/** @file Central logging module. Dispatches logs to defined loggers. Loggers can be enabled/disabled by PRINT_TO_* definitions in Common.h. By dmazar, 26/09/2012 **/ #include <Library/UefiLib.h> #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h> #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h> #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h> #include <Library/PrintLib.h> #include <Library/DebugLib.h> #include "Common.h" #include "MemLog.h" /** The size of buffer for one log line. */ #define LOG_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 /** Buffer for one log line. */ CHAR8 *gLogLineBuffer = NULL; #if LOG_TO_FILE >= 1 /** Pool for log into memory. */ static MEM_LOG gMemLog; #endif /** Prints log messages to outputs defined by PRINT_TO_* defs in Common.h. */ VOID EFIAPI LogPrint(CHAR8 *Format, ...) { VA_LIST Marker; UINTN DataWritten; if (gLogLineBuffer == NULL) { gLogLineBuffer = AllocateRuntimePool(LOG_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE); if (gLogLineBuffer == NULL) { return; } *gLogLineBuffer='\0'; } // Safety check to avoid some cases where LogPrint may be run recursively if (*gLogLineBuffer != '\0') { return; } *gLogLineBuffer = '!'; // Make buffer "dirty" to indicate we are using it // // Print log to buffer // VA_START (Marker, Format); DataWritten = AsciiVSPrint( gLogLineBuffer, LOG_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE, Format, Marker); VA_END (Marker); if (DataWritten > 0) { // // Dispatch to various loggers // #if LOG_TO_SCREEN == 1 #if CAPTURE_CONSOLE_OUTPUT >= 1 // Print to screen only if not invoked from our OutputString() override if (InBootServices && !InConsolePrint) { InConsolePrint = TRUE; AsciiPrint(gLogLineBuffer); InConsolePrint = FALSE; } #else if (InBootServices) { AsciiPrint(gLogLineBuffer); } #endif #endif #if LOG_TO_SERIAL >= 1 #if (CAPTURE_CONSOLE_OUTPUT >= 1) && (LOG_TO_SERIAL == 1) // Print to serial only if not invoked from our OutputString() override if (!InBootServices || !InConsolePrint) { DebugPrint(1, gLogLineBuffer); } #else DebugPrint(1, gLogLineBuffer); #endif #endif #if LOG_TO_FILE >= 1 if (InBootServices) { MemLogPrint(&gMemLog, gLogLineBuffer); } #endif } *gLogLineBuffer = '\0'; } /** Called when ExitBootServices() is executed to give loggers a chance * to use boot services (to save log to file for example). */ VOID LogOnExitBootServices(VOID) { #if LOG_TO_FILE >= 1 EFI_STATUS Status; Status = MemLogSave(&gMemLog); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Print(L"ERROR saving log to a file: %r\n", Status); gBS->Stall(3000000); } #endif }