/** @file

  The UHCI register operation routines.

Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#include "Uhci.h"

  Map address of request structure buffer.

  @param  Uhc                The UHCI device.
  @param  Request            The user request buffer.
  @param  MappedAddr         Mapped address of request.
  @param  Map                Identificaion of this mapping to return.

  @return EFI_SUCCESS        Success.
  @return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR   Fail to map the user request.

UhciMapUserRequest (
  IN  USB_HC_DEV          *Uhc,
  IN  OUT VOID            *Request,
  OUT UINT8               **MappedAddr,
  OUT VOID                **Map
  EFI_STATUS            Status;
  UINTN                 Len;

  Len    = sizeof (EFI_USB_DEVICE_REQUEST);
  Status = Uhc->PciIo->Map (

  if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    *MappedAddr = (UINT8 *) (UINTN) PhyAddr;

  return Status;

  Map address of user data buffer.

  @param  Uhc                The UHCI device.
  @param  Direction          Direction of the data transfer.
  @param  Data               The user data buffer.
  @param  Len                Length of the user data.
  @param  PktId              Packet identificaion.
  @param  MappedAddr         Mapped address to return.
  @param  Map                Identificaion of this mapping to return.

  @return EFI_SUCCESS        Success.
  @return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR   Fail to map the user data.

UhciMapUserData (
  IN  USB_HC_DEV              *Uhc,
  IN  VOID                    *Data,
  IN  OUT UINTN               *Len,
  OUT UINT8                   *PktId,
  OUT UINT8                   **MappedAddr,
  OUT VOID                    **Map
  EFI_STATUS            Status;

  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

  switch (Direction) {
  case EfiUsbDataIn:
    // BusMasterWrite means cpu read
    Status = Uhc->PciIo->Map (

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto EXIT;

    *MappedAddr = (UINT8 *) (UINTN) PhyAddr;

  case EfiUsbDataOut:
    Status = Uhc->PciIo->Map (

    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      goto EXIT;

    *MappedAddr = (UINT8 *) (UINTN) PhyAddr;

  case EfiUsbNoData:
    if ((Len != NULL) && (*Len != 0)) {
      Status    = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
      goto EXIT;

    *PktId      = OUTPUT_PACKET_ID;
    *MappedAddr = NULL;
    *Map        = NULL;

    Status      = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;

  return Status;

  Link the TD To QH.

  @param  Uhc         The UHCI device.
  @param  Qh          The queue head for the TD to link to.
  @param  Td          The TD to link.

UhciLinkTdToQh (
  IN USB_HC_DEV           *Uhc,
  IN UHCI_QH_SW           *Qh,
  IN UHCI_TD_SW           *Td

  PhyAddr = UsbHcGetPciAddressForHostMem (Uhc->MemPool, Td, sizeof (UHCI_TD_HW));

  ASSERT ((Qh != NULL) && (Td != NULL));

  Qh->QhHw.VerticalLink = QH_VLINK (PhyAddr, FALSE);
  Qh->TDs               = (VOID *) Td;

  Unlink TD from the QH.

  @param  Qh          The queue head to unlink from.
  @param  Td          The TD to unlink.

UhciUnlinkTdFromQh (
  IN UHCI_QH_SW           *Qh,
  IN UHCI_TD_SW           *Td
  ASSERT ((Qh != NULL) && (Td != NULL));

  Qh->QhHw.VerticalLink = QH_VLINK (NULL, TRUE);
  Qh->TDs               = NULL;

  Append a new TD To the previous TD.

  @param  Uhc         The UHCI device.
  @param  PrevTd      Previous UHCI_TD_SW to be linked to.
  @param  ThisTd      TD to link.

UhciAppendTd (
  IN USB_HC_DEV     *Uhc,
  IN UHCI_TD_SW     *PrevTd,
  IN UHCI_TD_SW     *ThisTd

  PhyAddr = UsbHcGetPciAddressForHostMem (Uhc->MemPool, ThisTd, sizeof (UHCI_TD_HW));

  ASSERT ((PrevTd != NULL) && (ThisTd != NULL));

  PrevTd->TdHw.NextLink = TD_LINK (PhyAddr, TRUE, FALSE);
  PrevTd->NextTd        = (VOID *) ThisTd;

  Delete a list of TDs.

  @param  Uhc         The UHCI device.
  @param  FirstTd     TD link list head.

  @return None.

