#!/bin/bash # Script for building NASM # # Original Created by JrCs on 8/30/14. # Enhanced by STLVNB on 13/04/2016. # # Change PREFIX if you want nasm installed on different place # TOOLCHAIN_DIR=${TOOLCHAIN_DIR:-~/src/opt/local} export PREFIX=${PREFIX:-$TOOLCHAIN_DIR} if [[ "$(uname)" == Darwin ]] && [[ ! -x "$TOOLCHAIN_DIR"/cross/bin/x86_64-clover-linux-gnu-gcc ]]; then echo "No clover toolchain found !" >&2 if [ -z $CLEAN_BUILD ]; then echo "Press b to BUILD it OR else define the TOOLCHAIN_DIR variable." >&2 read -n 1 result [ "$result" != "b" ] && exit 1 else echo -n b fi echo "uilding it" ./build_gcc9.sh echo "Continuing..." fi # # Nasm source version # here we can change source versions of tools # Always use current Version when building, will auto compile newest STABLE version. # nasmcheck=$(curl -Is https://downuptime.net/nasm.us.html | grep HTTP | cut -d ' ' -f2) if [ "$nasmcheck" == 200 ]; then nasmVersInfo=$(curl -s -f https://www.nasm.us | grep "/releasebuilds/") if [ "${nasmVersInfo:158:1}" == "." ]; then verLen=7 else verLen=4 fi export NASM_VERSION="${nasmVersInfo:154:$verLen}" else export NASM_VERSION=2.14.02 fi # # iasl source version # here we can change source versions of tools # Always use current Version when building, will auto compile newest STABLE version. # acpicacheck=$(curl -Is https://downuptime.net/acpica.us.html | grep HTTP | cut -d ' ' -f2) if [ $acpicacheck == 200 ]; then acpicaVersInfo=$(curl -s -f https://acpica.org/downloads/ | grep 'The current release of ACPICA is version ') export acpicaVers="${acpicaVersInfo:191:8}" else export acpicaVers=20160108 fi # ./configure arguments for Nasm # export NASM_CONFIG="--prefix=$PREFIX" # You can change DIR_MAIN if u wan't nasm source downloaded # in different folder. # export RAMDISK_MNT_PT=/tmp/buildnasm-ramdisk export DIR_MAIN=${DIR_MAIN:-~/src} export DIR_TOOLS=${DIR_TOOLS:-$DIR_MAIN/tools} export DIR_BUILD=${DIR_BUILD:-$RAMDISK_MNT_PT} export DIR_DOWNLOADS=${DIR_DOWNLOADS:-$DIR_TOOLS/download} export DIR_LOGS=${DIR_LOGS:-$DIR_TOOLS/logs} # Here we set MAKEFLAGS for GCC so it knows how many cores can use # faster compile! # export MAKEFLAGS="-j `sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu`" ### Check Functions ### # Function: checking installation of Xcode Tools fnCheckXcode () { [ ! -f /usr/bin/xcodebuild ] && \ echo "ERROR: Install Xcode Tools from Apple before using this script." && \ exit } # # colorize output # function echoc(){ local exp=$1; local color=$2; local newline="$3"; if ! [[ $color =~ '^[0-9]$' ]] ; then case $(echo $color | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') in black) color=0 ;; red) color=1 ;; green) color=2 ;; yellow) color=3 ;; blue) color=4 ;; magenta) color=5 ;; cyan) color=6 ;; white|*) color=7 ;; # white or invalid color esac fi tput setaf $color; tput bold; echo $newline "$exp"; tput sgr0; } ### Main Function