/** @file Copyright (C) 2016, The HermitCrabs Lab. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "OcLogInternal.h" STATIC CHAR8 * GetTiming ( IN OC_LOG_PROTOCOL *This ) { OC_LOG_PRIVATE_DATA *Private = NULL; UINT64 dTStartSec = 0; UINT64 dTStartMs = 0; UINT64 dTLastSec = 0; UINT64 dTLastMs = 0; UINT64 CurrentTsc = 0; if (This == NULL) { return NULL; } Private = OC_LOG_PRIVATE_DATA_FROM_OC_LOG_THIS (This); // // Calibrate TSC for timings. // if (Private->TscFrequency == 0) { Private->TscFrequency = OcGetTSCFrequency (); if (Private->TscFrequency != 0) { CurrentTsc = AsmReadTsc (); Private->TscStart = CurrentTsc; Private->TscLast = CurrentTsc; } } if (Private->TscFrequency > 0) { CurrentTsc = AsmReadTsc (); dTStartMs = DivU64x64Remainder (MultU64x32 (CurrentTsc - Private->TscStart, 1000), Private->TscFrequency, NULL); dTStartSec = DivU64x64Remainder (dTStartMs, 1000, &dTStartMs); dTLastMs = DivU64x64Remainder (MultU64x32 (CurrentTsc - Private->TscLast, 1000), Private->TscFrequency, NULL); dTLastSec = DivU64x64Remainder (dTLastMs, 1000, &dTLastMs); Private->TscLast = CurrentTsc; } AsciiSPrint ( Private->TimingTxt, OC_LOG_TIMING_BUFFER_SIZE, "%02d:%03d %02d:%03d ", dTStartSec, dTStartMs, dTLastSec, dTLastMs ); return Private->TimingTxt; } STATIC CHAR16 * GetLogPath ( IN CONST CHAR16 *LogPrefixPath ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_TIME Date; CHAR16 *LogPath; UINTN Size; if (LogPrefixPath == NULL) { return NULL; } Status = gRT->GetTime (&Date, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ZeroMem (&Date, sizeof (Date)); } Size = StrSize (LogPrefixPath) + L_STR_SIZE (L"-0000-00-00-000000.txt"); LogPath = AllocatePool (Size); if (LogPath == NULL) { return NULL; } UnicodeSPrint ( LogPath, Size, L"%s-%04u-%02u-%02u-%02u%02u%02u.txt", LogPrefixPath, (UINT32) Date.Year, (UINT32) Date.Month, (UINT32) Date.Day, (UINT32) Date.Hour, (UINT32) Date.Minute, (UINT32) Date.Second ); return LogPath; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcLogAddEntry ( IN OC_LOG_PROTOCOL *OcLog, IN UINTN ErrorLevel, IN CONST CHAR8 *FormatString, IN VA_LIST Marker ) { EFI_STATUS Status; OC_LOG_PRIVATE_DATA *Private; UINT32 Attributes; UINT32 TimingLength; UINT32 LineLength; APPLE_PLATFORM_DATA_RECORD *Entry; UINT32 KeySize; UINT32 DataSize; UINT32 TotalSize; Private = OC_LOG_PRIVATE_DATA_FROM_OC_LOG_THIS (OcLog); if ((OcLog->Options & OC_LOG_ENABLE) == 0) { // // Silently ignore when disabled. // return EFI_SUCCESS; } AsciiVSPrint ( Private->LineBuffer, sizeof (Private->LineBuffer), FormatString, Marker ); // // Add Entry. // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; if (*Private->LineBuffer != '\0') { GetTiming (OcLog); // // Send the string to the console output device. // if ((OcLog->Options & OC_LOG_CONSOLE) != 0 && (OcLog->DisplayLevel & ErrorLevel) != 0) { UnicodeSPrint ( Private->UnicodeLineBuffer, sizeof (Private->UnicodeLineBuffer), L"%a", Private->LineBuffer ); gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, Private->UnicodeLineBuffer); if (OcLog->DisplayDelay > 0) { gBS->Stall (OcLog->DisplayDelay); } } TimingLength = (UINT32) AsciiStrLen (Private->TimingTxt); LineLength = (UINT32) AsciiStrLen (Private->LineBuffer); // // Write to serial port. // if ((OcLog->Options & OC_LOG_SERIAL) != 0) { Status = SerialPortWrite ((UINT8 *) Private->TimingTxt, TimingLength); if (Status == EFI_NO_MAPPING) { // // Disable serial port option. // OcLog->Options &= ~OC_LOG_SERIAL; } SerialPortWrite ((UINT8 *) Private->LineBuffer, LineLength); } // // Write to DataHub. // if ((OcLog->Options & OC_LOG_DATA_HUB) != 0) { if (Private->DataHub == NULL) { gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiDataHubProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &Private->DataHub ); } if (Private->DataHub != NULL) { KeySize = (L_STR_LEN (OC_LOG_VARIABLE_NAME) + 6) * sizeof (CHAR16); DataSize = TimingLength + LineLength + 1; TotalSize = KeySize + DataSize + sizeof (*Entry); Entry = AllocatePool (TotalSize); if (Entry != NULL) { ZeroMem (Entry, sizeof (*Entry)); Entry->KeySize = KeySize; Entry->ValueSize = DataSize; UnicodeSPrint ( (CHAR16 *) &Entry->Data[0], Entry->KeySize, L"%s%05u", OC_LOG_VARIABLE_NAME, Private->LogCounter++ ); CopyMem ( &Entry->Data[Entry->KeySize], Private->TimingTxt, TimingLength ); CopyMem ( &Entry->Data[Entry->KeySize + TimingLength], Private->LineBuffer, LineLength + 1 ); Private->DataHub->LogData ( Private->DataHub, &gEfiMiscSubClassGuid, &gApplePlatformProducerNameGuid, EFI_DATA_RECORD_CLASS_DATA, Entry, TotalSize ); FreePool (Entry); } } } // // Write to internal buffer. // Status = AsciiStrCatS (Private->AsciiBuffer, Private->AsciiBufferSize, Private->TimingTxt); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = AsciiStrCatS (Private->AsciiBuffer, Private->AsciiBufferSize, Private->LineBuffer); } // // Write to a file. // Always overwriting file completely is most reliable. // I know it is slow, but fixed size write is more reliable with broken FAT32 driver. // if ((OcLog->Options & OC_LOG_FILE) != 0 && OcLog->FileSystem != NULL) { if (EfiGetCurrentTpl () <= TPL_CALLBACK) { SetFileData ( OcLog->FileSystem, OcLog->FilePath, Private->AsciiBuffer, (UINT32) Private->AsciiBufferSize ); } } // // Write to a variable. // if (ErrorLevel != DEBUG_BULK_INFO && (OcLog->Options & (OC_LOG_VARIABLE | OC_LOG_NONVOLATILE)) != 0) { // // Do not log timing information to NVRAM, it is already large. // This check is here, because Microsoft is retarded and asserts. // if (Private->NvramBufferSize - AsciiStrSize (Private->NvramBuffer) >= AsciiStrLen (Private->LineBuffer)) { Status = AsciiStrCatS (Private->NvramBuffer, Private->NvramBufferSize, Private->LineBuffer); } else { Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Attributes = EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS | EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS; if ((OcLog->Options & OC_LOG_NONVOLATILE) != 0) { Attributes |= EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE; } Status = gRT->SetVariable ( OC_LOG_VARIABLE_NAME, &gOcVendorVariableGuid, Attributes, AsciiStrLen (Private->NvramBuffer), Private->NvramBuffer ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // On APTIO V this may not even get printed. Regardless of volatile or not // it will firstly start discarding NVRAM data silently, and then will borks // NVRAM support completely till reboot. Let's stop on first error at least. // gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"NVRAM is full, cannot log!\r\n"); gBS->Stall (SECONDS_TO_MICROSECONDS (1)); OcLog->Options &= ~(OC_LOG_VARIABLE | OC_LOG_NONVOLATILE); } } else { gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"NVRAM log size exceeded, cannot log!\r\n"); gBS->Stall (SECONDS_TO_MICROSECONDS (1)); OcLog->Options &= ~(OC_LOG_VARIABLE | OC_LOG_NONVOLATILE); } } } if ((ErrorLevel & OcLog->HaltLevel) != 0 && AsciiStrnCmp (FormatString, "\nASSERT_RETURN_ERROR", L_STR_LEN ("\nASSERT_RETURN_ERROR")) != 0 && AsciiStrnCmp (FormatString, "\nASSERT_EFI_ERROR", L_STR_LEN ("\nASSERT_EFI_ERROR")) != 0) { gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"Halting on critical error\r\n"); gBS->Stall (SECONDS_TO_MICROSECONDS (1)); CpuDeadLoop (); } return Status; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcLogGetLog ( IN OC_LOG_PROTOCOL *This, OUT CHAR8 **OcLogBuffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; OC_LOG_PRIVATE_DATA *Private; Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (OcLogBuffer != NULL) { Private = OC_LOG_PRIVATE_DATA_FROM_OC_LOG_THIS (This); *OcLogBuffer = Private->AsciiBuffer; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } return Status; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcLogSaveLog ( IN OC_LOG_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINT32 