/** @file Copyright (C) 2020, vit9696. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "BootManagementInternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include EFI_STATUS OcPlayAudioFile ( IN OC_PICKER_CONTEXT *Context, IN UINT32 File, IN BOOLEAN Fallback ) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (!Context->PickerAudioAssist) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (Context->OcAudio == NULL) { Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gOcAudioProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &Context->OcAudio ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Context->OcAudio = NULL; } } if (Context->OcAudio != NULL) { Status = Context->OcAudio->PlayFile (Context->OcAudio, File, TRUE); } if (Fallback && EFI_ERROR(Status)) { switch (File) { case AppleVoiceOverAudioFileBeep: Status = OcPlayAudioBeep ( Context, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNALS_NORMAL, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNAL_NORMAL_MS, OC_VOICE_OVER_SILENCE_NORMAL_MS ); break; case OcVoiceOverAudioFileEnterPassword: Status = OcPlayAudioBeep ( Context, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNALS_PASSWORD, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNAL_NORMAL_MS, OC_VOICE_OVER_SILENCE_NORMAL_MS ); break; case OcVoiceOverAudioFilePasswordAccepted: Status = OcPlayAudioBeep ( Context, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNALS_PASSWORD_OK, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNAL_NORMAL_MS, OC_VOICE_OVER_SILENCE_NORMAL_MS ); break; case OcVoiceOverAudioFilePasswordIncorrect: Status = OcPlayAudioBeep ( Context, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNALS_ERROR, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNAL_ERROR_MS, OC_VOICE_OVER_SILENCE_ERROR_MS ); break; case OcVoiceOverAudioFilePasswordRetryLimit: Status = OcPlayAudioBeep ( Context, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNALS_HWERROR, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNAL_ERROR_MS, OC_VOICE_OVER_SILENCE_ERROR_MS ); break; case OcVoiceOverAudioFileExecutionFailure: Status = OcPlayAudioBeep ( Context, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNALS_ERROR, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNAL_ERROR_MS, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNAL_NORMAL_MS ); break; default: // // Should we introduce some special code? // break; } } return Status; } EFI_STATUS OcPlayAudioBeep ( IN OC_PICKER_CONTEXT *Context, IN UINT32 ToneCount, IN UINT32 ToneLength, IN UINT32 SilenceLength ) { EFI_STATUS Status; if (!Context->PickerAudioAssist) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (Context->BeepGen == NULL) { Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gAppleBeepGenProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &Context->BeepGen ); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } } if (Context->BeepGen->GenBeep == NULL) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } return Context->BeepGen->GenBeep (ToneCount, ToneLength, SilenceLength); } EFI_STATUS OcPlayAudioEntry ( IN OC_PICKER_CONTEXT *Context, IN OC_BOOT_ENTRY *Entry ) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFileIndexBase + Entry->EntryIndex, FALSE); if (Entry->Type == OC_BOOT_APPLE_OS) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFilemacOS, FALSE); } else if (Entry->Type == OC_BOOT_APPLE_RECOVERY) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFilemacOS_Recovery, FALSE); } else if (Entry->Type == OC_BOOT_APPLE_TIME_MACHINE) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFilemacOS_TimeMachine, FALSE); } else if (Entry->Type == OC_BOOT_APPLE_FW_UPDATE) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFilemacOS_UpdateFw, FALSE); } else if (Entry->Type == OC_BOOT_WINDOWS) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFileWindows, FALSE); } else if (Entry->Type == OC_BOOT_RESET_NVRAM || StrStr (Entry->Name, OC_MENU_RESET_NVRAM_ENTRY) != NULL) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFileResetNVRAM, FALSE); } else if (StrStr (Entry->Name, OC_MENU_UEFI_SHELL_ENTRY) != NULL) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFileUEFI_Shell, FALSE); } else if (Entry->Type == OC_BOOT_EXTERNAL_OS) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFileExternalOS, FALSE); } else if (Entry->Type == OC_BOOT_EXTERNAL_TOOL) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFileExternalTool, FALSE); } else { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFileOtherOS, FALSE); } if (Entry->IsFolder) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFileDiskImage, FALSE); } if (Entry->IsExternal) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFileExternal, FALSE); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID OcToggleVoiceOver ( IN OC_PICKER_CONTEXT *Context, IN UINT32 File OPTIONAL ) { if (!Context->PickerAudioAssist) { Context->PickerAudioAssist = TRUE; OcPlayAudioFile (Context, OcVoiceOverAudioFileWelcome, FALSE); if (File != 0) { OcPlayAudioFile (Context, File, TRUE); } } else { OcPlayAudioBeep ( Context, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNALS_ERROR, OC_VOICE_OVER_SIGNAL_ERROR_MS, OC_VOICE_OVER_SILENCE_ERROR_MS ); Context->PickerAudioAssist = FALSE; } }