/** @file Split a file into two pieces at the request offset. Copyright (c) 1999 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ // GC_TODO: fix comment to start with /*++ #include #include #include #ifdef __GNUC__ #include #else #include #endif #include #include "ParseInf.h" #include "CommonLib.h" #include "EfiUtilityMsgs.h" // // Utility Name // #define UTILITY_NAME "Split" // // Utility version information // #define UTILITY_MAJOR_VERSION 1 #define UTILITY_MINOR_VERSION 0 void Version ( void ) /*++ Routine Description: Displays the standard utility information to SDTOUT Arguments: None Returns: None --*/ { printf ("%s Version %d.%d Build %s\n", UTILITY_NAME, UTILITY_MAJOR_VERSION, UTILITY_MINOR_VERSION, __BUILD_VERSION); } void Usage ( void ) /*++ Routine Description: GC_TODO: Add function description Arguments: Returns: GC_TODO: add return values --*/ { Version(); printf ("Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.\n"); printf ("\n SplitFile creates two Binary files either in the same directory as the current working\n"); printf (" directory or in the specified directory.\n"); printf ("\nUsage: \n\ Split\n\ -f, --filename inputFile to split\n\ -s, --split VALUE the number of bytes in the first file\n\ [-p, --prefix OutputDir]\n\ [-o, --firstfile Filename1]\n\ [-t, --secondfile Filename2]\n\ [-v, --verbose]\n\ [--version]\n\ [-q, --quiet disable all messages except fatal errors]\n\ [-d, --debug[#]\n\ [-h, --help]\n"); } EFI_STATUS GetSplitValue ( IN CONST CHAR8* SplitValueString, OUT UINT64 *ReturnValue ) { UINT64 len = 0; UINT64 base = 1; UINT64 index = 0; UINT64 number = 0; CHAR8 lastCHAR = 0; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; if (SplitValueString != NULL){ len = strlen(SplitValueString); } if (len == 0) { return EFI_ABORTED; } Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (SplitValueString, FALSE, ReturnValue); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (SplitValueString[0] == '0' && (SplitValueString[1] == 'x' || SplitValueString[1] == 'X')) { Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (SplitValueString, TRUE, ReturnValue); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } lastCHAR = (CHAR8)toupper((int)SplitValueString[len - 1]); if (lastCHAR != 'K' && lastCHAR != 'M' && lastCHAR != 'G') { return STATUS_ERROR; } for (;index < len - 1; ++index) { if (!isdigit((int)SplitValueString[index])) { return EFI_ABORTED; } } number = atol (SplitValueString); if (lastCHAR == 'K') base = 1024; else if (lastCHAR == 'M') base = 1024*1024; else base = 1024*1024*1024; *ReturnValue = number*base; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS CountVerboseLevel ( IN CONST CHAR8* VerboseLevelString, IN CONST UINT64 Length, OUT UINT64 *ReturnValue ) { UINT64 i = 0; for (;i < Length; ++i) { if (VerboseLevelString[i] != 'v' && VerboseLevelString[i] != 'V') { return EFI_ABORTED; } ++(*ReturnValue); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS CreateDir ( IN OUT CHAR8** FullFileName ) { CHAR8* temp = *FullFileName; CHAR8* start = temp; CHAR8 tempchar; UINT64 index = 0; for (;index < strlen(temp); ++index) { if (temp[index] == '\\' || temp[index] == '/') { if (temp[index + 1] != '\0') { tempchar = temp[index + 1]; temp[index + 1] = 0; if (chdir(start)) { if (mkdir(start, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO) != 0) { return EFI_ABORTED; } chdir(start); } start = temp + index + 1; temp[index] = '/'; temp[index + 1] = tempchar; } } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } int main ( int argc, char*argv[] ) /*++ Routine Description: GC_TODO: Add function description Arguments: argc - GC_TODO: add argument description ] - GC_TODO: add argument description Returns: GC_TODO: add return values --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; INTN ReturnStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; FILE *In; CHAR8 *InputFileName = NULL; CHAR8 *OutputDir = NULL; CHAR8 *OutFileName1 = NULL; CHAR8 *OutFileName2 = NULL; UINT64 SplitValue = (UINT64) -1; FILE *Out1 = NULL; FILE *Out2 = NULL; CHAR8 *OutName1 = NULL; CHAR8 *OutName2 = NULL; CHAR8 *CurrentDir = NULL; UINT64 Index; CHAR8 CharC; UINT64 DebugLevel = 0; UINT64 VerboseLevel = 0; SetUtilityName(UTILITY_NAME); if (argc == 1) { Usage(); return STATUS_ERROR; } argc --; argv ++; if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-h") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--help") == 0)) { Usage(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (stricmp (argv[0], "--version") == 0) { Version(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (argc > 0) { if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-p") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--prefix") == 0)) { OutputDir = argv[1]; if (OutputDir == NULL) { Warning (NULL, 0, 0, "NO output directory specified.", NULL); return STATUS_ERROR; } argc -= 2; argv += 2; continue; } if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-f") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--filename") == 0)) { InputFileName = argv[1]; if (InputFileName == NULL) { Error (NULL, 0, 0x1001, "NO Input file specified.", NULL); return STATUS_ERROR; } argc -= 2; argv += 2; continue; } if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-s") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--split") == 0)) { Status = GetSplitValue(argv[1], &SplitValue); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Error (NULL, 0, 0x1003, "Input split value is not one valid integer.", NULL); return STATUS_ERROR; } argc -= 2; argv += 2; continue; } if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-o") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--firstfile") == 0)) { OutFileName1 = argv[1]; if (OutFileName1 == NULL) { Warning (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "No output file1 specified."); } argc -= 2; argv += 2; continue; } if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-t") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--secondfile") == 0)) { OutFileName2 = argv[1]; if (OutFileName2 == NULL) { Warning (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "No output file2 specified."); } argc -= 2; argv += 2; continue; } if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-q") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--quiet") == 0)) { argc --; argv ++; continue; } if ((strlen(argv[0]) >= 2 && argv[0][0] == '-' && (argv[0][1] == 'v' || argv[0][1] == 'V')) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--verbose") == 0)) { VerboseLevel = 1; if (strlen(argv[0]) > 2) { Status = CountVerboseLevel (&argv[0][2], strlen(argv[0]) - 2, &VerboseLevel); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Error (NULL, 0, 0x1003, NULL, "%s is invalid parameter!", argv[0]); return STATUS_ERROR; } } argc --; argv ++; continue; } if ((stricmp (argv[0], "-d") == 0) || (stricmp (argv[0], "--debug") == 0)) { Status = AsciiStringToUint64 (argv[1], FALSE, &DebugLevel); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Error (NULL, 0, 0x1003, "Input debug level is not one valid integrator.", NULL); return STATUS_ERROR; } argc -= 2; argv += 2; continue; } // // Don't recognize the parameter. // Error (NULL, 0, 0x1003, NULL, "%s is invalid parameter!", argv[0]); return STATUS_ERROR; } if (InputFileName == NULL) { Error (NULL, 0, 0x1001, "NO Input file specified.", NULL); return STATUS_ERROR; } In = fopen (LongFilePath (InputFileName), "rb"); if (In == NULL) { // ("Unable to open file \"%s\"\n", InputFileName); Error (InputFileName, 0, 1, "File open failure", NULL); return STATUS_ERROR; } if (OutFileName1 == NULL) { OutName1 = (CHAR8*)malloc(strlen(InputFileName) + 16); if (OutName1 == NULL) { Warning (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "Memory Allocation Fail."); ReturnStatus = STATUS_ERROR; goto Finish; } strcpy (OutName1, InputFileName); strcat (OutName1, "1"); OutFileName1 = OutName1; } if (OutFileName2 == NULL) { OutName2 = (CHAR8*)malloc(strlen(InputFileName) + 16); if (OutName2 == NULL) { Warning (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "Memory Allocation Fail."); ReturnStatus = STATUS_ERROR; goto Finish; } strcpy (OutName2, InputFileName); strcat (OutName2, "2"); OutFileName2 = OutName2; } if (OutputDir != NULL) { //OutputDirSpecified = TRUE; if (chdir(OutputDir) != 0) { Warning (NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "Change dir to OutputDir Fail."); ReturnStatus = STATUS_ERROR; goto Finish; } } CurrentDir = (CHAR8*)getcwd((CHAR8*)0, 0); if (EFI_ERROR(CreateDir(&OutFileName1))) { Error (OutFileName1, 0, 5, "Create Dir for File1 Fail.", NULL); ReturnStatus = STATUS_ERROR; goto Finish; } chdir(CurrentDir); if (EFI_ERROR(CreateDir(&OutFileName2))) { Error (OutFileName2, 0, 5, "Create Dir for File2 Fail.", NULL); ReturnStatus = STATUS_ERROR; goto Finish; } chdir(CurrentDir); free(CurrentDir); Out1 = fopen (LongFilePath (OutFileName1), "wb"); if (Out1 == NULL) { // ("Unable to open file \"%s\"\n", OutFileName1); Error (OutFileName1, 0, 1, "File open failure", NULL); ReturnStatus = STATUS_ERROR; goto Finish; } Out2 = fopen (LongFilePath (OutFileName2), "wb"); if (Out2 == NULL) { // ("Unable to open file \"%s\"\n", OutFileName2); Error (OutFileName2, 0, 1, "File open failure", NULL); ReturnStatus = STATUS_ERROR; goto Finish; } for (Index = 0; Index < SplitValue; Index++) { CharC = (CHAR8) fgetc (In); if (feof (In)) { break; } fputc (CharC, Out1); } for (;;) { CharC = (CHAR8) fgetc (In); if (feof (In)) { break; } fputc (CharC, Out2); } Finish: if (OutName1 != NULL) { free(OutName1); } if (OutName2 != NULL) { free(OutName2); } if (In != NULL) { fclose (In); } if (Out1 != NULL) { fclose (Out1); } if (Out2 != NULL) { fclose (Out2); } return ReturnStatus; }