#!/bin/bash # Script for building NASM # # Created by JrCs on 8/30/14. # # Nasm source version # here we can change source versions of tools # export NASM_VERSION=${NASM_VERSION:-2.14.02} # Change PREFIX if you want nasm installed on different place # TOOLCHAIN_DIR=${TOOLCHAIN_DIR:-~/src/opt/local} export PREFIX=${PREFIX:-$TOOLCHAIN_DIR} # ./configure arguments for Nasm # export NASM_CONFIG="--prefix=$PREFIX" # You can change DIR_MAIN if u wan't nasm source downloaded # in different folder. # export RAMDISK_MNT_PT=/tmp/buildnasm-ramdisk export DIR_MAIN=${DIR_MAIN:-~/src} export DIR_TOOLS=${DIR_TOOLS:-$DIR_MAIN/tools} export DIR_BUILD=${DIR_BUILD:-$RAMDISK_MNT_PT} export DIR_DOWNLOADS=${DIR_DOWNLOADS:-$DIR_TOOLS/download} export DIR_LOGS=${DIR_LOGS:-$DIR_TOOLS/logs} # Here we set MAKEFLAGS for GCC so it knows how many cores can use # faster compile! # export MAKEFLAGS="-j `sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu`" set -u ### Check Functions ### # Function: checking installation of Xcode Tools fnCheckXcode () { [ ! -f /usr/bin/xcodebuild ] && \ echo "ERROR: Install Xcode Tools from Apple before using this script." && \ exit } ### Main Function START ### # Function: Creating directory structure for EDK [ ! -d ${DIR_MAIN} ] && mkdir ${DIR_MAIN} [ ! -d ${DIR_TOOLS} ] && mkdir ${DIR_TOOLS} [ ! -d ${DIR_DOWNLOADS} ] && mkdir ${DIR_DOWNLOADS} [ ! -d ${DIR_LOGS} ] && mkdir ${DIR_LOGS} [ ! -d ${PREFIX}/bin ] && mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/bin echo # Function: to manage PATH pathmunge () { if [[ ! $PATH =~ (^|:)$1(:|$) ]]; then if [[ "${2:-}" = "after" ]]; then export PATH=$PATH:$1 else export PATH=$1:$PATH fi fi } # RAMdisk function mountRamDisk() { dev_ramdisk=$(mount | grep "$RAMDISK_MNT_PT" | awk '{print $1}') if [ -z "$dev_ramdisk" ];then echo "- Creating new RAM disk" dev_ramdisk=`hdiutil attach -nomount ram://614400 | awk '{print $1}'` echo [ -n "$dev_ramdisk" ] && newfs_hfs -v "Build Nasm RamDisk" "$dev_ramdisk" [ ! -d "$RAMDISK_MNT_PT" ] && mkdir "$RAMDISK_MNT_PT" mount -t hfs "$dev_ramdisk" "$RAMDISK_MNT_PT" touch "$RAMDISK_MNT_PT/.metadata_never_index" fi # Automatically remove RAMDISK on exit trap 'echo; echo "- Ejecting RAM disk"; cd "$HOME"; umount "$RAMDISK_MNT_PT" && hdiutil detach "$dev_ramdisk"' EXIT } ### Download ### fnDownloadNasm () # Function: Download nasm source { cd "$DIR_DOWNLOADS" local tarball="nasm-${NASM_VERSION}.tar.xz" if [[ ! -f "$tarball" ]]; then echo "Status: $tarball not found." curl -f -o download.tmp --remote-name https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/blfs/conglomeration/nasm/$tarball || exit 1 mv download.tmp $tarball fi } ### Extract ### # Function to extract source tarballs fnExtract () { exec 3>&1 1>&2 # Save stdout and redirect stdout to stderr local tarball="$1" local package=${tarball%%.tar*} tarball="${DIR_DOWNLOADS}/$tarball" local flagfile="${DIR_BUILD}/$package.extracted" local filetype=$(file -L --brief "$tarball" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') local tar_filter_option="" case ${filetype} in # convert to lowercase gzip\ *) tar_filter_option='--gzip' ;; bzip2\ *) tar_filter_option='--bzip2';; lzip\ *) tar_filter_option='--lzip' ;; lzop\ *) tar_filter_option='--lzop' ;; lzma\ *) tar_filter_option='--lzma' ;; xz\ *) tar_filter_option='--xz' ;; *tar\ archive*) tar_filter_option='';; *) echo "Unrecognized file format of '$tarball'" exit 1 ;; esac # Get the root directory from the tarball local first_line=$(dd if="$tarball" bs=1024 count=256 2>/dev/null | \ tar -t $tar_filter_option -f - 2>/dev/null | head -1) local top_level_dir=${first_line#./} # remove leading ./ top_level_dir=${top_level_dir%%/*} # keep only the top level directory [ -z "$top_level_dir" ] && echo "Error can't extract top level dir from $tarball" && exit 1 if [[ ! -d "${DIR_BUILD}/$top_level_dir" || ! -f "$flagfile" ]]; then echo "- ${package} extract..." rm -rf "${DIR_BUILD}/$top_level_dir" # Remove old directory if exists tar -C "$DIR_BUILD" -x "$tar_filter_option" -f "${tarball}" && touch "${DIR_BUILD}/$package.extracted" fi # Restore stdout for the result and close file desciptor 3 exec 1>&3- echo "${DIR_BUILD}/$top_level_dir" # Return the full path where the tarball has been extracted } ### Compile ### fnCompileNasm () # Function: Compiling Nasm in PREFIX location { # Mount RamDisk mountRamDisk # Extract the tarball local NASM_DIR=$(fnExtract "nasm-${NASM_VERSION}.tar.xz") # Nasm build local cmd logfile cd "$NASM_DIR" echo "- nasm-${NASM_VERSION} configure..." cmd="LDFLAGS=\"-dead_strip\" ${NASM_DIR}/configure $NASM_CONFIG" logfile="$DIR_LOGS/nasm.configure.log.txt" echo "$cmd" > "$logfile" eval "$cmd" >> "$logfile" 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Error configuring nasm-${NASM_VERSION} ! Check the log $logfile" exit 1 fi echo "- nasm-${NASM_VERSION} make..." cmd="make" logfile="$DIR_LOGS/nasm.make.log.txt" echo "$cmd" > "$logfile" eval "$cmd" >> "$logfile" 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Error compiling nasm-${NASM_VERSION} ! Check the log $logfile" exit 1 fi echo "- nasm-${NASM_VERSION} installing..." cmd="strip nasm ndisasm && make install" logfile="$DIR_LOGS/nasm.install.log.txt" echo "$cmd" > "$logfile" eval "$cmd" >> "$logfile" 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Error installing nasm-${NASM_VERSION} ! Check the log $logfile" exit 1 fi rm -rf "$NASM_DIR" echo "- nasm-${NASM_VERSION} installed in $PREFIX" } ### fnFunctions ### fnNasm () # Function: Nasm main script { fnDownloadNasm fnCompileNasm } ### Main ### # Add XCode bin directory for the command line tools to the PATH pathmunge "$(xcode-select --print-path)"/usr/bin fnNasm