ACPI AutoMerge DSDT Debug Fixes #AddDTGP_0001 AddDTGP_0001 AddHDMI_8000000 AddIMEI_80000 AddMCHC_0008 AddPNLF_1000000 DeleteUnused_400000 FIX_ACST_4000000 FIX_ADP1_800000 FIX_INTELGFX_100000 FIX_RTC_20000 FIX_S3D_2000000 FIX_TMR_40000 FIX_WAK_200000 FakeLPC_0020 FixAirport_4000 FixDarwin FixDarwin7_10000 FixDisplay FixFirewire_0800 FixHDA_8000 FixHPET_0010 FixHeaders_20000000 FixIDE_0200 FixIPIC_0040 FixLAN_2000 FixRegions_10000000 FixSATA_0400 FixSBUS_0080 FixShutdown_0004 FixUSB_1000 Name aa Patches Comment ACPI1 Disabled Find AA== Replace AQ== Comment ACPI2 Disabled Find Ag== Replace Aw== Comment change EHC1 to EH01 Disabled Find RUhDMQ== Replace RUgwMQ== ReuseFFFF Rtc8Allowed SuspendOverride DisableASPM DisabledAML aa bb #bb cc DropTables Signature SSDT TableId CpuPm Length 12 DropForAllOS yes HaltEnabler PatchAPIC ResetAddress 0 ResetValue 02 SSDT C3Latency 0xd DoubleFirstState DropOem EnableC2 EnableC4 EnableC6 EnableC7 #Generate CStates PStates Generate CStates PStates MaxMultiplier 12 MinMultiplier 11 PLimitDict 2 PluginType 1 UnderVoltStep 5 UseSystemIO SortedOrder dd cc smartUPS No #smartUPS RenameDevices aa bb c Boot Arguments -v arch=i386 slide=0 dart=0 -xcpm darkwake=1 npci=0x2000 nv_disable=1 cpus=1 rootless=0 debug=0x100 aa BlackList hh CustomLogo Apple Debug DefaultLoader ii DefaultVolume LastBootedVolume DisableCloverHotkeys HibernationFixup Legacy LegacyBiosDefault LegacyBiosDefaultEntry 12 NeverDoRecovery NeverHibernate NoEarlyProgress Policy Allow Secure SignatureFixup SkipHibernateTimeout StrictHibernate Timeout -1 WhiteList ff gg XMPDetection 1 BootGraphics DefaultBackgroundColor 0xF1F1F1 EFILoginHiDPI 2 UIScale 4 flagstate 3 CPU BusSpeedkHz 800 C2 #C4 C6 FrequencyMHz 2000 HWPEnable HWPValue 0x7 Latency 0x3 QEMU QPI 4 TDP 6 TurboDisable Type 0x5 UseARTFrequency Devices Properties !Properties_key1 pci-aspm-default 0 AAPL,GfxYTile AQAAAA== AAPL,ig-platform-id AAAbWQ== AAPL,slot-name Internal@0,2,0 device-id G1kAAA== Test2 Test2Key1 AQAAAA== Test2Key2 Test2Value2 !PrimaryGPU TestPrimaryGPU AQAAAA== Test2Key2 Test2Value2 SecondaryGPU Test2SecondaryGPU AQAAAA== Test2Key2 Test2Value2 Arbitrary Comment C1 PciAddr 00:00.01 CustomProperties Disabled Key ll Value mm Disabled Key nn Value 1 Disabled Key oo Value Ag== AddProperties Device SATA Disabled Key 10 Value 11 AirportBridgeDeviceName airp Audio AFGLowPowerState Inject 0x11 ResetHDA DisableFunctions 0x18F6 FakeID ATI 0x22221002 IMEI 0x22221002 IntelGFX 0x22221002 LAN 0x22221002 NVidia 0x22221002 SATA 0x22221002 WIFI 0x22221002 XHCI 0x22221002 ForceHPET Inject IntelMaxValue 0x710 NoDefaultProperties SetIntelBacklight SetIntelMaxBacklight USB AddClockID FixOwnership HighCurrent Inject UseIntelHDMI DisableDrivers Ps2KeyboardDxe OsxAptioFixDrv GUI EmbeddedThemeType Dark ConsoleMode Max Mouse DoubleClickTime 501 Enabled Mirror Speed 5 Custom Entries AddArguments addarg #Arguments arg BootBgColor bootbgcolor CustomLogo Apple Disabled DriveImage driveimage FullTitle title Hidden Always Hotkey H Image image Path path Settings settings SubEntries AddArguments arg2 FullTitle title111 AddArguments arg3 Title title2 Arguments arg4 FullTitle title3 AddArguments arg5 Title title4 Type Oldest Volume v1 VolumeType Internal Legacy Disabled FullTitle title Hidden Hotkey I Type Windows Volume v2 Tool Arguments b Disabled Hidden Hotkey b Path path Title title Volume tool1 CustomIcons Hide sdfsdfdf sdfsfdf Language es Scan Entries Tool Linux Legacy Kernel ScreenResolution 1366x768 ShowOptimus TextOnly Theme theme Graphics ATI IOPCIPrimaryMatch 0x1002888 IOPCISubDevId 0x106B LoadVBios Model cc VRAM 2000 VideoPorts 3 IOPCIPrimaryMatch 0x1002888 IOPCISubDevId 0x106B LoadVBios Model cc VRAM 2000 VideoPorts 3 NVIDIA IOPCIPrimaryMatch 0x10DE999 IOPCISubDevId 0x106B LoadVBios Model aa VRAM 1000 VideoPorts 1 IOPCIPrimaryMatch 0x10DE999 IOPCISubDevId 0x106B LoadVBios Model bb VRAM 1000 VideoPorts 2 BootDisplay 12 DualLink 1 EDID Custom