exists (NVRAM working), then copy it to boot-switch-vars // else (no NVRAM) set boot-switch-vars to dummy one // Value = NULL; Status = GetVariable2 (L"IOHibernateRTCVariables", gEfiAppleBootGuid, &Value, &Size); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" IOHibernateRTCVariables found - will be used as boot-switch-vars\n"); // // Delete IOHibernateRTCVariables. // Status = gRT->SetVariable(L"IOHibernateRTCVariables", gEfiAppleBootGuid, EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE | EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS, 0, NULL); HasIORTCVariables = true; } else { // // No NVRAM support, trying unencrypted. // DBG(" setting dummy boot-switch-vars\n"); Size = sizeof(RtcVars); Value = &RtcVars; SetMem(&RtcVars, Size, 0); RtcVars.signature[0] = 'A'; RtcVars.signature[1] = 'A'; RtcVars.signature[2] = 'P'; RtcVars.signature[3] = 'L'; RtcVars.revision = 1; } // // boot-switch-vars should not be non volatile for security reasons // For now let's preserve old behaviour without RtcHibernateAware for compatibility reasons. // Attributes = EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS; if (!gSettings.Boot.RtcHibernateAware) { Attributes |= EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE; } Status = gRT->SetVariable(L"boot-switch-vars", gEfiAppleBootGuid, Attributes, Size, Value); // // Erase written boot-switch-vars buffer. // ZeroMem (Value, Size); if (HasIORTCVariables) { gBS->FreePool(Value); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" can not write boot-switch-vars -> %s\n", efiStrError(Status)); return false; } return true; }