/* * Additional procedures for vector theme support * * Slice, 2018 * */ #define TEST_MATH 0 #define TEST_SVG_IMAGE 1 #define TEST_SIZEOF 0 #define TEST_FONT 0 #define TEST_DITHER 0 #include "../Platform/Platform.h" #include "nanosvg.h" #include "FloatLib.h" #include "lodepng.h" #include "../refit/screen.h" #include "../cpp_foundation/XString.h" #ifndef DEBUG_ALL #define DEBUG_VEC 1 #else #define DEBUG_VEC DEBUG_ALL #endif #if DEBUG_VEC == 0 #define DBG(...) #else #define DBG(...) DebugLog(DEBUG_VEC, __VA_ARGS__) #endif #if USE_XTHEME #include "XTheme.h" extern XTheme ThemeX; #endif #define NSVG_RGB(r, g, b) (((unsigned int)b) | ((unsigned int)g << 8) | ((unsigned int)r << 16)) //#define NSVG_RGBA(r, g, b, a) (((unsigned int)b) | ((unsigned int)g << 8) | ((unsigned int)r << 16) | ((unsigned int)a << 24)) extern VOID WaitForKeyPress(CHAR16 *Message); extern void DumpFloat2 (CONST char* s, float* t, int N); extern EG_IMAGE *BackgroundImage; extern EG_IMAGE *Banner; extern EG_IMAGE *BigBack; extern INTN BanHeight; extern INTN row0TileSize; extern INTN row1TileSize; extern INTN FontWidth; extern UINTN NumFrames; extern UINTN FrameTime; extern BOOLEAN DayLight; textFaces textFace[4]; //0-help 1-message 2-menu 3-test NSVGparser *mainParser = NULL; //it must be global variable #if USE_XTHEME EFI_STATUS ParseSVGXIcon(NSVGparser *p, INTN Id, CONST CHAR8 *IconName, float Scale, OUT XImage& Image) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; NSVGimage *SVGimage; NSVGrasterizer* rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer(); SVGimage = p->image; NSVGshape *shape; NSVGgroup *group; NSVGimage *IconImage; NSVGshape *shapeNext, *shapesTail = NULL, *shapePrev; NSVGparser* p2 = nsvg__createParser(); IconImage = p2->image; shape = SVGimage->shapes; shapePrev = NULL; while (shape) { group = shape->group; shapeNext = shape->next; while (group) { if (strcmp(group->id, IconName) == 0) { break; } group = group->next; } if (group) { //the shape is in the group // keep this sample for debug purpose /* DBG("found shape %s", shape->id); DBG(" from group %s\n", group->id); if ((Id == BUILTIN_SELECTION_BIG) || (Id == BUILTIN_ICON_BACKGROUND) || (Id == BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER)) { shape->debug = TRUE; } */ if (ThemeX.BootCampStyle && (strstr(IconName, "selection_big") != NULL)) { shape->opacity = 0.f; } if (strstr(shape->id, "BoundingRect") != NULL) { //there is bounds after nsvgParse() IconImage->width = shape->bounds[2] - shape->bounds[0]; IconImage->height = shape->bounds[3] - shape->bounds[1]; if (!IconImage->height) { IconImage->height = 200; } if ((strstr(IconName, "selection_big") != NULL) && (!ThemeX.SelectionOnTop)) { ThemeX.MainEntriesSize = (int)(IconImage->width * Scale); //xxx ThemeX.row0TileSize = ThemeX.MainEntriesSize + (int)(16.f * Scale); DBG("main entry size = %lld\n", ThemeX.MainEntriesSize); } if ((strstr(IconName, "selection_small") != NULL) && (!ThemeX.SelectionOnTop)) { ThemeX.row1TileSize = (int)(IconImage->width * Scale); } // not exclude BoundingRect from IconImage? shape->flags = 0; //invisible if (shapePrev) { shapePrev->next = shapeNext; } else { SVGimage->shapes = shapeNext; } shape = shapeNext; continue; //while(shape) it is BoundingRect shape // shape->opacity = 0.3f; } shape->flags = NSVG_VIS_VISIBLE; // Add to tail // ClipCount += shape->clip.count; if (IconImage->shapes == NULL) IconImage->shapes = shape; else shapesTail->next = shape; shapesTail = shape; if (shapePrev) { shapePrev->next = shapeNext; } else { SVGimage->shapes = shapeNext; } shapePrev->next = shapeNext; } //the shape in the group else { shapePrev = shape; } shape = shapeNext; } //while shape shapesTail->next = NULL; //add clipPaths //xxx NSVGclipPath* clipPaths = SVGimage->clipPaths; NSVGclipPath* clipNext = NULL; while (clipPaths) { // ClipCount += clipPaths->shapes->clip.count; group = clipPaths->shapes->group; clipNext = clipPaths->next; while (group) { if (strcmp(group->id, IconName) == 0) { break; } group = group->parent; } if (group) { DBG("found clipPaths for %s\n", IconName); IconImage->clipPaths = SVGimage->clipPaths; break; } clipPaths = clipNext; } // DBG("found %d clips for %s\n", ClipCount, IconName); // if (ClipCount) { //Id == BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER) { // IconImage->clipPaths = SVGimage->clipPaths; // } float bounds[4]; bounds[0] = FLT_MAX; bounds[1] = FLT_MAX; bounds[2] = -FLT_MAX; bounds[3] = -FLT_MAX; nsvg__imageBounds(p2, bounds); CopyMem(IconImage->realBounds, bounds, 4 * sizeof(float)); if ((Id == BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER) && (strstr(IconName, "Banner") != NULL)) { ThemeX.BannerPosX = (int)(bounds[0] * Scale - ThemeX.CentreShift); ThemeX.BannerPosY = (int)(bounds[1] * Scale); DBG("Banner position at parse [%lld,%lld]\n", ThemeX.BannerPosX, ThemeX.BannerPosY); } float Height = IconImage->height * Scale; float Width = IconImage->width * Scale; // DBG("icon %s width=%f height=%f\n", IconName, Width, Height); int iWidth = (int)(Width + 0.5f); int iHeight = (int)(Height + 0.5f); // EG_IMAGE *NewImage = egCreateFilledImage(iWidth, iHeight, TRUE, &MenuBackgroundPixel); XImage NewImage(iWidth, iHeight); //empty if (IconImage->shapes == NULL) { Image = NewImage; return Status; } // DBG("begin rasterize %s\n", IconName); float tx = 0.f, ty = 0.f; if ((Id != BUILTIN_ICON_BACKGROUND) && (Id != BUILTIN_ICON_ANIME) && (strstr(IconName, "Banner") == NULL)) { float realWidth = (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) * Scale; float realHeight = (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) * Scale; tx = (Width - realWidth) * 0.5f; ty = (Height - realHeight) * 0.5f; } nsvgRasterize(rast, IconImage, tx,ty,Scale,Scale, (UINT8*)NewImage.GetPixelPtr(0,0), iWidth, iHeight, iWidth*4); // DBG("%s rastered, blt\n", IconImage); nsvgDeleteRasterizer(rast); // nsvg__deleteParser(p2); // nsvgDelete(p2->image); Image = NewImage; return EFI_SUCCESS; } #else EFI_STATUS ParseSVGIcon(NSVGparser *p, INTN Id, CONST CHAR8 *IconName, float Scale, EG_IMAGE **Image) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; NSVGimage *SVGimage; NSVGrasterizer* rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer(); SVGimage = p->image; NSVGshape *shape; NSVGgroup *group; NSVGimage *IconImage; // = (NSVGimage*)AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(NSVGimage)); NSVGshape *shapeNext, *shapesTail=NULL, *shapePrev; // INTN ClipCount = 0; NSVGparser* p2 = nsvg__createParser(); IconImage = p2->image; shape = SVGimage->shapes; shapePrev = NULL; while (shape) { group = shape->group; shapeNext = shape->next; while (group) { if (strcmp(group->id, IconName) == 0) { break; } group = group->next; } if (group) { //the shape is in the group // keep this sample for debug purpose /* DBG("found shape %s", shape->id); DBG(" from group %s\n", group->id); if ((Id == BUILTIN_SELECTION_BIG) || (Id == BUILTIN_ICON_BACKGROUND) || (Id == BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER)) { shape->debug = TRUE; } */ if (GlobalConfig.BootCampStyle && (strstr(IconName, "selection_big") != NULL)) { shape->opacity = 0.f; } if (strstr(shape->id, "BoundingRect") != NULL) { //there is bounds after nsvgParse() IconImage->width = shape->bounds[2] - shape->bounds[0]; IconImage->height = shape->bounds[3] - shape->bounds[1]; if (!IconImage->height) { IconImage->height = 200; } // if (Id == BUILTIN_ICON_BACKGROUND || Id == BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER) { // DBG("IconImage size [%d,%d]\n", (int)IconImage->width, (int)IconImage->height); // DBG("IconImage left corner x=%f y=%f\n", IconImage->realBounds[0], IconImage->realBounds[1]); // DumpFloat2("IconImage real bounds", IconImage->realBounds, 4); // } if ((strstr(IconName, "selection_big") != NULL) && (!GlobalConfig.SelectionOnTop)) { GlobalConfig.MainEntriesSize = (int)(IconImage->width * Scale); //xxx row0TileSize = GlobalConfig.MainEntriesSize + (int)(16.f * Scale); DBG("main entry size = %lld\n", GlobalConfig.MainEntriesSize); } if ((strstr(IconName, "selection_small") != NULL) && (!GlobalConfig.SelectionOnTop)) { row1TileSize = (int)(IconImage->width * Scale); } // not exclude BoundingRect from IconImage? shape->flags = 0; //invisible if (shapePrev) { shapePrev->next = shapeNext; } else { SVGimage->shapes = shapeNext; } shape = shapeNext; continue; //while(shape) it is BoundingRect shape // shape->opacity = 0.3f; } shape->flags = NSVG_VIS_VISIBLE; // Add to tail // ClipCount += shape->clip.count; if (IconImage->shapes == NULL) IconImage->shapes = shape; else shapesTail->next = shape; shapesTail = shape; if (shapePrev) { shapePrev->next = shapeNext; } else { SVGimage->shapes = shapeNext; } shapePrev->next = shapeNext; } //the shape in the group else { shapePrev = shape; } shape = shapeNext; } //while shape shapesTail->next = NULL; //add clipPaths //xxx NSVGclipPath* clipPaths = SVGimage->clipPaths; NSVGclipPath* clipNext = NULL; while (clipPaths) { // ClipCount += clipPaths->shapes->clip.count; group = clipPaths->shapes->group; clipNext = clipPaths->next; while (group) { if (strcmp(group->id, IconName) == 0) { break; } group = group->parent; } if (group) { DBG("found clipPaths for %s\n", IconName); IconImage->clipPaths = SVGimage->clipPaths; break; } clipPaths = clipNext; } // DBG("found %d clips for %s\n", ClipCount, IconName); // if (ClipCount) { //Id == BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER) { // IconImage->clipPaths = SVGimage->clipPaths; // } float bounds[4]; bounds[0] = FLT_MAX; bounds[1] = FLT_MAX; bounds[2] = -FLT_MAX; bounds[3] = -FLT_MAX; nsvg__imageBounds(p2, bounds); CopyMem(IconImage->realBounds, bounds, 4*sizeof(float)); if ((Id == BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER) && (strstr(IconName, "Banner") != NULL)) { GlobalConfig.BannerPosX = (int)(bounds[0] * Scale - GlobalConfig.CentreShift); GlobalConfig.BannerPosY = (int)(bounds[1] * Scale); DBG("Banner position at parse [%lld,%lld]\n", GlobalConfig.BannerPosX, GlobalConfig.BannerPosY); } float Height = IconImage->height * Scale; float Width = IconImage->width * Scale; // DBG("icon %s width=%f height=%f\n", IconName, Width, Height); int iWidth = (int)(Width + 0.5f); int iHeight = (int)(Height + 0.5f); EG_IMAGE *NewImage = egCreateFilledImage(iWidth, iHeight, TRUE, &MenuBackgroundPixel); if (IconImage->shapes == NULL) { *Image = NewImage; return Status; } // DBG("begin rasterize %s\n", IconName); float tx = 0.f, ty = 0.f; if ((Id != BUILTIN_ICON_BACKGROUND) && (Id != BUILTIN_ICON_ANIME) && (strstr(IconName, "Banner") == NULL)) { float realWidth = (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) * Scale; float realHeight = (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) * Scale; tx = (Width - realWidth) * 0.5f; ty = (Height - realHeight) * 0.5f; } nsvgRasterize(rast, IconImage, tx,ty,Scale,Scale, (UINT8*)NewImage->PixelData, iWidth, iHeight, iWidth*4); // DBG("%s rastered, blt\n", IconImage); #if 0 BltImageAlpha(NewImage, (int)(UGAWidth - NewImage->Width) / 2, (int)(UGAHeight * 0.05f), &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); // WaitForKeyPress(L"waiting for key press...\n"); #endif nsvgDeleteRasterizer(rast); // nsvg__deleteParser(p2); // nsvgDelete(p2->image); *Image = NewImage; return EFI_SUCCESS; } #endif #if USE_XTHEME EFI_STATUS ParseSVGXTheme(CONST CHAR8* buffer, TagPtr * dict) { EFI_STATUS Status; NSVGimage *SVGimage; // NSVGrasterizer *rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer(); // --- Parse theme.svg --- low case mainParser = nsvgParse((CHAR8*)buffer, 72, 1.f); SVGimage = mainParser->image; if (!SVGimage) { DBG("Theme not parsed!\n"); return EFI_NOT_STARTED; } // --- Get scale as theme design height vs screen height // must be svg view-box float vbx = mainParser->viewWidth; float vby = mainParser->viewHeight; DBG("Theme view-bounds: w=%f h=%f units=px\n", vbx, vby); if (vby > 1.0f) { SVGimage->height = vby; } else { SVGimage->height = 768.f; //default height } float Scale = UGAHeight / SVGimage->height; DBG("using scale %f\n", Scale); ThemeX.Scale = Scale; ThemeX.CentreShift = (vbx * Scale - (float)UGAWidth) * 0.5f; if (mainParser->font) { DBG("theme contains font-family=%s\n", mainParser->font->fontFamily); } ThemeX.Background = XImage(UGAWidth, UGAHeight); if (!ThemeX.BigBack.isEmpty()) { ThemeX.BigBack.setEmpty(); } Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; if (!DayLight) { Status = ParseSVGXIcon(mainParser, BUILTIN_ICON_BACKGROUND, "Background_night", Scale, ThemeX.BigBack); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = ParseSVGXIcon(mainParser, BUILTIN_ICON_BACKGROUND, "Background", Scale, ThemeX.BigBack); } DBG(" Background parsed\n"); // --- Make Banner ThemeX.Banner.setEmpty(); //for the case of theme switch Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; if (!DayLight) { Status = ParseSVGXIcon(mainParser, BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER, "Banner_night", Scale, ThemeX.Banner); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = ParseSVGXIcon(mainParser, BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER, "Banner", Scale, ThemeX.Banner); } DBG("Banner parsed\n"); BanHeight = (int)(ThemeX.Banner.GetHeight() * Scale + 1.f); DBG(" parsed banner->width=%lld\n", ThemeX.Banner.GetWidth()); // --- Make other icons INTN i = BUILTIN_ICON_FUNC_ABOUT; CHAR8 *IconName; while (BuiltinIconTable[i].Path) { if (i == BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER) { i++; continue; } CONST CHAR16 *IconPath = BuiltinIconTable[i].Path; // DBG("next table icon=%ls\n", IconPath); CONST CHAR16 *ptr = StrStr(IconPath, L"\\"); if (!ptr) { ptr = IconPath; } else { ptr++; } // DBG("next icon=%ls Len=%d\n", ptr, StrLen(ptr)); UINTN Size = StrLen(ptr)+1; IconName = (__typeof__(IconName))AllocateZeroPool(Size); UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS(ptr, IconName, Size); // DBG("search for icon name %s\n", IconName); CHAR8 IconNight[64]; AsciiStrCpyS(IconNight, 64, IconName); AsciiStrCatS(IconNight, 64, "_night"); Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; if (!DayLight) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, i, IconNight, Scale, &BuiltinIconTable[i].Image); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, i, IconName, Scale, &BuiltinIconTable[i].Image); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" icon %lld not parsed take common %ls\n", i, BuiltinIconTable[i].Path); if ((i >= BUILTIN_ICON_VOL_EXTERNAL) && (i <= BUILTIN_ICON_VOL_INTERNAL_REC)) { if (BuiltinIconTable[BUILTIN_ICON_VOL_INTERNAL].Image) { BuiltinIconTable[i].Image = egCopyImage(BuiltinIconTable[BUILTIN_ICON_VOL_INTERNAL].Image); } } } if (i == BUILTIN_SELECTION_BIG) { DBG("icon main size=[%lld,%lld]\n", BuiltinIconTable[i].Image->Width, BuiltinIconTable[i].Image->Height); } i++; FreePool(IconName); } return Status; } #else EFI_STATUS ParseSVGTheme(CONST CHAR8* buffer, TagPtr * dict) { EFI_STATUS Status; NSVGimage *SVGimage; NSVGrasterizer *rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer(); // --- Parse theme.svg --- low case mainParser = nsvgParse((CHAR8*)buffer, 72, 1.f); SVGimage = mainParser->image; if (!SVGimage) { DBG("Theme not parsed!\n"); return EFI_NOT_STARTED; } // --- Get scale as theme design height vs screen height float Scale; // must be svg view-box float vbx = mainParser->viewWidth; float vby = mainParser->viewHeight; DBG("Theme view-bounds: w=%d h=%d units=%s\n", (int)vbx, (int)vby, "px"); if (vby > 1.0f) { SVGimage->height = vby; } else { SVGimage->height = 768.f; //default height } Scale = UGAHeight / SVGimage->height; DBG("using scale %f\n", Scale); GlobalConfig.Scale = Scale; GlobalConfig.CentreShift = (vbx * Scale - (float)UGAWidth) * 0.5f; if (mainParser->font) { DBG("theme contains font-family=%s\n", mainParser->font->fontFamily); } #if 0 // --- Create rastered font if (fontSVG) { if (p->font) { FontHeight = (int)(textFace[2].size * Scale); //as in MenuRows DBG("Menu font scaled height=%d color=%X\n", FontHeight, textFace[2].color); } if (!FontHeight) FontHeight = 16; //xxx if (fontSVG->fontFamily[0] < 0x30) { AsciiStrCpyS(fontSVG->fontFamily, 64, fontSVG->id); } RenderSVGfont(fontSVG, p->fontColor); DBG("font %s parsed\n", fontSVG->fontFamily); } #endif // --- Make background BackgroundImage = egCreateFilledImage(UGAWidth, UGAHeight, TRUE, &BlackPixel); if (BigBack) { egFreeImage(BigBack); BigBack = NULL; } Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; if (!DayLight) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, BUILTIN_ICON_BACKGROUND, "Background_night", Scale, &BigBack); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, BUILTIN_ICON_BACKGROUND, "Background", Scale, &BigBack); } DBG("background parsed\n"); // --- Make Banner if (Banner) { egFreeImage(Banner); Banner = NULL; } Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; if (!DayLight) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER, "Banner_night", Scale, &Banner); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER, "Banner", Scale, &Banner); } DBG("Banner parsed\n"); BuiltinIconTable[BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER].Image = Banner; BanHeight = (int)(Banner->Height * Scale + 1.f); DBG("parsed banner->width=%lld\n", Banner->Width); // --- Make other icons INTN i = BUILTIN_ICON_FUNC_ABOUT; CHAR8 *IconName; while (BuiltinIconTable[i].Path) { if (i == BUILTIN_ICON_BANNER) { i++; continue; } CONST CHAR16 *IconPath = BuiltinIconTable[i].Path; // DBG("next table icon=%ls\n", IconPath); CONST CHAR16 *ptr = StrStr(IconPath, L"\\"); if (!ptr) { ptr = IconPath; } else { ptr++; } // DBG("next icon=%ls Len=%d\n", ptr, StrLen(ptr)); UINTN Size = StrLen(ptr)+1; IconName = (__typeof__(IconName))AllocateZeroPool(Size); UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS(ptr, IconName, Size); // DBG("search for icon name %s\n", IconName); CHAR8 IconNight[64]; AsciiStrCpyS(IconNight, 64, IconName); AsciiStrCatS(IconNight, 64, "_night"); Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; if (!DayLight) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, i, IconNight, Scale, &BuiltinIconTable[i].Image); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, i, IconName, Scale, &BuiltinIconTable[i].Image); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG(" icon %lld not parsed take common %ls\n", i, BuiltinIconTable[i].Path); if ((i >= BUILTIN_ICON_VOL_EXTERNAL) && (i <= BUILTIN_ICON_VOL_INTERNAL_REC)) { if (BuiltinIconTable[BUILTIN_ICON_VOL_INTERNAL].Image) { BuiltinIconTable[i].Image = egCopyImage(BuiltinIconTable[BUILTIN_ICON_VOL_INTERNAL].Image); } } } if (i == BUILTIN_SELECTION_BIG) { DBG("icon main size=[%lld,%lld]\n", BuiltinIconTable[i].Image->Width, BuiltinIconTable[i].Image->Height); } i++; FreePool(IconName); } // OS icons and buttons i = 0; while (OSIconsTable[i].name) { CHAR8 IconNight[64]; AsciiStrCpyS(IconNight, 64, OSIconsTable[i].name); AsciiStrCatS(IconNight, 64, "_night"); OSIconsTable[i].image = NULL; // DBG("search for %s\n", OSIconsTable[i].name); Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; if (!DayLight) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, i, IconNight, Scale, &OSIconsTable[i].image); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, i, OSIconsTable[i].name, Scale, &OSIconsTable[i].image); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("OSicon %s not parsed\n", OSIconsTable[i].name); if ((i > 0) && (i < 13)) { if (OSIconsTable[0].image) { OSIconsTable[i].image = egCopyImage(OSIconsTable[0].image); } } else if (i < 18) { if (OSIconsTable[13].image) { OSIconsTable[i].image = egCopyImage(OSIconsTable[13].image); } } } i++; } //selection for bootcamp style Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; if (!DayLight) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, BUILTIN_ICON_SELECTION, "selection_indicator_night", Scale, &SelectionImages[4]); } if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, BUILTIN_ICON_SELECTION, "selection_indicator", Scale, &SelectionImages[4]); } //banner animation GUI_ANIME *Anime = (__typeof__(Anime))AllocateZeroPool (sizeof(GUI_ANIME)); Anime->ID = 1; //main screen //there is no Anime->Path in vectors Anime->Frames = NumFrames; Anime->FrameTime = FrameTime; Anime->Next = GuiAnime; Anime->FilmX = INITVALUE; Anime->FilmY = INITVALUE; Anime->NudgeX = INITVALUE; Anime->NudgeY = INITVALUE; GuiAnime = Anime; nsvgDeleteRasterizer(rast); *dict = (__typeof_am__(*dict))AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(TagStruct)); (*dict)->type = kTagTypeNone; GlobalConfig.TypeSVG = TRUE; GlobalConfig.ThemeDesignHeight = (int)SVGimage->height; GlobalConfig.ThemeDesignWidth = (int)SVGimage->width; if (GlobalConfig.SelectionOnTop) { row0TileSize = (INTN)(144.f * Scale); row1TileSize = (INTN)(64.f * Scale); GlobalConfig.MainEntriesSize = (INTN)(128.f * Scale); } DBG("parsing theme finish\n"); #if 0 //dump fonts { NSVGfont *fontSVG = NULL; NSVGfontChain *fontChain = fontsDB; while (fontChain) { fontSVG = fontChain->font; if (fontSVG) { DBG("probe fontFamily=%s fontStyle=%c\n", fontSVG->fontFamily, fontSVG->fontStyle); } else { DBG("nextChain is empty\n"); } fontChain = fontChain->next; } } #endif return EFI_SUCCESS; } #endif EG_IMAGE * LoadSvgFrame(INTN i) { EG_IMAGE *Frame = NULL; EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR8 FrameName[64]; //TODO if extend SVG syntax then we can use dynamic