AP///////wBMo0cwAAAAAAAUAQOAHBB46h2FkVZZjyYYUFQAAAABAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBOB1W1FAAFjAwICUAFZwQAAAZAAAADwAAAAAAAAAAACXZBmoAAAAA/gBTQU1TVU5HCiBMo0FUAAAA/gBMVE4xMjVBVDAxNDAxAF0= Inject ProductID 0x9777 VendorID 0x1007 FBName Exmoor Inject LoadVBios NVCAP 0304 NvidiaGeneric NvidiaNoEFI NvidiaSingle PatchVBios PatchVBiosBytes Find AwQF Replace BgcI VRAM 1500 VideoPorts 2 display-cfg 04 ig-platform-id 0x59230000 KernelAndKextPatches ATIConnectorsController ATICtl ATIConnectorsData 111213 ATIConnectorsPatch 141516 AppleIntelCPUPM AppleRTC BootPatches Comment c3 Disabled Find MTI= MatchBuild 10.12.6 MatchOS 10.12 Replace MzQ= Debug DellSMBIOSPatch FakeCPUID 0x0306D0 ForceKextsToLoad ForceKext KernelLapic KernelPm KernelToPatch #Comment Disable panic kext logging on 10.14 Release kernel Disabled Find igKEwHRC MaskFind //////// MaskReplace AAAAAP8A MatchOS 10.14 Replace igKEwOtC Comment Disable panic kext logging on 10.13 Release kernel Disabled Find igKEwHRE MatchOS 10.13 Replace igKEwOtE Comment Lapic panic patch example Disabled Find 6AAA//+DAAAAAAAA MaskFind /wAA////AAAAAP// MaskReplace /wAA//////////// MaskStart /////wA= MatchOS All RangeFind 200 Replace 6AAA//8xwJCQkJCQ StartPattern ACnHeAAx241H+oM= Comment Symbolic patch example got lapic panic Disabled Find 6AAA//+DAAAAAAAA MaskFind /wAA////AAAAAP// MaskReplace /wAA//////////// MatchOS All Procedure _lapic_interrupt RangeFind 200 Replace 6AAA//8xwJCQkJCQ KernelXCPM KextsToPatch Comment Enable TRIM for SSD Disabled Find AEFQUExFIFNTRAA= InfoPlistPatch Name Replace AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA= Comment External icons patch Disabled Find RXh0ZXJuYWw= InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.11.x,10.12.x,10.13.x,10.14.x,10.15.x Name Replace SW50ZXJuYWw= Comment framebuffer4K Disabled Find AwAiDQADAwMAAAACAAAwAQ== InfoPlistPatch Name AppleIntelFramebufferAzul Replace AwAiDQADAwMAAAAEAAAAAw== Comment Disable NVDARequiredOS Disabled Find TlZEQVJlcXVpcmVkT1MA InfoPlistPatch Name NVDAStartupWeb Replace AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Comment Disable board-id check to prevent no signal Disabled Find SI01qjQ= InfoPlistPatch Name Replace Dx+AAAA= Comment Prevent AGDP from loading Disabled Find ugUAAAA= InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.15.x Name Replace ugAAAAA= Comment Atheros Locale Fix Disabled Find g/g3 InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name AirPortAtheros40 Replace g/gh Comment IONVMeFamily IONameMatch Disabled Find PHN0cmluZz5wY2kxNDRkLGE4MDQ8L3N0cmluZz4= InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace PHN0cmluZz5wY2kxNDRkLGE4MDI8L3N0cmluZz4= Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#1 (Sierra) Disabled Find ibPoAgAAweAMBQAQAACJgw== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace ibPoAgAAweAJBQAQAACJgw== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#2 (Sierra) Disabled Find D7aMiIIAAACD+QwPhTIBAA== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace D7aMiIIAAACD+QkPhTIBAA== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#3 (Sierra) Disabled Find AMeDpAAAAAAQAABIi0gISA== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace AMeDpAAAAAACAABIi0gISA== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#4 (Sierra) Disabled Find SYnGTYX2dGFBwecMSWP/vg== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace SYnGTYX2dGFBwecJSWP/vg== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#5 (Sierra) Disabled Find hv8PAABIwegMD7cPgeH/Dw== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace hv8PAABIwegJD7cPgeH/Dw== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#6_7 (Sierra) Disabled Find icGB4f8PAABIAdFIgfn/DwAAdzs= InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace icGB4f8BAABIAdFIgfn/AQAAdzs= Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#8 (Sierra) Disabled Find SYHF/w8AAEnB7QxJiwQkSA== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace SYHF/w8AAEnB7QlJiwQkSA== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#9_10 (Sierra) Disabled Find BgIAAEyNuAAQAABMiflIgeEA8P//SYmGGgEAAEmJjiIB