/*++ Copyright (c) 2005, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: IO.h Abstract: Information about the IO library function Revision History --*/ #ifndef _SHELL_I_O_H #define _SHELL_I_O_H #include <Library/GenericBdsLib.h> //#include "../gui/menu_items/menu_items.h" #include "../gui/REFIT_MENU_SCREEN.h" #define EFI_TPL_APPLICATION 4 #define EFI_TPL_CALLBACK 8 #define EFI_TPL_NOTIFY 16 #define EFI_TPL_HIGH_LEVEL 31 //Unicode #define IS_COMMA(a) ((a) == L',') #define IS_HYPHEN(a) ((a) == L'-') #define IS_DOT(a) ((a) == L'.') #define IS_LEFT_PARENTH(a) ((a) == L'(') #define IS_RIGHT_PARENTH(a) ((a) == L')') #define IS_SLASH(a) ((a) == L'/') #define IS_NULL(a) ((a) == L'\0') //Ascii #define IS_DIGIT(a) (((a) >= '0') && ((a) <= '9')) #define IS_HEX(a) ((((a) >= 'a') && ((a) <= 'f')) || (((a) >= 'A') && ((a) <= 'F'))) #define IS_UPPER(a) (((a) >= 'A') && ((a) <= 'Z')) #define IS_ALFA(x) (((x >= 'a') && (x <='z')) || ((x >= 'A') && (x <='Z'))) #define IS_ASCII(x) ((x>=0x20) && (x<=0x7F)) #define IS_PUNCT(x) ((x == '.') || (x == '-')) // jief move struct definition to here to be accessible from XStringW typedef struct { BOOLEAN Ascii; UINTN Index; union { CONST CHAR16 *pw; CONST CHAR8 *pc; } u; } POINTER; typedef struct _pitem { POINTER Item; CHAR16 *Scratch; UINTN Width; UINTN FieldWidth; UINTN *WidthParse; CHAR16 Pad; BOOLEAN PadBefore; BOOLEAN Comma; BOOLEAN Long; } PRINT_ITEM; typedef struct _pstate { // // Input // POINTER fmt; VA_LIST args; // // Output // CHAR16 *Buffer; CHAR16 *End; CHAR16 *Pos; UINTN Len; UINTN Attr; UINTN RestoreAttr; UINTN AttrNorm; UINTN AttrHighlight; UINTN AttrError; UINTN AttrBlueColor; UINTN AttrGreenColor; EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *Output) (void *context, CONST CHAR16 *str); EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *SetAttr) (VOID *context, UINTN attr); VOID *Context; // // Current item being formatted // struct _pitem *Item; } PRINT_STATE; extern EFI_STATUS EFIAPI _PoolPrint( IN POOL_PRINT *Context, IN CHAR16 *Buffer ); extern UINTN _PPrint ( IN PRINT_STATE *ps ); // jief /* typedef struct { CHAR16 *Str; UINTN Len; UINTN MaxLen; } POOL_PRINT; */ VOID Input ( IN CHAR16 *Prompt OPTIONAL, OUT CHAR16 *InStr, IN UINTN StrLen ); VOID Output ( IN CHAR16 *Str ); /* UINTN EFIAPI Print ( IN CHAR16 *fmt, ... ); */ UINTN EFIAPI PrintAt ( IN UINTN Column, IN UINTN Row, IN CHAR16 *fmt, ... ); /* UINTN EFIAPI SPrint ( OUT CHAR16 *Str, IN UINTN StrSize, IN CHAR16 *fmt, ... ); UINTN EFIAPI PrintToken ( IN UINT16 Token, IN EFI_HII_HANDLE Handle, ... ); UINTN EFIAPI IPrint ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Out, IN CHAR16 *fmt, ... ); UINTN VSPrint ( OUT CHAR16 *Str, IN UINTN StrSize, IN CHAR16 *fmt, IN VA_LIST vargs ); */ CHAR16 * EFIAPI PoolPrint( IN CONST CHAR16 *fmt, ... ); /* CHAR16 * EFIAPI CatPrint ( IN OUT POOL_PRINT *Str, IN CHAR16 *fmt, ... ); INTN EFIAPI DbgPrint ( IN INTN mask, IN CHAR8 *fmt, ... ); */ VOID ConMoveCursorBackward ( IN UINTN LineLength, IN OUT UINTN *Column, IN OUT UINTN *Row ); VOID ConMoveCursorForward ( IN UINTN LineLength, IN UINTN TotalRow, IN OUT UINTN *Column, IN OUT UINTN *Row ); VOID IInput ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL * ConOut, IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_INPUT_PROTOCOL * ConIn, IN CHAR16 *Prompt OPTIONAL, OUT CHAR16 *InStr, IN UINTN StrLength ); UINTN EFIAPI IPrintAt ( IN EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL *Out, IN UINTN Column, IN UINTN Row, IN CHAR16 *fmt, ... ); /* UINTN EFIAPI APrint ( IN CHAR8 *fmt, ... ); VOID LibEnablePageBreak ( IN INT32 StartRow, IN BOOLEAN AutoWrap ); BOOLEAN LibGetPageBreak ( VOID ); */ EFI_STATUS WaitForSingleEvent ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN UINT64 Timeout OPTIONAL ); // timeout will be in ms here, as small as 1ms and up EFI_STATUS WaitFor2EventWithTsc ( IN EFI_EVENT Event1, IN EFI_EVENT Event2, IN UINT64 Timeout OPTIONAL ); //VOID LowCase (IN OUT CHAR8 *Str); UINT32 hex2bin(IN CHAR8 *hex, OUT UINT8 *bin, UINT32 len); BOOLEAN IsHexDigit (CHAR8 c); UINT8 hexstrtouint8 (CHAR8* buf); //one or two hex letters to one byte CHAR8 *Bytes2HexStr(UINT8 *data, UINTN len); #endif