/* * Copyright (c) 2012 cparm . All rights reserved. * */ #include "Platform.h" #include "nvidia.h" /* injection for NVIDIA card usage e.g (to be placed in the config.plist, under graphics tag): Graphics NVIDIA Model Quadro FX 380 IOPCIPrimaryMatch 0x10DE0658 VRAM 256 VideoPorts 2 LoadVBios Model YOUR_SECOND_CARD_NAME IOPCIPrimaryMatch YOUR_SECOND_CARD_ID IOPCISubDevId YOUR_SECOND_CARD_SUB_ID(if necessary) VRAM YOUR_SECOND_CARD_VRAM_SIZE VideoPorts YOUR_SECOND_CARD_PORTS LoadVBios ATI Model ATI Radeon HD6670 IOPCIPrimaryMatch 0x6758 IOPCISubDevId 0x1342 VRAM 2048 */ #define DEBUG_CARD_VLIST 1 #if DEBUG_CARD_VLIST == 0 #define DBG(...) #else #define DBG(...) DebugLog(DEBUG_CARD_VLIST, __VA_ARGS__) #endif LIST_ENTRY gCardList = INITIALIZE_LIST_HEAD_VARIABLE (gCardList); VOID AddCard(CONST CHAR8* Model, UINT32 Id, UINT32 SubId, UINT64 VideoRam, UINTN VideoPorts, BOOLEAN LoadVBios) { CARDLIST* new_card; new_card = (__typeof__(new_card))AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(CARDLIST)); if (new_card) { new_card->Signature = CARDLIST_SIGNATURE; new_card->Id = Id; new_card->SubId = SubId; new_card->VideoRam = VideoRam; new_card->VideoPorts = VideoPorts; new_card->LoadVBios = LoadVBios; AsciiSPrint(new_card->Model, 64, "%a", Model); InsertTailList (&gCardList, (LIST_ENTRY *)(((UINT8 *)new_card) + OFFSET_OF(CARDLIST, Link))); } } CARDLIST* FindCardWithIds(UINT32 Id, UINT32 SubId) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; CARDLIST *entry; // FillCardList(); //moved to GetUserSettings if(!IsListEmpty(&gCardList)) { for (Link = gCardList.ForwardLink; Link != &gCardList; Link = Link->ForwardLink) { entry = CR(Link, CARDLIST, Link, CARDLIST_SIGNATURE); if(entry->Id == Id) { return entry; } } } return NULL; } VOID FillCardList(TagPtr CfgDict) { if (IsListEmpty(&gCardList) && (CfgDict != NULL)) { CHAR8 *VEN[] = { "NVIDIA", "ATI" }; INTN Index, Count = sizeof(VEN) / sizeof(VEN[0]); TagPtr prop; for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) { CHAR8 *key = VEN[Index]; prop = GetProperty(CfgDict, key); if(prop && (prop->type == kTagTypeArray)) { INTN i; INTN count; TagPtr element = 0; TagPtr prop2 = 0; count = GetTagCount(prop); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { CHAR8 *model_name = NULL; UINT32 dev_id = 0; UINT32 subdev_id = 0; UINT64 VramSize = 0; UINTN VideoPorts = 0; BOOLEAN LoadVBios = FALSE; EFI_STATUS status = GetElement(prop, i, &element); if (status == EFI_SUCCESS) { if (element) { if ((prop2 = GetProperty(element, "Model")) != 0) { model_name = prop2->string; } else { model_name = "VideoCard"; } prop2 = GetProperty (element, "IOPCIPrimaryMatch"); dev_id = (UINT32)GetPropertyInteger (prop2, 0); prop2 = GetProperty (element, "IOPCISubDevId"); subdev_id = (UINT32)GetPropertyInteger (prop2, 0); prop2 = GetProperty (element, "VRAM"); VramSize = LShiftU64((UINTN)GetPropertyInteger(prop2, (INTN)VramSize), 20); //Mb -> bytes prop2 = GetProperty (element, "VideoPorts"); VideoPorts = (UINT16)GetPropertyInteger (prop2, VideoPorts); prop2 = GetProperty (element, "LoadVBios"); if (prop2 != NULL && IsPropertyTrue (prop2)) { LoadVBios = TRUE; } DBG("FillCardList :: %a : \"%a\" (%08x, %08x)\n", key, model_name, dev_id, subdev_id); AddCard(model_name, dev_id, subdev_id, VramSize, VideoPorts, LoadVBios); } } } } } } }