SVG with parameter Frame // for example use variable instead of constant like javascript AsciiSPrint(FrameName, 63, "frame_%d", i+1); Status = ParseSVGIcon(mainParser, BUILTIN_ICON_ANIME, FrameName, GlobalConfig.Scale, &Frame); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { DBG("icon '%s' not loaded, status=%s\n", FrameName, strerror(Status)); } return Frame; } #if 0 VOID RenderSVGfont(NSVGfont *fontSVG, UINT32 color) { // EFI_STATUS Status; float FontScale; NSVGparser *p; NSVGrasterizer *rast; INTN i; if (!fontSVG) { return; } //free old font if (FontImage != NULL) { egFreeImage (FontImage); FontImage = NULL; } INTN Height = FontHeight + 4; // DBG("load font %s\n", fontSVG->fontFamily); if (fontSVG->unitsPerEm < 1.f) { fontSVG->unitsPerEm = 1000.f; } float fH = fontSVG->bbox[3] - fontSVG->bbox[1]; if (fH == 0.f) { fH = fontSVG->unitsPerEm; } FontScale = (float)FontHeight / fH; DBG("font scale %ls\n", FontScale); FontWidth = (int)(fontSVG->horizAdvX * FontScale); INTN Width = FontWidth * (AsciiPageSize + GlobalConfig.CodepageSize); FontImage = egCreateImage(Width, Height, TRUE); p = nsvg__createParser(); if (!p) { return; } // p->font = fontSVG; p->image->height = (float)Height; p->image->width = (float)Width; NSVGtext* text = (NSVGtext*)AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(NSVGtext)); if (!text) { return; } text->fontSize = (float)FontHeight; text->font = fontSVG; text->fontColor = color; // DBG("RenderSVGfont: fontID=%s\n", text->font->id); // DBG("RenderSVGfont: family=%s\n", text->font->fontFamily); //add to head text->next = p->text; p->text = text; //for each letter rasterize glyph into FontImage //0..0xC0 == AsciiPageSize // cyrillic 0x410..0x450 at 0xC0 float x = 0.f; float y = fontSVG->bbox[1] * FontScale;; //(float)Height; p->isText = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < AsciiPageSize; i++) { addLetter(p, i, x, y, FontScale, color); x += (float)FontWidth; } x = AsciiPageSize * FontWidth; for (i = GlobalConfig.Codepage; i < GlobalConfig.Codepage+GlobalConfig.CodepageSize; i++) { addLetter(p, i, x, y, FontScale, color); x += (float)FontWidth; } p->image->realBounds[0] = fontSVG->bbox[0] * FontScale; p->image->realBounds[1] = fontSVG->bbox[1] * FontScale; p->image->realBounds[2] = fontSVG->bbox[2] * FontScale + x; //last bound p->image->realBounds[3] = fontSVG->bbox[3] * FontScale; //We made an image, then rasterize it rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer(); nsvgRasterize(rast, p->image, 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, (UINT8*)FontImage->PixelData, (int)Width, (int)Height, (int)(Width*4)); #if 0 //DEBUG_FONT //save font as png yyyyy UINT8 *FileData = NULL; UINTN FileDataLength = 0U; EFI_UGA_PIXEL *ImagePNG = (EFI_UGA_PIXEL *)FontImage->PixelData; unsigned lode_return = eglodepng_encode(&FileData, &FileDataLength, (CONST UINT8*)ImagePNG, (UINTN)FontImage->Width, (UINTN)FontImage->Height); if (!lode_return) { egSaveFile(SelfRootDir, L"\\FontSVG.png", FileData, FileDataLength); } #endif nsvgDeleteRasterizer(rast); // nsvg__deleteParser(p); return; } #endif // it is not draw, it is render and mainly used in egRenderText // which is used in icns.cpp as an icon rplacement if no image found, looks like not used // in menu.cpp 3 places //textType = 0-help 1-message 2-menu 3-test //return text width in pixels #if USE_XTHEME INTN renderSVGtext(XImage& TextBufferXY, INTN posX, INTN posY, INTN textType, XStringW string, UINTN Cursor) { INTN Width; UINTN i; UINTN len; NSVGparser* p; NSVGrasterizer* rast; if (!textFace[textType].valid) { for (i=0; i<4; i++) { if (textFace[i].valid) { textType = i; break; } } } if (!textFace[textType].valid) { DBG("valid fontface not found!