UhciDestoryTds (
  IN USB_HC_DEV           *Uhc,
  IN UHCI_TD_SW           *FirstTd
  UHCI_TD_SW            *NextTd;
  UHCI_TD_SW            *ThisTd;

  NextTd = FirstTd;

  while (NextTd != NULL) {
    ThisTd  = NextTd;
    NextTd  = ThisTd->NextTd;
    UsbHcFreeMem (Uhc->MemPool, ThisTd, sizeof (UHCI_TD_SW));

  Create an initialize a new queue head.

  @param  Uhc         The UHCI device.
  @param  Interval    The polling interval for the queue.

  @return The newly created queue header.

UhciCreateQh (
  IN  USB_HC_DEV        *Uhc,
  IN  UINTN             Interval
  UHCI_QH_SW            *Qh;

  Qh = UsbHcAllocateMem (Uhc->MemPool, sizeof (UHCI_QH_SW));

  if (Qh == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  Qh->QhHw.HorizonLink  = QH_HLINK (NULL, TRUE);
  Qh->QhHw.VerticalLink = QH_VLINK (NULL, TRUE);
  Qh->Interval          = UhciConvertPollRate(Interval);
  Qh->TDs               = NULL;
  Qh->NextQh            = NULL;

  return Qh;

  Create and intialize a TD.

  @param  Uhc         The UHCI device.

  @return The newly allocated and initialized TD.

UhciCreateTd (
  IN  USB_HC_DEV          *Uhc
  UHCI_TD_SW              *Td;

  Td     = UsbHcAllocateMem (Uhc->MemPool, sizeof (UHCI_TD_SW));
  if (Td == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  Td->TdHw.NextLink = TD_LINK (NULL, FALSE, TRUE);
  Td->NextTd        = NULL;
  Td->Data          = NULL;
  Td->DataLen       = 0;

  return Td;

  Create and initialize a TD for Setup Stage of a control transfer.

  @param  Uhc         The UHCI device.
  @param  DevAddr     Device address.
  @param  Request     A pointer to cpu memory address of Device request.
  @param  RequestPhy  A pointer to pci memory address of Device request.
  @param  IsLow       Full speed or low speed.

  @return The created setup Td Pointer.

UhciCreateSetupTd (
  IN  USB_HC_DEV          *Uhc,
  IN  UINT8               DevAddr,
  IN  UINT8               *Request,
  IN  UINT8               *RequestPhy,
  IN  BOOLEAN             IsLow
  UHCI_TD_SW              *Td;

  Td = UhciCreateTd (Uhc);

  if (Td == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  Td->TdHw.NextLink     = TD_LINK (NULL, TRUE, TRUE);
  Td->TdHw.ShortPacket  = FALSE;
  Td->TdHw.IsIsoch      = FALSE;
  Td->TdHw.IntOnCpl     = FALSE;
  Td->TdHw.ErrorCount   = 0x03;
  Td->TdHw.Status      |= USBTD_ACTIVE;
  Td->TdHw.DataToggle   = 0;
  Td->TdHw.EndPoint     = 0;
  Td->TdHw.LowSpeed     = IsLow ? 1 : 0;
  Td->TdHw.DeviceAddr   = DevAddr & 0x7F;
  Td->TdHw.MaxPacketLen = (UINT32) (sizeof (EFI_USB_DEVICE_REQUEST) - 1);
  Td->TdHw.PidCode      = SETUP_PACKET_ID;
  Td->TdHw.DataBuffer   = (UINT32) (UINTN) RequestPhy;

  Td->Data              = Request;
  Td->DataLen           = (UINT16) sizeof (EFI_USB_DEVICE_REQUEST);

  return Td;

  Create a TD for data.

  @param  Uhc         The UHCI device.
  @param  DevAddr     Device address.
  @param  Endpoint    Endpoint number.
  @param  DataPtr     A pointer to cpu memory address of Data buffer.
  @param  DataPhyPtr  A pointer to pci memory address of Data buffer.
  @param  Len         Data length.
  @param  PktId       Packet ID.
  @param  Toggle      Data toggle value.
  @param  IsLow       Full speed or low speed.

  @return Data Td pointer if success, otherwise NULL.