AABBvAAQAABJKfQ= InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace BgIAAEyNuAACAABMiflIgeEA8P//SYmGGgEAAEmJjiIB AABBvAACAABJKfQ= Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#11 (Sierra) Disabled Find AABJiY4iAQAAugAQAABIKQ== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace AABJiY4iAQAAugACAABIKQ== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#12 (Sierra) Disabled Find yAAAAEkp17gAEAAATYskJA== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace yAAAAEkp17gAAgAATYskJA== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#13 (Sierra) Disabled Find 4b+AQBUGTYnWugAQAABFMQ== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace 4b+AQBUGTYnWugACAABFMQ== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#14 (Sierra) Disabled Find iWTY+EmBxAAQAABJgccA8A== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace iWTY+EmBxAACAABJgccA8A== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#15 (Sierra) Disabled Find Bf8PAABIwegMZvfB/w8PlQ== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace Bf8PAABIwegJZvfB/w8PlQ== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#16 (Sierra) Disabled Find weIIQQ+2wcHgDEQJ0EQJwA== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace weIIQQ+2wcHgCUQJ0EQJwA== Comment IONVMeFamily Pike R. Alpha Patch#17 (Sierra) Disabled Find RYTJD5XAD7bAweAMRAnYRA== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name IONVMeFamily Replace RYTJD5XAD7bAweAJRAnYRA== Comment change 15 port limit to 26 in XHCI kext (100-series) Disabled Find g32MEA== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name AppleUSBXHCIPCI Replace g32MGw== Comment change 15 port limit to 26 in XHCI kext (100-series) Disabled Find g710////EA== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.x Name AppleUSBXHCISPT Replace g710////Gw== Comment 15 to 20 port limit (9-series) Disabled Find g710////EA== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.6 Name AppleUSBXHCIPCI Replace g710////FQ== Comment 15 to 26 port limit (100-series) Disabled Find g710////EA== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.12.6 Name AppleUSBXHCIPCI Replace g710////Gw== Comment USB 10.13.6 by PMHeart Disabled Find g32IDw+DpwQAAA== InfoPlistPatch MatchOS 10.13.6 Name Replace g32ID5CQkJCQkA== RtVariables BooterConfig 0x1 CsrActiveConfig 0x2 MLB 12345678901234567 ROM MBRwYnHo Block Comment c1 Disabled false Guid 522e186f-964a-4ac7-9299-7a9f32a2473e Name name1 SMBIOS BiosReleaseDate 08/08/17 BiosVendor Apple Inc. BiosVersion MBP81.88Z.004D.B00.1708080655 Board-ID Mac-94245B3640C91C81 BoardManufacturer Apple Inc. BoardSerialNumber W89135306OPDM6CAD BoardType 10 BoardVersion 1.0 ChassisAssetTag MacBook-Aluminum ChassisManufacturer Apple Inc. ChassisType 0x0A Family MacBook Pro FirmwareFeatures 0xC00DE137 FirmwareFeaturesMask 0xFF1FFF3F LocationInChassis Part Component Manufacturer Apple Inc. Memory Channels 2 Modules Frequency 333 Part Part1 Serial Ser1 Size 2048 Slot 1 Type DDR Vendor v1 Frequency 366 Part Part2 Serial Ser2 Size 4096 Slot 2 Type DDR2 Vendor v2 SlotCount 4 Mobile PlatformFeature 0xFFFF ProductName MacBookPro8,1 SerialNumber W89G91VFDH2G Slots Device NVidia ID 1 Name APPL,sdfsdf Type 1 SmUUID F1AB23C0-C35A-473E-BDB7-455C3A6271E8 Version 1.0 SystemParameters BacklightLevel 2 CustomUUID 2926A57C-FF0E-4A64-980F-23483BD41969 InjectKexts Yes InjectSystemID NoCaches NvidiaWeb Quirks AvoidRuntimeDefrag DevirtualiseMmio DisableSingleUser DisableVariableWrite DiscardHibernateMap EnableSafeModeSlide EnableWriteUnprotector ForceExitBootServices MmioWhitelist Comment c1 Address 12345678 Enabled Comment Address 12345678 Enabled #Comment c1 Address abcde Enabled ProtectMemoryRegions ProtectSecureBoot ProtectUefiServices ProvideConsoleGopEnable ProvideCustomSlide ProvideMaxSlide 0 RebuildAppleMemoryMap SetupVirtualMap SignalAppleOS SyncRuntimePermissions FuzzyMatch KernelCache Auto AppleXcpmExtraMsrs AppleXcpmForceBoost DisableIoMapper DisableLinkeditJettison DummyPowerManagement ExternalDiskIcons IncreasePciBarSize PowerTimeoutKernelPanic ThirdPartyDrives XhciPortLimit