NonVolatile OPTIONAL, IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *FilePath OPTIONAL ) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI OcLogResetTimers ( IN OC_LOG_PROTOCOL *This ) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } OC_LOG_PROTOCOL * InternalGetOcLog ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; STATIC OC_LOG_PROTOCOL *mInternalOcLog = NULL; if (mInternalOcLog == NULL) { Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gOcLogProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &mInternalOcLog ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || mInternalOcLog->Revision != OC_LOG_REVISION) { mInternalOcLog = NULL; } } return mInternalOcLog; } EFI_STATUS OcConfigureLogProtocol ( IN OC_LOG_OPTIONS Options, IN UINT32 DisplayDelay, IN UINTN DisplayLevel, IN UINTN HaltLevel, IN CONST CHAR16 *LogPrefixPath OPTIONAL, IN EFI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL *LogFileSystem OPTIONAL ) { EFI_STATUS Status; OC_LOG_PROTOCOL *OcLog; OC_LOG_PRIVATE_DATA *Private; EFI_HANDLE Handle; EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL *LogRoot; CHAR16 *LogPath; if ((Options & (OC_LOG_FILE | OC_LOG_ENABLE)) == (OC_LOG_FILE | OC_LOG_ENABLE)) { LogRoot = NULL; LogPath = GetLogPath (LogPrefixPath); if (LogPath != NULL) { if (LogFileSystem != NULL) { Status = LogFileSystem->OpenVolume (LogFileSystem, &LogRoot); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { LogRoot = NULL; } } if (LogRoot == NULL) { Status = FindWritableFileSystem (&LogRoot); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "OCL: There is no place to write log file to - %r\n", Status)); LogRoot = NULL; } } if (LogRoot == NULL) { FreePool (LogPath); LogPath = NULL; } } } else { LogRoot = NULL; LogPath = NULL; } // // Check if protocol already exists. // OcLog = InternalGetOcLog (); if (OcLog != NULL) { // // Set desired options in existing protocol. // if (OcLog->FileSystem != NULL) { OcLog->FileSystem->Close (OcLog->FileSystem); } if (OcLog->FilePath != NULL) { FreePool (OcLog->FilePath); } OcLog->Options = Options; OcLog->DisplayDelay = DisplayDelay; OcLog->DisplayLevel = DisplayLevel; OcLog->HaltLevel = HaltLevel; OcLog->FileSystem = LogRoot; OcLog->FilePath = LogPath; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else { Private = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (*Private)); Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; if (Private != NULL) { Private->Signature = OC_LOG_PRIVATE_DATA_SIGNATURE; Private->AsciiBufferSize = OC_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE; Private->NvramBufferSize = OC_LOG_NVRAM_BUFFER_SIZE; Private->OcLog.Revision = OC_LOG_REVISION; Private->OcLog.AddEntry = OcLogAddEntry; Private->OcLog.GetLog = OcLogGetLog; Private->OcLog.SaveLog = OcLogSaveLog; Private->OcLog.ResetTimers = OcLogResetTimers; Private->OcLog.Options = Options; Private->OcLog.DisplayDelay = DisplayDelay; Private->OcLog.DisplayLevel = DisplayLevel; Private->OcLog.HaltLevel = HaltLevel; Private->OcLog.FileSystem = LogRoot; Private->OcLog.FilePath = LogPath; Handle = NULL; Status = gBS->InstallProtocolInterface ( &Handle, &gOcLogProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, &Private->OcLog ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { OcLog = &Private->OcLog; } else { FreePool (Private); } } } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Options & (OC_LOG_SERIAL | OC_LOG_ENABLE)) == (OC_LOG_SERIAL | OC_LOG_ENABLE)) { SerialPortInitialize (); } if (LogRoot != NULL) { if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (OC_LOG_PRIVATE_DATA_FROM_OC_LOG_THIS (OcLog)->AsciiBufferSize > 0) { SetFileData ( LogRoot, LogPath, OC_LOG_PRIVATE_DATA_FROM_OC_LOG_THIS (OcLog)->AsciiBuffer, (UINT32) OC_LOG_PRIVATE_DATA_FROM_OC_LOG_THIS (OcLog)->AsciiBufferSize ); } } else { LogRoot->Close (LogRoot); FreePool (LogPath); } } return Status; }