#!/bin/bash # created by vector sigma on July 15 2019 if [[ "$(uname)" != Darwin ]]; then echo "Sorry, works on macOS only" exit 1 fi cd "$(dirname $0)" declare -r CLOVERROOT="$PWD" declare -r TOOLCHAIN=XCODE8 TOOLCHAIN_DIR=${TOOLCHAIN_DIR:-$(dirname $CLOVERROOT)/opt/local} # Functions pathmunge() { if [[ ! $PATH =~ (^|:)$1(:|$) ]]; then if [[ "${2:-}" = "after" ]]; then export PATH=$PATH:$1 else export PATH=$1:$PATH fi fi } checkXCODE() { echo "[CHECK XCODE]" if [[ ! -x /usr/bin/xcodebuild ]]; then echo "ERROR: Install Xcode Tools from Apple before using this script." exit 1 fi if [[ ! -d "$(xcode-select --print-path)" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Xcode Command Line Tools not selected:" echo " open Xcode.app and go in Preferences->Locations," echo " and select the Command Line Tools" exit 1 fi } checkGETTEXT() { if [[ ! -x $(which gettext) ]]; then "${CLOVERROOT}"/buildgettext.sh fi } exportPaths() { pathmunge "$(xcode-select --print-path)"/usr/bin pathmunge "$TOOLCHAIN_DIR"/bin export TOOLCHAIN_DIR=$TOOLCHAIN_DIR export DIR_MAIN=${DIR_MAIN:-$(dirname $CLOVERROOT)} export DIR_TOOLS=${DIR_TOOLS:-$DIR_MAIN/tools} export DIR_BUILD=${DIR_BUILD:-$RAMDISK_MNT_PT} export DIR_DOWNLOADS=${DIR_DOWNLOADS:-$DIR_TOOLS/download} export DIR_LOGS=${DIR_LOGS:-$DIR_TOOLS/logs} } checkTools() { checkXCODE exportPaths checkGETTEXT } updateCloverTakeTheirs() { echo "[UPDATE CLOVER]" cd "${CLOVERROOT}" git fetch --all git reset --hard origin/master git pull origin master } updateCloverTakeYours() { echo "[UPDATE CLOVER]" cd "${CLOVERROOT}" git stash git pull origin master git stash apply } buildClover() { checkTools cd "${CLOVERROOT}" echo "[BUILD CLOVER]" ./ebuild.sh -fr ./ebuild.sh -fr -mc --no-usb -D NO_GRUB_DRIVERS_EMBEDDED } buildPkg() { cd "${CLOVERROOT}"/CloverPackage echo "[BUILD PKG]" make pkg } buildIso() { cd "${CLOVERROOT}"/CloverPackage echo "[BUILD ISO]" make iso } checkStatus() { cd "${CLOVERROOT}" git fetch origin git status } showdiff() { cd "${CLOVERROOT}" git fetch origin git diff } menu() { echo echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------' cd "${CLOVERROOT}" echo "buildme Beta, Clover v2.5k r$(cat vers.txt) (SHA: $(git rev-parse --short HEAD))" echo "Remote SHA: $(git rev-parse --short origin/master)" echo PS3='Please enter your choice: ' options=('build Clover' 'make pkg' 'make iso' 'build all' 'update Clover (discard local changes)' 'update Clover (stash local changes)' 'status' 'show diff' 'quit') select opt in "${options[@]}" do case $opt in "build Clover") buildClover break ;; "make pkg") buildPkg break ;; "make iso") buildIso break ;; "build all") buildClover buildPkg buildIso break ;; "update Clover (discard changes)") updateCloverTakeTheirs break ;; "update Clover (stash local changes)") updateCloverTakeYours break ;; "status") checkStatus break ;; "show diff") showdiff break ;; "quit") exit 0 ;; *) echo "invalid option $REPLY" break ;; esac done menu } # Main set -e menu