UhciCreateDataTd (
  IN  USB_HC_DEV          *Uhc,
  IN  UINT8               DevAddr,
  IN  UINT8               Endpoint,
  IN  UINT8               *DataPtr,
  IN  UINT8               *DataPhyPtr,
  IN  UINTN               Len,
  IN  UINT8               PktId,
  IN  UINT8               Toggle,
  IN  BOOLEAN             IsLow
  UHCI_TD_SW  *Td;

  // Code as length - 1, and the max valid length is 0x500
  ASSERT (Len <= 0x500);

  Td  = UhciCreateTd (Uhc);

  if (Td == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  Td->TdHw.NextLink     = TD_LINK (NULL, TRUE, TRUE);
  Td->TdHw.ShortPacket  = FALSE;
  Td->TdHw.IsIsoch      = FALSE;
  Td->TdHw.IntOnCpl     = FALSE;
  Td->TdHw.ErrorCount   = 0x03;
  Td->TdHw.Status       = USBTD_ACTIVE;
  Td->TdHw.LowSpeed     = IsLow ? 1 : 0;
  Td->TdHw.DataToggle   = Toggle & 0x01;
  Td->TdHw.EndPoint     = Endpoint & 0x0F;
  Td->TdHw.DeviceAddr   = DevAddr & 0x7F;
  Td->TdHw.MaxPacketLen = (UINT32) (Len - 1);
  Td->TdHw.PidCode      = (UINT8) PktId;
  Td->TdHw.DataBuffer   = (UINT32) (UINTN) DataPhyPtr;

  Td->Data              = DataPtr;
  Td->DataLen           = (UINT16) Len;

  return Td;

  Create TD for the Status Stage of control transfer.

  @param  Uhc         The UHCI device.
  @param  DevAddr     Device address.
  @param  PktId       Packet ID.
  @param  IsLow       Full speed or low speed.

  @return Status Td Pointer.

UhciCreateStatusTd (
  IN  USB_HC_DEV          *Uhc,
  IN  UINT8               DevAddr,
  IN  UINT8               PktId,
  IN  BOOLEAN             IsLow
  UHCI_TD_SW              *Td;

  Td = UhciCreateTd (Uhc);

  if (Td == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  Td->TdHw.NextLink     = TD_LINK (NULL, TRUE, TRUE);
  Td->TdHw.ShortPacket  = FALSE;
  Td->TdHw.IsIsoch      = FALSE;
  Td->TdHw.IntOnCpl     = FALSE;
  Td->TdHw.ErrorCount   = 0x03;
  Td->TdHw.Status      |= USBTD_ACTIVE;
  Td->TdHw.MaxPacketLen = 0x7FF;      //0x7FF: there is no data (refer to UHCI spec)
  Td->TdHw.DataToggle   = 1;
  Td->TdHw.EndPoint     = 0;
  Td->TdHw.LowSpeed     = IsLow ? 1 : 0;
  Td->TdHw.DeviceAddr   = DevAddr & 0x7F;
  Td->TdHw.PidCode      = (UINT8) PktId;
  Td->TdHw.DataBuffer   = (UINT32) (UINTN) NULL;

  Td->Data              = NULL;
  Td->DataLen           = 0;

  return Td;

  Create Tds list for Control Transfer.

  @param  Uhc         The UHCI device.
  @param  DeviceAddr  The device address.
  @param  DataPktId   Packet Identification of Data Tds.
  @param  Request     A pointer to cpu memory address of request structure buffer to transfer.
  @param  RequestPhy  A pointer to pci memory address of request structure buffer to transfer.
  @param  Data        A pointer to cpu memory address of user data buffer to transfer.
  @param  DataPhy     A pointer to pci memory address of user data buffer to transfer.
  @param  DataLen     Length of user data to transfer.
  @param  MaxPacket   Maximum packet size for control transfer.
  @param  IsLow       Full speed or low speed.

  @return The Td list head for the control transfer.

UhciCreateCtrlTds (
  IN USB_HC_DEV           *Uhc,
  IN UINT8                DeviceAddr,
  IN UINT8                DataPktId,
  IN UINT8                *Request,
  IN UINT8                *RequestPhy,
  IN UINT8                *Data,
  IN UINT8                *DataPhy,
  IN UINTN                DataLen,
  IN UINT8                MaxPacket,
  IN BOOLEAN              IsLow
  UHCI_TD_SW                *SetupTd;
  UHCI_TD_SW                *FirstDataTd;
  UHCI_TD_SW                *DataTd;
  UHCI_TD_SW                *PrevDataTd;
  UHCI_TD_SW                *StatusTd;
  UINT8                     DataToggle;
  UINT8                     StatusPktId;
  UINTN                     ThisTdLen;

  DataTd      = NULL;
  SetupTd     = NULL;
  FirstDataTd = NULL;
  PrevDataTd  = NULL;
  StatusTd    = NULL;

