/** @file Apple RAM Disk library. Copyright (C) 2019, Download-Fritz. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef OC_APPLE_RAM_DISK_LIB_H #define OC_APPLE_RAM_DISK_LIB_H #include #include /** Request allocation of Size bytes in extents table. @param[in] Size Requested memory size. @param[in] MemoryType Requested memory type. @retval Allocated extent table. **/ CONST APPLE_RAM_DISK_EXTENT_TABLE * OcAppleRamDiskAllocate ( IN UINTN Size, IN EFI_MEMORY_TYPE MemoryType ); /** Read RAM disk data. @param[in] ExtentTable Allocated extent table. @param[in] Offset Offset in RAM disk. @param[in] Size Amount of data to read. @param[out] Buffer Resulting data. @retval TRUE on success. **/ BOOLEAN OcAppleRamDiskRead ( IN CONST APPLE_RAM_DISK_EXTENT_TABLE *ExtentTable, IN UINTN Offset, IN UINTN Size, OUT VOID *Buffer ); /** Write RAM disk data. @param[in] ExtentTable Allocated extent table. @param[in] Offset Offset in RAM disk. @param[in] Size Amount of data to write. @param[in] Buffer Source data. @retval TRUE on success. **/ BOOLEAN OcAppleRamDiskWrite ( IN CONST APPLE_RAM_DISK_EXTENT_TABLE *ExtentTable, IN UINTN Offset, IN UINTN Size, IN CONST VOID *Buffer ); /** Load file into RAM disk as it is. @param[in] ExtentTable Allocated extent table. @param[in] File File protocol open for reading. @param[in] FileSize Amount of data to write. @retval TRUE on success. **/ BOOLEAN OcAppleRamDiskLoadFile ( IN OUT CONST APPLE_RAM_DISK_EXTENT_TABLE *ExtentTable, IN EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL *File, IN UINTN FileSize ); /** Free RAM disk. @param[in] ExtentTable Allocated extent table. **/ VOID OcAppleRamDiskFree ( IN CONST APPLE_RAM_DISK_EXTENT_TABLE *ExtentTable ); #endif // OC_APPLE_RAM_DISK_LIB_H