\n"); return 0; } NSVGfont* fontSVG = textFace[textType].font; UINT32 color = textFace[textType].color; INTN Height = (INTN)(textFace[textType].size * ThemeX.Scale); float Scale, sy; float x, y; if (!fontSVG) { DBG("no font for renderSVGtext\n"); return 0; } p = nsvg__createParser(); if (!p) { return 0; } NSVGtext* text = (NSVGtext*)AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(NSVGtext)); if (!text) { return 0; } text->font = fontSVG; text->fontColor = color; text->fontSize = (float)Height; nsvg__xformIdentity(text->xform); p->text = text; len = string.length(); Width = TextBufferXY.GetWidth(); if (!fontSVG->unitsPerEm) { fontSVG->unitsPerEm = 1000.f; } float fH = fontSVG->bbox[3] - fontSVG->bbox[1]; //1250 if (fH == 0.f) { DBG("wrong font: %f\n", fontSVG->unitsPerEm); DumpFloat2("Font bbox", fontSVG->bbox, 4); fH = fontSVG->unitsPerEm?fontSVG->unitsPerEm:1000.0f; //1000 } sy = (float)Height / fH; //(float)fontSVG->unitsPerEm; // 260./1250. Scale = sy; x = (float)posX; //0.f; y = (float)posY + fontSVG->bbox[1] * Scale; p->isText = TRUE; for (i=0; i < len; i++) { CHAR16 letter = string[i]; if (!letter) { break; } // DBG("add letter 0x%X\n", letter); if (i == Cursor) { addLetter(p, 0x5F, x, y, sy, color); } x = addLetter(p, letter, x, y, sy, color); } //end of string p->image->realBounds[0] = fontSVG->bbox[0] * Scale; p->image->realBounds[1] = fontSVG->bbox[1] * Scale; p->image->realBounds[2] = fontSVG->bbox[2] * Scale + x; //last bound p->image->realBounds[3] = fontSVG->bbox[3] * Scale; rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer(); nsvgRasterize(rast, p->image, 0, 0, 1.f, 1.f, (UINT8*)TextBufferXY.GetPixelPtr(0,0), (int)TextBufferXY.GetWidth(), (int)TextBufferXY.GetHeight(), (int)(Width*4)); float RealWidth = p->image->realBounds[2] - p->image->realBounds[0]; nsvgDeleteRasterizer(rast); // nsvg__deleteParser(p); nsvgDelete(p->image); return (INTN)RealWidth; //x; } #else INTN renderSVGtext(EG_IMAGE* TextBufferXY, INTN posX, INTN posY, INTN textType, CONST CHAR16* string, UINTN Cursor) { INTN Width; UINTN i; UINTN len; NSVGparser* p; NSVGrasterizer* rast; if (!textFace[textType].valid) { for (i=0; i<4; i++) { if (textFace[i].valid) { textType = i; break; } } } if (!textFace[textType].valid) { DBG("valid fontface not found!\n"); return 0; } NSVGfont* fontSVG = textFace[textType].font; UINT32 color = textFace[textType].color; INTN Height = (INTN)(textFace[textType].size * GlobalConfig.Scale); float Scale, sy; float x, y; if (!fontSVG) { DBG("no font for renderSVGtext\n"); return 0; } if (!TextBufferXY) { DBG("no buffer\n"); return 0; } p = nsvg__createParser(); if (!p) { return 0; } NSVGtext* text = (NSVGtext*)AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(NSVGtext)); if (!text) { return 0; } text->font = fontSVG; text->fontColor = color; text->fontSize = (float)Height; nsvg__xformIdentity(text->xform); p->text = text; len = StrLen(string); Width = TextBufferXY->Width; // Height = TextBufferXY->Height; // DBG("Text Height=%d Buffer Height=%d\n", Height, TextBufferXY->Height); // Height = 180; //for test // DBG("textBuffer: [%d,%d], fontUnits=%d\n", Width, TextBufferXY->Height, (int)fontSVG->unitsPerEm); if (!fontSVG->unitsPerEm) { fontSVG->unitsPerEm = 1000.f; } float fH = fontSVG->bbox[3] - fontSVG->bbox[1]; //1250 if (fH == 0.f) { DBG("wrong font: %f\n", fontSVG->unitsPerEm); DumpFloat2("Font bbox", fontSVG->bbox, 4); fH = fontSVG->unitsPerEm?fontSVG->unitsPerEm:1000.0f; //1000 } sy = (float)Height / fH; //(float)fontSVG->unitsPerEm; // 260./1250. //in font units // float fW = fontSVG->bbox[2] - fontSVG->bbox[0]; // sx = (float)Width / (fW * len); // Scale = (sx > sy)?sy:sx; Scale = sy; x = (float)posX; //0.f; y = (float)posY + fontSVG->bbox[1] * Scale; p->isText = TRUE; //DBG("renderSVGtext -> Enter. Text=%s\n", XString(string).c); for (i=0; i < len; i++) { CHAR16 letter = string[i]; if (!letter) { break; } // DBG("add letter 0x%X\n", letter); if (i == Cursor) { addLetter(p, 0x5F, x, y, sy, color); } x = addLetter(p, letter, x, y, sy, color); // DBG("next x=%ls\n", x); } //end of string p->image->realBounds[0] = fontSVG->bbox[0] * Scale; p->image->realBounds[1] = fontSVG->bbox[1] * Scale; p->image->realBounds[2] = fontSVG->bbox[2] * Scale + x; //last bound p->image->realBounds[3] = fontSVG->bbox[3] * Scale; // DBG("internal Scale=%lf\n", Scale); // DumpFloat2("text bounds", p->image->realBounds, 4); //We made an image, then rasterize it rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer(); // DBG("begin raster text, scale=%ls\n", Scale); nsvgRasterize(rast, p->image, 0, 0, 1.f, 1.f, (UINT8*)TextBufferXY->PixelData, (int)TextBufferXY->Width, (int)TextBufferXY->Height, (int)(Width*4)); float RealWidth = p->image->realBounds[2] - p->image->realBounds[0]; // DBG("end raster text\n"); nsvgDeleteRasterizer(rast); // nsvg__deleteParser(p); nsvgDelete(p->image); return (INTN)RealWidth; //x; } #endif VOID testSVG() { do { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 *FileData = NULL; UINTN FileDataLength = 0; INTN Width = 400, Height = 400; #if TEST_MATH //Test mathematique //#define fabsf(x) ((x >= 0.0f)?x:(-x)) #define pr(x) (int)fabsf(x), (int)fabsf((x - (int)x) * 1000000.0f) int i; float x, y1, y2; // CHAR8 Str[128]; DBG("Test float: -%d.