  // Create setup packets for the transfer
  SetupTd = UhciCreateSetupTd (Uhc, DeviceAddr, Request, RequestPhy, IsLow);

  if (SetupTd == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  // Create data packets for the transfer
  DataToggle = 1;

  while (DataLen > 0) {
    // PktSize is the data load size in each Td.
    ThisTdLen = (DataLen > MaxPacket ? MaxPacket : DataLen);

    DataTd = UhciCreateDataTd (
               Data,  //cpu memory address
               DataPhy, //Pci memory address

    if (DataTd == NULL) {
      goto FREE_TD;

    if (FirstDataTd == NULL) {
      FirstDataTd         = DataTd;
      FirstDataTd->NextTd = NULL;
    } else {
      UhciAppendTd (Uhc, PrevDataTd, DataTd);

    DataToggle ^= 1;
    PrevDataTd = DataTd;
    Data += ThisTdLen;
    DataPhy += ThisTdLen;
    DataLen -= ThisTdLen;

  // Status packet is on the opposite direction to data packets
  if (OUTPUT_PACKET_ID == DataPktId) {
    StatusPktId = INPUT_PACKET_ID;
  } else {
    StatusPktId = OUTPUT_PACKET_ID;

  StatusTd = UhciCreateStatusTd (Uhc, DeviceAddr, StatusPktId, IsLow);

  if (StatusTd == NULL) {
    goto FREE_TD;

  // Link setup Td -> data Tds -> status Td together
  if (FirstDataTd != NULL) {
    UhciAppendTd (Uhc, SetupTd, FirstDataTd);
    UhciAppendTd (Uhc, PrevDataTd, StatusTd);
  } else {
    UhciAppendTd (Uhc, SetupTd, StatusTd);

  return SetupTd;

  if (SetupTd != NULL) {
    UhciDestoryTds (Uhc, SetupTd);

  if (FirstDataTd != NULL) {
    UhciDestoryTds (Uhc, FirstDataTd);

  return NULL;

  Create Tds list for Bulk/Interrupt Transfer.

  @param  Uhc         USB_HC_DEV.
  @param  DevAddr     Address of Device.
  @param  EndPoint    Endpoint Number.
  @param  PktId       Packet Identification of Data Tds.
  @param  Data        A pointer to cpu memory address of user data buffer to transfer.
  @param  DataPhy     A pointer to pci memory address of user data buffer to transfer.
  @param  DataLen     Length of user data to transfer.
  @param  DataToggle  Data Toggle Pointer.
  @param  MaxPacket   Maximum packet size for Bulk/Interrupt transfer.
  @param  IsLow       Is Low Speed Device.

  @return The Tds list head for the bulk transfer.

UhciCreateBulkOrIntTds (
  IN USB_HC_DEV           *Uhc,
  IN UINT8                DevAddr,
  IN UINT8                EndPoint,
  IN UINT8                PktId,
  IN UINT8                *Data,
  IN UINT8                *DataPhy,
  IN UINTN                DataLen,
  IN OUT UINT8            *DataToggle,
  IN UINT8                MaxPacket,
  IN BOOLEAN              IsLow
  UHCI_TD_SW              *DataTd;
  UHCI_TD_SW              *FirstDataTd;
  UHCI_TD_SW              *PrevDataTd;
  UINTN                   ThisTdLen;

  DataTd      = NULL;
  FirstDataTd = NULL;
  PrevDataTd  = NULL;

  // Create data packets for the transfer
  while (DataLen > 0) {
    // PktSize is the data load size that each Td.
    ThisTdLen = DataLen;

    if (DataLen > MaxPacket) {
      ThisTdLen = MaxPacket;

    DataTd = UhciCreateDataTd (

    if (DataTd == NULL) {
      goto FREE_TD;

    if (PktId == INPUT_PACKET_ID) {
      DataTd->TdHw.ShortPacket = TRUE;

    if (FirstDataTd == NULL) {
      FirstDataTd         = DataTd;
      FirstDataTd->NextTd = NULL;
    } else {
      UhciAppendTd (Uhc, PrevDataTd, DataTd);

    *DataToggle ^= 1;
    PrevDataTd   = DataTd;
    Data        += ThisTdLen;
    DataPhy     += ThisTdLen;
    DataLen     -= ThisTdLen;

  return FirstDataTd;

  if (FirstDataTd != NULL) {
    UhciDestoryTds (Uhc, FirstDataTd);

  return NULL;