ACPI AutoMerge DSDT Debug Fixes AddDTGP AddHDMI AddIMEI AddMCHC AddPNLF DeleteUnused FakeLPC FixACST FixADP1 FixAirport FixDarwin FixDarwin7 FixDisplay FixFirewire FixHDA FixHPET FixIDE FixIPIC FixIntelGfx FixLAN FixMutex FixRTC FixRegions FixS3D FixSATA FixSBUS FixShutdown FixTMR FixUSB FixWAK Name DSDT.aml PNLF_UID 0x0A Patches Comment Add _SUN property for GIGE Disabled Find UFhTWAhfQURSAAhfUFJXEgYC Replace UFhTWAhfQURSAAhfU1VOCgQIX1BSVxIGAg== Comment Rename GFX0 to IGPU Disabled Find R0ZYMA== Replace SUdQVQ== Comment Rename HDEF to AZAL Disabled Find SERFRg== Replace QVpBTA== Comment Rename oem _DSM to ZDSM Disabled Find X0RTTQ== Replace WkRTTQ== Comment Rename HECI to IMEI Disabled Find SEVDSQ== Replace SU1FSQ== Skip 0 ReuseFFFF Rtc8Allowed #SuspendOverride DisableASPM DisabledAML SSDT-PLUG.aml SSDT-MINE.aml SSDT-OTHER.aml DropTables Signature DMAR Signature SSDT TableId CpuPm #Length 720 Signature SSDT TableId Cpu0Ist DropForAllOS Signature BGRT FixHeaders FixMCFG HaltEnabler PatchAPIC #RenameDevices _SB.PCI0.RP05.PXSX UPSB _SB.PCI0.RP05.UPSB.DSB1.NHI0 UPS0 _SB.PCI0.RP03.PXSX BRG3 #ResetAddress 0x64 #ResetValue 0xFE SSDT #C3Latency 0x03E7 #DoubleFirstState #DropOem #EnableC2 #EnableC4 #EnableC6 #EnableC7 #MaxMultiplier 12 #MinMultiplier 8 #NoDynamicExtract #NoOemTableId #PLimitDict 1 #UnderVoltStep 1 #UseSystemIO Generate #APLF #APSN #PluginType CStates PStates #SortedOrder SSDT-3.aml SSDT-1.aml SSDT-2.aml smartUPS Boot #Arguments slide=0 darkwake=0 CustomLogo Debug #DefaultLoader boot.efi DefaultVolume LastBootedVolume DisableCloverHotkeys Fast Legacy PBR LegacyBiosDefaultEntry 0 NeverDoRecovery NeverHibernate NoEarlyProgress RtcHibernateAware SignatureFixup SkipHibernateTimeout StrictHibernate Timeout 5 #XMPDetection -1 BootGraphics DefaultBackgroundColor 0xBFBFBF EFILoginHiDPI 1 UIScale 1 CPU #BusSpeedkHz 133330 #FrequencyMHz 3140 #HWPEnable #HWPValue 0x30002a01 #QPI 4800 #SavingMode 7 #TDP 95 #TurboDisable #Type 0x0201 UseARTFrequency Devices #Audio AFGLowPowerState #Inject 12 ResetHDA #DisableFunctions 0x18F6 FakeID #ATI 0x67501002 #IMEI 0x1e208086 #IntelGFX 0x01668086 #LAN 0x100E8086 #NVidia 0x11de10de #SATA 0x26818086 #WIFI 0x0030168C #XHCI 0x0 #ForceHPET #HDMIInjection #IntelMaxValue 0x710 #LANInjection #NoDefaultProperties #Properties PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0) Comment This is USB3.0 AAPL,clock-id AA== AAPL,current-available sAQ= AAPL,current-extra vAI= AAPL,current-in-sleep 6AM= built-in AA== device_type XHCI PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x19,0x0) built-in AQ== PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1a,0x0) AAPL,clock-id AQ== AAPL,current-available sAQ= AAPL,current-extra vAI= AAPL,current-in-sleep 6AM= built-in AA== device_type EHCI PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1b,0x0) hda-gfx onboard-1 PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x1)/Pci(0x0,0x0) device_type Airport model Apple WiFi card name AirPort Extreme subsystem-vendor-id axAAAA== PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x5)/Pci(0x0,0x0) compatible pci14e4,16bc device_type Media controller model O2 Micro SD card reader name AirPort Extreme subsystem-vendor-id axAAAA== PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1d,0x0) AAPL,clock-id Ag== AAPL,current-available sAQ= AAPL,current-extra vAI= AAPL,current-in-sleep 6AM= built-in AA== device_type EHCI PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) #AAPL00,override-no-connect AP///////wANr2kUAAAAABYWAQSgHxF4AtFFm1lXjisj UFQAAAABAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBEhtWclAADDAQZCYA Na4QAAAaDBJWclAADDAQIiYANa4QAAAaAAAA/gA3SlJU OYAxNDBCR0UKAAAAAAAAQTGUAAAAAAEBCiAgAMU= @0,backlight-control AQAAAA== AAPL,HasLid AQAAAA== AAPL,HasPanel AQAAAA== AAPL,backlight-control AQAAAA== AAPL,ig-platform-id AwBmAQ== class-code AAADAA== device-id ZgEAAA== graphic-options DAAAAA== model Intel HD Graphics 4000 subsystem-vendor-id axAAAA== vendor-id hoAAAA== SecondaryGPU device-id /////w== #SetIntelBacklight #SetIntelMaxBacklight USB AddClockID FixOwnership HighCurrent Inject UseIntelHDMI #DisableDrivers CsmVideoDxe VBoxExt4 GUI ConsoleMode 0 #Custom Entries Disabled Hidden Image os_mageia Path \EFI\MAGEIA\GRUBX64.efi Title Mageia Linux Type Linux AddArguments -v Arguments Kernel=mach_kernel Disabled Hidden Hotkey M InjectKexts NoCaches Path \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.efi Title MyCustomEntry Type OSXRecovery Volume D68F1885-571C-4441-8DD5-F14803EFEF54 Hidden InjectKexts NoCaches SubEntries AddArguments -v Title Boot OS X 10.8.5 (12F36) Mountain Lion in Verbose Mode Title OS X 10.8.5 (12F36) Mountain Lion Type OSX Volume 454794AC-760D-46E8-8F77-D6EB23D2FD32 Legacy Disabled Hidden Hotkey L Title MyLegacyEntry Type Windows Volume 89433CD3-21F2-4D3C-95FC-722C48066D3A Tool Arguments -b Disabled Hidden Hotkey S Path \EFI\CLOVER\TOOLS\Shell64-v1.efi Title MyCustomShell Volume D68F1885-571C-4441-8DD5-F14803EFEF54 #CustomIcons EmbeddedThemeType Daytime #Hide Windows BOOTX64.EFI #KbdPrevLang #Language en:0 #Mouse DoubleClickTime 500 Enabled Mirror Speed 2 PlayAsync ProvideConsoleGop #Scan Entries Legacy Tool ScreenResolution 1280x1024 #ShowOptimus TextOnly Theme Clovy Timezone 3 Graphics #DualLink 0 #FBName Makakakakala #Inject ATI Intel NVidia #LoadVBios #NVCAP 04000000000003000C0000000000000A00000000 #NvidiaGeneric #NvidiaNoEFI #NvidiaSingle #PatchVBios #PatchVBiosBytes Find gAeoAqAF Replace gAeoAjgE #RadeonDeInit #VRAM 1024 #VideoPorts 2 #display-cfg 03010300FFFF0001 #ig-platform-id 0x01620005 EDID #Custom AP///////wAGECGSAAAAAAASAQOAIRV4CunVmVlTjigmUFQAAAAB AQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEB3iGgcFCEHzAgIFYAS88QAAAY3iGgcFCE HzAgIFYAS88QAAAAAAAA/gBXNjU3RwAxNTRXUDEKAAAA/gAjMz1I ZYSq/wIBCiAgAJo= #HorizontalSyncPulseWidth 0x11 #Inject #ProductID 0x9221 #VendorID 0x1006 #VideoInputSignal 0xA1 KernelAndKextPatches #ATIConnectorsController 6000 #ATIConnectorsData 000400000403000000010000210302040400000014020000000100000000040310000000100000000001000000000001 #ATIConnectorsPatch 040000001402000000010000000004040004000004030000000100001102010500000000000000000000000000000000 #AppleIntelCPUPM AppleRTC BootPatches Comment Example Disabled Find RXh0ZXJuYWw= MatchOS All Replace SW50ZXJuYWw= Debug DellSMBIOSPatch EightApple #FakeCPUID 0x010676 #ForceKextsToLoad \System\Library\Extensions\AMD6000Controller.kext \System\Library\Extensions\AMDFramebuffer.kext KernelLapic KernelPm KernelToPatch Comment Disable panic kext logging on 10.14 Release kernel Disabled Find igKEwHRC MaskFind //////// MaskReplace AAAAAP8A MatchOS 10.14 Replace igKEwOtC Comment Disable panic kext logging on 10.13 Release kernel Disabled Find igKEwHRE MatchOS 10.13 Replace igKEwOtE Comment Lapic panic patch example Disabled Find 6AAA//+DAAAAAAAA MaskFind /wAA////AAAAAP// MaskReplace /wAA//////////// MaskStart /////wA= MatchOS All RangeFind 200 Replace 6AAA//8xwJCQkJCQ StartPattern ACnHeAAx241H+oM= Comment Monterey RDRAND instruction #1 Disabled Find D8fxc/sh8TnRc/WJyUiLlM3Q/f// MatchOS 12.x Procedure _work_interval_port_type_render_server RangeFind 3900 Replace