%06d\n", pr(-0.7612f)); for (i=0; i<15; i++) { x=(PI)/30.0f*i; y1=SinF(x); y2=CosF(x); DBG("x=%d: %d.%06d ", i*6, pr(x)); DBG(" sinx=%c%d.%06d", (y1<0)?'-':' ', pr(y1)); DBG(" cosx=%c%d.%06d\n", (y2<0)?'-':' ',pr(y2)); y1 = Atan2F(y1, y2); DBG(" atan2x=%c%d.%06d", (y1<0)?'-':' ',pr(y1)); y1 = AcosF(y2); DBG(" acos=%c%d.%06d", (y1<0)?'-':' ',pr(y1)); y1 = SqrtF(x); DBG(" sqrt=%d.%06d", pr(y1)); y1 = CeilF(x); DBG(" ceil=%c%d.%06d\n", (y1<0)?'-':' ',pr(y1)); } #undef pr #endif NSVGparser* p; #if TEST_DITHER { EG_IMAGE *RndImage = egCreateImage(256, 256, FALSE); INTN i,j; EG_PIXEL pixel = WhitePixel; for (i=0; i<256; i++) { for (j=0; j<256; j++) { pixel.b = 0x40 + (dither((float)j / 32.0f, 1) * 8); pixel.r = 0x0; pixel.g = 0x0; // if (i==1) { // DBG("r=%X g=%X\n", pixel.r, pixel.g); // } RndImage->PixelData[i * 256 + j] = pixel; } } BltImageAlpha(RndImage, 20, 20, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); } #endif #if TEST_SVG_IMAGE NSVGrasterizer* rast = nsvgCreateRasterizer(); EG_IMAGE *NewImage; NSVGimage *SVGimage; float Scale, ScaleX, ScaleY; // load file Status = egLoadFile(SelfRootDir, L"Sample.svg", &FileData, &FileDataLength); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { //Parse XML to vector data p = nsvgParse((CHAR8*)FileData, 72, 1.f); SVGimage = p->image; DBG("Test image width=%d heigth=%d\n", (int)(SVGimage->width), (int)(SVGimage->height)); // FreePool(FileData); /* if (p->patterns && p->patterns->image) { BltImageAlpha((EG_IMAGE*)(p->patterns->image), 40, 40, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); } */ // Rasterize NewImage = egCreateFilledImage(Width, Height, TRUE, &MenuBackgroundPixel); if (SVGimage->width <= 0) SVGimage->width = (float)Width; if (SVGimage->height <= 0) SVGimage->height = (float)Height; ScaleX = Width / SVGimage->width; ScaleY = Height / SVGimage->height; Scale = (ScaleX > ScaleY)?ScaleY:ScaleX; float tx = 0; //-SVGimage->realBounds[0] * Scale; float ty = 0; //-SVGimage->realBounds[1] * Scale; DBG("timing rasterize start tx=%f ty=%f\n", tx, ty); nsvgRasterize(rast, SVGimage, tx,ty,Scale,Scale, (UINT8*)NewImage->PixelData, (int)Width, (int)Height, (int)Width*4); DBG("timing rasterize end\n"); //now show it! #if 1 //test XImage XImage NewX(NewImage); NewX.Draw((UGAWidth - Width) / 2, (UGAHeight - Height) / 2); #else BltImageAlpha(NewImage, (UGAWidth - Width) / 2, (UGAHeight - Height) / 2, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); #endif //test XImage FreePool(FileData); FileData = NULL; egFreeImage(NewImage); // nsvg__deleteParser(p); nsvgDeleteRasterizer(rast); } #endif //Test text Height = 80; Width = UGAWidth-200; DBG("create test textbuffer\n"); #if USE_XTHEME XImage TextBufferXY(Width, Height); #else EG_IMAGE* TextBufferXY = egCreateFilledImage(Width, Height, TRUE, &MenuBackgroundPixel); #endif Status = egLoadFile(SelfRootDir, L"Font.svg", &FileData, &FileDataLength); DBG("test Font.svg loaded status=%s\n", strerror(Status)); if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) { p = nsvgParse((CHAR8*)FileData, 72, 1.f); if (!p) { DBG("font not parsed\n"); break; } // NSVGfont* fontSVG = p->font; textFace[3].font = p->font; textFace[3].color = NSVG_RGBA(0x80, 0xFF, 0, 255); textFace[3].size = Height; // DBG("font parsed family=%s\n", p->font->fontFamily); FreePool(FileData); // Scale = Height / fontSVG->unitsPerEm; #if USE_XTHEME renderSVGtext(TextBufferXY, 0, 0, 3, XStringW().takeValueFrom("Clover Кловер"), 1); #else renderSVGtext(TextBufferXY, 0, 0, 3, L"Clover Кловер", 1); #endif // DBG("text ready to blit\n"); #if USE_XTHEME TextBufferXY.Draw((UGAWidth - Width) / 2, (UGAHeight - Height) / 2); #else BltImageAlpha(TextBufferXY, (UGAWidth - Width) / 2, (UGAHeight - Height) / 2, &MenuBackgroundPixel, 16); egFreeImage(TextBufferXY); #endif // nsvg__deleteParser(p); // DBG("draw finished\n"); } } while (0); }