START ### # Function: Creating directory structure for EDK [ ! -d ${DIR_MAIN} ] && mkdir ${DIR_MAIN} [ ! -d ${DIR_TOOLS} ] && mkdir ${DIR_TOOLS} [ ! -d ${DIR_DOWNLOADS} ] && mkdir ${DIR_DOWNLOADS} [ ! -d ${DIR_LOGS} ] && mkdir ${DIR_LOGS} [ ! -d ${PREFIX}/bin ] && mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/bin echo # Function: to manage PATH pathmunge () { if [[ ! $PATH =~ (^|:)$1(:|$) ]]; then if [[ "${2:-}" = "after" ]]; then export PATH=$PATH:$1 else export PATH=$1:$PATH fi fi } # Add XCode bin directory for the command line tools to the PATH pathmunge "$(xcode-select --print-path)"/usr/bin # Add toolchain bin directory to the PATH pathmunge "$TOOLCHAIN_DIR"/bin cd ${DIR_DOWNLOADS} iaslLocalVers= if [[ -f ${PREFIX}/bin/iasl ]]; then iaslLocalInfo=$(${PREFIX}/bin/iasl -v) iaslLocalVers=${iaslLocalInfo:68:8} fi nasmLocalVers= if [[ -f ${PREFIX}/bin/nasm ]]; then nasmLocalVers=$(${PREFIX}/bin/nasm -v) nasmLocalVers=${nasmLocalVers:13:$verLen} fi if [ "$iaslLocalVers" != "$acpicaVers" ]; then echoc "Detected updated SVN iasl " red -n; echoc ":-$acpicaVers-:" green iaslUpdate=Yes else echoc "Detected local iasl " red -n; echoc ":-$iaslLocalVers-:" green iaslUpdate=No fi export TARBALL_ACPICA=acpica-unix-$acpicaVers if [ "$nasmLocalVers" != "$NASM_VERSION" ]; then echoc "Detected updated SVN nasm " red -n; echoc ":-$NASM_VERSION-:" green nasmUpdate=Yes else echoc "Detected local nasm " red -n; echoc ":-$nasmLocalVers-:" green nasmUpdate=No fi if [[ ! -f ${DIR_DOWNLOADS}/${TARBALL_ACPICA}.tar.gz ]]; then echoc "Downloading https://acpica.org/sites/acpica/files/${TARBALL_ACPICA}.tar.gz" green echo curl -f -o download.tmp --remote-name https://acpica.org/sites/acpica/files/${TARBALL_ACPICA}.tar.gz || exit 1 mv download.tmp ${TARBALL_ACPICA}.tar.gz echo fi if [[ "$iaslUpdate" == "Yes" ]]; then if [ -f ${PREFIX}/bin/iasl ]; then rm -rf ${PREFIX}/bin/iasl fi fi if [ ! -f ${PREFIX}/bin/iasl ]; then echoc "Building ACPICA $acpicaVers" green tar -zxf ${TARBALL_ACPICA}.tar.gz cd ${TARBALL_ACPICA} make iasl CC=gcc 1> /dev/null 2> $DIR_LOGS/${TARBALL_ACPICA}.make.log.txt make install 1> $DIR_LOGS/${TARBALL_ACPICA}.install.log.txt 2> /dev/null rm -Rf ${DIR_DOWNLOADS}/${TARBALL_ACPICA} echo fi cd ${DIR_DOWNLOADS} tarball="nasm-${NASM_VERSION}.tar.xz" if [[ ! -f "$tarball" ]]; then echoc "Status: $tarball not found." red curl -f -o download.tmp --remote-name https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/${NASM_VERSION}/$tarball || exit 1 mv download.tmp $tarball fi if [[ "$nasmUpdate" == "Yes" ]]; then echoc "Building nasm V${NASM_VERSION}" green tar -zxf $tarball cd nasm-${NASM_VERSION} LDFLAGS="-dead_strip" ./configure --prefix=${PREFIX} 1> /dev/null 2> $DIR_LOGS/$tarball.config.log.txt make CC=clang 1> /dev/null 2> $DIR_LOGS/$tarball.make.log.txt strip nasm && cp nasm ${PREFIX}/bin/ rm -Rf ${DIR_DOWNLOADS}/nasm-${NASM_VERSION} echo fi