McmQkJAh8TnRc/WJyUiLlM3Q/f// Comment Monterey RDRAND instruction #2 Disabled Find D8fyc/uD4g+D+gd38w+3NEE= MatchOS 12.x Procedure _panic_with_thread_context RangeFind 10100 Replace MdKQkJCD4g+D+gd38w+3NEE= Comment Monterey RDRAND instruction #3 Disabled Find SA/H8HP6 MaskFind /v//8P// MatchOS 12.x Replace kJCQkJCQ KernelXCPM KextsToPatch Disabled Find SGVhZHBob25lcwA= MaskReplace /////wAAAAAAAAA= Name VoodooHDA Replace VGVsZXBob25lcwA= Comment Patch_to_not_load_this_driver Disabled Find 0x04020000 InfoPlistPatch Name AppleHDAController Replace 0x44220000 Comment Make all drives to be internal Disabled Find RXh0ZXJuYWw= Name AppleAHCIPort Replace SW50ZXJuYWw= Comment TRIM function for non-Apple SSDs Disabled Find QVBQTEUgU1NEAA== Name IOAHCIBlockStorage Replace AAAAAAAAAAAAAA== Comment ATI Connector patch new way Disabled Find AAQAAAQDAAAAAQAAIQMCBAQAAAAUAgAAAAEAAAAABAMQ AAAAEAAAAAABAAAAAAAB MatchOS 10.9,10.10,10.11 Name AMD6000Controller Replace BAAAABQCAAAAAQAAAAAEBAAEAAAEAwAAAAEAABECAQUA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Comment ATI name HD xxxx -> HD6450 Disabled Find SEQgNnh4eA== MatchOS 10.12,10.13 Name AMD6000Controller Replace SEQgNjQ1MA== Comment Violet strips Disabled Find VUiJ MaskFind AAAA Name Procedure TestVRAM RangeFind 10 Replace sAHD PanicNoKextDump Quirks AppleXcpmExtraMsrs AppleXcpmForceBoost AvoidRuntimeDefrag DevirtualiseMmio DisableIoMapper DisableLinkeditJettison DisableSingleUser DisableVariableWrite DiscardHibernateMap DummyPowerManagement EnableSafeModeSlide EnableWriteUnprotector ExtendBTFeatureFlags ExternalDiskIcons ForceExitBootServices ForceOcWriteFlash FuzzyMatch IncreasePciBarSize KernelCache Auto MmioWhitelist Address 4275159040 Comment Haswell: SB_RCBA is a 0x4 page memory region, containing SPI_BASE at 0x3800 (SPI_BASE_ADDRESS) Enabled Address 4278190080 Comment Generic: PCI root is a 0x1000 page memory region used by some firmwares Enabled PowerTimeoutKernelPanic ProtectMemoryRegions ProtectSecureBoot ProtectUefiServices ProvideCurrentCpuInfo ProvideCustomSlide ProvideMaxSlide 0 RebuildAppleMemoryMap ResizeAppleGpuBars -1 SetupVirtualMap SignalAppleOS SyncRuntimePermissions ThirdPartyDrives XhciPortLimit RtVariables Block Comment Dell variables Disabled Guid FF2E9FC7-D16F-434A-A24E-C99519B7EB93 Name * BooterConfig 0x28 CsrActiveConfig 0xA87 #HWTarget J160AP MLB C02032109R6DC771H ROM UseMacAddr0 SMBIOS #BiosReleaseDate 05/03/10 #BiosVendor Apple Inc. #BiosVersion IM131.88Z.F000.B00.1907241303 #Board-ID Mac-FC02E91DDD3FA6A4 #BoardManufacturer Apple Inc. #BoardSerialNumber C0225060SAMF651AX #BoardType 10 #BoardVersion Proto1 #ChassisAssetTag Desktop #ChassisManufacturer Apple Inc. #ChassisType 16 #EfiVersion #ExtendedFirmwareFeatures 0x8FE001403 #ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask 0xFFFFFFFFFF #Family iMac #FirmwareFeatures 0xC0001403 #FirmwareFeaturesMask 0xFFFFFFFF #LocationInChassis Part Component #Manufacturer Apple Inc. #Memory Channels 2 Modules Frequency 1333 Part C0001403 Serial 00001001 Size 4096 Slot 0 Type DDR3 Vendor Kingston Frequency 1333 Part C0001404 Serial 00001002 Size 4096 Slot 2 Type DDR3 Vendor Kingston SlotCount 4 #MemoryRank 2 #Mobile #NoRomInfo #PlatformFeature 0x00 #ProductName iMac13,2 #SerialNumber C02JBSAMDNCW #Slots Device ATI ID 1 Name PCIe Slot 0 Type 16 Device WIFI ID 0 Name Airport Type 1 #SmUUID 00000000-0000-1000-8000-010203040506 #SmbiosVersion 0x0300 #Trust #Version 1.0 SystemParameters #BacklightLevel 0x0501 #CustomUUID 511CE201-1000-4000-9999-010203040506 InjectKexts InjectSystemID NoCaches NvidiaWeb